Comparison of polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene. Penoplex or polyurethane foam which is better

garden equipment 03.03.2020
garden equipment

Roof insulation is a process that automatically converts an attic from non-residential to residential. At the same time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing increases almost by the size of a full floor, and such an increase should not be neglected. Insulating a mansard roof will help you create another living space effortlessly.

It is worth mentioning other good reasons for insulating the roof - for example, eliminating its heating in winter, which eliminates the formation of frost, icicles, and on warmer days, snow from the roof. Thus, the procedure is necessary and useful. You can read more about self-insulation of the roof in this article.

One of the most effective heaters is deservedly considered polyurethane foam (PPU).

Consider the insulation of the roof with polyurethane in more detail.

Styrofoam and polyurethane foam - what is the difference?

First of all, this is two different materials both in terms of chemical composition and mechanical properties. If we compare polyurethane foam with polystyrene foam, then the most striking difference will be hardness.

Styrofoam(expanded polystyrene) practically inflexible, at the slightest bend it can break, while PPU allows practically any deformation without losing the integrity of the structure.

Moreover, polyurethane foam has elasticity, the ability to take its former shape after stress relief. Such a difference in mechanical characteristics with more or less similar heat-conducting, noise-absorbing and other parameters puts the use of these two materials at different levels.

Styrofoam is cheaper, it can be used in places where it will not experience any physical exertion. In addition, a certain stiffness of the foam in some cases is an advantage that greatly simplifies the installation process.

PPU is a material that has several types, different densities, which creates many subspecies with different characteristics. Unites all varieties of one main advantage - practically complete resistance to water, which is the most significant plus for heaters.

Types of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a type of plastic made from two main components. The reaction of these components creates a material whose properties can change with different ratios of the starting materials. Distinguish soft varieties PPU, with a density of 5-40 kg / m 3, and hard grades- 35-80 kg/m 3

A variety of species has caused widespread use of the material, from furniture (foam rubber known to everyone) to insulation in construction. One of the most useful properties actively used in industry is the possibility of spraying the material directly at the point of use, bypassing the stages of manufacture, storage, transportation, installation, adjustment, etc.

This property distinguishes PPU very favorably as a heater, which is applied directly to the treated surface with little or no preparatory operations, forming a highly effective heat-retaining layer, which does not react to moisture, does not change its qualities over time, does not interact with biological organisms and non-swelling.

Alternative types of roof insulation

In addition to PPU, apply:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Minvata.
  • Glass wool.
  • Ecowool.
  • Izover.
  • Expanded clay.
  • Cellulose, etc.

The list of all types of insulation suitable for use on the roof is quite large, but only a few types are used - mineral wool, isover, ecowool and some others. The reasons for this are the prices and unsatisfactory characteristics of a number of materials.

For example, ability to absorb water for insulation unacceptable, since all heat-conducting qualities disappear from this. Glass wool, for example, has such problems. In addition, a number of materials are subject to caking, which changes the layer thickness and reduces performance.


Of these, the most preferred basalt mineral wool, as the most effective material in all respects. But you can’t work with it without creating protective layers. hydro and vapor barriers, the so-called roofing cake, without which the material gradually loses its properties. We recommend that you read the article on the topic - "roof insulation with mineral wool with your own hands."

In general, reliable insulation from water vapor or splashes allows you to use any insulation, if the choice is small, you just need to know its strengths and weaknesses and take them into account during installation.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation with polyurethane foam

Consider the process of insulation with liquid polyurethane foam, as an almost ideal option today. The insulation technology is quite simple, but it has many nuances, which we talked about in this article.

Available for sale special kits for spraying PPU, consisting of two containers with initial reagents that are mixed directly in the spraying process in the working head.

The reaction is quite fast and cannot be mixed in any other way.

Surface preparation is simple and does not require any complicated operations. It is only necessary to clean from debris, dust and dry, if necessary. There is no need to pre-cut off the insulation with waterproofing membranes, since the surface of the material itself excellent insulator, which does not react to water vapor or splashes.

Warming roofing with polyurethane foam from within, and PPU is applied in gaps between rafters. The material expands during the reaction, gas bubbles appear in it, giving the desired heat-insulating ability. At the same time, expanding, PPU densely fills the entire space, clogs all potholes and cavities, creating an airtight layer.

Such material reliably insures the surface from the presence bridges of cold that cause condensation to form. The entire treated area will be dry, which will protect the roofing material and rafters from corrosion and decay.

After complete spraying of PPU and its hardening, only sheathe the entire treated area with sheet materials - plywood, chipboard or similar, and make a cosmetic finish of the room.

Semi-professional foam spray kit

PPU should be sprayed between the rafters, carefully sealing all the cracks and voids

Self-spraying polyurethane foam

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

The advantages of PPU are:

  • Incombustibility.
  • No reaction to water vapor, splashes, practically does not absorb water.
  • Excellent adhesion to any materials. (exceptions - polyethylene and fluoroplastic, wet surfaces).
  • Excellent thermal conductivity, low response to temperature changes, no temperature changes in properties.
  • Elastic structure, excluding the appearance of cracks during shrinkage and other deformations of the substrate.
  • Complete cut-off of the treated surface during application.
  • Absence of insects, rodents, birds.
  • Does not rot, does not react with the contacting elements.
  • durable, manufacturers claim service life of 30 years, but in practice, PPU works longer.

At the same time, there are also disadvantages. These include:

  • High price.
  • High technology application the need to use special equipment.
  • The applied layer must exceed 5 cm, smaller thickness will not ensure efficient operation.


It is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, which does not allow using it in the open. The rate of destruction of polyurethane foam from sunlight is approximately 1 mm per year. At the same time, complete destruction does not happen, the process does not go deep into the material. The problem is eliminated by painting or decorative fencing PPU from direct sunlight.

All the advantages of the material have been repeatedly tested and confirmed in practice, and the disadvantages are quite easily eliminated. The high cost of polyurethane foam as a material is compensated by its self-sufficiency, which allows significant savings on the purchase of a double layer of a waterproofing membrane.

Incombustibility is achieved by adding halogens to the initial components, which makes it possible to classify polyurethane foam as a class of fast-extinguishing materials. If there is no open flame, PPU cannot ignite in any way, so it can be considered completely safe in this regard.

As a result, we can conclude that roof insulation with polyurethane is not only effectively, but also profitable.

A really indisputable fact is the need to use a spraying installation, although it is difficult to say whether this is a drawback, or just a feature of the application.

In the event that you are planning to insulate a shed roof, be sure to read the article at the link.

If you involve specialists who will work with professional installations, then there is no need to purchase disposable kits. At the same time, the quality of the coating will be maximum, and you can also avoid mistakes caused by lack of experience.

Useful video


Polyurethane foam - the most effective and high-quality insulation, leading in all respects among other materials. The use of such a coating is the most successful choice for the roof of a private house, reliably protecting the attic from cold and noise, guaranteeing long-term service and not losing properties over time. Any alternative option is inferior in quality, confirming the leading position of PPU as a heater.

Today, the issue of home insulation is becoming more and more relevant. Some insulate the entire apartment completely, others only the loggia, but each person thinks about what material to choose. Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam: which is better to order? Both are types of gas-filled plastics (foams) and each has its own characteristics. To understand which is better - polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam - you first need to compare their characteristics. This will make it much easier to determine how they differ and which option suits you best.

Pros and cons of the material

Extruded polystyrene foam is a synthetic insulation developed in the USA using a unique technology. He has such an amazing combination of qualities that it was impossible to even dream about it before. In particular, expanded polystyrene is different:

  • low thermal conductivity
  • Low vapor permeability. A 20 mm thick slab has the same vapor permeability as one layer of roofing material.
  • good resistance to mechanical deformations;
  • wide temperature range (from -50 to +75 degrees);
  • long service life (durability);
  • absolute safety for human health.
  • is one of the very best. It is in the roof that it is simply irreplaceable, since it has excellent hydrophobic properties. Does not lose its properties when wet.
  • environmentally friendly insulation, despite its chemical origin. It does not biodegrade in the environment and is completely harmless to health.
  • ease of installation, which significantly saves construction time

The disadvantages of the material include its combustibility. The addition of flame retardants prevents the spread of flame (the material is self-extinguishing), however, harmful substances can be released during smoldering.

How about other material? To determine what is more profitable to purchase - polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene - it is necessary to consider its features.

Pros and cons of polyurethane foam

Many consumers know this material as ordinary foam rubber. In everyday life, soft polyurethane foam is more often used, and in the construction industry - hard. Most often it is made in the form of plates.

Spraying polyurethane foam has become a very popular way of thermal insulation today. In this case, the material is made directly on the construction site and applied in the form of foam to the surface, where it hardens. The coating is obtained without joints, the occurrence of cold bridges is excluded.

When choosing which is better to purchase polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, remember that the latter does not need vapor barrier, plus its water absorption rate is about 10 times lower compared to standard foam.

As for other advantages of the material, here it can be noted:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity - the thermal protection of polyurethane foam is 1.5 times greater compared to polystyrene foam, and 2 times greater than mineral wool;
  • moisture resistance;
  • wide operating temperature range - from -70 to +110 degrees;
  • long service life - at least 30 years (with proper installation, it will be longer);
  • the absence of any deformations throughout the entire operational period;
  • resistance to decay and the appearance of fungus;
  • excellent soundproofing properties.

At first glance, it seems that polyurethane foam is an ideal option for insulation. However, not everything is so simple. There were some shortcomings here as well. The main one is the issue price. If we compare polyurethane foam with extruded polystyrene, then the former is much more expensive. In the case when the material is applied to the surface by spraying, you will have to pay a considerable amount also for the work, since the process is quite complicated. You can try to save on services, rent special equipment and protective equipment. But how well can you do the job, and how long will it take? In fairness, it should be noted that the use of insulation in the form of sheets will help reduce costs. But in this case, seams will appear and the main advantage will disappear - solidity.

Another, no less significant drawback of polyurethane foam is its instability to ultraviolet rays. The material does not just lose its properties and appearance. When destroyed, it decomposes into products that can harm human health. To protect polyurethane foam, it must be covered with a layer of material that does not transmit UV rays, or at least simply painted.

Of course, the owner of the house is unlikely to show the world a layer of insulation on the walls of his house in all its glory. Most likely, he is going to continue decorating the walls. But at the same time, difficulties may arise with the choice of material. It is unreasonable to attach siding to the insulation in order to break the integrity of the surface using self-tapping screws or dowels. You have to use other types of finishes, for example, plaster.

Polyurethane foam itself can also not be used on all surfaces. The low vapor permeability of the material can play a cruel joke and cause the walls to become damp and fungus to appear on them. It will be just right to use material for concrete, but for wood - it’s better not to.

Another point concerns the environmental safety of the material. Manufacturers claim that their material is absolutely harmless. However, certificates confirm its safety only in industrial conditions. In addition, the issue of fire safety remains open. Polyurethane foam refers to moderately combustible materials: under the influence of high temperatures, it begins to smolder and release harmful substances. It is unlikely to cause a fire, but in places where surfaces are very hot, it is better not to use it.

What to choose?

So what is the best order? After all, the difference between polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene is not so fundamental. Both materials have similar performance characteristics. If we compare expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam in terms of individual parameters, then it is also unlikely that we will be able to identify the absolute leader. In some cases, the difference will not be significant. For example, both materials are characterized by good water resistance, a wide temperature range in which they can be used. However, there is a difference between expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam. In terms of durability, ease of installation and environmental friendliness, the first material has clear advantages. Yes, it is inferior in terms of thermal protection, but it cannot be said that it is very significant.

How else is it different from polyurethane foam? The fact that it is absolutely not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays, and therefore it can be used to insulate the roof. Perhaps their main difference is the price. The cost of extruded polystyrene foam is significantly lower.

We bring to your attention a comparison table of such heat-insulating materials as expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polyurethane foam (PPU) which are used in the manufacture of thermal panels

Comparison of thermal panels made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polyurethane foam (PPU)

Styrofoam polyurethane foam
Environmental friendliness
When heated to 60 degrees, it releases phenol Complies with sanitary norms and rules, the products have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Applicable at temperatures up to 180 degrees
fire hazard
combustible Does not support combustion
The material shrinks and contracts, which can lead to a change in the geometry of the facade. Closed from ultraviolet polyurethane foam is resistant to most solvents, the service life exceeds the service life of the supporting structures of the building.
Limited service life. Significant deterioration in performance after 10 years of use. Does not change properties throughout the entire period of operation
A deep joint leads to a greater consumption of expensive joint fillers. Perfect joining of panels, exact observance of masonry geometry along the entire facade
The choice of materials is limited, because. a special shape of the dovetail tile is required The possibility of using facing materials of any shape.
Ease of installation
The softness of the carrier base and the weak fixation of the tiles on the panel leads to a large rejection of the material during transportation and installation. The rigidity of the material - the possibility of cladding without the use of crates.
The tile is held only by the recesses in the tile (dovetail), during cutting and installation, individual tiles fall out of the panel, they must be glued back The tile is securely held in the panel due to adhesion. Cutting panels does not cause tiles to fall out.
The use of thick tiles (13-17 mm) increases the weight of the panels Less weight of the panel, due to the ability to use tiles of smaller thickness (8-11 mm)
Building materials do not adhere well to foam plastic; expensive special mixtures are required to fill the joints. Quartz sand in the joints increases the strength of the panel and increases the adhesion of the joint in the joints.
Operation features
Excessive humidity can lead to fungal infection and create an unfavorable indoor climate. Polyurethane foam insulation is not afraid of fungi, mold and bacteria. For many years, polyurethane foam has proven to be an excellent insulating material that is safe for health and has no harmful effect on the natural environment.
At hit of moisture and freezing there is a destruction of polyfoam. The use of thermal panels provides reliable waterproofing and vapor barrier, which reduces the cost of using additional insulation and insulating materials.
Regular inspection of the facade and elimination of defects that have arisen is required Does not require renovation and repair during the entire life of the building. The components do not support combustion and are difficult to combust.


Expanded polystyrene has more disadvantages than advantages. First of all, the service life of this material does not exceed 15 years. In addition, it collapses under the influence of the environment, hydrocarbon liquids - acetone, white spirit, gasoline, etc. Even ordinary water, which the foam actively absorbs, leads to its rapid destruction upon freezing. Also, this material is often spoiled by rodents. Plus, since the foam is a hydrocarbon polymer, building and plaster mortars do not adhere well to it, which requires the use of additional components to fix them. Also, expanded polystyrene is unsafe: it burns, spraying burning fragments of material in all directions and releasing toxic substances. All this makes foam-based thermal panels an unreliable material.

Facade thermal panels based on rigid polyurethane foam are one of the most modern and promising building materials. Light, but strong enough material has a very low thermal conductivity, low vapor permeability. In modern conditions of rising prices for fuel resources, the question arises of choosing a high-quality heat-insulating material. The best heat-insulating material today, undoubtedly, is polyurethane foam and thermal panels based on it.

Thermal panels Regent Made from rigid polyurethane foam. By choosing Regent thermal panels, you get a high-quality and environmentally friendly product.

Recently, many have thought about the insulation of their homes. Someone insulates the whole house, and someone only a balcony, but everyone is faced with the question of choosing the material for the work.

There are expensive and cheap heaters, which ones are best suited? Comparative ease of installation and adequate price leads us to two main materials - polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene. Both belong to the types of foam and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which is better - polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam?

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene

Regular Styrofoam absorbs moisture relatively well, so a higher density adhesive should be used. Styrofoam is the common Styrofoam that everyone is familiar with. It has been used for more than a year and all its pros and cons have long been known. At its core, it is 98% air bubbles enclosed in 2% polystyrene.

There are two types of expanded polystyrene - regular (foamed) and extruded. Due to the greater density, the latter has better thermophysical properties, it is stronger and more durable.

Both types of foam are available in the form of plates of various thicknesses. How to distinguish one from the other? Try to break off a piece from the edge of the plate. Cheap, packaging styrofoam will have small balls along the break. High-quality, extruded foam on the fault will show the correct polyhedrons.

The main advantages of polystyrene include the following:

The advantages of extruded polystyrene foam in comparison with conventional foam are:

Note: insulation of premises with polystyrenes from the inside is prohibited. Moisture (condensate) accumulates very quickly between the insulation and the walls, which leads to fungal infection and accelerates the destruction of the building.

Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted:

  • water-absorbing properties of ordinary polystyrene - in wet polystyrene, thermal insulation properties decrease and it becomes unusable faster;
  • short service life - only 10-15 years;
  • rodents often make their nests in it;
  • destruction under the influence of external factors - the slightest hit of sunlight through poor-quality plaster begins to destroy the insulation;
  • deformation during use;
  • fire hazard - it burns well, a sufficiently large amount of toxic substances is released during combustion.

Note: already at 60 degrees, polystyrene foam is prone to decay, so you should not use it for roof insulation. In summer, in the southern regions, the roof may well heat up to 100 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane Foam Polyurethane foam is known as regular foam rubber. In everyday life, we often meet soft, and in construction they use hard. This material has a closed cell structure, the plates are produced with an edge, which simplifies and reduces the cost of installation. The use of special components make this material fireproof.

In addition to plates, it is produced in the form of foam, which is applied to the surface with special equipment. Due to the use of foam, "thermal bridges" will be completely absent, the coating will be continuous.

Note: polyurethane foam, unlike expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, does not need vapor barrier. The water absorption index is 12-15 times less than that of conventional foam.

The main advantages of using polyurethane foam:

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam:

  • the price is higher than polystyrene foam;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

What to choose

Unfortunately, there is no perfect material that will suit absolutely everyone. It will not suit someone because of the high price of polyurethane foam, someone will not be satisfied with the service life of polystyrene foam. Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons, but keep in mind that the disadvantages are not complete contraindications for use. Knowing the properties of the insulation, you can make the best choice and not regret later on the money spent.

For example, if you want to insulate a garage or a wooden house on the site, choose cheaper polystyrene foam. 10-15 years of service life of the foam will be quite enough for this type of building. If funds permit, purchase extruded polystyrene foam. Just do not forget that ultraviolet rays destroy the foam.

If you want to improve the thermal insulation of your house or apartment for many years, it would be wise to choose polyurethane foam. The costs will be higher, but you will enjoy the benefits of insulating your home for many years to come. Higher costs for quality installation will pay off over time.

Expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam can perform different functions. And first of all, these materials are known as widely used heaters. Let's make some comparison and find out how polystyrene foam differs from polyurethane foam.

General information

Styrofoam commonly referred to as styrofoam. It is available in plain and extruded. The latter has the best qualities due to the increased density.


polyurethane foam- this is the same foam rubber. It also has varieties. For domestic purposes, soft material of this type is usually used, and in construction - hard.

polyurethane foam


Each of these materials has its own properties. To begin with, let's touch on the most significant characteristic - thermal conductivity. In this regard, the advantage of polyurethane foam is noted. Moreover, it is important that it is produced not only in the form of panels, but also as an aerosol product that is sprayed onto objects. If polyurethane foam is applied in this way, a monolithic coating is obtained that exactly repeats the relief of the base.

Expanded polystyrene does not imply such an effective application method. It is mounted to the surface in the form of solid plates. The gaps between them cause heat leakage and deterioration of sound insulation. The difference between expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam is that it interacts poorly with adhesives and plasters. Meanwhile, the polyurethane foam can be firmly fixed on the surface. In addition, it is this material that absorbs moisture less, which has a positive effect on heat saving.

It is worth noting that polystyrene foam begins to decompose and release hazardous substances at a lower temperature - approximately sixty degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is not recommended to insulate their roof, especially in the southern regions with the scorching sun. As for the fire safety index, the materials discussed themselves do not burn for a long time. But if there is a constant source of fire, then the expanded polystyrene is quickly engulfed in flames. The process is accompanied by the separation of melting fragments and saturation of the air with a large amount of toxins. The second material burns worse.

What is the difference between styrofoam and polyurethane foam regarding their service life? Here, the products of the second type win again. Polyurethane foam retains its useful qualities much longer. This is partly due to the fact that it is not subject to deformation. Expanded polystyrene is squeezed over time, and its thermal insulation properties noticeably deteriorate. As a result, in all respects, polyurethane foam is in the lead. No wonder the price is higher.

"Tails" are added to the mash, wanting to increase the degree of the drink. Waste-free production among moonshiners is a common practice. For this reason, so...

Foam rubber or polyurethane foam? - Which is better?

There is an opinion that if foam rubber is used as a filler for upholstered furniture, then the period of use of such furniture is much lower than if the filler is polyurethane foam! And is it really like that?!?

Does the person who asks the question: “What is inside your sofa - foam rubber or polyurethane foam?” What is this foam rubber and polyurethane foam? Probably no. You will ask why?

Because foam rubber and polyurethane foam - the same thing !!!

The word foam rubber originates from the times of the USSR. In the Soviet Union, polyurethane foam, used for the manufacture of upholstered furniture, and not only, was mainly from a Scandinavian company called « Porolon", from where the common noun foam rubber came from.

Foam rubber (polyurethane foam or PPU) is a soft polyurethane fine-meshed foam used as a softening, supporting and insulating material with good elasticity and breathability.

Foam rubber (PPU) is a safe material with many positive qualities: it retains its elastic properties in a wide temperature range, does not emit dust, is hypoallergenic, and does not mold.

After the collapse of the USSR, many foam rubber manufacturers appeared in Russia. The quality of the material they produced often left much to be desired: apart from PPU 22 and 25 density (not designed for load), no one produced anything at all. Therefore, the foam rubber on the sofas during this period of time very quickly failed. But quantity gradually turned into quality. Foam rubber manufacturers grew, absorbed each other, turning into large manufacturing enterprises, and as a result, today in the European part of Russia they can be counted on the fingers, the range of foam rubber they produce has expanded significantly, and the quality has reached the European level.

Currently, you can also buy low-quality upholstered furniture, but this no longer depends on the lack of good material on the PPU market, but directly on the manufacturer of this furniture. To reduce the cost of their furniture, some manufacturers use cheap brands of foam rubber that are not designed for the load. For example, the most common inexpensive sofas today are considered "Eurobooks", the price of such a sofa with high-quality polyurethane foam can hardly be less than 12 - 14 thousand rubles from the manufacturer (in the first category of fabric), and 16 - 19 thousand in the store. If it's cheaper - think about it, because everyone knows about free cheese.

Today, the production program of polyurethane foam manufacturers includes a wide range of grades: standard (ST), with increased rigidity (EL), rigid (HL), soft (HS), highly elastic with increased comfort (HR), plus special grades: viscous (with memory), fireproof, sound-absorbing, etc. The differences between the brands are large, let's take for example three brands of standard foam rubber: ST 1932, ST 2536, ST 3542. The numbers in the brand indicate the physical and mechanical properties of elastic polyurethane foam, the first two - density, the second - rigidity. So here is the scope of the brand ST 1932 - packaging and decorative elements; ST 2536 - headrests, mattress with a load of up to 60kg, backrest with a load of 60-80kg; ST 3542 - seat and mattress with a load of 80-100kg. This means that if we put the brand ST 2536 on the seat of the sofa, then it will last much less time than ST3542. Well, for expensive sofas it is best to use the brands HR, HL, HS.

I hope we have dispelled the erroneous opinion that "foam rubber is worse than polyurethane foam."

Some consumers believe that if the filler in upholstered furniture is foam rubber, then such furniture will not last long. It is better to use polyurethane foam analogues for this purpose. Let's try to figure out if this is true.

Interestingly, when buyers of upholstered furniture are interested in what kind of filler was used in the manufacture of furniture and pronounce the words foam rubber, polyurethane foam, they do not even suspect that we are talking, in fact, about the same material. Only the names are different. The story is simple. It has its roots in our Soviet past. In the USSR, when creating upholstered furniture, foreign material polyurethane foam was used as a filler. But the company that supplied it was called Porolon. So there was a substitution of concepts. Later, throughout the country, the name foam rubber began to be used as the main one.

In fact, polyurethane foam (abbreviated as PPU) is a fine-meshed polyurethane foam. Due to its excellent breathability and elasticity, it has become widely used as an insulating, supporting and softening material. In addition, the foam rubber is dust-resistant, mold-resistant and hypoallergenic.

The Soviet Union collapsed. Enterprises operating in the post-Soviet space began to produce foam rubber. And here a cruel joke happened to the material. It was of extremely poor quality. The density of PPU was 22, 25. He was simply not physically able to withstand the load. That is why the filler in the furniture of that time turned into dust in a few years. So the opinion went to the people that foam rubber is worse than polyurethane foam. But time did not stand still. Competition in the market was gaining momentum. Survived and developed only those enterprises that reached the level of the European standard.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers are still found today. But they make low-quality products not because there is no good PPU on the market, but because they are chasing quick profits. Cheap foam rubber can seriously reduce the cost of production. For comparison, let's say that a Eurobook sofa, if high-quality polyurethane foam was used, will cost from 25-30 thousand in retail. Cheaper sofas should make you suspicious. Remember the adage about "free cheese"?

Today's foam rubber market is rich enough. Buyers can choose from standard (ST) material, soft (HS), hard (HL). And there is also increased rigidity (EL). PPU of the increased comfort (HR; HR*) enjoys special popularity. In addition, the variety is complemented by special grades of polyurethane foam - sound-absorbing, fire-resistant (FL; FR), viscous - having a "memory" (VE).

Different brands of foam rubber differ significantly from each other. For example, let's compare the standard ST polyurethane foam with such markings - 1932, 2536 and 3542. The figures given indicate such an important physical and mechanical indicator as the elasticity of the foam rubber. Moreover, the first two digits 19, 25 and 35 are the density of foam. And the second two digits 32, 36 and 42 are an indicator of rigidity. Based on such consumer properties, the ST 1932 brand is used mainly for the production of good packaging or soundproofing. ST 2536 is suitable for mattresses that can withstand a load of up to 60 kg. PPU ST 3542 is able to withstand loads up to 100 kg. It is easy to understand that the highest quality furniture is made of foam rubber marked HR, HL or HS.

We hope that now it will be easier for you to understand the intricacies associated with the choice of furniture made of foam rubber. Check the label and make the right choice.

Expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam can perform different functions. And first of all, these materials are known as widely used heaters. Let's make some comparison and find out how polystyrene foam differs from polyurethane foam.

General information

Styrofoam commonly referred to as styrofoam. It is available in plain and extruded. The latter has the best qualities due to the increased density.


polyurethane foam- this is the same foam rubber. It also has varieties. For domestic purposes, soft material of this type is usually used, and in construction - hard.

polyurethane foam


Each of these materials has its own properties. To begin with, let's touch on the most significant characteristic - thermal conductivity. In this regard, the advantage of polyurethane foam is noted. Moreover, it is important that it is produced not only in the form of panels, but also as an aerosol product that is sprayed onto objects. If polyurethane foam is applied in this way, a monolithic coating is obtained that exactly repeats the relief of the base.

Expanded polystyrene does not imply such an effective application method. It is mounted to the surface in the form of solid plates. The gaps between them cause heat leakage and deterioration of sound insulation. The difference between expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam is that it interacts poorly with adhesives and plasters. Meanwhile, the polyurethane foam can be firmly fixed on the surface. In addition, it is this material that absorbs moisture less, which has a positive effect on heat saving.

It is worth noting that polystyrene foam begins to decompose and release hazardous substances at a lower temperature - approximately sixty degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is not recommended to insulate their roof, especially in the southern regions with the scorching sun. As for the fire safety index, the materials discussed themselves do not burn for a long time. But if there is a constant source of fire, then the expanded polystyrene is quickly engulfed in flames. The process is accompanied by the separation of melting fragments and saturation of the air with a large amount of toxins. The second material burns worse.

What is the difference between styrofoam and polyurethane foam regarding their service life? Here, the products of the second type win again. Polyurethane foam retains its useful qualities much longer. This is partly due to the fact that it is not subject to deformation. Expanded polystyrene is squeezed over time, and its thermal insulation properties noticeably deteriorate. As a result, in all respects, polyurethane foam is in the lead. No wonder the price is higher.

This article will focus on the main advantages and disadvantages of materials that are mainly used to insulate buildings for any purpose.

Leading the way in terms of sales mineral wool- this is the most common insulation today, which is laid in almost all construction projects.

Mineral wool has a thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.04 to 0.045, while high-quality insulation is achieved with a layer thickness of 150-250 mm. And everything would be fine if it were not for the vapor permeability of this insulation. The durability of mineral wool directly depends on its moisture parameters, i.e. it works only in a dry state, so builders are forced to cover the mineral wool with vapor barrier films on both sides so that moisture from the outside and from the inside does not get into the insulation. It is almost impossible to perform high-quality vapor barrier using polyethylene films, because. the material is rolled and it is necessary to glue it between the sheets and mount it, without damaging the layer, on a wooden frame. Builders are not ready to spend a lot on soldering the seams and completely sealing the polyethylene vapor barrier. Usually, when installing a vapor barrier film, a stapler and nails are used, and the film layer after installation has a bunch of defects. All this leads to poor-quality vapor barrier, as a result of which mineral wool begins to accumulate moisture in itself and lose its thermal insulation properties. In fact, we have a service life of this heater from 3 to 5 years.

Imagine an approximate calculation of the production of insulation with mineral wool:

  1. A layer of mineral wool in 200mm = 450 rubles / m 2
  2. The cost of production work on installation = 100 rubles / m 2
  3. Vapor barrier film = 25 rubles / m 2
  4. The cost of performing work on the installation of vapor barrier = 50 rubles / m 2
  5. The cost of mounting elements (framework) = 17 rubles / m 2
  6. Transportation costs = about 3% (another 17 rubles / m 2)

Total we get 659 rubles / m 2

Next in popularity is extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). This is a heater that is not afraid of moisture and has a lower thermal conductivity than mineral wool (0.035) and a much longer service life (10-15 years).

The material has good strength and low water absorption (3-4%), but like any material it has its own problems:

XPS is a material with a high fire hazard (G4), it quickly spreads a flame and releases toxic substances when burned. In terms of environmental friendliness, this material is also not very good, because. is made with the addition of styrene (phenylethylene) - this material has a second hazard class. In addition, the EPS material is slab, therefore, high-quality installation is again needed. Therefore, this material is mainly used for insulation of highways, foundations, blind areas, etc. The material has a higher cost than mineral wool insulation, and installation is also more expensive.

Here we will not go into detailed figures.

And finally

In general, polyurethane foam is a very technological material and is used not only for insulation, it is used to make mattresses for beds, pillows and filler in modern upholstered furniture, seats and interior elements in car interiors, and much more. This indicates a high environmental friendliness of the material. PPU, as well as EPPS, is not afraid of moisture and has a thermal conductivity coefficient even lower (0.02), respectively, the insulation is even better. But the most important trump card is the installation technology of this material: polyurethane foam is applied directly to the object by spraying and foams after 2-3 seconds, after another 30 seconds. this material is ready for use. Such material can be applied to the surface of any shape without cold bridges, it has good adhesion to any building materials. Transport costs are much reduced, because. from 2 200 l barrels 10-12 cubic meters come out. finished heater. Moreover, the speed of work is very high, for 8 hours. A working day, a team of 2 people can apply 300 - 400 sq.m. You can read more about the characteristics of PPU.

Now at the price of the production of thermal insulation works with polyurethane foam:

  1. The thickness of the middle layer of polyurethane foam is only 50 mm
  2. PPU is a good vapor barrier, therefore, installation of films is not required
  3. No mounting hardware either.
  4. Transportation costs are included in the cost of work

Total average cost of work on PPU insulation = 650 rubles / m 2

Comparative thickness of the insulation layer:

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