What days is the labor exchange open? List of mandatory and additional documents for registration at the labor exchange

Encyclopedia of Plants 05.01.2024
Encyclopedia of Plants

Once again, the crisis has hit the population of our country quite hard. Every month the number of unemployed becomes more and more. Many of them have questions about the need to register. This also raises questions: “What documents are needed for the labor exchange?” and “How much do they pay at the labor exchange?” Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is unemployment benefit?

Unemployment benefits are temporary payments transferred to citizens registered with the regional employment center.

Most people become unemployed not on purpose, but because “circumstances just so happen.” Therefore, during the period of searching for a new job, in order not to leave citizens without a means of subsistence, the state supports them financially by paying unemployment benefits. The labor exchange at your place of residence is, so to speak, an intermediary in providing such assistance.

Who can count on payments?

Many people confuse unemployment benefits with government subsidies. This is a misconception. This assistance does not apply to social benefits. It is not indexed.

There is a certain law in our country. It is he who determines their size. In this case, the salary that the citizen received in his previous job is taken into account. In addition, the legislation establishes the minimum and maximum amount of benefits. At the moment it is 850 rubles and 4900 rubles, respectively. The average payment amount in Russia is about 2,700 rubles.

A person can register with the labor exchange and apply for benefits at the employment center if:

  • he does not work and has no other income;
  • he is not registered as an entrepreneur;
  • he is not a founder;
  • he is not a full-time student;
  • he does not receive an old-age or long-service pension.

The official number of unemployed is much different from the real situation. The problem is that most people are in no hurry to register with the employment center and register. A person wants to get not only a good position, but also a good benefit while looking for it.

Unfortunately, in Russia not a single labor exchange can provide this. Moscow, for example, is ready to provide jobs for about 135 thousand people. Of these, only 30% are vacancies with decent pay. The remaining 70% are minimum wage jobs. And the amount of benefits received is only enough for two trips to the grocery store. The red tape involved in collecting all sorts of papers also contributed to the reluctance to become one of the officially recognized unemployed.

What documents are needed for the labor exchange will be discussed below. In many ways, the list depends on whether the person has worked before or whether this is his first attempt to go to work.

Registration of a citizen who has never worked or is looking for work after a long break

What documents are needed for the labor exchange? If a person has never worked and does not have any profession, then in order to obtain official unemployed status, he must bring the following documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • education document;

Persons with disabilities will need to be provided with an individual rehabilitation program.

A document confirming temporary registration at the place of residence may also be required. In 2014, changes were made to allow people to obtain unemployed status at their place of residence. Previously, it was possible to register only at the place of registration.

What documents are needed for the labor exchange to register?

In general, registering for unemployment is not so difficult if you approach it competently. You should collect the necessary documents for the labor exchange and submit them within the established time frame. Then there will be no red tape and negativity either on the part of the applicant or on the part of the exchange employees. Here is a list of documents for the labor exchange:

  • Application form for assistance in finding a suitable job. It must be filled out in hand, in legible handwriting, in Russian and certified by the personal signature of the applicant.
  • Russian passport or a document replacing it. If the document is in a foreign language, it must be translated. The correctness of the Russian text and the authenticity of the translator's signature must be notarized.
  • Work book or a document replacing it. For example, an employment contract, a civil contract, a service contract.
  • Diploma or any other document certifying professional qualifications. If there are none, you should provide a document of education (certificate).
  • Certificate of average salary for the last three months.

Citizens with disabilities must be provided with an individual rehabilitation program.

How to correctly confirm the salary at a previous job?

Usually, of the entire list required to be provided at the employment center, difficulties most often arise with a certificate of average salary.

Therefore, if you know that a layoff is expected, it is better to immediately contact the labor exchange, take the required form and ask the employees how to fill it out correctly. Take the document to the accounting department of your organization and check that it is filled out correctly. Accountants, unfortunately, make mistakes very often. In the meantime, until the certificate for the labor exchange meets all the requirements, you will not be registered, and accordingly, you lose your money.

Moreover, even if you are in unemployed status, benefits will not be paid for three months after dismissal. By law, they rely only on the fourth.

Typical mistakes when preparing a salary certificate. What do you need to know so as not to waste your time?

The labor exchange at the place of residence does not establish strict requirements for the person on whose letterhead the certificate will be issued, but there is a mandatory condition: the legal address and TIN of the employing organization must be indicated on the stamp and on the letterhead. But some accountants print out a document that does not contain company data and its details. This threatens the former employee with a waste of personal time, effort and nerves. You will have to contact the accounting department again, since the employment center will not accept an incorrectly completed certificate.

It should contain information covering only the year preceding the dismissal. Typically, people who have worked in a previous organization for more than a year encounter a similar filling error. There are certain rules that clearly define what data should be reflected in the document. For example, if an employee was fired on December 1, 2014, then it must be indicated how many weeks he worked from December 1, 2013, and what salary he received during this period. That is, the maximum in the column about the number of weeks worked can be 52. If the number is larger, even by one unit, this is an error, due to which the document will have to be redone.

The certificate must have two signatures: the general director and the chief accountant. The absence of one of them is most often found on documents of branches, medium and small enterprises. As a rule, in these organizations one person holds two positions. In this case, both columns will contain the same signature, but before the position of chief accountant there must be a postscript “acting,” which stands for “acting.”

Maximum and minimum payouts

An amount equal to the maximum amount of benefits can only be received by citizens who worked more than 26 weeks during the year before registering.

The minimum payment is the payment received by citizens who have never worked before, who have had a long break in work (more than a year), who have been fired under an article, sent for retraining, and expelled from there for absenteeism or misconduct.

How much do they pay at the labor exchange? As was written earlier, at the moment the minimum and maximum sizes are 850 and 4900 rubles, respectively.

Amount of benefits accrued to citizens who worked more than 26 weeks

Every month, dismissed citizens are transferred an amount equal to a percentage of the average monthly salary calculated for the last three months. The only restriction: the benefit cannot be greater than the maximum unemployment payment.

How much do they pay at the labor exchange? After registration, in the first three months an amount equal to 75% of earnings is paid. The next four months – 60%, then – 45%. If you have not found a job within 12 months, you are entitled to an extension of your eligibility for unemployment benefits.

For the next twelve months, the unemployed will receive an amount equal to the ratio of the minimum amount of benefits to the size of the regional coefficient.

In some regions, the labor exchange pays a small amount extra. Moscow, for example, pays its applicants a small bonus as compensation for travel costs.

Amount of payments to citizens seeking work for the first time

The amount of benefits for applicants dismissed under the article, who worked in their previous place for less than 26 weeks, the break between the last job and registration of which is more than a year, is equal to the benefits of a citizen who has never worked before.

In all these cases, the person will receive the minimum size. In some areas of our country there is a regional coefficient, which does not significantly increase the amount of payments.

Features of receiving benefits by citizens laid off from their previous job

Registration at the labor exchange of citizens laid off due to layoffs has its own characteristics. Knowing them will help you avoid many problems in the future and save your time and nerves. After being laid off from a previous job, a currently unemployed citizen must register within fourteen days. If you do this later, nothing terrible will happen, of course, but such a delay will cost him a month’s salary.

What documents are needed for the labor exchange to re-employ an employee who has been laid off from his last job, and within what time frame must they be provided? According to the labor legislation of our country, an employer who has laid off an employee must pay him compensation in the amount of two months’ salary after dismissal.

If a person cannot find a job within the next two months, also in the third. But it's not that simple. The third salary is paid only on the basis of a certificate that the employee must provide to the accounting department of his former organization from the employment center where he was registered. But if he submitted documents later than fourteen days after dismissal, he will not be given such a certificate. They simply don't have the right.

Is the maximum benefit amount expected to increase?

This issue has been of interest to the residents of our country for a long time. The last increase in unemployment benefits was made in 2009. It was then that the minimum and maximum payment amounts were set in the amount that we receive now.

Experts predict that an increase should not be expected in the near future either. The law will not be signed, since the number of vacancies increases significantly every year. Therefore, the promotion is meaningless.

It is expected that there will be shifts towards increasing benefits in 2020. It is then that the payment amount can be changed several times.

Today it is difficult to find a decent job, because high demands are placed on specialists, and selection criteria have become more stringent. How to get the job of your dreams that would suit you and your family, and most importantly, where to find a job that would suit you in terms of salary (including the specialties taught at the Employment Center)? So, if you are an active job seeker, let's find out!

How to register with the Employment Center - conditions

You shouldn’t refuse government help; you should seek financial support when looking for a job. To do this, you need to go to the employment center. If a person is not satisfied with the proposed job, he is accrued unemployment payments; from that moment on, in addition to rights, the person is assigned a list of responsibilities that must be strictly observed. This guarantees citizens that they will receive timely information about vacancies or receive financial payments. So, the conditions:

1. Citizens must make a note twice a month. Otherwise, the benefits will be stopped or their amount will be significantly reduced. Thus, the unemployed population has an advantage over other job seekers - the labor exchange provides them with the latest vacancies from private companies or state enterprises. So it is quite possible that this is your lucky chance to find a decent job!

2. It is advisable to find a job as soon as possible. Jobs according to professional training will be sought for a period of up to a year. After the specified time has passed, without selecting anything from the proposals, all work will be considered suitable.

3. Having received an invitation for an interview, the applicant must appear within the next three days.

A person laid off due to staff reduction receives payments from the company for the first 90 days. The Employment Center pays benefits to those who are dismissed at their own request.

What documents are needed for registration with the Employment Center - list

Let's look at what documents need to be submitted to the inspector (you can read more about the list of documentation that is required to register with the employment center). The package for previously employed employees is considered standard. They take with them:

  • passport,
  • labor,
  • diploma,
  • certificate from work.

For those who have not worked before, the list of documents required by the inspector is different. This is a passport and a certificate (diploma) - of course. No one will ask you to provide an empty work book.

It is important to note that in order to calculate benefits, it is necessary to indicate not the entire length of service, but only the last 26 working weeks.

If you are made redundant, how do you register with the Employment Center?

This question is very sensitive. Without knowing your rights, as they say, you can remain “in the minus”. It’s not often that we get laid off and, due to inexperience, the unemployed may lose their legal benefits.

So, what rights does the redundant have?

  • 1. The enterprise is obliged to pay benefits for three months. The average earnings for 90 days are immediately paid once.
  • 2. If you expect to receive legal accruals for the third month, you cannot delay going to the stock exchange, otherwise you will lose your third salary, which no one will compensate you for.

What documents need to be submitted to the Employment Center when making redundancies?

If you are made redundant due to the liquidation of an enterprise, you must immediately report to the Employment Center. The law provides for two weeks. The package of documents includes:

  • passport,
  • work book,
  • diploma and certificate of employment.

When liquidating an enterprise, citizens are required to provide from the enterprise where they recently worked a document confirming that the citizens have ceased to work, as well as a document confirming their involvement in the category of those experiencing difficulties in finding suitable work. If such citizens are not employed by the employment center, then the enterprise is obliged to pay them benefits for the third month.

Documents for registration during pregnancy

A woman in an “interesting position” not only has the right to be registered with the Labor Exchange. But it is also advisable that she turn to the specialists of the Employment Center for help. I would like to count on the loyalty of the employer who learned about the interesting position of the applicant. And although by law they cannot refuse a woman on the grounds of pregnancy, usually negligent employers have the following argument - the applicant does not have enough experience for the position she occupies.
Therefore, you should immediately contact the Employment Center, where the rights of citizens are better respected, and the chances that they will help you find a job or prescribe payments are much greater.

The main condition for a pregnant applicant is that she be employed until recently.

What rights and responsibilities are imposed from now on on a pregnant woman who is actively looking for work? It turns out that according to the law, a pregnant woman is treated as an ordinary unemployed citizen. She, like everyone else, is obliged to provide specialists with information about available open vacancies. If a suitable job that suits the applicant is not found, she is assigned a state benefit, which will be paid until the 7th month of pregnancy. After which payments are suspended and the pregnant woman is advised to apply for pregnancy benefits to the social security authority.

Another important point in registering with the Labor Exchange during pregnancy is contacting the Center before the 30th week.

Every unemployed person has the right to receive a monthly benefit, as well as assistance in finding a new job and retraining. To do this, you need to register with the employment center, which is also called the labor exchange. How to do this is described in detail in the article.

Labor legislation guarantees the right to receive benefits, as well as assistance in finding employment for almost all citizens:

  • those who quit for any reason;
  • educated and not previously employed.

In all cases, we are talking about capable citizens who are over 16 years old. Therefore, only the following categories cannot count on receiving benefits:

  • minors up to 15 years of age inclusive;
  • citizens who already receive old-age or long-service pensions;
  • convicts;
  • persons who are already registered and at the same time refused to participate in the training program 2 times or more (provided that they do not have qualifications and have not worked anywhere before).

A citizen can register at any time, literally the next day after dismissal. The only condition for this is the absence of any official work (including part-time, part-time, etc.). It is important to understand that a person has the right to receive benefits and other types of support only after officially receiving unemployed status.

If a citizen was dismissed as a result of staff reduction, he must register no later than 14 calendar days from the date of dismissal.

Get unemployed status: step-by-step instructions

The sequence of actions begins with the person receiving unemployed status. There is only one way to do this: the citizen must personally contact the employment center at his place of residence. The address can be previously clarified in open sources.

Step 1. Collection of necessary documents

Basic documents include:

  • passport;
  • all educational documents (certificate, diplomas).

These papers are provided by persons who have completed training and do not have any official work experience. If the citizen has already been employed previously, he also brings:

  • work book (original);
  • salary certificate for the last 3 months.

It is important to understand that this document has nothing to do with the 2-NDFL certificate, which is usually submitted to confirm income. Employers often confuse these papers, so the citizen has to return to his former place of work again in order to receive a salary certificate. Its form is approved at the local level (usually by the Labor Department under the Administration) and looks like this.

The document must be drawn up correctly, since it is this document that the employment center employees check especially carefully. As a result, according to the certificate, the amount of unemployment benefit is calculated, which is formally set as a percentage of previously received earnings. However, current legislation sets the limits of this monthly benefit:

  • minimum 850 rubles;
  • maximum 4900 rubles.

Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the unemployed receive exactly 4,900 rubles monthly.

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Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

If the employee was previously assigned a disability group, a rehabilitation program will also be required. It is developed by doctors and social workers.

Step 2. Submitting an application: sample and methods

Along with the specified package of documents, the citizen also submits the original application, the form of which is issued on the spot. This document consists of several sections and is in the form of a data collection questionnaire:

  1. Full name and other personal information.
  2. Education.
  3. Conditions at the last place of work.
  4. Wishes for a new place of work.

Step 3. Waiting: deadlines

As already mentioned, the applicant can contact the employment center at any time as soon as he quit. Official assignment of unemployed status is possible no later than 11 calendar days from the moment all documents have been submitted. At the end of this period, the employment center representative must issue 2 orders:

The citizen must familiarize himself with these documents in person and put his signature, date, and transcript of the signature (last name, initials). In addition, you must provide details of the bank account (card) where the benefit will be received.

Further actions: rights and obligations of the unemployed

Along with receiving a mandatory monthly benefit, a citizen has the right to:

  • providing information about vacancies that correspond to the education and/or work experience received, qualifications;
  • assistance in organizing interviews with potential employers;
  • retraining under professional retraining programs;
  • receiving psychological help, adaptation to the labor market.

All these services are provided free of charge and without restrictions. At the same time, an unemployed person can independently select options for a new job; If he is employed, he immediately loses his right to unemployment benefits.

Receiving services is possible both directly at the employment center and online on the State Services portal, where you must first confirm the details of your documents (the procedure is free). Then select “Work and Employment” in the service catalog, click on the appropriate section and follow the service prompts.

On the other hand, a citizen also has a number of responsibilities:

  1. Twice a month he must personally visit the employment center (days and hours of appointment are discussed individually). During the visit, employment options and wishes for a new job are discussed. Failure to appear or late arrival may become grounds for a reduction or complete termination of benefit payment (except for valid reasons).
  2. It is also necessary to arrive for a consultation after receiving a notification and a potentially suitable vacancy appears.
  3. Another important point is that you need to find a new job as quickly as possible; the unemployed person is given a maximum of 12 months to accept an offer from the employment center (or find a place on his own).

Benefits are stopped being paid due to various reasons - failure to comply with the conditions of the employment center, moving to another district/city/region, getting a new job.

The employment situation in Russia leaves much to be desired. However, people still change jobs. There are many reasons for this and they are not always related to the downsizing or closure of an enterprise. An employee who leaves his place of duty on his own initiative enjoys state support on an equal basis with other citizens. We invite you to find out how to join the labor exchange after voluntary dismissal, what is required for this, and how long is the deadline for applying.

Registration at the labor exchange

Registration provides some advantages. The unemployed person is paid benefits while he finds a new job. Such centers offer various courses where you can learn for free the necessary professions of a hairdresser, cook, and accountant. Often citizens who apply to the Central Labor Office have a question: “Is it possible to join the labor exchange if you quit your job?” Article 30 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a similar situation. In this case, citizens also have the right to state support and assistance in finding employment. The only condition is the existence of an official contract with the former employer and a salary certificate.

The registration procedure for people who quit their jobs on their own initiative is no different from the generally accepted one.

A citizen must appear in person at the employment service of his locality and provide the necessary papers to confirm his unemployed status.

Documents for the labor exchange after dismissal at will:

  • identification document, in this case a civil passport;
  • work book with proper notices of dismissal;
  • certificate of assignment of a taxpayer number;
  • salary certificate;
  • diplomas, certificates and other papers that confirm the applicant’s education and qualifications;
  • SNILS.

In order for exchange employees to evaluate the candidate’s training and experience, it is necessary to provide certificates of completion of courses, if any. The employment center has the right to send an applicant for retraining if his specialty is not in demand.

Frequently asked question: “What kind of certificate is needed to register?” To calculate benefits for labor exchange employees, you need to know the size of the applicant’s salary. It is confirmed by a certificate in the form of personal income tax - 2, provided by the accounting department of the enterprise where the citizen recently worked. To calculate benefits, you will need one more document - an extract from the personal individual account of the insured person, which can be requested from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Another important nuance: how long does it take to register in order to receive the maximum payment? The law does not in any way limit a citizen’s right to seek help. You can turn to the services of an employment intermediary after at least a year. But in this case, only the minimum benefit is guaranteed. Therefore, it is better to visit the employment service in the first two weeks.

The law also regulates the time period for registration. The procedure takes 10 days. Before assigning the status of unemployed, employment service employees will have to find at least 2 vacancies, as well as provide the opportunity for retraining.

If a candidate unreasonably rejects suitable vacancies, he may be denied payments.

If a citizen is recognized as unemployed, the benefit will be paid starting from the day the documents are submitted.

Unemployment status - basic provisions

Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Employment” defines persons who are recognized as unemployed. This is a category of citizens of working age who are registered with the Central Labor Office, are not engaged in income-generating activities and are ready to begin performing duties at a new duty station without delay. Registration at the labor exchange gives the right to receive cash payments. But there are categories of applicants who may be denied status.

These include:

  • pensioners;
  • persons who have not reached the official working age;
  • those serving a term of correctional labor;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • citizens employed part-time or who have other sources of income;
  • applicants who have rejected suitable vacancies without a valid reason;
  • persons who provided deliberately false information about their lack of income.

Citizens who fail to appear without a good reason after the first application to the Central Protection Commission do not lose their rights, but they will have to start the registration procedure again. The time will be calculated from the moment of repeated application.

After the applicant acquires the status of unemployed, he not only receives the right to receive payments, but is also given certain responsibilities. He is charged with regularly visiting the Employment Center. Twice a month, an employee of the organization provides the applicant with information about suitable vacancies. In this case, the time and date of the visit are assigned to each individual individually.

Failure to appear by the specified deadline without a valid reason is grounds for reducing the amount of the benefit or terminating its payment.

After receiving a referral from the employment service, the applicant is required to attend an interview within three days. This fact is confirmed by the signature and seal from the HR department of the organization offering the vacancy. You need to decide on finding a job according to your profile within a year. After this period, the Employment Center does not guarantee finding a job in your specialty. The candidate will be offered any existing jobs. The period during which the state provides financial support to a citizen is also limited to twelve months.

How are benefits calculated for the unemployed?

After registration, the citizen begins to receive monthly financial assistance. Payment is made twice a month by bank transfer. A little about how much unemployed Russians are paid. There were no changes in 2017; the benefit remained the same. The law sets a minimum level. The accrued amount should not be less than 850 rubles. The maximum you can count on is 4900 rubles.

The amount allocated to a particular applicant depends on a number of conditions. When calculating payments, the following are taken into account: work experience, length of service, and the presence in the track record of dismissals for disciplinary sanctions.

The amount depends on the salary indicated in the certificate from the last place of work.

The first period, which lasts 3 months, the citizen receives a payment equal to 75% of his salary. The next 5 months the payment will be 60%, the remaining time - 45%. The benefit includes regional allowances and coefficients. For example, the government of Moscow and the region pays an additional 850 rubles to the maximum amount.

Online employment center

Today, employment exchanges in large cities have their own websites on the Internet. You can get acquainted with the database of existing vacancies without leaving your home. But, alas, the Center’s employees register or issue job assignments only in the personal presence of the citizen. Registration via the Internet is not provided for such cases. The online service is convenient because you can always find out up-to-date information about when seminars, trainings, and job fairs take place. The labor exchange is the official government intermediary between the employer and the candidate. The Center’s employees can only provide a vacancy from the database they have, so for speedy employment, it is better to simultaneously contact recruitment agencies.

Today, unemployment is one of the most pressing social problems. Huge amounts of money are spent every year to create new jobs, various social programs are launched, but the number of unemployed people does not decrease. The reasons for unemployment, of course, lie deeper than the banal lack of jobs. But what should you do if you are already unemployed? How to minimize the damage from the lack of, even temporary, permanent income? What, after all, should you do with your experience?

In addition to recruiting agencies, which have become widespread in the last fifteen years, there is also government assistance in the form of Employment Centers or, more simply put, labor exchanges. With their help, you can find a job, get free advanced training or undergo training for a new specialty, while your experience is preserved. At first, you can receive unemployment benefits. And the higher the length of service and the position held at the last place of work, the greater the benefit amount will be.

Conditions for registering with the labor exchange

If you decide to register with the Employment Center, this must be done no later than two weeks after you are officially dismissed.

To register with the Employment Center, you need to officially acquire the status of unemployed. According to the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation” already mentioned above, a person who has no income, is registered with the employment service, is looking for work and is ready to start doing work is recognized as unemployed.

According to the same law, a person who does not have earned income cannot be considered unemployed if he is undergoing military service or full-time study. Persons under 16 years of age, as well as persons receiving an old-age pension, also cannot claim unemployed status. These also include prisoners and persons who provided false documents to government employment agencies.

The algorithm for registering with the labor exchange is quite simple. You must write an application requesting registration with the employment service. The application is accompanied by the applicant’s passport, education document, work record book and certificate of Form 2-NDFL for the last three months. If the applicant has no previous work experience, then a passport and educational document will be sufficient. To obtain unemployed status, disabled people must present a rehabilitation program indicating the conditions of the work that they can perform and which they cannot.

In the case of pregnant women who want to work before giving birth, even temporarily, there is only one limitation: registration with the employment authorities occurs no later than the 30th week of pregnancy. After the specified period, the woman must be deregistered by presenting a certificate from the antenatal clinic. Otherwise, an overpayment will be made, and the state will recover the excess from the woman in court.

After deregistration, a pregnant woman will not be left without financial assistance; it will simply be provided by the social security authorities, and not by the employment authorities. In the event of the birth of children, she will be paid child benefits.

The legal status of unemployed is usually granted on the 11th day from the date of filing the application. Until this time, the applicant will be offered to participate in paid public works or undergo retraining and advanced training courses.

Unemployment benefits

As soon as the applicant receives official unemployed status, he can count on unemployment benefits.

The monthly benefit will be 75% of average earnings if the applicant has worked 26 weeks or more. If unemployment occurs as a result of a layoff, then the benefit will be the amount of average earnings in the first three months. In the next three months, the benefit will be reduced to 60% of average earnings. After these three months, in the next three, the benefit will be 45% of monthly earnings. But in any case, the maximum amount of unemployment benefits has been established, above which payment of benefits is not provided. For more information about the procedure for assigning, the amount and payment of benefits, read the article at the link.

The most important thing is to apply to the exchange in the first two weeks after dismissal, so that the former employer issues another severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings. If you are employed within the next ten days from the date of registration, then there is no talk of severance pay.

The amount of the benefit depends on whether the applicant was fired due to an article or at his own request, whether he worked previously or not. If a person seeks to resume work after a long break, then this circumstance will also affect the amount of the benefit. In these cases, payments will be minimal, taking into account the regional coefficient.

The period for receiving benefits is not unlimited. The total benefit payment period is 24 months and cannot be exceeded. In order to receive benefits, the applicant must undergo mandatory registration at the labor exchange within the deadlines established by the inspector.

If the applicant undergoes retraining or advanced training, the payment of benefits changes to the payment of a scholarship. In this case, strict records are kept of the applicant’s attendance and academic performance. A medical examination is also paid if it is needed during the period of study.

If the study takes place in another city, then the exchange will compensate for travel to the place of study and the daily amount spent on accommodation and searching for housing.

In addition to payments, the state assumes compensation for some expenses not related to training. For example, if a person decides to register himself as an individual entrepreneur, the employment service will compensate for the costs associated with this procedure.

Is it possible to join the labor exchange via the Internet?

You can be registered with the employment authorities for no longer than 3 months. Next, you need to re-register on the exchange. It will not be possible to register with the employment authorities via the Internet, due to the mandatory submission of an application in person. However, on the website of the employment service in your city, you can view and download the application form, clarify the package of documents and the inspectors’ working hours. Also on the website you can find out the latest data on the analysis of the regional labor market, get acquainted with the main legal acts on the employment of the population and the payments due to them. You can ask a specialist a question online.

Termination of unemployment payments occurs in the event of employment of the recipient, assignment of payments to him by social security services, serving a prison sentence, written refusal of the services of the labor exchange, as well as in the event of the recipient’s failure to appear to confirm registration or in the event of his death.

Do I need to register with the labor exchange?

There are still debates on this issue in society. Of course, cash unemployment benefits could justify registration. However, their size is not so large for reasons of social prevention of unemployment. At the labor exchange, the overwhelming number of vacancies are for the blue-collar category. It is almost impossible for representatives of the so-called white-collar workers to find a good job on the stock exchange. This is due to the fact that the requests of this category of citizens are currently served mainly by recruitment agencies, but unlike labor exchanges they are commercial organizations.

Perhaps the most significant benefit from registering on the stock exchange for intellectual workers is free retraining or advanced training courses with retention of experience. So, before turning to headhunters, it is worth finding out the situation with the desired vacancy on the labor market and, perhaps, improving your own qualifications at the expense of the state.

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