What does the expression fate and homeland mean. Class hour "fate and homeland are one"

The buildings 30.06.2020
The buildings

Unified All-Kuban class hour

"Fate and Motherland are one!"

for 5th grade students
Stulova Elena Valentinovna, teacher of mathematics, MBOU secondary school No. 7

resort city of Anapa
Brief job description .

A classroom hour devoted to discussing problems that will allow students to realize their involvement in the history of the large and small Motherland, pay tribute to the memory and respect for famous fellow countrymen, and become imbued with an understanding of the unity of the fate of every Kuban with Russia and their native land.
Goals : education of patriotism, a sense of pride in their homeland, region. Formation of an active life position, one's attitude to events.

Raising a sense of love and pride in their small homeland, expanding the knowledge of schoolchildren about events related to the participation of Kuban in the heroic events of the country and the region, the continuity of generations, the vital necessity of historical memory, cultivating respect for the moral experience of the older generation; promoting the moral development of children; encouraging them to analyze their own behavior, to enrich their moral experience.

  1. understanding the inseparable connection between the heroic pages of the history of Russia and the Kuban with the present day, the continuity of generations;

  1. development of interest and respect for the lives of remarkable people who have shown examples of civic service, the fulfillment of their patriotic duty.

  1. Raise the desire to become a patriot of their country.

Conduct form : hour of communication.
Registration : presentation, photographs, poems on sheets. Coat of arms, flag, anthem.

  1. Introduction by the teacher. Presentation(slide number 1)
- Today is the Unified All-Kuban class hour "Fate and Motherland are one!"
It is known that 2012 was declared the Year of Russian History by the President of the Russian Federation. Several significant dates are celebrated this year in the history of our Fatherland:

- 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood;

– 200th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812;

– 75th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory;

Listen to the proverb and answer the question: "Everyone has his own side."

Which side are you talking about? (side, side, native land, small Motherland - the place where a person lives, where he was born).
These words are used in colloquial speech.
- And how can you say it differently when you talk about your land with a sense of pride? (country, state, power, Fatherland, Fatherland, Motherland).
- Russia ... Motherland ... Fatherland ... - we hear these words for the first time in childhood, and throughout our life they are filled with a special, reverent meaning.

Motherland is also a great country with a great history,

this is the place on earth where a person was born and grew up,

where are the graves of his ancestors,

where he knew the first joys and failures.

After all, it is no coincidence that in difficult critical moments of their lives, people remember the place where they were born.

Where did you spend your childhood?
- And what is the Motherland?
Let's listen to a poem that Igor Gordeev will read : (student reads from a sheet)
(slide number 3,4,5,6,7)
If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.
In the puddles the first boats

The tramp of feet over the rope.

And a large, neighboring factory,

A loud joyful horn.
Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole...

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!
- Now let's think.

What is the meaning of the word "motherland" in this poem? (Motherland - edge).

In a large country, each person has his own little corner of the village, street, house. This is his little Motherland, the place where he was born. And our great Motherland - Russia - consists of many such small native corners.

We are all residents of Russia, citizens of Russia.

  1. What does it mean to be a citizen of your country?
(Teacher's story).
Citizen- a resident of a country who recognizes its laws, he loves his country,

is proud of her, experiences grief and joy with her, tries to

make her strong and rich.
- And what is needed in order for our Motherland to always be beautiful, rich, strong, to be proud of its sons and daughters?

(You must love your country, your homeland).
- What does it mean to love the motherland? (answers are heard).

Here's a look at the poster:
Slide number8 Love for the Motherland is:
1. Attachment to the place of residence.

2. Love for native nature, native language, traditions, culture.

3. Respect for the glorious historical past of the country.

4. Willingness to work for the good of the people, to stand up for the defense of the Motherland, to abide by the laws.

How can you call people who love their homeland so much?

(Citizens, patriots).
-And which of you can already call yourself a citizen of your country, a patriot of the country?
(Using a poster, the proof goes.
Points 1 and 2 are quickly reread, and it turns out that the children already have something to do with this.
Let's take a closer look at point 3).

- And now let's talk about people belonging to different generations, but they all have one thing in common - they are citizens, patriots of their country. They devoted their entire lives to serving the Motherland.
- Over the course of many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their Motherland more than once. Love for the Motherland and defense of the Motherland have always been inseparable concepts.
(Slide number 9
- Before you is a photograph of the monument to Alexei Danilovich Bezkrovny
In the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Foreign Campaigns of the Russian Army from the Black Sea Cossack Army, the Life Guards Cossack Hundred, the 9th foot regiment and the 1st combined cavalry regiment, more than a thousand Cossacks in total, the entire color of the then Cossacks, took part. The small number of troops at that time and the tense service for the protection of the border did not allow the allocation of large forces.

The Chernomorians also took part in the Battle of Borodino.

Field Marshal M. I. Kutuzov wrote: “The Cossacks do wonders: they destroy not only infantry columns, but also quickly attack artillery.”

A.D. Bezkrovny especially distinguished himself: “... Being on the right flank, he cut into the French battery with two platoons of his guards and, despite the enemy fire pouring down on him from all sides, killing a horse under him with buckshot, and the concussion he himself received from buckshot in his left leg, after all captured a cavalry colonel, an artillery officer and ten private Frenchmen.

Today, in the gallery of military glory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the memory of the Black Sea people is immortalized on several boards. In the ranks of hundreds, the future Kuban atamans A.D. Bezkrovny and N.S. Zavadovsky covered themselves with immortal glory.

Alexey Danilovich Bezkrovny.
Among the hundreds of Russian names shining in the rays of military glory, the name of the valiant Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army Alexei Danilovich Bezkrovny is attractive with special magnetism. He was born into a wealthy senior officer family. In 1800, fifteen-year-old Aleksey Bezkrovny, brought up in the military traditions of his grandfather, signed up for the Cossacks and left his father's house - Shcherbinovsky kuren.
Already in the first skirmishes with the highlanders, the teenager showed amazing skill and fearlessness.
In 1811, during the formation of the Black Sea Guards Hundred, A. Bezkrovny, an outstanding military officer who possessed extraordinary physical strength, had a penetrating mind and a noble soul, was enrolled in its original composition and honorably carried the title of guard through the entire Patriotic War of 1812 - 1814. For courage and bravery at the Battle of Borodino, Alexei Bezkrovny received the rank of centurion. During the retreat of Kutuzov's army from Mozhaisk to Moscow, the fearless Cossack fought off all attempts of the enemy to break forward for 4 hours. For this feat and other avant-garde military deeds, Bezkrovny was awarded a golden saber with the inscription "For Bravery". The retreating enemy tried to burn the ships with bread, but the guards did not allow the French to destroy the grain. For his valor, Bezkrovny was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree with a bow. At the request of Platov, Bezkrovny with the Black Sea hundred was enrolled in his corps. With the light hand of M. I. Kutuzov himself, the Cossacks called him "commander without error."
On April 20, 1818, Alexei Danilovich received the rank of colonel for military merit. In 1821, he returned to his father's land and continues to serve in the detachment of another hero of the Patriotic War, General M. G. Vlasov. In May 1823, he was sent with the 3rd Cavalry Regiment to the border of the Kingdom of Poland, and then to Prussia. From the next campaign, A. D. Bezkrovny returned to Chernomoria only on March 21, 1827. And six months later (September 27), he, as the best and most talented military officer, was appointed by the Highest Will as a military officer, and then as a Chieftain.
In May - June 1828, A. D. Bezkrovny with his detachment participated in the siege of the Turkish fortress of Anapa under the command of Prince A. S. Menshikov. For the victory over the Turks and the fall of the impregnable fortress, A. Bezkrovny was promoted to the rank of major general and awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree. Then - for new exploits - the second golden saber, decorated with diamonds.
Two traits were especially characteristic of the Bloodless: rare courage in battles and deep humanity in civilian life.
In January 1829, Alexei Danilovich commanded one of the detachments directed against the Shapsugs. In 1930, the Cossack knight again participated in the fight against the abreks, with the famous Kazbich himself, who threatened the Cossack city of Ekaterinodar. In the same year, he built three fortifications outside the Kuban: Ivanovsko-Shebskoye, Georgy-Afipskoye and Alekseevskoye (named after Alexei Bezkrovny himself).
The health of the famous ataman was undermined. His heroic odyssey is over. Appointment of A.D. The bloodless Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army caused envy in the circle of the tribal Cossack aristocracy. He, the hero of 1812, could fight and defeat the external enemies of the Fatherland. But he could not overcome the envious internal ones. Hounded by enemies, with an unhealed wound in his side, Bloodless lived in isolation in his Ekaterinodar estate. He gave 28 years of service to the Fatherland. Participated in 13 large military campaigns, 100 separate battles - and did not know a single defeat.

Back to slide #9

What do the words mean: "Willingness to work for the good of the people?"

(about work, about profession).

Hear how it's said in a poem by V. Lifshitz. (read by Oleg Tsvetkov)
(Student reads with sheet)
The table you are sitting at

The bed you sleep in

Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,

Plate, fork, knife...
And every nail, and every house,

And every slice of bread

All this is created by labor,

It didn't fall from the sky.
For everything that is created for us,

We are grateful to people.

The time will come, the time will come

And we will work.
slide number 10

An example confirming the poem was the fate of Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit

Raise your hand who knows what a sunflower looks like?

And who knows how this plant is connected with the name of V.S. Pustovoit?

Slide #11

Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit

Head of the Department of Breeding and Seed Growing and the Laboratory of Sunflower Breeding of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oilseeds. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician, Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.
A field of blooming sunflowers! Who didn't love them? Looking at such a field, one involuntarily remembers the name of a remarkable person who undividedly devoted his indefatigable energy and long life to it - this is Academician Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit.
It was he, the famous Russian breeder, who brought out disease-resistant, high-yielding and extremely oily varieties of sunflower.
Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit was born on January 2, 1886 in the settlement of Taranovka (Zmievsky district, Kharkov province).
In 1908, Vasily Stepanovich moved to the Kuban to work at the Military Agricultural School, and from 1990 became the assistant manager of the school.
Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit, as a teacher, gained a well-deserved authority and respect among his students - future rural specialists. In those same years, V.S. Pustovoit works as a local agronomist in the village of Petropavlovskaya (now the Kurganinsky district).
Vasily Stepanovich lectures. He writes popular pamphlets, teaches young people rational methods of cultivating the land. And literally storms the Kuban regional government with scientific recommendations, proposals, requests.
But the world-wide fame came to the scientist thanks to his work in the field of sunflower breeding and seed production, when Vasily Stepanovich set himself a daring task for that time - to create high-oil varieties. The outstanding Kuban breeder worked wonders, he bred winter varieties of wheat for the arid regions of the region and for regions with increased annual rainfall.
There are 160 scientific works published by the Kuban scientist in different years, and most of them are devoted to his favorite plant - sunflower. The main thing that the outstanding breeder strove for in his work was to increase the oil content in dry sunflower seeds.
In total, V. S. Pustovoit created 34 varieties of sunflower, of which 85 percent are zoned. The last selection work of Vasily Stepanovich was the Salyut variety - it was like a "swan song" of a tireless worker - a wonderful person of his native land.
On October 11, 1972, his heart stopped. But also by To this day, varieties obtained by the Soviet breeder Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit are considered world masterpieces of cultivated sunflower.
- Well, now, while you are schoolchildren, your main work is study, good and strong knowledge. But besides studying, you must also help the elders.
And now we have a photograph of our contemporary -Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko. (slide number 12)

One of the most famous pieces of music that every inhabitant of our region knows is the anthem of the Kuban (slide No. 12)

- The Kuban Cossack choir is the banner of our culture. And not only the Kuban, but the whole of Russia, - says the first deputy head of the department of culture of the region Vladimir Yareshko.

Composer, artistic director of the State Kuban Cossack Choir, Honored Art Worker and People's Artist of Russia, Honored Art Worker of Adygea, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Professor, Hero of Labor of Kuban, Academician of the International Academy of Information, Academician of the Russian Academy of Humanities, Dean of the Faculty of Traditional Culture of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Art, Chairman of the charitable foundation for the revival of folk culture of the Kuban "Sources ”, a member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Choral Society and the All-Russian Musical Society.
Born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya, Krasnodar Territory.
The future composer lost his father early, he died in the first months of the Great Patriotic War. The memory of her mother, Natalya Alekseevna, remained in the smell of the bread she baked, in the taste of her homemade sweets. The family had six children. Mom always worked, and when she worked, she usually sang. These songs so naturally entered the children's life that over time they became a spiritual need. The boy listened to the wedding round dances, the game of local virtuoso accordion players.
In 1956, Viktor Gavrilovich entered the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical School. After graduating from it, he became a student of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory. M. I. Glinka at the Faculty of Choral Conducting. Already in the 3rd year, V. G. Zakharchenko was invited to a high position - the chief conductor of the State Siberian Folk Choir. The next 10 years of work in this post is a whole era in the development of the future master.
1974 - a turning point in the fate of V. G. Zakharchenko. A talented musician and organizer becomes the artistic director of the State Kuban Cossack Choir. A happy and inspirational time began for the creative upsurge of the team, the search for its original Kuban repertoire, the creation of a scientific, methodological and concert-organizational base. V. G. Zakharchenko is the creator of the Center for Folk Culture of the Kuban, the children's art school at the Kuban Cossack Choir. But his main brainchild is the State Kuban Cossack Choir. The choir has achieved a stunning result in many venues around the world: in Australia, Yugoslavia, France, Greece, Czechoslovakia, America, Japan. Twice, in 1975 and 1984, he won the All-Russian competitions of the State Russian Folk Choirs. And in 1994 he received the highest title - academic, was awarded two State Prizes: Russia - them. M. I. Glinka and Ukraine - them. T. G. Shevchenko.
Patriotic pathos, a sense of belonging to the people's life, civic responsibility for the fate of the country - this is the main line of Viktor Zakharchenko's composer creativity.
In recent years, he has been expanding his musical and thematic range, the ideological and moral orientation of his work. The lines of poems by Pushkin, Tyutchev, Lermontov, Yesenin, Blok, Rubtsov sounded differently. The boundaries of the traditional song have already become narrower. Ballads-confessions, poems-reflections, songs-revelations are created. So the poems “I will ride” (to the verses of N. Rubtsov), “The Power of the Russian Spirit” (to the verses of G. Golovatov), ​​new editions of the poem “Rus” (to the verses of I. Nikitin) appeared.
The titles of his works speak for themselves - "Nabat" (to the verses of V. Latynin), "You cannot understand Russia with the mind" (to the verses of F. Tyutchev), "Help those who are weaker" (to the verses of N. Kartashov).
V. G. Zakharchenko revived the traditions of the Kuban military singing choir, founded in 1811, including in his repertoire, in addition to folk and author's songs, Orthodox spiritual chants. With the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the State Kuban Cossack Choir takes part in church services. In Russia, this is the only team that has been awarded such a high honor.
Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko - Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Traditional Culture of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Art. He conducts extensive research activities, he has collected over 30 thousand folk songs and traditional rites - the historical heritage of the Kuban village; collections of songs of the Kuban Cossacks were published; hundreds of arrangements and folk songs have been recorded on gramophone records, CDs, and videos.

So I think you now understand what it means to be patriot and citizen of his country. !
Summing up everything that has been said today, it must be said that everyone, with his actions and his work, can glorify his native land even today..

While you are schoolchildren, your main work is study, good and strong knowledge. But besides studying, you must also help the elders.
5. And now let's sum up our lesson .
At the end, listen to the poemV. D. Nesterenko "Our Motherland - Kuban"
Remember the lands of centuries

Every stone and barrow

Terrible hordes of Batu

And a Turkish scimitar.
ancient years paintings

It's hard to recreate.

Rivers, mountains and plains

By the will of Catherine

It needed to be protected.
Black Sea Cossacks -

Remote warriors -

They guarded the frontiers.

It was a dangerous life here.
To protect those spaces

I firmly stood up with the Cossacks

With the faithful army of Suvorov -

And stayed forever.
blown by the winds,

washed by the seas

And caressed by the rays,

Small homeland source.
He is loved immensely by us -

Sweet corner of the heart.
Generous Gift of the Empress

To our Cossack ancestors -

fertile land -

Gives us harvests.
Our land is the breadbasket of Russia.

The main symbol is a spikelet.

Under the endless blue sky

Let the grain flow grow.
They call our region a garden.

Everyone in the country knows for a long time,

That he is rich in grapes,

This is wonderful wine.
The people have a gigantic gift -

Our edge is fast for talents.

And an example of this is the Kuban

Glorious our Cossack choir.
All places are dear to us:

Krasnodar and wilderness

Our Motherland is Russia,

Our homeland - Kuban

See you next time!

SCENARIO Thematic class hour dedicated to the Day of the October Revolution "Fate and Motherland are one." Purpose: to give a general idea of ​​the history of the holiday and the events associated with 1917 .; educate interest in the study of the history of their country. Before the start of the concert, songs on the theme of October, the Motherland are heard. Leading. “There is no better companion than memory. Our heart is at one with her. She will find with her true eyes that it was so long ago. Good afternoon! Ved1. November 7, our country celebrates the 99th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. We are moving further and further away from this historical milestone. Great October is called the event of the past century. Ved2. However, as time passes, we understand more and more clearly that this was a conscious choice of generations. Vedas 1. On November 7, a memorable date is celebrated in Russia. The Day of the October Revolution On November 7 (October 25, old style), 1917, an armed uprising took place in Petrograd that ended with the capture of the Winter Palace, the arrest of members of the Provisional Government and the proclamation of the power of the Soviets, which lasted seventy years in our country extra years. Celebrating November 7 began immediately; This day was celebrated in the USSR as the main holiday of the country - the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Under Stalin, the festive canon also finally took shape: a demonstration of workers, the appearance of leaders on the podium of the Mausoleum, and, finally, a military parade on Red Square, for which special

the entrances to the main square of the capital were reconstructed. This canon was strictly observed, and even on November 7, 1941, when the Germans were advancing on Moscow, it was no exception: the regiments that passed through Red Square went straight to the front. The parade of 1941, in terms of its impact on the course of events, is equated to the most important military operation. Our grandfathers and fathers entered life in different years. Some matured in the first days of the revolution, others mowed down the Whites with fire, flying on winged carts in the smoke of the civil war, erected the first power plants, built collective farms, others went through the flames and cold of the Great Patriotic War. Vedas 2. The history of the country has both light and dark pages. Remembering this event is not an attempt to save the past. This is evidence that the past should not be forgotten. Vedas 1. After the collapse of the Soviet state, new books and films appeared. The legendary footage of the capture of the Winter Palace has faded, historians are still arguing about that distant time - what is true in it and what is myth. Vedas 2. In modern Russia, the holiday was first renamed the Day of Accord and Reconciliation (with a hint of the necessary reconciliation of supporters of different ideological views) Vedas 1. Again and again we make a long journey To where this date burns. And excitement squeezes our chest Like a machine-gun belt once. Ved.2. There is no better companion than memory.

Our heart is at one with her. She will find with her true eyes that it was so long ago” Song “March of Labor Russia” Vedas 1. Many people ask the question: why is the October Revolution celebrated in November? The answer to this question is quite simple: the revolution of 1917 took place on the night of November 7-8 according to the new style, and according to the old style - from October 25 to October 26 .. Vedas 2. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the president of a new country - Russia - Boris Yeltsin On March 13, 1995, he signed the federal law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia", in which November 7 was named the Day of the Liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish interventionists (1612). Vedas 1. By his decree of November 7, 1996, Boris Yeltsin gave the holiday a new name, the Day of Accord and Reconciliation. The text of the decree, in particular, stated: "The October Revolution of 1917 radically influenced the fate of our country. In an effort to continue to prevent confrontation, in order to unite and consolidate Russian society, I decide: .Declare 1997 - the year of the 80th anniversary of the October Revolution - the Year of Accord and Reconciliation." Vedas 2. Do not forget to congratulate on this great, significant holiday for every Russian, your grandparents, parents and all relatives, who were citizens of the Soviet Union for most of their lives. November 7 has a special meaning for them, because the fire that has been kindled for many years has not yet died out.

back and don't forget about it. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the mistakes of the past and prevent tragedies in the future. Goodbye! See you soon! Song Armored Train Proletarian

2017 - the year of the centenary of the October Revolution - is the beginning of a new era in the life of the Russian people. Ivan Ustinovich Druzhinin is the same age as October, whose fate, determined by the events in the country, its troubles and joys, victories and defeats, is characteristic of his contemporaries. A man with an active life position, he managed to find his place in the new reality, to fulfill himself in difficult conditions.

Thirst for knowledge

Ivan was born in a remote village in the Chelyabinsk region in a large rural Old Believer family. Childhood fell on the Civil War, power in the village passed from the Reds to the Whites and vice versa. The white Czechs also passed through the village, whose stay was remembered by the family for the theft of little Ivan, who, fortunately, was returned. He received his primary education in a rural school. The teachers appreciated his abilities and advised him to study further, but Father Ustin Makarovich, the only religious minister for the Old Believers in the entire district, was against it, for which he was subjected to repression, deprivation of property and expulsion of the entire family from his village. (Subsequently, the family returned to the village, managed to buy their house and join the collective farm). Ivan's desire to study was helped by his mother Fekla Efimovna, who collected simple belongings, a loaf of bread and early in the morning accompanied her son to the village outskirts. Having let go into the unknown, she crossed herself on the road, looked after her for a long time and, washing herself with tears, returned home to take on her husband's wrath. Ivan overcame a long way - where on foot, where on passing horses he reached the nearest city of Mikhailovsk, there he entered the FZU with documents on graduating from a rural school. After graduating in 1935, Ivan got to the new building of the giant car building in the city of Nizhny Tagil.

Military forties...

The main builders were girls and boys from the villages, mostly from repressed peasant families who knew how to work. They worked wonders on the labor front. Upon arrival at Vagonstroy, Ivan enters to study at the evening department of the opened machine-building technical school, after the successful completion of which - at the correspondence department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk. Having successfully passed all the exams for the third year, Ivan returned to Tagil, where a summons to the front awaited him. But at that time, Uralvagonzavod was given the status of a defense enterprise, and the most valuable personnel were given a "booking". Ivan Druzhinin also received it.

Selfless work, the will to live and faith in the Victory - that's what the home front workers lived for. The manufacture of parts of the T-34 tank required high dimensional accuracy. Ivan Druzhinin's knowledge and ability to take accurate measurements led him to the metrological service of the plant, where he first worked as a control foreman, then was appointed head of the central measurement laboratory (CIL). In this position, Ivan Ustinovich worked until the end of his life.

Create by inventing

The measuring equipment available at that time did not always meet the needs of production. During the war, the necessary equipment was sometimes not available in the country and it was impossible to purchase it abroad. This was the impetus for the fact that Ivan himself began to invent the necessary devices. He began working on his first instrument during the war years. All calculations and drawings were done by myself. Worked at home at night. Coming from the factory after an 8-12-hour working day, he went to bed with a pillow covering his head so as not to hear the children's noise. When the children fell asleep, he spread paper paper on a single table and drew with the help of a ready-made tool purchased before the war. He was an excellent draftsman. Graphics, drawings and drawings made on tracing paper with ink were excellent.

The application for the first invention was filed in 1946, and in 1948 the author's certificate was received for the "Universal device for the control of hobs and gear combs." This device replaced several devices imported before the war from abroad, inaccurate, complex in design, unproductive, not allowing to determine the causes of defects. It was also cheap and accurately measured all the complex shapes of gear cutting tools, easy to maintain. The device saved the state tens of thousands of rubles. A sample of the device was exhibited at the All-Union Industrial Exhibition in Moscow. The inventor, a former village boy who did not have time to graduate from the institute because of the war, was then 29 years old. It is also surprising how he managed to competently formalize and present his invention to the Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR. After all, it required great knowledge, technical literacy.

His certificate of authorship was the second at the plant, there were only a few inventors in the tense, unsatisfied war and post-war years. Soon came fame and respect. The 1950s and 1960s were especially fruitful for him, when graduates of the country's prestigious universities began to come to the plant, raising the level of creative research and development. But as before, all the complex issues related to the control of the exact dimensions of the parts, the purity of the surface treatment, the issues of the quality of the cutting and calibration tools were resolved at the plant with the participation of Ivan Druzhinin. New rationalization proposals come from him, he invented and manufactured a “device for grinding copiers”, a “microscope for controlling thread rolling tools”, a “device for checking circumferential steps of cutters”, etc. 1960 was also recognized as an invention. For his creative activity, he was repeatedly awarded with diplomas, including a diploma named after the Tagil inventors Cherepanovs. He was awarded the title of "The Best Inventor of the Industry", he was awarded the badge "Excellent in measuring technology", which he valued very much. His name is included in the Book of Honor of Uralvagonzavod. A stand with a description of his inventions was exhibited in the city museum of local lore, technical publications of that time often published his articles on metrology. The status of the laboratory led by him is also rising. Employees of the metrological services of the factories of the country, the technical services of the plant apply to the CIL of the plant (in the order of "providing technical assistance").

aborted flight

Despite the technical mindset, Ivan Ustinovich knew and loved Russian classical literature. He spent his holidays in his native village, where his father kept an old hunting rifle and a hunting dog lived. He liked to sit with a fishing rod by a quiet river backwater. His peasant roots showed themselves when he received an apartment in the Petrikovsky village with an adjacent plot of land, which he immediately planted with seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes. Everything was interesting to him… But the main thing in life was his work. Complex job responsibilities, and in my head - constant new creative ideas. The first “calls” related to health appear, but it was necessary to help implement the very necessary Sverdlovsk Tool Plant (PPE) of its latest invention - “Device for controlling the profile of the teeth of a worm spline cutter” (implemented in the Sverdlovsk SNH). This required frequent trips to Sverdlovsk for consultations on the operation of the device.

His life was cut short unexpectedly and very early, in 1965, at the age of 48... Even in the hospital, the day before the operation and two days before his death, he was still working - he was fulfilling some order for the VZhR, he gave the last consultation and instructions to the student - graduate student from the UPI, supervised the work of his team.

The fate of Ivan Druzhinin is typical of his contemporaries, who had to live in this complex and contradictory century. It is evidence that the past century is not only a time of repressions, gulags and shortages, but also a time of creators, enthusiasts who are rebuilding the country after the war and have built thousands of new plants, factories, power plants, railways and new cities. I would like the current and future generations to know about this historical period in the life of Russians, not only about its shortcomings, but also about the victories and achievements of the people of that time. To be remembered and honored!

Text: Olga Ivanova,

daughter of Ivan Druzhinin,

Uralvagonzavod veteran.


Goal: Raising patriotism, a sense of pride in their homeland, region, their peers who have accomplished a feat in the name of life. Formation of an active life position, one's attitude to events.

Russia... Motherland... Fatherland... - we hear these words for the first time in childhood, and throughout our life they are filled with a special, reverent meaning. The motherland is also a great country with a great history, it is also a place on earth where a person was born and grew up, where the graves of his ancestors are located, where he knew the first joys and failures. After all, it is no coincidence that in difficult critical moments of their lives, people remember the place where they were born. Where did you spend your childhood?

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call her motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it and everything in it is native to us, and mother because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned the language like a mother. Protects and protects us. A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland. Our oldest legends, chronicles, songs, epics have preserved the memory of those who, by word and deed, affirmed in the minds of the people the enduring wisdom - the covenant: "Die from your native land - do not leave."

Today we will talk about people belonging to different generations, but there are similar pages in their destinies. In different periods of time, they stood up for the defense of the Fatherland. Their destinies are connected with the Motherland - they are united!

For many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their Motherland more than once. Love for the Motherland and defense of the Motherland have always been inseparable concepts.

My fatherland! Russia!

The spirit of antiquity lives in you.

And not one more element

Your people have not won.

From the darkness of centuries you rose

And she got stronger and stronger.

great land,

beloved land,

Where we were born and live

We are the motherland of light,

We are the motherland of light,

We call our Motherland!

Love for one's Motherland, for one's Fatherland raised people to exploits. There are many brave and strong people, and every nation knows its heroes by name, keeps the memory of them for centuries. Such are the defenders of the Russian land. They are pure in heart and thoughts, selfless and do not live for themselves. With their deeds they glorify their native land, protect it from enemies.

We will now take a short tour of the historical timeline and recall the events that are associated with the defenders of our Motherland.

What was he like - a Russian hero? All the heroes who lived in different eras had their own character, their own history, but their fate is united with their homeland. Their names will never be forgotten. epic heroes are remembered. And images of the heroes of Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" rise before my eyes. Their names are preserved in the memory of the people. Name them.

Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

Time passed and the name of Alexander Nevsky was recorded in the history of Ancient Russia.

The great commander-Alexander Nevsky, who, in a difficult time for Russia, was able to unite the people around him and prevent European knights from conquering our Russia. The battle was called the Battle of the Ice. This was in the 13th century.

At the time of the formation of the Moscow state, there were heroes ...

The great commander Dmitry Donskoy in 1380 with his troops defeated the Horde yoke on the Kulikovo field, across the Don River, and his great-grandson, the Great Sovereign Ivan III, united most of the Russian lands under the rule of Moscow and delivered them from the Horde dependence. This was in the 14th century.

Commander Dmitry Pozharsky and the city headman of Nizhny Novgorod Kozma Minin in 1612 created a people's militia, i.e. an army of ordinary people, townspeople and peasants, and expelled the Polish invaders. This battle is associated with the holiday on November 4 - National Unity Day.

Centuries passed and the state of the Russian Empire appeared on the map. And the borders of our state were under reliable protection.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov - began his service as a soldier and rose to the highest military rank - generalissimo. He never lost a single battle in his entire life. Suvorov said: "We win not with the mind, but with the ability." His soldiers, who were called miraculous heroes, stormed the impregnable Turkish fortress of Izmail, defeated the French in Italy, and won many other victories. He also led his army out of encirclement, breaking through the passes of the Alps. This was during the 18th century.

The great commander - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov became famous in the Great Patriotic War of 1812. All the soldiers loved him, all of Russia hoped for him. It was he who chose the Battle of Borodino for the decisive battle with Napoleon's army and won it. This was during the 19th century.

In the 20th century, to all these names, the name of the great commander of the Great Patriotic War, G.K. Zhukov, was added. During the four-year period of the struggle against German aggression, more than one battle took place in which he showed his ingenuity and ingenuity in order to defeat the enemy.

Children and war... What could be worse than the combination of these two words? Childhood - the most seemingly carefree, joyful time in the life of every person for children of the war years ended on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany suddenly and treacherously attacked our country. A terrible scale war began, which claimed more than 26 million lives of Soviet people, many of them and children killed during the bombing, exhausted in concentration camps, burned alive in crematorium ovens, died of hunger, cold. Many have lost their parents, homes, families. The hour has come - they showed how huge a small child's heart can become when a sacred love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies flare up in it.

Boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the weight of adversity, disasters, grief of the war years. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more enduring. Little heroes of the big war. They fought next to their elders, fathers, brothers, next to the communists and Komsomol members. Fought everywhere.

Having learned that the war had begun, many of your peers, despite their young age, went to the front, to partisan detachments. Those who remained were active in the rear. They mastered machine tools in factories, equipment in the fields, were on duty on the roofs during the bombing, collected things for the army for our soldiers. A difficult duty fell on the shoulders of the children - to master the work of adults to provide the army with food and the necessary equipment.

Many young guys who have not yet known life were taken away by the war, but they gave their lives for our future, and how they could bring the Victory Day closer with their exploits.

We live in a beautiful country, our destinies are inextricably linked with our homeland. Growing up, each of you will one way or another be inextricably one with your homeland. Some will be just workers, some will become great scientists, but you will never forget your homeland, which raised, educated, nurtured you.

And I want to end our class hour with these words


A. Prokofiev.

There is no sweeter home in the world,

Where other azure skies

The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter than all,

Where groves and forests are encouraging;

Where in the rivers are swift waters

Blue like turquoise

Where, when the weather comes,

All the people come out like a thunderstorm!

There is no dearer Motherland in the world.

We must do everything for her,

So that the day that we live

Made her happy every time.

Everywhere everything in its expanses is ours.

Let's give her thoughts and deeds

And around we will gird ourselves with gardens,

So that the Motherland forever blooms


Our destiny and Motherland are one

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