Past perfect tense. Past perfect

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Past perfect is used when it is important for the speaker to emphasize the completeness of the action up to a certain moment in the past, therefore, in the bulk of sentences where this time is used, there are clear time indicators - this should be paid attention to if you are faced with the task of setting the desired temporal form. But let's talk about everything in order.

Drinking Past Perfect

Past perfect used to express:

  • Actions that began and ended before a moment in the past. The moment can be indicated by time, by another action, or by a situation.

Jessica had finished her essay by then. - By that time, Jessica had finished her essay.

Natalie felt wretched. She hadn’t slept well for two nights. - Natalie felt overwhelmed. She hadn't slept well the last two nights.

After everybody had left, Susan began packing hurriedly. “After everyone was gone, Susan began to pack her things in a hurry.

  • Consecutive actions preceding the moment in the past.

Suddenly Luis realized that someone had opened the gate and had put a letter on the lawn. - Lewis suddenly realized that someone had opened the gate and put the letter on the lawn.

Using Past Perfect instead of Past Perfect Continuous.

Also on the site there is a translation into Russian.

Past perfect- the past perfect tense. Its peculiarity is that it is not used in speech on its own and is necessarily tied to another action. Why would the British need this? The reason lies in their love for order and organization. In Russian, we use one tense to express all past actions. We list a few events, then go back to another event that happened before all the others. An Englishman will never allow such "chaos" in his speech. If he forgot about an important event that happened before everyone else, he will report it in a specially designated time - Past perfect.

How Past Perfect is formed


Predictable in Past perfect consists of two parts: an auxiliary verb had and the third form of the main verb (we add the ending to the regular verb - ed, and the shape of the irregular one is taken from the third column).


In a negative sentence between an auxiliary verb had and a particle appears in the main verb not.

As in many other times, in Past perfect there are abbreviated forms that are used in colloquial speech. In an affirmative sentence had is combined with a pronoun, in negative - with a particle not... For instance:

  • I'd done.
  • You’d decided.
  • I hadn’t done.
  • You hadn’t decided.


An interrogative sentence begins with an auxiliary verb had followed by the subject and main verb.

In order to consistently study Past perfect, we have divided all of its functions into three levels. In the green box, you will find what you need to know at the beginner level, in the yellow one for the medium level, in the red one for the high level.

Drinking Past Perfect

First level

Past perfect always goes hand in hand with another action in the past. Past perfect shows an action that happened before another action or a certain moment in the past. Another action in the past is most often indicated by Past simple, while special words can be used: by... (to some time / moment), after(after), before(before, before), when(when), earlier(before), first(first, first).

We arrived at the station at 7.30, but the train had left... - We arrived at the station at 7:30, but the train is already gone. (first the train left, then we arrived at the station)

He had been a usual clerk before he became a successful businessman. - He was an ordinary clerk before that, how became a successful businessman.

Often Past perfect explains the reason: we want to show that the action expressed Past perfect, caused another action to take place.

He was hungry. He hadn’t eaten for eight hours. - He was hungry. He did not eat eight hours.

She couldn’t buy a new pair of shoes as she had lost her credit card. - She couldn't buy a new pair of shoes because lost credit card.

Time Past perfect similar in meaning to Present perfect with the difference that the time of action takes place not in the present (now), but in the past (then).

They are not at home. They have gone shopping. → They were not at home. They had gone shopping.
Their No Houses. They gone go shopping. → Their did not have Houses. They gone go shopping.

Another common feature Present perfect and Past perfect- adverbs just(just), already(already), yet(already, yet).

They were moving to another country, but they hadn’t told their parents yet... - They moved to another country, but haven't told yet about this to my parents.

The most common mistake made with Past perfect- use this time where it is not needed, most often instead of Past simple... For example, when we talk about a simple action that happened a long time ago. remember, that Past perfect only works when there are two actions.

I learned English at school. - I AM learned English at school.
I had learned English before I entered the university. - I AM learned English before that, how entered the University.

Where else is Past Perfect found?

Average level

  1. Past perfect shows that the action began in the past and continued until a certain point in the past. Prepositions already familiar to us are often used here. for(during) and since(since).

    He didn’t want to drive that car anymore. He had driven it for 30 years. “He didn't want to drive that car anymore. He drove her 30 years old.

    Her speech was impressive. She had worked on it since Monday. - Her speech was impressive. She worked over her since Monday.

    This feature is not fully applicable to Past perfect, she rightfully belongs Past Perfect Continuous. Past perfect in this sense is used with state verbs (), that is, verbs that cannot "last".

    Before we talked, Mary had been upset for three days. She had been crying all this time. - Before we spoke, Mary was upset for three days. She cried all this time.

  2. V Past perfect, As in Present perfect, there is a function with which we share personal experiences. The difference is that Past perfect we use when it comes to our experiences in the past.

    The last week of my holidays was the worst week I had ever had... - The last week of my vacation was the worst week I have ever had was.

    By the time I moved to Dublin I had written seven books and I was working hard on the eighth. - By the time I moved to Dublin, I wrote seven books and actively worked on the eighth.

Difficult use cases for Past Perfect

High level

  1. Past perfect used after if in conditional sentences of the third type (). This type of conditional shows regret for the past. We could have done something in the past if we had fulfilled the condition, but in the present we can no longer change the situation.

    If I had known about your problem, I would have helped you. - If I am knew about your problem, I would help you.

    If you had read the morning newspaper, you would have agreed with me. - If you was reading the morning paper, you would agree with me.

  2. Past perfect used in constructions hardly ... when and no sooner ... than... These constructs show that one action happened immediately after another. The peculiarity is that they use the reverse word order, as in the question. Such sentences are translated into Russian using the words "as soon as", "I did not have time", "barely I".

    Hardly had the plane landed at the Miami airport, when it started to rain. - Barely airplane landed at Miami airport, how it started to rain.

    No sooner had I chewed my sandwich than somebody knocked at the door. - Did not have time I am chew your sandwich, how someone knocked the door.

  3. In modern English Past perfect are increasingly being replaced by Past simple especially in American English. We can use Past simple instead of Past perfect if the sequence of events is clear from the context. Such sentences contain the words after(after), before(front), earlier(before), first(first, first), etc.

    After he had finished repairing his car, he took a shower. = After he finished repairing his car, he took a shower. - After he finished fixing the car, he took a shower.

    I agreed to meet her though I was angry with her as we had quarreled earlier... = I agreed to meet her though I was angry with her as we quarreled earlier... - I agreed to meet with her, although I was angry with her, because we had a fight.

    This rule does not work with the union when(when): changing the time may change the meaning of the entire sentence.

    When we came home, she had cooked already prepared dinner. (Past Perfect means dinner was made before we got home)

    When we came home, she cooked dinner. - When we got home, she prepared dinner. (Past Simple shows that we came home first, and then she cooked dinner)

The more complicated time seems, the less values ​​it has. This rule also applies to Past perfect... The main thing to remember is next to Past perfect there must be one more action in the past. To better remember this time, take the test and download the table, in which you can always spy on and refresh your knowledge.

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Past Perfect - past perfect tense in English

If I ask: What is Past perfect? Most of you will answer without hesitation that this is the time that expresses the past action before another past.

How time is formed Past perfect? Just like Present Perfect, only instead of have and has used had: had + V3 / Ved.

In theory, these facts about Past perfect everyone who crossed the line knows intermediate, but in practice the situation is worse. The existence of Past Perfect is constantly forgotten and used instead. Past simple because it's easier that way.

In addition, it is believed that Past Perfect is not used in English. It is not true. There are times when it really can be replaced with time. Past simple, but besides this, Past Perfect has its own, special functions in the English language, which is why it was singled out at a separate time. Let's take a look at these functions.

1. Past before past.

Past perfect should be used in all cases when we have several actions, but it is not clear which action happened first. Let's take a look at the situation:

We arrived at the station. The train left. - We arrived at the station. The train has left.

What happened first: did we arrive or did the train leave? Did we catch the train or waved after him? How to combine these two actions into one sentence so as not to lose meaning?

If we still caught the train, then we use Past Simple (actions that happened sequentially one after the other):

We arrived at the station and the train left. - We arrived at the station and the train left.

But, if we were not lucky, and we still missed the train, then we use Past Perfect:

We arrived at the station but the train had left. - We arrived at the station, but the train has already left.

In the second situation, we did not even see the train, because the action ended before we arrived... To show this sequence, we simply cannot do without Past Perfect.

Of course, you can express yourself in simple sentences, without combining them into one and without bothering about the times:

The train left. We arrived at the station. - The train has left. We arrived at the station.

If you report events in the order in which they occurred, then there will be no problems, you will be understood. But don't you think that this way of expressing thoughts is somewhat simple, in life we ​​do not say that? We now and then return, as it were, "from the past to an earlier past," referring to earlier events. I want to combine these two actions into one sentence with the words before, but, long before, prior to, and therefore, to denote an earlier action, we will use Past Perfect.

Another situation:

I came home but Jane had already left. “I came home, but Jane had already left.

She left before I came, I did not see her. Past Perfect shows us that this action completed before I arrived. If you use Past Simple in this sentence, then the interlocutor may get the impression that she left after I came, that is, we saw each other.

Hopefully clear enough. In addition, Past Perfect can overlap in use with, with the only difference that instead of the present moment, we consider the action in terms of another past action. Past Perfect can be used with the same tense indicators as Present Perfect, but always denotes an action that completed before another past:

I had never been abroad before I went to the USA last year. - I had never been abroad before I went to the United States last year. (Life experience in the past)

Had you ever met his sister before she came to us? - Have you ever met his sister before she came to us? (Life experience in the past)

She had already graduated from University when they offered her a job. “She had already graduated from university at the time they offered her the job. (Action completed by a moment in the past)

My boss was angry with me yesterday because when he called me I hadn’t finished my report yet. “My boss got mad at me yesterday because when he called me I hadn’t finished my report yet. (Action unfinished by a moment in the past)

He was happy because he had just got a promotion. - He was happy because he had just been offered a promotion. (Action completed shortly before another action, result)

2. The past before the past with the indication of a specific time.

Usually, with Past Perfect, a specific time is not indicated. But in some cases, the speaker can indicate the time when it really matters:

I had seen such a quick runner only once in 1977 before I visited that competition in 1985. - I only saw such a quick runner in 1977, before I attended that competition in 1985.

This team had won twice in 2000 and 2003 before they obtained victory last year. - This team won twice: in 2000 and 2003 before they won last year.

An important fact is that in sentences of this type, Past Perfect can easily be replaced by Past Simple, because the dates and the word before let us know which action preceded the other.

But do not forget that if a specific time is not indicated, the use of Past Perfect is mandatory!

3. Long-term action before another past.

The next situation in which it is advisable to use Past Perfect is when the action began before another action in the past, and continued before it. Usually for such actions we use Past Perfect Continuous, but with state verbs we use Past Perfect, because state verbs are not used in the tense of the Continuous group. What's happened ? To show the duration, we use the for time pointer:

They had their old car for ten years when they bought a new one. “They had an old car ten years before they bought a new one.

She had been in Paris for four days when she visited the Eifel Tower. “She stayed in Paris for four days when she visited the Eiffel Tower.

In addition, the verbs work, teach, study, live are used with Past Perfect, despite the fact that they are not state verbs:

He had worked as a manager for two years before he was promoted. - He worked as a manager for two years before he was promoted.

I had studied English for five years when I joined this group. - I studied English for five years before joining this group.

4. In indirect speech.

Past Perfect is invariably used in indirect speech when aligning times. Past Simple and Present Perfect, when translating direct speech into indirect / indirect, are replaced by Past Perfect:

"I called you," he said. - He said that he had called me.
“I called,” he said. - He said he called.

"We had already read that book," they said. - They said that they had already read that book.
“We've already read that book,” they said. “They said they had already read that book.

5. In conditional sentences of the third type.

And the last use of Past Perfect in English: in conditional sentences of the third type. These are the conditional sentences in which we express regret for the past:

If we had left home earlier, we wouldn "t have missed the train. - If we had left home earlier, we would not have missed the train.

My boss wouldn’t have been angry with me if I had finished my report on time. “My boss wouldn't be angry with me if I finished my report on time.

So, Past Perfect, or "past before past", has the following use cases:

1. Past action that happened before another action in the past.

2. Past action that happened before another action in the past with a specific indication of time and the word before (can be replaced by Past simple).

3. A past action that lasted a certain time before another action in the past (with state verbs, and work, teach,study,live).

4. Used in indirect speech instead of Past simple and Present perfect.

5. Used in conditional sentences of the third type.

Time markers Past Perfect:

1. The presence of another past action.
2. Already / yet
3. Just
4. Never / ever
5. For
6. When, before

In one of our next articles, we will compare the use of Past perfect and other past tenses. Stay tuned!

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Affirmative form

Subject had + Infinitive without to and ending -ed (form Past Participle for irregular verbs)

1. It was late and everyone had gone home already - It was late and everyone had already gone home.

  • had - auxiliary verb
  • gone - the Past Participle form of the irregular verb go

2. I saw him when he had just returned from his holiday - I saw him when he just returned from vacation.

  • had - auxiliary verb
  • returned - infinitive without to and ending -ed

3. She had woken up long before her alarm clock rang - She woke up long before her alarm rang.

  • had - auxiliary verb
  • woken - the Past Participle form of the irregular verb wake

negative form

Subject + had + not + Infinitive without to and ending -ed (form Past Participle for irregular verbs)

1. It was a lovely evening. We had not seen each other for a while - It was a wonderful evening. We haven't seen each other for a while.

  • had - auxiliary verb
  • not - negative particle
  • seen - the Past Participle form of the irregular verb see

2. When he called her in the office she had not arrived yet - When he called her in the office, she had not arrived yet.

  • had - auxiliary verb
  • not - negative particle
  • arrived - infinitive without to and ending -ed

3. I was happy he offered me a snack as I had not eaten anything - I was glad he offered me a snack, since I didn't eat anything.

  • had - auxiliary verb
  • not - negative particle
  • eaten - the Past Participle form of the irregular verb eat

Interrogative form

had + Subject + Infinitive without to and ending -ed (form Past Participle for irregular verbs)

1. Had you signed the document before you sent it out? - Did you sign the document before you sent it? (general question)

  • had - an auxiliary verb that stands still front subject to question
  • signed - infinitive without to followed by -ed

2. Where had you been before you traveled to China? - Where were you before you went to China? (special question)

  • had - an auxiliary verb that stands after the question word where and front subject
  • been - the Past Participle form of the irregular verb be

3. How long had you known each other before moving in together? - How long did you know each other before you started living together? (special question)

  • had - an auxiliary verb that stands after question word how long and front subject
  • known - the Past Participle form of the irregular verb know

# 2 Use Cases of Past Perfect

1. To express an action in the past that happened until a certain moment in the past.

  • On my way to work I realized I had taken the wrong bus - On my way to work, I realized that I took the wrong bus. (the sentence describes a situation in the past where one action (had taken) precedes and completed before another action (realised) took place)
  • Exams started after the term had finished - Exams started after the semester ended. (the sentence describes a situation in the past where one activity (had finished) precedes and completed before another activity (started))

2. When listing past actions in chronological order (as they followed one after another), Past Simple is used. If the integrity of this chain is interrupted by the mention of an action that happened earlier, then Past Perfect is used to express this action.

  • I called the agent and asked a question about those tickets I had bought earlier - I called the agent and asked a question about those tickets I had bought earlier. (in this example, the chronological order of actions that occurred in the past (called, asked) is interrupted by the mention of an action that happened earlier (had bought))
  • We went to a shop, then went to the cinema to watch a movie and after that arrived at the restaurant where we had reserved a table - We went to the store, then went to the cinema to watch a movie, and then arrived at the restaurant where we had reserved a table table. ((went, went, arrived) is interrupted by mention of an action that happened earlier (had reserved))

3. After if, wish and would rather Past Perfect is used to express past actions that could have happened, but did not happen.

  • I wish I had been there at that moment - I wish I was there then.
  • I would rather they had not said that at all - I would rather they didn't say that at all.

4. We use Past Perfect instead of Past Perfect Continuous with those verbs that are not used in the tenses of the Continuous group. Usually Past Perfect Continuous is used when it comes to an event that has continued. for some time in the past before another action took place in the past.

  • She told me that they had been there for a week- She told me they were there for a week. (the verb to be is not used in the tenses of the Continuous group)
  • They had known each other for 10 years before they founded their company - They knew each other 10 years before they founded their company. (the verb to know is not used in the tenses of the Continuous group)

5. Past Perfect can be used with the following temporary words and expressions: after(after), as soon as(once), when(when), before(before), by the time (that)(by the time when). Please note that these words and expressions not always indicate the mandatory use of Past Perfect.

  • As soon as he had defended his dissertation they offered him a workplace - As soon as he defended his dissertation, he was offered a job.
  • I sat down to watch TV after everyone had left - I sat down to watch TV after everyone had left.
  • By the time they noticed the loss the suspect had already disappeared - By the time they discovered the loss, the suspect had already disappeared.

6. To express unfulfilled hopes and desires.

  • I had hoped to improve my English during that course, but I could not - I was hoping to improve my English on this course, but I couldn't.
  • I had wanted to give them a call but I was so busy - I wanted to call them, but I was so busy.

Past perfect is the past perfect tense in English. At its core, it almost repeats Present Perfect, but there are 3 differences:

1. Present perfect is used in simple sentences,
Past perfect - in hard-subordinate(i.e. consisting of 2 parts).

2. Present perfect is formed using "have",
Past perfect - with "had":

Present perfect
Past perfect

The secret to understanding Past perfect lies in the verb "h ad". Becoming auxiliary, "had" loses its meaning "had" and acquires the meaning of "already". More details about Past perfect education can be found on the page past tense education in English.

Rule 1. The task of Past Perfect is to show the sequence of events. The event that happened first in time is used in Past perfect. The one that happened second - in Past Simple. If you use the Past simple in both parts of the sentence, it is not always clear which event happened first. Let's demonstrate this with examples.

Let's consider one proposal in three variants:
First time - without using Past perfect,
the second and third - using Past perfect in different parts of the sentences.

Past perfect examples

first part of the sentence second part of the sentence
She prepared dinner when he came home.
She made dinner when he came home.
come - came - come
(3 forms of irregular verb)
Past simple Past simple

The sequence of events is not clear. With the use of Past perfect, the sequence of events became obvious:

She had prepared dinner when he came home.
She already made dinner when he came home.
Past perfect Past simple
She prepared dinner when he had come home.
She made dinner when he had already come home.
come - came - come
Past simple Past perfect

Rule 2. There is a situation when the Past perfect time cannot be replaced by any other time. It occurs in sentences with the word "if", but not always, but only in past tense... In English grammar, this situation is called the subjunctive mood in the past tense (conditional 3). In practice, it is quite rare.

Time Past perfect tens in the system of all past tenses demonstrates the following video:

To see the place of Past perfect among the 4 types of past tenses, the following illustrated table will help "

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