What does 18 hexagram interpretation of fb. "What is made of love is always beyond good and evil" - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, the mountain is bathed in sunshine under a blue sky. A measured, unshakable and provided with everything necessary life flows.
Small seeds sprouted in the depths of the mountain. In this secure and secure situation, a seed of anxiety and fuss begins to sprout: “Suddenly something happens and this beautiful world collapses.”
Trees grow by feeding on the mountain. Anxiety about possible loss intensifies.
Weak sprouts overcome the entire thickness of the stone mountain and come to the surface. Inner anxiety begins to manifest itself in the form of specific events.
Soon the whole mountain will be hidden under a mighty green forest. The wind will shake the lush crowns of trees. Not a trace of the former calm and unshakable life remained. Vanity!

On the SUBCONSCIOUS the vibration is in many respects the opposite.

Fast as thunder, a huge tree grows, feeding on underground waters. Excitement reigns, great emotions about the anticipation of great changes.
The tree woke up with its roots, locked in the thickness of the earth, an underground lake. From these unrest, a mighty source of strength awakens in the depths of the subconscious.
Water comes to the surface, sweeping away everything in its path. The awakened inner power begins to manifest itself in the outer world, sweeping away all obstacles.
The tree will be completely submerged in water. Fuss and anxiety will go away under the onslaught of awareness of one's own deep strength.
Turbulent streams of water will carry gold ingots from the depths. The world will be illuminated by the beautiful radiance of noble metal. The connection with the inner source of strength is the very valuable treasure of gold that will illuminate the inner world with its magnificent radiance.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 18

The direction of development of the situation in the manifested and subtle worlds is largely opposite. In the world of events, everything is fragile - the wind of change is blowing. On the subconscious, emotions and excitement subside in anticipation of the manifestation of the treasure from the depths of the lake. Treasure is the displacement of vanity from the inner world of a person by awareness of one's own inner strength. This is DUALITY, that is, a manifestation of a great difference between the subconscious world and the world of events. If you follow the outside world, then a loop of change and bustle will sweep over you. If you follow the subconscious situation, then an invaluable treasure of awareness of inner strength, awareness of one's own divinity will appear. This is DUALITY between a precarious position in the outer world and a reliable source of strength on the inner plane. This is the DUALITY between the mortal nature of the human body and its immortal divine soul.

Unfavorably active emotional participation in external troubles. This is a sure way to lose the inner treasure. It is favorable to meditate, relax in nature, be alone with yourself. It is recommended to pay less attention to external events, no matter how much they hurt you.



INTEGRITY - unity with oneself on all planes, unity with nature, the Universe and God. A person has a dual nature, he lives in a dual world, so complete INTEGRITY is not achievable for him. All life passes in throwing from INTEGRITY to DUALITY.






DUALITY. Externally, duality is the representation of this world as a huge variety of different things, ignoring the common basis of all objects and phenomena. Internal duality is the conflict between one's ego and the higher self.

Positions for awareness:

1. Duality is inherent in all. After all, if there is no difference, then the person himself disappears. Someone sees differences in belonging to different countries or nations, someone in professions, for someone the difference lies in gender, etc. Differences exist objectively, and they are the first and main thing that we see. Duality is simply the recognition of objective differences. Self-identification of a person's personality and the whole order in the reality around us is based on it. Remove duality and, in the boundless ocean of sameness, man will disappear!

2. There are no two different objects in the world (it does not even matter that one of them belongs to the world of wildlife, and the other does not), in which the differences would exceed their common features. Without delving into the question further, suffice it to say that the entire universe consists of the same atoms. Focusing on aspects of difference and ignoring the common is duality. This is disharmony and limitation!

3. Duality is inherent in the very nature of the human mind. Any logical constructions are based on the difference between objects and phenomena. In yoga, duality is overcome in deep meditation, in reaching a “mindless state”, when the knower, the known and the cognition merge into one.

4. Duality - these are the two sides of a person: the mortal animal part and the immortal divine part. With every action, every thought, we strengthen one of these sides. As a result, one of them begins to prevail over the other. Man becomes either an immortal God or a mortal animal with fading attributes of God.

5. Duality is separation from God. One should pray for the restoration of unity and try to see unity and God in everything.

6. When we condemn or even evaluate someone, we split our personality, reinforce the duality. “Don't judge! May you not be judged!"

7. "The mind sees division, love sees unity" - Sathya Sai Baba.

8. It is necessary to persecute Satan constantly, otherwise in old age he will certainly capture your soul.

9. “Shortly about darkness and light. Light has active properties, unlike darkness. Therefore, darkness can be considered the absence of light. Here is the truth about darkness and light: these are properties of human consciousness and physical phenomena that together create a system that affects you. But no dark entity is after your soul.” – Kryon “Recalibrating Humanity” channeled by Carroll Lee.

10. “There is no scoundrel who, having searched, would not find scoundrels in some respect worse than himself, and who therefore could not find a reason to be proud and be pleased with himself,” - L. N. Tolstoy.

11. “Evil is only within us, that is, where it can be taken out from,” - L. N. Tolstoy.

12. “The more you hold on to a statement, the sooner you need to let go of that statement. Obsessions are dangerous.” – Louise Hay

13. "I saw someone else's sin, correct yours." Chinese proverb.

14. “If a program of primitive consciousness has been introduced into your brain, according to which the world is divided only into two poles: black-white, good-evil, light-dark, reality-illusion, etc., then everything you think seems to be true, and everything your opponent thinks is a lie. And vice versa,” T. Leary.

15. “We want to tell you something that you intuitively always knew: there is no such thing as the dark side. Throughout human history, People have attributed the energy of Darkness to some “other force”… Everything is not at all like that, and it has never been like that. People create their own dark side. Human beings are powerful in both light and darkness.” – Kryon

16. “Morality is of paramount importance, but for us, not for God.” - Albert Einstein.

17. “I don’t believe in a God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.” - Albert Einstein.

18. “He who passively accepts evil is just as involved in it as he who helps to do it. He who accepts evil without protesting it is indeed collaborating with it.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

19. “You spoke your words as if you do not recognize the shadows, as well as evil. Would you be so kind as to think about the question: what would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? — Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

20. “Recognition of the reality of evil necessarily relativizes good and evil alike, turning both into halves of a paradoxical whole,” Carl Jung.

21. “In the sky there is no difference between East and West; people create differences out of their minds and then believe it to be true.” – Buddha

22. “The environment is everything that is not me.” – Albert Einstein

23. The main thing is to reject Satan in yourself and in the world, because the devil is the main source of evil.

24. “Evil and good - they do not exist. There is what we choose to name them ourselves.” – William Shakespeare

25. "Each of us carries both hell and heaven" - Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

26. “Looking for fire, you find it along with smoke. In knowing the truth, you will also know lies.
In every thing there are two halves, and without one you cannot understand the other. Chinese proverbs and sayings.

27. “What is made of love is always beyond good and evil,” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. On the other side of good and evil.

28. “What is the point of doing evil if good does not oppose it?” - Megamind.

29. “For the most part, doing evil to people is not as dangerous as doing them too much good,” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld. Maxims and moral reflections.

30. “Someone asked: “Is it right to say that evil must be repaid with good?” The teacher said: “Then how to pay for goodness? Evil must be repaid with justice, and good with good" - Confucius.

31. "Love makes us forget the difference between good and evil" - Desperate Housewives (Desperate Housewives).

32. "When Good is powerless, it is Evil" - Oscar Wilde.

33. “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. This is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln.

34. “Maybe it’s better not to destroy evil, but to grow good?” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Citadel.

35. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" - Bible. New Testament.

36. “Do you know what the power of the sun is? It is not afraid to look into the Darkness" - Angel de Couatiers. Diary of a Madman.

37. “The sin is not in the darkness, but in the unwillingness of the light,” Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

38. "The darker, the easier it is to be a star" - Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

39. "The highest wisdom is to distinguish between good and evil" - Socrates.

40. “Condemnation breeds evil. There will be no condemnation, there will be no evil.” – Vet Zatinus

41. “You have sails, but you grabbed the anchor” - Confucius.

42. “People have long believed that evil triumphs in the world, and good is rewarded after death. It turned out a kind of equation that connected the earth and the sky. In our time, the equation has become an inequality. Heavenly reward seems like sheer absurdity today. But no one canceled the triumph of evil in the earthly world. Therefore, any normal person who seeks positive on earth naturally takes the side of evil: it is as logical as joining the only ruling party. The evil on whose side a person stands is in his head, and nowhere else. But when all people secretly take the side of evil, which is nowhere else but in their head, does evil need another victory? - Pelevin.

43. “Our shortcomings and our virtues are inseparable, like force and matter. If they separate, the person no longer exists.” – Nikola Tesla

44. “One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people good, evil, stupid, smart. A person flows, and there are all possibilities in him: he was stupid, he became smart, he was angry, he became kind and vice versa. This is the greatness of man. And you can't judge a person from that. You condemned, but he is already different, ”- L. N. Tolstoy.

Hexagram Gu is not the most favorable sign of the I-ching, but its danger depends on how you treat the whole situation as a whole, that is, accept it as a chance to change something in life or fight circumstances without understanding their cause. Naturally, in the latter version, you will simply waste your time and effort, and the result will be deplorable - you will lose what you owned before.

The first thing you should pay attention to when the Gu hexagram appears in the layout is that it portends cardinal changes in life. At the same time, if you perceive them aggressively, then the changes will be destructive and difficult, but if you accept them more adequately, that is, you try to analyze and take out the maximum benefit for yourself, then they will be relatively painless. There will be problems in any case, they can just be very serious, or they can be just disturbing.

One of the semantic names of the hexagram Gu is “Correction of damage”, that is, work on mistakes. Now it is worth taking a close look at your immediate past and identifying all those oversights, mistakes and “sins” that you have committed, and, accordingly, try to correct them as much as possible. At a minimum, apologize to those whom you offended, return debts to whom you owe, show your true attitude towards those you love. If you do not do this now, then in the very near future the percentage of uncorrected errors will reach a critical level, and a tragic retribution will await you. In fact, that is exactly what is happening now. But there is still a chance to minimize everything, so take advantage of it.

The situation symbolized by the Gu hexagram is fraught with financial problems, but it is difficult to give unambiguous advice here, since everything depends on you personally, more precisely on how effectively and adequately you behave. But what can be said for sure is that before spending money, think carefully about what can come of it. We are not talking about spending on a good cause or on your whims, but about what you personally will receive in return - another banal satisfaction or a chance to really change something in the life and lives of those around you.

The time is more suitable for consolidating leadership positions than for recruiting supporters. Stay true to your principles even if your goals change. From now on, be content with small victories and successes for the time being, they will certainly entail larger ones. Go with the flow, not against it, and then everything will come in order. Your wish will come true with a high degree of probability, but be prepared for major changes in life.

The ideogram, which denotes this concept, depicts a cup in which, because it has not been used for a long time, worms have started. This is how the concept of corruption is depicted. But it is understood in the figurative sense of the word. Thus, peace and tranquility, which for too long have fettered the country into inert hibernation, lead to processes of corruption and decay in it. Similarly, the atmosphere of joyful following is admissible only for a while. When it drags on, even in it the process of decomposition begins. – So it is in cognition, when the first results of the achieved cognition are felt, then a person who easily dwells on them may not notice that the further cognitive process is distorted by the influence of former habitual, but incorrect ideas.

In the end, their admixture begins to affect with such force that this corruption of knowledge, and not itself, becomes characteristic of the whole situation. But all of the above is only one side of the matter. The other is that this situation is not only a corruption, but also a correction of what the fathers brought to corruption. This corruption is only the initial starting point for correcting the corruption, a correction that is to be developed. The conditions are favorable for this work, although it is difficult and dangerous, like "a ford across a great river." But, despite this, there is a need for complete deliberation of actions and active strengthening of the results achieved. Here, as Wan Yi says, “three days are needed to prepare oneself [for action] in advance and three days to consolidate [its results].” Therefore, in the text we find:

Correction of damage. initial development. Favorable ford across the great river. [Be vigilant] three days before the start and three days after the start.

Any damage is not the result of one day, it appears after many generations, if they were negligent in any respect. Therefore, here, throughout the description of the whole process, it is constantly said about what was spoiled by the ancestors and corrected by the descendants. Such an idea could have received a special development in the classical country of the cult of ancestors - in China. The whole point of being a son is to fix what is corrupted by the father. But the first position does not yet mean deep damage, therefore, despite the danger of the situation, the outcome can be expected to be happy. That's why the text says:

Weakness in the beginning. Correction of the spoiled by the father. [For this] there is a son. Ancestors will not be blasphemed. Danger, but in the end - happiness.

The second position is already a deeper corruption, a more intense process. The correction here is complicated by the fact that the second position, as an even one, is predisposed to passivity, and in order to correct the mother’s misdeeds, an internally contradictory problem arises: a sense of duty requires correcting the mother’s misconduct, but a feeling of love for her does not allow interfering with what she has left. And yet this situation is not hopeless. It just needs a lot of activity. Its presence is symbolized by the fact that this position is occupied by an active, strong feature. If this activity is put into action, then correction is possible, a correction that would be impossible if a person remained steadfast, remained inert. Therefore, in the text we read:

Strong trait in second place. Correction of the spoiled by the mother. You can't be persistent.

Here the position differs from the previous one only in that under it the softness and caution with which it was possible to act in the previous position is no longer possible. Therefore, the action can lead to some repentance in it. However, the need to correct damage, the main content of the whole situation, is the most important thing here, and, despite some complexity of the process, it will not have a bad outcome. So the text says:

Strong feature in third place. Correction of the spoiled by the father. There will be remorse in the little things. There will be no big blasphemy.

The main meaning of the fourth position is self-giving, because here the transition from the internal to the external, from oneself to another has already been made. Therefore, in this situation, this means renunciation of one's activity, of correction and giving oneself to the environment; but it's corrupted. Therefore, here only the damage allowed by the ancestors increases, and it is better to refrain from activity here and wait out the time, because if, on the contrary, to act, i.e. show his activity, which only aggravates the damage, then this will have to be regretted when the time comes, more prone to activity. So the text warns:

Weak trait in fourth place. Aggravation of the spoiled by the father. If you perform, you will see regret.

The fifth position is the position of maximum disclosure of internal forces and abilities to the outside. Here all the positive achievements of the previous positions are combined. From this position it is easiest to manage all the carriers of positive forces. It is at this moment that they can be praised. So the laconic text only says:

Weak trait in fifth place. Correction of the spoiled by the father. Praise is needed.

The top position is the moment when the specificity of the situation recedes into the background. If all the traits that were before symbolize one or another participation in the correction of damage, then this position is not related to the damage itself and, therefore, does not participate in its correction. Here a person does not participate in the lives of other people, which in the language of the "Book of Changes", a monument of the feudal era, is called not to serve the sovereign. He is above the life of the state. He himself can glorify and evaluate his deeds. Therefore, in the text we read:

Above is a strong feature. Do not serve the king and prince, You will magnify and appreciate your work.

There comes a period of feeling damage, negative influence from the outside, internal discord.

However, this is not the main thing that hexagram 18 speaks about - its interpretation rather brings a person to the importance of finding the source of damage and eliminating it. Quite often, the interpretation is carried out through the image of repentance for the sins of the ancestors and purification, achieved by enlightenment and understanding of goals.

Hexagram 18, Gu, Corruption:

  • Mountain (Gen) above. Real estate. Younger son. Northeast. Hand.
  • Wind (Xun) below. Penetration. Eldest daughter. Southeast. Eye.

The symbolic meaning of this hexagram in Chinese culture is conveyed through the image of a plate of food, in which worms appeared due to non-use. The figurative meaning says that prolonged enthusiastic following leads to internal decomposition.

Here one of the main principles of the Yi Ching is reflected - development is impossible in statics, because a person falls out of the flow of life, entering into conflict with it. In relation to cognition, this is expressed in the growing influence of old habits in the process of study and cognition. With the passage of time, the distortion (spoilage) becomes more and more. It is noteworthy that this damage can generally be a starting point, and not a factor that has appeared in the process.

Therefore, the extended interpretation of hexagram 19 also speaks of the importance of restoring what was previously corrupted. This task prepares difficulties and dangers - "a ford across a large river", but the conditions favor a successful outcome. Here you need to be careful, prudent, but active.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • First six. According to the Yijing book, the meaning of this Yao speaks of the need to correct parental omissions by sons. Time of danger, so you should immediately correct your mistakes. Retreating from difficulties is stupid - luck awaits ahead. An expanded interpretation is comparable to a situation where the responsibility for restoring lost authority and ideals falls on the shoulders of newcomers.
  • Second nine. What was spoiled by the mother must be corrected, but without undue perseverance. A detailed interpretation marks the situation when a person, trying to restore the high standards of the environment, acts tactfully, without strong pressure. The healthy development of children is the first priority of a wise mother.
  • Third nine. It can be unpleasant to correct father's mistakes, but do not pay much attention to it. According to the book of fate, this means that people tend to reject novelty, but they get used to it if it makes them feel better. The lack of large resources is not an obstacle to the success of someone who works hard.
  • Fourth Six. Recognition of paternal omissions will protect from humiliation. Reading this Yao is equally important both materially and spiritually. Ignoring problems leads to failure, temptation leads to failure. The latter is to be feared.
  • Fifth six. Praise is in store for the one who proudly undertakes to correct what has been corrupted by his father. Achievements of the leader grow in proportion to the number of assistants. According to the Chinese book, this Yao is regarded as a bad symbol for the sick.
  • Top nine. The lofty goals of a person are forced to give up current material benefits for the sake of spiritual uplift in the future. As a rule, this is of great importance for people who are sincerely engaged in creativity. Giving up a small part of what you get allows you to keep a much larger part of what you have.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

The Chinese Book of Changes conveys the meaning of the 18th hexagram through the word “damage”, although a semantic clarification is often made to “correction of corruption”. This interpretation makes divination more directional, and also more successfully leads some people to answers.

  1. Corruption is not a defeat of the inner world of the individual, but an obligation due to the misdeeds of the ancestors, requiring repentance. Therefore, the main decoding of hexagram 18, Gu, Corruption is quite simple - the descendants are faced with the need to correct the mistakes of their ancestors.
  2. Correction of maternal mistakes gives rise to an internal conflict, which, on the one hand, is under the requirement of correction, and on the other, unwillingness to go against parental decisions. A positive outcome is possible for a person who is able to extinguish resistance for the duration of the situation and be active.
  3. The conflict of the need for correction translates the conflict into the person. Full and active involvement in the process evokes a sense of conscience and remorse for radical actions. There is a sense of blasphemy. We have to move forward regardless. Sincerity and truth protect against bad consequences and guilt.
  4. There is a transition from internal to external, when a person is ready to correct damage in the environment. In this situation, full immersion in the process is impractical, as it worsens the situation. Better circumstances must be expected. Perseverance will lead to disappointment when they do come.
  5. Internal abilities and forces receive the most complete and extended influence on the external world. In this position, the meaning of hexagram 18 loses its connection with corruption, since a person no longer serves society, but acts above it. This gives you the opportunity to independently, and what is important - correctly, evaluate your behavior.

Extended interpretation of the sign

Yijing book of changes interpretation of hexagram 18, Gu, Corruption is presented as the first collision with the need to correct the mistakes of others, but not strangers, people - ancestors. At the same time, the name of the hexagram also affects another aspect - damage.

Energy sabotage, streaks of bad luck, psychological self-destruction, evil eye and slander - all this is discussed in this section. According to the book of fate, it is believed that the source of these circumstances is often the mistakes made by the ancestors. This is not about deliberate harmful actions, but about accidents and wrong actions that gradually fill the scales of damage: contempt, immodesty, boasting, indifference, arrogance, self-interest, etc.

Of course, the manifestation of such character traits in a great person is excluded, the formation of which in the previous hexagrams the book of Yijing speaks of. The interpretation of this chapter encourages responsibility to society for the misbehavior of parents.

Internal and external conflict starts fermentation - there is chaos in business, difficulties, difficult decisions. Nevertheless, reading the very first line of the hexagram makes it clear that a worthy person will inevitably succeed in overcoming and correcting. The easiest way to suffer and correct damage is to remember the mistakes of your ancestors, but not to behave the same way when you get into a similar situation.

We have to step over the habitual, received with upbringing, if it prevents us from continuing development. The conflict between the debt of correction and love requires great activity and fortitude. It makes sense to throw off the burden of possible energy harm received from parents by inheritance. This includes both magical influence and public opinion.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • The pictogram depicts a child sitting on a cloud. The associative meaning of this image suggests that the child will one day become like a dragon.
  • The bird flies with a letter in its beak - a symbol of the speedy receipt of good news.
  • According to the book of changes, a deer symbolizes a high position in society, a state rank.
  • The presence of a coin promises financial solvency.
  • The image of a handshake and mutual bow between a man and a woman is a symbol of congratulations. The sign can be regarded as positive only with caution and complete control over the situation.

Hexagram 18, Gu, Corruption displays the main associative image of three blood-sucking vampires. Hexagram symbol - bad situations always end.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. January hexagram, which manifests itself well in summer, worse in autumn, and worst of all in winter.
  2. Replacing Yin with Yang in the fifth Yao transforms the hexagram into the 57th - Xun (Wind). So this is the hexagram of the returning soul. At the slightest ailment during the receipt of the hexagram, it is better to immediately go to the doctor and be examined.
  3. From the decline and crisis leads to the compilation and selfless adherence to a clear plan of action.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • The Yijing book explains the interpretation of hexagram 17 in relation to social and political activity with the definitions of “fatefulness” and “predestination” with the mutual transition of concepts into each other. This means that defeats are just as likely as victories, and the result is determined solely by human efforts. In this case, the fundamental principles should be honesty, loyalty, a sense of tact and duty, and respect for traditions.
  • In the field of business there is a stopper, low labor efficiency. Yijing (Book of Changes) explains the interpretation of this provision by the way of breaking the passionate wind on a high mountain. True, decisive breakthroughs are rewarded, and for sons they are more successful than for fathers.
  • The associative influence of the hexagram is also stable in love relationships - their development stops because the wind of passion is broken. Revived tenderness, caress and renewal of views contribute to strengthening.
  • Social ties are in a black band, especially family ones. Frequent misunderstanding, excessive perseverance, even aggression.
  • The negative effect is reflected in the state of the body. The main impact falls on the musculoskeletal system.
  • The multidimensional pressure of obstacles and conflicts is interpreted according to the book of changes as fermentation - wine cannot become itself without fermenting.

Hexagram 18, Gu, Corruption according to the book of fate correlates the expanded meaning with the cyclical nature of times and the influence of this phenomenon on karma. Regardless of one's own way of behavior, a person is forced to accept and put up with the karmic obligations transmitted to him from his ancestors.

The symbol warns of possible problems and indicates care in planning and avoiding mistakes in actions.

Your participation will affect the transformation and change in the personal lives of others. This indicates the need for careful analysis and careful assessment of events.

Become the master of the situation, which will gradually become possible by itself, thanks to your current state.

Soon you will make an act that will shock your acquaintances, and maybe stun you yourself, but at the same time you may lose a friend.

Your relationships with others are not in order now, the problems arising from this can interfere with the implementation of your plans, so you need to clarify the situation.

The fulfillment of desire is hindered by relationships with your relatives and friends, so you need to explain to them.

Be prudent and attentive to expenses. You are spending too much money.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 18. Correction of the spoiled

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Gu - Correction of the spoiled. Gu - Corruption / Correction.

The hieroglyph depicts poisonous insects in a pot used for witchcraft.

Evil magic. Distort, seduce, bewitch. Poisoned, rotting; intestinal worms, poisonous insects. Mistake, mess; fix, restore.

Semantic connections of hexagram 18.Gu

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of decay, corruption and hidden threat. It contains a challenge: you must find the source of corruption and eliminate it in order to start a new cycle. You have encountered something that turned out to be vicious - for example, as in a famous expression: the sins of the fathers will fall on the children. Find the source of the corruption and eliminate it. Enter the stream of life with a clear and meaningful purpose. This will bring benefits and enlightenment. Prepare carefully for change and changing the essence of disorder. Watch for its beginning and, if possible, correct its development. Awaken hidden potential. This will correct the situation and restore the broken order.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the eighteenth hexagram.

[Initial accomplishment. Favorable ford across the great river. ]

[Be vigilant three days before the start and three days after the start.]

I. At the beginning of the six.

“There is a son for this, and there will be no blasphemy against the deceased.

Although dangerous, but, in the end, happiness.

II. Nine second.

Correction of the spoiled by the mother.

- Impossible stamina (You can not be very persistent).

III. Nine third.

Correction of the spoiled by the father.

“There will be a little remorse. There will be no big blasphemy.

IV. Six fourth.

If you will be free to relate to the spoiled father.

“When you speak, you will see regret.

V. Six fifth.

Correction of the spoiled by the father.

- Praise is needed.

VI. Top nine.

Serve neither king nor prince.

— Exalt and glorify your work!

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