Causes of sleep disorders and their elimination. Sleep disorders: causes, symptoms and psychological treatment

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Chronic insomnia is not an independent disease. It is associated with disorders of a somatic or mental nature. Prolonged insomnia is provoked by such factors:

  • alcoholism;
  • neurological disorders (panic attacks, stress, neuroses);
  • somatic diseases (hypertension, gastric ulcer, arthrosis, etc.);
  • mental illness (depression, senile dementia, schizophrenia).

Pathologies of the central nervous system, snoring and sleep apnea (nocturnal breath holding), concussion also have a negative impact on the quality of sleep.

Other causes of chronic insomnia include taking certain medications (antidepressants, diuretics, Theophylline, etc.), abuse of energy drinks, coffee and strong tea. Sleep problems are often reported by pregnant women and the elderly.

Insomnia develops in violation of the regime of work and rest, night work, the habit of having a plentiful dinner, lack of nutrients and vitamins, and exhaustion.

Prolonged insomnia is associated with serious diseases. Therefore, with prolonged sleep disorders, it is worth undergoing an examination and finding out the cause of the disorder.

Neurological origin of chronic insomnia

Stress and insomnia often go hand in hand. Regular psychological stress disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, including the areas of the brain responsible for sleep and wakefulness. The sleep hormone is produced less compared to the norm, and adrenaline-like substances, on the contrary, are more. Therefore, the nervous system is overexcited, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep.

Neurosis is the second most common neurological factor that causes insomnia. It is a consequence of a traumatic situation, an unfavorable situation in the family or at work, interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, and can be associated with endocrine disorders. In most cases, chronic stress passes into neuroses.

In anxiety disorders, insomnia is most pronounced. Most often, sleep problems occur during panic attacks, which are accompanied by intense fear, respiratory failure, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), and sweating.

Somatic form of the disease

Sleep disorders can contribute to various diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • itchy dermatoses and other skin diseases;
  • pains of different etiology (headache, articular, tumor);
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hormonal disruptions, for example, thyrotoxicosis (an increase in the level of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland);
  • angina.

With somatic pathologies, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time due to the fact that he does not feel well. He wakes up at night due to pain, and during the day he feels overwhelmed and sleepy.

Restless night sleep is associated with circulatory disorders of the spinal cord and brain, leukemia and other blood diseases.

Insomnia is caused by urinary incontinence. It is caused not only by nervous disorders, but also by infections of the urinary system, diabetes, and allergies. At the same time, sleep is superficial, sensitive, there is a fear of wetting the bed, which provokes even more tension of a person. Frequent waking up to go to the toilet reduces the quality and overall duration of sleep.

Insomnia due to mental disorders

This group of causes is much more serious than neurological disorders, since we are not talking about stress and neurosis, but about mental illness.

With depression, insomnia manifests itself in different ways, depending on the severity of the nervous disorder. The mild form is accompanied by increased drowsiness and failure of the wake-sleep cycle (hypersomnia). But with moderate and severe depression, the nature of sleep (or its cycle) changes, and chronic insomnia develops. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep, the sleep is unstable, it is difficult to wake up in the morning and be cheerful.

Methods for the prevention of chronic insomnia

The following steps can help prevent insomnia:

  • refusal to abuse alcohol and energy drinks;
  • restriction of coffee, strong tea;
  • observance of the sleep and wakefulness regimen - the rejection of daytime sleep and nighttime lifestyle, a fixed time for getting up and falling asleep;
  • regular sports activities (home gymnastics, fitness, swimming, jogging, visiting the gym, etc.);
  • light dinner - fruits, dairy products, vegetables.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms and makes it easier to fall asleep. It can be produced in sufficient quantities only in complete darkness, so you need to make sure that the bedroom is dark.


Failure to adequately treat insomnia can lead to negative mental and physical health outcomes. In the case of recurring situations associated with problems falling asleep, or other sleep disorders, you should consult a sleep doctor. If this is not possible, then make an appointment with a neurologist. Be sure to get tested for somatic diseases.

Sleep disturbance is a common problem with many causes. This disorder needs urgent treatment, as it significantly worsens life.

Types of disorders and symptoms

Depending on what provoked such a violation, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • insomnia;
  • hypersomnia;
  • Parasomnia.

The first kind means nothing more than insomnia. The process of falling asleep with her is complicated for several reasons. Allocate psychosomatic, also associated with taking drugs or due to organic disorders.

Hypersomnia manifests itself in the form of excessive sleepiness throughout the day due to lack of sleep at night. Parasomnia occurs for internal reasons, due to the malfunction of some organs. This type of disorder can manifest itself through sleepwalking, enuresis.

Regarding the nature, the violation is conditionally divided into:

  • sleep problems;
  • Restless sleep during the night;
  • Effects after insomnia during the day.

Signs of a sleep disorder include:

  • Inability to fall asleep for an hour or more;
  • Headache upon waking;
  • Irritability;
  • Frequent awakenings at night;
  • Weakness;
  • Memory problems.


The causes of sleep problems can be many, and they are associated with both internal and external factors. The most common provoking factors are:

  • Systematic lack of sleep due to the appearance of a child, a change in work schedule;
  • Reception of alcoholic beverages, psychostimulant caffeine-containing drugs, coffee;
  • Consequence after taking certain medications;
  • excessive anxiety;
  • Frequent stress;
  • The presence of diseases;
  • Relapse of a chronic disease;
  • Age changes;
  • Improper diet, meals before bedtime;
  • The presence of irritants in the form of noise, light at night;
  • High temperature in the room, hot blanket, uncomfortable pillow and other sleep hygiene problems;
  • Change of scenery (moving to another place);
  • Long-distance travel (a sharp change in time zones leads to a malfunction in the biorhythms of the body).

Some of these causes of sleep disturbance are eliminated quickly, others require long-term treatment.

Important information

Therefore, with systematic repetitions of the disorder, you should not put off the problem, hoping that it will pass by itself.

The consequence of restless sleep can be a serious illness, which, if not properly treated, will lead to complications.

What diseases disturb sleep

Diseases can cause sleep disturbances, as well as become a consequence of its course. The most common diseases that accompany insomnia include:

  • Sleep apnea. People suffering from this disease feel exhausted, overwhelmed in the morning. This leads to frequent coughing, whistling with snoring during sleep, as well as respiratory arrest for 10 seconds or more. Such stops make sleep disturbing, superficial, intermittent. The advanced form of the disease can manifest itself through prolonged and multiple respiratory arrests, which is fraught not only with lack of sleep, improper functioning of organs due to lack of oxygen, but also with a fatal outcome;
  • Narcolepsy. Characteristic features of narcolepsy is the spontaneous falling asleep of a person, often in the wrong place for this. The disease may be accompanied by catalepsy, the signs of which are spontaneous loss of muscle tone, which leads to a fall, injury. This disease manifests itself against a background of increased emotionality.
  • Restless legs syndrome. This syndrome is manifested by twitching of the legs at night, which leads to lack of sleep. This happens because of the persistent feeling that someone is running on the calves of the legs, from which the person, reflexively, tries to throw it off. The reason for this event may be a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. For example, magnesium with iron and folic acid, as well as varieties of vitamin B with thiamine. A similar syndrome is also characteristic of those who suffer from alcoholism, diabetes, thyroid diseases;
  • Sleep paralysis. This strange and terrible phenomenon for many occurs due to the untimely awakening of some parts of the brain that respond to muscle tone. Therefore, it turns out that the person is awake, but cannot move. In the normal state, these processes are activated even before awakening. In the presence of pathology or constant problems with sleep, the likelihood of this phenomenon increases;
  • Sleepwalking. Somnambulism manifests itself not only in the form of walking in a dream, but also in doing other simple actions, sitting on a bed. The fact that some parts of the brain are active at this moment leads to an inadequate night's rest. There are no exact causes of sleepwalking, presumably it is nervous excitability, a sign of a mental disorder, as well as genetic determinism.

Poor sleep is also observed in depression, osteochondrosis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Which doctor to contact

If you experience insomnia, you should consult a therapist or somnologist. After that. how additional diagnostics will be carried out. The patient may be referred to a cardiologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, or psychologist. The choice depends on what caused the sleep disorder.

Many decide to deal with the problem on their own, taking medications and using traditional medicine methods. There is nothing wrong with alternative medicine if they are not abused, but it is worth remembering that insomnia is a manifestation of some kind of problem, so it is worth considering it as a call to action.

But with regard to drug therapy, you need to be careful when it comes to self-medication. The reason is that some strong sleeping pills are addictive. And the further, the less effective they become. And if you refuse them, sleep disorders can manifest themselves with even greater force.

An advanced form of sleep disorder can lead to increased signs of disease, increased symptoms of insomnia.


Before starting the treatment process, the doctor must conduct a diagnosis. It is necessary in order to identify the cause of the problem. Since sleep disturbance can be triggered by many reasons, among which serious diseases can be, this stage is the most important.

Important information

Even if it is a temporary disorder, the patient should consult a doctor for qualified advice and prevent complications.

The most common diagnostic methods are:

In addition to the presented methods, additional methods are used for sleep disorders. These include testing, MRI, CT. They are necessary to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.

Methods for the treatment of sleep disorders

After finding out the cause of poor sleep, therapy is prescribed. It may consist in taking medications, conducting physiotherapy procedures, using traditional medicine methods.

Drug treatment is most effective, so they should not be neglected. The most popular groups of funds are:

  • benzodiazepines;
  • antidepressants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • stimulants of the central nervous system.

First-line drugs are used in a short course to eliminate the causes of sleep disturbance. These include Triazole with Imidazole. Long-term use of them leads to side effects, such as memory loss, confusion. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink such drugs on your own. For long-term use, Flurazepam with Diazepam is recommended. But since these representatives can cause drowsiness, they are sometimes replaced with Zolpidem with Zopiclone.

Doxepin with Mianserin and Amitriptyline are used as antidepressants. Their peculiarity is that they can be prescribed to patients of different ages, and also they do not cause addiction. But, despite this, they are prescribed only in extreme cases, as they can cause side effects.

Third group drugs like Tizercin, Chlorprothixene and Promethazine are neuroleptics with a sedative effect, which are prescribed only in severe cases, and only after other drugs have been ineffective.

Weak stimulants include ascorbic and glutamic acids. They are suitable for those who suffer from a mild form of drowsiness.

Folk remedies

You can eliminate sleep disorders using folk methods. But before starting, you should consult a doctor, as some drugs can cause a negative reaction of the body in the form of an allergy or other manifestations.

Effective means of traditional medicine are

Consequences of sleep disorders

Most sleep-related problems can be treated with medications and other methods. But there is a risk of complications that cannot be eliminated in any way. They arise subsequently a neglected form of any disease that provoked insomnia.

Sleep disturbance can lead to complications and frequent recurrences of chronic diseases. Often the treatment is superficial, using only medications. Some ailments are not completely cured, but simply healed, which does not eliminate insomnia, but only strengthens it.

Also, untimely access to a specialist or self-medication can increase sleep problems if inappropriate drugs or traditional medicine methods were used.

The most dangerous complication is the death of the patient. Its occurrence is possible with the advanced form of sleep apnea.


To prevent bad sleep, you must:

  • Maintain sleep hygiene. It is to create favorable conditions. Since sleep disturbance occurs due to an uncomfortable bed, noise, heat and other factors, it is worth excluding them. The mattress should be moderately firm, the room is dark and cool. The temperature should not exceed 18 degrees;
  • Get treated promptly. In the absence of treatment, the diseases develop into a chronic form, and they also lead to various kinds of disorders, including insomnia;
  • Keep a sleep schedule. Failures in the external mode lead to internal failures, which is fraught with insomnia;
  • Walk before bed. A 15-minute daily walk before bed can reduce the likelihood of bad sleep to zero;
  • Avoid physical and mental stress before bed.

A few hours before falling asleep, it is worth postponing all important activities and physical exercises, as they lead to overexcitation of the nervous system, muscle tension.

Sleep problems are a problem for many people in the 21st century. But with the use of preventive measures, it can be avoided. In extreme cases, quickly eliminate if you seek medical help at the first symptoms.

Sleep disturbance is a very common occurrence. Approximately 8-15 percent of adults complain of poor sleep, and 9-11 percent take various drugs with a hypnotic effect. Moreover, this statistics among pensioners is much higher. Intermittent restless sleep can occur at any age, even in infants.

Each age group has its own types of disorders. Nocturnal enuresis, sleepwalking and fears occur in childhood, and a pathological feeling of drowsiness, insomnia, and sensitive disturbing sleep are more characteristic of older people.

Especially often, women after 50 who have menopause are prone to various disorders. Sleep problems in those over 60 are 3 or even 4 times more common than in middle-aged people.

There are also sleep problems that arise from childhood, accompanying a person throughout life, for example, narcolepsy. In such cases, it is urgent to contact a specialist for treatment.

The normal duration of the period when a person sleeps, each has its own - from 4-5 to 10-12 hours a day. This means that there are healthy short-sleepers and long-sleepers. The main indicator of the norm of sleep is the feeling of rest. Loss of it is a reason to suspect complications in the sleep-wake cycle.

If the performance during the daytime has significantly decreased due to chronic fatigue, which persists for a long time, despite regular sleep at night, then it is worth carefully examining the body.

Causes and types of violations

Studying the pathogenesis of sleep disorders, scientists have established a number of factors that provoke it. Poor sleep in a healthy person can occur for the following reasons:

  1. The habit of having dinner late (3-4 hours before falling asleep).
  2. Restless state (overexcited). It is caused by: increased intensity training or mental work, the presence of a strongly pronounced emotion (it can be both positive and negative due to stress); working at a computer, watching TV, loud sounds; abuse of energy drinks (strongly brewed tea, coffee drinks).
  3. Low mobility during the day, lack of exercise and physical activity, late rise, sleep during the daytime.
  4. Discomfort in a bed: a poorly selected mattress with a pillow and bedding, high or low air temperature, etc.
  5. Frequent changes of time zones, work at night.

Sleep disturbances can be primary (no connection with pathology in the organs) and secondary, caused by various ailments. Sleep disorders are often provoked by diseases of the central nervous system. It may be the result of mental disorders.

Many physical illnesses make it difficult to sleep at night due to pain, coughing, heart problems such as angina or arrhythmia, itching. The problem is often observed with intoxications of various origins.

Sleep loss can also be due to hormonal imbalances. The phenomenon of shallow short sleep is experienced by women during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester due to a drop in progesterone levels before childbirth) and during menopause.

Among the hormonal disorders leading to such deviations, one can also include diseases characterized by pathology of the hypothalamic-mesencephalic region. We are talking about epidemic encephalitis, tumors.

Violations can be classified into four main types:


One of the most common is insomnia - insomnia. This is a disorder associated with the process of falling asleep and sleeping. Insomnia is characterized by insufficient depth of sleep (it can be called superficial), numerous awakenings, and difficulty falling asleep after each of them.

A person can toss and turn all night, periodically falling into a short and light sleep, and in the morning feel overwhelmed and tired, completely sleepy. A similar problem can be observed in people suffering from hypertension, especially if it appeared after a stroke.

It is also caused by neurosis, depression, drug addiction, alcoholism, diseases affecting the liver and kidneys, and chronic pain syndromes. Often, insomnia occurs in those who have skin ailments, accompanied by itching, which disrupts night's rest. Insomnia happens:

  1. Psychosomatic (depending on the psychological state). Has a situational (temporary) or permanent character.
  2. Caused by exposure to alcohol (especially when drinking heavily) or medications taken that affect the central nervous system, depressing or toning it.
  3. Provoked by mental disorders.
  4. Accompanied by apnea or decreased alveolar ventilation.
  5. Caused due to the syndrome, which is called "". This ailment is often observed in those suffering from Parkinson's disease.
  6. Arising from other pathological problems.

You can learn more about the causes of insomnia and how to deal with it from the program “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva.


Another common disorder is hypersomnia. We are talking about a pathological increase in the duration of sleep (increased drowsiness). Neurological, endocrine, rheumatological diseases have an impact on this problem.

It is usually accompanied by a depressive state, increased irritability, unreasonable anxiety. After waking up, a person does not feel that he has rested during the night. He lacks sleep, walks all day nervous, lethargic, drowsy, wants sweets. Hypersomnia can be:

  1. Psychophysiological origin with a temporary or permanent character.
  2. Provoked by alcoholic beverages or medications;
  3. The consequence of mental illness;
  4. Associated with disturbances in respiration at night;
  5. caused by narcolepsy.
  6. As a consequence of other pathological conditions.

Wrong mode

Failure to comply with the night and day regimen causes sleep disorders:

  1. Temporary. They can occur with a sharp change in work schedule or time zone.
  2. Permanent. With them, delayed premature falling asleep is observed.


Another type of deviation is parasomnia. We are talking about violations in the functioning of organs associated with sleep or morning rise. Parasomnias include the following:

  • somnambulism is the unconscious actions performed by a person when he is sleeping. In this state, people can get out of bed at night, move, and even do something. Moreover, they perform these actions without waking up. When trying to bring them to consciousness, they show resistance and can be dangerous at such moments for themselves and others. Basically, this state lasts no longer than 15 minutes. Then the somnambulist goes back to bed, continuing to sleep, or wakes up. It is noted that somnambulism has a connection with the phases of the lunar calendar. Deterioration, according to experts, occurs on the full moon;
  • enuresis - involuntary urination at night;
  • fear and anxiety. Fears often appear at the beginning of dreams. A person jumps out of bed screaming, he has panic attacks, which are accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, shortness of breath, dilated pupils. A few minutes later, the person comes to his senses and falls asleep again. When he wakes up, he remembers nothing of his nightmares;
  • other.


Common signs of sleep disorders include the following:

  1. Feeling of insufficient rest at night.
  2. Presomnic disorders, expressed in the inability to fall asleep in the evening, turning from side to side. Often they are accompanied by anxiety, obsessions and fear.
  3. Intrasomnic deterioration. They can be recognized by superficial disturbing sleep with periodic awakening.
  4. Postsomnic disorders. With good sleep, the patient gets up earlier than usual, then he fails to fall asleep again, or he falls into a restless sleep. It often manifests itself in the fairer sex and elderly men, as well as in people in a depressed state.
  5. Feeling of lack of restored strength in the morning.
  6. Feeling sleepy. The patient begins to doze off during the day.
  7. Fatigue state.
  8. Anxiety before sleep.


Problems with night rest can serve as evidence of the presence of various diseases, moreover, quite serious ones.

Diagnosing such disorders is prescribed for breathing difficulties, snoring, abnormal behavior in babies, heavy getting out of bed, fear, enuresis, narcolepsy, ADHD syndrome, developmental pathologies, apnea, epilepsy and insomnia.

To find out the reasons why there were difficulties with falling asleep and resting at night, one should resort to polysomnography (PSG).

PSG is a diagnostic method that includes an EEG recording (4 channels), an oculogram, an ECG, a myogram, fixing the oxygen content in the blood, recording the movement of arms and legs, measuring breathing and humidity.


The elimination of disorders associated with the state of rest at night is a set of measures aimed at improving the patient's condition. We are talking about special physical exercises, relaxation techniques, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, drug treatment.

For each individual case, the specialist selects therapy individually. Many disorders, such as insomnia, cannot be treated with sleeping pills. Taking such drugs does not give long-term results, and in some cases it is completely contraindicated.

So the treatment of a problem provoked by sleep apnea with the help of sleeping pills or sedatives carries a danger to the patient's life. It is possible to get rid of insomnia or hypersomnia that have arisen against the background of such a disease only by strictly following the instructions of the attending physician.

Any drug therapy for sleep disorders should be prescribed by a specialist.

It is usually prescribed when other methods, including psychotherapy, do not give a positive effect. Medicines are chosen carefully, especially when it comes to their dosage. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Home remedies that can be applied to combat this problem include the following:

  1. Compliance and wakefulness.
  2. Retreat to night rest with first signs of drowsiness.
  3. The habit of falling asleep exclusively in bed. Many people fall asleep while watching TV or reading a book in an armchair, and then they are forced to interrupt it to go to the bedroom. This negatively affects the quality of the state of rest in the dark.
  4. Refusal to eat heavy meals four hours before going to bed.
  5. Teaching yourself to stop napping during daylight hours.
  6. Introducing a relaxing evening ritual into your life. They may be the habit of walking in the late hours on the street, taking a warm bath, reading.

Many medicinal herbs help to effectively deal with sleep disorders at home. There are many effective traditional medicine recipes used for this problem:

  1. Herbalists recommend drinking a decoction of valerian roots on the eve of departure for a night's rest.
  2. Melissa infusion has a good effect.
  3. You can solve the problem of insomnia thanks to warm baths with a decoction of hop cones. It can also be taken orally.
  4. To overcome the disorder will help the drug collection, which includes marjoram flowers, lavender and hawthorn. It is advisable to drink an infusion of these herbs warm before falling asleep.

Most cases of sleep disorders can be eliminated through adequate therapy with the elimination of the symptoms of the underlying disease. In order to prevent them, it is recommended to observe the daily routine, lead a healthy lifestyle with normal physical and mental stress, and not abuse drugs that affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Sleep disturbance is a serious problem that deprives many suffering from such disorders of vitality, reduces efficiency. The importance of the sleep cycle cannot be underestimated, as it is dangerous to health and even life.

Sleep is a vital cycle that repeats day after day. It is characterized by a state of rest, physical inactivity, lasting an average of about 8 hours. During this period, the body is resting. The body systems are restored, the information received during the day is processed and stored, the resistance of the immune system to infectious agents increases.

Various external and internal factors can affect the sleep cycle. As a result, various kinds of sleep disorders develop. Why do sleep disturbances occur? What diseases are associated with this? How to restore sleep mode? How to deal with sleep disturbance? These important questions will be answered in the article below.

Types of sleep disorders

There is a special classification of sleep disorders. The main types of pathologies of the sleep cycle are the following conditions:

  1. Insomnia is a type of pathological condition that is characterized by problems with the process of falling asleep. At the same time, the sleep cycle itself is short-term, very sensitive. Insomnia develops against the background of mental diseases of the nervous system, or as a result of prolonged use of alcohol, certain medications.
  2. Hypersomnia is a type of sleep pathology characterized by a state of constant drowsiness. People suffering from this disorder can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Develops, as a result, deep depression, chronic sleep deprivation. There are such forms of hypersomnia:
  • - a type of hypersomnia, characterized by a sharp attack of drowsiness, forcing a person to fall asleep on the spot. The main symptom of this disease is cataplexy - loss of muscle tone during wakefulness (a person freezes in a certain position, without losing consciousness);
  • - Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • type of hypersomnia associated with alcohol dependence.
  1. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by disruptions in the phases of the sleep cycle, as a result, a person often wakes up at night. Restless sleep develops against the background of manifestations of enuresis (urinary incontinence during night rest), various forms of sleepwalking, epilepsy (bursts of electrical activity in the brain). May be associated with night terrors, nightmares.
  2. in a dream - a violation of the process of pulmonary ventilation. As a result of such a failure, an adult develops hypoxia - oxygen starvation of tissues, which leads to a violation of concentration, daytime sleepiness. Apnea is accompanied by snoring, which makes it difficult for close family members and the sufferer to rest.
  3. Ordinary insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and can be caused by a variety of factors.
  4. Sleep paralysis is a common occurrence in which, at the stage of falling asleep or waking up, a person is aware of everything, but cannot move or speak. enough.
  5. Bruxism - . It appears in both adults and children.

Causes of sleep disturbance. Symptoms

The normal sleep cycle is characterized by the process of quickly falling asleep, after which awakening occurs after a certain period of time (depending on how much the person needs to rest). On average, the night rest of an adult should be at least 8 hours.

However, due to certain factors, the sleep cycle and its quality may be disturbed. This is due to the state of health, the presence of chronic diseases and the negative influence of the external environment. So, the main causes of sleep disorders in adults are as follows:

  • emotional excitement, shock. Such conditions can develop due to frequent stress, prolonged depression, aggression, severe shocks associated with illness, death of loved ones. Also, sleep disturbance in adults can occur due to upcoming exciting events: a session with students, a wedding, childbirth, divorce, job loss;
  • daily use before bedtime of substances that excite the nervous system, overeating. These can be drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee), as well as alcohol, energy drinks, and in the worst cases, drugs. Some medications can negatively affect the quality of the sleep cycle;
  • failure of the endocrine system, thyroid disease. Poor sleep occurs in women during menstruation, when the level of female sex hormones increases, or during menopause (menopause). Sleep disturbance, insomnia is observed with hyperthyroidism - excessive secretion of thyroid hormones into the blood, which activate the metabolism in the body;
  • diseases of the internal organs: asthma, arthritis, coronary heart disease, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease and similar mental illnesses. As a result of such diseases, a person experiences great physical discomfort, debilitating pain that prevents sleep.
  • sleep disturbance, uncomfortable conditions for rest: the presence of unpleasant odors, too high or low room temperature, light, extraneous noise, unusual environment.

These are the main reasons that lead to short-term or long-term disruption of the sleep cycle. Such symptoms may indicate such a condition: a long period of falling asleep, a constant change in body position, very frequent awakening at night, restless sleep, getting out of bed early in the morning. After such a dream, a person feels exhausted, tired, concentration of attention and memorization processes decrease.

The consequences of sleep disturbance can be very deplorable. So those who regularly lack sleep, or sleep poorly, increase the risk of morbidity for cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus. Poor sleep leads to obesity, immunodeficiencies, and breast cancer in women.

Causes and treatment of sleep disorders. Diagnostics

The problem of poor sleep cannot be neglected. If a person has daily complaints such as:

  • "I can't sleep for a long time."
  • "I often wake up at night."
  • “I wake up very early, I can’t get enough sleep,” this eloquently indicates a violation of the sleep cycle. In this case, he just needs to contact the attending specialist, undergo a full medical examination. You can not hesitate, as the accumulated fatigue can lead to irreparable health problems.

Who to contact?

To diagnose sleep cycle disorders, people turn to a somnologist who specializes in dreams, problems, diseases associated with the sleep cycle. If there is no such specialist in the medical institution, then you can consult a therapist, psychotherapist, or neurologist. They will tell you how to restore sleep. If there is a serious problem, you will have to contact a somnologist.

Remember, a person who sees a doctor on time avoids many health problems!

Sleep disorders are diagnosed in a special laboratory. The following methods are used for this:


It is carried out in a special laboratory, where there is the necessary equipment. During this procedure, the patient during the night's rest must be under the supervision of doctors.

A person is connected to various sensors that measure the frequency of respiratory movements, heartbeat, pulse, electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Based on these indicators, the somnologist can identify the real problem of poor sleep, tell you what to do, prescribe the appropriate therapy.

SLS method - study of average sleep latency

This technique is carried out in cases where the doctor suspects that the patient has hypersomnia (increased drowsiness), especially narcolepsy.

During such a procedure, a suffering person is given 5 attempts to fall asleep, each of which lasts about 20 minutes, the interval between them is 2 hours. If the patient falls asleep in more than 10 minutes, then he has no disturbances, within 5-10 minutes - the borderline range, in less than 5 minutes - a clear sleep disorder.

How to restore sleep mode?

This is a vital question. The listed diagnostic methods will help the doctor to get a complete picture of what is happening with the human body during a night's rest. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Sleep disturbance, severe insomnia is treated with medications such as:

  • sleeping pills of different strength;
  • antidepressants (if the cause of the sleep cycle disorder is a severe form of depression);
  • antipsychotics with a calming effect, psychotonic drugs are prescribed for patients with severe sleep disorders;
  • sedative (calming) drugs can be taken by anyone who was nervous before a night's rest, or is in an excited state;
  • drugs with a vasodilator effect in combination with mild types of sleeping pills are intended for elderly patients in whom the cause of a poor sleep cycle is arrhythmia, angina pectoris.

It is important to remember that it is very dangerous to self-prescribe treatment with hypnotic drugs, since in most cases, long-term use of such drugs causes all sorts of addictions, leading to malfunction of the central nervous system and its organs, exacerbates the problem of sleep disorders. Only a qualified doctor should prescribe a course of treatment.

If poor sleep at night is associated with feelings before an important event, old age, troubles at work, or others, then you can drink soothing tea, decoction, herbal infusion half an hour before rest. For these purposes, chamomile tea made from its flowers, or mint, lemon balm, from their leaves is well suited. After such tea, you will fall asleep better, you will sleep soundly.

You can saturate your bedroom with the pleasant smell of lavender from the aroma lamp. Its pleasant aroma soothes and relaxes. The smell of lavender will make a woman wake up joyful, full of strength. You can also put a bag with dry herbs of jasmine and lavender equally near the pillow.

In the pharmacy you can buy alcohol tincture of motherwort, which is an excellent remedy for insomnia and its other manifestations. At home, you can prepare a decoction of this plant and drink throughout the day.

For older people who have a disturbed sleep cycle, a decoction of lily of the valley grass is well suited, which normalizes the work of the heart and eliminates arrhythmia. Regular intake of such a decoction will lead to the restoration of the sleep cycle.

Sleep problems. What to do?

However, often sleep problems in adults, insomnia are associated with the most seemingly insignificant factors, such as: overeating, heavy physical exertion, a cup of strong coffee, or black tea. Therefore, in order to normalize the sleep cycle, first of all, prevention of sleep disorders is needed, which includes the observance of such simple rules:

  • create all the conditions for a comfortable stay: make the bed with a clean bed, ventilate the room, put an aroma lamp if necessary;
  • take a contrast shower before bed;
  • let a loved one make a light restorative massage;
  • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
  • do not engage in activities that can overexcite the nervous system;
  • before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with honey, or a soothing tea;
  • if you woke up at night, it is better not to get up, not to start doing active things. You need to lie down for a while, after a while you will fall asleep again.
  • always remember, if you often wake up at night, especially at an early age, then you need to see a doctor. The sooner you get rid of the problem of poor sleep, you will be able to avoid many diseases.

The above tips will remove, like a hand, fatigue after a hard day, help you relax, calm down. In such an environment, it will be easy to fall into a deep, sweet dream.


According to statistics, 30-40% of people on the planet systematically experience sleep disorders in one form or another, and almost half of them have a chronic problem. At least 5% of the adult population are forced to regularly or constantly use sedatives and hypnotics to alleviate their condition. One of the leading causes of the phenomenon is considered to be neuropsychic overstrain that occurs against the background of stress and depression. Quite often, the problem lies in non-compliance with the daily routine, maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle. With the timely initiation of therapy, the clinical picture of sleep disorders and their negative consequences is rapidly declining. Ignoring the pathology negatively affects the patient's condition, threatens with serious complications.

The reason for the deviation may be overvoltage.

Classification of sleep disorders

Insomnia can be primary or secondary. In the first case, it acts as an independent disease or the result of a psycho-emotional disorder. Secondary sleep disorders in children and adults occur against the background of somatic pathology, becoming one of the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Most often, the problem affects the work of the brain, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, respiratory organs, endocrine system.

Universal classification of sleep disorders:

  • insomnia - problems with falling asleep and maintaining a sleep structure. Doctors distinguish several separate forms of the phenomenon, depending on the provoking factor. It can be a psycho-emotional disorder, a mental illness, alcohol or medication intake, respiratory dysfunction. The same group includes restless legs syndrome and various somatic pathologies;
  • hypersomnia - increased daytime sleepiness that can occur even against the background of a normal night's rest. The disease is provoked by many factors from somatic and mental disorders to the action of temporary stimuli. This also includes narcolepsy - a disease of the nervous system, which is characterized by attacks of sudden falling asleep in the daytime;
  • parasomnia - specific malfunctions in the functioning of the organs and systems of the patient's body, which are directly related to the sleep process. The most frequent phenomena are somnambulism, enuresis, nocturnal epi-attacks and fears;
  • failure of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness - this group includes permanent and temporary sleep disorders. The first are the result of a pathological failure and manifest themselves in different forms. The latter occur against the background of a change in the time zone or work schedule, so they rarely need targeted treatment.

Increased daytime sleepiness, even during normal night sleep.

Regardless of the form of insomnia, its development becomes a serious threat to health. A lack of sleep for just a few days threatens with psycho-emotional disorders, malfunctions of internal organs. A chronic process can lead to permanent disorders, a decrease in the quality of life and a reduction in its duration.

Sleep problems

The inability to fall asleep at the right time is one of the most common manifestations of disturbed sleep-wake schedules. The patient, going to bed, feels tired, but his consciousness does not turn off. If normally sleep comes within 5-15 minutes, then with insomnia, patients can toss and turn for hours.

Most often, the cause of this is emotional overstrain, obsessive negative thoughts. The result is a lack of rest, due to which the body does not have time to recover. After the condition turns into a protracted or chronic form, problems are provoked by the fear itself of not falling asleep, and in the morning feeling overwhelmed again.

Restless and interrupted sleep

The recommended duration of a night's sleep for an adult is 6-8 hours. Deviations in any direction in 99% of cases cause negative consequences of a different plan. At the same time, not only the number of hours is important, but also the depth of the blackout of consciousness at this time. Restless sleep is one of the forms of dyssomnia, in which the central nervous system does not turn off completely after falling asleep, its individual parts continue to work, which becomes a problem. Frequent complaints in this case: nightmares, gnashing of the jaws, awakenings, screams or conversations, involuntary movements of the limbs. Such a clinical picture is characteristic of a number of neurological pathologies, a deficiency of B vitamins, malfunctions of the endocrine system, and alcoholism.

With restless sleep, the central nervous system after falling asleep is not completely turned off.

Almost completely lost sleep

The inability to sleep during the night for at least a few hours can occur for a number of reasons, some of which are not even considered pathological. Despite this, such a pronounced violation of the normal sleep and wakefulness regimen is required in urgent treatment. In mature and elderly people, difficulties often arise against the background of muscle spasms, the patient is simply not able to fall asleep due to persistent discomfort. He feels better after a warm bath or massage of the problem area, but in the absence of therapy, the improvement does not last long enough for a good rest.

The state when sleep completely disappears also manifests itself with intoxication, oncology, mental disorder, and hormonal disruptions.

The problem can arise against the backdrop of a passion for horror films, often it accompanies psychological trauma.

Too sensitive and superficial sleep

Increased nighttime sensitivity is fraught with frequent awakenings, as a result of which the sleep cycle is lost, the degree of recovery of the body is reduced. In some cases, this is considered one of the manifestations of the norm and needs only a slight correction. Superficial sleep is typical for pregnant women, young mothers, night shift workers, and the elderly. Sensitivity can increase if you spend too much time on a night's rest.

Light sleep is more common in pregnant women.

Pathological provocateurs include diseases of internal organs and mental disorders. Superficial sleep can be triggered by taking a number of medications, the abuse of synthetic and natural stimulants. Also, hypersensitivity is provoked by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of VSD or PMS.

Symptoms and causes of sleep disorders

Normally, the sleep formula is characterized by rapid falling asleep after going to bed, turning off consciousness throughout the night, waking up at a set time. An adult should get 7-8 hours of nightly rest.

Night rises are acceptable, but they should be rare and short, not affecting the quality of recovery.

A person who has slept enough in the morning feels fresh, rested, with a good appetite and high spirits.

The main reasons for the development of sleep disorders:

  • shock situations, stress;
  • somatic and neurological diseases, mental disorders;
  • chronic pain, physical or physiological discomfort;
  • the impact on the body of stimulants of the central nervous system in the form of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, drugs, medicines;
  • violation of the rules for taking a number of medications, their dangerous combination, abuse of products;
  • sleep apnea, snoring;
  • failure of biorhythms as a result of the influence of external factors;
  • hormonal changes and disruptions;
  • non-compliance with the rules of a healthy diet, overeating before bedtime, obesity;
  • unfavorable conditions of rest.

Violations can occur when a number of medications are taken incorrectly.

The development of insomnia is indicated by difficulties with falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings or the inability to fall asleep again after them, and a forced early rise. Indirect symptoms are considered daytime sleepiness, irritability, bad mood or emotional lability. With some types of disorders, the very structure of night rest changes, pathological involuntary physical activity in bed. Over time, problems lead to a decrease in concentration, a loss of interest in the world around us, a deterioration in memory and mental abilities.

Diagnosis of sleep disorders

The development of insomnia is an indication for visiting a therapist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis, try to establish the causes of the condition. If the appearance of problems is associated with a malfunction of the internal organs, but they can be eliminated with the help of conservative therapy, the therapist will take care of the treatment.

In other cases, he will refer to a specialized specialist - a neurologist, ENT, dermatologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

In rare cases, a somnologist is involved in diagnosing insomnia and identifying its causes. The patient is examined in a special laboratory using a polysomnograph, using the SLS method. The first approach allows assessing the electrical activity of the brain and the structure of sleep. The second is used when hypersomnia is suspected, in particular, narcolepsy.

The patient can be examined with a polysomnograph.

Insomnia caused by somatic, mental or neurological disorders needs specialized therapy. The problem caused by the violation of the regime of the day and the conduct of an unhealthy lifestyle is often solved without medical intervention.

The main cause of the problems of most modern people is the habit of going to bed in an excited state.

Due to the lack of the necessary preparation, their body cannot relax, the brain continues to work actively, the blackout does not occur or remains superficial.

Basic principles for the treatment of various sleep disorders:

  • going to bed and waking up should always occur at the same time, you should not make exceptions even for weekends;
  • daytime sleep is contraindicated for adults unless it has been prescribed for medical reasons;
  • the bed is a place to sleep, not to eat, watch TV, work with gadgets. An exception may be reading relaxing literature;
  • before going to bed, it is recommended to carry out a preparatory ritual, consisting of a walk in the fresh air, a bath or shower, passive rest;
  • in the sleeping room, the air should be cool, moist, devoid of irritating odors;
  • the last meal should be organized 2-3 hours before bedtime, with the exception of soothing herbal teas or milk with honey;
  • after 17-18 hours you should refrain from smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol, and other stimulants of the nervous system.

The last time you need to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.

An important point is to get rid of the habit of thinking about the upcoming day before going to bed, scrolling through past events, and remembering problems. It is better to master several techniques for falling asleep quickly, and just before going to bed, do a couple of muscle stretching exercises. This type of physical activity will help you relax and fall asleep quickly.


If possible, the treatment of sleep disorders is managed by the correction of the regimen, the use of folk remedies, and physiotherapy. In extreme cases, the doctor prescribes to the patient pharmaceutical products based on natural ingredients that help relieve tension and relaxation.

To directly combat sleep disorders, drugs of the following groups can be used:

  • sleeping pills;
  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • vasodilators.

With insomnia due to somatic diseases, drug therapy can be aimed at eliminating the source of the problem. In this case, doctors prescribe drugs from analgesics to hormones, depending on the type of pathology. Sometimes only surgery relieves insomnia, for example, with adenoids.

Sometimes only surgery can solve the problem.

Traditional medicine

A simple, affordable and effective method of accelerating falling asleep is the use of milk with honey. The drink should be heated to a warm state, add a teaspoon of beekeeping product to it, stir and drink in 1-2 minutes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to introduce a teaspoon of dill decoction or freshly squeezed juice into a natural medicine. The approach will reduce the period of wakefulness before bedtime, reduce the likelihood of night awakenings.

A good effect is given by the course use of herbal decoctions. Drinks based on hop cones, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint or oregano should be taken within 2-4 weeks. They can be prepared 1 to 3 times a day and drunk like regular tea.

A drink made from hop cones will help to cure.


Insomnia in 90% of cases occurs due to somatic diseases or refusal to lead a healthy lifestyle. To prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to be attentive to your health, treat diseases in time, and regularly undergo medical examinations. Prevention of sleep disorders duplicates the basic rules for their treatment. It consists of correcting the daily routine, observing the rules of nutrition, giving up bad habits, and preventing overexcitation of the nervous system in the evening.

Systematic violation of sleep and wakefulness threatens with a malfunction of systems and organs, serious psycho-emotional disorders. According to doctors, insomnia significantly increases the risk of developing schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. If self-treatment does not work, do not hesitate to contact a therapist.

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