Homeopathy petroleum. Tectonic zoning of the shelf of the East Siberian and Chukchi seas based on the integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.07.2020

Source: John Henry Clark. "Vocabulary

Practical Materia Medica in 6 volumes"

(Publishing House "Homeopathic Medicine". Moscow. 2001).

Petroleum- oil.
The drug is prepared from trituration and tincture

refined oil. (You also need

prepare preparations from crude oil.)

The petroleum that Hahnemann was testing was prepared by

mixing commercial oil with sulfuric acid and subsequent

purification of the part on which sulfuric acid did not act.

Petroleum has a profound effect on the body.

To diseases that are treated with oil extracts or

refined oil include: diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, malnutrition,

anemia, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, irritability, insomnia,

respiratory diseases. In addition to the above, patients

a form of intoxication may develop.

Petroleum is one of the leading anti-psoric agents

Hahnemann and is especially closely associated with graphite.

Petroleum is effective for long-term, deep,

debilitating diseases, protracted diseases of the stomach and intestines with

mucosal ulceration or not. From my experience I can say that neither

no other remedy is so effective in chlorosis in young

girls, regardless of whether it is accompanied by a stomach ulcer or not.

According to Kent, Petroleum corresponds to the dire conditions that

the body is not able to alleviate with a skin rash or in cases where

when the rash disappears without bringing relief, then the disease manifests itself on

mucous membranes, causing inflammation, runny nose, enteritis. Acute

pain and cracks in the area of ​​​​the openings where the mucous passes into the skin.

Irritation of the skin and mind is as characteristic of Petroleum as it is of

many other means: the patient is excitable, angry over trifles.

Anxiety and fear. Mental impairment is typical

forgetfulness, which is usually found in patients with deep pathology.

This remedy is very characterized by the illusion that in the patient's bed

there is another person or child; these illusions were cured

Petroleum in cases of typhoid and puerperal sepsis.

Hair loss is also characteristic of Petroleum, which explains why

the popularity of baldness remedies containing oil.

Nausea (with or without vomiting) is one of the most important characteristics


Anxious and timid character. Sadness and mental depression.

Painful indecision. Anxiety about the future.
Hypochondria. Tendency to get angry and grumble.

Unbridled, short-tempered and daring.

Any little reason leads to tears.

Memory loss. Lost in the street. Unable to think.

Difficulty accepting information.

Delirium, the patient feels as if there is another person in her bed,

that it was split in two, or that one of its limbs was doubled; patient

constantly expresses crazy ideas on the same topic that bothers him.

Imagines she has a third leg that cannot stay still.

Desire to kill. visual hallucinations.

Smoking causes clouding of the mind.

epileptic seizures.

Petroleum is suitable for fair-haired people with fair skin; especially

lean and lean.

The patient catches cold easily.

Petroleum probably acts on fat rather than sweat

glands of the skin and has a local effect in places with excess fat.

The localization of the symptoms of Petroleum closely resembles that of Graphites:

skin of the skull behind the auricles, skin of the scrotum, genitals.

Albuminuria. Anal fissure. Anemia. Anorexia. Beli. Myopia.

Addison's disease. Blepharoadenitis. Warts. Bulimia. Varicose

vein expansion. Dislocation in the temporomandibular joint. Haemorrhoids.

Herpes. Herpes of the foreskin. Deafness. Gonorrhea. Diplopia. Dysmenorrhea.

Dyspepsia. Shiver. Burning. Constipation. Toothache. Heartburn. Exhaustion.

Conjunctivitis. Hives. Fever. Facial paralysis. Myopia. Corns.

Seasickness. Runny nose. Nose bleed. Frostbite. Fainting.

Burns. Chills. Otorrhea. Belching. Hoarseness. Inguinal hernia.

Intermittent fever. Diarrhea. Presbyopia. Bedsores. Prostatitis.

Psoriasis. Irritation. Stretching. Vomit. Rheumatism. erysipelatous

inflammation. Fistulas. Seborrhea. Palpitation. Syphilis. Weakness. tearful

fistula. Angina. Nausea of ​​pregnancy. Cracks in the skin. Tuberculosis

mesenteric lymph nodes. Chronic urethritis. Strictures and

chronic inflammation of the urethra. Furuncles. Chlorosis. Exanthema. Eczema.

epileptic seizures. Gastric ulcer. Ulcers.

Tendency to superficial inflammation and suppuration.

Great weakness on the slightest exertion, sometimes with blurred vision,

trembling in the body, buzzing in the ears and nausea.

Weakness, nausea and other symptoms when traveling in a carriage.

Weakness in the morning in bed. Great weariness in the morning and evening.
Trembling while in open air, with disgust for it.

Petroleum discharge is thick, purulent, yellowish green.

Significant weakness, fainting, trembling, twitching in

limbs, catalepsy, tonic spasms, left-sided paralysis.

A pronounced burning sensation, and since the fault of Petroleum occurs

many accidents resulting in burns,

it is natural to assume that it will be effective as

applications for the treatment of burns (in the form of vaseline, cosmoline or a mixture

equal parts Petroleum and olive oil).

Catalepsy, tonic spasms.

Transient bouts of heat, "boiling" of the blood and increased

sweating after a walk or a fit of rage.

exhaustion; also in children.

An unreasonable feeling of general discomfort, with trembling and despondency.

The skin is extremely sensitive, any clothing provokes pain,

the slightest injury fester. Skin sensitivity in general.

Great sensitivity of the surface of the skin.

The skin is painful, crawling sensation. Cracks.

The skin does not heal well.

Urticaria with miliary eruptions. Eczema with itching.

Itching, abrasions and spreading spots on the skin.

Brown and yellow spots on the skin.

Pustular rash with itching and burning. Itching in the elderly.

Severe irritation of the skin of the whole body, very intense in the vagina,

anus and perineum, which does not allow sleep.

Papular eruptions, especially on the face and lips.

unhealthy skin; every scratch festering. Furuncles.

Ulcers causing shooting pains; often deep ulcers with raised

edges. Excessive granulations at the bottom of ulcers.

Complaints of dry or weeping rashes or itching at night, especially

in the area of ​​the scrotum.

Frostbite, especially if the skin of the affected areas is very itchy

or fluid oozes out.

Exanthema, spreading and corroding, very difficult to cure.

Bedsores. Warts. Calluses on the feet, frostbite, sometimes painful.

Appear on the skin: itching, burning, abrasions and bleeding.

Sensation as if the skin over the bridge of the nose were not moving and were tense.

Drowsiness during the day and in the evening, which occurs when the patient sits still

(with a yawn). Excited, interrupted sleep at night with many

vivid, disturbing and frightening dreams (as if someone were lying with him

in bed), often wakes up from fright with a feeling of anxiety and a feeling of heat.

Feeling in the morning as if I had slept too little.

After eating, drowsiness, discomfort.

Trembling with headache, coldness in hands and face.

Chilliness in open air.

Frequent trembling runs over the whole body, and when the patient warms up, everything

body starts to itch.

Trembling or coldness, especially in the evening (with simultaneous heat), sometimes

bluish nails. Immediately after trembling, the patient sweats.

Intermittent fever: Violent chill with cold hands and

face at 10 o'clock in the morning, half an hour later, heat in the face, especially the eyes,

with thirst.

Attacks of trembling at 7 p.m., followed by perspiration: first

on the face, then all over the body, except for the legs, which remain

completely cold.

Fever in the evening, with hot face and cold feet, after an attack.

tremble. Frequent flushes of blood to the face.

Heat after midnight and in the morning in bed.

Fever with tight pulse and burning skin.

The pulse accelerates with any effort, at rest it slows down again.

Heat at night. Night sweat.

Bad sweat. Offensive sweat in armpits.

The use of Petroleum for baldness has caused a variety of

the nature of the headaches.

Petroleum headache can be localized anywhere, but most

it is intense in the back of the head.
Confusion of thoughts. The brain is in a fog.
Headache after a fit of rage, from hunger in the morning, and also after

evening walks.
Attacks of headache on one side of the head, forcing

the patient to lie down. Heaviness and fullness in the head in the morning and when bending over.

Pressing or shooting and pressing pain in the head, especially in the occiput.

The headache is aggravated by any kind of mental activity,

up to a state of complete stupor.

Tension in head, as if dura were contracted.

Spasmodic, drawing, constrictive pain in the head.

Neuralgic headache that starts in the occiput and

spreads forward.

Pain in occiput extending to vertex, with vertigo.

Pain in occiput with nausea, especially when seasick.

Throbbing headache, especially in the occiput (cerebellum).

Sharp, pressing headache in the cerebellum.

Sensation as if everything inside the head were alive.

Headache in the forehead; any mental effort causes complete


Drawing pain in head, forehead and temples, extending to teeth.

Lead heaviness, feeling of pressure, stitching and throbbing pain,

which is aggravated by shaking the head or any concussion.

The pain moves from the back of the head to the eye area and is often accompanied by

temporary loss of vision and fainting.

Sensation as if the brain were in a fog.

Sensation as if everything is alive inside the head.

Sensation as if head were made of wood. Sensation of bruising all over the head.
Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing over the head.

Sensation as if head would explode.

The headache is aggravated by shaking the head, by light and noise, but

weakened by nosebleeds.

Headache radiates from back to front.

Fainting, with "boiling" of blood, heat, palpitation and sensation

pressure in the region of the heart.

Vertigo often occurs, especially when the patient looks up.

Vertigo, as from a swing.

Vertigo on bending over, on getting up from bed or from a sitting position.

Vertigo when head is low.

The dizziness and heaviness of Petroleum is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting of bile.

After eating, dizziness appears, everything floats before the eyes.

Skull skin sore to touch, as if bruised or as if

ulcer (with subsequent numbness and sharp pain when scratching, worse

in the morning or when the patient is hot).

All kinds of diseases that occur on the outer surface of the occiput.

Drawing pain in limbs.

Cracking in the joints, with stiffness, as from arthritis, and drawing;

tearing pain. Jerking of the limbs during the day and during sleep.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Eruptions on the scalp and back of the neck.

Scabs on edematous scalp. Hair loss.

Rough facial skin.

Heat in the face, sometimes after eating, accompanied by thirst.

Dryness and feeling of constriction of the skin of the face and eyelids, as if they were covered with a thin

albumin film; the cheeks are shiny, the skin on them is compressed.

Pale, yellowish complexion.

Facial paralysis (due to accumulation of inflammatory products in the fallopian

channel). Eruption of pimples on the face. Peeling of the skin around the mouth.

Pimples covered with crusts, accompanied by shooting pains in

lips and corners of the mouth. Furuncles on the lower lip.

Frequent dislocations in the temporomandibular joint in the morning in bed,

with acute pain.

After eating, heat in the face.

Sensation of a veil before the eyes. Sensation of sand in the eyes.
All kinds of diseases arising in the right eye.

Itchy eyes. Itching of the eyelids compelling the patient to rub them.

The eyelids are turned out. Burning, dull, shooting and burning pain in the eyes.

Conjunctivitis and blepharoadenitis. Inflammation (with itching and stitching).

Lacrimal fistula (with dryness in right nostril). Lachrymation.

Twitching and trembling in the eyeballs and lids.

Convulsions of the muscles of the eyes.

Myopia or presbyopia. Diplopia.

Flickering and feeling of a veil before the eyes; flashes and black spots.

Ear diseases.

All kinds of diseases that occur behind the ears.

Inflammation, soreness and swelling of the external auditory canal.

Otalgia, with spasmodic and jerking pains.

Dryness, painful feeling of dryness inside the ear.

Discharge of blood and pus from the ears. Eruptions on the skin of the ears.

Redness and rawness of the skin behind the auricles, seepage of fluid.

Ringing, rolling, roaring, rumbling, crackling and buzzing in the ears.

Excessive secretion of sulfur. Deafness.

Petroleum has gained a good reputation in lung diseases where it

used in the form of an emulsion. Its leading indication is

"chest tightness, aggravated by cold air."

Bad breath.

Difficulty breathing in cold air.

Rattling and sounds like snoring in the trachea.

Feeling of heaviness, anxiety and discomfort in the chest.

Oppression of the chest at night.

Shooting pain in the sides of the chest.

Herpes on the skin of the chest.

Hoarseness with or without coryza.

Petroleum has a characteristic cough that is not uncommon

in young boys and girls, coming from the depths of the lower chest;

he often wakes up patients at night. Cough with dry throat.

Hacking cough that provokes apnea; the patient is unable to cough.
Choking cough at night.

Dry cough at night or in the evening after lying down.

Dry cough at night from deep in chest caused by scratching

in the throat. Cough from lower chest.

Hollow, dry cough, provoked by laughter, wakes the patient

in the middle of the night. Dry cough with shooting pains under sternum.

In the lying position the cough and distension of the abdomen are aggravated.
The cough was aggravated by laughter.

The cough is worse at night, at 2, 4 and 6 in the morning.

Smoking causes coughing.

Sore throat radiating from right to left.

Sore throat with shooting pain when swallowing.

Swelling and severe dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Rawness (stitching and burning pain) in the throat; worse when swallowing.

Tickling sensation on swallowing extending into the ear.

Dryness and burning in the throat.

When swallowing food rises to the nasal fossa.

Expectoration of mucus in the morning.


Light nosebleeds relieve headaches.

Suppurating blisters on nose. Ulceration of the nasal mucosa.

Ulcers in nostrils (and cessation of coryza).

Fetid coryza, crusts, mucopurulent discharge, fissures

nostril. Swelling of the nose with discharge of pus and pain over the root of the nose.

Nasal congestion. Dryness, painful feeling of dryness in the nose.

Abundance of mucus in the nose. Itching of tip of nose.

Since cracks in the nostrils accompany the feeling of coldness in

head and appear after him, I find Vaseline applications more

useful than any other ointment.

Sensation as if a cold stone lay on the heart.

Sensation of coldness in the region of the heart, as if a cold stone lay in the heart.


Fainting with effervescence, heat, pressing pain in the heart and palpitations.

Frequent dislocations in the temporomandibular joint.

Sensation as if the jaw were distended.

Bad breath, sometimes reminiscent of the smell of garlic.

Ulcers on the inside of the cheeks (painful when closing the mouth).

Much mucus in mouth and throat. The tongue is coated with white.

Sharp pain occurs when chewing.

Great dryness of the mouth (and throat in the morning) with great thirst (for beer).

. smack. Putrid, nasty, slimy or bitter (sour).

Toothache from contact with fresh air, worse at night,

accompanied by cheek swelling.

Numbness of teeth, with pain on clenching them.

A fistula-like pustule is localized over a tooth affected by caries.

Fistulous vesicles in the gums.

Swelling of gums, with shooting pain on touch.

Weak digestion.

Nausea (with or without vomiting) is one of the most important characteristics of the remedy.

It is aggravated when riding in a carriage or during a sea voyage,

therefore Petroleum is the first remedy for seasickness and

nausea on the train.

Noisy burp. Sour (bitter) belching and regurgitation.

Frequent nausea, especially in the morning, often with accumulation of saliva in the mouth,

difficulty breathing, sour belching, dry and white tongue, stabbing pain

in the region of the liver, heat in the region of the face, dizziness, etc.

Nausea on moving carriage. Nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

Heartburn. Heartburn towards evening.

Tendency to vomit. Vomit greenish, bitter.

Dull pain in stomach. Cramps in the stomach.

Pressure and colic (at night) in stomach.

Sensation of emptiness and weakness in the stomach. Sensation of fullness in the epigastrium.
Diarrhea from suppressed eruptions.

Pain in epigastrium, as if something were torn off.

Education in the epigastrium, painful on palpation.

Eating relieves pain in the stomach.

As soon as the stomach is empty, pain appears in it.

Discomfort when digesting almost all kinds of food, no matter how little the patient

didn't eat. After eating: darkening of the eyes and dizziness; nausea; heaviness

and pressure in the stomach; sleep or colic with belching; or sour belching

congestion of the head, spasms in the chest, etc.

The flip side of nausea is another major symptom:

wolf hunger. After defecation, hunger immediately appears.

Wolfish hunger, from which the patient often wakes up at night; rapid

saturation. Hunger with rapid satiety.

Bulimia. Voracity. Refined taste. Anorexia.

. addictions. The patient only wants treats that he devours.

with greed. Strong desire for beer.

. disgust. To meat, fats, boiled or hot food.

Pain (cutting) in the abdomen comes on shortly after eating.

Violent sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen.
Sensation as if something were torn off in the epigastric region.

Distension and tension in the abdomen, with spasms.

Pinching and cutting pain in abdomen, sometimes with pressure and urge to

defecation. Colic with diarrhea at night, towards morning.

Colic is relieved by double bending.

Rumbling in the abdomen, with sensation as if the abdomen were completely empty.

Inguinal hernia. Fetid gases. After eating, cutting in abdomen.

Difficult, hard, lumpy stools, feeling as if feces are not

evacuated completely. Often defecation occurs during the day, sometimes with

secretion of a serous, yellowish substance.

Diarrhea, often preceded by cutting pain (colic only in

during the day). Mucous stools, often mixed with blood.

Burning pain in rectum after stool.

Itching eczematous eruptions on the skin of the perineum.

Diarrhea worse from riding in a carriage.

Cabbage and sour provoke diarrhea. Itching and burning in the anus; pressure.
Weakness in the rectum.

Hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe itching; worse at night

the warmth of the bed; worse from rubbing or scratching.

Squeezing reduces hemorrhoids.

Fissures and severe sore pain.

Constant dripping of urine after urinating.

Excretion of mucus in the urine.

Frequent urination, weak stream, urine red or brown, offensive.

Urine bloody and cloudy, red sediment, sand that sticks tightly

to the walls of blood vessels, urine contains protein, hyaline and granular cylinders,

the surface is covered with a shiny film, with a red precipitate.

Involuntary urination. Passing urine at night.

The patient wets the bed. Burning in urethra.

Urethral strictures (chronic urethritis).

Itching, pain and weeping of the vulva.

Leucorrhea resembling egg white.

Beli is accompanied by voluptuous thoughts.

Aversion to sexual intercourse.

After intercourse, nervous irritability.

Menstruation starts too early, menstrual blood causes itching.

Itching and peeling of the skin of the breast; itching of the nipples that are covered

powdery coating.

Diarrhea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Burning pain, itching, redness, excoriations and seepage of fluid; or

itchy pimples and eczematous eruptions on the skin of the scrotum and between

scrotum and thigh. Desire is reduced. Frequent wet dreams.

Isolation of prostatic fluid (prostatitis).

Weakness and nervous irritability after intercourse.

Reddish itchy eruption on the glans penis.

Enlargement and compaction of the lymph nodes; also after injury.

Suppuration of axillary lymph nodes.

Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes.

Cracking in the joints, with stiffness, as from arthritis, and drawing;

tearing pain.

Herpes on the back of the neck.

Heaviness and pain in the back of the neck.

Pulling, painful sensation radiating from the back of the neck

to the back of the head. Enlarged glands and rash on the back of the neck.

Pain in the sacrum which does not allow the patient to straighten up while standing.

Pain in sacrum when sitting. Feeling of tightness in the coccyx.
Back pain that makes any movement difficult.

Weakness and stiffness in the back and loins.

Sensation in the upper and lower limbs as if they were stiff, which is not

extends to the joints. Jerking of the limbs during the day and during sleep.

Drawing pain in limbs. Heaviness and weakness in all limbs.

Crack in the joints. Joints don't bend.

Sprains, chronic sprains.

. Arms. Cracks in the wrists. All kinds of diseases that

in or under the balls of the fingers. Drawing pain in arms and fingers.

Great weakness in arms. Stiffness in hands and fingers. erysipelatous

inflammation on the skin of the hands. Brown and yellow spots on the skin of the hands. Furuncles

on the forearms. Tearing pain in the hands. Burning sensation in the palms.

The brushes sweat. Pain in wrist joint, as if sprained.

Brown spots on the wrist. Bleeding cracks on the hands and fingers,

especially in winter. Salty, watery discharge, redness, soreness,

burning; weeping or thick crusted eruptions. chilliness

fingers, warts on the fingers. Tingling and pain in warts,

localized on the fingers, in the evening in bed. Stiffness in the joints

fingers as if in arthritis. Fingernails, painful

touch, as if bruised. Fingertips get rough, skin

breaks, cracks appear, stabbing and cutting pain.

. Legs. Pain in the feet. Sensation of a thorn in the heel. all sorts of

diseases that occur on the inner surface of the thighs, in the knee

joints. Cracking in the joints of the legs. Cramping in the thighs, calves and feet (during

all day; in the soles at night). Furuncles on the skin of the thighs and legs.

Tension in the thighs. Sharp, shooting pain in the knees. Weakness in

knees. Herpetic eruptions are localized in the area of ​​the knee

joint. Eruptions in the form of itchy bumps on the calves of the legs. Herpes in the area

ankles. Burning sensation in soles. Feet sweat a lot. Fetid

sweat and sore feet. Feeling of coldness in the feet. Swelling of the feet.

Heat and swelling of the soles. Swelling and redness of the heels are accompanied by burning

and shooting pain; worse when walking. The heels are shiny. Feeling of a thorn in

heel. Frostbite of the toes, especially when the skin itches and gets wet; itching

and burning; inflammation in cold weather. Ulcers on the fingers

formed from blisters. Calluses on the feet. Burning and stabbing pain in

calluses. Intractable, superficial ulcers on the toes with

raised edges and a red bottom from which liquid oozes.

Eruptions between fingers.

. Worse. In winter. By cold. Outdoors. Before and during a thunderstorm.

In stormy weather. From bathing. Warmth of bed (itching). After intercourse.

Happy. Motion. Horse riding. Stay in a sitting position. Smoking. At

touch, even when touched by clothing. When combing.

A trip in a carriage or on a ship. After mental stress. After

food. After drinking. In the morning. By eating cabbage.

. It is better. In warmth. from warm air. When the patient bends in half.

Irritation. Trips in a carriage or on a ship. Deafness due to

applications of Nitricum asidum. Cabbage. Eruption suppression. Stretching.

Antidotes for Petroleum are: Cocculus, Nux vomica, Phosphorus.

Petroleum is the antidote: in case of lead poisoning (one of the best

antidotes), for Nitricum asidum.

Effective: before. Sepia.

Compatible: Bryonia, Calcarea carbonica, Lyesinum, Nitricum asidum, Nux

vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur.

Should be compared with: Graphites, Naphthalinum, Paraffinum, Kreasotum and

other hydrocarbons.

Petroleum / Petroleum - oil (oil distillation product, stone oil, kerosene).

Basic dosage forms. It is used only in liquid form. Drops D3, C3, C6 and above.

Indications for use. Ear infection. Hearing loss. Diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines. Chronic dyspepsia. Seasickness. Fistula of the anus. Chronic cystitis. Urinary incontinence.

Characteristic features: dryness and painful sensation inside the ear. Cracking, clicking, dull noise, buzzing in the ears. Purulent flow from the ear. Heartburn. Aversion to meat and fat. Flatulence of the abdomen. Itching and expectoration of the scrotum. Suitable for men, especially short ones.

This is one of those substances that are used to abuse. Crude oil is used externally for rheumatism, aches, and similar problems, when relief is achieved by the appearance of a "skin, superficial disease", due to an irritating, distracting, and not homeopathic effect. In oil-bearing regions, it is widely used both for people and animals, as a "cure for all diseases."

This substance has a distracting effect, causing irritation, rashes and other disorders on the skin, similar to turpentine. In the subjects, one of the first symptoms of Petroleum was a state of lethargy and dizziness; a person is so bad at thinking that he can get lost on the street. Strange visions, as if there are people around who are not really there; that strange figures are flying in the air; that each limb is doubled; that another person is in bed with her. Such manifestations occur with fever. After giving birth, a woman feels like she has another baby in bed with her, and she worries about how she will take care of two at once. Such illusions arise in many diseases and are often encountered in practice; in typhoid fever and other serious illnesses; with severe diarrhea, lethargy occurs immediately after waking up; even in dreams there is a feeling of duality, which remains even in a semi-conscious state. The patient cannot cope with this, although if he is stirred up and brought to consciousness, he begins to understand that this is only an illusion, but in a semi-conscious state everything returns. This feeling haunts him day and night.

Skin symptoms. They are very pronounced. There is a tendency to eruption of vesicles, isolated herpetic vesicles, there is a tendency to form thick yellow crusts in place of the vesicles, with pronounced weeping. Vesicles open early. Sometimes they do not form crusts, but when opened early, they ulcerate, and the ulcer becomes phagedenic; this condition can occur on the fingers, scrotum, face and scalp. Most often, vesicles appear on the back of the neck. Papules, pustules, vesicles, dry, pityriasis-like eruptions, but most often moist; rashes that affect the skin deeply. In place of old rashes, new ones appear, making the base of the old rash even more dense. When the crust dries, it seals the edge of the rash, which forms a small ring. This seal cracks, bleeds, has a purple color. Imagine this picture in the presence of weeping rashes and rashes on the hands. This remedy is suitable for cracks in the tips of the fingers and on the back of the hands. The skin is rough, rough, peeling, cracked, bleeding; tissues are compacted; sometimes such a picture is observed on the palms and around the nails. In these places, ulcers appear that corrode the tissues and spread in breadth. All rashes are very itchy. The patient cannot stop until he has peeled off his skin, after which weeping, bleeding, soreness and inflammation occur. Itching can also occur without visible rashes. The patient scratches the skin until fluid seeps out; he scratches it further, and the skin begins to bleed, and this part of the body becomes cold. (Here I want to point out that a prominent feature of Petroleum is coldness in small spots, in stomach, abdomen, uterus; between shoulder blades; feels as if heart has become cold.) Numerous varieties of eczema. Eczema on the scalp, especially on the occiput. Herpes around the mouth (Natrum muriaticum), on the genitals, lips, face; these rashes are covered with crusts and abundantly emerging fluid.

Small ulcers appear on the mucous membranes, with thickening around the edges, which makes it possible to use Petroleum in syphilitic ulcers. Sores in the throat; aphthae in the mouth. The mucous membranes become inflamed all over the body, with watery and then thick yellow discharge. The nose is stuffed up due to swelling of the mucosa. Chronic catarrh of the nose, crusts, thick yellow discharge, offensive odor from the nose. Thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, choanae and nasopharynx, accumulation of thick mucus, especially in the morning. Then the larynx is involved in catarrh, which is accompanied by loss of voice, and then the chest; cough. The patient coughs mainly at night, while there is a general emaciation, when coughing - pain and discomfort in the chest. Dry, hacking cough, alternating with profuse expectoration; emaciation in the chest area. A striking sign of this remedy is increased cough at night and diarrhea during the day. Catarrh of the stomach and intestines, rectum, in the stool - a large amount of mucus. Diarrhea during the day, better at night when the patient is at rest. Every time eating there is pain, but gnawing hunger compels the patient to eat (Lachesis, Graphites). Every time after a bowel movement there is a feeling of sagging, hunger in the stomach, forcing the patient to eat. With diarrhea, the patient wants to eat all the time, although eating causes pain; emaciation, skin eruption, unhealthy, rough skin of the fingers, which all the time seem dirty; the patient cannot wash them; when washing, cracking is even more intensified.

Catarrh of the bladder and urethra; chronic catarrhal discharge; chronic gonorrhea. There is itching of the mucous membranes; a prominent symptom of this remedy in gonorrhea is itching of the proximal urethra, with discharge. This infuriates the patient and keeps him awake at night. He scratches and rubs his perineum to relieve itching. Gonorrhea discharge is white or yellow. The medicine helps with the "last drop" symptom. It is also effective in the early stages of gonorrhea when itching is very pronounced.

Sensation of soreness, weakness all over the body, especially in the joints. Rheumatic pain in the joints on motion; soreness when touched; feeling as if bruised. In bruises, the remedy works like Arnica.

Petroleum is indicated for old, persistent occipital headaches. People usually think of Silicea in offensive sweating of the legs and occasional pains in the occiput. Petroleum also has offensive foot sweat; offensive sweat all over the body, especially under the armpits; the smell is so strong that it is felt as soon as the patient enters the room. The pain is often limited to the occiput, but if it is very severe it extends through the vertex to the region of the eyes and to the forehead (this condition is also present in Silicea). Petroleum is not as closely related to Silicea as it is to Graphites and Carbo vegetabilis, which also contain carbon; all carbon compounds cause damage to the occiput. "Pain from occiput through entire head to forehead and eyes, with transient blindness; with stiffness; loss of consciousness." "Pain confined to the occiput, aggravated by shaking the head." This remedy, unlike Carbo vegetabilis, has a hypersensitivity of the senses, hearing, touch and smell.

The Petroleum constitution has a special kind of dizziness that occurs under certain circumstances, on board a ship, while riding in a carriage, in a car. It is suitable for occipital pain from driving or similar motion, with nausea as from seasickness. We cannot always cope with a seasickness attack, but most people after constitutional treatment come to a more stable state, so that ordinary circumstances, such as driving a car, will no longer cause them ailments. To a large extent, this condition is reduced to insufficient accommodation, a violation of the eyes; arising, for example, from a close examination of the waves diverging from the stern of the ship, or moving objects; in a dark cabin the patient feels better. If the patient has occipital pains with the vertigo described above, with a feeling of sagging in the stomach and hunger, and pains in it, forcing the patient to eat, then Petroleum will help him. The most typical manifestations of seasickness are: violent nausea, extreme pallor, cold body, profuse sweat and exhaustion, ameliorated by wind, open air, closing the eyes, rest and darkness, and aggravated by heat. In these cases, Tabacum will be the main remedy.

Petroleum has a great disturbance of vision, but the catarrh of the eyes is especially pronounced. Vesicle formation, ulceration, inflammation, redness and profuse discharge; granulations on the eyelids, thickening of the mucous membranes, cracks in the eyelids, at the corners of the eyes, with great itching. This itching is present in all congestive conditions of the mucous membranes. Damage to the Eustachian tubes. Thickening of the lining of the tubes, leading to deafness. Catarrhal inflammation with intense itching in the tube; there is no way to get to the itching place; itching deep in the ear. The patient rubs the ear and tries to scratch the itchy area, but cannot reach it. Itching in the pharynx, as well as in the external auditory canal. Ear discharge.

Thickening and inflammation of the glands and lymph nodes. Enlargement of the parotid glands in diseases of the ears; with a lesion in the region of the lower jaw, the submandibular and sublingual glands increase; they thicken and stay firm for a long time. Face pale or yellow, sickly. "Nausea all day long."

Stiffness in the back. Pain in the back when rising from a seated position.

Heat and burning. The skin is hot in places; in places with a feeling of coldness. Burning and itching of the palms and soles; burning of the face and skin of the scalp. Combined itching and burning; in those places where there is a burning sensation, there is also severe itching. The feet are burning, they feel as if they are frostbitten. Chilliness with itching, burning and purplish skin. In parts of the body frostbitten many years ago, itching, burning, stinging pain, redness and a feeling of heat remain. The patient complains of itching in the frostbitten parts of the body as they begin to thaw. Petroleum also cures itching and burning in frostbitten parts of the body, but this applies more to Agaricus. Agaricus muscaricus comes first in this case, especially where the bones are just under the skin, such as the back of the toes.

Paresis, especially on the left side. Weakness of the muscles, weakness of the lower extremities, especially the left.

Eruptions and indurations on the skin like Graphites, but in Petroleum a watery fluid oozes out at the eruption, and Graphites has a sticky, honey-like, viscid, stringy discharge. Both remedies have induration and fissures in the fingers, fissures in the skin, but only Graphites has horny, warty growths that raise the soft parts of the nails.

It has a wonderful effect in eczema of the genitals, both in men and women, rivaling Rhus toxicodendron. Eruptions on scrotum, penis, vulva. Rhus toxicodendron causes violent inflammation of the skin of the genital organs in both men and women; erysipelas; nodules, vesicles, and large blisters. Petroleum causes small vesicles with itching, stinging and burning. Herpetic eruptions that turn into erysipelas. Petroleum and Rhus toxicodendron are the main remedies for eruptions on the scrotum and genitals. “Herpetic itching, redness and weeping of the scrotum; skin cracked, rough and bleeding; the rash extends to the perineum and thighs." "Persistent dry eruptions on the genitals and perineum." "Sweating and weeping of the vulva in both sexes."

peeling of the nipples; white scales like dandruff; itching; constant peeling. If a woman has undermined her health, the nipples become inflamed, become very sensitive to the touch of clothing.

The patient is very sensitive to changes in the weather, like Phosphorus and Rhododendron; worse before a thunderstorm. Often oversensitive to air and cold. Thin, emaciated people; incipient tuberculosis. Effects of disappearance or suppression of eruptions. Hands and feet burn; I want to take them out from under the covers. Don't be too sure about Sulfur if you meet with burning in the soles, and Silicea for sweaty feet. Sweating of certain parts of the body. Eruptions in the form of spots. Itching in certain areas. Some areas are cold. Complaints related to certain parts of the body. Great stench of feet and armpits. This remedy has many unusual, striking and strange symptoms. Study the skin symptoms carefully, comparing them with those of Graphites and Sulfur.

From the book Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica author James Tyler Kent

From the book Materia Medica of homeopathic remedies by William Berike

Petroleum is an oily liquid with a high carbon content, but not pure coal. In therapeutic terms it stands somewhat between Sulfur and Phosphorus on the one hand, and Graphites and Carbo veg. on the other. We know that oil workers are prone to skin rashes. Pimples appear on the face and body, as if in swarms, and they feel itching and burning. Further, at the same time, a vesicular (vesicular) rash appears, developing into a full picture of eczema, wherever it appears. We find it useful in cracks of the skin, especially if they are in winter, when the hands are cracked and there is burning and intolerable itching in them. Sometimes ulcers develop.

Further, Petroleum is used in dislocations of the joints, especially in old, rheumatic patients. It is especially indicated in rheumatism, in stiffness of the knees, and this is accompanied by sharp, stitching pains in the knees and stiffness of the occiput with crackling sounds in it when moving the head, which indicates the roughness of the muscle fibers.

Then Petroleum must be remembered in diseases of the mucous membranes. It can be successfully prescribed for coryza. In this case, the discharge is quite in the nature of a rash. Crusts and purulent mucus are discharged from the nasal cavities. The nose is sore and the nostrils crack, as in Graphites. The nasal cavity is filled with purulent mucus, which causes spitting phlegm.

The eyes we also find affected by Petroleum. It is particularly useful in inflammation of the margins of the eyelids (blepharites marginalis). It is also indicated for inflammation of the lacrimal canal, when suppuration has begun and a fistula has formed. This tendency to form fistulas was also seen on the gums.

You should also be aware of the Petroleum cough. His cough is dry, painful, beginning when the patient goes to bed at night. We often meet this cough in children.

The only chest symptom of Petroleum is a feeling of coldness in the region of the heart. This symptom is characteristic of Natrum mur., in which it is very marked, especially on mental exertion. It is also found in Kali chloricum, Graphites and Kali nitricum.

Then consider the action of Petroleum on the stomach and intestines. It produces nausea and dizziness with vomiting of bile, worse in the morning, from riding in a carriage and during pregnancy. Therefore, Petroleum is also useful in seasickness.

Petroleum produces a diarrhea somewhat like that of Sulphur. The stools are smelly and watery, and often contain undigested food. They come early in the morning and are accompanied by general exhaustion of the body. They differ from Sulfur stools in that they also occur during the day. We have another diarrhoea, which is cured by Petroleum, which is diarrhea with indigestion, aggravated by the use of all cabbages, fresh and sour, etc. There are stinking stools, with much flatus, and belching with flatus that tastes like cabbage.

Petroleum is also a nerve remedy. We find it sometimes indicated in typhoid fever when it is accompanied by slight delirium. It also causes forgetfulness. The patient loses his way on well-known streets. If this symptom was caused by the influence of a great heat, then you should give Glonium.

Another mental symptom which is cured by Petroleum is this: the patient imagines herself to be double, or else it seems to her that someone else is lying beside her. This symptom was once taken advantage of in the following way. One lady during childbirth imagined that she had given birth to two babies and was very alarmed that she would have to take so much care of both of them. Petroleum cured her.

Petroleum is also used as an antidote for lead poisoning.

Petroleum (according to Berike)

Petroleum Crude oil

Goiter diathesis, especially in swarthy brunettes, suffering from catarrhal conditions of the mucous membranes, increased acidity of the stomach and skin eruptions.

Action on the skin, including sweat and sebaceous glands. The disease worsens in the winter season. Diseases arising from riding in a car or on a ship; sluggish gastric and pulmonary disorders; chronic diarrhea. Long-lasting states that arise after mental upheavals - fright, heavy worries, etc.

Chlorosis in young girls, with or without gastric ulcer.

Psyche. Great aggravation from mental disturbances. Gets lost on the street. There is a feeling of bifurcation or a sensation, as if someone else is lying nearby, stretched out to their full height. The feeling of imminent death, forcing you to quickly finish all your business. Irritability; increased resentment; everything gets in the way.

Depressed mood with blurred vision.

Head. Sensitive : feeling as if a cold wind were blowing on her. Feeling of numbness, as if made of wood; the back of the head is heavy, as if poured with lead (Opium). The occiput feels dizzy on rising, as if intoxicated or seasick.

Moist eruptions on the scalp; worse on occiput and auricles. Covers of the skull are painful when touched; then go numb. Headaches: Caused by shaking head when coughing, holding temples for relief.

Eyes. Loss of eyelashes. blurred vision; farsightedness; cannot read clear print without glasses; blenorrhea of ​​the lacrimal sac; marginal blepharitis. Cracks in the corners of the eyes. The skin around the eyes is dry and flaky.

Ears. He cannot stand noise, especially when several people are talking at once. Eczema, diaper rash, etc., inside and behind the ears, with great itching. The ears are painful to touch. Cracks in the external auditory canal. Dry catarrh, with deafness and noises. Ringing and crackling in the ears. Chronic catarrh of the Eustachian tube. Hearing loss.

Nose. Nostrils ulcerated, cracked, burning; tip of nose itches. Nosebleeds. Ozena with scabs and mucopurulent discharge.

Face. Dryness; sensation of constriction, as if smeared with egg white.

Stomach. Heartburn and eructations: hot, acrid, sour. Bloating. A pronounced feeling of emptiness. Strong aversion to fatty foods, to meat; worse, cabbage. Hunger immediately after stool. Nausea with accumulation of fluid in the mouth. Gastralgia on empty stomach; better eating a little all the time (Anac.; Sep.).

Insatiable hunger. Has to get up at night to eat something (Psorin.). The smell of garlic.

Stomach. Diarrhea only during the day: watery, copious, and itching of the anus. Diarrhea after eating cabbages; with an empty feeling in the stomach.

Male reproductive organs. Herpetic eruptions in the perineum. The prostate is inflamed and swollen. Itching in the urethra.

Female reproductive organs. Pulsation in head before menstruation (Kreos). Leukorrhea: copious, protein-rich discharge (Alum; Bor; Bov; Calc. p.). Soreness and wetness of the genitals. Moist feeling (Eup. purp.). Itching and powdery coating on the nipples. Respiratory organs. Hoarseness (Carbo; Caust.; Phos.). Dry cough and oppression of the chest at night. Cough causing headaches. Chest tightness; worse from cold air. Dry cough at night from deep in chest. Croup and diphtheria of the larynx.

A heart. Sensation of coldness (Carb. an.; Nat. mur.). Fainting states with manifestations of excitement, heat and rapid heartbeat.

Back. Pain in the back of the head; his rigidity and soreness. Weakness in the loin.

Soreness of the coccyx.

Limbs. Chronic sprains. Axillary sweat with an unpleasant odor.

Stiffness of the knees. The fingertips are rough and cracked every winter. Feeling of scalding in the knee region. Cracking in the joints.

Leather. Night itching. Chills: moist, itching and burning. Bedsores. The skin is dry, tight, very sensitive, rough, rough and cracked, as if tanned.

Herpes. Even small scratches suppurate (Hepar.). diaper rash; psoriasis of the hands.

Dense, greenish crusts; burning and itching; redness, soreness; easily bleeding cracks. Eczema. Cracking of the skin is worse in winter.

Fever. Chills followed by sweating. Flushes of heat, especially on the face and head; worse at night. Sweat on feet and armpits.

MODALITIES. Aggravation from damp; before a thunderstorm and during it; from riding in a car; from passive movement; in winter, during meals; from various mental experiences. Better from warm air; when lying with a raised head; in dry weather.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Nux; Coccul.

Optional: Sepia.

Similar: Carbo; graph.; Sulph.; phos.

BREEDINGS. From the third to the thirtieth and above.

Petroleum (according to Kent)

Petroleum / Petroleum - oil (oil distillation product, stone oil, kerosene).

Basic dosage forms. It is used only in liquid form. Drops D3, C3, C6 and above.

Indications for use. Ear infection. Hearing loss. Diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines. Chronic dyspepsia. Seasickness. Fistula of the anus. Chronic cystitis. Urinary incontinence.

Characteristic features: dryness and painful sensation inside the ear. Cracking, clicking, dull noise, buzzing in the ears. Purulent flow from the ear. Heartburn. Aversion to meat and fat. Flatulence of the abdomen. Itching and expectoration of the scrotum. Suitable for men, especially short ones.

This is one of those substances that are used to abuse. Crude oil is used externally for rheumatism, aches, and similar problems, when relief is achieved by the appearance of a "skin, superficial disease", due to an irritating, distracting, and not homeopathic effect. In oil-bearing regions, it is widely used both for people and animals, as a "cure for all diseases."

This substance has a distracting effect, causing irritation, rashes and other disorders on the skin, similar to turpentine. In the subjects, one of the first symptoms of Petroleum was a state of lethargy and dizziness; a person is so bad at thinking that he can get lost on the street. Strange visions, as if there are people around who are not really there; that strange figures are flying in the air; that each limb is doubled; that another person is in bed with her. Such manifestations occur with fever. After giving birth, a woman feels like she has another baby in bed with her, and she worries about how she will take care of two at once. Such illusions arise in many diseases and are often encountered in practice; in typhoid fever and other serious illnesses; with severe diarrhea, lethargy occurs immediately after waking up; even in dreams there is a feeling of duality, which remains even in a semi-conscious state. The patient cannot cope with this, although if he is stirred up and brought to consciousness, he begins to understand that this is only an illusion, but in a semi-conscious state everything returns. This feeling haunts him day and night.

Skin symptoms. They are very pronounced. There is a tendency to eruption of vesicles, isolated herpetic vesicles, there is a tendency to form thick yellow crusts in place of the vesicles, with pronounced weeping. Vesicles open early. Sometimes they do not form crusts, but when opened early, they ulcerate, and the ulcer becomes phagedenic; this condition can occur on the fingers, scrotum, face and scalp. Most often, vesicles appear on the back of the neck. Papules, pustules, vesicles, dry, pityriasis-like eruptions, but most often moist; rashes that affect the skin deeply. In place of old rashes, new ones appear, making the base of the old rash even more dense. When the crust dries, it seals the edge of the rash, which forms a small ring. This seal cracks, bleeds, has a purple color. Imagine this picture in the presence of weeping rashes and rashes on the hands. This remedy is suitable for cracks in the tips of the fingers and on the back of the hands. The skin is rough, rough, peeling, cracked, bleeding; tissues are compacted; sometimes such a picture is observed on the palms and around the nails. In these places, ulcers appear that corrode the tissues and spread in breadth. All rashes are very itchy. The patient cannot stop until he has peeled off his skin, after which weeping, bleeding, soreness and inflammation occur. Itching can also occur without visible rashes. The patient scratches the skin until fluid seeps out; he scratches it further, and the skin begins to bleed, and this part of the body becomes cold. (Here I want to point out that a prominent feature of Petroleum is coldness in small spots, in stomach, abdomen, uterus; between shoulder blades; feels as if heart has become cold.) Numerous varieties of eczema. Eczema on the scalp, especially on the occiput. Herpes around the mouth (Natrum muriaticum), on the genitals, lips, face; these rashes are covered with crusts and abundantly emerging fluid.

Small ulcers appear on the mucous membranes, with thickening around the edges, which makes it possible to use Petroleum in syphilitic ulcers. Sores in the throat; aphthae in the mouth. The mucous membranes become inflamed all over the body, with watery and then thick yellow discharge. The nose is stuffed up due to swelling of the mucosa. Chronic catarrh of the nose, crusts, thick yellow discharge, offensive odor from the nose. Thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, choanae and nasopharynx, accumulation of thick mucus, especially in the morning. Then the larynx is involved in catarrh, which is accompanied by loss of voice, and then the chest; cough. The patient coughs mainly at night, while there is a general emaciation, when coughing - pain and discomfort in the chest. Dry, hacking cough, alternating with profuse expectoration; emaciation in the chest area. A striking sign of this remedy is increased cough at night and diarrhea during the day. Catarrh of the stomach and intestines, rectum, in the stool - a large amount of mucus. Diarrhea during the day, better at night when the patient is at rest. Every time eating there is pain, but gnawing hunger compels the patient to eat (Lachesis, Graphites). Every time after a bowel movement there is a feeling of sagging, hunger in the stomach, forcing the patient to eat. With diarrhea, the patient wants to eat all the time, although eating causes pain; emaciation, skin eruption, unhealthy, rough skin of the fingers, which all the time seem dirty; the patient cannot wash them; when washing, cracking is even more intensified.

Catarrh of the bladder and urethra; chronic catarrhal discharge; chronic gonorrhea. There is itching of the mucous membranes; a prominent symptom of this remedy in gonorrhea is itching of the proximal urethra, with discharge. This infuriates the patient and keeps him awake at night. He scratches and rubs his perineum to relieve itching. Gonorrhea discharge is white or yellow. The medicine helps with the "last drop" symptom. It is also effective in the early stages of gonorrhea when itching is very pronounced.

Sensation of soreness, weakness all over the body, especially in the joints. Rheumatic pain in the joints on motion; soreness when touched; feeling as if bruised. In bruises, the remedy works like Arnica.

Petroleum is indicated for old, persistent occipital headaches. People usually think of Silicea in offensive sweating of the legs and occasional pains in the occiput. Petroleum also has offensive foot sweat; offensive sweat all over the body, especially under the armpits; the smell is so strong that it is felt as soon as the patient enters the room. The pain is often limited to the occiput, but if it is very severe it extends through the vertex to the region of the eyes and to the forehead (this condition is also present in Silicea). Petroleum is not as closely related to Silicea as it is to Graphites and Carbo vegetabilis, which also contain carbon; all carbon compounds cause damage to the occiput. "Pain from occiput through entire head to forehead and eyes, with transient blindness; with stiffness; loss of consciousness." "Pain confined to the occiput, aggravated by shaking the head." This remedy, unlike Carbo vegetabilis, has a hypersensitivity of the senses, hearing, touch and smell.

The Petroleum constitution has a special kind of dizziness that occurs under certain circumstances, on board a ship, while riding in a carriage, in a car. It is suitable for occipital pain from driving or similar motion, with nausea as from seasickness. We cannot always cope with a seasickness attack, but most people after constitutional treatment come to a more stable state, so that ordinary circumstances, such as driving a car, will no longer cause them ailments. To a large extent, this condition is reduced to insufficient accommodation, a violation of the eyes; arising, for example, from a close examination of the waves diverging from the stern of the ship, or moving objects; in a dark cabin the patient feels better. If the patient has occipital pains with the vertigo described above, with a feeling of sagging in the stomach and hunger, and pains in it, forcing the patient to eat, then Petroleum will help him. The most typical manifestations of seasickness are: violent nausea, extreme pallor, cold body, profuse sweat and exhaustion, ameliorated by wind, open air, closing the eyes, rest and darkness, and aggravated by heat. In these cases, Tabacum will be the main remedy.

Petroleum has a great disturbance of vision, but the catarrh of the eyes is especially pronounced. Vesicle formation, ulceration, inflammation, redness and profuse discharge; granulations on the eyelids, thickening of the mucous membranes, cracks in the eyelids, at the corners of the eyes, with great itching. This itching is present in all congestive conditions of the mucous membranes. Damage to the Eustachian tubes. Thickening of the lining of the tubes, leading to deafness. Catarrhal inflammation with intense itching in the tube; there is no way to get to the itching place; itching deep in the ear. The patient rubs the ear and tries to scratch the itchy area, but cannot reach it. Itching in the pharynx, as well as in the external auditory canal. Ear discharge.

Thickening and inflammation of the glands and lymph nodes. Enlargement of the parotid glands in diseases of the ears; with a lesion in the region of the lower jaw, the submandibular and sublingual glands increase; they thicken and stay firm for a long time. Face pale or yellow, sickly. "Nausea all day long."

Stiffness in the back. Pain in the back when rising from a seated position.

Heat and burning. The skin is hot in places; in places with a feeling of coldness. Burning and itching of the palms and soles; burning of the face and skin of the scalp. Combined itching and burning; in those places where there is a burning sensation, there is also severe itching. The feet are burning, they feel as if they are frostbitten. Chilliness with itching, burning and purplish skin. In parts of the body frostbitten many years ago, itching, burning, stinging pain, redness and a feeling of heat remain. The patient complains of itching in the frostbitten parts of the body as they begin to thaw. Petroleum also cures itching and burning in frostbitten parts of the body, but this applies more to Agaricus. Agaricus muscaricus comes first in this case, especially where the bones are just under the skin, such as the back of the toes.

Paresis, especially on the left side. Weakness of the muscles, weakness of the lower extremities, especially the left.

Eruptions and indurations on the skin like Graphites, but in Petroleum a watery fluid oozes out at the eruption, and Graphites has a sticky, honey-like, viscid, stringy discharge. Both remedies have induration and fissures in the fingers, fissures in the skin, but only Graphites has horny, warty growths that raise the soft parts of the nails.

It has a wonderful effect in eczema of the genitals, both in men and women, rivaling Rhus toxicodendron. Eruptions on scrotum, penis, vulva. Rhus toxicodendron causes violent inflammation of the skin of the genital organs in both men and women; erysipelas; nodules, vesicles, and large blisters. Petroleum causes small vesicles with itching, stinging and burning. Herpetic eruptions that turn into erysipelas. Petroleum and Rhus toxicodendron are the main remedies for eruptions on the scrotum and genitals. “Herpetic itching, redness and weeping of the scrotum; skin cracked, rough and bleeding; the rash extends to the perineum and thighs." "Persistent dry eruptions on the genitals and perineum." "Sweating and weeping of the vulva in both sexes."

peeling of the nipples; white scales like dandruff; itching; constant peeling. If a woman has undermined her health, the nipples become inflamed, become very sensitive to the touch of clothing.

The patient is very sensitive to changes in the weather, like Phosphorus and Rhododendron; worse before a thunderstorm. Often oversensitive to air and cold. Thin, emaciated people; incipient tuberculosis. Effects of disappearance or suppression of eruptions. Hands and feet burn; I want to take them out from under the covers. Don't be too sure about Sulfur if you meet with burning in the soles, and Silicea for sweaty feet. Sweating of certain parts of the body. Eruptions in the form of spots. Itching in certain areas. Some areas are cold. Complaints related to certain parts of the body. Great stench of feet and armpits. This remedy has many unusual, striking and strange symptoms. Study the skin symptoms carefully, comparing them with those of Graphites and Sulfur.

Petroleum (according to Grangeorge)

Petroleum (skeptic)

This medicine is useful for people who do not believe in homeopathy, points out Gallawarden. We live in a society of oil. Most of our energy comes from this foul-smelling black rock oil. All plastics for our consumer goods are made from its derivatives, we breathe oil with every refueling of our car ...

So what does Materia Medica give to Petroleum as a psychic symptom? Not a very spiritual person with visual impairment. He thinks that death is near and that he must hurry to put his affairs in order. Chronic diseases resulting from mental problems: fear, resentment (Bericke, 1927).

We live in a materialistic society that has excluded human spirituality. One of our favorite expressions is “on time”, our temple is Wall Street (“wall street”, money), a dead end road. This is the exchange or life, and this inner fear of death makes people in a hurry to strive to take advantage of everything, quickly, while there is still time ...

It is very hard to wait, work to achieve the advertised benefits. How, in this environment, to believe in medicine based on infinitesimal doses? In addition to medicine, known as slow healing. The first thing to give to someone who does not believe in homeopathy is Petroleum 30CH. I use the subjunctive, since agreeing to take a dose is already somehow believing in it.

Petroleum is hard of hearing from chronic catarrh of the auditory tube. It is also an individual prone to fissured earth, aggravated in winter. In addition, frostbite, hyperacidity, nausea and vomiting are observed, aggravated in the car (Cocculus, Tabacum) or from the consumption of cabbage. The picture can also be completed by weight loss from grief (Phosphoricum acidum) and lack of will.

Skepticism. Picky, grumpy. Great aggravation from mental disturbances. Gets lost on the street.

There is a feeling of duality or it seems as if someone is lying nearby, stretched out to their full height.

The feeling of imminent death, forcing you to quickly finish all your business.

Irritability, increased resentment; while everything gets in the way. Restless in company. Bully after alcohol.

Depressed mood with blurred vision.

Angina. Alopecia. Arthritis knotty brushes. Blennorrhea of ​​the lacrimal sac. Regional blepharitis. Gastritis. Gastroenteritis. Herpes. Gonorrhea is chronic.

Hernias of the spine. Diarrhea is chronic. Diphtheria of the larynx. Eustacheite. Fright. Croup. Seasickness. Neuralgia. Ozen. Otosclerosis. Paralysis

auditory nerve. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Bedsores. Psoriasis. Reactions to dyes in hairdressers. Rhinitis

atrophic. Kosten's syndrome. Toxic damage. Cracks. Motion sickness in transport (reaction to smells). Chlorosis. Weepy eczema.

The disease worsens in the winter season. Diseases arising from motion sickness in a car or sailing on a ship.

Ulcers. Prolonged conditions arising after mental shocks: fright, serious illnesses, etc.

Love for warmth. They do not like the cold, like all carbon preparations.

Very pronounced effect on the skin, including sweat and sebaceous glands.

Dry, tight, very sensitive, cracked, rough, rough, like tanned skin.

Skin rashes, dry skin, cracks, herpes. Cracks on fingertips. Compacted dermis on the palms. Night itching.

Chills: moist, itching and burning. Bedsores. Herpes. Even small scratches fester. Diaper rash.
Psoriasis on the hands. Thick, greenish crusts; burning and itching; redness, soreness; easily bleeding cracks.
Cracking of the skin is worse in winter.

Chill, followed by perspiration. Flushes of heat, especially on the face and head; worse at night.

Sweat on feet and armpits.

The pungent smell of sweat.

The back of the head is heavy, as if filled with lead.
Headache comes from shaking the head when coughing; for relief, he holds himself by the temples.
Congestion in the head and coldness in the region of the heart.

The head is sensitive; it feels as if a cold wind were blowing on it. Feeling of numbness, stiffness.

From Petroleum'a - shock of hair. Early hair loss and graying in pathogenesis. Alopecia.

Hair is prone to graying and falling out.

Moist eruptions on the scalp, more pronounced on the back of the head and auricles.

Covers of the skull are painful when touched; then there is a feeling of numbness.

On getting up there is a sensation of vertigo in the occiput, as from intoxication or seasickness.

Yellow-pale face. Dryness. Feeling of tightness in the skin.

Loss of eyelashes. Blurred vision, farsightedness. Cannot read fine print without glasses.

Blennorrhea of ​​the lacrimal sac. marginal blepharitis.

Cracks in the corners of the eyes. The skin around the eyes is dry and flaky.

He cannot stand noise, especially when several people are talking at once. Eruptions behind the ears.

Eczema of the pinna, with intense itching. The auricle is painful to touch. Weeping behind the ears.

Cracks in the external auditory canal. Eustacheitis is chronic. Otitis after scarlet fever.

Chronic inflammation of the middle ear. Thick, mucopurulent discharge. Chronic discharge from the ear, offensive.

Ringing, noise and crackling in the ears. Chronic catarrh with deafness and noises, hearing loss.

With hearing loss in the elderly - medicine number 1- NB! Deafness from paralysis of the auditory nerve.

Rheumatic hearing loss, vascular hearing loss. Increased deafness in winter. Otosclerosis.

Indolent pulmonary disorders. Hoarseness. Chest tightness; worse from cold air.

Croup and diphtheria of the larynx.

Nostrils ulcerated, cracked, itching on the tip of the nose. Nose bleed.

Ozen with the formation of crusts and with mucopurulent discharge. Atrophic rhinitis.

Dry cough and oppression of the chest at night. Cough causing headache.

Dry cough at night from deep in chest.

Angina (in the old days, angina was treated with kerosene).

Feeling cold in the heart.
Fainting with excitement, heat and palpitations.
Chlorosis in young girls, with and without gastric ulcer.

Goiter diathesis, especially in swarthy brunettes, suffering from catarrhal conditions of mucous membranes, hyperacidity

stomach and skin rashes.

Plaque around the mouth. Pain emanating from the temporomandibular joint - Costen's syndrome. More often in women.

There is no clear localization of pain. Pain is given to the face, shoulder, ear.

The pains are constant or intermittent, deep or dull.

There is usually pain in the masticatory muscles on palpation.

Clicking in the joint during its movement, restriction of movement in it.

Indolent gastric disorders. Heartburn and belching: hot, acrid, sour. Bloating. Feeling of emptiness.

Nausea with accumulation of fluid in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with irradiation of pain in the spine.

Pain in the stomach on an empty stomach; it is easier when you eat a little bit all the time. Gastritis with late pains.

Increased acidity of the stomach. Gastroenteritis is chronic.

Feeling of hunger immediately after stool. Lunatic appetite with diarrhoea. Insatiable hunger.

Forced to get up at night to eat something. The smell of garlic. Aggravation from cabbage. Zucchini is contraindicated.
. addictions. Beer. Delicacies.
. disgust. For fatty foods. To meat.

Diarrhea is chronic. Diarrhea only during the day, stools are watery, flowing in a stream, combined with itching of the anus.

Diarrhea after eating cabbage, with empty feeling in stomach.

Rash around anus with dandruff, worse from warmth of bed. Anus herpes.

Herpes of the genitals.

Before menstruation there is a sensation of throbbing in the head.
Beli; copious discharge, rich in protein.
Soreness and wetness of the genitals. Feeling wet.

Oil. Clinic. Addison's disease. Albuminuria. Anemia. Angina. Anal fissure. Bedsores. Bad breath. Burns. Chills. Chlorosis. Constipation. Cracks in the skin. Deafness. Diarrhea. Dysmenorrhea. Dyspepsia. Ear diseases. Eczema. Rough facial skin. Facial paralysis. Pain in the feet. Tendency to superficial inflammation and suppuration. Fistulas. Frostbite. Gastric ulcer. Gonorrhea. Haemorrhoids. Cracks in the wrists. Pain in the back of the head. Herpes. Herpes of the foreskin.

Irritation. Frequent dislocations in the temporomandibular joint. Myopia. Ulceration of the nasal mucosa. Otorrhea. Bad sweat. Nausea of ​​pregnancy. Presbyopia. Prostatitis. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Seasickness. Skin diseases. Stretching. Syphilis. Tuberculosis of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Toothache. Strictures and chronic inflammation of the urethra. Phlebeurysm. Vomit. Warts.


The petroleum that Hahnemann was testing was made by mixing commercial oil with sulfuric acid and then purifying the part that was unaffected by the sulfuric acid. It is a "light oily liquid, colorless or pale straw-colored, with a strong characteristic odor of oil.

If you drop it on white paper, it completely evaporates, leaving a greasy stain.” In the paraffin section I have described how Petrol., Naph. and Paraff. Commercial "Petroleum" and commercial "Paraffin oil" (paraffin oil) are one and the same. The pathogenesis includes the symptoms of people employed in the extraction of oil, and those who use "Paraffin oil" in various crafts, so it would be good to have a preparation from crude, crude oil as well.

Petrolatum (Vaseline) consists of hydrocarbons of the paraffin series, obtained from the residues after the distillation of lighter fractions from crude oil or from sediment during the settling of crude oil. Diseases treated with oil extracts or refined oil include: (1) diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, malnutrition, anemia, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, irritability, insomnia, respiratory diseases. In addition to the above, patients may develop a form of intoxication. My patient was suffering from chronic eczema, he had previously worked in a plant that used oil extensively, and noticed that he improved when working with oil.

He told me that oil vapors have a strange effect on people, causing mental disorders in some workers: a desire to kill; hallucinations; they see things that are not really visible, for example "at the station they see the rails while the train is standing on them."

The boys (who are extremely affected by the oil) jump onto a vertical wall in an attempt to climb it. A rickety boy of two and a half years old, who had an irresistible desire to drink any liquids that he could get his hands on, once drank a large sip of paraffin oil. Ipecacuanha as an emetic and castor oil as a laxative got rid of most of what was swallowed, but a month later the child was brought back to me because of poor appetite. The boy is pale, with dark circles around the eyes.

He seems to feel very weak all the time; he goes to the corner, but does not play. Cheerful after tea. Cold sweat in bed, complains of burning heat, then the body becomes cold and clammy. I gave him Phos. 2. He was brought to me after three weeks, and he felt much better. Paleness and dark circles under the eyes disappeared, the boy stopped moping, but the skin of his entire body was covered with small boils, the discharge from which had the smell of paraffin.

Two weeks later there was a slight recurrence of the old symptoms, and then I saw the child a year later when he was brought to me with diphtheria paralysis. He was brought to me again two years later. He grew up a lot, and he no longer had signs of rickets, but some of the old symptoms returned: apathy, the child was very quiet, did not want to play. From time to time there was sweat all over the body. This time I gave him Petrol. 30, which quickly led the boy to recovery.

In the case of a woman who drank paraffin oil while drunk, the pain in her stomach was so severe that she thought she would go crazy. The gastralgia was relieved when the patient lay with her legs drawn up to her stomach. She had soreness in the ileocecal region and epigastrium, a feeling of swelling, without a real increase in the abdomen; blood and albumin in the urine; back pain and the resumption of menstruation, which stopped a week earlier.

These cases show just how profound Petrol's influence is on the body. It is one of Hahnemann's leading antipsorics and is particularly closely related to graphite. Petrol is effective in long-lasting, deep, debilitating diseases, protracted diseases of the stomach and intestines, with or without mucosal ulceration. From my experience, I can say that no other remedy works so effectively in chlorosis in young girls, whether it is accompanied by a stomach ulcer or not.

According to Kent, Petrol corresponds to severe conditions that the body is unable to alleviate with a rash on the skin, or in cases where the rash disappears without bringing relief - then the disease manifests itself on the mucous membranes, provoking inflammation. Runny nose, enteritis. Sharp pain and fissures in the region of the openings where the mucous passes into the skin. Irritation of the skin and mind is also characteristic of Petrol., as of many other remedies: the patient is excitable, angry over trifles.

Anxiety and fear. Weakening of mental abilities and forgetfulness are typical, which usually occurs in patients with deep pathology. It is very characteristic of this remedy that there is another person or child in the patient's bed; these illusions have been cured by Petrol, in cases of typhus and puerperal sepsis.

"Hair loss" is also characteristic of Petrol., which explains the popularity of baldness products containing oil. The use of these baldness remedies has caused headaches of various kinds, as has the use of Coal Oil, which washerwomen add one tablespoon to a bucket of water to improve the color of the laundry.

M. T. Bleim (referring to H. W., xxvi. 318) describes the outcome of one such case: severe pain in the occiput, loss of strength, exhaustion, diarrhea, dyspepsia with a feeling of fullness in the stomach, although the patient ate very little ; flatulence; very violent attacks of suffocation, relieved by eructations of gas. Petrol's headache may be anywhere, but it is most intense in the occiput. Lead heaviness, feeling of pressure, stitching and throbbing pain, which is aggravated by shaking the head or any jar. The pain moves from the back of the head to the eye area and is often accompanied by temporary loss of vision and fainting. The dizziness and heaviness of Petrol is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting of bile. This nausea (with or without vomiting) is one of the most important characteristics of the remedy. It is aggravated by carriage or sea travel, which is why Petrol is the first remedy for motion sickness and train nausea. The reverse side of nausea is another major symptom: ravenous hunger and "lowering" of the main antipsoric remedies. They are especially pronounced immediately after defecation, in diarrhoea, nervous diseases, diseases of the spinal cord, etc. (Kent).

Recently, Petrol has gained a good reputation in lung diseases where it is used in the form of an emulsion. The leading indication for him is "chest tightness, worse from cold air." Petrol, has a characteristic cough, which is often found in young boys and girls, coming from deep in the lower chest; he often wakes up patients at night.

With Petrol. 30 (after not being helped by Arg. n. and Arg. met) I cured a student who suffered from a deep, hollow, dry cough, which was provoked by laughter, and which caused him to wake up in the middle of the night. This cough continued for quite a long time and gave his family a lot of anxiety. Petrol discharge, thick, purulent, yellowish green. Since cracks in the nostrils accompany and follow the sensation of coldness in the head, I find Vaseline applications more useful than any other ointments. The localization of Petrol's symptoms is very similar to that of Graph.: skin of the skull behind the auricles, skin of the scrotum, genitals. The modality "aggravated in winter" gave Nash a clue to several cases of eczema, fissured hands, chills, and one case of chronic diarrhea, once he discovered that the patient's hands had eczema in winter. He was assigned Petrol. 200. The skin is extremely sensitive, any clothing provokes pain, the slightest injury suppurates.

The Allen appendix contains an important case, described by O. Lassar and taken from the Virchow archive. For four days the man intensively rubbed an ointment containing Petrol. to get rid of the scabies. A week later, his legs began to swell, the edema grew rapidly and covered the entire abdomen and chest. The edema disappeared after two weeks, but recurred after eight days and did not go away until death, which occurred four months after rubbing.

The urine contained large amounts of protein, hyaline, and granular casts, but the autopsy did not reveal any organ damage that could provoke anasarca. The whole body was edematous, the patient had pulmonary edema and fluid accumulation in the cavities. During the hospital stay, the pulse at the wrist was small, weak, and not tense; the number of blood cells was reduced, but their ratio remained normal.

The temperature is normal, but there are areas of inflammation on the skin. Small cell proliferation along the veins and lymphatic vessels and in all layers of the skin. Nuclear proliferation is markedly pronounced.

Unusual symptoms: sensation as if the brain were wrapped in fog; as if everything is alive inside the head; as if head were made of wood, bruised sensation all over head ; as if a cold wind blows over the head; as if the head were about to explode; feeling of a veil before the eyes; feeling of sand in the eyes; as if the skin above the bridge of the nose did not move and was tense; as if something were coming off in the epigastric region; as if a cold stone lies on the heart; feeling of a splinter in the heel; feeling in the upper and lower limbs as if they were stiff, which does not extend to the joints; sensation as if the jaw were distended.

Significant weakness, fainting, trembling, twitching in the limbs, catalepsy, tonic spasms, left-sided paralysis are observed. Appear on the skin: itching, burning, abrasions and bleeding. There is a pronounced burning sensation, and since Petrol is responsible for many accidents resulting in burns, it is natural to assume that it will be effective as an application for the treatment of burns (in the form of vaseline, cosmoline or a mixture of equal parts of Petrol, and olive oils).

Petrol, suitable for fair-haired people with fair skin; especially lean and slender. The symptoms are aggravated by touch, even by touching clothes, scratching, riding in a carriage or on a ship. Squeezing reduces hemorrhoids. Worse after mental exertion. The headache is aggravated by shaking the head, by light and noise, but ameliorated by nose-bleeds. After defecation, hunger immediately appears. Wolfish hunger, from which the patient often wakes up at night; fast satiety, aversion to meat, fats, boiled or hot food; the patient wants only dainties, which he devours greedily. Eating relieves pain in the stomach. As soon as the stomach is empty, pain appears in it. Sensation of emptiness and weakness in the stomach.

Worse after eating or drinking. After eating: dizziness, heat in the face, pain in the abdomen, belching, drowsiness, discomfort. Cabbage and sour provoke diarrhea. The colic is relieved when the patient doubles over. Stress, movement, riding and sitting aggravate the condition. In the lying position the cough and distension of the abdomen are aggravated. Vertigo when head is low. Worse from cold, in winter, in open air, before and during thunderstorms, from bathing, warmth of bed (itching).

Better from warmth and from warm air. The cough is worse at night, at 2, 4 and 6 in the morning. Smoking causes clouding of consciousness and coughing. Worse after intercourse (nervous irritability). Cough worse from laughter (cured). Aggravation during the day (diarrhoea and dysentery). Sore throat radiating from right to left. Headache radiates from back to front.


Antidotes for Petroleum are: Coccui, Nux, Phos. (in my case). Petroleum is an antidote: for lead poisoning (one of the best antidotes), for Nit. ac. Effective: before Sep. Compatible: Bry., Calc. Lye, Nit. ac, Nux, Puis., Sep., 5/7., Sul.

Compare with: Graph., Naph., Paraf., Eupn., Kreas. and other hydrocarbons. In seasickness, Am., Coccui, Tab.; in nausea of ​​pregnancy, Coccui., Sep.; with crunching in the joints, Caust.; pain in stomach ameliorated by eating, Chel., Apas, Graph., Lach.;

imagines that she has a doubled limb, illusions of form, Var., Stram.; epistaxis relieves headache (Borax aggravates). Aversion to food, Pho. (Lye. - vice versa); worse from thunderstorm, Pho., Merc., 5/7., Rho., Pso.; sensation as if head were made of wood, eruption behind ears and on genitals, Graph.; feeling of coldness in region of heart, Nat. m. (aggravated by mental exertion), K. chlo., Graph., K. nit., Ruta.; early morning diarrhea, Sul.

(Petro. - also during the day); lost on familiar streets - Glo. (from heat); weeping eruptions on the skin of the genitals, Thuj.; hot, burning eructations, K. t., Sep.; fainting during or connected with stool, Crot. t., Dulc, Ox. ac, Sul. (with these remedies, they occur in scanty stools; in others, in copious stools), Apis, Nux m., Pui, Spi., Ver.; weakness in stomach immediately after eating, Ars., Cina, Lye, 5/7., Stp., Urt. ur., Calc., Iod.; scattering of brownish spots in dark-haired people, Nit. ace; talkativeness - Lach. (Petrol, one tester); hunger after stool (Alo., during stool). Symptoms come and go quickly, Bell., Mag. p., Lye; in Plat., Stan. - vice versa.

It seems to her that there are two children in bed, - Val; dizziness on rising from bed, Vry; skin sensitive to clothing, every scratch suppurates, Hep.; feet painful, covered with profuse, foul-smelling sweat, Graph., Sanic, 5/7; heat and burning in palms and soles, Sang., Sul.; aggravation of skin symptoms in winter and decrease in summer - A 1m.


Irritation. Trips in a carriage or on a ship. Deafness from the use of Nitric acid. Cabbage. Eruption suppression. Stretching.


Mind - Anxious and timid disposition. Sadness and mental depression. Painful indecision. Anxiety about the future. Hypochondria. Tendency to get angry and grumble. Unbridled, short-tempered and daring. Any little reason leads to tears. Memory loss. Lost in the street. Unable to think. Difficulty accepting information. Delirium, the patient feels as if there is another person in her bed, that she is split in two, or one of her limbs is doubled; the patient continuously expresses delusional ideas on the same topic that disturbs him. Imagines she has a third leg that cannot stay still. Desire to kill. visual hallucinations.

Head - Confusion of thoughts. The brain is in a fog. Vertigo often occurs, especially when the patient looks up. Vertigo, as from a swing. Vertigo on bending over, on getting up from bed or from a sitting position. Headache after a fit of rage, from hunger in the morning, and also after a walk in the evening. Attacks of headache in one side of the head, forcing the patient to lie down.

Heaviness and fullness in the head in the morning and when bending over. Pressing or shooting and pressing pain in the head, especially in the occiput. The headache is aggravated by any kind of mental activity, up to a state of complete stupor. Tension in head, as if dura were contracted. Spasmodic, drawing, constrictive pain in the head. Neuralgic headache that begins in the occiput and extends forward. Pain in occiput extending to vertex, with vertigo.

Pain in occiput with nausea, especially when seasick. Throbbing headache, especially in the occiput (cerebellum). Sharp, pressing headache in the cerebellum. Sensation as if everything inside the head were alive. The scalp is painful to touch, as if bruised or ulcerated (with subsequent numbness and sharp pain when scratching, worse in the morning or when the patient is hot). Headache in the forehead; any mental effort causes complete stupefaction. Drawing pain in head, forehead and temples, extending to teeth. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Eruptions on the scalp and back of the neck. Scabs on edematous scalp. Hair loss.

Eyes. Itching of the eyes. Itching of the eyelids compelling the patient to rub them. The eyelids are turned out. Burning, dull, shooting and burning pain in the eyes. Conjunctivitis and blepharoadenitis. Inflammation (with itching and stitching). Lacrimal fistula (with dryness in right nostril). Lachrymation. Twitching and trembling in the eyeballs and lids. Convulsions of the muscles of the eyes. Myopia or presbyopia. Diplopia. Flickering and feeling of a veil before the eyes; flashes and black spots.

Ears. Inflammation, soreness and swelling of the ear canal. Otalgia, with spasmodic and jerking pains. Dryness, painful feeling of dryness inside the ear. Discharge of blood and pus from the ears. Eruptions on the skin of the ears. Redness and rawness of the skin behind the auricles, seepage of fluid. Deafness. Ringing, rolling, roaring, rumbling, crackling and buzzing in the ears. Excessive secretion of sulfur.

Nose. Nosebleeds. Light nosebleeds relieve headaches. Suppurating blisters on nose. Ulcers in nostrils (and cessation of coryza). Fetid coryza, crusts, mucopurulent discharge, cracked nostrils. Swelling of the nose with discharge of pus and pain over the root of the nose. Nasal congestion. Dryness, painful feeling of dryness in the nose. Abundance of mucus in the nose. Itching of tip of nose. Coryza with hoarseness.

Face.--Heat in face, sometimes after eating, with thirst. Dryness and feeling of constriction of the skin of the face and eyelids, as if they were covered with a thin albumin film; the cheeks are shiny, the skin on them is compressed. Pale, yellowish complexion. Facial paralysis (due to the accumulation of inflammatory products in the fallopian canal). Eruption of pimples on the face. Peeling of the skin around the mouth. Pimples covered with crusts, with shooting pains in the lips and corners of the mouth. Furuncles on the lower lip. Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes. Frequent dislocations of the temporomandibular joint in the morning in bed, with sharp pain.

Teeth. Toothache from exposure to fresh air, worse at night, with swelling of the cheek. Numbness of teeth, with pain on clenching them. A fistula-like pustule is localized over a tooth affected by caries. Fistulous vesicles in the gums. Swelling of gums, with shooting pain on touch.

Mouth. Bad breath, sometimes like garlic. Ulcers on the inside of the cheeks (painful when closing the mouth). Much mucus in mouth and throat. The tongue is coated with white. Sharp pain occurs when chewing. Great dryness of the mouth (and throat in the morning) with great thirst (for beer).

Throat. Sore throat, with shootings on swallowing. Swelling and severe dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat. Enlargement of the submandibular glands. Rawness (stitching and burning pain) in the throat; worse when swallowing. Tickling sensation on swallowing extending into the ear. Dryness and burning in the throat. When swallowing food rises to the nasal fossa. Expectoration of mucus in the morning.

Appetite - Putrid, disgusting, slimy or bitter (sour) taste. Strong desire for beer. Bulimia. Hunger with rapid satiety. Voracity. Refined taste. Anorexia. Aversion to meat, fat, and hot and boiled food; worse eating cabbage. Discomfort in digesting almost all kinds of food, however little the patient eats. After eating: darkening of the eyes and dizziness; nausea; heaviness and pressure in the stomach; sleep or colic with belching; or sour belching, head congestion, chest cramps:

Stomach. Noisy eructations. Sour (bitter) belching and regurgitation. Heartburn. Frequent nausea, especially in the morning, often with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, labored breathing, sour eructation, dry and white tongue, stitches in the region of the liver, heat in the region of the face, dizziness, etc. After eating, dizziness appears, everything floats before the eyes. Nausea on moving carriage. Nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. Heartburn. Heartburn towards evening. Tendency to vomit. Vomit greenish, bitter. Dull pain in stomach. Cramps in the stomach. Pressure and colic (at night) in stomach. Sensation of emptiness and weakness in the stomach. Weak digestion. Diarrhea from suppressed eruptions. Pain in epigastrium, as if something were torn off. Education in the epigastrium, painful on palpation. Sensation of fullness in the epigastrium.

Abdomen. Pain (cutting) in abdomen comes on shortly after eating. Violent sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Distension and tension in the abdomen, with spasms. Pinching and cutting pain in abdomen, sometimes with pressure and urge to stool. Colic with diarrhea at night, towards morning. Colic is relieved by double bending. Rumbling in the abdomen, with sensation as if the abdomen were completely empty. Inguinal hernia. Fetid gases. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen.

Stool and Anus.─Stool difficult, hard, lumpy, feeling as if feces were not completely evacuated. Often defecation occurs during the day, sometimes with the release of a serous, yellowish substance. Diarrhea, often preceded by cutting pains (colic only during the day). Mucous stools, often mixed with blood. Burning pain in rectum after stool. Itching eczematous eruptions on the skin of the perineum. Diarrhea worse from riding in a carriage. Itching and burning in the anus; pressure. Weakness in the rectum. Hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe itching; worse at night in warm bed; worse from rubbing or scratching. Fissures and severe sore pain.

Urinary Organs.--Continual dripping of urine after urinating. Excretion of mucus in the urine. Frequent urination, weak stream, urine red or brown, offensive. Bloody and turbid urine, red sediment, sand that adheres tightly to the walls of blood vessels, urine contains protein, hyaline and granular cylinders, the surface is covered with a shiny film, with a red sediment. Involuntary urination. Passing urine at night. The patient wets the bed. Burning in urethra. Urethral strictures (chronic urethritis).

Male Sexual Organs. Burning pain, itching, redness, excoriations and seepage of fluid; or itchy pimples and eczematous eruptions on the skin of the scrotum and between the scrotum and thigh. Desire is reduced. Frequent wet dreams. Isolation of prostatic fluid (prostatitis). Weakness and nervous irritability after intercourse. Reddish itchy eruption on the glans penis.

Female Sexual Organs. Itching, pain, and weeping of vulva. Aversion to sexual intercourse. Menstruation starts too early, menstrual blood causes itching. Leucorrhea resembling egg white. Beli is accompanied by voluptuous thoughts. Diarrhea and vomiting during pregnancy. Itching and peeling of the skin of the breast; itching of the nipples, which are covered with a powdery coating.

Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness, with or without coryza. Cough with dry throat. Hacking cough that provokes apnea; the patient is unable to cough. Choking cough at night. Dry cough at night or in the evening after lying down. Dry cough at night, coming from deep in the chest, caused by scratching in the throat. Cough from lower chest. Hollow, dry cough, provoked by laughter, waking the patient in the middle of the night (cured). Dry cough with shooting pains under sternum.

Chest.--Difficulty breathing in cold air. Rattling and sounds like snoring in the trachea. Feeling of heaviness, anxiety and discomfort in the chest. Oppression of the chest at night. Shooting pain in the sides of the chest. Herpes on the skin of the chest.

Heart - Heartbeat. Sensation of coldness in the region of the heart, as if a cold stone lay in the heart. Fainting with effervescence, heat, pressing pain in the heart and palpitations.

Neck and back. Herpes on back of neck. Heaviness and pain in the back of the neck. Drawing, painful sensation extending from back of neck to occiput. Enlarged glands and rash on the back of the neck. Pain in the sacrum which does not allow the patient to straighten up while standing. Pain in sacrum when sitting. Feeling of tightness in the coccyx. Back pain that makes any movement difficult. Weakness and stiffness in the back and loins. Suppuration of axillary lymph nodes.

Limbs. - Cracking in the joints. Joints don't bend. Sprains, chronic sprains.

Upper limbs. Fetid sweat in armpits. Drawing pain in arms and fingers. Great weakness in arms. Stiffness in hands and fingers. Erysipelas on the skin of the hands. Brown and yellow spots on the skin of the hands. Furuncles on forearms. Tearing pain in the hands. Burning sensation in the palms. The brushes sweat. Pain in wrist joint, as if sprained. Brown spots on the wrist. Bleeding cracks in hands and fingers, especially in winter.

Salty, watery discharge, redness, rawness, burning; weeping or thick crusted eruptions. Chilliness of the fingers, warts on the fingers. Stinging and pain in warts on the fingers, in the evening in bed. Stiffness in the joints of the fingers, as from arthritis. Fingernails, painful to touch, as if bruised. The fingertips become rough, the skin is torn, cracks appear, stabbing and cutting pain.

Lower Limbs.--Crunching in the joints of the legs. Cramps in thighs, calves and feet (all day; in soles at night). Furuncles on the skin of the thighs and legs. Tension in the thighs. Sharp, shooting pain in the knees. Weakness in the knees. Herpetic eruptions are localized in the area of ​​the knee joint. Eruptions in the form of itchy bumps on the calves of the legs. Herpes in the ankles. Burning sensation in soles. Feet sweat a lot. Offensive sweat and sore feet. Feeling of coldness in the feet. Swelling of the feet. Heat and swelling of the soles.

Swelling and redness of the heels are accompanied by burning and shooting pain; worse when walking. The heels are shiny. Sensation of a thorn in the heel. Frostbite of the toes, especially when the skin itches and gets wet; itching and burning; inflammation in cold weather. Ulcers on the fingers that form from blisters. Calluses on the feet. Burning and stitching in calluses. Intractable, superficial ulcers on the toes, with raised edges and a red bottom, from which fluid oozes. Eruptions between fingers.

Generalities.—All sorts of affections arising in the right eye; inside or on the outer surface of the occiput; behind the ears; on the inner surface of the thighs; in or under the fingertips; in the knee joints. Drawing pain in limbs. Cracking in the joints, with stiffness, as from arthritis, and drawing; tearing pain. Enlargement and induration of the lymph nodes, also after a bruise. Jerking of the limbs during the day and during sleep.

Catalepsy, tonic spasms. epileptic seizures. Fainting, with "boiling" of the blood, heat, palpitation and pressure in the region of the heart. Great weakness on the slightest exertion, sometimes with blurred vision, trembling in the body, buzzing in the ears and nausea. Weakness, nausea and other symptoms when traveling in a carriage. Weakness in the morning in bed. Many symptoms appear and are worse in stormy weather.

Transient attacks of heat, "boiling" of blood and increased sweating after a walk or a fit of rage. exhaustion; also in children. An unreasonable feeling of general discomfort, with trembling and despondency. Heaviness and weakness in all limbs. Great weariness in the morning and evening. The patient catches cold easily. Trembling while in open air, with disgust for it. Some symptoms appear in the morning.

Skin. Enlargement and induration of lymph nodes; also after injury. Great sensitivity of the surface of the skin. Urticaria with miliary eruptions. Eczema with itching. Itching, abrasions and spreading spots on the skin. Brown and yellow spots on the skin. Pustular rash with itching and burning.

Itching in the elderly. Great irritation of the skin of the whole body, very intense in the vagina, anus and perineum, which prevents sleep (cured - R. T. C). Papular eruptions, especially on the face and lips. The skin is painful, crawling sensation. Cracks. The skin does not heal well. unhealthy skin; every scratch festering. Furuncles. Ulcers causing shooting pains; often deep ulcers with raised margins. Excessive granulations at the bottom of ulcers. Complaints of dry or weeping eruptions or itching at night (especially in the scrotum. Frostbite, especially if the skin of the affected areas is very itchy or oozes fluid. Exanthema, spreading and corroding, very difficult to cure. Sensitivity of the skin in general. Pressure sores. Warts Calluses on the feet, frostbite, sometimes painful.

Sleep. Sleepiness during the day and evening, on sitting still (with yawning). Excited, interrupted sleep at night with many vivid, disturbing and frightening dreams (as if someone were lying with him in bed), often waking from fright with anxiety and a feeling of heat. Feeling in the morning as if I had slept too little.

Fever. Trembling with headache, feeling of coldness in hands and face. Chilliness in open air. Frequent trembling runs over the whole body, and when the patient warms up, the whole body begins to itch violently. Trembling or coldness, especially in the evening (with simultaneous heat), sometimes blue nails. Immediately after trembling, the patient sweats. Intermittent fever: Violent chilliness with coldness of hands and face at 10 am, after half an hour heat in face, especially eyes, with thirst.

Attacks of trembling at 7 p.m., followed by perspiration, first on the face, then all over the body, except for the legs, which remain quite cold. Fever in the evening, with hot face and cold feet, after a fit of trembling. Frequent flushes of blood to the face. Heat after midnight and in the morning in bed. Fever with tight pulse and burning skin. The pulse accelerates with any effort, at rest it slows down again. Heat at night. Night sweat.

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