Fire extinguishing system for painting line. Fire extinguishing in painting and drying chambers

Engineering systems 20.06.2020
Engineering systems

A spray booth is a specially equipped industrial-type room used for operations related to painting. This is a universal paint box in which complex technological processes take place. That is why the basic requirements for spray booths are fixed at the legislative level, which they must comply with in order to ensure the most efficient and safe operation.

If you plan to purchase, you must very carefully study all its features and most important characteristics. For trouble-free and trouble-free operation, the camera must meet the following criteria:

  1. Without fail, the box must have a high-quality ventilation system that ensures the inflow and outflow of air masses. Ventilation must be continuous, which will ensure the rapid removal of contaminants from the room.
  2. To ensure maximum quality of work, it is necessary to pre-clean the air masses. Therefore, without the presence of a high-tech cleaning system is indispensable. This will eliminate possible problems during operation and protect the equipment from defects.
  3. Coloring is carried out under certain parameters of temperature and humidity. That is why a system should be installed in the box that allows you to reach the required indicators of the microclimate in the room as quickly as possible. At the same time, it is extremely important that the set parameters are stable and hold for the set time. For chambers, there is a rule under which the maximum temperature fluctuations should not exceed 3.5 degrees.
  4. Quality work is carried out with the proper level of lighting. Ideally, in the coloring box, the light should be as close to daylight as possible.
  5. Modern technical equipment should be ergonomic. This means that the consumption of materials is set to a minimum during operation, which helps to achieve significant savings in resources in the end. At the same time, it should be mentioned that you should not save on the quality of equipment and materials used in boxing.
  6. The paint box must demonstrate extremely high safety performance, both for humans and for the environment. And this can be achieved by creating an absolute tightness of the room.

Spray booth: fire safety requirements

Boxes for coloring should have extremely high fire safety indicators. All models, etc., which you can find in the catalog of our company, meet all fire safety requirements. According to the general recommendations of fire protection requirements, a standard spray booth must comply with the following rules:

  1. The walls of the chamber should not be insulated with materials that have high flammability. Otherwise, during the drying process of painted parts, the risk of fire increases significantly.
  2. The paint box must demonstrate ultimate tightness, which eliminates ignition problems in difficult situations.
  3. The standard rule is that in order to comply with fire requirements, the box must have at least 2 doors.
  4. If during operation there was a spill of consumables (solvents, paints and varnishes), they must be removed immediately. At the same time, it is forbidden to use detergents and specialized substances that are prone to ignition.
  5. It is strongly not recommended to use the working life of the camera when the ventilation is turned off or there is a breakdown in the system.
  6. To prevent possible fires, the box is additionally equipped with special means for extinguishing fires, as well as a box with sand.
  7. The staining procedure takes place in an electric field, therefore all devices must be protected from the appearance of possible sources of danger.
  8. If combustible materials are used in the course of work, their quantity should not exceed the needs of the shift. At the same time, containers should be opened only before the start of work, and they should be stored in specially designated boxes.
  9. The paint box must be made of durable materials with a low level of combustion.
  10. The location of the box near residential areas, as well as potentially dangerous objects, is strictly prohibited.
If you do not know how to choose spray booths, the fire safety of which will allow you to use them as efficiently as possible, contact the managers of our company. Our experts will advise you on high-quality equipment that fully meets all standards and requirements. You can contact consultants by phone, at the e-mail address indicated on the website or using a special form, by filling out which you will receive a quick answer to your questions.

Spray booths are closed premises, so their equipment must be special. The main meaning of these designs is to carry out work on the creation of car paintwork. In addition, these chambers are often intended for drying work after painting. In this case, they are called painting-drying. It is very important that during the procedures in such devices all fire safety requirements are observed, as well as sanitation and hygiene standards are taken into account. These requirements include many points, in accordance with state regulations. In order to briefly understand the main norms, let us dwell on the most significant of them.

The preparation and dilution of all types of paint and varnish products should be carried out in isolated places near external walls with window openings, or in open areas. Materials are supplied centrally, already prepared. Varnishes and paints should be placed in the pantry of the workshop in an amount that does not exceed the needs of the shift. Containers for dyes must be sealed; there are special places for it.

The premises themselves intended for dyeing processes and the preparation of mixtures must be equipped without fail with their own supply and exhaust ventilation, as well as local suction systems, in order to remove harmful fumes from all paint-containing devices, namely: baths for painting and dipping, pouring installations , posts where manual coloring is performed, drying chambers, etc.

Fire safety requirements for spray booths

When the ventilation is off, painting is not allowed.

In the event that consumables are accidentally spilled on the floor, they must be removed immediately with sawdust, water, etc. Washing floors using flammable substances, including solvents, is not allowed.

Spray booths are made only from non-combustible materials and are equipped with special local suction systems, which must be interconnected with devices that supply compressed air or coloring material to the spraying devices. Tanks for injecting paint must be located outside the spray booths.

The painting process is carried out in an electric field, which means that the corresponding devices must have the necessary interlock for protection, which will prevent the spraying devices from turning on in cases where the local air removal systems are not working or the conveyor is stopped.

Premises and special areas in which work with combustible substances takes place, namely the preparation of mixtures and their application to objects, must be provided with ventilation to eliminate explosive vapors.

The air exchange rate is calculated according to the production project.

During the use of combustible substances, at the workplace there should be such a quantity that does not exceed the needs of the shift. Containers with them should be opened only before use, and upon completion of work, closed and transferred to storage. Used containers must be stored in a specially equipped place located outdoors.

Work must begin from the places that are the most remote from the exits from these premises, and in the corridors - after the work is completed.

In general, it must be remembered that any booth whose purpose is painting and drying must be well ventilated, and the equipment must be protected from explosions. In addition, the units must have thermal insulation made from all-natural mineral substances, which have an increased resistance to ignition. A fire suppression system is also absolutely essential. And, finally, if the drying chamber is still present, then there must be a heat exchanger and a protective thermostat.

These are, in general, brief requirements for the fire safety of painting chambers.

Object address: Russia, Vladimir region, Vladimir, pos. Sukhodol

Object type: Industrial object (Plants, factories, enterprises)

To protect these premises, it is planned to use a system based on the S2000M console from the Bolid company, which includes:
- S2000-M - APS, SOUE, APT control panel;
- S2000-KDL - Two-wire line controller for monitoring the status and collecting information from fire alarm loops;
- S2000-SP1 - Signal-starting block for generating a signal for notification;
- S2000-BKI - Display unit for displaying the current state of the system;
- S2000-ASPT - fire extinguishing control panel and annunciators for centralized fire protection in one powder fire extinguishing zone.
installed in the office.
3.1.3. To detect a fire in technical rooms, fire smoke detectors DIP-34A are used, and IPR 513-3AM are used as manual fire detectors. The use of these types of detectors allows you to localize the place of ignition with high accuracy.
3.1.4. To detect a fire in the fire extinguishing room, an automatic fire alarm is provided. In the protected premises, fire smoke detectors IP 212-141 and thermal fire detectors IP 103-5 were used, and IPR-55 were used as manual fire detectors. These types of detectors are widely used in practice, have passed state certification and have proven their reliability and ease of maintenance in practice in premises for various purposes.
3.2.1. In the warning and evacuation control system, PKI-1 "Ivolga" is used as sound annunciators. SOUE sound annunciators must provide a general sound level, a constant noise sound level together with all signals produced by annunciators, not less than 75 dBA at a distance of 3 m from the annunciator, but not more than 120 dBA at any point of the protected premises.

The following products were used to implement the project

Fire extinguishing automation

Network Controller

The car painting rooms are advanced technology rooms designed to repair and refurbish cars. In such a box, most of the operating modes are automated, which greatly facilitates the operator's work.

One of the main advantages of such a room is the maximum ease of operation. When creating spray booths, only modern filter materials are used, thanks to which the air in the room is cleaned of vapors of paint and varnish materials as efficiently as possible.

Such cameras are an indispensable element for most modern car services, but the choice of such equipment must be approached very carefully. In our article, we will consider the features of designing a painting car service.

Where to start building?

Having decided to build a spray booth for body work, you must immediately think about the expected amount of profit and drawing up a construction project. You also need to take into account the performance of the camera and the expected number of employees.

Usually, for the full-fledged work of a car painting shop, at least 1 painter is needed, as well as several disassemblers and straighteners. The recruited personnel should be trained in the latest technologies of painting work, and in the workshop they should try to organize a mini-laboratory for the selection of paints.

As you can see, there is a lot of work, and in order to completely get confused, it is necessary to draw up a detailed design of the spray booth.

Main Components

The main elements of the spray booth include:

  1. Premises (building);
  2. Filtration system;
  3. Forced ventilation;
  4. Exhaust ventilation;
  5. Heat generator.

The main element of any spray booth is the body and the ventilation system. The fan helps to clean the air in the room from persistent odors of paints and varnishes. Two ventilation systems can be installed in one chamber.

One of them will pump clean air into the body service room (supply), and the second one at this moment will carry out the removal of paint particles (exhaust). The chamber can be equipped with only one fan, and in this case, when clean air is injected into the room, an increased level of pressure is created.

Due to the fact that the air is supplied from top to bottom, the paint particles are converted into mist, settle and are taken out into the street through a special hole.

The principle of operation of the spray booth is as follows: the air coming from the street is heated by the system to the required level (usually, for painting cars, it is necessary to keep the temperature in the room at 20 degrees).

After heating, the air passes through the filter system and enters the spray booth. Further, having absorbed all the harmful vapors of paints, the air passes through the exhaust system of filters and ventilation, after which it is brought out.

If the spray booth is equipped with high-quality filters, then the air is removed from the box as clean as possible. Almost all modes of operation in modern paint boxes are automated.

Lighting devices are considered another important structural element of the spray booth. Bad light does not allow craftsmen to see various flaws and defects on the surface of the body and to eliminate them qualitatively.

Lighting in the spray booth is usually provided by fluorescent fixtures or conventional fluorescent halogen bulbs. Sometimes the owners of such premises increase their cash spending by equipping the spray booth with LED lighting fixtures.

In general, experts recommend installing mortise lamps with a glass diffuser in body service chambers. It is better to refuse lamps covered with plastic. Scratches often appear on the plastic, causing the quality of the light to deteriorate.

Paint box - design features

The scheme of the spray booth always depends on the design features of the building. Now there are several varieties of paint boxes:

  • Equipped with one motor;
  • Cameras with two motors;
  • Dead-end premises;
  • Premises where the supply of metal structures is carried out manually;
  • Boxes in which the supply of metal structures is carried out by mechanical methods;
  • walk-through rooms;
  • Boxes with top tracks.

The main feature of dead-end spray booths is the possibility of turning the car for convenient and uniform painting from all sides. Pass-through boxes allow you to move metal structures along a special tape during the painting process.

In single-engine boxes, the ventilation system is represented by only one unit that supplies air into the room from top to bottom and thereby creates a high level of pressure. Under its influence, the paint mist descends and is removed from the room through the lower vent.

Unfortunately, single-engine spray booths lead to severe environmental pollution, so they are now used very rarely. A more optimal ventilation option for the painting unit would be a twin-engine unit.

It is based on two motors, each of which performs only one function. One motor is responsible for pumping clean air, and the second one is responsible for removing dirty air, with paint fumes.

A well-designed spray booth will produce a high-quality painted car, while spending a small amount of paint and keeping the workplace clean and the health of the painters.

  1. Ceiling filter area;
  2. Performance and power of fans;
  3. Correct location of lighting devices;
  4. Air velocity inside filtering equipment;
  5. The area of ​​the filter located on the floor.

Rules for calculating ceiling and floor filters

The air filter is an important structural element of any car service engaged in painting cars. They are placed evenly in the room where the painting of the car body is carried out. Such filters come in two varieties, for floor and ceiling.

The ceiling filter for the spray booth is installed so that, if necessary, it can be easily dismantled. For the smooth operation of the paint box cleaning system, it is necessary to initially correctly calculate the minimum area of ​​the filter elements.

Each of these types of filters should provide the maximum cleaning efficiency of the box (indicators should exceed the figure of 99%). In this regard, purification is carried out in stages:

  • First, large particles of paint are removed from the air;
  • In subsequent stages, small particles are removed from the air.

This technique requires the use of fine filters, thanks to which dust from the outdoor air does not settle on the surface of painted metal structures. In order to calculate the minimum filter area for the ceiling, you need to know exactly the level of the nominal air flow in the spray booth.

This parameter will need to be divided by the nominal air flow rate in the filter in operation. The result of such calculations will be the minimum surface area of ​​the filters. Naturally, in order to achieve maximum efficiency of the entire system, it is necessary to mount large-area filters in the box.

In a similar way, you can calculate the minimum area for filters on the floor. In general, a floor filter for a spray booth consists of two structural elements: a carrier crate and filter elements.

The drawing of the spray booth is created in several versions. Each of them has its own type of crate with filters. The grid can be located directly under the car, or under the wheels of the vehicle.

In addition, the crate can completely cover the floor of the chamber, and the filter elements in this case will be several centimeters below the level of the crate.

Creating Lighting in the Box

It is best to equip a car painting booth with ceiling and wall lights evenly distributed throughout the room. It is also recommended to install some additional lighting fixtures on the back wall of the box.

For high-quality painting of the car, it is important that the lighting fixtures do not contribute to the appearance of a flickering effect. For spray booths, the most convenient are long lamps, mounted in a checkerboard pattern, vertically. You can also equip the room with fluorescent lighting fixtures.

Fire safety

The spray booth for metal structures has one significant drawback - it has a high fire hazard. Equipping such a room, you need to pay great attention to safety requirements. When constructing paint boxes, not only construction standards must be observed, but also the rules for arranging electrical networks.

All elements of the room and ventilation equipment must be equipped with reliable protection against explosions. When equipping walls with heat-insulating materials, it is necessary to pay attention to the high resistance of materials to fire.

The best insulation for such rooms is mineral wool. Fire extinguishing of a spray booth is an element that must be equipped without fail in a car service box. The introduction of a fire extinguishing system should be noted in the project plan.

To increase the fire safety of the box, it is necessary to equip the heat exchanger with a special thermostat that performs protective functions.

It is also necessary to equip the control panel with a special button that allows, in the event of an emergency, to block the operation of the air supply valve (as a result of which the supply of compressed air will stop). The room must have a grounding system for electrical appliances.

The painting booth is a functional automatic mechanism that ensures safety and high speed of work, as well as high quality of painting products. The principle of operation of the chamber is that compressed, cleaned and heated to the desired temperature air from the street is supplied to a special cabin with the help of ventilation systems.

The atmosphere created in the box allows for high-quality painting of the car, and after the completion of the procedure, all hazardous compounds can be removed through a special vent.

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