Potato and boiled meat casserole. Potato casserole with boiled meat Casserole of mashed potatoes and boiled meat

garden equipment 11.02.2022

For myself, but may be useful to someone)

Potato and cabbage casserole

Required products:
potatoes - 100 g
white cabbage - 80 g
butter - 10 g

Cooking method:
Boil potatoes, peel, pass through a meat grinder. Boil finely chopped cabbage, put in a colander, mix with potatoes, salt and add butter. Transfer the vegetable mass to a frying pan, greased with oil, and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
Yield: 150 g

Pasta casserole with cottage cheese

Required products:
pasta - 50 g
cottage cheese - 50 g
milk - 40 ml
egg - 1/2 pc.
sugar - 5 g
butter - 10 g

Cooking method:
Boil pasta in plenty of salted water and drain in a colander. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sugar and mix with boiled pasta. Add beaten egg and mix again. Put the mass on a greased frying pan and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
Yield: 220 g

Pasta Casserole with Apples

Required products:
pasta - 50 g
apples - 100 g
sugar - 15 g
butter - 10 g

Cooking method:
Boil finely broken pasta in lightly salted water and drain in a colander. Bake the apple in the oven, rub it through a sieve and add sugar to the prepared puree (you can use finely chopped raw apple instead of puree.) Lubricate the pan with butter and put pasta and apple puree on it in layers. Put a piece of butter on top and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
Yield: 230 g

Fish casserole

Required products:
fish fillet - 100 g
milk sauce - 50 g
vegetable oil - 5 g
ground crackers - 5 g
egg - 1/6 pc.

Cooking method:
Boil the fish fillet, cool, divide into 2 parts. Put one part in a form greased with vegetable oil or in a portion pan, pour half of the thick milk sauce with a beaten egg, put the second part of the fish fillet on top and pour over the rest of the sauce. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven.
Yield: 135 g

Cabbage casserole with egg

Required products:
white cabbage - 100 g
milk - 40 ml
semolina - 10 g
egg - 1/4 pc.
sour cream - 15 g
butter - 3 g

Cooking method:
Stew shredded cabbage in milk until soft. Then, while stirring, carefully add semolina, salt and cook for 10 minutes. Add a chopped egg, mix, put on a frying pan greased with butter, grease the product with sour cream on top and bake in the oven.
Serve with sour cream.
Yield: 140 g

Potato casserole for children under 3 years old

Required products:
potatoes - 150 g
milk - 50 ml
egg - 1/2 pc.
sour cream sauce - 40 g
butter - 5 g
ground crackers - 5 g
sour cream - 5 g

Cooking method:
Peel potatoes, boil them, hot pass through a meat grinder. Salt, add hot milk, beaten egg and mix. Put the mashed potatoes in a frying pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, brush the product on top with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve with sour cream sauce.
Yield: 230 g

Potato casserole with meat

Required products:
potatoes - 150 g
boiled meat - 75 g
onion - 5 g
egg - 1/6 pc.
butter - 5 g
sour cream - 5 g
ground crackers - 5 g

Cooking method:
Boil the peeled potatoes and pass through a meat grinder. Put half of the potatoes in an even layer on a frying pan greased with butter, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put minced meat from boiled meat mixed with onions stewed in butter, then the remaining potatoes. Level the surface, brush with an egg mixed with sour cream, and bake in the oven.
Yield: 190 g

Semolina casserole with fruit

Required products:
semolina - 50 g
milk - 200 ml
fresh fruits (boiled, canned) - 25 g
sugar - 12 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
fruit sauce - 30 g
butter - 8 g
ground crackers - 5 g

Cooking method:
Boil semolina porridge in milk, cool and add sugar, egg, butter, salt and mix. Put on a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs frying pan, sprinkle the product with sugar on top and bake in the oven. Before serving, garnish with fresh, boiled or canned fruit and drizzle with fruit sauce.
Yield: 300 g

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese

Required products:
carrots - 100 g
cottage cheese - 40 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
semolina - 10 g
butter - 10 g
sour cream - 10 g
sugar - 8 g Cooking method:
Chop the peeled carrots into strips, stew with butter and a little water, add the sifted semolina and cook until tender.

Then cool, add a raw egg, grated cottage cheese and sugar. Mix the mixture, put on a greased pan, level the surface, brush with sour cream and bake in the oven. Drizzle with melted butter before serving.
Yield: 170 g

Meat casserole with pasta

Required products:
boiled meat - 50 g
pasta - 30 g
water - 300 ml
butter - 10 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
milk - 15 ml
sour cream - 15 g

Dip the finely broken pasta into boiling salted water and cook for about 20 minutes. Then drain the water, season the pasta with butter, and when they cool down a bit, combine with the milk mixture.

Put half of the pasta on a frying pan greased with butter, put the minced meat on top, and then put the remaining pasta. Level the surface, grease with butter and sour cream. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.
Yield: 150 g

Meat casserole with pasta and white cabbage

Required products:
boiled meat - 50 g
pasta - 30 g
white cabbage - 50 g
butter - 5 g
egg - 1/4 pc.
cheese - 10 g
onion - 5 g
salt Cooking method:
Skip the boiled meat through a meat grinder. Separately, boil finely broken pasta and finely chopped cabbage. Combine meat with pasta and cabbage, add onion sautéed in butter, raw egg, salt and mix everything.

Put the mass in a mold or in a pan greased with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and bake in the oven.
Yield: 160 g

Millet casserole with raisins

Required products:
millet - 50 g
milk - 200 ml
egg - 1/2 pc.
raisins - 10 g
sugar - 8 g
sour cream - 10 g
butter - 3 g
ground crackers - 5 g
salt Cooking method:
Boil millet porridge in milk, cool and add a raw egg, sugar, salt, washed raisins and mix well. Put on a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs frying pan, pour over sour cream, bake in the oven.
Yield: 220 g

Rice casserole

Required products:
rice - 25 g
milk - 100 ml
egg - 1/2 pc.
sugar - 8 g
sour cream (jam) - 10 g
butter - 5 g
ground crackers
salt Cooking method:
Boil rice milk porridge, cool to 60 ° C and add an egg mashed with sugar. Transfer the mass to a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, bake in the oven. Drizzle with sour cream or jam before serving.
Yield: 130 g

Rice casserole with boiled meat

Required products:
rice - 25 g
boiled meat - 50 g
butter - 5 g
cheese - 5 g
salt Cooking method:
Boil the sorted and washed rice in boiling salted water. Put half of it on a frying pan greased with butter, put boiled meat passed through a meat grinder on top, then the remaining rice. Sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with melted butter and bake in the oven.
Yield: 100 g

Rice casserole with cheese

Required products:
rice - 50 g
milk - 100 ml
water - 100 ml
cheese - 15 g
butter - 5 g
salt Cooking method:
Sort and rinse the rice, pour into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Then recline in a colander, transfer to a saucepan, pour hot milk, salt and cook, stirring occasionally, under the lid, until tender. Put half of the cooked rice on a greased frying pan, sprinkle with mild grated cheese, put the rest of the rice and sprinkle with cheese on top too. Drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.
Yield: 200 g

Rice casserole with apples

Required products:
rice - 30 g
water (milk) - 100 ml
apples - 50 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
sugar - 10 g
sour cream - 15 g
salt Cooking method:
Boil rice porridge in water or milk. When the porridge has cooled down a bit, put sugar, salt, raw egg, sliced ​​peeled apple into it, mix and bake in the oven. Serve with sour cream.
Yield: 160 g

Cottage cheese casserole

Required products:
cottage cheese - 70 g
semolina - 10 g
sugar - 15 g
egg - 1/4 pc.
sour cream - 15 g
butter - 8 g
vanillin - 1 g

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add semolina, sugar, half the butter, vanillin, mix. Transfer the mass into a form greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, grease the product on top with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and bake in the oven until a golden crust forms.
Yield: 130 g

Cottage cheese casserole with milk sauce

Required products:
cottage cheese - 50 g
milk - 50 ml
semolina - 15 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
sugar - 5 g
butter - 5 g
ground crackers - 5 g
milk sauce - 20 g Cooking method:
To the semolina soaked in warm milk, add the egg mashed with sugar and grated cottage cheese, mix well. Put the curd mass on a frying pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, pour over with melted butter and bake in the oven. Drizzle with milk sauce before serving.
Yield: 135 g

Curd-carrot casserole

Required products:
cottage cheese - 50 g
carrots - 80 g
bun - 20 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
sugar - 5 g
butter - 6 g
sour cream - 20 g
salt Cooking method:
Boil carrots, grate on a fine grater. Add the soaked bun, egg, cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, salt and mix. Put the mass on a frying pan greased with butter, level the surface, brush with butter and bake the product in the oven for 20 minutes. Drizzle with sour cream before serving.
Yield: 165 g

Cottage cheese and rice casserole

Required products:
cottage cheese - 50 g
rice - 20 g
water - 100 ml
egg - 1/2 pc.
sugar - 5 g
butter - 5 g
sour cream - 5 g
jam - 10 g
vanillin - 1 g
ground crackers - 5 g Cooking method:
Boil rice porridge, add mashed cottage cheese, beaten egg with sugar, vanillin, butter and mix. Place on a greased and breaded skillet. Top with a mixture of sour cream and egg and bake in the oven. Serve with jam, fruit syrup or sauce.
Yield: 185 g

Pumpkin casserole

Required products:
pumpkin - 100 g
milk - 50 ml
semolina - 15 g
egg - 1/2 pc.
butter - 5 g
sour cream - 10 g
ground crackers - 5 g Cooking method:
Stew peeled, sliced ​​pumpkin in milk until half cooked. Then add, stirring, semolina and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When the mass has cooled, add a raw egg and beat. Transfer to a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs frying pan, grease the surface with sour cream and bake in the oven. You can drizzle with sour cream before serving.
Yield: 160 g

Very, very tasty potato casserole, cooked with an original filling of boiled meat! Believe me, you have never tasted such yummy!

And preparing this dish is really very simple, the main thing is not to miss the “key” moment in the preparation of the meat filling. Find out about it in the recipe!

To make Potato Casserole with Boiled Meat, you will need:

meat (any, to taste) - 500 g
potatoes - 500 g
chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
parsley - 1 bunch
onion - 1 pc.
hard cheese - 150 g
salt, pepper - to taste

Method for preparing potato casserole with boiled meat:

1. To begin with, it is worth noting that to prepare this dish, you can easily choose the most diverse meat (be it chicken, pork pulp, etc.). So, we wash the meat, cut it into several parts and boil it in salted water until cooked (about 40-60 minutes, depending on the stiffness of the meat and the size of the pieces), not forgetting to remove the foam.
2. In parallel with this, we clean the potatoes, cut them into several parts, and then put them in salted boiling (!) Water. Boil the potatoes until cooked, then drain the water and prepare the usual mashed potatoes.
3. In the meantime, peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. We wash the parsley thoroughly, dry it and chop it with a knife.
Grate your favorite hard (or semi-hard) cheese on a coarse grater.
4. Cut the cooled boiled meat into smaller pieces. By the way, if you want, you can easily replace boiled meat with smoked meat (for example, smoked sausage or ham) or add smoked meat to meat.
5. Warm up in a pan 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and pass the chopped onion on it (until soft and golden). Then add the chopped meat to the onion and fry everything together for about 5 minutes (add a little, and also add black pepper if desired).
6. Remove the pan from the heat and break two chicken eggs into it. Please note that the eggs need to be mixed very intensively so that they do not curl up with you and, thus, are evenly distributed over the meat. Now add the chopped parsley to the meat. Once again, mix everything thoroughly.
7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In the meantime, we take the form in which we will cook the casserole, grease it with butter or vegetable oil, and then put mashed potatoes on its bottom (about 1 cm thick). Put all the meat on top of the mashed potatoes and cover it with a layer of the remaining mashed potatoes. Sprinkle the top of the casserole with grated cheese.

We send the form to the already preheated oven for about 20-30 minutes, until a delicious golden crust of cheese is formed. Then we take out the finished dish and let it cool a little. We cut the casserole into portioned pieces, put it on plates and, if desired, season with either sour cream or tomato sauce.

Bon appetit everyone!

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Such a casserole with a golden sour cream crust, made on the basis of mashed potatoes, with a layer of boiled meat and fried onions, complemented by fresh vegetables or vegetable salad, is a wonderful option for a hearty second course for lunch or a main course for dinner, including for children. P.S. The meat for the casserole needs to be boiled in advance (at least 12 hours in advance) so that it has time to cool completely in the refrigerator before you scroll it in a meat grinder.



  • potatoes - 1000 g (it is better not to use young ones)

  • carrots - ½ medium (weighing about 50-70 g) - optional

  • milk 3.2% fat - 150 ml

  • butter - about 30 g + a little for greasing the mold

  • egg - 1 large (weighing about 65 g)


  • chilled lean beef - 500 g

  • onion - 1 medium head (weighing about 120-150 g)

  • fresh champignons - about 150 g small (optional)


  • sour cream 18-20% fat - about 100 g

  • refined sunflower oil for frying - about 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

  • salt to taste

  • ground black pepper or a mixture of 4 types of pepper to taste

  • dill, parsley for garnish (optional)



Boil the meat at least 12 hours before cooking the casserole. To do this, rinse it under cold running water and fill it in a metal saucepan with a thick bottom with a volume of at least 3-3.5 liters of cold (preferably filtered) water so that it covers it by about 5 cm (about 2-2.5 in total is needed). l of water). Place a saucepan over medium heat and bring water to a boil. Carefully remove the resulting foam with a colander, then reduce the fire under the pan and cook the meat over low heat under the lid for about 1.5 hours.


Turn off the fire under the prepared broth with meat, let it cool completely and put it in the refrigerator until consumed. Or, if you plan to store the meat for quite a long time (longer than 2-3 days), transfer it to a smaller saucepan, pour in the broth (so that the latter completely covers the meat) and freeze, and at the right time (on the day the casserole is cooked for 8 hours -10) - defrost at room temperature.


Immediately before cooking the casserole, turn on the oven and heat it to 3.5-4 (about 190-210 ° C).


Start preparing vegetable puree. To do this, put on fire a pan with a volume of about 3 liters of cold, preferably filtered water. At this time, wash and peel the potatoes and carrots (if you use it). If necessary, cut the vegetables into equal pieces so that they cook at the same time. When the water in the pan boils, put the carrots there first (if you use it), then the potatoes. Boil the vegetables until cooked (which can be checked with a sharp knife - it should go into them without much effort) over low heat under a lid for about 20 minutes. after boiling.


While the potatoes (and carrots) are cooking, peel and wash the onion, cut it into small cubes and fry until transparent and soft in a well-heated pan in vegetable oil (about 1.5-2 tablespoons) min. 5-8 over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Then turn off the heat under the pan and leave the onion in it until consumed.


Collect the meat grinder. Scroll the meat through it, after removing it from the broth and cutting into small pieces.


Put the fried onion to the rolled meat, salt and pepper the minced meat to taste. Add to it about 2-3 small ladles of broth (about 75 ml each) in which the meat was cooked. As a result, the stuffing should turn out to be quite viscous, not crumbly.


Once the potatoes (and carrots, if you're using them) are cooked through, mash them. To do this, drain the water from the vegetables, salt with a large pinch of salt or to taste, cover the pan with them with a lid (so that they do not cool down) and set aside. Bring milk (150 ml) together with 30 g of butter to a boil in a small saucepan and immediately pour over the still hot vegetables. Mash them with a special crush until a homogeneous puree, which should turn out thick.


Let the prepared vegetable puree cool slightly without covering it with a lid (about 5 minutes), then carefully mix the egg into it with a crush (while trying to beat the mass intensively to make it more airy).

Very, very tasty potato casserole, cooked with an original filling of boiled meat! Believe me, you have never tasted such yummy!
And preparing this dish is really very simple, the main thing is not to miss the “key” moment in the preparation of the meat filling. Find out about it in the recipe!
To make Potato Casserole with Boiled Meat, you will need:

  • meat (any, to taste) - 500 g
  • potatoes - 500 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Method for preparing potato casserole with boiled meat:
1. To begin with, it is worth noting that to prepare this dish, you can easily choose the most diverse meat (be it chicken, pork pulp, etc.). So, we wash the meat, cut it into several parts and boil it in salted water until cooked (about 40-60 minutes, depending on the stiffness of the meat and the size of the pieces), not forgetting to remove the foam.
2. In parallel with this, we clean the potatoes, cut them into several parts, and then put them in salted boiling (!) Water. Boil the potatoes until cooked, then drain the water and prepare the usual mashed potatoes.
3. In the meantime, peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. We wash the parsley thoroughly, dry it and chop it with a knife.
Grate your favorite hard (or semi-hard) cheese on a coarse grater.
4. Cut the cooled boiled meat into smaller pieces. By the way, if you want, you can easily replace boiled meat with smoked meat (for example, smoked sausage or ham) or add smoked meat to meat.
5. Warm up in a pan 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and pass the chopped onion on it (until soft and golden). Then add the chopped meat to the onion and fry everything together for about 5 minutes (add a little, and also add black pepper if desired).
6. Remove the pan from the heat and break two chicken eggs into it. Please note that the eggs need to be mixed very intensively so that they do not curl up with you and, thus, are evenly distributed over the meat. Now add the chopped parsley to the meat. Once again, mix everything thoroughly.
7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In the meantime, we take the form in which we will cook the casserole, grease it with butter or vegetable oil, and then put mashed potatoes on its bottom (about 1 cm thick). Put all the meat on top of the mashed potatoes and cover it with a layer of the remaining mashed potatoes. Sprinkle the top of the casserole with grated cheese.
We send the form to the already preheated oven for about 20-30 minutes, until a delicious golden crust of cheese is formed. Then we take out the finished dish and let it cool a little. We cut the casserole into portioned pieces, put it on plates and, if desired, season with either sour cream or tomato sauce.

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