The dictionary word is "library". We read books in English with children or English words (vocabulary) and expressions on the topic “Books and reading

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Reading books in English with children

Reading is one of the most important English skills, so it is important to practice it from the very first stages of learning. Through reading books in English, it is possible to become familiar with a literary language that is more "correct" than spoken English.

Note: For more information on how to learn to read in English, see the "" section.

We offer a selection of colloquial expressions and vocabulary (words) in English that can be used in classes with children and adults learning English.

Note: To help adults who "do not know enough" English, a selection of dictionaries with transcription in the section "".

Vocabulary (words) in English on the topic "Books"

article- article;
author- author;
dook- book;
chapter- head;
cover— cover;
editor- editor;
editorial office- editorial;
epilogue- epilogue;
page- page;
picture— illustration;
front page- first page;
headline- title;
issue- edition;
narrator- the narrator;
prologue- prologue;
publishers- publishing house;
title- title;
volume- volume.

Colloquial expressions in English on the topic "Books"

Do you want me to read a bed-time story? Do you want me to read a fairy tale?
I am going to read a new book.— I will read a new book.
How about a bedtime story? How about an evening story before bed?
Why don't you pick out a book to read? Why don't you choose a book to read?
You can take a new book from the shelf. You can take a new book from the shelf.
Do you want to choose a storybook for our story time? Would you like to choose a book to read?
Don't turn the page.- Don't turn the page.
Let's turn the page. Let's turn the page.
Let me slip a bookmark between the pages. Let me put a bookmark between the pages.
Do you want me to read the rest of the story? Do you want me to read the story to the end?
Do you like this picture? Do you like this illustration?
Let's find out what happens next. Let's find out what happened next.
I wonder what happens next.“I wonder what happened next.

Useful verbs on the topic "Books and reading"

Note: All about the verbs of the English language can be found in the material ""

to skip- skip, scroll;
to skim- read diagonally
to look up- search, view;
to dip into- to look superficially;
to browse- browse the book in the store, choose slowly;
to peruse- carefully, thoroughly read;
to refer to- to refer to, refer to;
to wake through- reach the end, master;
to flip through- skim through, scroll through;
to read from cover to cover- read from cover to cover;

Genres of books in English

genre[ˈʒɑːnrə] – genre;
fairy tale- story;
fiction[ˈfɪkʃn] - fiction, fiction;
non-fiction- scientific literature, or works based on real events;
light fiction- easy "light" reading;
chick lit- books for women;
science fiction[ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn] – science fiction;
fantasy[ˈfæntəsi] - fantasy (fantasy);
business & finance[ˈbɪznəs ənd ˈfaɪnæns] - literature on business and finance;
politics[ˈpɑːlətɪks] – political literature;
travel books[ˈtrævl ˈbʊks] – travel books;
autobiography[ɔːtəbaɪˈɑːɡrəfi] – autobiography;
history- story;
thriller / mystery[θrɪlər / ˈmɪstri] - thriller / mysticism;
romance / Erotica– love story / erotica;
satire[ˈsætaɪər] - satire;
horror[ˈhɔːrər] - horrors;
religious/i inspirational– religious, literature for inspiration;
health /medicine– books on the topic of health, medical literature;
cook-books[ˈkʊkˌbʊks] – cookbooks;
children's books[ˈtʃɪldrən bʊks] - books for children;
dictionary[ˈdɪkʃəneri] – dictionary;
encyclopedia[ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] – encyclopedia;
series[ˈsɪriːz] - a series of books like Harry Potter, 50 Shades of Grey, etc.
anthology[ænˈθɑːlədʒi] – an anthology (poetry, collections of short stories).

Names of book types in English with translation

Let's start with what books are:
paper back books– paper (printed) books;
E-books / digital books- e-books that can be downloaded (download) on the Internet or bought in online stores.

almanac- calendar, almanac;
best seller- bestseller;
book- book;
booklet- booklet, brochure;
brochure- brochure;
comic book- comics;
dictionary- vocabulary;
encyclopedia- encyclopedia;
hard cover- hardcover book
magazine- magazine;
novel- novel;
paper back- soft cover book;
periodical- periodical;
pamphlet- brochure, pamphlet, catalogue;
picture book- a book with pictures;
reference book- reference book;
text book- textbook.

Useful English adjectives to describe a book

thrilling[θrɪlɪŋ] - exciting;
riveting[ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ] - captivating, attracting attention;
scary[ˈskeri] - frightening, creepy;
gripping[ɡrɪpɪŋ] - capturing attention, amazing;
easy to read[ˈiːzi tə riːd] – easy to read;
complex- complex;
brilliant[ˈbrɪliənt] - brilliant;
heartbreaking[ˈhɑːrtbreɪkɪŋ] - heartbreaking;
action-packed[ˈækʃn ˈpækt] – full of events;
predictable- predictable;
unpredictable[ʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl] - unpredictable;
boring- boring;
nonsensical- meaningless;
confusing- confused;
realistic- realistic;
erratic[ɪˈrætɪk] - inconsistent, strange;
absorbing[əbˈzɔːrbɪŋ] - fascinating.

  • How to write and format
  • How to write and format () in English
  • in English

Alphabetical bibliographic manual - a bibliographic manual in which bibliographic records are arranged in alphabetical order of individual and collective authors and (or) titles of documents.

Alphabetical subject index to the systematic catalog (ACU) - an auxiliary apparatus to the systematic catalog, which is an alphabetical list of subject headings that reveal the content of the documents reflected in the systematic catalog with the corresponding classification indices. Each APU word is entered on separate cards, which are arranged in alphabetical order in a specially allocated box of the systematic catalog. APA is a kind of "key" to the systematic catalog. It tells you where, in which section, and under what index you should look for the book you need.

Alphabetical catalog (AK) - a library catalog in which bibliographic records are arranged in alphabetical order of authors, names of organizations or titles of documents.

Database (DB) - a set of data that is presented on a machine medium in a form that allows automated processing of the information contained in it. The database is designed to store data on the publications acquired by the library (monographs, reference books, collections of articles, etc.), information on the location of individual copies (covers) of each publication, and information about readers.

A bibliographer is a library employee who has a special bibliographic education. The bibliographer can be contacted for help in finding the necessary information about the documents. The bibliographer will help in working with catalogs, tell you how easy it is to find the necessary information. Bibliographers compile bibliographic lists of references, recommended bibliographic manuals on various topics that can be used when searching for information.

Bibliographic database - a database containing bibliographic records.

A bibliographic record is an element of information about a document that records information in a documentary form that makes it possible to disclose its composition and content for the purposes of bibliographic search.

Bibliographic information - information about documents necessary for their search and use.

Bibliographic card file - a bibliographic manual, implemented in card form.

Bibliographic reference - a response to a one-time request containing bibliographic information about the presence and (or) location of a document (address reference), about the content of bibliographic information on a specific topic (thematic reference); about missing or distorted elements of the bibliographic description in the request (clarifying reference).

A bibliographic service is the result of a bibliographic service that satisfies the need for bibliographic information.

Bibliographic request - an information request for bibliographic information.

Bibliographic review - a bibliographic manual, in written or oral form, which is a coherent narrative about documents.

Bibliographic search - information search carried out in a catalog or card index based on bibliographic data.

Bibliographic list - a list of documents compiled in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description.

Bibliographic index - a bibliographic manual with a complex structure, suggesting the presence of auxiliary indexes, a preface, a table of contents, a list of abbreviations, etc.

Bibliographic publication - a bibliographic manual issued as a separate document in the form of a non-periodic, serial, periodical or continuing publication.

Bibliographic information - systematic provision of bibliographic information to the subscriber in accordance with his long-term request.

Bibliographic service - providing consumers with bibliographic information.

Bibliographic description - a set of bibliographic information about a document, given according to certain rules that establish the order of areas and elements, and are intended for identification and general characteristics of the document. A bibliographic description will help you navigate when searching for information in the book fund of the library, reflecting a brief description of the document: author, title, year and place of publication.

A bibliographic manual is an ordered set of bibliographic records, united according to some attribute.

Bibliography is a scientific discipline, the purpose of which is to help the reader navigate the book wealth. The bibliography ensures the preparation, dissemination and use of bibliographic information.

The library is a cultural institution that collects, stores and provides sources of information to everyone. In ancient Egypt, clay tablets were such a source. Currently, these are books, magazines, video and audio cassettes, floppy disks, etc.

Library-dopository - a library, which is entrusted with the duty of permanent storage of the most complete library fund in order to free the funds of other libraries in the region from little-used printed works and other documents.

Branch Library - a library subordinate to the Central Library.

A librarian is a library employee who has a special library education. The librarian works not only with readers, but also keeps in order the fund of information sources. One of the main tasks is to help the reader during his work in the library.

A library network is a library system united by a commonality of tasks, organizational decisions, a number of common features (belonging to a certain territory, founder, industry, etc.).

The library system is a set of interacting libraries united under certain contractual conditions in order to better meet the needs of users and the efficient use of library and bibliographic resources.

A library service is the result of library services that satisfies a specific need of a library user (issuing and lending documents, providing information about new acquisitions, references, exhibitions, consultations, etc.).

Library and Bibliographic Classification (LBC) - tables for organizing documents for the organization of the book fund. Their main task is to reveal the content of documents, to present them in the form of a coherent scientifically based knowledge system and thereby make it as easy as possible for the reader to use library funds.

Librarianship is an area of ​​ideological, cultural, educational and scientific information activities that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of the population in printed works and other documents through libraries.

Library service - the activity of the library in promoting and issuing printed works and other documents or their copies, assisting in their selection and use.

Library loan - a form of library service that provides for the issuance of documents for use outside the walls of the library (for example, at home or at the institute).

Library catalog - a set of bibliographic records for documents arranged according to certain rules, revealing the composition and content of the library fund Note. The library catalog can function in card or machine-readable form, on microcarriers, as well as in the form of a book edition.

Library point - a form of non-stationary service - a territorially separate subdivision, organized at the place of residence, work or study of library users.

Bio-bibliographic manual - a bibliographic manual containing biographical information about a particular person or persons, as well as bibliographic information about their works and literature about them.

A biographical directory is a directory containing information about the life and work of any person.

Imprint - information informing about the place of publication, publisher and date of publication, placed on the title page of the document. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg are always abbreviated in the bibliographic description: M. and St. Petersburg. respectively.

A document is a material data carrier (paper, film and photographic film, etc.) with information recorded on it, intended for its transmission in time and space. Documents may contain texts, images, sounds, etc.

Title - the name (word, phrase, letter or group of words, phrases and letters) given on the document in the form in which it is established or approved by the author or publisher, and intended to identify and search for the document.

Title of a bibliographic record is an element of a bibliographic record located before the bibliographic description and intended for ordering and searching for bibliographic records.

Information system - a system designed to store, process, search, distribute, transmit and provide information

Information service - providing information of a certain type to the consumer at his request

Information service - providing consumers with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services through the provision of information services

Information retrieval system (IIIS) - a set of reference and information fund and technical means of information retrieval in it.

Information Center - an organization that performs the functions of collecting, processing and disseminating information.

Information - information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of presentation.

Fund acquisition - a set of processes for identifying, selecting, ordering, acquiring, receiving and registering documents that correspond to the tasks of a library, information center.

Scientific library - a library that ensures the development of science; satisfies the information needs of scientific institutions and individuals related to research activities on the basis of an appropriate fund and information retrieval apparatus.

Scientific auxiliary bibliographic manual - a bibliographic manual intended to assist scientific publishing.

Scientific publication - a publication containing the results of theoretical and (or) experimental research, as well as cultural monuments and historical documents scientifically prepared for publication.

A popular science publication is a publication containing information about theoretical and (or) experimental research in the field of science, culture and technology, presented in a form accessible to a non-specialist reader.

A special library is a library that provides for the professional needs of users and other specific needs of special groups of readers on the basis of an appropriate fund and information retrieval apparatus (patent-technical, musical, library for the blind, library of scientific research institutes, etc.).

A special bibliographic manual is a bibliographic manual for a specific target and reader's purpose (recommendation, scientific support, professional production, etc.).

A universal library is a library that satisfies a variety of reader needs on the basis of funds formed without thematic and typological restrictions.

A universal bibliographic manual is a bibliographic manual that reflects documents in all branches of knowledge.

Fund - an ordered set of documents corresponding to the tasks and profile of the library, information center and intended for use and storage.

Centralized Library System (CLS) - a set of libraries, which is a structurally integral institution, functioning on the basis of common management, a single staff, fund, organizational and technological unity. The CLS consists of a central library and branch libraries.

Centralized acquisition - acquisition of branch libraries or a network of libraries by one institution (central body).

The central library is a library that is the governing center and performs centralized functions in relation to the branch libraries.

The central library provides centralized acquisition, processing of documents, reference and bibliographic information services based on a single SBA.

Library reader - a person who uses the library on the basis of an official record in established documents.

Reading room - a specially equipped room designed to serve readers with printed works and other documents within it.

Reader's catalog - a library catalog made available to readers.

Similar information.

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "library", which contains a foreign root, with dubious letters:


It should be remembered that the dictionary word "bi bli o teka" is written with the letters " and", "and" and " about".

Words-images for memorization:

books ha - bi bli o teka
archives in - bibliography

In image words, the letter that is doubtful in the dictionary word "library" is under stress. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word "library", it is necessary to remember the word-image "book" and other similar words-images.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

The school party was held near the library.
By the holiday, the entire library was decorated with colorful garlands.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words in which the same letter is doubtful allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with a dictionary word:

The greatest treasure is a good library. (Aphorism,

Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit. (Aphorism,

The public library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited. (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word "library" help to remember the spelling of a dictionary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with a dictionary word for memorization:

In the children's library
books are lined up on the shelves.
Take, read and know a lot
but don't hate the book.

Poem by T. Blazhnova.

Very important for a person
Know the way to the library.
Reach out to knowledge.
Choose a book as a friend.

Poem by T. Bokova.

Reading poems using a dictionary word with a foreign root is a fun way to remember the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

Library - how the word is spelled, stressing
spelling or how to write a word correctly, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "Library"

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Library - what does the word mean, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Library, -and, feminine 1. An institution that collects and...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "library".

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