graphite powder. Graphite Powder Graphite Dust

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

We offer a wide range of artificial graphite, shipment of any volume. The graphite artificial crushed from the GrafitService company meets the world standards and has the corresponding certificates.

Graphite artificial crushed It is used in metallurgy as a carburizing agent for cast iron and steel, in the manufacture of carbon-graphite materials and products, and as a filler for graphite plastics. Artificial graphite is made from waste from electrode and metallurgical industries (crushed, electrode cinders, blast-furnace, hearth and side blocks, shaped products) in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications for fractional and chemical composition.

    • "Artificial crushed graphite"

TU 1916-109-71-2000
Brand A, brand B.

    • "Crushed Graphite"

TU 48-20-54-84
Top and first grade.

    • Graphite artificial granular

TU 48-4805-101-91

  • Graphite powder - properties and types

GOST 23463-79
Graphite powder of special purity.

Designed to be used as a basis for spectral analysis. Together with KNO3, when heated, it gives a flash. The GraphiteService company is ready to deliver graphite powder in any volumes in a short time.

Graphite powder - finely divided and modified carbon particles. The color of graphite powder is gray-black with a characteristic metallic sheen. The physical properties depend on the quality of the graphite from which the graphite powder is made.

  • Conducts heat well
  • Has a high electrical conductivity
  • Graphite has magnetic properties,
  • Melting and boiling point - about 3500 C, respectively, resistance to high temperatures

Graphite powder is produced by mechanical grinding of graphite. If graphite powder is made from coke material, then the raw material is obtained by heating and decomposition reactions.

Graphite powder must meet a number of requirements:

  1. The concentration of carbon in the graphite powder must be at a high level;
  2. There should be practically no third-party impurities;
  3. The grain size in graphite powder can vary from 0.1 mm to 5 mm;
  4. The level of fluidity must also be at a high level.

Scope of Graphite Powder

Research of graphite-containing dust of metallurgical plants

V.A. KRAVETS*(Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assoc.), V.A. TEMNOKHUD**(Ph.D., Assoc.), Yu.V. NASANOV*
*Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Makeevka,
**Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk

UDC 669.162.252

When cast iron is poured in blast-furnace and steel-smelting shops, desulfurization of cast iron, and during some other technological processes, graphite-containing dust is released, which can be a valuable raw material for obtaining materials used in the aviation, space and electrical industries. In this regard, studies of the properties of this dust and the composition of inclusions were carried out.

Keywords Key words: cast iron, metal droplets, graphite, dust, brown smoke, heterogeneous inclusions, spectral analysis, experimental study.

Problem and problem statement

When overflowing molten cast iron, a significant amount of dust is released - about 0.05% of the mass of the poured metal. The emitted dust pollutes the environment and worsens the sanitary condition of workplaces.

Cast iron overflows are a necessary link in technology in ferrous metallurgy. Each portion of the metal on the way from the blast furnace to the steel-smelting unit is poured 4 times: when iron is released from the blast furnace, when poured into a mixer, when drained from a mixer, and when poured into a converter or open-hearth. When using mixing pig iron trucks, the number of overflows is reduced to 3, but in Ukraine this technology is used only at the Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works.

The emitted dust consists of two main components: 10-20% of coarse graphite dust, which is easy to catch with conventional cyclones, and 75-85% of fine brown smoke.

Graphite spel is released from free graphite, which is formed in the volume of metal from dissolved carbon during cooling of cast iron, due to a decrease in the solubility of carbon in the melt. Graphite particles are flat and consist of intergrown hexagonal plates.

The proportion of graphite is usually about 30% of the mass of the coarse fraction captured by cyclones. Graphite is a valuable component that is widely used in industry. Currently, graphite is either mined from graphite ore or obtained by pyrolysis of hard coal. Both methods are economically expensive and environmentally harmful.

Meanwhile, the resources of graphite raw materials in the ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine are such that the collection and disposal of all graphite-containing waste can fully meet the needs of both Ukraine and Russia. At present, the CIS countries have accumulated more than 4.0 million tons of graphite-containing metallurgical waste, 80% of which consists of waste from mixing and desulfurization departments. In this regard, the question of the properties of graphite-containing dust, methods of its enrichment and utilization is of practical interest.

Methodology and research results

Graphite-containing dust caught by a cyclone in the mixing department of the CCC MK "Azovstal" was studied. The metal particles present in the coarse fraction in the form of a mechanical impurity were separated by a magnet. The sieve composition of graphite sang after separation of metal splashes is given in Table. 1. From Table 1 it can be seen that the plates of graphite sand are concentrated in large fractions and are completely absent in fractions less than 63 microns.

Table 1

Figure 1 shows a spel particle removed from the edge. It can be seen that the particle consists of several layers of crystalline graphite, between which there are inclusions of metal. The thickness of individual layers of graphite is 0.6-0.8 microns, the edge of the plate is split. An estimate of the distribution density of iron inclusions showed that they are more densely located in places of relief irregularities on the surface of the plates (pores, slots, protrusions at the junction of crystals, etc.).

Picture 1– View from the edge of a piece of graphite sang. REM. Contrast in reflected electrons. Magnification: x1500 times. The horizontal size of the image corresponds to the size of 90 µm.

Inclusions in the graphite structure were studied using an electron microscope. Figures 2 and 3 show photographs of inclusions on the surface of a graphite plate. Rectangles in the photograph mark the areas where the spectral analysis of the inclusions was performed. Tables 2 and 3 show the results of spectral analysis.

Figure 2

Figure 3

table 2- The content of elements, % by the number of atoms (to Fig. 2).

Table 3- The content of elements, % by the number of atoms (to Fig. 3).

As can be seen from the photographs, inclusions on the graphite surface belong to two main types:

  • most of the inclusions have a spherical shape, a relatively smooth surface and consist of iron (more than 55%), oxygen and carbon, in the photographs these particles are white;
  • a smaller part of the inclusions are spherical with a surface covered with convolutions and contain a significant amount of silicon and manganese; in the photographs they have a darker color.

Spectral analysis of areas that do not have visible inclusions showed that they consist of carbon (52-82%) with an admixture of iron and oxygen. Darker particles covered with convolutions are probably formed as a result of interaction of drops of molten slag with graphite plates. Relatively smooth spherical inclusions were considered in more detail. The dependence of the percentage content of carbon and iron on the diameter of smooth spherical inclusions is obtained, which is shown in Fig. 1. 4 and 5.

Figure 4

Figure 5

As can be seen from fig. 4 and 5, with an increase in the diameter of the inclusions, the proportion of iron increases and the proportion of carbon decreases, while particles larger than 10 μm have approximately the same composition.


Based on the research carried out, the following conclusions and assumptions can be drawn.

Graphite dust are flat particles consisting of intergrown plates of crystalline graphite with a characteristic hexagonal shape. On the surface of graphite plates there are inclusions of a spherical shape, which include iron, oxygen and carbon.

The bulk of the inclusions are smooth spherical particles that are white in photographs. The main component of these particles is iron. It can be assumed that these particles are formed as a result of condensation of iron vapor on the surface of graphite plates. At the point of contact with the graphite base of these particles, compounds of the iron carbide type are formed, and at the point of contact with the atmosphere, iron oxides are formed. In this case, the proportion of carbon is the higher, the larger the specific surface area of ​​contact with the surface of graphite, which explains the dependence of the chemical composition on the size of the inclusion.

Some of the inclusions are dark spherical particles with a surface covered with convolutions. The high content of silicon and manganese in such inclusions suggests that these are slag drops.


  • 1 . Kravets V.A. Suppression of brown smoke during cast iron overflows: monograph / V.A. Kravets. - Donetsk: UkrNTEC, 2002. - 186s.
  • 2 . Ecological aspects of the technical re-equipment of JSC "Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works" / A.S. Khobta, N.A. Antonov, E.K. Nikolaeva, V.V. Rogulin // Collection of scientific works of the Lugansk National Agrarian University. - 2008. - No. 81. - P.109-113.
  • 3 . Pustovalov Yu.P., Maslov V.A., Sagirov I.V., Solyanik N.Kh. Thermographite from dispersed iron-graphite wastes of metallurgy // Bulletin of the Priazov State Technical University. - 2005. - Issue. No. 15. - S. 213-216.
  • 4 . Trofimova L.A. Development of technology for high-temperature processing of dispersed iron-graphite wastes of metallurgical production: abstract of diss. for the degree of Ph.D. 05.16.02. "Metallurgy of ferrous metals" / L.A. Trofimova; PSTU. - Mariupol, 2007. - 22 p.
  • 5 . Investigation of graphite-containing dust from the foundry of blast furnace No. 4 of the metallurgical plant named after. Ilyich and the development of methods for its enrichment / V.A. Kravets, I.Yu.Motroshilov, A.G.Gorokhov and others // Bulletin of the Donbass National Academy of Life and Architecture. - 2007. - VIP. 2(64). - S. 42-47.

Among the adverse production factors, dust occupies a special place. Graphite dust is considered one of the most dangerous in terms of its impact on the respiratory system.

Diseases caused by graphite dust

The harm of graphite dust to the respiratory system is a scientifically proven fact. With frequent exposure to it, breathing becomes difficult, the most common disease develops - silicosis. It is also dangerous for its complications, which can provoke a tuberculous process, cause emphysema or bronchitis. This disease belongs to the category of professional. Often, workers in the machine-building, metallurgical, faience industries are exposed to it.

Graphite dust is dangerous because of its chemical composition. Carbonaceous dust consists mainly of silicon dioxide. It is the impact of this component that is so dangerous for the lungs. Similar in symptoms to silicosis, another disease is anthracosis. This disease occurs when a lot of dust (coal or graphite) has accumulated in the lungs.

But dust bronchitis is characterized by pathology of the lungs caused by damage to the bronchioles. The disease is also considered occupational and occurs due to the active influence of graphite dust on the body for a long time. The initial symptoms are very similar to ordinary bronchitis. In the last stages of the development of the disease, there is more irritation of the respiratory organs than with ordinary bronchitis.

Graphite dust has a negative effect on the skin, causing itching and irritation. Settling on the face and hands, small graphite dust particles dry the skin, provoke cell death. The aging process of the skin is much faster. If you do not use special creams and oils, a person looks several years older than his age. Workers whose profession is directly related to exposure to graphite dust must take a shower after a hard day's work.

Fighting methods

If ordinary dust at home can be dealt with by frequent cleaning, then in dusty industries the situation is much worse. To make graphite dust less dangerous for humans, hoods are installed above the machines. They reduce the amount of dust in the air. In addition, the worker is required to have personal protective equipment, among which the most common is a respirator. These simple methods of protection reduce the risk of occupational diseases by several times. If you ignore them, in 10 years they will make themselves felt. A daily shower will cleanse the skin and its pores from small dust particles, relieve itching and irritation.

A person who works closely with graphite and other substances containing graphite should be examined by a doctor at least three times a year. This must be done even if all protective measures are used.

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The product of this variety is a fine mixture, which is obtained by grinding the raw material using grinding machines. It is supplied in batches, which are determined by weight (kg). The particles in this mixture are grey-black in color and flake-shaped.

Graphite is a mineral belonging to the class of native elements. It is an allotropic version of modified carbon. It conducts electricity well and has a relatively low density. This is a very demanded resource used in modern metallurgy.

Graphite powder is a modern product of powder metallurgy. It is produced taking into account all established norms and quality standards, in accordance with GOST. High quality resources are used as raw materials. In order for the product to be suitable for certain purposes of use, several grades of the substance have been developed:

  • GII-B

In order to find out how much graphite powder of a particular brand costs, or to clarify the price of the entire batch, contact our specialists right now.

This product has gained its popularity relatively recently. It has properties due to which it can be used in many modern fields. The salient features of this product include the following:

  • High melting and boiling point
  • Good for machining
  • Dissolves in high temperature metal alloys.
  • Versatility of use
  • Low cost

Graphite Powder Application

As noted above, this product is used for a variety of purposes. It is used to make pencils, create special alloys and steel grades. used to create a number of high-strength products used to create pipeline systems, shut-off and control valves and other products, for the effective operation of which increased strength, durability and resistance to corrosive effects are required.

Breathing is a scientifically proven fact. With frequent exposure to it, breathing becomes difficult, the most common disease develops - silicosis. It is also dangerous for its complications, which can provoke a tuberculous process, cause emphysema or bronchitis. This disease belongs to the category of professional. Often, workers in the machine-building, metallurgical, faience industries are exposed to it.

Graphite dust is dangerous because of its chemical composition. Carbonaceous dust consists mainly of silicon dioxide. It is the impact of this component that is so dangerous. Similar in symptoms to silicosis, another disease is anthracosis. This disease occurs when a lot of dust (coal or graphite) has accumulated in the lungs.

But dust bronchitis is characterized by pathology of the lungs caused by damage to the bronchioles. The disease is also considered occupational and occurs due to the active influence of graphite dust on the body for a long time. The initial symptoms are very similar to ordinary bronchitis. In the last stages of the development of the disease, there is more irritation of the respiratory organs than in the usual.

Graphite dust has a negative effect on the skin, causing itching and irritation. Settling on the face and hands, small graphite dust particles dry the skin, provoke cell death. The aging process of the skin is much faster. If you do not use special creams and oils, a person is several years older than his age. Workers whose profession is directly related to exposure to graphite dust must take a shower after a hard day's work.

Fighting methods

If ordinary dust at home can be dealt with by frequent cleaning, then in dusty industries the situation is much worse. To make graphite dust less dangerous for humans, hoods are installed above the machines. They reduce the amount of dust in the air. In addition, the worker is required to have personal protective equipment, among which the most common is a respirator. These simple methods of protection reduce the risk of occupational diseases by several times. If you ignore them, in 10 years they will make themselves felt. A daily shower will cleanse the skin and its pores from small dust particles, relieve itching and irritation.

A person who works closely with graphite and other substances containing graphite should be examined by a doctor at least three times a year. It's necessary

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