A message about the diversity and meaning of fish. Variety of fish

Plant encyclopedia 30.06.2020
Plant encyclopedia

Cartilaginous fish. The first fish appeared on our planet about 340-360 million years ago. The most ancient of modern fish - cartilaginous live almost exclusively in the sea. They get their name because their skeleton is entirely cartilaginous. Their body is covered with special scales. In most cartilaginous fish, the gill slits open outward on their own. Thus, 5–7 gill slits are visible from the outside on each side of the body. There is no swim bladder. Cartilaginous fishes include, for example, sharks - impetuous predators of the sea, whose jaws are armed with sharp dagger-like teeth. Large sharks often attack humans.

Another group of cartilaginous fish has adapted to a benthic lifestyle. These are stingrays. In this regard, the body of the rays became compressed in the dorsal-abdominal direction and the role of the main organ of movement was given to the greatly enlarged pectoral fins.

Bone-cartilaginous, or sturgeon, fish have a cartilaginous skeleton, but they also have some bones. In the spine of sturgeons, the chord is preserved for life, which is eaten under the name of Vyazigi. They have a swim bladder, operculum. Some sturgeon (for example, beluga) can reach several meters in length. Instead of a continuous scaly cover, they have 5 rows of large bone plaques "scutes" along the body. Sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon and other fish of this group feed on worms, molluscs and other invertebrates, which are sought out among the bottom silt with the help of small antennae located in front of the mouth. Sturgeons spend several months a year in the sea (for example, in the Azov, Black or Caspian), and for spawning they enter the rivers.

Lungs fish. In Africa, Australia and South America, there are few representatives of the amazing group of freshwater fish, which were once very numerous and widespread throughout the world. They were called lung-breathing for the reason that their swim bladder plays the role of a lung. Usually they breathe, like all fish, but when the water bodies dry up, they burrow into silt and spend the dry time in hibernation, breathing atmospheric air. Their skeleton, like the skeleton of sturgeon, is predominantly cartilaginous, but has separate bones. One of the lung-breathing fish is the African flake.

Kisteperye. It was believed that cross-finned fish became extinct 50-100 million years before our time. Unexpectedly, in 1938 in the Indian Ocean, near the southern tip of Africa, the first specimen of coelacanth was caught, belonging to the cross-finned fish. Several dozen specimens of this large (about 1.5 m long) fish, caught between Madagascar and Africa, are now known. Interesting is the structure of their pectoral fins, which are very reminiscent of the forelimb of terrestrial vertebrates. Most of the extinct cross-fin were freshwater, had additional air respiration, and it was from them that the first terrestrial vertebrates originated.

Bony. Fish are most developed, the entire skeleton of which consists of almost some bones. Therefore, they are called bony. In the history of the Earth, they arose relatively recently, about 180 million years ago. In the more ancient representatives of the bony, the connection of the swim bladder with the intestines remains for life, and most of the fin rays are soft. These fish include, for example, herring. Most of them live in the sea and keep in large flocks, making wanderings for spawning. Herring feed on small organisms suspended in water.

Our fresh waters are home to many carp fish: roach, bream, crucian carp, sabrefish, bleak and many others. These fish feed on plant foods and invertebrates. The teeth in their jaws are poorly developed or completely absent. But deep in the throat, they have special devices for chopping food.

The sharp teeth of the jaws help the predatory pike to grab fish, frogs and even birds. Another large predator (1–2 m long) of our fresh waters, the catfish, has jaws covered with many small, very sharp teeth. It has antennae in the corners of the mouth. Catfish is sometimes called the "freshwater shark": it even attacks humans.

Among marine fish, cod are of great commercial importance, one of the features of which is an unpaired antenna on the chin. In our fresh waters, there is a representative of cod - burbot.

The youngest fish in the history of the Earth are bony, in which the swim bladder does not communicate with the intestines in adulthood, and the rays in the fins are spiny. They are called prickly-finned. These include perch, pike perch, ruff, etc.

Cartilaginous fish. The first fish appeared on our planet about 340-360 million years ago. The most ancient of modern fish - cartilaginous live almost exclusively in the sea. They get their name because their skeleton is entirely cartilaginous. Their body is covered with special scales. In most cartilaginous fish, the gill slits open outward on their own. Thus, 5-7 gill slits are visible from the outside on each side of the body. There is no swim bladder. Cartilaginous fishes include, for example, sharks - impetuous predators of the sea, whose jaws are armed with sharp dagger-like teeth. Large sharks often attack humans.

Another group of cartilaginous fish has adapted to a benthic lifestyle. These are stingrays. In this regard, the body of the rays became compressed in the dorsal-abdominal direction and the role of the main organ of movement was given to the greatly enlarged pectoral fins.

Bone-cartilaginous, or sturgeon, fish have a cartilaginous skeleton, but they also have some bones. In the spine of sturgeons, the chord is preserved for life, which is eaten under the name of Vyazigi. They have a swim bladder, operculum. Some sturgeon (for example, beluga) can reach several meters in length. Instead of a continuous scaly cover, they have 5 rows of large bone plaques "scutes" along the body. Sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon and other fish of this group feed on worms, molluscs and other invertebrates, which are sought out among the bottom silt with the help of small antennae located in front of the mouth. Sturgeons spend several months a year in the sea (for example, in the Azov, Black or Caspian), and for spawning they enter the rivers.

Lungs fish. In Africa, Australia and South America, there are few representatives of the amazing group of freshwater fish, which were once very numerous and widespread throughout the world. They were called lung-breathing for the reason that their swim bladder plays the role of a lung. Usually they breathe, like all fish, but when the water bodies dry up, they burrow into silt and spend the dry time in hibernation, breathing atmospheric air. Their skeleton, like the skeleton of sturgeon, is predominantly cartilaginous, but has separate bones. One of the lung-breathing fish is the African flake.

Kisteperye. It was believed that cross-finned fish became extinct 50-100 million years before our time. Unexpectedly, in 1938 in the Indian Ocean, near the southern tip of Africa, the first specimen of coelacanth was caught, belonging to the cross-finned fish. Several dozen specimens of this large (about 1.5 m long) fish, caught between Madagascar and Africa, are now known. Interesting is the structure of their pectoral fins, which are very reminiscent of the forelimb of terrestrial vertebrates. Most of the extinct cross-fin were freshwater, had additional air respiration, and it was from them that the first terrestrial vertebrates originated.

Bony. Fish are most developed, the entire skeleton of which consists of almost some bones. Therefore, they are called bony. In the history of the Earth, they arose relatively recently, about 180 million years ago. In the more ancient representatives of the bony, the connection of the swim bladder with the intestines remains for life, and most of the fin rays are soft. These fish include, for example, herring. Most of them live in the sea and keep in large flocks, making wanderings for spawning. Herring feed on small organisms suspended in water.

Our fresh waters are home to many carp fish: roach, bream, crucian carp, sabrefish, bleak and many others. These fish feed on plant foods and invertebrates. The teeth in their jaws are poorly developed or completely absent. But deep in the throat, they have special devices for chopping food.

The sharp teeth of the jaws help the predatory pike to grab fish, frogs and even birds. Another large predator (1-2 m long) of our fresh waters - the catfish has jaws covered with many small, very sharp teeth. It has antennae in the corners of the mouth. Catfish is sometimes called the "freshwater shark": it even attacks humans.

Among marine fish, cod are of great commercial importance, one of the features of which is an unpaired antenna on the chin. In our fresh waters, there is a representative of cod - burbot.

The youngest fish in the history of the Earth are bony, in which the swim bladder does not communicate with the intestines in adulthood, and the rays in the fins are spiny. They are called prickly-finned. These include perch, pike perch, ruff, etc.

    Review the general characteristics and classification of the Chordate type.

    Explore the aromorphoses of the Pisces superclass. Write it down in a notebook.

    Study the structure of fish. Complete notes in a notebook.

    Record and learn the current classification of fish.

    Consider wet preparations of different fish species.

    Under a microscope, examine the two main types of scales in teleost fish.

    To study the external and internal structure of a bony teleost fish using the example of Perch river (fish dissection).

    In the album, perform 6 drawings, indicated in the printed manual, which are stored in the laboratory assistant's department of biology and ecology, V (red check mark). In the electronic manual, all the drawings necessary for drawing are presented at the end of the entire material.

    In a notebook, draw and fill in table 1 .:

Table 1. Distinctive features of the organization of fish

classes Cartilaginous fish and Bony fish

Class Cartilaginous fish

Class Bony fish

Ordinary representatives

Features of the external structure

Features of the internal structure

Breeding features

Features of ecology

    In a notebook, draw and fill in table 2 .:

Table 2. Diversity of cartilaginous and bony fish

    Know the answers to Control questions themes:

General characteristics of the Chordate type. Classification of the Chordate type.

Features of the organization of Bony fish.

Systematic position, lifestyle, body structure, reproduction, significance in nature and for humans River perch.

Distinctive features of the organization of fish of the classes Cartilaginous fish and Bony fish.

General characteristics of fish

In modern taxonomy of chordates Fishes(Pisces) are a superclass of two classes:

Chordata type

Subtype Vertebrates (Vertebrata)

Pisces superclass

  1. Class Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes). About 600 species.

    Class Bony fish (Osteichthyes). More than 20 thousand species.

Fish superclass has the following Omain aromorphoses(aromorphoses are major evolutionary changes leading to a general complication of the structure and organization of the organism):

1. Replacement of the notochord with cartilaginous, then bony spine.

2. Active search and seizure of food (appearance of jaws).

3. Formation of the skull that protects the brain.

4. The emergence of paired limbs - fins.

5. Developed brain and sense organs. The leading part of the brain is the midbrain (the so-called ichthyopside type of the brain).

6. Three semicircular canals appear in the inner ear, lying in mutually perpendicular planes, which ensures more perfect coordination of movements.

7. One circle of blood circulation. The heart is two-chambered. There is venous blood in the heart. In lung-breathing fish, the formation of a second, (pulmonary) circle of blood circulation is planned.

8. The olfactory bags are paired. Each of them opens outward with an independent nasal passage (paired nostrils).

9. Respiratory organs - gills.

10. The digestive tract is differentiated: the stomach is separated, the intestine is divided into thin and thick sections.

11. Differentiation of the digestive gland into the pancreas and the liver.

12. Formation of trunk kidneys (so-called mesonephric kidney).

13. Protective, mainly bone formations - scales - appear in the skin.

General characteristics of fish

Topic: The variety of fish, their significance in nature. General characteristics of the class. Fish protection. Economic value.

Target: will get acquainted with the variety of fish, the peculiarities of their structure and adaptability to life in various conditions, their value and protection.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, screen

Course of the lesson

Ø Organizing time. Greetings from students. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

Ø Motivation and goal setting

“Others inherited from nature

The instinct is prophetically blind -

They smell it, hear water ... "

Dear friends. Read these words. Who do you think they are dedicated to? Of course, amazing and mysterious animals - fish. Today we will continue to get acquainted with the diversity of representatives of the fish class, with their significance in human life, in nature, and the protection of fish resources. To do this, we will try to solve the following tasks of our communication with you.

Setting lesson objectives with students

Ø Survey and updating of knowledge. Knowledge testing was carried out using 10-point monitoring.

Today we will continue to get acquainted with the variety of representatives of the fish class, with their significance in nature and in human life.

Fish are the oldest vertebrates. The evolutionary age of some of them (sharks, stingrays, horntooths, African plummets, etc.) is very solid - hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, it is not surprising that fish have spread so widely throughout the vast aquatic kingdom, from the smallest bodies of water to the great oceans. Among them there are those who dared to go ashore. The variety of habitats provides fish with a wide scope for specialization, the development of a number of adaptations, sometimes very ingenious and most unexpected.

Question. Remember the name of the science that studies fish (ichthyology, a scientist - a specialist who deals with this - ichthyologist).

Question. Let's remember the taxonomic position of fish.

You are welcome …. (summon one child) make up the systematic position of the fish

Right ……………. answers we will check using a multimedia projector

Kingdom animals

Subkingdom multicellular

Type Chorodovye

Subtype Vertebrates

Pisces superclass

Class Cartilaginous fish

Class Bony fish

Ø Studying new material and partial updating of knowledge.

ü The variety of fish and their wide distribution in the waters of the oceans.

In the superclass of fish, two classes are distinguished: Cartilaginous and Bony fish (slide)

Class characteristics

Cartilaginous fish (700 species)

1. Cartilaginous skeleton throughout life;

2. The head has an elongated snout;

3. Mouth on the underside of the body;

4. 5 pairs of branchial slits;

5. The skin is covered with special scales.

Student presentation on the topic "Shark and Stingray squads"

Bony fish (20 thousand species) One of the many and varied groups of modern fish. Most are characterized by a bony skeleton.

Question. What are the reasons for the variety of bony fish? To answer the question, the children are invited to get acquainted with the biological characteristics of various orders of bony fish.

Acquaintance with the detachments takes place during the performances of students (advanced assignments)

Order Sturgeon.

Spindle-shaped, along the body there are 5 rows of strong bony scales "bug", the location of the mouth on the underside of the head, unequal-lobed fin, gill covers, preservation of the chord throughout life. These are valuable commercial fish that provide high-quality meat and black caviar.

Red Book RB - Sterlet

Squad Herring

Schooling, planktivorous living along the coast, numerous sticky eggs on the ground or algae. Mostly commercial.

Order Salmoniformes

Freshwater and anadromous fish laying a small ring of eggs on the sandy or pebble bottom of fresh water bodies. A distinctive feature of the adipose fin without bony rays. They give high quality meat and red caviar.

Detachment Carps

Freshwater bony fish that do not have jaw teeth have pharyngeal teeth for grinding food. Most commercial fish

Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus - common barbel

Kistepiper squad

An ancient, almost entirely extinct group of fish. Currently, only one species of this order is known - coelacanth - living in the depths of the Indian Ocean. It is long m. It has peculiarly arranged fins - the skeleton of the fin resembles the skeleton of the limbs of terrestrial vertebrates, it is located inside the fleshy blade. Cispefora represent a special branch from which ancient amphibians probably originated.

ü General characteristics of the class.

The students compare the studied orders of fish with each other. Find similarities in their structure and give a general description of the class of fish.

1 aquatic animals (vertebrates)

2.Slim body shape

3 fin-shaped limbs

4.The skeleton is cartilaginous or bone

5. Bony fish have a swim bladder

6. The food is active. The alimentary canal is differentiated into sections, there are digestive glands

7 breathing with gills

8.Closed circulatory system. 1 circle of blood circulation, 2-chambered heart.

9 excretory organs - trunk kidneys

10.CNS - neural tube (spinal cord and brain)

11. Well developed: sense of smell, lateral line organs, inner ear, organ of vision adapted for close vision

12. Separated animals, external fertilization, development with the larval stage.

CONCLUSION: Fish, as aquatic vertebrates with a variable temperature, depend on factors of inanimate nature (temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide content in water, illumination, etc.). It is the complex relationships of fish with a variety of environmental factors that underlie their diversity.

ü Economic value and security.

Fish and fish products play a significant role in human life. It is one of the main sources of protein, fat and vitamin D (essential for proper bone formation). Diet product, easy to digest. Fish processing waste is used for the production of fish meal (feed additive for agricultural animals). World fish catch 80 mln. tone. But in recent decades, fish catches have been declining for a number of reasons.

1 poaching

2.Pollution of reservoirs with sewage.

3. Washing off mineral fertilizers from fields (water bloom and fish death)

4.Changing the banks of water bodies (straightening, concreting, construction of dams, sluices, destruction of spawning grounds, unstable water level, death of eggs)

1. Maintain the frequency of the habitat.

2. The timing and norms of catching fish are established.

3. Fish hatcheries are being built (breeding, fry are released into the rivers and restore the number of fish)

Ø Anchoring.

1. Students are invited to make up the distinguishing features of the classes cartilaginous and bony fish

2. Students are asked to answer a series of questions

1.By what signs can you distinguish cartilaginous fish from bony

2.How is human-caught fish used?

3. What are the reasons for the decline in the number of fish?

4. A foundation pit was dug on the site and filled with water. Can fish be introduced there right away? Justify the answer.

5.What everyone can do for himself without difficulty in order to preserve the life of fish and other aquatic animals living in reservoirs

Class: 7

Lesson presentation

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The purpose of the lesson: get acquainted with the variety of fish; identify signs of the main classes of fish; develop the ability to compare and determine the most common orders of fish; foster respect for nature


Educational: to reveal the variety of fish, to study the signs of classes and orders of fish.


  • learn to recognize the studied fish,
  • be able to compare the structural features of fish,
  • be able to work with material,

Educational: to form the needs (motives, impulses) of behavior and activities aimed at protecting animals, rational nature management,

Equipment: presentation “Variety of fish”, tables “Sea fish”, “Freshwater and anadromous commercial fish”, “Type Chordates. Fish Class ”, projector, computer, fish photos, tab. systematic groups of fish.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Explanation of the material

Teacher- Guys, today we will go on a ship of knowledge into the open sea, entering rivers and canals, we will go down under water and get acquainted with aquatic inhabitants, namely with fish. Give up the mooring line, let's go!

While we swim to the first dive, let's think about whom we can meet on our way. Before you diagram, name the main classes and orders of fish (slide 3). We are on a scientific journey so we must record our observations.

Teacher distributes tables and small photographs of fish. (Appendix 1)

Well, we swam to the place, we all dive into the bathyscaphe. Oh, oh, oh who is this in front of us (slide 4).

Students- It's a shark. Fast and powerful fish with a cartilaginous skeleton that lives in the seas and oceans. It has no swim bladder and lacks neutral buoyancy. This fish has sharp scales, which are called placoid, as well as dangerous teeth, it has internal fertilization and the process of viviparity is inherent in it.

Teacher- well done, let's see some types of sharks (slide 6) (slide 7)

And here is the whale shark (slide 8). She slowly moves forward, gaping a huge mouth. As water enters the gills, small fish and plankton become entangled in the "villous mats" that close the gill slits. These ridged sieves are called gill stamens. The animal can only swallow food. Oh look who is this? (slide 8.9)

Students - This is a stingray. These fish are listed as dangerous animals, but in general they are harmless and harmless. Some have a formidable and ferocious appearance, some can stab, poison or stun a person, but there was no case that any of them made an unprovoked attack on people. Most of them have a flat body, and their pectoral fins have flattened, expanded and turned into "wings", representing one piece with the head and sides.

Teacher- we return to the ship and check what we have learned. The table is read out.

There is a freshwater strait ahead, and what kind of fish is this? (slide 12)

Student - Sturgeon. A small group of fish. In the structure of sturgeon, ancient characters have been preserved, emphasizing their resemblance to cartilaginous fish. Throughout their life, sturgeons retain the notochord, the bone-cartilaginous skeleton. The body is elongated, the head begins with a flattened snout, on the lower side of which there are two pairs of antennae and a mouth in the form of a transverse semilunar slit. The jaws are devoid of teeth. In the skin layer, on the sides along the body and on the ridge, there are five rows of large bone plaques, small bone plates are chaotically scattered between them. The pectoral and pelvic fins attach horizontally to the body. The tail fin is unequal, resembling the tail of sharks. There is a swim bladder.

Representatives of the sturgeon family are found mainly in the northern hemisphere of the temperate latitudes of Europe, North Asia and North America. In adulthood, these fish spend most of their life in the seas. Baikal sturgeon, American lake sturgeon and sterlet are considered freshwater fish. (slide 12)

Sturgeon meat is prized for its excellent taste. It is eaten fresh, salted, smoked. Sturgeon caviar is a very valuable nutritious product.

Teacher- we are in the sea again, see how the water glistens, who is it? (slide 14,15)

Students- It's herring. Fish of this order have an elongated body, slightly compressed from the sides. The coloration of the back is dark blue or greenish, the abdomen is white with a silver tint. Paired and unpaired fins are soft. The side line is invisible. The body length is usually 5-75 cm, sometimes up to 5 m. Most of the herring live in the seas, there are also anadromous - moving for reproduction from seas to rivers and vice versa.

Few representatives of the order live in fresh water bodies. They feed on planktonic invertebrates. Large individuals, as a rule, are predators eating small fish.

The detachment consists of three families. The most famous are fish from the herring family, relatively small or medium in size, usually 35-45 cm long, less often - more. Herring live mainly in the seas. Commercial value is oceanic (Atlantic, Baltic, White Sea, Pacific) herring, sardine, ivasi. The smallest fish of commercial importance are sprat and tulka, inhabiting the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas.

Teacher- almost reached the goal of our journey, but who is it ahead?

(slide 16.17)

Student- this is a salmon from the salmon order. Common household names “salmon” and “trout”, contrary to the stereotype, do not correspond to any species of fish. These are collective names of either a whole family or subfamily (typical for the name "salmon"), or a large group of species united by one property (trout).

Salmon itself is generally considered salmon, or salmon during spawning. On the other hand, the term “salmon” is present in the names of more than a dozen different fish species from different subfamilies, as well as in the names of two genera - Noble salmon and Pacific salmon.

All fish of salmon species of commercial importance: salmon, Caspian, Black Sea, Aral salmon, white fish and others - are under the special protection of the Ministry of the Fishing Industry of the Russian Federation, therefore, fishing for any salmon and in any way, including spinning, can only be done with special a permit issued by the Ministry or local fisheries regulating authorities, or in places specially designated for sport fishing.

Salmon fish are either anadromous fish that live in the sea and enter rivers for spawning only during spawning, or freshwater fish that live in rivers and do not leave the sea at all. Salmon are the fish of the north. But some of them are found in the Black, Caspian and Aral seas. This is due to the geological past of the named seas, which were once connected to the Arctic Ocean.

The salmon is very beautiful: its body is slender, elongated, with small bright silvery scales, among which, above the lateral line, X-shaped dark spots are scattered in small numbers; her back is dark, with a blue steel sheen; the belly is white; the caudal and dorsal fins are dark gray, while the rest are somewhat lighter. The mouth of the salmon is large, the jaws are cartilaginous-bony with rather large teeth and very strong. Salmon in the sea feeds on small fish and grows up to 1.5 m long, fattening up to 32 kg or more of delicious meat. A distinctive feature of salmon, like all salmonids in general, is an adipose fin located on the back near a powerful tail.

Teacher- but here we are almost at home, fresh water ahead, what a beautiful fish - straight from a fairy tale - a goldfish. And who is this? (slides 18,19,20)

Student- carp. Carp, a fish of the carp family, is a cultivated (domesticated) form of carp. Carp is a schooling fish, yellow-green and brown in color. Carp are characterized by two whiskers on each side of the upper jaw. The body color of this fish can vary depending on the habitat. Its back is usually dark, even black with a greenish tint, the sides are yellowish and light-colored belly. The slightly notched dorsal fin is dark gray, the ventral, pectoral and anal fins are light gray with a purple tint, the caudal fins are reddish brown.

Carp are very unpretentious, although thermophilic fish (tolerates temperatures up to 35 ° C, lives in ponds with a small amount of oxygen, (tolerates significant pollution), quarries, irrigation and drainage canals, rivers. quiet, overgrown backwaters with a slow current River carp have a more elongated body and hooked have more resistance compared to relatives from stagnant bodies of water.

In the water bodies of Russia, the most common representatives of carps are roach, dace, asp, tench, barbel, bream, vimba, bleak, sabrefish, carp, crucian carp, grass carp, all of which are of great commercial importance. A number of species are artificially bred in pond farms.

Teacher- and now let's ask the fishermen - do you know the next fish that are now swimming past us. (Slide 21.22)

Students- perch. The order Perchiformes is the most numerous group of fish in terms of species composition (Fig. 5). They are distributed in reservoirs of all continents and in the oceans. A characteristic feature of perciformes is the presence of two dorsal fins with sharp spines. Some of them have no swim bladder. Body length from 1 cm to 5 m and weight from less than a gram to 1000 kg or more. Almost all fish of the order perchiformes are edible and are objects of fishing, as well as amateur fishing. Small fish of this group live well and reproduce in aquariums.

Teacher- well done, a little more and we are at home, oh, oh look who's there almost on the shore. Yes, and blue, let's go get to know each other. (slide 23.24)

Students- Yes, this is coelacanth. In Christmas 1938, fishermen fishing in the Indian Ocean off the coast of South Africa "found among the fish raised by a trawl from a depth of 69 meters, a very strange creature. The size and weight it was from a short person - the length was 1.5 -1.8 m, and weight - 57 kg. A magnificent bluish shade with a metallic sheen, the fish was covered with large thick scales and had powerful, oar-like fins. When the captain bent down to get a better look at this creature, it opened a mouth full of sharp teeth, and dug into his hand. of those on the ship did not see such an animal. When the ship docked in one of the docks in East London, this creature was taken to the local museum. The famous ichthyologist immediately realized that this is the most important find that scientists have been able to "make at sea. He determined that this is one of the specimens of fish, which for millions of years hid in the depths of the seas, hundreds of meters from the surface. It was named after the curator of the museum who informed him of the find, Miss Courtney Latimer. In 1952, another coelacanth was recovered from the depths of the sea between Africa and Madagascar. Later, more than a dozen of these living fossils were caught in the same area, representatives of a branch long considered extinct - the branch that connects vertebrate inhabitants of land and sea.

3. Anchoring

Teacher- we returned from the trip, let's summarize what we got (Checking the table). Now let's summarize the cards with the appearance of fish in front of you - add those parts of the body that are missing and determine which classes and orders they belong to. (Appendix 2).

Look, the film that we shot during the trip, the camera filmed only those moments that we, due to our great research activity, we missed (slide 25).

4. Reflection.

Well done, they did a great job, each of you, when boarding the ship, received 3 fish - cheerful, sad and thoughtful, in front of you 3 aquariums let the fish go to the aquarium that best suits your mood in this lesson.

5. Homework: repeat p.22,23


  1. V.V. V.A. Latyushin Shapkin “Biology. Animals. Grade 7 "-M. Bustard 2009
  2. V.V. G.A. Latyushin Ufimtseva “Biology. Animals. Grade 7: thematic and lesson planning for the textbook by V.V. Latyushin V. A. Shapkina “Bioligy. Animals. Grade 7 "-M. Bustard, 2008
  3. AVOnischenko "Biology in tables and diagrams" SPB LLC "Victoria Plus" 2010
  4. http://www.learnbiology.ru/19.htm
  5. http://www.zooeco.com/0-rib/0-ribi3-1.html
  6. http://images.yandex.ru
  7. http://900igr.net
  8. http://ru.wikipedia.org
  9. http://fish-book.ru

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