Tarot union of goddesses and tarot of sacred femininity. Sacred Feminine Tarot

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Six of Cups in a deck "Tarot of the Sacred Feminine" (Tarot of Sacred Feminine) is scene of the Annunciation from the New Testament: Archangel Gabriel brings the Virgin Mary the news that she is chosen and she will have a son. For a long time the true meaning of the lasso eluded me. playing out card of the day as
* receive notification
* receiving parcels, letters,
*important phone conversation
the lasso looked poor, empty and flat. especially given the unique specifics of the deck, did not play any role at all.
Besides, these meanings did not correspond to the classic meaning of the six of cups, like the tarot arcana, talking about wonderful memories, about the past, about the resurrection of what was before.

If you try to figure it out...
When the map is not fully understood, the best way to understand is through meditative work: entering the map or receiving information.
When I tried to enter the map, the map turned out to be so huge that I was not even able to step over its side.
But this is my meditation, which means I can deal with any situation.
Wings grew behind my back ... and I received the first "key" to understanding the arcana.
Usually my wings are black, but here behind my back were huge, beautiful white wings, not even similar in shape to my former ones.
However, my moment of some bewilderment was interrupted by female laughter.
Of course, this is Gabrielle Blessed...
It must be said that Gabriel is a very outgoing archangel. He appears in both male and female form.
"Key" in this case, it turned out to be the sex of the archangel, as if indicating that “appearance is deceptive, it hides what is inside”, and it is “internal” that is worthy of attention.
Realizing that during meditation I have been destined for the role of an evangelist, I think: How will Mary in the map react to the female incarnation of an angel? .. And, thinking about this, I enter the map, hold out a shining white flower to Mary...
At this moment he revealed himself the second "key" of understanding the lasso.
Maria sits quietly on the floor. It is completely closed.
She reaches out to a strange flower... and begins to transform.
She is changing, as if throwing off some external shackles.
Her inner self comes to the surface, the Goddess awakens, i.e. her feminine, what it really is, but which patriarchal, biblical consciousness, renounced female divinity , disguised by human flesh.
In front of my eyes in Mary, the Goddess began to awaken. Under her heart she carries a divine child - God, who will be born on the days of the Winter Solstice, and she begins to realize herself:

she is the Goddess - Mother, who gave birth to everything and everything, she is the strength, energy and life of everything that is around, what was and what will be.

Instantly all conventions and overlays of biblical myth disappear, and The Goddess remembers who she really is.

The “I” of the Goddess awakens in her.

Conclusions on meditation:
Based on the received images, we can say that 6 cups is
* The path to your femininity, to your forgotten feminine strength, feminine self-awareness,
* The path to finding yourself, to the awakening of oneself and the potential that is inherent in a woman from birth, but which was locked inside her by the rules, public opinion,
* Opportunity to understand yourself - deal with yourself, see yourself and your feminine power, and understand what you really want,
* The ability to identify yourself with the Goddess,
* The ability to realize your connection with the moon and lunar rhythms, because the suit of cups in this deck corresponds to the phase of the full moon - the maximum power of the Moon and the Moon Goddess.

To study and understand the arcana.
To study and understand the arcana, it would be useful to point out some visual details and use them in meditation work and visualization. Namely:
1. If you look closely at the picture of the lasso, it becomes noticeable that the flower that Gabriel gives to Mary, different from those that stand in a vase near the woman. This flower is reminiscent of Caduceus, rod of Hermes, those. the object is magical and magical. It may well be a magical wand that awakens the "sealed" memory of the Goddess.
2. If you pay attention to the background of the room where Mary is located, you can see that it is completely faceless. There are no objects here that indicate that they live in this room, conduct economic affairs and, in general, do at least something! This room with its facelessness reminiscent of prison walls. And only the window opens the view of the world "outside" the faceless walls.
This facelessness represents the sleep state of the Goddess. In this state, she does not remember who she really is, does not remember or is not aware of her true strength and capabilities. Awakening opens a “window on the world” for her: boundless, endless, beautiful world where she can show herself, her talents and abilities.

for ritual practice.
In the MBC attached to the deck, when describing the card there is this sentence: “A woman is a vessel filled with sacred gifts…”
This phrase can serve as a wonderful indication of the ritual which will help a woman to awaken her feminine nature. This is a classic Wiccan ritual. "Descent of the Moon" , when on the full moon, a woman lets the Goddess into her body.
It's an amazing experience helping

Six of Cups in a deck "Tarot of the Sacred Feminine" (Tarot of Sacred Feminine) is scene of the Annunciation from the New Testament: Archangel Gabriel brings the Virgin Mary the news that she is chosen and she will have a son.
For a long time the true meaning of the lasso eluded me. playing out card of the day as
* receive notification
* receiving parcels, letters,
*important phone conversation
the lasso looked poor, empty and flat. especially given the unique specifics of the deck, did not play any role at all.
Besides, these meanings did not correspond to the classic meaning of the six of cups, like the tarot arcana, talking about wonderful memories, about the past, about the resurrection of what was before.

If you try to figure it out...
When the map is not fully understood, the best way to understand is through meditative work: entering the map or receiving information.
When I tried to enter the map, the map turned out to be so huge that I was not even able to step over its side.
But this is my meditation, which means I can deal with any situation.
Wings grew behind my back ... and I received the first "key" to understanding the arcana.
Usually my wings are black, but here behind my back were huge, beautiful white wings, not even similar in shape to my former ones.
However, my moment of some bewilderment was interrupted by female laughter.
Of course, this is Gabrielle Blessed...
It must be said that Gabriel is a very sociable archangel. He appears in both male and female form.
"Key" in this case, it turned out to be the sex of the archangel, as if indicating that “appearance is deceptive, it hides what is inside”, and it is “internal” that is worthy of attention.
Realizing that during meditation I have been destined for the role of an evangelist, I think: How will Mary in the map react to the female incarnation of an angel? .. And, thinking about this, I enter the map, hold out a shining white flower to Mary...
At this moment he revealed himself the second "key" of understanding the lasso.
Maria sits quietly on the floor. It is completely closed.
She reaches out to a strange flower... and begins to transform.
She is changing, as if throwing off some external shackles.
Her inner self comes to the surface, the Goddess awakens, i.e. her feminine, what it really is, but which patriarchal, biblical consciousness, renounced female divinity , disguised by human flesh.
In front of my eyes in Mary, the Goddess began to awaken. Under her heart she carries a divine child - God, who will be born on the days of the Winter Solstice, and she begins to realize herself:

she is the Goddess - Mother, who gave birth to everything and everything, she is the strength, energy and life of everything that is around, what was and what will be.

Instantly all conventions and overlays of biblical myth disappear, and The Goddess remembers who she really is.

The “I” of the Goddess awakens in her.

Conclusions on meditation:
Based on the received images, we can say that 6 cups is
* The path to your femininity, to your forgotten feminine strength, feminine self-awareness,
* The path to finding yourself, to the awakening of oneself and the potential that is inherent in a woman from birth, but which was locked inside her by the rules, public opinion,
*Ability to understand yourself deal with yourself, see yourself and your feminine power, and understand what you really want,
* The ability to identify yourself with the Goddess,
* The ability to realize your connection with the moon and lunar rhythms, because the suit of cups in this deck corresponds to the phase of the full moon - the maximum power of the Moon and the Moon Goddess.

To study and understand the arcana.
To study and understand the arcana, it would be useful to point out some visual details and use them in meditation work and visualization. Namely:
1. If you look closely at the picture of the lasso, it becomes noticeable that the flower that Gabriel gives to Mary, different from those that stand in a vase near the woman. This flower is reminiscent of Caduceus, rod of Hermes, those. the object is magical and magical. It may well be a magical wand that awakens the "sealed" memory of the Goddess.
2. If you pay attention to the background of the room where Mary is located, you can see that it is completely faceless. There are no objects here that indicate that they live in this room, conduct economic affairs and, in general, do at least something! This room with its facelessness reminiscent of prison walls. And only the window opens the view of the world "outside" the faceless walls.
This facelessness represents the sleep state of the Goddess. In this state, she does not remember who she really is, does not remember or is not aware of her true strength and capabilities. Awakening opens a “window on the world” for her: boundless, endless, beautiful world where she can show herself, her talents and abilities.

for ritual practice.
In the MBC attached to the deck, when describing the card there is this sentence: “A woman is a vessel filled with sacred gifts…”
This phrase can serve as a wonderful indication of the ritual which will help a woman to awaken her feminine nature. This is a classic Wiccan ritual. "Descent of the Moon" , when on the full moon, a woman lets the Goddess into her body.
It is an amazing experience that helps

The Goddess Alliance Tarot and the Sacred Feminine Tarot are among the most important and powerful ladies' magic decks. They will allow you to find out the history of the earth's population through the prism of women's mythological images.

Goddess Alliance Tarot - gallery

Maria Caretti and Antonella Platano- creators and creators of the beautiful Tarot Goddesses Alliance. The main characters of the deck are various ancient goddesses, from all 7 continents, who are an image that embodies all female attractiveness, magic.

If you work with this magical attribute, you can not only get answers from the old deities to your questions, but also choose a mentor for yourself who will always help you in actual difficulties. She has a very strong energy, warm, strong and mysterious.

In various esoteric teachings in the pantheon of the gods, the female goddesses occupied a special place. They would be both belligerent, destructive and loving mothers, able to cover with warmth and care, and loving spouses, able to capture their happiness, give a man satisfaction and well-being.

Studying this deck, the tarologist begins to plunge into the breathtaking world of ladies, which still remains mysterious. Because the female goddesses are the emblem of an incomprehensible and omnipotent nature, every time you want to turn to this attribute again and again in the hope that you will be able to solve the mystery of female nature.

It should be noted that the cards are very capricious and do not always give accurate answers right away. After all, a lady, if she is not willing to answer, will simply shrug her shoulders and turn away. This magical attribute can do the same to you. At first glance, it seems that the Tarot Alliance of Goddesses is suitable only for ladies, but this is not so.

The magical attribute works great with men. You can use traditional meanings for interpretation, because the deck is made in the Waite tradition. but it is better to use the author's interpretations, because in this case the meanings of the cards will be revealed more.

There is one piece of advice for both the most experienced and beginner tarologists - it is better to use a unique text compiled by the creators, and not a translation, because in some publications the goddesses are given Slavic names, which significantly distorts the meaning of the cards and the message that the goddesses send us. In particular, a magical attribute is suitable for working with questions of family and marriage, love, riddles and secrets.

Tarot of sacred femininity and its features

This beautiful deck was made in the tradition of Waite, the creator and artist is Franco Rivolli. And the recognizable myth about Inanna was taken as the base.

According to legend, this Sumerian goddess is the mother of everything, symbolizes life, motherhood, good and evil, youth and old age, love and enmity. Its history has been passed down for centuries.

The sacred femininity of this goddess is revealed in each illustration of the deck and allows you to find out our world through the eyes of the fair sex. The images are very beautiful, impressive, alluring, symbolizing the main nuances of our life.

The deck consists of major and minor arcana, represents images of goddesses that existed at different times among different peoples. The minor arcana can be compared with different phases of the moon.

Wands personify the growing moon, the goddesses of Old Egypt, Tibet, Saudi Arabia and Mesopotamia. The suit is personified with fire, careful work, inspiration and creative energy.

bowls symbolize the full moon, the main acting characters are the deities present in the mythology of the Jews, the first Christians. The suit represents water, emotionality, sexuality and beauty.

Blades symbolizes the waning moon, the goddesses appearing in the images are taken from ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The suit represents air, mind and knowledge.

Pentacles in the Tarot of the Sacred Feminine are associated with the Dark Moon, the new moon. The suit symbolizes the earth, mysticism and material goods. Here the Celtic, Scandinavian deities will show you the way.

The court cards in the Tarot of the Sacred Femininity are represented by symbolic female species that are a character in old works or legends. Pages are depicted with totemic animals and the main attributes, knights in the form of feral animals, queens - mothers, spouses, mistresses. Lords are goddesses with their wives.

What other ladies' magic tarot are there?

Today, in the midst of all the contrast of magical attributes, virtually any deck will suit a lady. But there is a certain category that is suitable specifically for the fair sex or helps to see the world through the eyes of a lady.

One of these decks is the female Tarot, the creator Peter Engelhardt. This Swedish painter made a very mysterious deck made in a mixed tradition.

In particular, a magical attribute is perfect for various meditations, for those who need the deepest and most thoughtful interlocutor, it’s worth refusing to use such cards for newcomers, because there are actually no visual clues, and only the most experienced tarologist will be able to accurately interpret the result. In addition, the deck differs from others in that in this case, blades are associated with fire, and wands with air.

Another very common magical attribute is the Round Tarot of the Mother of the World, made Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble. Here we see the personification of the cult of matriarchy, where the lady was not only a sacred principle, but also had unlimited power over the peasant.

The deck belongs to a unique tradition; instead of the usual court cards, there is a daughter, offspring, a priestess and a shaman. Apart from this, some names of the major arcana have changed little (the masculine gender has been changed to feminine).

Ladies' magic tarot will take you to a breathtaking world where the lady is really the most powerful wisest deity, able to give the wisest advice, warn and push to the right decision.

Card size 6.6 x 12 cm Composition 78 cards + instructions in Russian Author Floreana Nativo, Franco Rivolli Publishing house Avvalon-Lo Scarabeo Language cards numbered but not signed ISBN 978-5-91937-092-5 Article AV208 Weight 225 g Sections catalogue: spiritual traditions of the world

This deck is dedicated to the Woman, the feminine principle in all its guises, which have found their expression in various mythological traditions and religions. Mother, warrior, wife, priestess, innocent girl. “I am the one who is revered and despised ... I am the unknown silence and I am the eternal memory of life ...”.

The major arcana in the Tarot of the Sacred Feminine are predominantly dedicated to different goddesses, but there are a few exceptions:

0. Maenad. Translated from ancient Greek, this word means "crazy." Maenads accompany Dionysus (in Roman mythology - Bacchantes).

I. Eurynome. According to one version, she is the goddess of all things, who arose from Chaos, and then separated the sea from the sky. Dancing over the waters, she caught the wind in her palms, and he turned into Ophion, the great serpent who impregnated the goddess. Then she turned into a dove and laid the World Egg.

II. Shechina. The Heavenly Bride, the Sacred Feminine, the feminine aspect of God in Kabbalah and Judaism. This word also denotes grace, the presence of God, which can be felt physically.

III. The Triune Goddess in her incarnation Mother.

IV. Mother Earth.

V. Sophia, which is translated from ancient Greek as “wisdom”, “knowledge”.

VI. Eve and Lilith are Adam's two wives.

VII. Ceres is the goddess of the harvest. In some images, she was depicted driving a chariot, which was harnessed by snakes.

VIII. Arto is the Celtic goddess of the hunt.

IX. Demeter is the goddess of fertility who went in search of Persephone, her daughter kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld.

X. The cycle of life. It is the woman who gives him the beginning.

XI. Athena is the goddess of just war and wisdom.

XII. Arachne. She is not a goddess, but a mortal woman who dared to challenge Athena by claiming to have surpassed her in the art of weaving. For her pride, Arachne was turned into a spider.

XIII. Hel is the Scandinavian goddess of death.

XIV. Kausar - is mentioned in the Koran as one of the paradise rivers.

XV. Collective negative female image

XVI. Hekate is the goddess of darkness, poisonous plants and witchcraft, she also sends nightmares.

XVII. Hera - the wife of Zeus, from the spray of her milk appeared the Milky Way

XVIII. Triune Goddess: Girl, Mother, Old Woman. These hypostases correspond to the main phases of the moon (growing, full, waning).

XIX. Nyukta and Gemera - goddesses of night and day.

XX. Erinyes (furies) - goddesses of retribution, retribution.

XXI. The Winter Solstice is the birth of a new Sun, the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

The four suits of the Minor Arcana correspond to the four phases of the moon.

    Wands correspond to the growing moon, they represent the deities of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Tibet and Saudi Arabia.

    · Bowls correspond to the full moon. The plots of the suit are dominated by images taken from early Christianity and Judaism.

    · Swords correspond to the waning moon. In the drawings of this suit you will find images from the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

    Pentacles - new moon. The deities of the Scandinavian and Celtic pantheon predominate here.

"Tarot of the Sacred Feminine" is replete with different symbols and provides rich material for different interpretations. Perhaps its only minor drawback is the lack of inscriptions on the cards, and the author sometimes uses quite "rare" goddesses. Therefore, in order to learn how to recognize all the characters in what is called "by sight", you will have to spend some time mastering the deck. Let's hope that in the near future a full-fledged book will appear for this deck, the instructions offer only brief information.

Major Arcana- images of the Goddesses of various times and peoples.
Minor Arcana- Correlate with the phases of the moon:
Wands - the growing Moon, the deities of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Tibet.
Cups - Full Moon, images taken from the mythology of the Jews and the first Christians.
Swords - the waning moon, the heroes of the mythology of the ancient Romans and Greeks.
Pentacles - New Moon, deities of the Celts, Scandinavians and Germans.

Tarot of the Sacred Feminine.

I am the Beginning and the End... I am the one who is revered and despised... I am the unknown silence and I am the eternal memory of life...

We pick up a deck, and, sorting through the cards one by one, we plunge into the secrets of their characters. Here is the Wheel before us: a woman brings us to life, feeds us, leads us by the hand through life, and, finally, returns us to the womb of Mother Earth, so that the cycle of life repeats again.

There is no doubt that the first deity worshiped by humanity at the dawn of its existence was the Great Mother. Although this deity did not have a pronounced form, it is obvious that it contained the idea of ​​the feminine principle, the Sacred Femininity, the principle of bearing and procreation. The opposite principle to it is male, symbolized by the World Serpent. Together they give rise to the Cosmic Egg - the Universe. This is a feminine divine hypostasis, which was called Eurynome, and her image will be seen in the characters of different Arcana. This is the Sumerian Inanna, and the Assyrian Ishtar, and the Egyptian Isis, and the Greek Demeter, and the Roman Cybele, whom we will conditionally call goddesses. In all her incarnations, she is the Mother who bore the Son, the personification of the Sun, the eternally dying and reborn deity. Sacrificed, it will return to the womb of the Earth to fertilize it and allow the circle of life to repeat itself.

We sort through the cards one by one, and recognize ourselves under the names of women - goddesses. This is us at different stages of our lives. These are our grandmothers, our mothers and our daughters. We are who we are, and we are a single whole, carrying and radiating the energy of the Sacred Feminine, which permeates everything around, striving to connect with the masculine. Every woman has a man, and every man has a woman. In each Arcana, as in each part of the whole, the Holy Feminine is manifested.

Major Arcana.

Jester.- Maenad in ancient Greek myths is the companion of the god Dionysus. Fanaticism, lack of reason.

Mag.- The goddess Eurynome, entwined with the snake Ophion, dancing, creates the world. The beginning of life, the beginning of Tarot. Harmonious union of soul and spirit. Creation, Aleph.

Priestess. – The Shekinah in the view of the Kabbalists is the Heavenly Bride, connecting heaven and earth and manifested in the earthly bride. The Shekinah is the Sacred Feminine.

empress. - A woman as a source of life, as an image of three lunar faces. She is the "cup of the world" that nourishes the Son, the Earth and all living things. Like the Moon, she promotes creation.

Emperor. - A woman, creating the world, inhales a spark of life into it. The earth gives strength and pushes to action. It makes connections with the material world.

Hierophant. - Sophia points to the ancient symbol of the gods - Tetractys (triangle). Her wisdom, like a sacred stream, pours out on people. She is the holy spirit, the breath of life, the holy grail.

lovers. – Apocryphal texts say that Adam had two wives. The first wife, Lilith, was rebellious to her husband. The eternal dilemma: the choice between carnal desire and pure love.

Chariot. - Ceres, the Roman goddess, rushes through the plowed fields on a chariot carried by the forces of the Earth in the form of snakes. The power that guides life.

Justice. - The cruelty of Athena is softened by the olive tree spread over her - the tree of the world. Courage is a gift from the goddess. Balance in the world and spiritual harmony.

Hermit. Demeter is desperately looking for her daughter, and nature is grieving with her. This is an allegory of the autumn of life. Analysis and synthesis of experience to be passed on to others.

Wheel.– The wheel of life from birth to death revolves inside the womb of the Great Mother. Fate.

Force. - Arto, the Celtic goddess of the hunt, whose name formed the name of the constellation Ursa Major. The balance between physical strength and the strength of the mind allows her to overcome fear.

Hanged. - Arachne, who challenged Athena, now suffers the consequences of her rash act. Underestimation of danger, erroneous actions. The balance of the previous Arcana is broken.

Death. - Hel, the goddess of the ancient Germans, reigns among the dead. Death consumes all people without distinction. She equalizes everyone, and, shuffling, returns to a new life.

Moderation. - Kausar in pre-Islamic myth is the goddess of the river flowing in paradise, which brings innumerable benefits and fertility. She is the water that nourishes life and regulates the flow of existence.

Devil. - Evil in the form of a woman. She is the personification of lies, duplicity and the illusory nature of pleasure.

Tower. - Hekate, the Greek goddess, depriving a person of freedom with her witchcraft. The labyrinth symbolizes the wanderings of the soul and the loss of personality. Continuation of the negative dynamics of the previous Arcana.

Star. - Splashes of Juno's milk, from whose breast the grown Hercules turned away, created the Milky Way. She is the magical light of the stars, patronizing on the way to great victories.

Moon. - Three women, three lunar incarnations - young, mature and waning. They are the three phases of nature on earth: (awakening, flourishing and fading); three periods in a person's life (childhood, adulthood and old age).

The sun. - The Greek goddess of the night Nikta and her daughter Hemera, the goddess of the day. Day always comes after night, just as the Sun rises after the Moon to dispel the darkness.

Court. “The Erinyes are trying Ores for the murder of his mother. Retribution. Punishment for unseemly deeds helps to find the right path.

World.- Winter solstice. The sun rises above the earth and is at its highest point. Virgo gives birth to a son - the Sun. The world serpent completes its circle, the new year begins.

Minor Arcana.

The suits of the minor arcana in this Tarot correspond with the phases of the moon and the mythology of the different peoples that inhabited the Earth in antiquity. The court cards are represented by symbolic female images - the heroines of myths and characters from the works of ancient authors: pages (indicated by a helmet) - goddesses with their attributes and totem animals; knights (marked with a chess horse) - goddesses in the form of animals. queens (indicated by a high crown) - these are goddesses in all their guises: Virgins, Beloved and Mothers; kings (indicated by a wide crown) are goddesses with their husbands, dying and resurrecting solar deities.


The wands in this tarot are associated with the growing young moon. The cards depict deities worshiped on the threshold of human history by the peoples who inhabited Mesopotamia and Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Tibet. Wands are associated with fire, creativity and work.

Ace. - The hand of Fatima symbolizes divine favor. The activity of female lunar energy.

deuce. - The Egyptian goddesses Nekhbet, with the wings of a kite, and Wadzhet, with a uraeus, support the caduceus on both sides. Time for reconciliation, initiative, cooperation.

Troika. – Pre-Islamic goddesses with their attributes: Allat with a censer, Uzza with a stork and Manat with a shuttle, show how everything is interconnected in the world. Harmony in relationships, friendship and alliance building.

Four. - The Sumerian goddess Ninhursag, endowed with the epithet "mother of all children." Childbearing and fertility.

Five. - The Egyptian goddess - the lioness Sekhmet, ready to kill and only the waters of the Nile can calm her down. The power of the mind, capable of extinguishing the flames of rage.

Six. The Egyptian goddess of justice, Maat, is preparing to announce her verdict. Justice, well-deserved reward for labors.

Seven. The Syrian goddess Anat avenges the death of her husband Baal by killing the demon Mot. Resilience before the blows of fate. Fighting spirit, overcoming obstacles.

Eight. - The charm of the night was reflected in the beauty of the woman - Leila. Her very name means "night", "invisible". This is the "Beauty of the Divine Reality" that every Sufi must comprehend. Cosmic balance. Spiritual purity.

Nine. - Isis is breastfeeding her son Horus, and behind her back is a cedar, in which the body of her husband Osiris is enclosed. A mother's love is stronger than death. Love gives courage, allowing you to endure pain and grief.

Ten. – Witch Sinmo, a character of Tibetan legend, seeks to capture all the energy of the cosmos. Ambition, attracting everyone's attention, concentration on oneself.

Page.- Ishtar, the Assyrian goddess, girded with the "belt of animals" - the Zodiac. Nearby are lions and owls dedicated to her. Fire is vitality, vigor and sharpness of mind.

Knight. The Sphinx catches the last breath of the dying pharaoh. The inner fire is like the breath of a god. Divine spark that awakens life.

Queen. - The Egyptian goddess Neith, who gave birth to the Sun. It is said about her: “Father of fathers and mother of mothers”, “She gave birth to childbirth, when childbirth did not yet exist.” Creative energy, insight.

King. - Inanna, goddess of fertility and carnal love, the planet Venus. Her seven veils are the seven rings of hell. Integrity, balance between cosmic and earthly energies, steadfastness.


The cups in this tarot are associated with the full moon. The characters on the cards are taken from the mythology of the Jews, the first Christians and neighboring peoples. The bowls are associated with water, fullness, attractiveness and feelings.

Ace. - The cup is a symbol of the uterus, the beginning of life. The water in the bowl reflects the moonlight. Magnetism of female lunar energy.

Deuce. - The apocryphal texts tell how the young Istakhar, refusing the love of the angel Azazel, turns into the constellation Virgo. Love sacrificed to a higher purpose.

Troika. - Innocent maidens offer the young man the holy grail - a magical vessel from the myth of King Arthur. Spiritual purity helps to reveal the secrets of the world.

Four. - The virgin gives birth to a son - the sun and light triumph. The winter solstice marks the end of the long wait. A sacred gift that awakens nature and our souls.

Five. - The Egyptian Hagar, a servant of Abraham, who gave birth to his son Ishmael and was banished into the wilderness, was saved by an angel. Exile, devastation and death. Only faith saves.

Six. - The archangel proclaims to Mary that she is the chosen one of God. A woman is a vessel filled with sacred gifts. Purity of intentions, the good news of a new life.

Seven. - The book of Genesis tells of Jacob's barren wife Rachel, who ate mandrake roots to conceive Joseph. For the sake of creation, all opportunities should be used.

Eight. - Memories wait in the wings, accumulating over the years. Old age is a time for reflection. Echoes of the past. It's time to stop to reflect on the experience and restore inner balance.

Nine. - The shaman calls on the forces of nature. The energy of the cosmos permeates a person and through him affects the world around him.

Ten. - Ruth, a biblical seer, worked for her future mother-in-law Naomi before marrying her son, Booz. Family happiness, reward for duty and work done. Serene life.

Page. - Atargatis, Syrian goddess, with a flying dove (a bird dedicated to her). Water, rebirth, fidelity and righteousness.

Knight. - It follows from the Apocalypse that Evil has no power over the "Woman clothed with the Sun, under whose feet the Moon." A life full of constant struggle with dark forces.

Queen. - The gospels say that Mary, who bore the holy child, was a virgin. Anna, Mary's mother, was also a virgin. The fruits of the Virgin are a rich harvest on earth. Prosperity and well-being, gifts.

King. - Astarte and the deceased Adonis (or Adonai, which means "my Lord" in Hebrew). In honor of Adonai, the month of the boar is named, from September 30 to October 27, when the Sun begins to die and it is time for the harvest of fruits. Completion, result, celebration.


The swords in this tarot are associated with the waning moon. The images on the cards represent the mythological heroes of the ancient Romans and Greeks. Swords correspond with air, magic of thought, knowledge and business activity.

Ace. - The double ax, or Labarum (Labrys), is a symbol of female power. This is also a symbol of war and peace, destruction and creation. The magical power of female lunar energy.

deuce. - The Roman goddess Cardea, sitting in the center of the wheel of the elements, rules the winds. The balance of natural forces.

Troika. - The nymph Daphne, fleeing from the love harassment of Apollo, turns into a laurel tree. Crazy passion, unrequited love, the dangers of love.

Four. - Three moira, the goddess of fate, surrounded the sleeping young man. Sleep is an expectation, a pause before the next leg of the journey. Stop to gain strength, rest.

Five. - Aptera (from the Greek - "wingless") - the fun of the nymphs, during which they cut off the wings of the Harpies, from the stories of the Greek writer Elius Herodian. Hence the expression "winged words". Instability, the emergence of mass conflict.

Six. - Carmenta, the Roman goddess who taught her son Evander and other mortals to read and write. Searching for truth and purpose in life. Everything related to writing and reading.

Seven. The sorceress Circe turns men into pigs. The ability to foresee and skill yield results.

Eight. - Persephone became a prisoner in the kingdom of Hades, and only a ray of light gives her hope. A hopeless situation and invisible barriers that cannot be overcome without outside help. Dependency and pressure from outside.

Nine. - Warriors do not understand that Medusa Gorgon can only be defeated by cunning. Ill-considered decisions and reckless actions do not lead to good. Defeat, sadness.

Ten. - The priestesses of Athena threw themselves down from the cliff, not wanting to abandon paganism in favor of a new religion. Believing in your ideas gives you courage. Difficult decisions. Pain and loss.

Page. - Aphrodite holds the halves of one apple, the seed recesses in which form a five-pointed star. Air, cunning, intelligence, logic.

Knight. - Gaia (Tellus), the ancient goddess of the Earth, the ruler of time and the elements, with snakes. The power of the mind, helping to overcome all life's adversities.

Queen. Artemis, the virgin moon goddess, drew back her bowstring and aimed her arrow. Activity, insight, courage.

King. - The goddess Kebela and her beloved Attis, who is to be castrated. The fruit of the pomegranate tree symbolizes death and resurrection. Idea, revival and restoration.


Pentacles in this Tarot are associated with the new moon - the Black Moon. The cards introduce us to the deities of the Celts, Scandinavians and Germans. Pentacles correspond with the Earth, alchemy and material values.

Ace. - Trixel (triple helix) on the talisman conveys the ideas of the ancients about the constantly changing energy, similar to the properties of alchemical gold, which binds all types of matter. Metamorphoses of female lunar energy.

deuce. - Blodduwed, the character of the Welsh myths "Mabinogion", created by two sorcerers from flowers, rejoices at his birth. Materialization of desires, positive emotions, fun.

Troika. “Three Norns water the World Tree, Yggdrasil ash, with spring water and fertilize with pure earth. Participation in a big cause. Work for the benefit of many.

Four. - Fallen angels, as the Irish legend says, turn into little fairies. Greed and lust for power lead to transformation. Corruption, deceit, fall.

Five. – Wanderer Persh, the heroine of the German legend, leads the children. Poverty, loss of wealth, oppression.

Six. - The Gallic moonlight goddess Sirona holds a basket with three eggs, which, like Triskel, symbolize renewal and rebirth under the influence of female energy. Healing, restoration, optimism.

Seven. - The giantesses Feni and Meni from the Scandinavian Edda are forced to grind gold for the king of swindlers. Coercion, imposed obligations, lack of freedom.

Eight. - The goddess of beauty Freya persuades the dwarves to forge for her the magic necklace Brisingamen. Reward for hard work, perseverance, dedication.

Nine. - The Irish goddess of nature and springs Bridget covers herself with a cloak, protecting herself from the sun's rays. Safety, peace of mind, efficiency.

Ten. – The goddess Arianrod gives shelter to the souls of dead kings as a reward for a righteous life behind the walls of her castle in the constellation of the Northern Crown. Well-deserved peace and well-being, the balance of the wheel of life.

Page. “Morrigan, the triple goddess of death, with a raven on her shoulder, wanders among the corpses. Land, self-sufficiency, pursuit of one's own goals.

Knight. - Goddess Epona, often depicted in the form of a horse. Purposeful movement, diligence.

Queen. – Luonatar, a character from Kalevala, a maiden of the sea, from whose egg came the Sun, Moon and stars. Spirituality, creativity, richness of the soul.

King. - Ceridwen with a deer, which will be killed as soon as it turns into an adult deer. The deer is Beltane, the god who dies and is reborn to impregnate the goddess Earth. Protection, patronage, material support.

Year 2014 Artist Franco Rivolli Card size 6.6 x 12 cm Composition 78 cards + instructions in Russian Author Floreana Nativo, Franco Rivolli Publishing house Avvalon-Lo Scarabeo Language cards are numbered but not signed Weight 225 g

This deck is dedicated to the Woman, the feminine principle in all its guises, which have found their expression in various mythological traditions and religions. Mother, warrior, wife, priestess, innocent girl. “I am the one who is revered and despised ... I am the unknown silence and I am the eternal memory of life ...”.

The major arcana in the Tarot of the Sacred Feminine are predominantly dedicated to different goddesses, but there are a few exceptions:

0. Maenad. Translated from ancient Greek, this word means "mad" Maenads accompany Dionysus (in Roman mythology - the Bacchantes).

I. Eurynome. According to one version, she is the goddess of all things, who arose from Chaos, and then separated the sea from the sky. Dancing over the waters, she caught the wind in her palms, and he turned into Ophion, the great serpent who impregnated the goddess. Then she turned into a dove and laid the World Egg.

II. Shechina. The Heavenly Bride, the Sacred Feminine, the feminine aspect of God in Kabbalah and Judaism. This word also denotes grace, the presence of God, which can be felt physically.

III. The Triune Goddess in her incarnation Mother.

IV. Mother Earth.

V. Sophia, which is translated from ancient Greek as “wisdom”, “knowledge”.

VI. Eve and Lilith are Adam's two wives.

VII. Ceres is the goddess of the harvest. In some images, she was depicted driving a chariot, which was harnessed by snakes.

VIII. Arto is the Celtic goddess of the hunt.

IX. Demeter is the goddess of fertility who went in search of Persephone, her daughter kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld.

X. The cycle of life. It is the woman who gives him the beginning.

XI. Athena is the goddess of just war and wisdom.

XII. Arachne. She is not a goddess, but a mortal woman who dared to challenge Athena by claiming to have surpassed her in the art of weaving. For her pride, Arachne was turned into a spider.

XIII. Hel is the Scandinavian goddess of death.

XIV. Kausar - is mentioned in the Koran as one of the paradise rivers.

XV. Collective negative female image

XVI. Hekate is the goddess of darkness, poisonous plants and witchcraft, she also sends nightmares.

XVII. Hera - the wife of Zeus, from the spray of her milk appeared the Milky Way

XVIII. Triune Goddess: Girl, Mother, Old Woman. These hypostases correspond to the main phases of the moon (growing, full, waning).

XIX. Nyukta and Gemera - goddesses of night and day.

XX. Erinyes (furies) - goddesses of retribution, retribution.

XXI. The Winter Solstice is the birth of a new Sun, the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

The four suits of the Minor Arcana correspond to the four phases of the moon.

"Tarot of the Sacred Feminine" is replete with different symbols and provides rich material for different interpretations. Perhaps its only minor drawback is the lack of inscriptions on the cards, and the author sometimes uses quite "rare" goddesses. Therefore, in order to learn how to recognize all the characters in what is called “in person”, you will have to spend some time mastering the deck. Let's hope that in the near future a full-fledged book will appear for this deck, the instructions offer only brief information.

The idea behind this deck is similar to the Union of Goddesses Tarot.

Other works by Franco Rivolli are Tarot of Fire, Tarot of Silver Sorcery.

The sixteenth major lasso "Tower" in the deck "Tarot of the Sacred Feminine" (Tarot of Sacred Feminine) is goddess Hekate.

The essence of the map:

The map shows Hekate as a wise old woman. She looks at the Labyrinth, where a lone human figure wanders.

Behind the back of the Goddess shines the disk of the full moon, whispering about illusions and advising turn to the inner spirit.

To feel the energies of the lasso and understand why exactly the Great Hekate is depicted on the lasso, you can try enter the map. Just by entering the map, you understand very clearly whatHuman life is a Labyrinth... Emotions, desires, passions of a person are the turns, corners and dead ends of the labyrinth. Some lead further, and some lead nowhere ... It may look like this: you walk through the labyrinths of your desires, temptations, base or momentary interests, when the main thing for you is: “Give now! And I’ll deal with the consequences later… Somehow I’ll decide…” And so you can walk in circles, in one small square, until you overcome your illusions and delusions. As soon as this happens, a passage further will open in front of you at the same moment. Or maybe, leaving the square - a dead end, you will turn in the other direction and thus continue your journey further in life ...

And you realize that Hekate - Wise Mother. She doesn't lay traps for you. She just watches...

And if you ask her for help, you will get very wise help: Hekate does not remove obstacles from your path, she helps you gain understanding of the nature of this obstacle, its essence for you, your life, your spiritual Path. And realizing this, you you can overcome the barrier yourself. If you take a closer look at the image of Hekate on the map, you will see that the Goddess is not looking at the Labyrinth. She looks at you. She doesn't need to look at the Labyrinth to see.

She looks into your eyes, awakening your spirit... Addressing your spirit...

Trials of Hekate in the XVI Major Arcana, and how to overcome them

Hekate is the Goddess of trials. It never deprives us of freedom and does not force us to do anything. Goddess - offers a choice and, often, this choice includes tests that we have to go through. We voluntarily embark on the Path that it opens before us.

What tests does Hekate offer in the tower arcana? In the XVI major lasso "Tower" of the deck "Tarot of the Sacred Femininity" Hekate's trials are presented in the form of a labyrinth. Its characteristics and features can give The days of Hekate are the three most difficult days of the lunar month: 9th, 19th and 29th days. The tests of these days are very typical. This is *Unreasonable fears anxiety, various failures; * seduction, illusions, deceit, delusions, hypocrisy; *pride, envy, malice; *perception of the world, as if through a distorted mirror. It is these tests that are the Labyrinth shown in the XVIth lasso. And we walk through this Labyrinth*persisting in your delusions *through thick and thin, trying to stand his ground *contrary to common sense proves that we are right, *burning thirst for revenge - in a word, we experience all those base feelings and instincts, which usually lie dormant in us under the "cultural layer" of upbringing, morality and ethics.

By the way, remember the XVI Major Arcana:

Isn't it these feelings that lead to that "Tower" that

is destroyed by the energy of the XVIth lasso?

And now, experiencing all this, we again and again, round and round we walk through the Labyrinth, and find no way out...

Because all these feelings, emotions, sensations are the walls of the Labyrinth ...

Exit from the Labyrinth What is the way out of Hekate's Labyrinth of Trials? What does the wisdom of the Goddess call us to? What must we find within ourselves to get out of the Labyrinth? Hekate is the goddess of mercy. By putting us face to face with trials, it also gives us a way to get out of them with honor. These the ways are known to our inner spirit, which communicates directly with the Goddess. Therefore, she looks into our eyes, and her eyes cry out:

“Wake up! Remember! You can!"

You just need to turn to your inner spirit, step over your own Ego, hear the voice of your inner "I" and follow its advice.

Most likely, these tips will sound like this: *listen and hear not only themselves, but also others, *remember, that one's own self-esteem is often overestimated, *do not hurry and once again think about what is happening, *don't give in emotions and provocations, avoid quarrels and scandals, *hard control yourself, not to succumb to the provocations of others and not to provoke anyone yourself. And, most importantly, do not succumb to despair, depression and

never feel sorry for yourself.

Wisdom of the Trials of the Goddess

Hecate's Labyrinth of Trials is also important in that it clearly demonstrates to us the fact that We got into this Labyrinth of trials as a result of our past actions. Therefore, solving the problem of exiting the Labyrinth, we solve the problem of our past mistakes, grievances, we get the opportunity to correct them, reconsider our behavior, way of thinking, “cut off the black tails” of the past.

As they say, "in the days of Hekate you receive your karma in a concentrated form", those. we are rewarded for those unseemly deeds, impartial words that we allowed ourselves.

So, fill your heart with gratitude to the Goddess for these lessons and turn to the universe with words of forgiveness. Because Hekate's Labyrinth is the Labyrinth of Purification: it is a moral cleansing of the soul and conscience, helping to get rid of lies, pride, illusions, hypocrisy, envy and other vicious qualities.

And again, remember the lasso "Tower":

Is it not these qualities that cause the appearance in the scenario

the formidable XVIth lasso of destruction?

Destroying, the "Tower" cleanses ...

Hekate's Labyrinth -

this is a great opportunity to work

above oneself.

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