Country toilet made of wood: recommendations and instructions. We make an outdoor toilet in the country: options and an example of phased construction Outdoor toilet dimensions and drawings

Landscaping and planning 26.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Even if you have a large house with amenities, this is not a reason to refuse a summer toilet and shower. In summer, late spring and early autumn, we spend most of our time outdoors. To drag dirt into the house every time you want to use the toilet ... This is not only irrational, but also fraught with scandals with those who clean this house. Exit? Buy a ready-made toilet cabin? But the simplest one will cost 6-7 thousand rubles. We suggest you make a toilet in the country with your own hands. Drawings, dimensions and recommendations for the construction of cabins such as "teremok", "hut", "birdhouse" you will find as you read the article.

Regulatory requirements for the placement of toilets in a private household

You should know that:

  • If the design of the toilet provides for a cesspool with a volume of more than 1 m 3, then its construction must be agreed with the local authorities for the protection of groundwater.
  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 gives clear instructions on the placement of a toilet within your site:
  • the distance from the cesspool to the well is 20-50 m (depending on the type of soil);
  • the distance from the cesspool to the house is at least 15 m, but in agreement with the neighbors it can be reduced to 5-8 m;
  • from the toilet to the road at least 1.5 m.
  • If there is less than 1 meter from the maximum groundwater level to the bottom of the cesspool, then the only option available to you is a “dry” toilet, or, as it is also called, powder closet. Details in the article "".
  • The depth of the pit should not exceed 3 m. To ensure normal ventilation from the top of the pit to the level of sewage, it should be at least 0.35 m.
  • If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent plot does not allow taking the toilet away from the house, then the latrine is equipped at the blank wall of the building, away from terraces and windows. In order to pump out sewage, there must be a free entrance (approach) to the back wall of the structure.
  • How big should a cesspool be? It is believed that on average one person "produces" up to 600 liters of urine and feces per year. A family of 4 people - 2400 liters or 2.4 m 3. Pits with a volume of 4-5 cubic meters per eye are enough to meet the needs of a small family.
  • The bottom and walls of the cesspool are necessarily concreted (the walls can be laid out of brick, rubble, logs), and then carefully plastered from the inside. The bottom of the pit is made at a slope (at least 15 °) so that urine and feces flow towards the hatch, as shown in the figure of the backlash closet with a birdhouse type cabin.

Materials for building a toilet cubicle

How to make a toilet "for centuries", but at the same time not go broke on building materials? First, conduct an audit of the local area. Perhaps, after construction work, you still have a sheet of corrugated board or pieces of unedged boards. All this you will need in order to build a toilet in the country with your own hands. Well, we will supply you with drawings and advice.

According to the type of materials used, all booths can be divided into three groups:

Toilet with metal frame:

  • Vertical racks: a profile pipe with a section of at least 40 x 40 x 4, or a corner from 63 x 63 x 5 and more.
  • Transverse stiffeners: corner 50 x 50 x 5.
  • Wall cladding: corrugated board.
  • Toilet floor and toilet seat: edged board, 40 mm thick, preferably larch.
  • Roof sheathing: edged boards, 10-15 mm thick.
  • Roof: PS-10 corrugated board, metal tile.

Toilet with wooden frame:

  • Upper and lower trim: timber 100 x 100, 150 x 150.
  • Racks: timber 50 x 70, 50 x 100.
  • Wall sheathing: edged board, 10-25 mm thick. If you don’t want to admire the cracks in the walls in a year, sheathe the frame with planken.
  • Floor and toilet seat: planed board, 30-40 mm thick.
  • Roof rafters: timber 50 x 100.
  • Sheathing for soft roofing: unedged board 10-25 mm, OSB boards or moisture-resistant plywood.
  • Roof: bituminous tiles, corrugated board, metal tiles.

Brick toilet:

  • Walls: brick. If you make laying in half a brick, then 51 bricks will be required for 1 m 2 of walls (including seams). For a small toilet with dimensions of 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 m, about 230 bricks will be needed. Expensive? You can make walls out of foam blocks. Although this material requires additional decorative finishing, it is warmer, cheaper and placed much faster.
  • Floor and toilet seat: edged board, 40 mm thick.
  • Roof: any roofing material - from slate to soft roofing.
  • Sheathing and roof truss system: timber 50 x 100, unedged board, OSB sheet (for soft roofing).

The lists did not include: concrete, formwork, pipes and hood for exhaust, door leaf, fittings, hinges, windows, waterproofing between the foundation and walls.


One of the simplest and most common toilet designs in the local area. Below is an instruction on how to build this country toilet with your own hands step by step.

  • We dig a hole. Its dimensions (volume) are accepted, guided by the recommendations given at the beginning of the article. If the cesspool is planned to be concreted, then we make the formwork.
  • We lay the base (lower trim) for the toilet cubicle. It can be welded from channels, but for the option shown in the figure, a wooden bar 150 x 150 mm was used. Please note that the rear base beam conditionally divides the cesspool into two equal parts. After the base beams are exposed and fastened, concrete is poured into the formwork. A prerequisite is that the top of the concrete and the upper edge of the beam must be in the same horizontal plane. We process the tree with bituminous mastic. In places where the timber is in contact with concrete, we lay roofing material.
  • We collect the frame of the booth from a bar 50 x 100 mm. We make two front vertical racks 30-40 cm higher than the rear ones. This is how the silhouette of the cabin is formed, for which the toilet was called the "birdhouse". We cover the cesspool behind the cabin with an inclined shield structure.
  • We sheathe the walls of the building with clapboard or edged board. In the panel structure we make a hatch for pumping out feces. Hardwood (30-40 mm) goes to the boardwalk of the floor and the toilet seat.
  • Slots are made in the upper trim of the frame, where rafters from a 50 x 100 mm beam are inserted. An unedged board is attached to them with self-tapping screws. The top layer of the roof is a sheet of metal or slate.
  • Sheathing, floor boards and a toilet seat are successively covered with an antiseptic, stain and varnish. The last to mount the ventilation pipes, which are fastened with clamps to the sheathing boards.

Drawing of a country toilet Birdhouse


When groundwater comes close to the surface, the only option to equip a latrine is a powder closet. There is no cesspool in such a toilet, and a container (tank) is hidden under the toilet seat, which must be emptied periodically. So that the smells from the toilet do not spread throughout the site, a reservoir with sawdust, ash or peat is placed next to the toilet seat. After visiting the toilet, the feces are “powdered”, and as the container is filled, they are taken out to the compost heap.

For powder closets, cabins in the form of a hut are often placed. You can make a similar toilet design with your own hands in a couple of days, and, frankly, the cost of materials is inspiring.

The cabin is installed in the following order:

  • For the foundation, you can use sand-cement blocks or lay out a strip of red brick around the perimeter of the base of the hut. The foundation is covered with ruberoid.
  • The drawing of the toilet "hut" is shown below. First of all, the front and rear walls of the booth are made. They are connected to each other with a beam of 100 x 100 mm and an edged board, which will play the role of a roof sheathing. The frame of the toilet seat is assembled from the timber and attached to the back wall.
  • The toilet is sheathed from the inside with clapboard. A “point” hole is cut out in the flooring of the toilet seat. Install the cabin on the foundation.
  • The roof can be made of metal tiles or corrugated board, screwing it with self-tapping screws to the boards of the crate. The building will look like a real forest hut if the roof is sheathed with boards 2.0-2.1 meters long, which must first be treated with an antiseptic. They are nailed to the crate with nails, starting from the lower edge of the roof, so that each upper board overlaps half of the lower one (overlap). A shingle roof is made in a similar way.
  • The ridge is reinforced with a galvanized sheet, as shown in the drawing of the "teremok" toilet. The boards of the toilet seat are polished, all wooden surfaces are covered with stain and varnish.

The roof in such a booth reaches almost to the ground, so the walls and floor inside remain dry even in the heaviest rain.

Dimensions of the toilet for giving Hut


The “teremok” toilet, hidden in the dense greenery of your garden, looks like a real fairy-tale hut. But the beautiful and unusual shape is not its only advantage. The rhombic (in cross section) shape of the building prevents the accumulation of snow on the roof and protects well from the wind.

In the "house" you can put a dry closet, but in principle, such a cabin is also suitable for arranging a backlash closet - a toilet with a cesspool. The cabins "teremok" and "hut" are assembled in a similar order:

  • The base (lower trim) of the booth is knocked together from a bar 150 x 150.
  • Separately, the front and rear walls of the booth are assembled, after which they are connected to each other with a beam 100 x 100 and a cut board (crate). The structure is attached to the base. The seat of the toilet seat is formed from the timber and the edged board. To connect the beam to each other, a fixing metal corner is used.
  • The floor and seat of the toilet seat are laid from a planed board with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • The cabin is sheathed with clapboard.
  • An OSB sheet is attached to the crate of a gable roof with self-tapping screws, on top of which bituminous (soft) tiles are glued.
  • All wooden surfaces are treated with an antiseptic, and the base beam is coated with bituminous mastic.

The dimensions of the "teremok" toilet for giving can be taken from the sketch given in the article. The main difficulty in buildings of this type is to maintain the symmetry of the right and left sides of the booth.

Teremok country toilet project

Toilet with shower

The article, using several examples, shows how to build a country toilet with your own hands, but no, there is not a single mention of a shower. We are in a hurry to correct this mistake and tell you how to build a summer shower and toilet under one roof. This idea will save you not only money, but also the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent plot. The diagram shows that the toilet and shower are separated by a wall (separate entrance), but the foundation, load-bearing walls and roof are common, which means that construction costs will be reduced by about a third.

Installation of the structure takes place in the following order:

  • We mark the axes of the foundation and dig holes for pouring concrete pillars. At the bottom of the pit, 50-60 cm deep, we fill up 10 cm of sand, ram and pour concrete. If you do not want to mess with the formwork, then instead of a columnar foundation, you can put a strip of red brick around the perimeter of the building. The upper part of the supporting structure should protrude from the ground by 70-100 mm.
  • On the pillars, through the waterproofing layer, we put the base (lower harness) from a bar 150 x 150 mm. We install vertical racks from a bar 50 x 100 at the corners. For connection, we use mounting corners. On the racks we lay the upper trim of the timber 100 x 100.
  • Shower. We dig a trench and lay a sewer pipe through which water from the shower will drain into the septic tank. We fill the floor in the shower with expanded clay and fill it with concrete. Expanded clay is distributed in such a way that water flows by gravity into the drain hole in the center. We cover the hardened concrete with a layer of bitumen-rubber mastic. From above, on the square of the strapping, we lay the flooring of the shower from edged boards, leaving gaps of 15-20 mm between them. Water enters the room from a tank, which on one side rests on the roof of the building.
  • Toilet. The room was built for the installation of a peat dry closet, so a cesspool under it is not provided. The floor in the restroom is poured with concrete, tiles are laid on top.
  • We sheathe the frame from the inside with clapboard, outside with corrugated board, and lay polystyrene foam boards in the wall. In the back wall of the toilet we make a door through which it will be possible to change containers with feces.
  • We lay rafters (50 x 100) on the beam of the upper strapping, sew on them an unedged board, 10 mm thick. The top layer of the roof is corrugated board, which is mounted on self-tapping screws. Dimensions (dimensions) of the country toilet and shower, combined in one building - 1.45 x 2.8 meters. This area is enough so that there is enough space for a bench in the shower room, and for a peat box in the toilet.

Dimensions of a country toilet with a shower

About ventilation

When building a toilet for a summer residence, do not forget about ventilation. The latrine should be equipped with:

  • Forced ventilation. It is a small hole in the bottom of the toilet. It is done only in stone toilets. Closed with a grill or mosquito net.
  • Exhaust ventilation from the top of the pit. If the cesspool is planned to be closed with a concrete floor slab, then at the stage of assembling the formwork for the ventilation pipe, a mortgage is left. Asbestos-cement and sewer pipes are the most commonly used material for ventilation. They are allowed along the back of the cabin (outside) and attached to the skin with clamps. To improve the natural draft, the pipe is taken out to the sunny side and painted black. The head is raised above the roof by 70-80 cm.
  • Exhaust ventilation from the top of the cabin. In order not to make another head, the pipe is connected to the ventilation of the cesspool.

Interesting! A home-made deflector made from an old bucket without a bottom and a cap attached to the bucket with brackets will help to strengthen the draft in the toilet ventilation pipe. A diagram of this original design is shown in the figure below. 1 - a cap made of galvanized sheet, 2 - a bucket without a bottom, 3 - brackets (8 pcs.), 4 - clamp, 5 - fasteners, 6 - ventilation pipe.

Do-it-yourself deflector

The first thing the owner does when building a house is building a toilet. Without this facility, even minimal comfort becomes an unattainable dream. We hope that the information and sketches provided will help you make your own country toilet project. If you have your own ideas, or you find errors in the text or pictures, please write to us. We invite theorists and practitioners to the discussion.

Without such a structure as a toilet, one simply cannot do in the country. And if you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, then you will have to make some efforts and diligence. The most difficult stage in construction will be digging a foundation pit. As for the aesthetic side of the building, this is rather a secondary issue, because the main thing is to competently arrange a cesspool and create a reliable foundation for the above-ground structure.

The following points will be discussed in detail below:

The choice of a place for the construction of a toilet and its design.

What you need to build a toilet.

Features of the cesspool device.

Construction of a country toilet house.

Using a dry closet in the country.

Biological agents for toilets.

How to build a country toilet with your own hands: photos, drawings, video

It should be noted right away that it is better to do all the work once and then not return to this issue for many years. It is especially important to build a capital structure if you spend a lot of time at your dacha. If you do not want to spoil the design of the site by installing an ordinary toilet, then you can always hide it in the far corner behind the country house or come up with an original design for it that would allow it to harmoniously fit into the landscape.

The choice of location for the toilet and its design features

As a rule, the toilet is installed closer to the far boundary of the land, as there will be an unpleasant smell near the room, even if it is insignificant. But sometimes they use another option, making a cesspool not far from the house, and a free corner of the house is taken away to place the toilet, leading the sewer pipe into the pit. Basically, this design is used in cases where water has been brought into the house and it is planned to install an insulating container designed to collect waste products.

Be that as it may, it is worth adhering to sanitary and epidemiological standards. They must be observed in order to protect yourself and the environment from negative consequences, such as soil contamination or infectious diseases.

If you are planning to install a cesspool, it is important that it is at least 30 meters away from water sources. Moreover, its depth should not reach groundwater.

If you are going to install a septic tank, then place it no closer than 15 meters from the house.

If you are going to use an insulated container that cleans out as it fills up, you can install it almost anywhere as the waste won't seep into the ground.

Also, an insulated container is suitable in cases where groundwater does not run very deep and it is impossible to make a cesspool in the ground.

Most often, the pits of the simplest toilet for a summer residence have an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 1 m 2. If the pit is round, then its diameter should correspond to about 1 meter. Its depth is 1.5-2 meters, depending on how the groundwater occurs.

Once you decide on a place for the pit, proceed to the choice of toilet design. First of all, you must take into account the weight of the future structure - the choice of material that you are going to use for construction largely depends on it. Moreover, the house itself should not be made very heavy, because over time, under its weight, the soil can begin to sag and the building is deformed and damaged.

Wooden boards or bars or thin material - corrugated board and galvanized profiles - are excellent as building materials.

If you decide to build a toilet booth out of bricks or logs, then you should think about the quality strengthening of the foundation. But there is no point in building such structures, since they will not be warmer than light buildings. Unless you have a need for thermal insulation of the room with the help of insulation, which has a small weight, for example, foam. This building will be warm, light, windproof in winter and not too hot in summer.

Having decided on the choice of material, you can begin to choose the size of the booth. If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, then we offer you the following drawings.

As a rule, a standard toilet, as you noticed in the drawings above, has a height of 2.3 meters, a width of 1 meter, and a length of 1.3-1.5 meters. But these dimensions can vary, and should not be considered as a dogma. Be that as it may, the room should be as comfortable as possible for all family members to be in it.

What you need to build a country toilet with your own hands

Having chosen the design and dimensions of the toilet, you need to buy building materials. You can buy a metal or wooden "house" ready-made. If you decide to build it yourself, then be prepared for the fact that you will need the following materials:

  • wooden bars and boards;
  • fasteners - self-tapping screws and nails;
  • metal corners to reinforce the wooden frame;
  • roof covering material - corrugated board or slate;
  • door handle, latch or hook for closing;
  • wooden or plastic toilet seat with a lid;
  • foam for insulation and material for sheathing insulated walls: thin board, chipboard or plywood (if necessary).

For the device of the cesspool you will need:

  • crushed stone, cement, sand;
  • reinforcement for strengthening the foundation structure;
  • a metal chain-link mesh (intended for covering the pit) and metal pins or brackets for attaching it to the ground.

Also, instead of the grid and its plastering with concrete, you can use a brick, which will be lined with the walls of the pit. Moreover, for the device of the pit, concrete rings are often used, which have holes in the walls. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires.

Another good environmentally friendly option would be a ready-made container - a septic tank. You can find them in a variety of sizes, so you will choose the right one, depending on the length of your stay in the country and the number of family members.

Of course, when building a country toilet with your own hands, you cannot do without special tools, so prepare in advance:

  • bayonet or shovel with a short and long handle;
  • a hand drill that will help when digging a pit;
  • perforator (if the site has rocky soil);
  • screwdriver or hammer;
  • grinder - "grinder" with discs for metal and stone;
  • jigsaw;
  • marking tool - tape measure, ruler, square, pencil, building level or marker.

How to make a cesspool with your own hands?

Of course, it’s worth starting with marking and digging a hole, which can be round or square (depending on which country toilet design scheme you have chosen).

If you are planning to install a two-chamber plastic septic tank, then the hole is dug so that the inlet pipe is in the toilet cubicle, since a toilet seat will be installed on it. The neck of the second chamber - remains outside the room, as it is required to adjust the pumping of fecal matter.

Tanks can be of different shapes, since the shape and dimensions of the pit depend on this. The size of the pit must be made 20 cm larger than the capacity, since it is necessary to compact the soil around it as best as possible.

If the walls of the pit are finished with brick or concrete, it can be made square or round.

After you dig a hole of the required depth, at the bottom it is necessary to arrange drainage from stones, large rubble, fragments of bricks.

Then, by throwing on the walls, a concrete solution is applied. It is left to dry completely. The total thickness of the layer may be approximately 50-80 mm.

When the first sketched layer grabs, the walls are plastered to a perfectly even state with the same concrete mortar. Then wait until the plastered pit dries.

The pit is covered either with a finished reinforced concrete slab, or you can make it yourself. It will act as a foundation and a platform around the toilet.

Boards are laid on the pit itself. They should go beyond its limits by about 700-800 mm and be sunk into the ground to the level with the ground. They are treated with antiseptic agents. It is quite possible to replace such a wooden substrate with concrete columns.

Two holes are left on the surface for the cesspool and the installation of the toilet seat. Formwork is installed around them.

A dense polyethylene film is spread over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation.

A reinforcing mesh is laid on top of it, which along the entire perimeter is enclosed in the formwork of the future foundation.

With regard to the height of the formwork of the holes, it must be exactly the same as the formwork of the entire foundation structure. When leveling the surface, formwork boards will act as beacons.

The concrete solution is mixed, after which it is poured onto the site, carefully leveled and left to dry. For the strength and durability of the concrete layer after the initial setting, you can iron the wet surface with dry cement.

After the site has matured, a toilet booth can be installed on it. On the hole, which is designed for pumping waste, you will need a hatch. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. The hatch cover should be easy to close and open.

Another good option is a round pit made from tires. But do not forget that this type of hole cannot be used for a permanent user. Such a toilet can only be operated in a dacha, and then if the owners come occasionally, for example, for the weekend, otherwise you will have to resort to pumping out waste very often.

To make a pit, a round pit is pulled out of car tires 150-200 mm larger than the diameter of the tires.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pit, having a thickness of 15-20 cm.

Further, tires are laid exactly in the center of the pit to the surface of the soil. As it is laid around the tires, a drainage layer of sand and gravel is filled up and well rammed. This process is carried out to the top.

When the tires are laid, it is recommended to arrange a strip foundation around the pit. To do this, a trench breaks out along the entire perimeter of the future structure, about 500 mm deep, where concrete is poured.

The bottom of the trench is compacted, after which it is covered with sand of 50-70 mm. It also needs to be compacted and covered with a layer of rubble of exactly the same thickness.

Waterproofing is made of dense polyethylene.

Then you can weld a lattice from the reinforcement, install it and mount the formwork 100-150 mm above ground level, and then pour it with concrete mortar. Make a foundation of brick, and then plaster it with cement.

After the mortar has hardened, remove the formwork from the cement foundation, and level the brick on top. Further, roofing material is laid on its surface. It will separate the concrete surface from the wood.

Then the finished design of the country toilet is installed on the foundation, or it is built independently.

For the convenience of building on the foundation, the base-frame, consisting of powerful bars, is first fixed, and the rest of the structural elements are further mounted on it, depending on the model of construction that you choose.

It is worth noting another option for arranging a cesspool - metal barrels with a cut bottom. They are installed on top of each other and then act in the same way as in the case discussed above. A mixture of sand and gravel or a gravel mixture is tamped around the pipe.

It would seem that such a method is simple to implement, but it has many more disadvantages than advantages. Metal barrels under the negative influence both from the outside and from the inside will quickly begin to corrode, and this toilet will not last long.

Do-it-yourself country toilet: building a house, photo

After the pit and the platform for installing the toilet are ready, you can proceed with the installation of the house according to the previously drawn up scheme.

It should be said right away that houses for a country toilet can have a variety of shapes. Many even make them in the form of a fabulous hut, and others may not immediately understand what kind of room fits so harmoniously into the landscape design. Such a structure can be made with your own hands, having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scheme for its assembly.

In the photo you will see an option partially made of logs, which give the structure a decorative effect, masking the purpose of the building.

In the diagram you see the basis for building a log house, only boards are used instead of logs. It is perfectly visible how the walls of the structure are assembled and the slopes of the roof rise. The internal space is distributed, and a place has been chosen for the toilet seat.

The next step will be the roof lathing, roofing and wall decoration using the selected material (both wood and metal can be used).

The house can be installed on a pit or used as a room for a dry closet.

This variant of the structure of the toilet was called the "hut". In this case, the house is built in the form of a triangle, and its side walls act as a roof. The form is extremely simple, so the construction process will not cause you any difficulty.

This design is easy to build, as well as easy to use - it is very stable and quite spacious inside.

In the photo you will see the entire internal structure, the installation location of the toilet seat and the lathing of the roof walls. Finishing of the front and rear walls has begun. You can put the “hut” house on a well-equipped cesspool, as in the above case, or use it as a room for a dry closet.

In this photo you see a house for a country toilet of a traditional form, which is found in many areas. However, even such a seemingly simple design you can decorate according to your preference. For example, a toilet in this area was made to look like a Japanese house. This is evidenced by the hieroglyphs on the tablet, which is suspended on chains, an additional roof and a Japanese lantern at the entrance. Moreover, the interior space is also designed in the same style.

This attitude to design suggests that even from such a structure as a toilet, you can make a real work of art if you put in a little more effort.

An approximate scheme of the building is shown in the photo. It clearly shows the cesspool, the installation of the structure of the toilet and the hatch for cleaning. This design is quite simple in the device and it is easy to build. However, in order for it to be reliable, it is necessary to achieve the rigidity of the ligaments of each of the parts among themselves. Internally, the space arranged above the cesspool may look like this during the construction of the walls. That is, a base of bars is installed directly on the foundation, on which the frame of the structure is subsequently fixed.

Upon completion of finishing the country toilet from the inside, the room will have a cozy and neat appearance, such as you see in the photo.

If you wish, you can come up with a different design of the toilet, but it is necessary to carry out interior decoration from warm materials. We do not recommend using ceramic tiles for decoration, as this is a cold material, and in winter the tile will also become slippery.

Dry closet in the countryside

If you cannot build a country toilet with your own hands or you do not have the desire or time to get involved in construction work, then use a dry closet. This option will save you from having to dig a hole and from installing a house.

A biotoilet is nothing more than an autonomous toilet bowl that does not require either connection to branch communications or a separate room. It consists of two chambers, the upper of which acts as a toilet bowl, and the other is used for biological waste processing. In the lower chamber there are active substances that decompose feces, turning them into a homogeneous, odorless mass. The action of the bioactive liquid is enough for 10 days, after which the chamber is cleaned, the contents are poured into the soil or the central sewer.

The choice of disposal method depends on what substances were used in the dry closet. They come in three types: chemical, composting and microorganic. Each of them is ideal for a specific type of dry closet.

For composting, peat is used as an active substance. It is highly absorbent - 1 kg of peat is able to absorb 10 liters of liquid. Compost, which is odorless and obtained as a result of active processes, is perfect for fertilizing the garden.

As a rule, in the compost with this dry closet there are ventilation pipes that remove unpleasant odors during processing.

The work of a dry closet is based on the use of chemicals. It has an indicator that indicates that the container needs to be cleaned. Recycled waste is discharged into the sewer, and you do not harm the environment. For such models, there are special tools with non-freezing properties.

The third type is a dry closet, in which microorganisms are responsible for the waste processing process, turning them into compost. The material obtained in this way is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for animals and soil, so it will not be difficult to dispose of it.

If necessary, you can install a dry closet in a normal room, which is located in the yard, and in winter bring it into the house, allocating a convenient place for these needs.

What biological agents are used for toilets

Owners of country houses with toilets with cesspools on the site are offered special tools (they are similar to those used in dry closets).

As you can see, there are many ways to solve the problem of a toilet in a country house - you can always choose the most suitable option.

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Today's topic of the publication is a do-it-yourself country toilet. Photos and drawings will allow you to correctly understand the appearance and size of the structure. Many people think that putting up an outdoor bathroom is quite simple. Nevertheless, it is necessary to be guided by some principles and requirements, which the HomeMyHome editors will talk about today.

Everyone can do a country small-sized, but functional toilet with a ladder

Without taking into account some of the nuances, it is difficult to imagine what kind of design the result will be. The owner must understand that the existing requirements must be observed. Firstly, it is characterized by safety, and secondly, you will not violate anything at the time of construction.

  1. The first thing to do is to make sure that the building will not interfere with the neighbors. Agree, no one will be pleased if the toilet emits an unpleasant smell under the windows or covers the vegetation with a shadow. Agree with people, otherwise there is a great risk that you will have to move the structure to another place.
  2. Study the rules for the location of the toilet. It is important that the environment is respected on the site. It is forbidden to install such structures in the area of ​​​​reservoirs and fertile soil. It is also unacceptable to mount the structure near wells and other natural resources.
  3. Create a project that will provide the ability to remove waste using a sewage truck. Accordingly, the toilet should be located near the entrance to the yard. To prevent decomposed waste from leaving the cesspool, it is better to use septic tanks.
  4. Focus on the passage of groundwater. If such sources flow near the future toilet, the structure cannot be built. Over time, it will begin to crumble. For a country toilet, it is recommended to choose an airtight base.
  5. From residential buildings, an outdoor toilet should be located at a distance of at least 12 m.

The above requirements make it possible to avoid most of the problems that may arise during operation.

Kinds toilets in the country, which you can put your own hands: options with photo

There are many design options that differ in appearance, as well as in the material used in construction. Booths are also classified according to the type of construction. Several popular examples should be highlighted.

Standard sanitary room

Ordinary toilet with a hole for waste. It does not provide for any complex systems. A cesspool is considered a mandatory attribute of such a house. They dig it with their own hands or install a complex.


These toilets may be equipped with a water tank. This tank is designed to flush waste in the toilet.

Backlash toilet and powder toilet: features

Backlash-toilet is considered quite costly designs. Its mandatory components include a concrete cesspool. The main feature of such a restroom is the correct organization of ventilation. This option is erected as a freestanding or attached option to the house.



A powder toilet is a wooden toilet seat with a lid, designed as a small structure. Thick sawdust acts as a flushing mechanism, which serves to powder biological waste. A container with material is installed next to the toilet. In the absence of sawdust, dusting of waste is carried out with wood ash.

Chemical sanitary room

The country toilet can work with a chemical composition. With the help of a special formula, chemicals begin to react with biological waste after each visit to the toilet. Thus, the unpleasant odor quickly disappears. Bacteria actively process microbes, reducing the level of solid waste. As a result, only liquid remains, which is convenient to pump out.


When creating a chemical toilet, you may not need a large pit for a septic tank. Sometimes it is enough to use a stationary tank.

Peat dry closet for giving

When arranging a dry country toilet, many people prefer to use a peat waste disposal system. A few weeks after processing, all waste turns into an excellent fertilizer for the garden.


Such toilets are “washed off” exclusively with dry peat. However, this pleasure is not cheap.

Related article:

Toilet with a shower for a summer residence: combined design

The most relevant option is a combined bathroom. It is convenient to perform all hygiene procedures at the same time. The whole building consists of two rooms of the same size. A water heater can be installed inside. More often, a water tank is installed on the roof of the cabin.


Related article:

How to choose a toilet for a country toilet: which is better

There are a large number of varieties of toilet bowls for an outdoor toilet. They have different weight, size and material of manufacture. The most common options are:

  • porcelain and ceramic. There are models of a stationary type, and there are those that are designed for squatting;
  • wooden toilet seats. Usually these are made in the form of a wooden step with a hole. You can also place a seat for a stationary toilet in it;
  • galvanized. Such instances are not always convenient. In winter they are very cold. For manufacturing, a pipe of a suitable size and a homemade seat are required;
  • toilet from a chair. This design has been around for a long time. To make it, you need to cut a hole in the chair cushion, or remove it completely, replacing it with a soft seat for an ordinary toilet bowl.

Purchased options are more comfortable and convenient. However, if you do not have to use the conveniences of an outdoor toilet for a summer residence too often, a budget way would also be ideal.


Country toilet with an odorless cesspool: construction features

It is easy to create comfortable conditions in a street toilet on the territory of a private house. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step algorithm for each stage of construction.

Cesspool device for do-it-yourself country toilet step by step

It is best to equip a cesspool for a toilet in the country with your own hands using a ready-made scheme. You can print it out or design it yourself. However, there are also simplified arrangements.


Pit preparation

It is necessary to make the construction of a cesspool of sufficient size: approximately 12-18 m³. After you figured out the place, follow the instructions.

IllustrationAction Description
We measure the required diameter and lightly dig around the outer circle. For this purpose, you can use a car tire to make the circle smoother.
We dig a pit of the appropriate diameter. Its depth should be about 1.8-2 m
At the bottom we pour out a large stone or waste from plaster or destroyed walls. Chipped concrete is also suitable. A thick layer of sand is poured on top. Everything is well rammed

It remains to add a little more gravel on top of the sand cushion, then pour it all with a concrete layer of 15 cm and leave for 10 days to solidify.

Arrangement cesspool in the country for a toilet

Previously, brickwork was used to equip the walls of the pit. Today, plastic septic tanks are most relevant for various types of toilets in the country.


It remains only to choose the appropriate size (if it was not relied on when digging the pit) and build the drain.

How to remove odors from a toilet pit

So that outdoor recreation is not spoiled by unpleasant odors emanating from the toilet, you will have to organize their elimination. This is done in the following ways:

  • by means of localization inside the volume of the waste tank;
  • organization of a toilet in a dry-type cottage without a cesspool.

For the first method, special chemicals are most often used, such as Roetech K-47 , Doctor Robik 109 , BIOFORCE Septic 250 .


Rules for the organization of ventilation

The removal of air from the septic tank of a garden toilet, made by oneself, also affects the destruction of a persistent odor. If the system is done correctly, the gaseous compositions will volatilize immediately. We offer you to study the tips and recommendations presented in the video.

How to build a toilet in the country with your own hands: step by step photo instruction

After the place is organized, the cesspool is placed, you can begin to design the cabin itself.

IllustrationAction Description
We create a sole for the frame of the future toilet. To do this, we take four blocks and dig them around the perimeter around the cesspool. Backfill the holes with gravel
We install a wooden base, which is pre-connected with metal corners
We install the rafters to the height of the future booth
We assemble a frame with a slope for a pitched roof.
Be sure to install reinforcing beams
We sheathe three sides of the frame with wooden boards
We assemble the door frame and attach it to the toilet sheds
We fasten a sheet of rolled metal to the roof around the entire perimeter with special screws

How to build a country toilet from different types of building materials: general recommendations

In the construction of country toilets, various raw materials can be used, ranging from wood to concrete blocks. We bring to your attention several varieties of buildings.

Do-it-yourself wooden toilet for a summer residence with drawings

Many do not realize how interesting the designs of wooden outdoor toilets can be. With the help of drawings of toilets and the sizes prescribed on them, it is easy to implement any of the models in the country with your own hands.




For each version of the country toilet, the drawings and dimensions will be different.

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands from brick: interesting options

The stages of construction during the construction of a brick toilet do not differ at all from each other. This option looks rich and is implemented simply. As a result, the walls do not require additional finishing. Consider several types of do-it-yourself country toilets in the photo, which can be useful for arranging.




DIY outdoor toilet from concrete blocks: video

A latrine in a summer cottage can also be easily built from concrete or. It is most optimal to make combined structures from such material: a country toilet with a shower. On the video you can see how the partitions should be arranged for the proposed option.

This article presents samples of country toilets: drawings of booths, their average sizes, some recommendations for construction. The design can be different: there are rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped projects. Choose the shape, then the material, and you can start building. There are drawings, the structure is not the most difficult. Just keep in mind that the sizes are given for people of average height and build. They can be easily changed without changing the design too much.

The design of a country toilet can be simple or intricate.

Scheme of a street toilet

The most common variant of a country or garden toilet is a rectangular building. It is also called the "birdhouse" because in the variant with a shed roof it is very reminiscent of it.

The project of a country toilet made of wood of the "Birdhouse" type (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

In the toilet drawing shown in the photo above, a 40 mm thick board was used for finishing. The construction is quite inexpensive. Doors can be made from the same boards, fastened with planks at the top, bottom and obliquely. Loops can be put external - barn, having issued the structure in a deliberately rough style.

Samples of country toilets: the drawings are the same, the execution is different

Despite the fact that the building is utilitarian, if desired, it can be given an attractive look and the birdhouse will turn into a quite attractive small building. For example, you can make a small mill out of this building.

Country toilet-mill - a little imagination and an unsightly building becomes a decoration of the site (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The same birdhouse, but from a log house - a completely different look. Everything will look especially harmonious if the building on the site is built (or will be built) also from a log.

Even the simplest log toilet looks almost exotic. Moreover, it can also be used as a winter version (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

For regions where wood is a luxury, and it is irrational to spend it on building a toilet, the same structure can be sheathed with other material. For example, the frame is sheathed with any sheet material - plywood, fiberboard, GVL. They can be laid on the outside of the finishing material - tiles or decorative stone. An even more budget option is to sheathe it with corrugated board.

A toilet in the country with their own hands is built from any material. This one is made of corrugated board (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This is the type of toilet that is easy to build with bricks. They are usually made in half a brick. There are no difficulties even for an inexperienced bricklayer. Offset masonry, cement-sand mortar.

According to the same project and drawing, you can build a brick toilet (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Toilet type "Shalash" (triangular)

This toilet cubicle has the shape of a triangle. The side walls are also the slope of the roof. You can build such a toilet with your own hands in a few hours. Drawings with approximate dimensions are given in the picture below. It is possible and necessary to make adjustments to them: all dimensions are given for people of average build.

Drawing of a country toilet of the "Hut" type (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If you need wider doors, you can not push the base, which is already considerable in this project, but make doors of a non-standard shape - as in the figure on the right.

Sheathing with finishing materials in the "Shalash" toilets is carried out only in front and behind. Roofing material is laid on the side surfaces. You can use any, but soft tiles or polymer slate look good.

Having drawings, a triangular toilet in the country is easier to build

In the photo on the right, the crate is made under sheet roofing material - they used plastic slate - it is available in different colors, it is relatively inexpensive, it is easy to install - with nails and gaskets.

If you plan to use soft roofing material - roofing felt, shingles or something similar, make the crate solid - from a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, chipboard, gypsum board. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, roofing materials are laid on top.

Drawing toilet "Teremok"

This toilet is shaped like a diamond. Compared to the "Shalash", it takes longer to build, but it also looks more decorative. With appropriate design, it will not spoil the landscape at all.

Drawing of the toilet "Teremok" with dimensions (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

A diamond-shaped house for a toilet in a summer cottage looks good. Outside, the frame can be upholstered with a round timber of small diameter sawn in half, a lining of large thickness, a block house, an ordinary board. If you use a board, do not nail it end-to-end, but lay it a couple of centimeters on the bottom, like a fir cone. You can, of course, end-to-end, but the appearance will not be the same ...

The second option: the country toilet "Teremok" is made with beveled side walls.

Country toilet "Teremok" - the second project with dimensions (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The main catch in any small wooden toilet is to secure the doors well. The door frame is the most loaded part, especially on the side where the doors are attached. To fasten the door pillars to the frame beams, use studs - so the fastening will be reliable.

Photo illustrations: building a toilet in the country with his own hands. The drawings are shown above.

From this simple, in general, design, you can make a restroom in any style. For example, in Dutch. The finish is simple - light plastic, on top of which characteristic beams are stuffed, stained with stain. Pay attention to the glass inserts and the fact that the roof of this instance is made of polycarbonate. If the polycarbonate is multilayer, it should not be hot)))

Country street toilet in the form of a Dutch house

You can even turn the Teremok toilet into a royal carriage. This is not a joke… confirmation in the photo. All you need to do is change the shape and add a few decorative elements that are typical for carriages. So you get a toilet in the form of a carriage.

Here are some photos of the manufacturing process. The original has a dry closet, so the construction is simple: there is no need to think about the pit and the nuances associated with it ... but you can adapt such a booth to any type ...

Frame of characteristic shape

Please note that the shape is achieved thanks to the boards set at an angle, and the smoothly tapering bottom is due to the supports cut accordingly.

A dry closet is installed on the podium

The floor is sewn up with short boards, then the sheathing starts from the outside. At the top, the carriage also has a smooth bend - cut out the appropriate guides from short boards, nail them to the existing side posts, and you can start the outer wall cladding.

Inside is also sheathed with clapboard. Outside the toilet-carriage is whitewashed, inside the wood has a natural color. After that, decoration and the addition of characteristic details remain - monograms painted with gold, lanterns, “golden” chains, wheels.

Painting and decorating

"Royal" curtains and flowers))) There is even a washstand and a small sink.

View from inside the windows

After all the efforts, we have the most unusual toilet in the area. Few can boast of such...

Also suitcases in the trunk))

Warm restroom

Using a toilet with a wall in one plank in the summer is quite comfortable. But not all dachas are visited only in the warm season. For the autumn-spring period, at least some kind of insulation is needed, which will block the drafts.

In this case, the design of the toilet is no different. Only increase the dimensions by 5-10 cm more: the sheathing will be double - outside and inside, and insulation is laid between the sheathing. The doors will also need to be insulated - double doors are too heavy for such a building, but from the inside they can be upholstered with a piece of linoleum, dermantin and other well-washable material.

Combined shower-toilet

The second necessary building in the country is a shower. And if so, then why build two separate structures, if they can be built under one roof. Several drawings of country toilets with a shower for self-construction are published below.

A variant of a combined toilet for giving a shower (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The second project of toilet and shower under one roof.

Appearance and drawing of a toilet and a shower for a summer residence in one building (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

View and dimensions of the toilet + shower from the front and side (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

As you guessed, the structure is simply doubled in width. If you want, you can create your own project, according to your desires and needs. The drawing of the hozblok with a toilet will be exactly the same. You may need to make one of the rooms a little larger. Just provide for this when planning and manufacturing supports for construction.

Build a toilet with your own hands: drawings, dimensions

The first thing you need in your summer cottage is to build a toilet. It is easy to do it with your own hands. If you need drawings, they are in the article. For booths of various types - a birdhouse, "Teremok", "Shalash", with a shower

Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings and device tips

Everyone knows that a comfortable stay in the country is possible only if there is a well-equipped sanitary facility. It is for this reason that the arrangement of a site in a country house most often begins with the construction of an outhouse, for which it is extremely important to choose the right location and materials. In this article, we will look at how to build a country toilet with your own hands. Photos, drawings and detailed instructions are attached.

A well-equipped closet is the key to a comfortable pastime outside the city

Choosing the optimal location

The right place is the key to the successful construction of a sanitary facility, its durability and strength.

Location plays a big role

A responsible approach to business will save you from problems with the construction in the future

Before starting construction, pay attention to the following points:

  • On the drawing of your site, mark the places located at least 8 meters from the well with water, 7 from the house and 1 from the fence. These will be the best options for construction.

  • The next point to pay attention to is the height of the site. An excellent option for building is a lowland.
  • The soil on which the toilet will be built should not be very wet.
  • Wind direction is one of the most important indicators to consider. We must try to ensure that the prevailing direction is not directed towards residential premises.
  • Another important point: the shadow, which in the case of a country toilet should not be permanent, just as the location of the structure in the sun is unacceptable. The best way out of this situation is to build a toilet under a tree that casts a shadow only at certain times of the day.
  • If the construction is planned for a long time, it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance for the sewer truck in order to clean the cesspool in time.

Important information! In no case do not build a toilet on the site of an old destroyed closet or garbage pit - this can be dangerous in further operation!

The process of cleaning a septic tank or cesspool

Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings of various types

There are a number of different types of country toilet facilities. As a rule, they do not require water supply or sewerage, and some of the options presented can be bought at all in a regular hardware store. So, now we will analyze the options for building a country toilet with our own hands with photos and drawings.

Country toilets have many different types of designs.

Standard sanitary room

Such a design looks like the most common cabin with a seat or just a hole in the floor, often made of boards or other available material, which is additionally strengthened in the walls and foundation. A sewer machine is used to remove waste.

An ordinary country toilet with a simple and affordable design for most

Do-it-yourself toilet for a summer residence. Step-by-step instructions for building a toilet (hut, birdhouse), ready-made drawings and some nuances of arrangement in a special material.

Powder toilet

This building differs from the rest in the absence of a cesspool, as it uses the "dusting" technology. After each visit to the latrine, the waste is sprinkled with a mixture of peat or ordinary ash, and the resulting substance is great for fertilizing the soil.

Powder toilet provides an opportunity to receive high-quality fertilizer for your garden

Chemical sanitary room

Such a toilet differs from the previous one in that only chemicals are involved in the neutralization of waste, which means that it will not work to get fertilizer for your site in this way.

The chemical toilet does not provide for the possibility of further use of waste products as fertilizer

backlash toilet

The construction of such a building consists in the partial deepening of a cesspool under a residential building, due to which the toilet is built right next to the wall. The toilet hole is connected to it with a small sewer pipe. Waste is pumped out through the installation of a sealed hatch.

Backlash toilet provides a cesspool under the house

This design is manufactured at the factory, comes to customers ready-made and serves as an excellent alternative to a do-it-yourself country toilet. Photos, drawings and other materials are presented below. The dry closet is a cabin in which a waste tank is installed. After each trip to the closet, waste products are neutralized with the help of special bioreagent substances.

The dry closet is convenient because you do not need to build a toilet yourself and look for materials

Closet peat type

Due to its unique design, such a toilet combines the features of dry closets and "powder" technologies. Thus, all waste processed in this building and accumulated in a separate container can be used as natural fertilizer.

Peat toilet allows you to get excellent natural fertilizer

Peat toilet for a summer residence: which one is better? An overview of the pros and cons, as well as popular manufacturers and prices for peat closets in a special publication of our portal.

So, we have analyzed all the existing types of closets, each of which has both its advantages and disadvantages of use. But it is up to you to decide which one is suitable for the device on your site.

Now we will analyze how to build a toilet in the country with our own hands. Drawings, dimensions and calculations must be prepared in advance, and we will help you with this.

Competent understandable drawing - the key to a successful business

If you nevertheless decide to build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions of which are presented below, it is important to take into account all the nuances and little things.

The beautiful design of the booth is pleasing to the eye

The construction sequence is as follows:

  • According to the above rules for finding the optimal place for the construction of a closet, select the most appropriate option.
  • The marking of the future building is being carried out, a hole is dug with a depth of two meters, a width of one and a half meters.
  • If the soil is loose or wet, the bottom of the pit is sprinkled with crushed stone or gravel, laid out with brickwork.
  • The foundation is being installed - tape or columnar, depending on your requirements and requests.
  • A frame is being erected from wood or any other materials, which is subsequently sheathed with corrugated board, boards and other coatings. The roof is covered.
  • If necessary, the room is insulated from the inside.

Helpful information! The liquid part of the waste should be well absorbed into the soil.

It is important to follow the sequence of construction - this will help you do everything right

We make a toilet in the country with our own hands: drawings, sizes of the most popular options

The frame of the future building is made of bars measuring 10x5 cm, which are installed according to the drawing on the skids.

Useful advice! It is necessary to ensure that the bars are carefully treated with an antiseptic, as they come into contact with the pit and the waste located in it.

Drawing of the frame of the sanitary room

If wood paneling is planned, then the same beams are used as in the construction of the frame, which are attached to the base with nails. It is important not to forget to make special windows for ventilation and lighting in the daytime.

Standard latrine with tire cesspool

Building a roof is not a difficult task: any roofing materials available to you are used for this.

For aesthetes, it is worth trying to build an unusual roof

Drawing conclusions

So, we see that with the right preparation, building a country toilet with your own hands, the photo, the drawings of which are presented above, is quite simple. The key to the success of any of your construction undertakings is a responsible approach!

Do-it-yourself country toilet

If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, the photos, drawings, videos and dimensions presented in this article will help you cope with this task.

Projects, drawings and diagrams of a country toilet

Do not deny yourself comfort even in the country. There are a huge number of projects for country toilets that every person can bring to life. But first you need to decide on the drawing and, according to it, build the future structure.

A huge amount of materials and all kinds of projects for country toilets leads to the fact that people are simply lost in the background of all this diversity. That is why the theoretical part is so important. Based on the data in this article, you will be able to choose the best project for your dacha.

Typical projects of country toilets

Basically, to create a country toilet project, the following types of structures are used:

Each of these designs has its own advantages. That is why it is so important to determine the type before starting construction.

Country toilet with a cesspool

In the project, it is imperative to provide for a pit. You also need to take care of its arrangement. For this, a plastic barrel or brickwork reinforced with reinforcement can be used.

In the project, you must provide the right amount of brick and cement, and do not forget about the fittings. The walls you created are subsequently covered with plaster. It is the pit that sets the character of the ground building. Usually this is a small wooden house made from improvised materials. It can be in the form of a hut, a miniature house and even a tower.

According to this country toilet project, all waste will accumulate in the pit. For its further cleaning you will need a sewer. The main disadvantage of the project is an unpleasant smell. That is why it is very important to provide ventilation at the planning stage.

Ventilation can be either natural or forced. In the first case, two holes are made in the design from below and from above. Their purpose is extremely simple - to create air disturbances. Thus, the unpleasant smell will not linger inside for a long time.

Forced ventilation is a simple fan that blows all the bad smells out of the toilet. When installing it, you need to think about a compensation hole through which air will penetrate inside. Its diameter should not be less than the diameter of the fan. All this is written in the project.

Powder closet

When creating this project of a country house, a cesspool is not provided. All waste is collected in a tank under the toilet seat. It is best to include two containers of different sizes in the design. In the smaller one, you need to make several different-sized holes and insert it into a large container, on the side of which there will be a round exit. A drain hose is connected to it.

Through the hose, the liquid goes into the ground or drainage system. The main role in this country toilet project is played by the container for the filler. Peat is most often used as a mixture. The filler helps to contain unpleasant smells. As soon as the tank is full, it should be taken out to the compost heap.

When you make a drawing, it is important to take into account the convenience of extracting the container. There are two possible solutions to this problem. In the first of these, the tank is removed when the seat is raised. In the second, a small door is cut out at the back of the building. It allows you to easily remove the filled container.

You don't even need to build anything here. In fact, you are buying a ready-made project for a country toilet. All you need is to install the product in a convenient place. In this case, you can purchase both a finished design and a whole booth.

Shower and toilet under one roof

Now projects of a country toilet combined with a shower are very popular. This is especially beneficial from a financial point of view. In addition, such a project allows you to significantly save free space on the site.

In the project, a toilet with a shower will have one common wall. The result is savings in building materials. At the same time, the bathroom can work both on the basis of a tank with a mixture, and on the basis of a cesspool.

How a drawing is created

The main task of the drawing when creating a project for a country toilet is to detail the design. The size, shape and type of building are clearly indicated on the paper. At the same time, there are a number of standards that must be observed.

Firstly, the distance of the country toilet for the place of water supply cannot be less than 30 meters. This must be specified in the project. Secondly, a residential or commercial building should not be closer than 15 meters. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of the same septic tank with a biological treatment system.

Dimensions are of particular importance in the drawing. You are free to ask them yourself. But there are certain standards that allow you to create a beautiful and comfortable building with a high guarantee.

The height of the future dacha building should not exceed two and a half meters. In this case, the minimum indicator is at the level of 2 meters. The length of the building is from 1.2 to 1.8 m. The width is in the range from 1 to 1.2 m.

Many novice builders do not attach sufficient importance to the parameters of the cesspool. It is unacceptable. After all, it must also be included in the drawings. The estimated depth is 1.5–2 m, the diameter is from 2 to 2.5 m. If the groundwater is close to the surface, then the pit will have to be abandoned.

Projects of superstructures for a country toilet

When choosing a suitable project for a country toilet, the selection of material is of particular importance. It is he who sets the parameters of the future building to the greatest extent. There are several typical options, which will be discussed further.

Brick toilet

The advantages of this material can be listed indefinitely. It is resistant to atmospheric influences, retains heat and cool equally well, and is environmentally friendly. Moreover, it allows you to give the structure any shape.

The basis of this project is the foundation. Without it, the creation of a country toilet made of bricks is simply impossible. Separately, it is necessary to mention the quality of the masonry. This is the real art of laying bricks for centuries. From above, the structure is covered with a roof, a material for which, in most cases, slate serves.

In the picture you see an example of a related project. In one design, a toilet and a shower are combined. This is not only practical, but also allows you to save a lot on the cost of building materials.

wooden toilet

The project of a wooden country toilet is a classic. Its construction takes a minimum of time, but in order for the structure to serve you faithfully, it is necessary to strictly follow the plan in the process of work.

The picture shows one of the most popular options among summer residents - a teremok. As you can see, it has a small internal space and small dimensions. This allows you to install it anywhere. It is also worth noting the aesthetic appearance.

metal toilet

This version of the project will appeal to those who want to save time and money. When building, you can use sheets of metal left over from building a house. The only thing you need to take care of is the inner lining. Of course, you can do without it, but in winter it will be very problematic to be in such a structure.

The main advantage of the project is the absence of the need for any knowledge. Almost anyone can build such a country toilet. This is the most cost effective option imaginable. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the toilet seat. It is best made of wood so that it is comfortable to sit on.

Types of wooden cabins

It is wooden cabins that are most popular among summer residents. This is explained quite simply. The timber is inexpensive, but provides good thermal insulation and has a pleasant appearance. During construction, the following projects are most often used:

  • House - this design is traditionally warmer and stronger than a birdhouse. To create such a project for a country toilet, a minimum of materials is required. The unique shape allows you to make an artistic finish.

  • The hut is the most difficult project of a country toilet. It requires a lot of materials and labor, but at the same time it has incredible strength and can withstand any climatic hardships. Separately, it should be noted ease of use.

  • As you can see, there are many different projects for country toilets. During construction, you yourself choose the material, type of construction and internal arrangement. Any of the above options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of each project and make a choice in favor of the optimal one.

    Country toilet: projects, schemes, photo drawings

    Projects, drawings and diagrams of a country toilet You should not deny yourself comfort even in the country. There are a huge number of projects for country toilets that everyone can bring to life.

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - drawings and dimensions

    For those who decide to build a toilet in the country with their own hands - drawings, dimensions, sketches are the necessary help, which does not allow them to deviate from the chosen technology or build a structure that is not very suitable for operation. Before proceeding to more precise developments, it is important to choose the type of construction of the country toilet, its location and other parameters. These, in turn, depend on the operating conditions, which indicates the need for a detailed analysis from a perspective. For example, if there is a possibility that after some time the number of people visiting the dacha will increase, or you plan to equip the house in such a way that you can live in it longer, create a toilet in advance with the expectation of increasing the load so that you do not have to redo it later .

    Types of toilets

    The easiest way is to build a wooden toilet for a dacha with your own hands - drawings of such structures are not difficult to find, and in some cases step-by-step instructions without illustrations are enough. However, a beautiful and reliable house is not enough to provide comfort. It is important to take care of waste disposal. From this point of view, there are several options for a country toilet.

    play closet

    The play closet is designed in such a way that the waste from the toilet moves by gravity, collecting in the receiver, which is cleaned as it is filled. Usually, the movement of waste is facilitated by the sloping floor of the tank, which has a shape expanding in the direction from the toilet. The advantage of this design is the possibility without the construction of a full-fledged sewer system install the toilet in a warm room in the house, and take the tank out of it to avoid odor. The part of the backlash closet, located outside, is equipped with a lid through which cleaning is carried out by a cesspool machine. To ensure thermal insulation, it is made hermetic and multi-layered (for example, from metal and wood with a “layer” of heat-insulating material). The disadvantage of a backlash closet is that it is built into a load-bearing wall, which means that it is better to arrange it at the stage of building a house.

    In the photo, the scheme of the play-toilet

    Powder closet

    The powder-closet has an accumulator in which the waste alternates with layers of backfill (“powdered”). As such backfill, sawdust, peat, ash, or a mixture of these components are used. Backfilling is done after each visit to the toilet. For purchased models, a special distributor is responsible for the distribution of the bulk mixture. In homemade ones, they use an ordinary bucket or other container with a scoop, which is installed in the toilet.

    The advantage of powder-closet are:

    • the ability to use the contents of the drive of the country toilet to obtain organic safe fertilizer (for this, when filling the tank, it is unloaded into a compost pit for ripening),
    • resolving the issue of disposal (there is no need to call a sewage truck),
    • a minimum of earthworks (they will be required only for the construction of the foundation of the building, the tank is placed on the surface),
    • the possibility of arranging compact portable models of toilets that can be brought into the house (for example, based on a conventional bucket).

    Drawing of a wooden powder closet with dimensions of the "hut" type
    Drawing of a country toilet of the type of powder closet made of corrugated board of the "birdhouse" type

    Dry closets are buildings in which waste is recycled. In the process of decomposition, the contents of the tanks turn into a uniform sludge, which is safe, takes up less space (and therefore requires less tank emptying) and is easy to pump out. In order to ensure the decomposition reaction, fillers are used in factory dry closets, which can be:

    • peat mix,
    • chemically active reagents,
    • biological products (dry or in the form of liquids), which are colonies of bacteria of a certain type.

    The dry closet can be used both in a separate outdoor house and in the house

    Pit latrines

    A country toilet with a cesspool is a kind of classic. Not the most convenient, but the easiest and cheapest option. Everything waste is collected in a storage tank, which is periodically cleaned with the help of vacuum trucks. In some cases, the filled cesspool is covered with earth, transferring the house to another place. In such a filled hole, compost is formed after a while, which can be used to fertilize the soil. The most common (although the least environmentally friendly) is the toilet option, in which the cesspool has no bottom. It is only sometimes covered with crushed stone, gravel or other material through which filtration is carried out with partial drainage of the contents into the soil.

    Important: At a high level of groundwater, it is advisable to replace such models of pits with sealed storage tanks.

    The drawing shows the dimensions of a country toilet with a cesspool

    Cesspool options

    Regardless of the presence of a sealed bottom, the cesspool of the toilet needs to build walls. Firstly, they prevent the collapse of the earth in a dug pit. Secondly, the walls prevent waste from seeping into the upper layers of the soil. For the construction of cesspools, a variety of specially purchased materials are used, left over from the construction of other structures, or simply available materials. Consider the most common options.

    concrete rings

    Concrete rings combine the strength, reliability and durability of the best building materials with the speed with which they can build a reservoir of the required volume. The rings are fixed on top of each other in a "column" with mortar, sealing the seams and performing waterproofing. All work can be completed in one day. The disadvantage of this option is the large weight of the finished concrete products. It is impossible to bring them to the site, unload and properly install them without the use of special lifting equipment, which means that additional costs will be required for the construction of the toilet.

    Monolithic concrete

    For the construction of a cesspool from monolithic concrete, the material can be easily delivered to the site. The solution is prepared in a household concrete mixer or in any container using a mixer drill. Before proceeding with the preparation of the solution, formwork is installed in the pit. It can be made from any available materials (boards, plywood, metal sheets, etc.). To give the structure greater strength, a reinforcing frame is installed in the formwork before pouring the mortar. With a high wall height, experts recommend filling in stages - no more than 50-70 cm at a time. This method requires more time, since each new level is performed only after the lower one has hardened, but it is more practical and allows you to get by with less material for formwork.

    plastic containers

    The undoubted advantages of plastic containers are their tightness and resistance to moisture. Thanks to these features, the cesspools of the country toilet, built of plastic, are durable and reliable. The disadvantage of the material is its flexibility. The plasticity and pliability of plastic do not allow it to withstand the pressure of the soil, therefore, in order to avoid deformation, the walls are reinforced with reinforcement and cement mortar. In this regard, Eurocubes are most convenient, which are initially equipped with an outer frame made of durable wire. To strengthen such structures, it remains to fill the gap between the walls of the pit and the plastic container with mortar. In addition to eurocubes, other containers made of this material, for example, barrels, can also be used for cesspools.

    The use of plastic eurocubes is an inexpensive option for building an airtight toilet pit

    Brickwork takes time, but such a construction of a cesspool allows you to give it any shape and meet the required dimensions. From a brick, you can lay out a tank of a round, rectangular or square shape. It is advisable to choose such a building material when there are remains of bricks after the construction of other objects. To ensure the strength of the walls, it is enough to lay the floor in a half-brick. In order for the toilet pit to have the required tightness, it is important not to allow gaps during the masonry stage and to plaster or waterproof the walls after construction is completed.

    More information about the factory peat toilet for a summer residence and its choice can be found in a separate article on the site. There is also an overview of popular models and reviews.

    If you are wondering how you can make a shower for a polycarbonate cottage with or without a dressing room, then we also have an article on this topic.

    And about the construction of a street washbasin, you can read here.

    Choosing a place for construction

    It is difficult to formulate uniform requirements for choosing a site for building a toilet - a lot depends on the type of construction and the tightness of the storage tank (the likelihood of waste getting into the soil). When designing a toilet in the country with your own hands, drawings and dimensions are chosen taking into account a number of factors. When choosing the installation site, it is important to take into account the wind rose so that the toilet does not become a source of discomfort for the inhabitants of the cottage and their neighbors. If the design of the toilet involves the periodic pumping of the contents using a sewage machine, it is necessary to provide convenient accessibility special equipment to the object.

    The most stringent requirements apply to leaky models (first of all, to cesspools without a bottom). They must be installed approximately at an average height if the site has a difficult terrain (in the lowlands there is a high risk of groundwater pollution, and at a height - the destruction of the structure when the soil is washed away). It is also important observe the required distance of the toilet from the main facilities(at least 12 meters from the house, 25 meters from the water source, 4 meters from the landings and no closer than 1 meter from the fence).

    Materials and tools

    The choice of materials for the construction of a toilet in a summer cottage is largely determined by the choice of the type of utilizer. For example, when installing a cesspool, you will need brick, cement, concrete rings, or plastic tanks, depending on what you choose. For the construction of the frame of the house you will need:

    • timber with a section of 100x100 or 100x50 mm, 3 m long for the frame and vertical posts of the house,
    • timber 50x50 mm for the "podium" or the step on which the seat will be installed inside,
    • Chipboard, boards, lining or other material for interior and exterior cladding,
    • Ruberoid and slate or corrugated roofing.

    In the photo, a finished wooden toilet on the site

    We should also not forget that for a stationary structure it is necessary foundation- tape (requires cement for mortar) or columnar (cement or brick), as well as waterproofing (roofing material or other similar material), preventing contact between the structure and the frame in order to minimize the occurrence of decay.

    For ventilation a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is required.

    For ease of use, it is also good to install in a country toilet lighting– connect electrical wiring and mount a luminaire or, at a minimum, equip the structure with a rechargeable torch.

    Scheme and dimensions of country toilets

    The scheme for building a country toilet is the same, in contrast to the parameters of the tanks, which are calculated in accordance with the intensity of use of the device, the number of people visiting the country house, the seasonality and duration of such visits.

    A classic option is a rectangular-shaped "birdhouse" house. It is lightweight and easy to use. For comfort, it is enough to do the following dimensions of the toilet in the country with your own hands:

    If such dimensions seem insufficient to the owner, you can build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the dimensions of which will be larger.

    Supporters of aesthetics may prefer to build a country toilet with their own hands, using drawings of a more complex design - a "hut" house, which has a small base and practically consists of two inclined planes.

    Types of houses for country toilets - "hut" and "birdhouse"

    Building step by step

    For an example of the phased implementation of construction work, we chose a "birdhouse". Such a toilet scheme for giving is the simplest to implement.

    Before starting work, the position of the future structure on the ground is marked.

    1. The foundation is being carried out. Often, tape structures are recommended for installing a house, but many experts for light buildings call a column foundation more practical. The easiest way to arrange it is to install asbestos pipes into the ground, into which the solution is poured and vertical wooden supports are installed before it hardens. It is important to control the position of the latter in terms of level, to ensure that no displacement occurs during the curing of concrete.

    The foundation device according to this scheme has its own nuances:

    • Asbestos pipes are covered with a waterproofing layer before installation.
    • The installation of vertical supports is carried out after the pipes are poured with concrete to a third of the height and strength is gained by this portion of the solution.
    • The immersion depth of the support pipes depends on the type of soil and averages 0.5-0.7 m, but for unstable sandy soils, it is advisable to increase the depth.

    2. A frame for the future design of the toilet is being constructed. The easiest way for this purpose is to use a bar 100x100 (50) mm and hardware for wood. To protect against moisture and decay, the timber can be impregnated or primed and painted. The solidity of the structure will be provided by a metal frame, however, special equipment (welding machine) will be required for its construction.

    The main elements of a reliable frame:

    • load-bearing vertical supports (the front pair is longer than the rear pair to ensure the slope of the roof),
    • two horizontal strapping frames - for installing the roof and at the level of the toilet seat,
    • diagonal bars on the sides of the structure to stiffen the structure,
    • supports and the horizontal part of the doorway.

    3. The toilet frame is sheathed from the outside and inside. As a material, you can choose:

    4. The waterproofing layer and the main roof material are installed.

    5. A door is hung, which is pre-equipped with a latch and a small window for light to enter the room (or a window can be made in the space above the door).

    6. Lighting is mounted.

    7. The equipment of the toilet includes the installation of a seat and cover, shelves for accessories, a washbasin, etc.


    The scheme for building a toilet in the country with your own hands will be incomplete without ventilation. Ventilation of toilets for summer cottages is easily carried out from a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. It is removed from the drive (it is important to ensure the tightness of the joints) and fastened from the outside of the structure (use metal clamps). The upper part of the pipe, equipped with a deflector to improve exhaust and protect against precipitation, rises 20-50 cm above the roof.

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: drawings, dimensions, how to build a wooden one, diagram, photo

    Drawings and dimensions for the construction of a toilet in the country with their own hands. The choice of the design of the utilizer. Required materials. Required tools. Sequence of work.

    The construction of any summer cottage cannot do without the construction of a sanitary unit in the first place. The construction of this room is necessary to meet the initial needs of man. After the construction of the country toilet, the construction of other buildings, gazebo complexes, baths and others begins. It is possible to build a country toilet with your own hands without the involvement of specialists and their highly paid jobs. Before building a toilet, it is necessary to be familiar with the design, installation and certain hygiene requirements that must be observed. It is also important to have drawings of toilets for summer cottages before your eyes, so that the final do-it-yourself design is as correct as possible.

    It must be remembered that there are a sufficient number of different norms and rules that must be followed to place a closet on the street. The main rule to be observed is the creation of conditions under which there will be minimal contact of waste with groundwater.

    Rules for placing a toilet in a summer cottage

    Before you make a toilet in the country yourself, it is important to study the main criteria that you should follow when choosing a place to build it:

    • The required distance from the nearest water area should be at least 30 meters. If the geolocation of the reservoir is lower in level from the building, then the structure must be moved to another place or below the water source.
    • The distance from adjacent pits, such as a basement, cellar, and so on, must be at least 15 meters.
    • The distance from residential buildings or other structures must be at least 8 meters.
    • Distance from places of settlement or habitat of animals - at least 5 meters;
    • The distance from the plantations is not less than 1 meter.
    • The distance from the fence of the nearby territory is at least 1 meter.
    • When building a country toilet, you must also take into account the direction of the winds so as not to disturb your neighbors with an unpleasant smell.

    Be carefull. Before the construction of the toilet, it is necessary to clarify the level of groundwater. Construction is possible only if their level is more than 2.5 m underground.

    If it is impossible to build a cesspool, due to the flow of groundwater, you can use an alternative option and build a country toilet like backlash-closet or powder-closet with your own hands. An alternative option may be a dry closet. In such structures, human waste will not touch groundwater.

    Requirements for the location of buildings on a summer cottage, including toilets

    Attention should be given to the buildings of nearby wells or wells used by your neighbors.

    Strict consideration of the rules in the ratio of buildings on your territory and the territory of your neighbors will allow you to properly build a toilet in the country in compliance with environmental standards.

    Options for toilets in the country

    You can build a country toilet yourself. There are several construction methods that directly depend on the type of structure. The most popular options for the execution of a country toilet:

    1. Toilet with a cesspool;
    2. backlash closet;
    3. Powder closet;
    4. Dry closets and chemical toilets.

    These are the most common types of country toilets. More details about each version are given below.

    Regarding the first type, the country toilet with a cesspool is the most common type of closet for temporary residences and is an elementary building over a cesspool.

    External view of a wooden toilet cabin with a cesspool of the "Starling house" type

    Cesspool reinforced with brickwork

    Pit toilet design

    Construction and construction rules

    Regarding the type of "Luft-closet", it has a sealed waste pit as part of its structure, which, in terms of its characteristics and dimensions, may differ and have different variations. For disposal in the Luft-closet toilet, a special sewage machine is used, the hose of which is lowered into the cesspool through a special hatch, which is located at the back of the house.

    Backlash closet design

    Dimensional drawing

    Hatch at the back of the toilet house for cleaning the pit with a cesspool mouse

    The third type of “Powder closet” represents a certain container under the saddle itself, which must be cleaned at specified intervals. After each use of the toilet, it is necessary to use additional means of disposal, namely, powdering sewage with peat. This is the cheapest option for a country toilet, but the cleaning process can cause some trouble.

    Scheme for the implementation of a toilet with a container in the form of a bucket

    Drawing of a possible powder-closet variant

    Exterior view inside the cabin

    Powdering sewage with peat

    The best type of toilet for a summer residence, with sufficient economic support, can be a dry closet or a chemical toilet. The peculiarity of using such a toilet is that there is no need for frequent cleaning due to the breakdown of waste products by special bacteria.

    dry closet

    chemical closet

    Dry closet located right in the house

    Dry closet with cabin

    How to build a country toilet with your own hands - you need to perform several operations in the sequence below.

    The most popular toilet is with a cesspool. This is due to its ease of use. The process of use is very simple and consists in the direct entry of waste into a deep pit. When the pit is more than 70% full, it requires proper cleaning.

    Organizing a pit is not a very complicated process and, in principle, you can do it yourself. Having dug a hole of the required depth (its recommended parameters are 2 × 2 meters and a depth of 2 meters), you should proceed to strengthen the walls of the pit, which in the future will serve as the foundation for an above-ground building. You can strengthen the pit with the help of boards, which must first be treated with a special antiseptic. The pit can be reinforced with concrete rings or with brickwork.

    It is advisable to make the bottom of the cesspool at an angle down to the back of the toilet house, so that sewage falls towards the hatch, with which the pit is cleaned.

    Cabin of bricks

    Cesspool with monolithic concrete walls


    Reinforced concrete rings to strengthen the pit

    Strengthening with old tires

    When laying brickwork, you need to follow its checkerboard pattern in order to take care of the future cleaning of the cesspool. The last six rows of bricks are laid without any gaps solid. If you are building a backlash closet, then it requires some effort to organize the complete sealing of the pit. To achieve this goal, a concrete screed is poured into the bottom of the resulting pit. If you decide to make a brick base, then in the end it is still poured with a concrete coating.

    For pouring concrete, formwork is made, which can be done using ordinary boards or bars. After the concrete has completely hardened, the formwork frame is completely dismantled.

    wooden formwork

    It must be remembered that there is a need for a hole for the toilet itself and the implementation of holes for ventilation and pumping out waste.

    An alternative option for cleaning the cesspool can be filling it with special chemicals or completely filling it and moving the toilet to another place. This option will be of interest to those who do not want to constantly clean the cesspool.

    To date, there are many variations of building or acquiring a ready-made toilet cubicle.

    Cabin types

    When building a country toilet, there are several options for its execution, depending on the elevated building - the cabin. The main types are:

    • Hut;
    • birdhouse;
    • small house;
    • Hut.

    Let's consider in more detail.

    1. Features of the "Shalash" structures are determined by their structural strength. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of placement inside the building due to the lack of space of the chosen form.

      The appearance of the hut

      Drawing of a toilet house type hut

    2. Birdhouses in terms of their mounting properties are not heavier than the previous type of cabin and also have lower costs in terms of the amount of material. The only difference is that mechanically this design is less stable and has excessive heat dissipation. The advantages include a unique design and the ability to place a water tank on top of the roof.

      Birdhouse type house

      Birdhouse drawing with dimensions

    3. The “House” option is much stronger and warmer than previous competitors. In the use of the necessary materials for implementation, it does not differ much, but the decorative design and finishing work have a wide range.

      Cabin style cabin

      Another version of the house

      Drawing of a toilet house with dimensions

    4. Cabin type "Izba" requires more materials, but is very durable and resistant to almost any climatic conditions. In such a booth it is possible to install a washstand, hangers, mirrors and everything you want. From the point of view of design solutions, it can fit into almost any interior.

      Outside view of the hut

      Project-drawing closet hut

    Do-it-yourself toilet house made of wood

    Depending on the financial condition and the ability to work, you can build a booth yourself, which can be done in different ways, depending on the type of material used. Next, the process of building a house made of wood of the "Starling House" type with a cesspool reinforced with bricks is considered.

    When laying a brick house, it is necessary to make a foundation, which usually extends beyond the cesspool. The walls of the brick structure themselves should be 10-15 centimeters above the ground in order to place the foundation around the walls in the next step.

    The walls of a brick cesspool protrude 10-15 centimeters above the ground

    Often, wooden toilet cubicles are used in summer cottages. The rectangular shape of the house and its construction is organized with wooden blocks measuring 100x100 mm. The tree must first be treated with an antiseptic for many years of its service. In the absence of an antiseptic at hand, you can use diluted bitumen in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

    To comply with the correct technological process for the construction of the cabin, it is necessary to make waterproofing between the foundation and the frame of the wooden structure of the house. This can be achieved by laying a strip of roofing material.

    The figure below shows the step-by-step process of assembling the booth, described below under the image itself.

    The process of assembling a wooden toilet cubicle
    1. Placement of the foundation around the brick walls. A layer of roofing material strip is laid on the foundation in order to isolate it from water (waterproofing).

      Foundation for a house with a superimposed layer of roofing material strip

    2. A pre-assembled wooden frame is installed on top of the foundation by screwing.
    3. The next step is the floor of the booth, which must be strong enough to support the weight of a person. For this purpose, a board with a thickness of at least 30 mm is taken and screwed with self-tapping screws to a previously installed frame.
    4. Frames are being constructed for the front and rear sides of the booth from wooden bars. The slope of the roof of the country toilet is solved by installing frames of different lengths. The rear, as a rule, is made smaller in height than the front.
    5. Further, the installed frames of the rear and front sides are strengthened by connecting the transverse bars to each other. In this case, the bars are attached in 2 places: between the frames approximately in the middle of the height and at the very top. The latter will be used to attach boards to them to get a roof. For structural reasons, the upper bars should protrude beyond the base: in front by 30, and in the back by 16 millimeters. Do not get hung up on such strict sizes, a small error is acceptable.
    6. Inside the booth, a pre-prepared pedestal frame 450 mm high is installed. This is the most common height, but you can make it different to suit you.
    7. Sheathing of the frame of the house. Perfectly suited for this role is a false beam, which performs the function of simulating a solid wall made of timber. It is such an imitation of the connection between the bars with the help of tenon grooves. False beam - imitation of a beam

      On one side of the beam there is a spike, which is inserted into the groove located on the opposite side of the second beam. It is very comfortable. To the frame itself, the imitation of the timber is attached with nails or by screwing in self-tapping screws. To avoid moisture getting into the groove, make sure that he looked down the entire structure, and the spike up. Clapboard or OSB are also good cladding options. At the same stage, the pedestal is sheathed. A hole of the required size is cut out on the top board to accommodate the container in it.

    8. The beginning of the roof covering. At this stage, small boards with some distance between them are attached to the upper transverse bars (perpendicular to them and parallel to the front side of the cabin).

      The visor is also sewn up from the side of the doors and the boards are attached to each other along the perimeter. Ultimately, an upper roof structure with right angles should be formed.

    9. The question of the final readiness of the roof is solved by imposing slate or tiles on it.

    When building a country toilet with your own hands, do not forget about its insulation. Of course, you can do without insulation, but in winter it will be very cold there, which will give you terrible discomfort when you are inside the closet. Styrofoam sheathing can be used to insulate the house of a country toilet. Inside the toilet itself, it is necessary to install transverse strips of wood to organize the toilet seat itself.

    With the correct calculation of the project and compliance with standardization standards, the recommended cabin dimensions are as follows:

    • Length - 1-1.5 meters;
    • Width - meter;
    • Height - 2.10 meters.

    Cabin doors

    Usually, wooden doors are installed in the toilet, bought in advance or made by ourselves. Sheathing is possible with the same materials as the frame was sheathed. After, the doors are hung on 2 hinges in recesses, machined in advance.

    A latch or a hook can be used to close the doors from the outside or from the inside. In order for the door not to open inwards and in order to close the cracks, platbands are installed.

    After receiving the finished toilet house, it is completely impregnated with special materials in order to protect the tree from moisture and pests. Then everything is covered with varnish or paint.

    Quite naturally - ventilation is necessary for such a building in order to remove odors that arise during operation. That is why the country toilet, or rather its body, is initially equipped with a hole, into which a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more is then inserted.

    Ventilation scheme in the country closet

    Having passed the pipe into the cesspool to a depth of more than 20 cm, its reverse end is led along the back wall to a height of more than 20 centimeters above the roof level. To improve the hood, a special device is used - a deflector.

    Organization of lighting

    To conduct lighting in the toilet or not to do this depends on the time of your stay in the country. To save light, a small window can be provided in the design of the toilet. Alternatively, LED flashlights or battery-powered lamps can be used.

    Window for natural light

    Ceiling-mounted LED flashlight

    Organization of the hozblok

    For ease of use, sometimes in summer cottages a combination of a toilet, a shower and a barn is used at the same time. The one-piece construction takes up less space and is cost-effective in terms of waste disposal. If living in a country house takes place in the summer, this is an ideal option.

    Plan of the economic block Cheburashka

    Layout of the utility block with amenity premises

    Combining in the order of a warehouse-shower-cloaking room-toilet is called in the common people "Cheburashka". The implementation is similar to building a cabin with support poles and wooden blocks, but differs in size. With proper installation and location, compactness and expediency of construction in the future process of its operation are ensured.

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