Girl jumping rope presentation. jumping rope

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

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© Municipal preschool educational institution of a general development type kindergarten No. 99

educators: Zhirnova Yu.A., Petukhova T.P.


One two Three,

four five,

We start jumping...

The air cuts deftly. Stick on the right, stick on the left Well, there is a rope between them. This is a long… skipping rope


  • Educational:

Acquaintance with sports equipment - jump rope.

  • Developing:

Develop vital motor skills and health-promoting skills.

  • Educational:

Development of interest in physical education through joint game exercises with a skipping rope.

  • Educational
  • Educational
  • Educational

  • To introduce children to outdoor switchgear performed with a short rope to musical accompaniment;
  • Tell the children about the benefits of jumping rope.
  • Develop the ability to jump over a short and long rope.

  • To form the skills of correct posture, developing the musculoskeletal system;
  • Strengthen the respiratory organs, foot muscles;
  • To develop the basic functions of the vestibular apparatus, dexterity, speed-strength qualities and coordination.

  • Raise the desire to use the jump rope to improve health;
  • To cultivate the ability of children to overcome difficulties of a physical nature, to cultivate patience and endurance, the ability to quickly and easily navigate in new situations.


jump rope lifts the mood.

  • Who invented the jump rope
  • Who needs a jump rope
  • Why jump rope
  • How can you play with a skipping rope

  • Ask teachers
  • Ask your parents to make their own jump rope
  • Learn jump rope games

One day…

Luntik came to the group and told the following story: “Today in the clearing I saw Bee, Mila and Kuzya jumping over some long strings. They had a lot of fun and I myself wanted to jump like that, but I didn’t succeed. I just made everyone laugh. Especially Pupsenya with Vupsenem. And I really, really want to learn how to jump so cool. Help me learn how to jump through such strings.

The guys and I decided to help Luntik.

Our educators told us about when and by whom the jump rope was invented ...

The ancient Egyptians and Chinese twisted hemp ropes. They constantly had to jump over them so that they would not get confused. Children, after watching the adults, began to jump over short pieces of rope for fun. Gradually, the game spread throughout the world. In the 18th century, boys began to jump rope: at that time it was not customary for girls to play sports. But a century later, jump ropes became a popular pastime among girls as well. It was then, in the 19th century, that three types of the game that are now common appeared: a person spins the rope himself and jumps, or jumps over a rope that is twisted by two people, or jumps over two ropes spinning in the opposite direction.

We learned what jump ropes are:

Skipping ropes with a counter Jump ropes for fitness

Jump ropes with weights Jump ropes for gymnastics

And how to choose the right one

To correctly select the size of the rope, you need to stand in the middle of the rope (feet shoulder-width apart) and pull the cord up by the handles. In this position, the hands should practically touch the armpits.

"Gymnastics" - Beam. History of rhythmic gymnastics. Base jumps. Performances. Women's floor exercises. Gymnastics in the USSR. History of gymnastics. Performance time. Exercises. Competitions. Gymnastics in the USSR. Gymnastics. Athlete. Gymnastics. Championship of Leningrad in rhythmic gymnastics.

"Gymnastics at school" - Rhythmic gymnastics. Technique for performing gymnastic exercises. Jumping in place. educational tasks. Gymnastics in grades 5-11. control lessons. Wellness tasks. Basic gymnastics. Sports gymnastics. Gymnastics is part of a comprehensive program. Safety rules.

"Gymnastics as a sport" - Team gymnastics. Rhythmic gymnastics. Hopper. Horse. Rings. Gymnastic ball. Gymnastics. Types of gymnastics. Gymnastics. Hygienic gymnastics. Types of gymnastic equipment. Bars. Sports acrobatics. Crossbar.

"Charging" - Exercise options for the main part. From the 30s. school mathematical O. became traditional. Load all the pushing muscles of the upper body. In 1973-74, the first all-Union exhibition "Student and Scientific and Technological Progress" was held. "Morning exercise is bad for health." Chest, triceps, partially deltoids.

"Complex of exercises" - Exercises for the formation of correct posture. ORU classification. Neck exercises. General developmental exercises. Health promotion. Dosage. Exercises for the whole body. Keep your head straight. The structure and content of a complex of general developmental exercises. Comprehensive effect on the body. Main stand.

"Fitball-aerobics" - An agile, fast person, proud of a slender camp. Fitball training. Using the elements of fitball aerobics. Complexes of exercises. The problem of human health, its preservation and strengthening. Exercise with this miracle ball. Identification of means, methods and rational forms of health-improving physical culture.

In total there are 27 presentations in the topic

A jump rope is a time-tested sports equipment with a whole arsenal of possibilities. Rope exercises are performed by boxers, swimmers, skaters, volleyball players, etc. - do not list them all.

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“Presentation on the topic “Jumping Rope. Technique and Benefits.””

Presentation on the topic "Jumping rope. Technique and benefits."

Prepared by teacher Fofonova I.I.

What is a jump rope?

  • A jump rope is a time-tested sports equipment with a whole arsenal of possibilities. Rope exercises are performed by boxers, swimmers, skaters, volleyball players, etc. - do not list them all.
  • And all because such seemingly "childish" jumps are capable of: 1. Increase endurance.
  • Improve coordination of movements.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms, shoulders, buttocks and abs.
  • Help to lose weight.

Rope jumping technique

Starting position for jumping

  • Stand up straight.
  • Throw the rope behind your back.
  • Direct your gaze in front of you.
  • Slightly bend your arms at the elbows.
  • Take the brushes 15-20 cm from the hips.
  • Being in the starting position, begin to rotate the rope.

Jump technique

  • The landing should be soft, with emphasis on the balls of the feet (forefoot). In the basic technique of jumping on both feet, the heels should not touch the floor (there is a complicated version of jumping with an emphasis on the heel - the “boxing gait”, but this exercise is for advanced jumpers). You don't have to jump too high either. A separation of just a couple of centimeters from the surface will be enough not to interfere with the rotation of the rope.

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 6 classes | Lesson planning for the school year | Cyclic algorithms

Lesson 32
Cyclic algorithms
Practical work No. 15
"PowerPoint. Skipping rope "

Algorithm presentations

Cyclic algorithms
(Algorithms with repetitions)

Along with algorithms in which steps are performed strictly one after another (linear) or algorithms in which the sequence of actions depends on a particular condition (branching), there are algorithms in which actions are repeated.

Check out the following algorithm.

1. Start.
2. Do your homework.
3. Repeat action_2 until you have done all the lessons.
4. End.

This is a cyclic algorithm, described verbally.

Synonyms: cycle - repetition. Examples: school timetable, change of seasons, change of day and night.

A cyclic algorithm is an algorithm in which some steps are repeated several times depending on a given value or condition.

The loop body is the steps of the algorithm that are performed several times (contains at least one action).

Practical work No. 15
"PowerPoint. Skipping rope "

The final result of the presentation "PowerPoint. Skipping rope "

We create a presentation "Jump rope"

1. Launch the PowerPoint program. Create a new presentation.

2. Using the tools on the Draw panel, draw a girl jumping rope on four blank slides. It might look like this, for example:

When creating each next slide, try to use the image on the previous slide as much as possible.

3. When all four slides are ready, in the menu slide show select a team Presentation setup. Check box continuous loop until key is pressed (Esc) and click on the button OK. This mode cycles through the slide show.

4. Set the slide change on click and start your presentation.

5. Start your presentation in automatic slide change mode.

6. Complete the slides as you wish. For example, you can use as a background picture Housecreated by you earlier in the Paint graphics editor.

7. Save the work in your own folder under the name Rope.

Now we are able

Organize a continuous cyclic demonstration of the presentation.

Galina Medvedeva
Presentation "History of the rope"

It's no secret that an unpretentious object is a rope with handles, nicknamed « skipping rope» , in fact - a universal simulator, the equal of which mankind has not yet invented. No one has fixed the exact date of its birth, but the ingenious simplicity of the projectile makes us admit that people have found use for it since ancient times. Roman frescoes, depictions of wanderers artists of the Middle Ages, later engravings and drawings depict actions similar to those that we can observe in every yard where children frolic after school.

According to English legends skipping rope- this is a reminder of the leather cord with which Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, strangled himself. jump ropes were popular in the spring, especially around Easter time. As a reminder, they were jumped in Cambridge and East Sussex every Good Friday.

The ancient Egyptians and Chinese twisted hemp ropes. They constantly had to jump over them so that they would not get confused. According to other sources, this jumping projectile was invented in pagan Russia, they were used by warriors during training. Another version of the appearance says that the first people who used this item were the first Christians who jumped on skipping rope during Easter

Gradually, the game spread throughout the world. In the 18th century through skipping rope began to jump boys: at that time it was not customary for girls to play sports

But a century later skipping ropes became popular entertainment among girls. It was then, in the 19th century, that three common types now appeared. games: the person himself turns skipping rope and jumping, or jump over skipping rope, which two people twist to him, or jumps over two skipping ropes rotating in the opposite direction.

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