The structure of the human ear disease prevention. Causes, symptoms and treatment of ear diseases in humans

Decor elements 30.06.2020
Decor elements

Among other diseases, problems with such a part of the body as the ear are not always taken seriously enough. However, diseases that develop in the ear canal can cause serious complications.

ear structure

To understand the essence of various problems associated with the ear, it is necessary to understand the structure of this organ. For the perception of sound waves in the human head there is a complex system of membranes, passages, nodules and bones. Thanks to this system, the captured vibrations are transmitted to the brain. The auricle, ear canal, eardrum, anvil, cochlea and stirrup are involved in the perception and subsequent transport of sound.

The ear is also divided into three main sections: inner, middle and outer. Human ear diseases are studied taking into account their localization. Diseases of this part of the body can have different symptoms and treatment regimens.

Otogenic sepsis

As such, sepsis involves severe inflammation and infection. The otogenic form of this disease is characterized by the penetration of infection into the sinuses and veins of the temporal bone from the purulent area of ​​the middle ear. In most cases, this problem is diagnosed in patients under the age of 30 years. Symptoms of sepsis include tachycardia, chills and fever, shortness of breath and general weakness, low blood pressure, loss of appetite. Since this disease is infectious, regardless of the fact that it begins to develop in the ear area, the negative impact can be extended to the entire body.

Ear diseases associated with infection are treated with a drain inserted into the abscess, followed by removal of the infected masses. Therapy for such a diagnosis involves taking antifungal drugs (Terbinafine, Econazole, etc.), as well as antibiotics. In some cases, doctors perform a blood transfusion. The main thing with otogenic sepsis is timely treatment.


This disease should be understood as an inflammatory process that is formed in the middle ear. In some situations, otitis media can spread in both directions from the focus of inflammation: inward and outward. Most often this disease is fixed in children and can manifest itself both in the form of a pathological process that extends its effect to the entire auditory apparatus, and in the form of a boil. Causes of this type of ear disease are virtually always associated with infection. If, when otitis occurs, you undergo treatment under the supervision of qualified specialists, then there is every chance to overcome the disease quickly. But when trying to neutralize the inflammatory process on its own, there is a risk of serious complications, which can result in a chronic form of the disease.

The main symptoms of inflammatory diseases include pain and itching in the ear canal.

Otitis media (labyrinthitis)

When studying diseases of the ears, it is necessary to pay attention to this form of the inflammatory process. The name of this type of otitis is explained by the degree of its distribution, affecting the cavity of the inner ear. This area of ​​the organ of hearing resembles a labyrinth, which explains the second part of the name.

Harmful bacteria can enter the ear in a number of ways:

The membrane that closes the bone windows in the bone structures of the cochlea swells, as a result of which an infection enters the cavity of the inner ear;

Craniocerebral and ulcerative ear injuries related to tympanic membrane rupture;

Meningitis (the type of infection that enters through the head).

Symptoms of internal otitis include unpleasant tinnitus, dizziness, fever (in some cases), incoordination and loss of balance, sometimes vomiting and nausea. To neutralize this type of otitis, drug treatment of labyrinthitis is used, aimed at relieving the symptoms of dizziness and stopping the inflammatory process. For these purposes, vestibulolytics and antibiotics are used. In the case of diagnosing intracranial complications and purulent labyrinthitis, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Otitis media

Studying the topic "Ear diseases, symptoms and treatment", it makes sense to pay attention to this type of inflammatory disease, which is one of the most common. According to statistics, every fourth visitor to an otolaryngologist is diagnosed with otitis media.

The disease is caused by the following pathogens:

Haemophilus influenzae and haemococcus;

Influenza and ARVI viruses;

Pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Any of the above pathogens enters the middle ear with changes in external pressure, injuries and colds, after which it attacks the Eustachian tube, thereby violating its patency. The consequence of such processes is the congestion of the tympanic cavity, to which the mucous membrane reacts with the production of inflammatory fluid. Microbes that have entered this liquid receive all the conditions for dynamic reproduction, which leads to the development of otitis media.

With such an ear disease, the symptoms manifest themselves in the form of severe pain radiating to the teeth and head, fever and hearing loss (stage 1). In the second stage, the temperature and pain decrease, but bleeding appears. The third stage is characterized by a pronounced hearing loss and the cessation of pus.

It is important to know how a newborn behaves in the event of otitis media: the child does not show any noticeable reactions until the moment when pus flows out. At the same time, he may refuse to breastfeed, turn his head and sleep poorly.

Otitis media is treated with fever-lowering drugs, antibiotics, pain medications, and vasoconstrictor drops. In the event that the above measures do not give the desired result, paracentesis (perforation) of the eardrum is prescribed to remove pus.

Otitis externa

This ear disease is characterized by its manifestation on the external auditory canal in the form of a boil (if we are talking about an organic form). With a diffuse form, otitis media extends to the eardrum. The inflammatory process begins due to the penetration of the pathogen into the subcutaneous integuments of the ears.

The cause of otitis externa can be colds in the nasopharynx, decreased immunity, stable humidity of the ear canal, violation of the integrity of the skin and exposure to aggressive chemicals. When an external inflammatory process begins, purulent discharges appear that have an unpleasant odor, severe pain and itching are felt in the ear itself, pain is also felt when opening the mouth. When pulling the auricle or pressing on the tragus, painful sensations also occur.

Treatment of otitis externa includes the use of anti-inflammatory and medicinal disinfectants that eliminate the inflammatory process. Measures such as washing the ear with solutions of boric acid and furacilin, taking antibiotics, applying compresses that have a warming effect, and performing physiotherapy can also be used.

hearing loss

This is another pathology that can affect the ears. Diseases, the treatment of which should be under the supervision of a physician, include this ailment. This diagnosis should be understood as permanent hearing loss. With pronounced hearing loss, a person can distinguish between loud sounds, the source of which is in close proximity to the ear. With a mild degree, the patient can distinguish a whisper, but with noticeable difficulty.

This condition can be the result of inflammation of the middle ear after scarlet fever, influenza, syphilis, otosclerosis, cochlear neuritis and cicatricial processes in the tympanic cavity. For effective treatment of hearing loss, it is necessary to neutralize the disease that caused inflammation, as well as the inflammatory process itself.

Fungus in the ears, or otomycosis

This is another disease, the study of which is relevant within the framework of the designated topic. This disease can rightfully be considered common, and among completely different age categories. Harmful fungi are able to penetrate into the middle ear and even into the human body itself, so their effect is not always noticeable.

Fungi penetrate the body through cuts, scratches, wounds and various damage to the mucous membranes. Favorable conditions for the development of otomycosis are created by such diseases as diabetes mellitus, AIDS, damage to the external ear canal, oncological diseases, decreased immunity, which was caused by prolonged use of antibacterial drugs.

Various human ear diseases also have different symptoms. When a multiplied fungus begins to have a negative effect on the human body, the following symptoms occur:

Rapid formation of crusts and plugs in the ears;

Intrusive itching and persistent tinnitus;

Wet discharge from the ear;

Ear congestion.

To prevent such a disease as otomycosis from becoming chronic, it is necessary to take care of timely treatment, which, among other things, implies the mandatory intake of vitamins. Ear diseases caused by fungi can be effectively treated after preliminary cleansing of the outer part of the ears from liquid secretions and crusts. To do this, it is recommended to use cotton swabs dipped in glycerin.

ear mite

Despite the fact that ear mites are rare in humans, studying diseases of the nose and ear, it is worth considering such a problem. The disease that develops as a result of infection with ticks is called otoacariasis, or acariasis.

But such a tick as Demodex poses a much greater threat to humans. It can live in the sebaceous glands, hair, and external auditory canal. If the number of ticks reaches a critical level, then a disease such as demodicosis may develop. The basis for such processes is the violation of symbiosis with the microflora and bacteria of human skin, which are negatively affected by the waste products of ticks that provoke inflammatory reactions.

Delving into the topic “Diseases of the human ear, symptoms”, it is important to note that patients with demodicosis feel crawling in the lesions and itching. In this case, the skin of the auricles turns red and inflamed. Ear mites can cause infectious diseases.

Before undergoing a course of treatment, it is important, through modern diagnostic measures, to make sure that we have to deal with demodicosis. After that, you need to get a doctor's prescription, which usually comes down to the combined use of medications (Ornidazole, Trichopolum, ointments that have a vasoconstrictive effect, etc.). It is possible to use certain cosmetic procedures: microdermabrasion, laser coagulation and electrophoresis.

Sulfur plug

Banal for many, sulfuric plug is rarely perceived as a disease. Most people think that this problem can be solved with cotton swabs alone. Nevertheless, the accumulation of products of the excretion of sulfuric and sebaceous glands in the external auditory canal is defined as a disease.

The essence of treatment with a formed cork is to remove it. If the consistency of the cork is soft and it is light, then you can resort to home remedies. But the removal procedure must be carried out very carefully. In the event that the plug has become hard and dry, and its color is dark yellow, removal should take place in a medical institution by washing the ear canal with warm liquid and instilling ear drops.


This is a disease of the ears in humans, the treatment of which must be prompt. We are talking about the defeat of the bone capsule of the ear labyrinth (otosclerosis). This pathology, as a rule, develops during puberty or a little later. Although there are cases when such an ailment was detected in children aged 8 to 10 years.

In some cases, the pathology of bone tissue growth is focal in nature or extends to the cochlea. The result of the disease is the formation of an artificial obstacle to the passage of sound waves. This condition can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus.

To treat a problem such as otosclerosis, stapedoplasty is used: the affected stirrup is removed and a synthetic prosthesis is installed.


So, we examined the most common ear diseases. Symptoms and treatment of these pathologies are no longer a secret for you. Do not forget: if you treat the symptoms carelessly, then in the end there will be a risk of developing infectious diseases that can have a significant devastating effect on both the hearing organ itself and the body as a whole. If you study ear diseases, the photos of which clearly demonstrate the unattractiveness of such ailments, then you can easily draw an obvious conclusion: you should not start problems with your ears.

When the ear hurts, the pain seems to go straight to the brain. In this state, it is impossible to sleep, eat, or even be distracted for a while. There are many causes of ear pain, ranging from infections to head injuries.

We understand the possible causes of ear pain in healthy people, in which cases a secondary infection is diagnosed, how to properly treat and what to do for prevention.

Often, aching or shooting pain in the ear appears against the background of colds - SARS, acute respiratory infections or influenza. An incompletely cured disease leads to complications and, first of all, it is the ears that suffer.


Otitis media is an acute or chronic inflammation in various parts of the ear, provoked by pathogenic organisms or injuries. Depending on the localization of pain, otitis media is divided into:

  • external - tissues of the external auditory canal, auricle and / or eardrum are affected;
  • medium - dysfunction of the auditory tube and accumulation of exudate in the tympanic cavity;
  • internal - an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the vestibular apparatus of the ear, the most complex of all otitis media.

In all cases, otitis is manifested by painful sensations at rest and on palpation, fever, general weakness, and hearing impairment. Mucopurulent discharge from the external auditory canal is less common.

With the appearance of pain in the ears with inflammatory diseases, be sure to contact an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). The specialist, after examination and analysis, prescribes treatment - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and monitors the patient's condition.

Important! With otitis media and internal otitis media, delaying treatment is fraught with irreversible hearing loss.

Inflammation of the auditory tube (eustachitis) is swelling of a small canal that connects the middle ear and nasal passage. With a cold or an allergy, the epithelium of the canal becomes inflamed, the walls swell, thereby blocking the passage and creating excess pressure inside the cavity. This syndrome is called tubo-otitis.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. It occurs as a secondary disease against the background of colds, rhinitis or flu, as well as with a mechanical injury to the nose. A sharp pain in the sinuses is almost immediately transmitted to the ear.

Mastoiditis is an inflammatory lesion of the mastoid process of the temporal bone in the form of a purulent sac that occurs with advanced forms of otitis media.

The pain is constant, throbbing, sometimes yellow pus with an unpleasant odor flows out of the ear canal. The disease is very dangerous - within a few hours after acute inflammation can lead to the development of meningitis.

Otomycosis is a fungal infection that affects the structures of the outer and middle ear, less often the cavity of the mastoid process after trepanation in the diagnosis of mastoiditis.

Very often, the disease passes into the chronic stage due to the complexity of diagnosis. For a long time there are no obvious symptoms and the person does not immediately understand why the ear hurts a little. At a certain point, the pain becomes very sharp, and gray pus comes out of the ear canal, almost black in places.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the lymphoid tissue in the palatine tonsils, provoked by pathogenic flora. Given the close location, dull, aching pain goes to the ear.

The disease has two forms - chronic and acute. For diagnosis, a number of studies are prescribed, including blood and urine tests.

Causes not related to ENT diseases

If diseases of the ears, throat or nose are excluded, severe ear pain may be due to other causes. Among them are:

  1. Inflammation of the periosteum of the upper jaw (periostitis) as a result of injury or infection. It affects vast areas, purulent masses infect tissues with bacteria, which, in the absence of conservative treatment, leads to suppuration of soft tissues, damage to the temple area, internal otitis media, and the development of lymphadenitis.
  2. Throat abscess is an infectious disease in which soft tissues become inflamed in the pharyngeal or peripharyngeal region and the paratonsillar cavity. Initially, the lesion looks like a capsule with pus, but it grows quite quickly. In addition to the fact that an abscess gives severe pain in the ear when swallowing, it is dangerous for suffocation - in just a few hours, the capsule can grow and block the airways.
  3. Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node caused by a bacterial, viral infection or in response to an underlying disease. In children, the behind-the-ear lymph nodes are at risk, in adults - the jaw ones. Simultaneously with the appearance of cones, pain in the ear is noted with pathologies of neighboring organs and formations.
  4. Paresis of the facial nerve is a unilateral violation of motor functions in case of damage to the facial nerve. With any movement of the jaws, the pain is given to the ears and over the entire area of ​​the face.
  5. Dental diseases - caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, parotitis, inflammation of the salivary gland, etc. All this individually or in combination leads not only to toothache, but also to earache.
  6. Meniere's disease is a non-purulent inflammation in which there is noise and ringing in the ear, but without pain. Such symptoms are caused by an increase in endolymph volume with a simultaneous increase in intra-aural pressure.
  7. Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint is an acute or chronic inflammation of the structural elements, accompanied by sharp, shooting pain in the joint area, which can radiate to the ear. The same symptoms are characteristic of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint.

Causes of pain in the ears are not only infectious diseases or colds. Mechanical trauma to the face, nose, temple, fracture of the base of the skull, if the fracture line runs along the temporal part, can also lead to hearing impairment.

Varieties of pain syndromes

When making a diagnosis, the doctor understands not only where it hurts, but also how - and in this case, understanding the nature of the sensations will help you. There are different types of ear pain:

  1. Pain and itching deep inside the ear. Sverbezh always appears with a fungal and bacterial infection. For the accuracy of diagnosis, a scraping is done.
  2. On palpation. Indicates an infectious inflammation in the external passage. This symptom is noted with tonsillitis, sinusitis and paresis.
  3. Ears and jaw hurt at the same time. Symptoms are typical for lymphadenitis, with problems with the oral cavity, abscess of the throat and inflammation of the jaw.
  4. The appearance of tumors (cones). Often this phenomenon leads to otitis media against the background of a cold. The same picture is observed with inflammation of the behind-the-ear lymph nodes with an infectious lesion or as a secondary sign of the underlying disease.
  5. Purulent discharge. The appearance of secretions of different colors and aromas is always a reason to sound the alarm. It can be a kind of otitis media, mastoiditis, otomycosis, labyrinthitis, etc. Each disease is dangerous with severe consequences for the hearing organs and the brain due to its close proximity.
  6. Ulcers or boils. Severe pain in the left or right ear may be due to tissue inflammation, resulting in purulent acne or boils. In medicine, this disease is called limited otitis media. The sensations are very unpleasant, the more the situation is aggravated by the impossibility of self-removal. You will have to wait until the inflammation is relieved by medication or naturally.
  7. Burning. Along with itching, it indicates the presence of an infection in the ear canal. May lead to purulent discharge and shooting pain in the ear.

Not all diseases can be identified by the nature of pain. Some inflammatory processes in different diseases proceed in the same way, therefore, in the presence of liquid secretions, mandatory tests are carried out.

Which doctor should I contact for ear pain

An otolaryngologist deals with diseases of the ENT organs. This is the first specialist you go to if characteristic symptoms appear.

The ENT examines the anamnesis, prescribes tests and examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • study of secretions;
  • fibroendoscopic examination of the mucosa;
  • x-ray.

In some cases - a serious pathology, abscess, rapid development - the ENT sends an appointment to other specialists: a surgeon, an infectious disease specialist, an audiologist, a traumatologist.

Taking into account this or that diagnosis, you can first name what tests the doctor will prescribe for ear pain:

  1. Tympanometry is a study of the mobility of the eardrum.
  2. Audiometry is a hearing test for suspected hearing loss.
  3. CT or MRI can detect purulent, intraosseous or intracranial complications - mastoiditis, purulent abscess, meningitis.
  4. Tympanocentesis - puncture of the eardrum with a needle for additional research. The same procedure is carried out to extract pus or accumulation of fluid in the cavity.
  5. With repeated suppuration, the procedure of myringotomy is performed - dissection of the eardrum. This allows you to permanently relieve pain and save the patient from a purulent abscess.

Important! MRI provides more information than CT specifically on the localization of pus and fluid.

If the doctor sees a strong need, in some, especially advanced cases, an x-ray is prescribed.

What to do if your ear hurts

For our part, we try to give accurate information on how to properly treat and how to treat, but not a single article on the Internet can replace a full-fledged examination by a doctor.

Be sure, as soon as you notice that your ear hurts, you feel discomfort, go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist. The specialist will study the history, conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment, taking into account the underlying disease and potential complications.

In many people, wax gradually accumulates in the ear canal and a dense, tight lump forms that blocks the passage. When the cork grows and thickens, a person not only stops hearing from this side, a headache and tinnitus are noted, while it seems as if there is phonitis in the ears. The cork is removed with Jeanne's syringe, washed with a solution, and then closed with sterile cotton wool.

A mechanical removal method is also practiced, depending on the location and consistency of the cork itself.

At home, you can also remove the formation with a solution of boric alcohol. To do this, 5-6 drops are instilled into the ear during the day 2-3 times (for an adult), left for 10 minutes, gently dried with cotton wool. After a day, the cork softens to the point where it can be pulled out with a cotton swab. To do this, more cotton wool is wound on the stick and the ear canal is gently cleaned with rotational movements from the edges to the center. As the sticks get dirty, they change until the last one remains clean. Lubricate the passage with camphor alcohol and close with a cotton swab.

Otitis externa

The main help for ear pain due to otitis media is the appointment of anti-inflammatory or antibiotic therapy. Be sure to instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, take antihistamines to reduce swelling of the nasopharynx.

The question of the use of boric alcohol in otitis externa is controversial. It is forbidden to bury it in the ear of children under 15 years of age, pregnant women, during lactation and with kidney disease. The drug has a lot of side effects and if the dosage is exceeded, it leads to poisoning.

As an alternative, it is much safer to use Otipax, Otinum or Sofradex drops. The effect is similar to boric acid, but at times less harmful to health.

Important! If the ear hurts inside on one side, both must be instilled.

Otitis media

Otitis media ranks second in the list of serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract after sinusitis. With improper treatment, it is fraught with serious complications up to irreversible hearing loss. It is impossible not to notice the signs of otitis media, since the main symptom is acute pain in the ear of high intensity.

For treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics inside and locally, Candibiotic copes best with this task. Sold in microcontainers of 5 ml, which is enough for a weekly course of treatment. Be sure to take antihistamines, antipyretic and analgesic.

otitis media

The most severe pathology of all types of otitis media, in which the far compartment is affected - the labyrinth. It never occurs as an independent disease, only as a complication after untreated or advanced otitis media or meningitis. For treatment, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, along with anesthesia.

If water gets into the ear

With a one-time action, it is enough to create a vacuum with your hand, firmly putting your palm to your ear and jerking it away, while your head is tilted towards the ear with water. If there is noise and ringing in the ear, but without pain, you should go to the doctor. Waterlock syndrome is fraught with infectious inflammation.

Acute ear pain due to injury

Before visiting the emergency room, make a cool compress, since it is impossible to relieve pain after an injury before a doctor's examination. The doctor must assess the real condition and then prescribe analgesic drugs.

Important! If there is a discharge and there is severe pain in the ear, no first aid without a doctor's prescription is unacceptable. Any manipulation can lead to rupture of the eardrum.

Conservative treatment of sick ears

To alleviate the patient's condition and speed up recovery, the doctor prescribes ear drops, ointments and / or tablets. All drugs have their own dosage characteristics and age restrictions.

Ear drops

Taking into account the pathology, stage, general condition of the patient and the main diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antibacterial, analgesic and / or anti-inflammatory drops.

Before instillation, be sure to clean the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide, wipe it dry, and only then inject the drug.

The following types of drops by groups are popular:

  • antibacterial - Anauran, Tsipromed, Candibiotic;
  • hormonal - Sofradex, Polydex with phenylephrine;
  • bactericidal - Otofa, Normaks;
  • painkillers - Ototon, Phenazone, they are also used for local anesthesia to relieve ear pain in an adult.

Before treating a sore ear with drops, they must be warmed in the palm of your hand. During the procedure, the lobe is pulled down and back, and after the drops have got inside, they lightly press on the tragus. Be sure to lie down on each side for 5-10 minutes so that the medicine gets inside.

Important! Children under one year old are usually not prescribed ear drops. If the child's ears hurt, Nazivin is usually recommended nasally.

Painkillers and antiseptic ointments

Antiseptic drugs help to avoid infection and reduce inflammation. Pain can be relieved by the following:

  • Sofradex - a drug with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action for topical use;
  • Levomekol - accelerates tissue regeneration, activates the synthesis of interferon, disinfects the internal cavity;
  • Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed for otitis media and otitis externa.

The ointment is applied with cotton swabs and compresses. The drugs are contraindicated in case of rupture of the eardrum, inflammation of the middle ear and allergies.


Physiotherapy procedures are used in combination with drug treatment. Soothing effect for ear pain has:

  • warming up with a blue lamp;
  • exposure to UV rays;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • pneumomassage;
  • blowing and washing the ear.

Earwax is removed before the procedure. Physiotherapy is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics are potent antimicrobials that help quickly stop inflammation and significantly speed up recovery. The decision on the advisability of their use should be made only by a doctor.

The most effective broad-spectrum antibiotics are:

  1. Amoxicillin. It is used for otitis externa and on the first day after the onset of symptoms of otitis media. The course of treatment is 5 days. Available in tablets and powder for injection. There are a lot of contraindications. Allowed for children over 12 years old.
  2. Levomycetin. By composition, it belongs to bacteriostatics, that is, it not only suppresses the action of pathogenic microorganisms, but inhibits their division and growth at the cellular level. It helps to get rid of ear pain for an adult, children are prescribed with great care.
  3. Bicillin. Combined bactericidal antibiotic, consisting of 2 salts of benzylpenicillin, which have a long-term effect. It is prescribed only for adults and only in the form of intramuscular injections. The course of treatment is 3 months, depending on the intensity of pain, injections are given periodically or daily.
  4. Ceftriaxone. Indicated in severe forms of diseases, prevents the development of sepsis, relieves inflammation, eliminates pain. It is administered intramuscularly, only after checking for individual intolerance. Minimum contraindications. It is prescribed for adults and children over 3 years old.
  5. Cefazolin. Antibiotic of the 1st generation, has a bactericidal effect. Active against gram-positive bacteria. It is administered intramuscularly only. There are practically no side effects. It is prescribed for children aged 1 month.
  6. Augmentin. One of the most versatile drugs that inhibits the activity of most pathogenic microorganisms. Can be used to treat children and adults. Pregnant women and during lactation are prescribed with caution.

This is just a short list of antibiotics that remove pathogenic flora and relieve ear pain. The choice of drug and treatment regimen always remains with the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe and take antibiotics on your own, this will lead to the most serious consequences.

For example, if the ear hurts due to a fungal infection, taking antibiotics will not only not destroy the flora, but will also contribute to its more accelerated development.


We figured out what to do with ear pain, if it is an infection, a bacterial lesion, an injury, or a complication after an illness. Let us remind you once again that with the appearance of the first symptoms and an acute desire to preserve your hearing, immediately contact the ENT. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe tests and choose the most optimal treatment regimen.

Otitis is an ENT disease, which is an inflammatory process in the ear. Manifested by pain in the ear (throbbing, shooting, aching), elevated body temperature, hearing loss, tinnitus, mucopurulent discharge from the external auditory canal. The severity of the pathological process depends entirely on the virulence of microorganisms, and the state of human immune defense also plays an important role.

What is it, what are the first signs and symptoms of otitis media, and how to treat in adults without consequences for the ear, we will consider later in the article.

What is otitis?

Otitis is an inflammatory lesion of the inner, middle or outer part of the human ear, occurring in a chronic or acute form. The disease is characterized by damage to the structures of the outer, middle or inner ear, while patients present specific complaints. Symptoms in adults depend on the area of ​​inflammation, the addition of local or systemic complications.

Pathology can develop at any time of the year, but the peak of visits to the hospital occurs in autumn and winter, when people do not have time to change from warm to cold.


The causes and symptoms of otitis media depend on the type of disease, immune status, and environmental factors. The fundamental elements in the formation of the disease are the influence of air temperature, the purity of the water used for hygiene, the season.

The causes of otitis media are:

  • Penetration of infection from other ENT organs - as a complication of a concomitant infectious viral disease;
  • Various diseases of the nose, its sinuses and nasopharynx. This includes all types of rhinitis, deviated septum, (adenoid vegetations);
  • Injuries of the auricle;
  • Hypothermia and weakened immunity.

Conditions that significantly increase the risk of developing the disease include:

  • allergy;
  • inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • performing surgical operations in the area of ​​the nasopharynx or nasal cavity;
  • infancy, childhood.
Otitis in adults is a disease that must be taken seriously, to know its symptoms, consequences and treatment.

Types of otitis media

The structure of the human ear is divided into three interconnected parts, which bear the following names:

  • outer ear;
  • the average;
  • inner ear.

Depending on in which specific part of the organ the inflammatory process occurs, in medicine it is customary to distinguish three types of otitis media:

Otitis externa

Otitis externa can be limited or diffuse, in some cases it extends to the eardrum, it is more common in elderly patients. Occurs as a result of mechanical or chemical trauma to the ear. A patient with otitis externa complains of throbbing pain in the ear, which radiates to the neck, teeth and eyes, and is aggravated by talking and chewing.

Development is facilitated by two factors:

  • Infection with a sharp object (hairpin, toothpick);
  • Ingress and accumulation of moisture in the external auditory canal.

It often occurs if the ear is constantly in contact with water, such as when swimming, which is why it is called "swimmer's ear".

Otitis media

With otitis media, the inflammatory process occurs in the tympanic cavity. There are many forms and variants of the course of this disease. It can be catarrhal and purulent, perforative and non-perforative, acute and chronic. Otitis media can develop complications.

otitis media

This type is also called labyrinthitis, its symptoms can vary in severity (from mild to pronounced).

The symptoms of otitis are similar in all forms of the disease, but their intensity and some features depend on the type.

According to the nature of the course of the disease, forms are distinguished:

  • Acute. Occurs suddenly, has severe symptoms.
  • Chronic. The inflammatory process continues for a long time, has periods of exacerbation.

According to the ways of manifestation of otitis media, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Purulent. There is an accumulation of pus behind the eardrum.
  • Catarrhal. There is swelling and redness of the tissues, there is no liquid or purulent discharge.
  • Exudative. In the middle ear, fluid (blood or lymph) accumulates, which is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms.

The otolaryngologist determines how and how to treat otitis media by establishing the type and degree of the disease.

Symptoms of otitis media in adults

The clinical picture of otitis media directly depends on the location of the pathological process.


  • earache . This symptom is constantly disturbing and is the main one that brings the greatest discomfort. Sometimes the pain shoots into the teeth, temple, lower jaw. The cause of the development of this condition with otitis media is considered to be increased pressure in the ear cavity;
  • redness of the ear canal, discoloration of the auricle;
  • gradual hearing loss, due to the opening of abscesses and the filling of the auditory canal with purulent masses;
  • temperature increase- most often there is an increase in body temperature, however, this is also an optional sign;
  • ear discharge with external otitis are almost always. After all, nothing prevents the inflammatory fluid from standing out.

Symptoms of otitis are often accompanied by a runny nose, which leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion of the auditory tube.

Symptoms and first signs
Otitis externa
  • In the case of the development of acute purulent local external otitis (furuncle in the ear canal), the patient complains of pain in the ear, which is aggravated by pressure or pulling on it.
  • There is also pain when opening the mouth and pain when the ear funnel is inserted to examine the external auditory canal.
  • Externally, the auricle is edematous and reddened.
  • Acute infectious purulent diffuse otitis media develops as a result of inflammation of the middle ear and suppuration from it.
Otitis media How does otitis media present?
  • heat;
  • ear pain (throbbing or aching);
  • decrease in hearing function, which usually recovers a few days after the first manifestations of symptoms;
  • nausea, general malaise, vomiting;
  • purulent discharge from the ears.
Otitis media The onset of the disease is most often accompanied by:
  • tinnitus,
  • dizziness
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • balance disorder,
acute form
  • The main symptom of the acute form is severe ear pain, which patients describe as twitching or shooting.
  • The pain can be very intense, worse in the evening.
  • One of the signs of otitis is the so-called autophony - the presence of constant noise in the ear, not associated with sounds from the outside, ear congestion appears.

Acute otitis should always be treated to the end, as the pus will begin to spread inside the skull.

Chronic form
  • Periodic purulent discharge from the ear.
  • Dizziness or tinnitus.
  • Pain appears only during periods of exacerbation.
  • Temperature rise is possible.

If you have symptoms of otitis, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will correctly diagnose and tell you how to treat inflammation.


Do not think that otitis media is a harmless catarrhal disease. In addition to the fact that it knocks a person out of the rut for a long time, reducing his ability to work for at least 10 days, it is possible to develop irreversible changes with persistent deterioration or complete loss of hearing.

When the disease is allowed to take its course, the following complications may occur:

  • rupture of the eardrum (as a rule, it takes 2 weeks for the hole to heal);
  • choleostomy (growth of tissue behind the eardrum, hearing loss);
  • destruction of the auditory ossicles of the middle ear (incus, malleus, stirrup);
  • mastoiditis (inflammatory lesion of the mastoid process of the temporal bone).


A competent doctor diagnoses acute otitis without special devices and innovative technologies. A simple examination of the auricle and auditory canal with a head reflector (a mirror with a hole in the center) or an otoscope is enough to diagnose otitis media.

As methods confirming and clarifying the diagnosis, a general blood test can be prescribed, which reveals signs of inflammation (increased ESR, an increase in the number of leukocytes, and others).

Of the instrumental methods, radiography, computed tomography of the temporal regions are used.

How to treat otitis media in adults?

Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.) play a special role in the treatment of otitis media. Their use has a number of features - the medicine should not only act on the bacteria that caused otitis media, but also penetrate well into the tympanic cavity.

Treatment of inflammatory changes in the auricle begins with bed rest. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretic drugs are prescribed simultaneously. The combination of drugs allows you to effectively treat the pathology.

Comprehensive treatment of otitis media

Ear drops

It is no secret to anyone how acute otitis media is treated in adults - drops in the ears. This is the most common remedy for otitis media. Depending on the type of disease, different drugs are used. Ear drops can contain only an antibacterial drug or be combined - contain an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory substance.

There are the following types of drops:

  • glucocorticosteroid (Garazon, Sofradex, Dexon, Anauran);
  • containing anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents (Otinum, Otipax);
  • antibacterial (Otofa, Tsipromed, Normax, Fugentin).

The course of treatment of otitis at home takes 5-7 days.

Additional funds:

  1. In combination with ear drops for otitis, otolaryngologists often prescribe vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nafthyzin, Nazol, Galazolin, Otrivin, etc.), thanks to which it is possible to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and thereby reduce the load on the eardrum.
  2. In addition to drops in the complex, antihistamine (anti-allergic) agents may also be prescribed, pursuing the same goal - removing mucosal edema. It can be Suprastin, Diazolin, etc.
  3. To reduce temperature and reduce pain in the ear, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol (panadol), ibuprofen (nurofen), nise are prescribed.
  4. Antibiotics for otitis media in adults are added to the treatment of acute moderate form with the development of purulent inflammation. The use of Augmentin has proven itself well. Rulid, Amoxiclav, Cefazolin are also effective.

In addition to the above measures, physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • UHF for the nose area;
  • laser therapy for the mouth of the auditory tube;
  • pneumomassage focused on the eardrum area.

If all the above actions did not lead to a regression of the process, or treatment was started at the stage of perforation of the tympanic membrane, then first of all it is necessary to ensure a good outflow of pus from the middle ear cavity. To do this, carry out regular cleansing of the external auditory canal from secretions.

Local anesthesia is used during the procedure. A puncture is made in the eardrum with a special needle, through which pus is removed. The incision heals on its own after the discharge of pus stops.

  • You can not independently prescribe medicines for yourself, choose a dosage, interrupt the medication when the symptoms of otitis media disappear.
  • Wrong actions performed at one's own discretion can cause harm to health.
  • Before going to the doctor, you can only take a paracetamol tablet to reduce pain. This drug is effective and has few contraindications. When used correctly, paracetamol rarely causes side effects.


The main goal of preventing otitis media in adults is to prevent the Eustachian tube from becoming blocked by thick mucus. This is not such an easy task. As a rule, acute rhinitis is accompanied by liquid secretions, but in the process of treatment, the mucus often becomes much thicker, stagnating in the nasopharynx.

  1. Foci of chronic infection - increase the risk of otitis media.
  2. After swimming, especially in open water, it is necessary to dry the ears thoroughly to prevent water from getting inside along with bacteria. Especially for people prone to otitis, antiseptic drops have been developed that are instilled into the ears after each bath.
  3. Regularly clean your ears from dirt and sulfur, maintain hygiene. But it is better to leave a minimum of sulfur, since it protects the ear canal from pathogenic microbes.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that otitis media is a very unpleasant disease. Do not think that all symptoms will go away on their own. Be sure to consult a doctor at the first signs. Often, people treat otitis media unreasonably lightly, not realizing that complications from this infection can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

Scratches, scratches and other skin damage on the sink should be treated with antiseptics to prevent infection.

Diseases of the inner ear occur due to congenital anomalies, rupture of the membrane, contusion, damage to nerve cells, and acoustic trauma. It is also likely that the infection will spread through the blood and lymph from nearby organs or tissues. The most common diseases are:

  1. Acoustic neuritis - occurs due to diseases of the kidneys and heart, tumors, allergic reactions, traumatic brain injuries, infections in the nasopharynx. It is manifested by pain, hearing loss, noise or ringing in the ears.
  2. Meniere's disease - a significant amount of fluid accumulates in the inner ear. This causes the patient to have attacks of dizziness, loss of balance, vomiting, and heart rhythm disturbance.
  3. Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory lesion of the labyrinth structure. It often occurs as a complication of inflammatory processes in the middle ear or skull. Usually a viral disease.
  4. Otosclerosis is an enlargement of the cochlea.

To prevent diseases of the inner part of the ears, it is necessary to treat respiratory diseases in time, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, and avoid contact with toxic substances.

Every day, sulfur is formed in the ears, consisting of protein, sebum, and fat-like substances. It moisturizes the hearing organs from pollution and pathogens due to its ability to trap them and disinfect them. In order not to form a sulfur plug in the ear, prevention should include the following actions:

  • Controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood. Its increase can lead to thickening of sulfur.
  • Avoid getting cold water in your ears, use special plugs for diving.
  • Sudden changes in pressure and temperature, dry air are undesirable. The recommended humidity in the room is 60-70%, temperature - 20-25 degrees.
  • Use cotton swabs less often. Cotton turundas are more suitable for cleansing the ears.
  • Frequent use of earplugs is contraindicated.

Once a month, it is advisable to rinse the ears:

  1. Take a syringe or syringe without a needle.
  2. Collect saline or warm water.
  3. Pull back and up.
  4. Pour the liquid along the upper wall of the ear canal with a stream of medium intensity.

Foreign bodies that enter the ear from the outside are living (insects) and inanimate (various small objects). Inanimate most often fall into the ears of young children. To prevent a foreign body in the child's ear, all small objects should be removed in an inaccessible place, and hygiene should be observed. If it did happen, do not try to remove a foreign body from the ear on your own. Due to inept actions, he can move even further along the ear canal.

Drops for the prevention of ears

If there is a tendency to form sulfur plugs, cleansing ear drops are used as a preventive measure. They are water or oil based.


Composed of pharmaceutical olive oil. Drip daily 1-2 drops in each ear. Contraindicated in perforation of the eardrum and allergy to the drug. Vaxol moisturizes and softens sulfur, eliminates infections.


It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. Can be used by children from 1 year old. Contains lidocaine and phenazole. It is used exclusively as directed by a doctor.


A gentle cleanser and moisturizer that does not cause allergies. Instilled 2 times a month, 1 ml in the ear.

Remo Wax

The safest drug contains allantoin. For preventive purposes, use 3 or 4 times a month. Do not use for discharge and pain in the ear, broken eardrum.

Aqua Maris Oto

Consists of specially prepared sea water. Contraindicated in the inflammatory process in the ear, damaged eardrum.

Hydrogen peroxide 3%

Before use, the product is heated to 37 degrees. For prevention, drip 1-2 times a month.

Before using any drug, you should consult with an otolaryngologist. If a rash, irritation occurs, the use of the product should be discontinued.

Prevention of ear injuries

You can damage your ears in any conditions: at work, at home, in the gym, at a picnic. There are the following types of injuries:

  • chemical - a consequence of a substance irritating the skin getting into or into the ear;
  • thermal - the result of exposure to too low or high temperatures;
  • mechanical - occur after impact;
  • acoustic - a consequence of prolonged or short exposure to too loud sound.

Self-medication or inaction for ear injuries can lead to hearing loss and other complications. After damage, it is urgent to contact an otolaryngologist to prescribe the correct treatment.

To avoid damage to the ears of various kinds, you should follow these rules:

  1. Prevention of acoustic ear injuries in people working in production with high noise levels is the use of special headphones.
  2. In industrial premises, there should be sound-absorbing finishing of walls and ceilings. It is impossible for high-frequency noise to exceed 85 von, mid-frequency - 90 von, low-frequency - 100 von.
  3. The volume of music, TV, computer should not exceed 40 decibels. For control, you can use a sound level meter, you can buy it or install it on any gadget.
  4. To avoid thermal damage, use hats in cold weather and hot sunny days.

Protecting yourself from mechanical injury is difficult. Only avoiding situations in which they occur will help reduce the risk. 9587 Katerina Ostrovskaya 13.03.2019

Katerina Ostrovskaya - general practitioner. Family doctor, nutritionist. Head of the branch in the medical network "Healthy Generation". Expert and author of articles on the treatment and diagnosis of therapeutic diseases on popular medical forums and Internet projects. Instructions for the use of furacilin positions the agent as an antimicrobial external preparation of local action. The drug disinfects, stops purulent-inflammatory processes....

The ear is an organ with a unique structure. It consists of three parts - the outer, middle and inner ear.

Symptoms and treatment of the most famous ear diseases in humans

The classification of ear diseases contains a large number of pathologies of inflammatory, traumatic, fungal and non-inflammatory origin. Consider the most common ear diseases and the features of their therapy.


Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the auditory tube. Its causes are infections of the nasopharynx, rapidly spreading to neighboring tissues.

What causes eustachitis:

  1. nasal congestion;
  2. acute pharyngitis;
  3. allergic rhinitis;
  4. hay fever;
  5. scarlet fever;
  6. measles;
  7. adenoiditis.

Less often, eustachitis is caused by neoplasms in the nasopharynx, nasal tamponade during bleeding, turbinate hypertrophy, and deviated septum.

Eustachitis symptoms:

  • ear congestion;
  • hearing loss;
  • noise and heaviness in the head;
  • temperature increase.

For therapy, drugs of various groups are prescribed:

  1. Antihistamines: Cetirizine, Diazolin, Zodak.
  2. Vasoconstrictive nose drops: Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin.
  3. Ear drops: Tsipromed, Normaks, Otofa, Otipaks, Sofradex.
  4. Nasal sprays: Nasonex, Momat Rino.
  5. Antibiotics:, Flemoxin.
  6. : , .

In severe cases, it is necessary to wash the auditory tube with a special catheter, and treat with antiseptic or antibacterial solutions: Furacilin, Gentamicin.

Fungal lesions

Ear diseases of fungal origin are called. Most often, the fungus infects the outer and middle ear, if you do not follow the rules of hygiene and do not treat scratches and wounds.

What causes otomycosis:

  • mechanical lesions of the skin;
  • sores in the ear (pimple, boil, insect bite);
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • diseases of the human auricle;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor hygiene.

Symptoms of a fungal disease in the ears are expressed by itching, peeling, redness of the skin. With the progression of otomycosis, swelling develops, the ear canal narrows, noise in the ear appears and hearing decreases. If the fungus infects the eardrum, then fungal myringitis is diagnosed, which has symptoms similar to otomycosis.

Therapy of all fungal infections is carried out with the help of antimycotic drugs:

  1. Tablets: Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, Pimafucin.
  2. Solutions: Clotrimazole, Naftifin, Candibiotic, Candide.

To relieve itching and swelling, antihistamine tablets are prescribed: Loratadin, Zirtek. To reduce the temperature and eliminate pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are needed: Ibuprofen, Nimesulide. Be sure to follow a diet low in carbohydrates and fats.

Traumatic disorders

Traumatic diseases of the ears are classified into two types - mechanical and acoustic. There are also injuries to the outer, middle and inner ear.

External ear injury

The most susceptible to mechanical stress, but at the same time, its damage is the least dangerous, since it rarely leads to damage to the deep structures of the hearing organs.


  1. gunshot wound;
  2. cuts;
  3. blows;
  4. falls;
  5. chemical and thermal burns;
  6. frostbite.

As a result of traumatic diseases of the ears, a person develops symptoms of a very diverse nature:

  • wounds;
  • hematomas;
  • breaks;
  • tumors;
  • pain;
  • bleeding.

Wounds are treated with antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution. If necessary, apply a bandage with Levomekol ointment to prevent infection. Tears and severe injuries may require plastic surgery to restore the ear to its normal shape.

middle ear injury

Occur due to acoustic and mechanical lesions. Acoustic is the result of a sharp pressure drop in the ear canal, an airplane flight, and even strong kisses on the ear.

Causes of mechanical damage:

  1. strong blows;
  2. negligence during medical manipulations;
  3. foreign body damage.


  • sharp pain;
  • bleeding;
  • partial or complete deafness.

Therapy is carried out in a hospital, where the patient is examined and the degree of damage is determined. In some cases, surgical treatment is required. But, in any case, antibiotics are prescribed - Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, to prevent the development of inflammation.

Informative video: Otitis media

Inner ear injury

These are the most severe ear diseases in humans. They occur with craniocerebral trauma, strong blows, gunshot wounds.

Clinical signs:

  • severe pain;
  • discoordination;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • noises in the head;
  • neurasthenic syndrome.

Injuries require long-term observation and careful examination. Treatment is aimed at preventing the development of cerebral edema and inflammation of the meninges. In some cases, surgical removal of fragments and necrotic tissue is required.

Dangerous Complications

Complications of ear diseases depend on the type of disease. Inflammatory processes lead to infection of other ENT organs, resulting in the development of pathologies such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Complications of otitis media and fungal infections:

  1. Myringitis is a lesion of the eardrum.
  2. Mastoiditis is inflammation of the mastoid process.
  3. Labyrinthitis is inflammation of the labyrinth.
  4. Paralysis of the facial nerve.
  5. Thrombosis of the venous sinus.
  6. Transition to the chronic form.
  7. Relapses.

With improper or untimely treatment of ear diseases, the infection enters the bloodstream and infects the internal organs. The greatest danger occurs when the meninges are infected - the risk of developing encephalitis, meningitis or brain abscess increases. That is why any manifestations of ear diseases require an immediate visit to the otolaryngologist.

Diseases of the human auricle lead to inflammation of the cartilage tissue and the development of perichondritis. A long-term inflammatory process that affects the cartilage provokes necrosis, which can lead to deformation of the shell.

Some diseases of the human ear lead to partial or complete hearing loss, which can only be eliminated by a surgical method - stapedoplasty or hearing aids. And not in all cases full recovery is possible.

Preventive measures

Knowing the causes of ear diseases, they can be avoided by following simple precautions.

What rules must be followed:

  • treat infections in a timely manner;
  • monitor the condition of the oral cavity;
  • do not put sharp objects in your ears;
  • avoid getting water in the ears;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • harden;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • properly treat wounds and insect bites.

Attention! After recovery, the body must be allowed to fully recover in order to avoid a relapse.

Prevention of ear diseases is necessary for those who are prone to frequent colds or have chronic pathologies of an infectious nature. Special care should be taken by athletes, swimmers and those who work in hazardous industries. Patients with diseases of the ears should treat their pathologies, adhering to medical prescriptions, not allowing self-treatment.

Informative video: Prevention of hearing loss

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