Parting words to graduates in verse and prose. Touching and beautiful wishes and congratulations to graduates

Decor elements 18.10.2019
Decor elements

Dear graduates,
Good luck and happy travels!
I want to wish you good luck
You are on the school doorstep today.

I want the path to be bright
So that the wind is always fair.
So that he won't let you roll,
Scattered all barriers and networks.

I want you to go ahead
In the life of everyone, let the top await.
I want the world to know you
To remember every name.

The school years have passed.
And now it's up to you
Path selection time
And there are not many roads.

How to choose just one?
Let school experience help.
But he will find his star
Only honest and worthy.

Only those are always lucky
Who reaches the goal
Difficulties do not count
He overcomes them.

Happy journey everyone!
All hope and good luck!
Believe in your strength.
Success will be, not otherwise!

Congratulations on graduation. You do not just say goodbye to school, you open the doors to the world of growing up and independent decisions, to the world of new opportunities and aspirations. And I want to wish you never regret anything and never doubt your strengths, boldly go towards your dream and always listen to your heart. Good luck to you on any path that you would not have chosen, as well as health, optimism, youthful hopes and inspiration.

Today is your holiday
Your graduation
The school stayed
Behind you.

Faithful wish
Choose your path
Following a dream
Move mountains.

I wish you
Not afraid of barriers
And in difficulty
They didn't step back.

I wish you the top
Conquer your own
And in people's lives
Become real.

What to wish? Of course, success
Let them wait for you all around!
Live in rhythm, but at the same time without haste,
To enjoy every new day!

I want to pass my exams
To enter a prestigious university!
Great happiness awaits you, without fail,
You can make your dreams come true!

Even though you are children, you are already big,
Independent, adults almost,
For us, you have become close, dear,
Hard and easy paths await you.

Everything in life will be joy and adversity,
Study and work day and night
Love, separation, meetings and departures,
And we are always ready to help you!

Don't forget us teachers
And come to school like home
Now, good luck, friends, goodbye,
Let life flow like a rich river!

We wish you happiness in graduation!
Walking the difficult road
Don't give up on your dreams
And never forget

Your friendly and fun class
And what the peaks are waiting for you.
Take them very boldly.
And surprise everyone with success!

Lessons left behind
Diaries, changes, call.
Juice squeezed out of the teacher?
Or is he the other way around?

Parting is inevitable
And it's time to move on.
You are ready, there is a vital core.
We wish you good luck on your journey.

As the night disappears with the dawn
Thus good conquers all evil.
Everyone should just be human
No matter how high he was skidded.

Beautiful, elegant, large,
For the school and teachers, you are all relatives,
You are proudly called graduates,
You have invested in patience and work.

You go through life cheerfully, boldly,
May good luck accompany everything
And no matter what you do,
May only joy be in him.

Here is the school behind
warm spring,
Like a happy ending
Here it is.. graduation.

We wish you adrift
Swim forward with your life
And strive towards your goals
Reach your heights.

Your parting word is this -
Don't lose your thirst for knowledge!
Come visit the school
Talk about success.

At a solemn moment, guys,
Congratulate everyone is very happy.
Say goodbye to school today.
Only happiness to you and not to meet barriers.

Let only glorious life be
Excitement, success and positive.
Let help be sure
All of you are enthusiastic and creative.

Let it be lucky in science, business,
May a faithful friend be near
May there always be strength in the body,
Let everything pleases around.

All words from parents to graduates of 4th, 9th and 11th grades transmitted at the last bell holiday necessarily contain congratulations on the end of the school year and inspiring parting words for the future. To the children who have passed from primary to secondary school, mothers and fathers express their admiration in verse and prose and express the hope that children in the fifth grade will show perseverance and diligence in their studies.

Boys and girls who have completed the 9th grade are given the choice by adults to stay in school or leave and get a useful profession while going to college. It is appropriate to say these words seriously and solemnly, or to deliver a speech in a cool, funny way, raising everyone's mood and dispelling a slight sadness from parting with classmates.

Parting words touching to tears are prepared for 11-graders. Their adults recite at the line or at the prom, where smart guys gather for a farewell school ball.

Kind words of parting words from parents to elementary school graduates

Beautiful and kind words of parting words from parents to elementary school graduates inspire new achievements. Moms and dads congratulate fourth graders on the end of the next academic year. Good, inspiring words are dedicated to children and they are recommended not to lose perseverance in studying the sciences, to believe in themselves and not be afraid of any obstacles. After all, primary school graduates are no longer timid kids who have just begun their studies. They are not embarrassed by a difficult lesson, a large homework assignment, or a request to take part in a talent competition. The guys fulfill all these requirements easily and do not even ask for help. Although, they are always happy if moms and dads show interest and attention to their school affairs.

Examples of kind parting words for primary school graduates from parents

In this section, we have collected the best examples of kind parting words for elementary school graduates. Moms and dads can take advantage of these developments and create their own original speech based on them. If time is short, it is quite appropriate to memorize these parting words, and then recite them with expression and congratulate elementary school graduates on their successful graduation.

Dear children, today you are graduates. And although it is still far from the 11th grade, you have already successfully overcome the first important stage of your studies. Ahead of the fifth grade, which means that you are waiting for a lot of new subjects, interesting lessons, exciting activities and fun, sonorous changes. We wish to remain a friendly class, help each other to overcome any problems and certainly achieve great success in their studies.

The fourth grade is over

Your graduation today, kids.

We wish you great success,

Let childhood beckons with bright light.

May everything be successful in studies,

Let success be the reward

Let perky laughter and smiles

Destroy obstacles along the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,

Big and small victories

We wish you very beautiful

Such fun school years.

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage of school life and have successfully overcome the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now a more adult life begins and you have more serious goals in front of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Happy graduation 4th grade!

We are glad to congratulate you.

A new path in life awaits you

He leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations

New glorious adventures

Only positive ratings

And happy change.

Develop, don't be lazy

Learn everything important.

Good luck, bright days,

And cool and loyal friends.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates of elementary school! With what sincerely and congratulations! Now you are waiting for new subjects, teachers, you will have to work harder, try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

What parting words from parents will be nice to hear 9th grade graduates at the last call

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what kind of parting words from parents it will be nice to hear 9th grade graduates at the last call. This moment is due to the fact that most of the children remain in school and further, and some children go to college or to a vocational school.

We decided to help moms and dads with compiling the right parting speeches and prepared several options for successful congratulatory phrases with beautiful turns and kind words, perfect for a festive greeting to ninth grade graduates.

The texts below contain parting words for both children leaving the school walls and for children who are going to continue their studies. Parents can memorize these examples and then read them to their children at the final graduation party.

If you want to show originality, you should use the proposed words as a template, and on its basis compose your own exclusive parting speech containing wonderful congratulations and kind, inspiring wishes. Good words will move graduates to tears and inspire them to new achievements. After all, a child always wants to justify the hopes of his relatives and give them a reason to be proud.

Texts of parting words on the day of the last call for graduates of grade 9 from parents

It is not at all necessary that the texts of parting words on the day of the last call for graduates of the 9th grade from their parents be voluminous. It is enough to say a few phrases sincerely and wholeheartedly, and the guys will feel the love and deep affection of adults.

You've been together for nine years

All divided in half

It got, however, often

Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up

Became wiser at all

To make your happiness in life

You have definitely found it!

It seems that only yesterday was September 1st and the first call in your life rang for you! 9 years have flown by unnoticed, all the exams are over and today we celebrate your long-awaited graduation! You are faced with a difficult choice, whether to continue studying or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, we want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere deeds!

Ninth grade is over

Congratulations on this

A special, interesting path awaits you,

Today we sincerely wish

Don't turn away from it now!

We also wish everyone patience,

Fun, joy and live without trouble,

And do not lose the guys mood,

And do not be afraid of difficulties forever!

Dear our graduates! Congratulations on finishing 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we want to wish you an easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. May today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck, our beloved students!

Kind congratulations and parting words from parents to graduates of grade 11 on the last call

The kind words conveyed on the line from parents to graduates of the 11th grade penetrate deep into the soul and remain in the heart for life. Beautiful, tearfully touching congratulations on graduation, parting words for a happy future in prose and funny funny wishes in verse inspire children to new achievements and motivate them to persevere in achieving goals, never lose heart and move confidently along the chosen path. Listening carefully to their parents, children feel a surge of strength and a powerful belief in themselves, and inside they have a keen desire to become a source of pride for their family, friends and loved ones.

Options for congratulations with parting words in honor of the last call for 11th grade graduates from parents

A correctly composed parting word, said at the last call or the final graduation party, gives the event a special solemnity and significance. For a change, you can include in the text some funny phrase, a memory of an elementary school or a funny episode that happened to the guys in grades 9-11. This will make the parting speech more personal, and the children will once again feel a slight regret that the carefree and fun school years have already ended and will never happen again.

We will never forget how small you were. It seems that just recently we were collecting you in the first class, and today we were already collecting you in the last one. I remember your first meeting with the school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to the first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today, not only you have matured, but we have grown up along with you. Our dear ones, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely succeed and make all your dreams come true!

Dear children, today it is time for you to go to adulthood! I would like to believe in your future successes, because this is the only way it should be. Your energy and youth will serve as a guarantee for this. We wish each of you to realize your abilities to the maximum, be surrounded by good friends and manage to become happy.

Our dear children, today you say goodbye to school. Just one step separates you from adulthood. We wish you to boldly and confidently rise to a new level. Never lose faith in yourself, be persistent and persistent in achieving goals, sincerely love and appreciate friendship. And then everything will certainly work out. And we, your parents, will always be there to support you in difficult times and share the joy of victory.

Dear children, until recently funny and charming, you walked into the first grade, holding tightly to your parents' hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand. And we still want to take the child by the palm, lead us through this difficult life, bypassing all obstacles, substituting our shoulder. We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity. Final exams are ahead - excellent grades and let your expectations come true.

Our dear graduates, congratulations on your graduation! You are already quite adults - 11 years of hard study are now behind you, and you can safely move forward to higher knowledge, developing your qualities on your own. At such a young age, you are already big personalities. May each of you be truly happy in life and achieve everything you want. We wish you not to lose confidence in achieving your goals, to go easy through life with a ray of luck behind your back. I wish you great accomplishments, true knowledge, iron will and success ahead.

During the solemn part of the graduation (11th grade), parents should thank the teachers for the donated knowledge and for the years spent next to the children, give a beautiful gift and reinforce sincere feelings with an original response word in verse. The performance can be general for the entire teaching staff of the school or personal for each teacher. In any case, you should not learn primitive thanksgiving rhymes or tearful odes to your native “alma mater”. Let the original response from parents to teachers in verse at graduation in grade 11 be funny, funny, unusual.

Most often, the most active and sociable mothers and fathers are chosen for the organization. Parents make a plan of the room in advance, assign roles and rehearse. A cheerful verse is told by remarks, by stanzas or by lines. But even the most courageous mother can express the general opinion of the entire parental composition.

Parents' response to teachers in the form of poems at the 11th grade graduation

There are horoscopes of all stripes in the world,
Adults and children love them
Only Horoscope for teachers
No one has composed on the entire planet.
It's time for us to fix this mistake.
And make a teacher's horoscope.
won't give us Aries bleat at the blackboard -
He's a real wolf in sheep's clothing
But Taurus- not formidable bulls,
And good calves by nature.
Everyone Twins couples mercilessly sculpt,
Grunting angrily: "What kind of baby talk?"
At crayfish very tenacious pincers,
They don’t let go of the board for a long time!
You freeze stupidity - they back away,
BUT lions growl, but generously reward.
For Virgin appearance and affinity
More important than answers is content!
scales everyone wants justice
Yes, but the balance is unstable.
BUT Scorpion harbors a terrible poison,
Suddenly, how it stings - and there is a deuce in the magazine!
Shoots remarks Sagittarius,
Who can dodge - well done!
butt with Capricorn impossible,
The teacher is right - he knows in advance!
And with Aquarius It's also hard to argue
It will flood - and who will save you?
And you are silent when you go to the bottom, -
After all Fishes they love silence!
Now we know everything about teachers
And we are not afraid of any flood,
After all, the student will be unsinkable,
When will study this Horoscope!

Well, now, my main word,
People whose heart is about to break
To help, teach, suggest,
Somewhere to direct, save, support.
How much energy did they all expend?!
Every word is paid for by health.
Mothers, grandmothers, sisters and wives
How many hours do you stay at home?
How many minutes do you have for rest?
How often do you have to see your loved ones ...?
So that I don't tell you today
Everything will be pale and mean, and little ...
There is no other work like this in the world,
Which the planet would be proud of.
Only the TEACHER with endless labor
The planet was filled with eternal pride.
Death and Life, the abyss of pain and happiness,
Peace and war, indifference, participation -
Everything in this world is in your hands:
For former and current students.
(You can talk for a long time and very beautifully)
Everyone who is sitting in this hall today,
A lot of things would tell you.
But from everyone whose faces you see here,
Let me just bow to you.

11th Grade Graduation Musical Response from Parents: Remastered Song

No matter what the age of the graduates: the song always remains a favorite genre of all generations. Parents can take advantage of this and prepare a musical response to 11th grade graduation in the form of a remake song. Such a number will certainly amuse both the children, and the teachers, and the parents themselves. You can take one of the eternal hits as a basis and fill it with the appropriate text “from the heart”. Good track options for rework:

  • DDT "Autumn"
  • Animals "Districts-blocks"
  • Y. Shatunov "Ah, childhood, childhood"
  • M. Kristalinskaya "Top-top"
  • G. Leps "I'm going to live in London"

The musical response of parents at graduation in grade 11 - a reworked song - is a great opportunity for moms and dads to show their creative nature, be creative in choosing images, dream up outfits.

Song-alteration in response to parents to graduates of grade 11

Nothing more to catch
And even though my heart hurts
We'll have to leave
Completed school period
Our children's life is the door
Opened - the way is clear
Let's break up and now
And they and we are leaving


And we're leaving, leaving beautifully
Ninth, tenth, last mastered
And we're leaving, leaving beautifully

We will remember you all
our children teachers
Children are our common success
we can't live without each other
Our children life a door
Opened - the way is clear
Let's break up and now
And they and we are leaving

Ninth, tenth, last mastered
And we're leaving, leaving beautifully
Ninth, tenth, last mastered
And we're leaving, leaving beautifully

Everything comes to an end
But there will be no boredom at school
Other children will come to you
including our grandchildren
Our children life a door
Opened - the way is clear
Let's break up and now
And they and we are leaving

Ninth, tenth, last mastered
And we're leaving, leaving beautifully
Thanks to our school from all of us
We're leaving, we're leaving beautifully
We're leaving, we're leaving beautifully

Response word of parents with humor as a gift to the heroes of the occasion at graduation in grade 11

The response word of parents at the 11th grade graduation is not only an expression of gratitude to teachers, but also a great gift with humor for graduates. It’s not often that children get to see how strict moms and dads dance to a modern hit, shoot a short video with children’s nonsense, arrange an incendiary flash mob or demonstrate funny themed scenes in ridiculous costumes. Such a gift to native children will be remembered much more distinctly than any material gift.

Of course, the preparation of each of the above numbers requires time, imagination, courage and innovative thinking. Modest and shy mothers are unlikely to be able to overcome themselves and perform in public with a funny role. But if the parental staff does not care at all for the sake of the smile of the graduates, the act will be a success! Most popular options:

  • A short dramatization on a school theme;
  • Scene-remake of a fragment of a children's fairy tale or cartoon;
  • Dance flashmob;
  • Broadcasting a pre-filmed clip or a funny video clip;
  • A beautiful waltz performed by moms and dads;
  • Song-potpourri with elements of dance;
  • Photo presentation with collective pictures of teachers and graduates;
  • Chastushkas, poems, real stories-memories in prose from the school life of 11-graders;

Options for a response from parents to graduates of grade 11 - clips with humor

With a little work, you can make a completely unusual response from parents at graduation in grade 11 in a comic form. For example, a number-parody of contemporary pop artists. In it, each participant will become a double of a popular singer or singer. This means that Lady Gaga, Ksenia Sobchak, Timati, and even Madonna will visit the guys at the prom. Or you can alter a fragment from a famous film and play it by roles. With enough time to spare, parents can easily make a fun video of congratulations for each hero of the occasion to show it in the midst of the prom. There are a lot of ideas with a video for preparing an unusual response from parents in a comic form. It would be a wish!

Video examples of a comic response from parents at graduation in grade 11

The response word of parents at graduation in grade 11 is gratitude to teachers in verse or prose, a gift to graduates with humor in a comic form, a skit or a reworked song in memory of another generation of children released from school walls. Prepare your talk in advance with our ideas and videos.

At the very threshold of a hot summer, all schools in the country celebrate an amazing holiday that unites both sadness and joy - the Last Bell. This day is special for many people, but most of all for 11th grade graduates. At the solemn line, the most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose, parting words and good wishes for the last call from the class teacher, parents, and classmates sound in their address.

Wishes in prose for the Last Call 2017 to graduates from the director and teachers

The most difficult thing on the line of the Last Bell is for teachers, head teachers and the director. It is they who will have to pronounce the most responsible prose speech with wishes to graduates. And writing a beautiful and easily perceived text is not always as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, listeners can remember and appreciate only a sincere appeal filled with warmth and kindness. Fortunately, there are a few tips that make it easier to write a beautiful speech on the Last Call from the director and teachers:

  1. Initially, it is worth deciding on the form of the speech. Poems are more presentable, but prose always sounds sincere;
  2. Much longer I remember a speech that mentions real funny or sad moments from the school life of graduates;
  3. Any wishes in prose for the Last Call to graduates from the director and teachers should be light and harmonious;
  4. The time for upbringing and education is behind us. There is no need to fill your speech with unnecessary instructions and moralizing;
  5. The use of visual objects, presentations and videos is not at all superfluous during the speech. So the wishes from the director and teachers will be remembered by graduates for life.

Text of the best wishes to graduates from teachers and director on the last call

Dear children! How quickly the years have flown by. Eleven years ago you joined our school family. You declared yourself as new students who came to the school with serious intentions. With a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity, they entered the classroom.

But 4 years flew by quickly. You've moved on to high school. She greeted you with equations with many unknowns that you worked hard to solve. It seems like yesterday you were standing here - confused fifth graders. You timidly looked at me - your new cool mom. Since then, multi-colored asters have bowed to the school threshold seven times, seven winter blizzards have rustled. During the training, the teachers became like family to you, they left an indelible mark on your hearts.

What just was not in our school life: lessons, competitions, holidays, evenings, educational hours. Of course, not without broken glass, paper airplanes in the classroom, painted diaries, lost portfolios. All these are valuable drops of the big ocean of school life. Until recently, you tremblingly held the hands of your parents. Today the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children have turned into adult boys and girls who have a new, but such an interesting life ahead.

Today you solemnly celebrate the completion of the first stage on your life path. All this time you were supported by teachers, parents and I, your class teacher. And today the doors to a big world with a lot of opportunities have opened before you. Together we conquered new heights in the land of knowledge, learned to understand ourselves and each other, to defend our point of view and principles. These are the knowledge and skills that will help you emerge victorious from difficult everyday trials. Believe in yourself. You are unique individuals who are sure to succeed. Be worthy of the respect of others and please me, the class teacher, with your achievements.

Have a good trip!

Beautiful wishes for the Last call 2017 from the class teacher to graduates

A class teacher is not a position, but a way of life and a state of mind! Choosing beautiful wishes for the Last Call to graduates, the class teacher first of all thinks not about the form, but about the deep semantic content of the lines. And this task is not an easy one. In your speech, you can recall the years spent at school desks (the past cannot be put anywhere), but you must not forget about the future. A cool mom can wish the guys an easy life path, fast career growth, quick achievement of goals and overcoming all difficult obstacles. Beautiful wishes for the last call from the class teacher to graduates can be spiritual prose or deep meaningful poetry.

Examples of beautiful wishes to graduates from the class teacher on the last call

It's time to part

Sad custom in the country ...

Forget awards and titles -

Now we are on a par with you;

Will wither now in the office

Flowers without your care...

How fast you have grown children!

What a pity you have to go!

With a sad sob

Your final bell is ringing

And you won't be around anymore

And I conclude,

That there is no better than you in the whole world,

And it was not - that's the whole point! ..

Good luck grown kids!

Happy and good journey to you!

Today is your last call

Familiar to the pain, carried away in childhood,

And touching every corner of the soul,

It opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we became like a family,

It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!

A new path of life is waiting for everyone,

But autumn will still yearn for you!

You keep the memory of your school years,

Let everyone find their own way in life

Everything is now in your hands only,

And new goals are already waiting at the threshold!

So the day has come when it's time to leave

And thousands of roads lie under your feet.

Find the one that will bring you to the people.

May no one in life be happier than you.

Grade 11, you said goodbye to school.

I am happy for you. After all, in your new life

So many victories, discoveries and decisions are waiting for you ...

Get up, have a good time! Do not doubt.

Good wishes in verses for the Last call 2017 from parents

At the Last Bell, attention is paid not only to graduates and teachers, but also to parents. It was they who gave the school the next generation of students, they brought them up to grade 1, supported and instructed them throughout the 11 years of study. Thanks to diligent moms and dads, the parent committee was actively involved in social activities, supporting the school and ennobling the school grounds. End by end, on this responsible day, they are fully aware of the adulthood of their recently small children and strive to express the most important parting words for the future. Good wishes in verses on the Last call from parents do not have to be solemn or deeply lyrical. Short funny, maybe even funny lines also have a place to be.

Texts of good wishes to graduates on the last call from parents

Finished school marathon

The last bell is ready.

He will proclaim with a chime

The hour of departure into the world is new.

You, son, I wish

Stay the same smart.

Good luck in all your affairs

Anything you want to achieve!

On behalf of my parents, I want to congratulate you all.

Standing in front of me, catching a moment.

The last call, the school path will glorify,

Will open the door, leading to adult life.

After all, 10 years, crushing the granite of science,

And choosing the pearls of knowledge in it,

Led by a mentor without boredom,

You began to understand a lot of things.

From the first letters sought in the primer,

The teacher gave you his soul.

To the laws of life peculiar to the earth,

Brought, placing you firmly on dry land.

I thank the teachers, I am patient,

That our children were selflessly led.

In an effort to replenish the ranks, they are the first.

They taught life to love, so as not to pass by.

And I will not forget to wish, of course,

What is given, diligently multiply.

To the delight of everyone, work wholeheartedly.

And do not forget the school walls forever.

Only one wish;

Everything needs effort

Whatever path you choose in life.

You said goodbye to childhood.

Now find a way

To comprehend the main essence of life.

There is preparation for life

Skill and skill

And God did not offend you with the mind.-

Health is strength

And for happiness to be

You have to work hard to get it.

Work is the foundation of life

For the good of the whole Fatherland,

And so it will be good for you too.

Work or study

The goal is to be useful to people

And take place in your own destiny,

To be happy, successful

May not be sinless in everything,

But love life and with faith

Live in the heart

You deserve happiness!

And always stay tuned

Defeat any obstacles!

Funny wishes for the last call to classmates

The last call is the first truly adult and responsible event in the life of schoolchildren. This is a kind of line, crossing which graduates leave their childhood far behind. Many guys try in every possible way to delay the moment of saying goodbye to all their relatives, friends, safety and family. And others, on the contrary, are looking forward to this important step, furtively watching the older students. But both the former and the latter experience a slight sense of fear of the future and upcoming changes. It is not surprising that at the most solemn moment at the Last Bell, graduates prefer to give each other exactly funny and funny wishes. So it is easier to defuse the situation and create a relaxed atmosphere.

If you are looking for funny wishes for the Last call to classmates, look carefully at our collection. In it you will find several suitable options.

The coolest and funniest wishes on the last call to classmates

I congratulate you on your graduation!

The school has been our home for a long time.

We can talk about the universe like snobs

We will gird the torso with general ribbons,

Let's go out with an army of smart kids to scare.

At the last ball we will dance a letka-enka -

Ritual for growing up.

Let's scatter over the armies and institutions.

The girls will get married: there is no time to wait!

Let's celebrate Freedom Day cheerfully and cool,

To fit into a new collar after the ball.

So why run away from school in euphoria?

We leave penates and golden days,

So it didn't sit well. Would sit in the future!

At graduation, line up for the evening!

Congratulations to all classmates

With the sunset of the Mesozoic era:

Happy last school holiday!

I congratulate all who survived -

My girls, boys -

Good, cute, kind, redheads

And those who gave me cuffs!

Let's unite mammoth flock,

Let's rip hardwood floors!

Who does not dance - freezes,

Like a fly in a drop of resin!

Let our director remember

And with him - Vernadsky, Darwin, Bor,

That the path of growing up is not a vector,

A rough broken fence!

School is over, classes are over.

Reached the end - you're handsome, a hero.

Graduation is coming - we are rewarded for our work.

I congratulate you, girls, guys!

Beauties, smart and good girls,

Botanists, quitters and medalists -

We are all classmates, school fraternity,

Eleven years were trumpeted, "how hello."

Let the head teacher and the director not come in dreams.

Vivat long-awaited and sweet freedom!

There is a choice: work, pea coat, university.

We can do it, life opens the door for us!

Wishes for the last call to graduates from the class teacher, director, teachers, parents and classmates are best prepared and rehearsed in advance. In verse or prose, independently, in a duet or collectively: any wishes on the Last Bell will please graduates if they are sincere and from the heart.

To your attention, the best wishes to school graduates for grade 4, grade 9, grade 11 from teachers, directors, parents in prose (in their own words) in Russian.

Today is perhaps one of the most important holidays of your life - graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school, and so many roads are now opening into your new life. On this exciting day, I want to wish you to remember your school years, school friends and teachers always with warmth and joy. Make the right choice in your life and embark on a path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, go through all the failures and obstacles in order to acquire the benefits that you are now dreaming of.

Dear our graduates. I want to congratulate you on your graduation - the holiday of leaving school and entering a new, adult life. I wish you a smooth path and a fair wind in all your endeavors. May your life be full of goodness, love always lives in your heart, and there will be true friends nearby who will always support and help in difficult times!

So the next important stage in your life has come to an end. Now you are taking a step into an adult, more responsible life. And at this exciting moment, I want to wish you to always follow your dream and not back down, no matter how difficult it is. Success and good luck!

Today is the day when you leave your native school, and the further path that you choose now depends only on you. Here we tried to teach you to be sincere, responsible, independent and sensitive. Within our walls, you have learned to be friends, defend your opinion, love to learn new things and treat knowledge with care. That is, we tried to give you the basis of what it is impossible to become a real person without! We wish you not to lose all these skills and knowledge, but to increase them and apply them in life to achieve your goals. Good luck and success!

I congratulate you on an exciting and bright holiday - on your graduation day. I wish you patience and strength for further adulthood. Let there be as many pleasant surprises ahead as possible, and let your life path be sunny and even.

This is the end of the school years in your life! During all this time, you have turned from touching little chicks into real birds that are ready to fly towards the unknown, spreading their wings wide. A long exciting life is ahead of you, and we wish each of you to find yourself in this life. May all the skills and knowledge you have acquired within these walls help you in your further achievements. Have a good trip!

I sincerely congratulate you on your graduation and wish you to boldly follow the path of adulthood, simultaneously fulfilling your plans. Let stubborn character and luck, support of loved ones and good mood help you in everything.

Graduation is a memorable and exciting event in the life of each of us. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we enter into a new adult and independent life. So let each of us today be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said warm words will never be forgotten.

Today you get a ticket to a new life and the doors to childhood are closed forever. Let this be your starting point for entering into an eventful, happy youth. May youth give you many chances, most of which will resonate in your heart and be implemented successfully. Let the roads on the path of life be chosen correctly, and the temptation to turn onto a narrow path will not force you to abandon the right goal.

Congratulations on graduation! For young people, as you know, all doors are open. So let the doors you enter lead you to happiness, joy and fulfillment of your plans. May what you achieve make your family, friends and teachers proud of you and remember you with nostalgia.

I congratulate you, my dears, on your graduation and I want to wish you great and bright expectations, promising and grandiose plans, self-confidence, more happiness and good luck in your independent journey.

Congratulations on your graduation ball and I want to wish you to successfully enter adulthood, achieve your goals with the support of family and friends. Optimistic mood for life and bright happiness.

I want to congratulate you, dear graduates, on your holiday and from the bottom of my heart wish you good luck and success in your subsequent adult life, find yourself in this life and be happy!

Congratulations to students, parents and teachers on an incredible exciting holiday - graduation ball. Let everything spin like a whirlwind in a festive dance on this day: the solemnity of the event, farewell to classmates, school fate, fantastic outfits, memories, the magic of the moment, joy, awe, excitement, congratulations, tears of happiness.

Congratulations on an important event in your life - a serious step into an adult, independent life. On your graduation, I wish you self-confidence in taking your goals, support from your family and strong love, good luck and bright light on your life path, brilliant success and good ideas, true friends and happiness without any interference.

So the exciting and a little sad day of farewell to the native school has come. This day marks the beginning of new stages in your life - growing up, setting goals, high aspirations, interesting ideas and independence. I congratulate all of you on the holiday and I want to wish you to boldly and confidently enter a new, more independent life, decide on your most cherished desires and take the right course for their fulfillment!

Today, on the day of your long-awaited graduation, I want to wish you to fly like a free bird from the porch of your native school towards your desires and dreams. I also want to wish you to always achieve your goals, so that you never disappoint your hopes. And at any time of the year and anywhere in the world, always remain a good, happy and kind person.

Dear graduates! This day marks the time of your entry into an adult, independent life. Today you leave the walls of your native school and take the first serious steps into adulthood. We want to wish you courage and strength and courage to overcome any life difficulties. Do not be afraid of obstacles - always boldly make the right decisions based on the mind and feelings.

Today, on a wonderful and important holiday for all of you, I want to wish you in your future adult life to realize everything that you have planned for yourself, what you dreamed about. Let there be only surmountable obstacles on your life path. Do not forget your teachers and how much strength and patience they have invested in you. Happy holiday!

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