Angela name meaning. History of origin and interpretation of the name Angela

Landscape design and planning 08.01.2024
Landscape design and planning

The name Angela is quite rare for our country, but, nevertheless, it is found in modern families. It is borrowed from ancient Latin. Comes from the male name Angelus, which in turn originates from the Greek word “angelos”. The meaning of the name is “messenger”, “angel”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Color: blue, purple
  • Wood: aspen
  • Plant: alpine rose
  • Animal: electric stingray, electric eel
  • Favorable day: Wednesday, Saturday

Character traits

Already as a child, Angela conquers the hearts of those around her. She is a beautiful, charming and shy girl. He does not show his whims to his parents, he has a balanced character and quiet behavior. She studies well, but exact sciences are difficult for her. May come under pressure from her peer-friend. In his free time he reads a lot, draws and plays various games. The secret of the name lies in the embodiment of a strong and selfish character. Its adult owner surprises everyone with her mystery, which often intrigues male society.

Positive qualities are: sensuality, willpower and specificity. Angela always analyzes her actions, but often finds it difficult to make any decision. She is a wise woman, she learns everything from her own mistakes and from communicating with other people. He considers intelligence, professional skills and versatile knowledge to be the main qualities in life. She is an excellent conversationalist and is ready to listen to a monologue for a long time. Capable of giving wise and practical advice. You can trust her with secrets and secrets. The opinions of others are important to her.

Negative character traits of Angela: pride, a tendency to intrigue and gossip, nervousness, inconstancy and imbalance. A girl often falls under the influence of others and agrees with other people's opinions. Possesses indecisiveness, which causes excessive emotionality and impulsiveness. Nervous breakdowns are possible; they are caused by her helplessness and impotence in unusual life situations. But under certain circumstances there are no rules and prohibitions for it.

The winter representative named Angela is a closed and distrustful person. Vesennaya is a real seductress of men's hearts, but she often tries to avoid attention from the stronger sex, questioning their sincerity and feelings. Summer is a romantic and mysterious person. And those born in autumn captivate everyone with their seriousness and thoughtfulness.

Interests and hobbies

Angela prefers to spend her free time at home or chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee. He enjoys going for a walk in the park or forest. She loves expensive and luxurious things, clothes and extravagant jewelry.

Profession and business

Angela does not have ambition, so she does not worry about slow advancement in her career. She does not set out to occupy leadership positions; she is content with working as a subordinate. Capable of becoming successful in journalism and acting. In business he can get good income thanks to original new ideas. The profession of a fashion designer, writer and entrepreneur suits her.


Angela cannot boast about her health. Excessive sweating leads to numerous skin problems. Acne and eczema appear. Rest, good and healthy sleep, and fresh air are recommended. Playing sports won't hurt.

Sex and love

Angela is a sexy, attractive and very temperamental person. With these qualities she attracts the attention of the stronger sex. Men consider her a mysterious lady. The representative of this name is a wonderful lover, loves compliments and praise from her suitors. In intimate relationships, he shows sensitivity, sentimentality, imagination and ingenuity. He considers love and sex to be inseparable concepts, and views intimacy itself as an expression of sincere feelings and passion. During sex, she is completely relaxed, behaves freely and is always ready for various experiments. Whatever the partner, she always shows a feeling of jealousy towards him.

Family and marriage

Angela is looking for not only a husband, but also a good friend for a serious relationship. A patient man who is able to satisfy various requests becomes a spouse. He must also be distinguished by seriousness, hard work, responsibility and maturity. A man should live for the sake of his family and strive to improve its well-being and material wealth. A woman builds a sincere, open relationship with her other half, devoting him to her experiences. Often makes impossible demands on his spouse. The owner of this name spends a lot of time with children and strives to give them an excellent upbringing.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Angela, its origin, history, and learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Full name - Angela

Synonyms for the name - Angela, Angel, Angela, Angela, Ael

Origin - Greek, "messenger, angel"

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Uranus

Color - Purple

Animal - Eel

Plant - Barberry

Stone - Lapis lazuli

The name comes from the Latin language and is a variation of the male name Angelus, which in turn was derived from the Greek word "angelos", meaning messenger or angel. The name can be pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable or the second. There is no name day in the Orthodox calendar for this name, but there is one for a man - Angelius or Angelis, although in Russian-speaking countries such a name is practically not used. The name Angela, although it sounds almost the same as such names as Angelica or Angelina, is independent, and they should not be confused.

Love named Angela

Usually the bearer of this name has an attractive appearance. And she is often associated with the heroine of a famous romance novel. Outwardly it looks mysterious and intriguing. She dresses beautifully and stylishly, takes care of her posture and figure, and this cannot but attract the gaze of men. For many, it seems an unattainable and at the same time desirable goal. But the girl is not inclined to believe the first person she meets. Despite her goodwill, she perfectly sees the intentions of her interlocutor and has a keen sense of flattering and dishonest people. She is capable of great and sublime love, which may require sacrifice from her.

Sexuality of the name Angela

The woman is quite sexy and temperamental, which attracts many members of the opposite sex. She does not separate love from sex, and considers intimate relationships a normal and inseparable component of the continuation of love. In sex, she can show imagination and ingenuity for the sake of new sensations, but sometimes she falls into a romantic mood and sentimentality, and then she needs gentle words and affection. At the moment of intimacy, she completely sheds all conventions and becomes liberated and free, ready for various experiments. But as the owner of each of her lovers, she secretly suspects of infidelity, experiencing pangs of jealousy.

Marriage and family named Angela

This woman is marrying an accomplished and mature man who can become not only an exemplary family man, but also her friend. He needs to have such character traits as hard work and responsibility. Its financial stability will also be important to ensure the well-being of the family. In this case, Angela becomes a devoted and faithful wife, a caring and loving mother. She can share her feminine secrets with her husband, trust him with her problems, in the hope of finding understanding and help. Angela raises her children well and tries to give them an excellent education. However, a woman’s emotional and hot-tempered nature can sometimes manifest itself fully in the family, since she does not allow her emotions to come out in public. Therefore, the spouse also needs to be patient.

Business and career

A woman does not have much ambition, and even if she climbs the career ladder, it is very slowly. She realizes that her character does not allow her to qualify for the role of a leader, with her frequent nervous breakdowns, impulsiveness and inability to make quick decisions in difficult situations. When choosing a profession, it is better for her to pay attention to those areas of activity where she can receive satisfaction from her work. Relying only on her own strength, she can succeed as a journalist or fashion designer, musician or designer. It is quite possible that a woman can become a successful businesswoman.

The meaning of the name Angela in character

Despite her attractive appearance and charm, she does not use this to achieve her goals. It is more important for her to realize that she is smart and intellectually developed and can achieve everything only with her work and intelligence. However, she is quite proud and touchy. Is jealous of the achievements and successes of other people. In her youth, she does not know how to cope with these negative sides of her character, which often causes conflicts among those around her. As she grows up, she becomes stronger and can, if necessary, pull herself together when she has a specific goal in front of her, towards which she will move confidently and persistently. A woman is naturally endowed with friendliness and does not tolerate two-faced and dishonest people. He knows how to listen to his interlocutor and give good, useful advice. She does not like gossip and intrigue, so colleagues and friends often trust her with secrets.

Teen Angela

From an early age, the girl attracts the attention of others due to her attractive appearance and charm. She is calm, balanced and assiduous. At school he doesn’t get excellent grades, but he’s not among the laggards either. He likes to do his own business alone, staying away from noisy companies of his peers. She has few friends, and mostly among boys. Parents and their daughter do not have any special problems.

Successful people and stars:

Angela Davis - African American civil rights activist, social activist and writer

Angela Vieira - Brazilian film actress

Angela Merkel - German politician, Federal Chancellor of Germany

Andjelka Petrovic - Serbian swimmer

Angela Poka - Hungarian opera singer

Ideal compatibility: Alexander, Alexey, Boris, Valentin

Unsuccessful compatibility: Anatoly, Vladislav, Igor

You should definitely pay attention to the rare and beautiful name - Angela. The meaning of the name is “angel”. It was first used in Ancient Greece, where it was derived from the word “angelos”. But before you finally settle on it, it is, of course, worth getting acquainted with the impact this name will have on its bearer.


In childhood, Angela, the meaning of her name greatly influences the formation of character, grows up as a quiet, calm, balanced child. She does not seek company; she is comfortable alone. Angela does not like noisy games and does not try to take leadership positions. At school, this pattern of behavior continues, and the child does not demonstrate any special qualities or talents. At the same time, the name Angela promotes the development of such qualities as patience, perseverance, and attention to others. This makes it quite easy to learn and connect with others.


In youth, character changes greatly. As a rule, not a trace remains of a quiet and calm child. The meaning of the name Angela will contribute to the manifestation of emotionality and passion. The bearers of this name easily become the soul of the company, displaying leadership character traits that were previously unusual for them. Angela can behave extremely defiantly, thus showing her bright personality. During this period, impulsiveness plays a very bad role in relationships with other people, which will often cause conflicts with others, which can have a very adverse effect on one’s reputation.


Over time, the character will again succumb to a strong transformation. This can radically change the perception of the owner of this interesting name by friends and relatives. What will adult Angela be like? The meaning of the name suggests that, above all, she is very patient, selfless and responsive. These qualities, combined with great cheerfulness, will make it easy to get along with people and make friends. Angela will be respected in any team, and this, in turn, will allow her to quickly move up the career ladder. The character of adult bearers of this “angelic” name becomes very strong and strong-willed, and this is extremely important, as it helps to easily cope with various everyday difficulties.

Family life

Thanks to her special magnetism, Angela easily finds a life partner. But he should treat the peculiarities of her character with special understanding. The fact is that the ability to control oneself, which the owners of this name demonstrate in public, suppresses the whirlwind of passions raging inside. And, as a rule, Angela gives vent to her emotionality at home, throwing out the accumulated negativity. It is worth noting that these outbreaks pass quite quickly, so they do not pose a serious problem. It is enough to know about them and simply not interfere with them.


What profession would be optimal for those named Angela? The meaning of the name suggests that its owner will prove herself in legal and social work, psychology, as well as in any areas of activity where it is important to be able to contact people. Technical specialties are completely unsuitable.

Name Angela got its origin from the Greek language, translated means - messenger.

Name Angela temperamental and to some extent even passionate. This quality manifests itself quite clearly when she is still a teenager. He will not refuse the opportunity to make a scandal. Indeed, this name is so sonorous and bright that it attracts attention, this also applies to Angelica herself. Angela is characterized by developed self-esteem; first of all, she will devote a lot of time to herself. This, in turn, can manifest itself in her touchiness, in indifference to other people’s successes, since the name itself pushes her to the fact that she should always be the center of attention, and in the case when this place is already occupied by someone else, she may experience feeling of intense jealousy. It is difficult for her to find support for firmness and patience.

Thanks to her acute pride, she still sometimes has to pull herself together. In addition to the fact that excessive emotionality is fraught with scandals and quarrels, feelings can be reflected in appearance. Therefore, Angela should find balance in her soul, soften her pride and learn to sincerely respect the people around her. Having understood her feelings, Angela will be able to create the necessary atmosphere for family and work.

Angela is generally quite an attractive and charming woman. But she does not rely on her beauty; she gives preference to knowledge and intelligence. This is a fairly strong and selfish woman, capable of achieving her goals.

For many men, Angela will forever remain a mystery. She will only marry her ideal man. In marriage, she is soft and frank; she will devote her husband to her experiences to the smallest detail. But if her husband perceives all this indifferently and with rudeness, then Angela may withdraw into herself forever.

Angela's character is greatly influenced by her middle name. The Vladimirovnas are stubborn and reasonable, the Borisovnas are sensitive and know how to empathize, the Nikolaevnas are the most emotional.

The worst thing for Angela is when she hides her emotionality and pride. As a result, it is possible that her temperament will manifest itself in gossip and intrigue, and, revealing itself one fine day, will ruin her reputation. Trying to hide her emotions in public, she can give them vent in the family, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Basically, the husband tries to turn a blind eye to all this, since his wife and mistress Angela is very good.

In Bernard Harward's book "Amazing Fates" there is a story about a certain girl named Angela, this story actually happened, all the facts are confirmed.

After Angela married the Spanish marquis, their marital happiness did not last long, as soon her husband died tragically. The Marquis's family was against this marriage, so they made it clear to Angela that she would not receive any inheritance.

Angela returned home to England without money, without work and without a husband. And one day, while visiting, she met a woman who told her that there was a man behind her. This woman turned out to be a medium, and according to the description, Angela recognized her deceased husband in this man, and after a spiritualistic session, she received news from her husband. The message indicated the Paris address of the bank, some number, names and addresses.

After an investigation, it turned out that a person lived at the address given by the late Marquis, who explained to Angela that the number was a bank code, and when she opened the safe, she found in it a large amount of money, securities and jewelry, and in addition to this receipt from the garage. According to this receipt, Angela was given a brand new car, in the trunk of which there was a safe with money and a letter from her husband.

He wrote that he had foreseen the behavior of his family, that Angela would not get anything, so knowing about his terminal illness, he left Angela a gift. In the same letter, he said that he would protect her even from the other world.

Having received a large fortune, Angela moved to America, where, having successfully invested money, she became a successful businesswoman.

When communicating with Angela, you should not trust her calmness; the only exception may be if she really sincerely respects you. Also be careful with your wit, as your joke may be interpreted by her as a mockery of her, and in anger she can be scary.

Astrology says:

Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: a lion

Patron planet: Venus

Character traits: Proud, energetic, passionate

Name colors: Black and all shades of red

Lucky colors: Blue and all its shades

Talisman stone: Lapis lazuli and turquoise

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Angela.

What does the name Angela mean?

The name Angela means messenger (Greek)

The meaning of the name Angela is character and destiny

A woman named Angela is a charming, bright personality, unsophisticated in her manners, attracts people to her like a magnet, and patronizes weak natures. She always has many friends and acquaintances, whose opinions she listens to, but only makes conclusions herself. It is not easy for a man to win her - he will have to be patient. She herself will evaluate the merits of the candidate for her heart, since she is a good psychologist. The main thing is to be sincere with her; Angela breaks off relations with hypocrites and liars. Meanwhile, it is not easy to free yourself from the spell of a woman named Angela - this proud and rather vain woman has the unique ability not to let go of what belongs to her. It is difficult to conquer her, but even more difficult to part with her. In marriage, Angela rarely feels happy - this is hampered by the duality of her nature. She is never satisfied with what she has achieved, she is constantly full of some desires that are unclear to her. She is a good housewife, but does not always do household chores with pleasure. A woman named Angela is highly dependent on her mood. In a good mood, he does everything quickly and thoroughly, but if the mood is bad, he can do a superficial cleaning and not even enter the kitchen. When expecting guests, he does not skimp on the most sophisticated treats, and loves to surprise everyone with his signature dishes. Generous and hospitable. Knows how to set a table. Angela loves children very much, she takes their upbringing seriously, not trusting anyone. She almost always gives birth to daughters.

Meaning of the name Angela for sex

A woman named Angela is very sexy, with a partner as temperamental as she is, a sexual relationship can last a long time. She loves to experiment, is free and relaxed during intimacy. With a professional partner she can be obedient, but with a less experienced partner she boldly takes the initiative and is not afraid to be in the dominant role. Angela needs sex like air. This is the only way she can relieve strong mental or physical stress. A sexually satisfied Angela can fly as if on wings, even if she sleeps 3-4 hours a day. She can be a wonderful lover, sensitive, inventive, passionate. Her emotions manifest themselves easily, naturally, she conquers a man not only with her sexuality, but also with her breadth of soul, selflessness, and noble outlook on things. A woman named Angela can, without hesitation, waste her lover’s money, but in the same way, without counting, she will spend her own on him.

The character and fate of the name Angela, taking into account the patronymic

First name Angela and patronymic....

Angela Alekseevna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Yuryevna difficult to bear disappointments, sentimental, good-natured. Often faced with betrayal from seemingly the most faithful friends. Confident in her feminine charms, she does not expect tricks from her loved ones, but often it is they who give her trouble. However, Angela does not regret the losses; it only strengthens her. She knows how to dress, loves expensive beautiful things, exquisite jewelry.

In a relationship with her lover, a woman named Angela is jealous, sometimes to the point of aggressiveness, and very passionate in sex. This is a real find for a sexy man if he can appreciate it correctly. And in marriage, a woman named Angela is truly unpredictable; the path to mutual understanding with her husband is complex and long.

First name Angela and patronymic....

Angela Alexandrovna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Maksimovna, Pavlovna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna overly suspicious. She is modest and has exquisite taste. Homebody. The ideal housewife, however, is a spender, has a passion for beautiful things, and is very hospitable. She is sincere with others and openly enjoys life. In family life she is patient and organized. As a woman named Angela gets older, she becomes grouchy, loves to impose her opinion on others, and especially bothers children. She is overly emotional in love, does not know how to forgive infidelity, betrayal, and remembers the insults inflicted for a long time. Angela most often gives birth to girls. And all her life she is aware of all the affairs of her daughters.

First name Angela and patronymic....

Angela Arkadyevna, Valentinovna, Vitalievna, Matveevna, Kirillovna, Nikitichna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Yakovlevna seems too strict and unapproachable. She has no special interest in men, and few even allow him to take care of himself. However, under this mask lies a passionate and loving nature. Angela takes a long time to choose a spouse, but in marriage she becomes frank and sensual. He wants to see a devoted friend and an ideal lover in his wife. Her husband’s callousness and indifference may push her away, but Angela will not look for adventures on the side. She is hospitable and sociable. He loves to visit and willingly receives friends at home. She is always cheerful and brings a certain ease to any society. He loves the theater and enjoys attending film premieres. As a rule, she gives birth to a girl, and she devotes herself completely to her upbringing. In his daughter he finds his most devoted and loving friend. Such relationships continue when the daughter grows up and starts her own family.

First name Angela and patronymic....

Angela Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna taciturn, reserved in feelings. However, she is quite sexy, dreams of sincere, hot love. Cautious in relationships with men, distrustful. She tests her lover’s feelings for a long time before accepting his proposal. She is suspicious and believes predictions. The spouse's betrayal is painful, but even in such cases he does not decide to divorce. The family life of such an Angela is not always happy. She is jealous, impulsive, faithful to her husband, but too demanding. Has children of different sexes.

First name Angela and patronymic....

Angela Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna energetic, active, restless. Loves entertainment and thrills. Expresses feelings vigorously. She is very sexy and has many fans. She doesn't differentiate between love and sex. Sex for a woman named Angela is an integral part of love. He chooses strong sexual partners and devotes himself completely to relationships with them. She may not get married for a long time, continuing to search for her ideal - a man with a strong character, good intelligence and a sense of humor. Angela is a diligent housewife, tries to please her husband, and is an attentive mother. Has children of different sexes.

First name Angela and patronymic....

Angela Bogdanovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Stanislavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna. always surrounded by handsome men and many admirers. A bright woman, she has good taste and excellent manners. If someone is caught in the web of a woman named Angela, she will never let him go. True, happiness in marriage is quite problematic for her because of her power and demandingness. Such an Angela needs a patient husband who can satisfy her moral, material and sexual needs. She is a good housewife, she likes to tinker in the kitchen, come up with her own recipes and make delicious dishes out of nothing. But your spouse will have to go shopping. She hates shops and markets and does not like crowds of people. All this irritates her very much. She adores her children and is attentive and affectionate with them. She can spoil them, especially if she raises them alone, without a husband. He buys them expensive toys and cannot refuse them anything. Enjoys spending time outdoors with children.

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