Conservative treatment of chronic prostatitis of prostate adenoma. Symptoms and methods of treatment of prostate adenoma in men

garden equipment 30.06.2020
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Many men confuse prostatitis and prostate adenoma, believing that this is one and the same disease. In fact, this is not so, because prostatitis is an inflammatory pathology, and prostate adenoma or benign prostatic hyperplasia is a benign tumor.

Prostate adenoma is one of the most common diseases of the male genital area. Pathology causes a violation of urination, pain in the lower abdomen, and also causes urolithiasis. Doctors strongly do not recommend self-medication for prostate adenoma. If the urine stream has become intermittent, you should consult a urologist as soon as possible.


Prostate adenoma code ICD 10 No. 40 is an overgrowth of glandular tissue, which is located in the prostatic region around the urethra. Every fourth man over the age of 50 meets with such a pathology, but not everyone goes to the doctor.

The exact cause of prostate adenoma is still not known. Many assume that the cause of the disease is, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking and alcoholism. These factors have not been proven.

Currently, it is believed that prostate adenoma occurs against the background of hormonal disorders that occur during age-related changes in the body of a man. That is why the disease occurs only in patients in adulthood.


The following symptoms of prostate adenoma in men are distinguished:

  • frequent urination and frequent urge;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • urinary retention and difficulty urinating;
  • sluggish stream of urine, it is necessary to push during the release of urine;
  • the stream of urine is intermittent;
  • constant feeling of a full bladder;
  • pain in the lower abdomen may occur.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma can be expressed to varying degrees, it all depends on the stage of the disease. There are three in total:

  • Compensated;
  • Subcompensated;
  • Decompensated.

The first signs of prostate adenoma are increased urination. The patient may wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and urinate more frequently during the day. At the same time, the bladder is still completely emptied, and the kidneys work normally.

In the second stage of the disease, the bladder increases in size, the urine stream becomes intermittent, and there is a frequent urge to urinate. The patient needs to strain hard to squeeze out the remnants of urine. There may be signs of chronic renal failure.

In the last stage of prostate adenoma, the bladder is greatly distended, causing urine to accumulate in large quantities. A man cannot completely empty his bladder, no matter how hard he tries, so he is constantly worried about the desire to visit the toilet.

In this case, the patient is worried about pain, urinary incontinence, and the pathology of the kidneys progresses. If a man does not start treatment now, he will have no more chances, as the kidneys will fail, and death will occur.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of prostate adenoma, especially in the initial stages, can only be carried out by a urologist. The signs of benign are very similar to the symptoms of prostatitis, there are also problems with urination, so the patient can easily confuse the diseases and start the wrong treatment.

First of all, the urologist interviews the patient and conducts an initial examination. The specialist palpates the bladder and also feels the prostate through the rectum. Then the doctor prescribes the following tests:

  • analysis ;
  • swab from the urethra for infections;
  • - measurement of the speed of urine and its volume during urination;
  • to assess the size of the gland;
  • a prostate antigen test and a biopsy of the gland to rule out a malignant tumor;
  • general urine and blood tests.

After making the correct diagnosis, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. All drugs and procedures are selected individually, it all depends on the neglect of a particular case.

What is the difference between prostate adenoma and cancer

Often, patients worry about whether prostate adenoma can actually turn out to be a malignant tumor. As you know, prostate adenoma is a benign neoplasm that rarely malignant, but hyperplasia can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

The causes of prostate cancer have not yet been established. The appearance of a malignant tumor is associated with age-related hormonal changes, eating carcinogens. And the symptoms of prostate cancer at the initial stage are very similar to the signs of adenoma, patients also experience frequent urination, weakened urine stream.

With cancer, the patient is worried about severe pain in the affected area, he becomes pale, emaciated in appearance. With an adenoma of the prostate, usually, apart from problems with urination, no symptoms are observed until the work of the kidneys is disturbed.

A very insidious disease that develops slowly and imperceptibly, and then kills the man. Therefore, at the age of 45-50, you need to become a regular client of the urologist, visiting him regularly. And in case of urination disorders, you must immediately go to the hospital to exclude the presence of a malignant tumor. The sooner cancer treatment begins, the greater the chance of a man surviving.

Conservative treatment of prostate adenoma

What kind of treatment will be prescribed depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of problems with urination. If the violations are not strong, then conservative therapy will be prescribed, which consists in taking medications.

Medicines for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men:

  • Finasteride and other 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.
  • Terazosin.
  • Doxazoline and others.
  • and other antibiotics.
  • Probiotics to restore intestinal microflora, for example, Lineks.
  • Drugs for blood circulation, for example, Trenal.

Complex drug therapy allows you to reduce the size of the prostate gland and restore blood circulation, as well as remove the inflammatory process, improve the nutrition of prostate tissues. In complex treatment, vitamins and immunomodulators are also prescribed.

Surgery for prostate adenoma

An operation to remove prostate adenoma is prescribed in cases where urination disorders are very pronounced, and the tumor itself is large. Also, surgical intervention is indicated for those patients who have not been helped by conservative drug therapy.

Most often, the operation to remove the prostate is performed using a laser. With such an operation, there is a small blood loss and tissue trauma, and the sexual function of a man is preserved. In addition, even a fairly large prostate adenoma can be removed with a laser.

A transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) may also be performed. This is an operation without incisions, which is performed through the urethra. Such an operation is quite complicated, it requires a high professionalism of the doctor.

Sometimes it happens that the operation cannot be performed if the patient has various concomitant diseases, for example, heart failure. In this case, a catheter is inserted into the urethra to ensure the outflow of urine.

Many patients are interested in the consequences of surgery after removal of prostate adenoma. After TUR of prostate adenoma, bleeding is possible with the need for a blood transfusion and a second operation if clots form inside.

Infections, problems with urination, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation are also possible after surgery. To avoid such consequences, the patient is prescribed drug therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many patients are interested in the treatment of prostate adenoma without surgery, and even better at home. A tumor in the prostate gland is a very serious disorder that requires examination and treatment under the supervision of a doctor if the patient values ​​his life.

Treatment with folk remedies for prostate adenoma can not be carried out, unless otherwise recommended by a urologist. Because any tumor, even the most harmless, always has a chance of becoming malignant.

Taking dubious tinctures and remedies can be an impetus for malignancy. In complex treatment, herbal preparations and extracts can be used, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Complications of prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma requires timely treatment, because the disease causes a number of serious complications:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • blood may appear in the urine;
  • varicose veins of the bladder neck;
  • bladder tamponade;
  • stones in the bladder and kidneys due to stagnation of urine;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate, urethra, kidneys and other pelvic organs;
  • erectile disfunction.

Most of these complications are accompanied by acute pain, fever. And for treatment, an urgent surgical operation is necessary.


There are no special measures to prevent prostate adenoma, since the exact cause of the disease is not known. To reduce the risk of complications as a result of the appearance of a tumor, you need to regularly undergo preventive examinations with a urologist-andrologist. will help to identify prostate adenoma at an early stage of its appearance.

  • Go in for sports to avoid stagnant processes in the prostate.
  • Have sex regularly if you have an erection.
  • Eat right, take vitamins, if recommended by a doctor.
  • Do not abuse alcohol and smoking.

Proper lifestyle is the key to the health of the reproductive system and the whole organism as a whole.


Prostate adenoma in men is a very unpleasant disease that disrupts the quality of life and the psychological state of the patient. Do not be afraid of the operation, it is better to endure a few days than to suffer for the rest of your life from kidney pain and problems with urination. Competent treatment of prostate adenoma helps not only to restore normal urination, but also to maintain sexual function.

– different syndromes, they have different causes. But there is one common symptom, the main one in both diseases: difficulty urinating. Therefore, in both cases, initially people go to urologist. Often he is involved in treatment in both cases.

This is due to the fact that a specialist for the treatment of adenoma - andrologist Not available in every clinic. If it is, and the urologist reveals an adenoma, he will refer the patient to an andrologist.

Prostatitis- inflammation of the organ, that is, a pathology that has arisen under the action of microorganisms, other damaging factors.

Adenoma- the formation in the prostate of small nodules that put pressure on the urinary canal - menopause in men, a natural consequence of aging, which eventually awaits almost every man.

For courses physiotherapy it is not difficult to make an appointment at the district polyclinic on an outpatient basis.

The juice is squeezed from the pulp, they drink a glass a day for three weeks. Seeds must be fresh, not fried. They are peeled, but the greenish shell should be preserved. Are eating 60-100 seeds in a day. The course of treatment is not less than a month.

Other proven folk remedies include: hazel, aspen, chestnuts, parsley.

Of particular note is the use of honey (for example, or. It has long been noticed among the people: beekeepers never get sick with adenoma.

Water procedures

When using a sitz bath - water 43 degrees.

Bath with a temperature of 37 degrees reduces libido.

About the sauna, then steam it is forbidden! From this it is possible swelling of the prostate.

Therapeutic, mud baths treat prostatitis by warming problem areas, by the action of useful substances contained in the liquid.


The patient's body must receive natural fatty acids.

There are many of them in such products: sunflower oil, fish oil, poultry liver, walnuts.

The amount of fatty foods in the diet is less than a third. Of these, a quarter is fatty meat, three quarters are vegetable oil, fish.

Avoid foods that cause constipation.

Include in your diet foods rich in zinc: egg yolks, pine nuts, shrimp, seaweed, crabs, fish, mussels.

Most of the patient's diet is vegetables and fruits.

  1. Spices- parsley, mustard, horseradish - reduce inflammation, speed up recovery.
  2. Onion garlic kill the bacteria that cause the disease; improve blood circulation, potency.

Salt-free diet restores blood supply in the prostate.

The patient needs avoid such products:

  • pepper;
  • alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, tea;
  • smoked, salty, spicy, fried foods;
  • convenience foods, fast food, baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • canned food.

Avoid foods that cause constipation. Spicy food with adenoma leads to swelling of the gland. Violation of the diet will negate other costs of treatment, neutralize its effect.

Useful physical activity

For useful any physical education, starting with the usual morning exercises. But special exercises have also been developed specifically against prostatitis.

A set of exercises Kegel aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum.

It is easy to identify them: a man delays the stream of urine while writing. Those muscles (muscles of the prostate) that will work at the same time, and it is necessary train.

  1. Alternately strain, relax the muscles of the prostate. The faster the better.
  2. We strain the muscles, keep tense for 4 seconds, gently relax.
  3. Gently strain the muscles, as during a bowel movement. Relax.

In the first lesson of each of the exercises, we repeat eight times. This cycle is repeated five times a day.

Weekly increase the number of repetitions of each exercise in the cycle by four, until we reach 45 reps. We do such gymnastics every day, while the problem of prostatitis is relevant.

Also apply physiotherapy, yoga. From their exercises, those are chosen during which the movement of the pelvic organs occurs.

First aid

  1. First aid is required in the event of acute prostatitis and an attack of adenoma. To reduce the activity of microorganisms, it is required intravenous antibiotics.
  2. The first two days, drugs are administered only by injections. This speeds up the delivery time of drugs to the affected area. Within a day after the injection, the patient feels relief.
  3. To reduce pain and relax muscles are administered antispasmodic drugs.
  4. In the presence of an abscess, especially if the outflow of urine is practically impossible, urgent abdominal operation or blood transfusion.

How long can treatment last?

Prostatitis- usually from a month to three.

Adenomas: Treatment of adenoma is usually completed after the operation and the recovery period. With conservative treatment of the early stage, therapy is stopped after the conclusion of the doctor that surgical intervention is no longer necessary.

Now you know everything about the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The main thing that is required from the patient - discipline and compliance with ALL recommendations.

It is important to follow the therapy regimen, diet, do not skip procedures. Remember that popular folk remedies are only an addition to the methods of official medicine, their use must also be agreed with the therapist.

How to cure prostate adenoma without surgery is interesting for men of different ages. It is not uncommon when an unfavorable rhythm of life leads to the appearance of various disorders of the body even at a fairly young age. If the disease has taken an advanced form, conventional therapies will have only a partial effect.

Surgical treatment will be necessary if the diagnostic method reveals that the volume of the prostate is seriously enlarged and takes up twice as much as a healthy organ. But if the disease is not yet so pronounced, you can try to slow down the process and smooth out the symptoms. But at the same time, one should not rely on the exceptional work of drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures. You can try to do without surgery, but you should not completely discount it.

Treatment of adenoma without surgery

Prostate hyperplasia is a benign tumor that is not uncommon in men over the age of 40. The adenoma begins to work in the middle of the organ, causing tissue growth, as a result of which the prostate greatly increases in size. At first, the disease is manifested by urinary retention, the organ increases, if you feel it, excessive density can be noted. Palpation in this condition is painless.

When the disease enters the next phase, the urinary function begins to be seriously impaired. The bladder cannot empty completely - it always retains a little urine. The kidneys are experiencing serious difficulties during work. The third phase is characterized by renal failure, the tissues of the prostate gland grow noticeably.

The first two phases of a disease such as prostate adenoma, treatment without surgery is quite acceptable. To combat the disease, medicines recommended by the doctor and courses of physiotherapy are used. With careful observance of the treatment rules prescribed by the andrologist, it is often possible to achieve great success in treatment, as well as return the prostate gland to its normal state.

Adult men need to carefully monitor changes in their own health status. This may be a violation of potency, problems with urination, severe pain may appear in the lumbar region.

Doctors may decide on the need for surgery if long-term therapy is not effective, which is carried out using special medicines. The causes are difficulties with urination, as well as a variety of complications.

Causes of benign education can be age of the patient, stagnation of secretion in the tissues of the prostate gland, problems with the balance of hormones. To eliminate such conditions, it is better to use complex treatment. Methods affect the cause, due to which the disease began. Combined treatment uses medications combined with physiotherapy, a special diet, can be used in various home methods.

To get rid of prostate adenoma without surgery, first of all, the patient himself must work hard. A favorable outcome is largely facilitated by the desire to cope with the disease, as well as careful adherence to the recommendations of doctors, regular use of the necessary procedures.

Medical therapy

Not everyone knows whether prostate adenoma can be cured without surgery. To help in recovery, drugs have been developed that act in such a way that if they are taken regularly, the symptoms of the disease decrease, the tumor freezes in development, and the functioning of the bladder improves. When it is emptied when exposed to drugs, problems become much less.

Medicines for getting rid of prostatitis work differently. They are further categorized as follows:

  1. The drugs of this group are able to act on different types of receptors. They have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, affecting the urinary tract and prostate. Can be an excellent diuretic.
  2. Enzyme inhibitors that take an active part in the conversion of steroids. Their purpose is to create a barrier to the formation of testosterone, which is biologically active, which can provoke the growth of organ tissues. The intake of such drugs needs constant monitoring by a specialist.
  3. Medicines whose action helps to reduce side effects from the consumption of drugs of the previous groups, reduces adverse symptoms. They significantly reduce the activity of bacteria, enhance erectile function.

Medicines with anti-inflammatory action work to reduce inflammation in the pelvic organs, reduce pain, smooth out fever, and provide good antipyretics. Pain medications have antispasmodic properties that work to improve health.

Timely prescribed drug treatment and conducting it at an early stage of the disease often makes it possible to eliminate the need for surgery. Patients after receiving therapy also feel a noticeable improvement in their condition.


With prostatic hyperplasia, physiotherapy occupies an important place. To get the effect of treatment, it is necessary to combine medication with physiotherapy. The doctor will select the optimal procedural complex for you, in which the therapy will take a little time, and at the same time, the prevention of the recurrence of the disease will be carried out.

Non-specific activities include magnetic and laser therapy. The main actions of the procedures are as follows:

  • improvement of immunity;
  • normalization of the state of organ tissues;
  • work is underway to activate blood flow;
  • the process of blood supply that occurs in the pelvic organs is facilitated;
  • medications taken at the same time have increased bioavailability;
  • active substances are better supplied to the affected tissues.

Physiotherapeutic measures prescribed for such a disorder provide a local effect directly on the affected organ. Thus, the manifestations of the disease are eliminated, obstacles are created for inflammatory processes.

Thermal ablation

This method has the ability to act on pathological formations using temperature. The effect in this case is purposeful, healthy tissues are not affected. The method of thermal ablation is used when the patient has contraindications to other options.

Transurethral needle type ablation

Thin needles are used to influence the affected organ. When they are introduced to the problematic part of the body, radio pulses of a certain frequency are applied, preventing a change in the organ in volume, a decrease in tension in the tissues. With this method of exposure, it is possible to obtain an excellent therapeutic effect.

Microwave thermotherapy

The procedure is performed transurethral, ​​using the urethra. An electric probe is brought to the prostate gland, whereby the organ begins to receive microwaves.

As a result, necrosis of diseased tissues is ensured. The prostate decreases in volume, urination normalizes, and overall health improves.

Cryotherapy provides freezing of some parts of the prostate gland. This method uses liquid nitrogen, which acts directly on the affected areas. In healthy tissues located near inflamed areas, temperature control is carried out using a special sensor device.

Transurethral exposure options are classified as minimally invasive, since they involve penetration into the body. In addition to these methods, mud therapy and spa therapy, prostate massage and exercise therapy procedures can be used to treat adenoma.

It is necessary to treat adenoma with the help of physical culture procedures in compliance with certain rules. With prostatic hyperplasia, inactivity is very harmful. But you should not immediately give yourself enhanced sports loads if this disease is detected. With adenoma, some sports can significantly harm. On the contrary, with a moderate load on the lower back and back of the thighs, it is possible to significantly improve blood circulation and provide good support to the muscles of the body.

If the patient has a disrupted genitourinary system, you should refer to the exercises that are carried out according to specially prepared methods:

  • Kegel exercises- during their implementation, training of the muscles of the pelvic floor is provided, urination and potency improve;
  • Bubnovsky's technique is a set of procedures for strengthening the muscles around the spine. Regular exercise reduces pain, helps in healing the genital area;
  • exercise therapy includes exercises that provide a slow, gentle stretching of the muscles and ligaments. This helps to improve the functioning of internal organs, reduces stagnation of secretions in the prostate, and provides additional blood flow to the tissues of the prostate.

If you have questions about whether prostate adenoma can be treated without surgery, they should be asked to your doctor. Depending on the state of health of the patient, the specialist will be able to advise a technique that should help in the treatment.

In addition to the above methods, various home remedies and a specially selected diet are also used for treatment.

With an integrated approach to treatment and work on the body from the very beginning of the disease, it is possible to quickly restore health and improve the quality of life.

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Prostate adenoma- pathological neoplasm prostate men not passing to other tissues and organs, in other words, it is a tumor without the occurrence of metastases.

Manifestations BPH

Growth prostate similar to the formation of a capsule in it, and is associated with an increase in the number of paraurethral glands. There are four forms of benign enlargement prostate.

  • Subvesical is the growth of the gland in the direction of the rectum. In this case, painful symptoms of prostate adenoma are minimized. The patient may not feel them at all.
  • Intravesical - the growth of the prostate gland in the volume of the bladder. With such signs of prostate adenoma over time, almost constant discomfort appears in the urea due to an excess amount of residual urine in it, if neglected adenoma treatment, then further serious complications cannot be avoided.
  • The retrotrigonal form is a tumor in which the outflow of urine from the bladder is difficult and the urethra (urethra) is compressed. The primary symptomatology reveals itself in an involuntary delay before the onset of urination, in the weakness of the jet, later in the absence of prostate treatment, appear more acutely, the most critical thing that can happen is a complete urinary retention
  • Multifocal prostate enlargement is the most painful manifestation of BPH, accompanied by all the symptoms listed above.

Etiology benign prostatic hyperplasia

The causes of the adenoma of the designated organ have not been clearly proven, but the relationship of the disease with the following factors is traced.

  • tissue growth prostate, as a result, long in time, chronic prostatitis in a man.
  • The presence of other diseases (problems, genitourinary systems, diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, and others)
  • Violation of the functions of the endocrine glands (hormonal imbalance).
  • prostate adenoma in men favored by a decrease or lack of conscious physical activity, an excess of bad habits (alcohol, smoking), overweight, unhealthy diet, as well as a lack of basic knowledge about the self-preservation of the body. prostatitis adenoma may result from hypothermia. Excess sunlight on the body both provokes and contributes to the aggravation of manifestations prostatitis men, as well as chronic prostatitis, and BPH.
  • Age. World statistics inform that the closer a person is to old age, the higher the risk of manifestation gland adenomas. In the age category up to 50 years, BPH suffers from 7-8%, at 51-60 this figure increases to 30%, and by the age of seventy it exceeds 75%.

Prostate adenoma and carcinoma, aka prostate cancer are two different diseases. To date, no relationship between them has been found.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma in men

The manifestations of prostate diseases are diverse, but they all boil down to the fact that the patient's body is to some extent not able to fully empty the urine. However it is.

  • Frequent and rather abrupt urge to urinate.
  • Difficulty in starting emptying, which cannot be done without a pause, and after it, without a conscious contraction of the muscles covering the prostate and bladder in order to push (push) urine through the narrowed prostate canal.
  • Urge to urinate at night more than once.
  • Intermittent outflow from the urethra.
  • A thinned jet during the act of emptying.
  • Painful discomfort in the urethra (urethra), accompanied by a very unpleasant burning sensation.
  • An unchanging and equally unhealthy inconvenience that a sick person feels in the region of the bladder and a little lower.
  • Small amount of empty urine.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying (urine constantly remains in the bladder, it is not possible to empty it completely).

Diagnosis of prostate adenoma

Symptoms of prostate adenoma in men treatment require. Neglect of research, in this case, is not a reasonable action. Many do not believe in the effectiveness of numerous options treatment of prostate adenoma. Such skepticism is especially manifested in patients who have not been completely successful. treatment of chronic prostatitis. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid to be wrong. Competent, as accurate as possible, diagnosis is simply necessary, since effective and highly effective methods of dealing with prostatitis and prostate adenoma there is. This site is about one of them. What is included in a comprehensive diagnosis?

  • An authoritative doctor with experience must be trusted to undergo a rectal digital examination. It allows you to determine the consistency of the prostate tissue, in part, its size (increased or not enlarged), soreness, the presence of a groove between the lobes.
  • Conducting laboratory diagnostics includes: urinalysis (general), blood donation for prostate specific antigen (PSA), biochemical (general) blood test.
  • Urinary emptying rate (uroflowmetry) is a relative indicator. For a sensible understanding, it will be more accurate and better to identify it in different states of the body, after complete rest, after eating, sleeping, and then, somehow: after some types of physical activity for the body (both normal and active walking, running or swimming, physical gymnastics) if you are accustomed to this.
  • An ultrasound examination is an extremely important detail for understanding the overall picture of the disease, but you need to know that objective results can only be obtained with certain skills and knowledge. Be extremely selective in the choice of diagnostic ultrasound equipment. Unfortunately, it is sensitive to changes in the state of the environment and tends to distort readings. The most accurate is transrectal ultrasound (a rectal probe inserted into the rectum). Do not drink excessive amounts of fluid in preparation for TRUS of the prostate. Enough 700-800 grams. Everything superfluous will provoke the bladder to a state of spasm, and a deceptive negative result. You really don't drink that much liquid! Before the examination, do not immobilize for a long time, it is better to walk to the destination with an active foot step. TRUS will indicate the presence or absence of foreign bodies in the bladder and prostate, its volume (in cubic centimeters). The norm for a healthy organ is 18-20 cm3. The diagnostician will provide you with data on the amount of residual urine in the urea.
  • The presence of complications can be determined by radiology.

The totality of manifestations (clinical symptoms)

There are three stages in the development of prostate adenoma, and each subsequent after the first seriously aggravates the painful condition of the patient.

Emergence is a compensated stage. With her prostate men slightly increased in volume. Symptoms are manifested by a short delay before the start of the act of emptying, it is required to forcefully contract the muscle group in the groin area to relieve tension. The general condition does not allow you to relax and can even lead to psychological distress. Frequent and sometimes unpredictable urge to urinate forces you to choose the route of movement on the street, take into account other factors. The boundaries of the prostate, the lobes, are clearly identified, its consistency is dense. Palpation does not provoke pain. The stage can last a year, or three, or even more.

The second stage is called subcompensated. The urethra, compressed in its upper part, prevents complete emptying and the patient feels the rest of the urine in the bladder physically. Frequent straining thickens the walls of the urea, the usefulness of its functions is minimized. Involuntary urination may occur. From the constant presence of residual urine, there are complications in the form of the occurrence of stones in the kidneys and in the bladder, in the form of renal failure.

The subsequent, third stage is decompensated. This is already extremely dangerous. Due to the ever-increasing amount of residual urine, the bladder is significantly deformed. In fact, emptying occurs in drops. All this leads to irreversible impairment of kidney function. The patient's condition may be accompanied by a bad smell of urine after exhalation, problematic constipation, lack of appetite, and hence weight loss, and then - anemia and a whole "bouquet" of health troubles.

Treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

The relationship between chronic prostatitis and BPH is clear, and often adenoma male gland is the result of ineffective treatment of prostatitis in its lingering form. Therefore, a description of the options for his therapy is here. The disease is identified and classified in four forms:

  • chronic bacterial prostatitis;
  • chronic asymptomatic prostatitis;
  • chronic prostatitis, in the form of pelvic pain syndrome;
  • the same appearance granulomatous prostatitis;

Treatment of such diagnoses for urologists is a difficult task. The complex of therapeutic measures includes antibacterial drugs, which are taken by patients within a period of one to one and a half months. The pain syndrome is stopped by the use of suppositories or tablets. In case of difficulty urinating, it is recommended to take drugs from the group of alpha-1-blockers (Doxazosin, Tamsulosin, Omnic, etc.). However, therapy of this type, as a rule, does not give an exceptional result, unfortunately, antibiotics do not help 100%, and the disease progresses again after a while. In order to achieve it (the result), it is necessary to strengthen the immune system through a healthy lifestyle. Yes, this is painstaking and lengthy work, but the effort expended on it is worth it. This includes regular, but not overloading the body, physical education (special gymnastic exercises, running, swimming, walking), a reasonable dietary diet, and complete elimination of bad habits.

Treatment of prostate adenoma

It is not scary to make mistakes, if there is a tendency to analyze, then you can always correct yourself. It is extremely negative to be mistaken, and to live in error for years. Often, after the initial diagnosis, while being consulted by a urologist, especially with mild symptoms, the patient is advised to take a wait-and-see position and treatment of prostate adenoma in a man do not engage. Why such recommendations take place, one can partly guess. First, at the initial stage adenoma may not progress for years. Secondly, there is no sensible effect from taking medications. It is not right. It is required not only to regularly monitor the condition of the prostate, but also to treat it.

Drug therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia

When the diagnosis is made, mainly two types are prescribed:

  • drugs of the alpha-1-adrenergic blocking group;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors;

The constituent basis of alpha-1-adrenergic blockers - alpha-1-adrenergic receptors are concentrated in the neck of the bladder, in the urethra, in the stroma of the prostate. Their direct purpose is to relieve spasm of smooth muscles and, as a result, positively change the functions of the bladder. Resistance symptoms are minimized in the urethra.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors are designed to block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This implies a reduction in the volume of prostate tissue. The effect of the application is manifested in six months - a year. Among the side effects, depression, a change in voice (it becomes thinner) are noted.

Alternative (non-surgical) treatment

There is a long-established method treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. It is placed in the volume of this specialized site. The essence of knowledge lies in the correct understanding of the physiological processes occurring in the male body, and, accordingly, in the same unmistakable application of them. Such treatment is harmless, painless, is the most effective and leads, subsequently, to the most stable healthy state. The basis of everything is this. No one will dispute the fact that you can get a different degree of usefulness from it, or you can not get it at all. A clear application of the recommendations will significantly improve the protective functions of the body, the quality of blood circulation, stabilize the work of the heart muscle, endocrine glands. Relaxation techniques will aggravate even more. Human organs are a tangle of continuous interconnections, and their restoration to a normal state is health. The ban on the development of such physical education exists only with urolithiasis.

An important role is played by compliance with the rules of the diet and food set. A hearty breakfast and an early dinner, taboos on overeating, weight control, all this should be taken for granted. In the diet, it is necessary to minimize the amount of animal fats consumed, increase the proportion of foods rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, lycopene. Be selective when purchasing vegetables, buy the best quality possible, and eat more of them every day. Minimize your consumption of all types of red meat. Well, the whole complex of measures described in the stipulated guidelines will give you, over time, the restoration of a stable healthy state.


Surgery is required in cases where it is impossible to change anything during the course of the disease, when the condition is close to critical (for example, with acute urinary retention in the bladder).

Transvesical adenomectomy involves the excision of prostatic tissue. It is carried out in the most advanced stages of the disease. It consists in access to the processing of the body of the prostate gland through an incision in the wall of the bladder. The operation is the most traumatic, and therefore requires a long recovery, monitoring and patient care. It is claimed that this type of surgical intervention leads to a complete cure for benign prostatic hyperplasia, but it is not indicated that after such a measure there are a lot of side effects, sometimes unforeseen.

Operations of a minimally invasive nature are by far the best standard, since they are the least traumatic. They do not require an incision, and consist in partial cleansing (enucleation) of the body prostate through special equipment. This is a holmium laser of a given power.

In recent years, embolization of the blood supply has become increasingly common. prostate. It is a blockage of the arteries that supply the prostate with blood. The actual death of an organ in a living organism (and it will be so without a full-fledged blood supply) cannot be associated with true treatment.

One way or another, surgical intervention of any kind should be considered, as a consequence, the only need in which other options for getting rid of it are no longer possible, it (surgical invasion of the body) is far from a panacea and is not the best outcome in solving this problem.

Complications after surgery of any type are as follows:

  • urinary incontinence in the bladder;
  • sexual impotence (impotence);
  • retrograde ejaculation, in which a man refluxs sperm into the bladder;
  • unpredictable hormonal imbalance in the consequences;

Statistics indicate a low percentage of deaths.

Prevention of chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia

These diseases need to be known from a young age. There is, of course, a hereditary factor, but intelligibility in relationships, a healthy lifestyle somehow: exclusion of conscious harm to one's own body, life with a minimum of stress, will subsequently go into account and get rid of this difficult diagnosis.

To prevent acute urinary retention in prostate adenoma recommended:

  • avoid both hypothermia and heat (exposure to the body of direct sunlight);
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • do not overeat, especially in the afternoon;
  • prevention of overfilling of the bladder;
  • the same prevention of constipation;
Plotyan Gennadiy 04.11.2019

If you experience symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, you should consult a urologist. The doctor asks and examines the man, conducts a digital examination of the prostate through the rectum, then prescribes an examination, which may include the following diagnostic methods:

  • General urine analysis. Helps to identify the inflammatory process and other pathological changes.
  • Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate. A man is injected into the rectum with a specially shaped ultrasonic transducer. Since the prostate gland lies in front of the wall of the rectum, this allows you to examine it well.
  • Cystoscopy. An endoscopic examination, during which a special device with a video camera is inserted into the urethra and bladder. This helps to distinguish prostate adenoma from foreign bodies and a malignant tumor.
  • Determination of the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. This substance is normally produced by the prostate and is part of the sperm, getting into the blood in a small amount. With BPH, PSA production rises, with prostate cancer it rises even more.
  • Bacteriological examination of urine. Carried out if there is a suspicion of infection.
  • Urofluometry. A test that evaluates the rate of urination.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other studies.

How to treat prostate adenoma? How to prevent it?

  • Follow the practice of "double urination". Urinate as much as possible, then rest for a few minutes and then urinate again.
  • Try to avoid coffee and alcohol. These drinks increase the amount of urine, which means you have to urinate more often.
  • Try not to take diuretic drugs. But do not cancel them yourself: consult your doctor.

As a conservative treatment for prostate adenoma, drugs are used that relax the smooth muscles of the prostate and urethra, thereby facilitating the process of urination, and eliminate hormonal effects that contribute to hyperplasia.

The most common operation for BPH is transurethral resection. During this minimally invasive intervention, hyperplastic prostate tissue is removed endoscopically through the urethra.

Also used are surgical techniques such as transurethral microwave therapy, laser surgery, transurethral needle ablation (radio frequency therapy), installation of prostatic stents (special catheters that restore urine outflow), etc.

A modern method of treating prostate adenoma is embolization of the arteries of the prostate gland. This operation is performed by endovascular surgeons. The doctor inserts a special catheter into the vessel that feeds the adenoma, through which he injects emboli - polymer particles that block the blood flow. The hyperplastic tissue of the prostate ceases to receive nutrition and decreases in size.

There are no specific methods for the prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Risks can be reduced if you lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to proper nutrition, and give up bad habits. A man should regularly come for examinations to a urologist and treat diseases of the urogenital area in a timely manner.

The material was prepared by the urologist of the clinic "Medicine 24/7", candidate of medical sciences

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