Character of a woman with the moon in Capricorn. Moon in Capricorn: what is typical for such people? Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Sagittarius

Reservoirs 22.12.2022

A woman with the Moon in Capricorn is careful with her time, spending it on others only when it promises benefit. She considers it a terrible misfortune to have to expose her emotions to an indifferent and cruel world. She sympathizes with thorough, serious, business-like men who are purposeful and know what they want.

A mother with the Moon in Capricorn, first of all, strives to provide her children with everything necessary for development, to give them the best education, to introduce them to reasonable and accessible pleasures in the society to which she belongs, in short, to prepare them for a future independent life. She patiently shows where they can advance faster, guides the children's first steps in their careers, and teaches them what kind of reward they should expect at the pinnacle of success.

Having fulfilled maternal obligations, a woman switches to her own career in the most prestigious direction, bringing the maximum available income. She calculates exactly when and where her abilities can be noticed, and patiently waits for the right moment for their manifestation.

Women with Moon in Capricorn

The bright side of the Moon in Capricorn promotes the manifestation of such character traits as responsibility, perseverance, patience and discipline. With a dark Moon in this sign, a woman becomes more pessimistic, tough, stubborn, overly demanding and materialistic. The position of the planet in the sign of Capricorn limits and stabilizes the changeable lunar influence. The Earth's satellite in astrology personifies the sensual and emotional side of the personality, and the sign of Capricorn, in contrast, is a secretive and dispassionate sign.

Women with the Moon in this position have to fight their nature to find happiness. And since they are constantly looking for happiness, the struggle lasts for a lifetime. She has a lively mind and loves to learn. But she is not at all interested in abstract theories, since the most important thing (in her opinion) is practice. She is ambitious and truly dedicated to her work. Independent and often lonely, she always feels a sense of responsibility for the things she does. He always clearly sees his mission in this world.

Her determination and perseverance can reach the point of fanaticism. This woman pins all her hopes on one idea, and therefore directs all her energy in one direction. If she fails, then real protracted depression is what will inevitably overtake her. But, it’s worth making a reservation, thanks to a developed sense of responsibility, most lunar Capricorn women achieve success and leave their mark on this world for a long time.

The Moon in Capricorn in a woman promotes a reverent attitude towards finances: she needs money not so much to buy things, but to gain authority and status in the financial, business sphere, politics or any other environment in which she would like to shine. Such a young lady is endowed with charming manners and knows how to make useful and necessary connections. Only this girl's very close friends know how she suffers from loneliness. Very often she hides this with her dry humor, secretly afraid of losing love and being abandoned.

Sometimes it is very difficult for her to reveal her innermost feelings and emotions, so she is considered calculating and cold. Power for these young ladies serves as a kind of compensation for failures in the emotional area. Lunar Capricorns rarely find their soulmate in their youth; moreover, they are very reserved and careful to bind themselves to any obligations in terms of their personal lives. But if they meet true love, then their feelings will be strong and reliable - for life.

If a relationship brings this girl a sense of security, then she generously gives all of herself. In fact, it turns out that she will give more than she receives. Whatever sign the Sun is in for a woman with the Moon in Capricorn, she will be characterized by devotion and reliability, ambition, perseverance, inner strength and the desire for success and recognition. This is a decisive and patient woman, defending her own opinion with noticeable rudeness.

A person whose Moon was in the sign of Capricorn at the time of birth is distinguished by caution, restraint, the ability to wait and calculate future actions.

This is an emotionally mature nature, giving the impression of a strong personality, but always with sadness and longing in the soul. Outwardly, he is calm, cold and prim.

In relationships with others, he is prone to a certain distance and aloofness. He is very cautious, weighs every step and does not like risky, adventurous situations. Unconsciously determined to self-affirmation, upholding one’s principles, clear planning and achieving ambitious goals. But ambition is often combined with timidity and shyness, because he is afraid of his own feelings and is afraid of receiving rebuff from others, he is afraid of ridicule and misunderstanding. Often vindictive and cruel, seeks to manipulate other people and use them for his own purposes.

Such a person is rarely lucky in family life - he often has alienated, tense relationships with both his parents and his other half. He is weakly attached to family traditions, prefers his own path, lives by his own rules, rarely changes his habits, and life in solitude attracts him more than the company of relatives.

Lunar Capricorns realize themselves most successfully in the fields of real estate, construction, architecture, transportation, sports, tourism, as well as in the field of computer technology and any exact sciences. Mathematical calculations, numbers and formulas are what they are very good at. It is difficult for them to work with people, and they feel much better when working with papers, mechanisms and computer equipment. They also make good military personnel, security guards, and law enforcement officers.

Attitude towards mother

Most adults with such a Moon, in a conversation with an astrologer, characterize their mother as a stern, strict woman who dominated the family. In the best case, they will say that mom “worked tirelessly, denying herself many things” so that they could feel good. In this case, people note the honesty, self-discipline and perseverance that she instilled in them. However, more often from the stories of people with the Moon in Capricorn it follows that their mother constantly did not give them something, forbade something, never felt their desires and rarely helped with anything.


“Momentary” perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. They perceive the world through their immediate sensations here and now: tasty, difficult, fun, incomprehensible, etc. In each new situation, they begin communication with their mother as if from scratch. Such children suffer less than others from prolonged absence of their mother. For them, what is more important is not the quantity of communication with her, but the quality - a positive charge.

The problem with raising such a child is that his emotional reactions are extremely subjective. They are determined by the current situation, by what is available now. Either there is a toy or there is not. Food is either tasty or not food. What he wants is either possible or impossible. He understands with difficulty the arguments that “the boy will play and give it back”, that “the spoon is for dad...”, that “it will be possible tomorrow”, and perceives it as a refusal. In order not to make him an egoist, his mother must be a restraining factor for him in many ways. And in order to maintain his trust, the main thing is to avoid the policy of double standards. If something is not allowed, then neither is mom and dad. If he owes something, then others owe something similar.


In family relationships, such a woman may seem very reserved, and sometimes even harsh. Family is a huge responsibility for her.

And the main thing for her is to cope with this responsibility and fulfill her duty to her loved ones. And this is no time for jokes. However, behind her seriousness and some coldness hides a sensitive and vulnerable nature. She constantly takes care that all members of her family are clothed, shod and fed. She can be called an anxious or overprotective mother and wife. For the sake of her family, she can even give up her career or, conversely, climb to the highest career heights - just to provide a reliable rear for her loved ones.

What kind of woman is a lunar CAPRICORN man looking for?

Starting a family for such a man is a very responsible matter. Therefore, his life partner should also take this issue seriously. On occasion, she should be able to take full responsibility for what is happening in the house, decide everything and organize everything. It’s even better if she decides and organizes everything not only in family matters, but also in her career, where she will occupy a high position. The family, in his opinion, will only benefit from this. But this man does not expect tender care, an abyss of spiritual warmth and delicacies on the table from his wife. This, in his opinion, is self-indulgence that distracts from more important matters.


Lunar Capricorns are generally rarely distinguished by good health; the illnesses of these people are usually long-term, severe and debilitating, and they recover slowly. Prone to chronic diseases. They have a very poor ability to remove toxins from the body, their metabolism is slow, and this causes constipation, skin rashes, allergic reactions, and disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.


Most often, very bad relationships develop with the Moon in Aries, sometimes reaching the point of hatred and idiosyncrasy. They will experience discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, and tense, difficult relationships. Moreover, the Moon in Aries, the Moon in Capricorn irritates and angers much more, and the lunar Aries most often breaks off these relationships on their own initiative. But at a high level of development, these two people are able to teach each other a lot - for example, the Moon in Capricorn teaches the Moon in Aries to control their emotions and look at the world more soberly, practically and impartially.

Interaction with the Moon in Taurus is very difficult, despite the kinship of the elements and the favorable aspect between the planets. And if the Moon in Taurus can still be drawn to the Moon in Capricorn, then reverse sympathy is very difficult to achieve. Unaccountable envy, jealousy, rejection, even hatred are possible. And only after reaching a very high level of development can these two people interact harmoniously. The Moon in Taurus can give a lot to the Moon in Capricorn in an emotional and spiritual way. It has a beneficial effect on the lunar Capricorn, calms him down, shares spiritual warmth and psychologically liberates him.

With the Moon in Gemini there is a good union, mutual attraction and attraction. But this combination is still better for cooperation and friendship than for love or marriage relationships. The Moon in Capricorn is drawn to the Moon in Gemini, but this connection can be fatal for the first: it is fraught with too many pitfalls and dangers. The Moon Gemini is not very interested in the Moon in Capricorn, and, in addition, he cannot withstand the emotional pressure that the Moon Capricorn puts on him.

With the Moon in Cancer, lunar Capricorn will most likely have mutual misunderstanding, even to the point of complete rejection. This is a difficult and stressful combination for both. At the initial stage, these people may have mutual sympathy, attraction, a short-term flash of passion, but the relationship will end abruptly, leaving resentment and annoyance in everyone’s soul.

With the Moon in Leo, friendship or business cooperation is possible. This is not a suitable combination for love and marriage. Relationships can last a long time based on mutual respect or on the basis of attachment to a common home and children, but true love and passion are hardly possible.

With the Moon in Virgo there are strange, dual relationships that often develop uneasy, long-term, people have to overcome a wall of cold and misunderstanding. The Moon in Virgo is drawn to the Moon in Capricorn, but the opposite attraction often does not arise: the Moon in Capricorn is burdened by this connection, although it does not dare to break it. This combination is more suitable for friendship or business cooperation than for love and marriage.

With the Moon in Libra, everything is not easy, despite mutual understanding and some common interests, these people will always have a certain coldness and distance, difficulties in relationships, and it is difficult for them to completely trust each other. Business cooperation in this couple will be more productive than friendly, informal communication.

With the Moon in Scorpio there is a difficult interaction, harsh and painful. Mutual discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, oppressive and contradictory relationships. Business cooperation is better, joint creativity is possible. A love relationship is unlikely: these people get tired of each other too quickly. The marital relationship, as a rule, is short-lived and dissolved, and friendly relations are possible only occasionally, provided that they are free and unburdensome.

A long-term relationship with the Moon in Sagittarius is possible, if only the lunar Sagittarius can tolerate his difficult, withdrawn, cold character. The Moon in Capricorn reaches out to the Moon in Sagittarius and, under its influence, becomes more open, flexible and fulfilling. But the Moon in Sagittarius often does not share this passion and remains indifferent to the lunar Capricorn. Moon Sagittarius may get bored and, on his own initiative, break off this relationship. He needs them much less than the lunar Capricorn. This combination can give very good business cooperation, especially if the Sagittarius moon occupies a leadership position.

Two moons in Capricorn are a difficult combination, especially in the area of ​​sensual relationships. A completely unsuitable option for love and marriage, friendship with such people is also unlikely to develop - perhaps only at a very high level of spiritual development and common interests. The only favorable option is business cooperation, but even here they may have serious conflicts and mutual irritation from time to time.

The lunar couple Capricorn-Aquarius is characterized by good relationships, which are especially pleasant for lunar Aquarius. These people understand each other, they feel comfortable together. But marriage or family relationships are rare; this combination is more suitable for friendship or joint creativity, for business contacts. Under the influence of the Moon in Aquarius, lunar Capricorns become more relaxed, open, and emotionally receptive.

Lunar Capricorns are drawn to the Moon in Pisces, which can give them a lot emotionally and psychologically. But lunar Pisces are burdened by these relationships, try to avoid communication and often break this connection themselves. Friendship or business cooperation is possible in this pair.

It is difficult to confuse our feelings during the period of the Moon’s passage through the sign of Capricorn with the period of the Moon’s transit through some other sign. And this is not surprising, because Capricorn is the weakest sign of the Moon, where she feels uncomfortable, and all her main qualities manifest themselves with exactly the opposite: instead of gentleness and caring, we are driven by cold calculation, practicality, and emotions are relegated to the background.

On what other days do we come to work not in order to suffer the punishment allotted to us by law? 8 hours, but in order to, in the literal sense of the word, do your duty?

In fact, the transit of the Moon through the sign of Capricorn aggravates our sense of responsibility in the broadest sense, encouraging them to be demanding not only of their own responsibilities, but also of the responsibilities of those around them. It is no coincidence that during this period, management takes a closer look at the work of their subordinates, and subordinates listen more attentively to the instructions of their superiors. However, when the Moon is in Capricorn, the emergence of an ideal “boss-subordinate” tandem is often hampered by the excessive demands and conservatism of people in power.

In the days of Capricorn, we are overcome by a kind of businesslike enthusiasm, which, however, is quite restrained and laconic. On the one hand, the emotional impact of the Moon these days is such that we we feel a thirst for action. Moreover, it is supported by a strong feeling that we clearly know exactly how to go towards our goal. On the other hand, we are held back from ardor and mistakes by an unexpectedly heightened sense of responsibility, which, more than ever, allows us to realize the full essence and usefulness of not a very pleasant word “must!”

And against this contradictory background, it becomes possible to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, it becomes possible to decide really necessary and useful questions(sometimes quite global), putting aside all the emotional uselessness of everyday little things. At the same time, routine problems do not bother us, but become peculiar steps that we can easily handle during the days when the Moon is in Capricorn.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Capricorn

Why exactly in the days of Capricorn do we become so demanding and responsible? The fact is that during this period the Moon affects our emotionality, like cold autumn rain falling on the rocky soil of Capricorn.

And, if we continue to use allegories, this very soil would have to absorb the emotional currents of the Moon. However, the “petrified” earthly essence of Capricorn is such that these flows have little effect on our mood and behavior during the days of the Moon in Capricorn.

However, it is still possible to feel this influence. Often during this period (mainly with a damaged Moon), along with our restraint and emotional severity, we feel acute feeling of loneliness.

Depending on which planet the Moon is aspecting, this feeling ranges from depression and abandonment to the harsh realization that you are alone forced to deal with a whole pile of problems that have befallen you.

Although the Moon in Capricorn provides most of us with the opportunity to mobilize in solving many problems that arise during this period, we feel most comfortable on the days of the Moon in this zodiac sign people in charge. It is no coincidence that Capricorn favors rulers and dictators. It is noteworthy that these days even those people who are usually difficult to suspect of an authoritarian mindset are showing a desire to command!

Capricorn also favors the rule of law, sharpening our vigilance and sense of justice. During the days when the Moon is in this sign, you can observe an intensifying government activity who are responsible for enforcing laws.

However, even among the ordinary population there is an increased interest in crime films and reports, high-profile (and not so high-profile) court cases, to the level of crime in general and even to the life of convicts in penitentiary institutions.

Moon signs in everyday life: Capricorn

Despite the fact that during the days the Moon is in Capricorn, our mood can be characterized by a well-known phrase stating that Business before pleasure, it would be useful to analyze the correct and incorrect actions during this period. This will help us not only survive these days with the least losses, but benefit from them.

Correct actions:

Whether we like it or not, our daily life consists of having to solve a bunch of problems. routine and boring questions. However, during the days when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, astrologers recommend paying primary attention and making major efforts to resolve the most global and pressing issues. This is a very good time for strategic planning, putting forward serious rational proposals, and participating in complex projects.

The Moon in Capricorn also promotes activities such as work on architectural and construction projects And; solving problems requiring mathematical precision; agricultural and horticultural activities in the broadest sense (planting, weeding, pest control, uprooting, cutting down, purchasing farm equipment, etc.).

Minor repairs in the days of Capricorn will most likely be delayed and will not bring the desired satisfaction. And here major redevelopment and overhaul- this is what you should focus on during the Moon in Capricorn. It is also recommended to use this period to purchase production equipment, real estate, and land. In general, this is a pretty good time for major purchases and practical gifts.

Regarding other aspects of our lives (personal, social or work life), the days of the Moon in Capricorn can also be used to implement global plans and doing serious things. This period, for example, favors marriage (mainly unequal marriage, arranged marriage or marriage with a widower), or, on the contrary, divorce.

good time for joining the party and choosing an appropriate political platform; It is easier to master a new profession, acquire additional professional skills, or change activities altogether (for example, moving to another job, provided that you are ready for serious workload).

On Capricorn days, it is easier to share responsibilities and delegate authority. This means that this period can be used for concluding labor contracts, discussions with household members or neighbors about personal responsibilities at home, to conclude marriage contracts.

Not a bad time for business trips, provided that their goal is to establish long-term cooperation or work with issues that require a fundamental solution. In general, the Moon in Capricorn is very conducive to establishing long-term, mutually beneficial and pragmatic business relationships.

During Capricorn days, it is recommended to find time and opportunities for hiking, trip to the mountains, fishing or hunting (if these activities are not alien to you!). For those who are far from such a pastime, we can recommend intellectual and horizon-expanding communication: visiting scientific lectures, planetariums, museums; It will also be useful to communicate with wise and experienced people (usually older people). If the latter needs help, your participation during these days will be appreciated.

Moreover, this is the ideal time to debt collection: It makes sense to disturb old acquaintances who have disappeared from your horizon for precisely this reason.

The Moon in Capricorn helps to get rid of bad habits such as, for example, smoking. Various breathing exercises and practices will help us with this, which we recommend paying attention to during this period.

These days you should also pay closer attention to treatment of stomach diseases, including, if necessary, complex medical procedures and surgical interventions (during the waning Moon). Moderate measures to maintain healthy skin and bone tissue will also be beneficial during Capricorn days (but only in moderation!).

Incorrect actions:

Despite the fact that in the days of Capricorn, most of us feel an irresistible desire to manage, command, divide and conquer, we should somewhat moderate our ardor. Excessive demands on others, coupled with a strict approach to solving problems, can lead to unexpectedly backfire: you are starting to have catastrophic bad luck. Things don't go well, people disappoint, old issues aren't resolved, new problems arise. In this situation, it is not recommended to tighten the nuts further. Try to separate useless stubbornness from rational persistence, and don't take on too much.

Not the best time to devote yourself entirely to a solution minor issues related to finance, securities and documentation. These days, it is not recommended to appeal to your superiors, contact government agencies, or contact financial organizations to obtain loans.

If you prefer a calm and stress-free work environment, moving to a new job during Capricorn days can be a wrong action, provided that you are not ready to take on the burden of duties and responsibilities that may be placed on you in a new position.

Despite the fact that the Moon in Capricorn favors unequal marriage and marriage with a widow or widower, this is not the most successful period for concluding love unions between peers (or people close in age), for engagements and for holding family celebrations.


Quite a significant danger in the days of Capricorn is represented by overload of the skeleton and skin. These days it is better not to risk lifting weights at all; You should also refuse prolonged exposure to the sun or, especially, offers to sunbathe or visit a solarium.

In addition, the Moon in Capricorn somewhat weakens our immunity, which can provoke a cold, or cause infectious diseases. Although the danger of these conditions is quite high, avoiding them is not so difficult: you should dress for the weather and observe basic rules of personal hygiene.

With its conservatism, Capricorn patronizes people of the older generation and favors our communication with them. It is extremely dangerous to show disrespect for such people, ignore their opinion or, God forbid, quarrel, as they say, completely: after this, the likelihood of restoring normal trusting relationships will be extremely small.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Capricorn

A lifelong struggle with human passions and with one’s own excessive emotionality is the lot of the majority of Lunar Capricorns (both men and women), who prioritize sober head and cold calculation. The life of such people very often represents a path of knowledge, which must necessarily have practical application in order to achieve their goals.

By nature, Lunar Capricorns are experimenters, which is greatly facilitated by their practicality, responsibility and mathematical mindset (however, more often than not, mathematical thinking is successfully replaced by banal prudence).

Extra emotions quite skillfully suppressed, which cannot but affect the lifestyle of people whose Moon was in Capricorn at the time of their birth. Although such people are reliable partners in marriage, their internal self-organization, self-control and, if you like, self-detachment often doom them to loneliness, which, however, suits many Moon Capricorns quite well.

MEN. Men in whose horoscope the Moon is in Capricorn are quite capable of extracting a certain benefit from those characteristics of Lunar Capricorns that were given above. Representatives of the stronger sex are often considered this way strong personalities unbending natures who know how not to take unnecessary risks and are able to clearly and persistently defend their own interests.

In fact, such men retain their creativity better under the condition of a more or less calm and measured life. If the future is uncertain and unpredictable, the external severity and severity of Lunar Capricorns can be supplanted timidity and indecisiveness.

That is why such men prefer to choose women as life partners, a conscientious existence with whom can protect their lives from unpredictable accidents and chaos. Representatives of the fairer sex who are unable to organize a rational and well-functioning family life will find it extremely difficult to get along with Lunar Capricorn men.

WOMEN. Self-sufficiency and self-control are not alien to women born with the Moon in Capricorn. However natural feminine responsiveness often softens the souls of such women, endearing those around them to them. In addition, despite the demonstration of self-sufficiency, the hidden emotionality of such women borders on sentimentality.

That is why internal organization does not allow them to create ideal order in their home: at home, Moon Capricorn women very often store a lot of little things, from old faded photographs to some unnecessary, at an outside glance, objects that keep reminders of people dear to the heart.

Usually a woman with the Moon in Capricorn appreciates your privacy and personal space, although this does not prevent her from becoming a reliable support for her beloved man. A serious obstacle to an ideal relationship can be innate distrust and fear of being rejected.

Internal restrictions often leave their mark on their well-being, so such ladies should be more careful take care of your health and appearance. Another problem for a family idyll can be a career: women with the Moon in Capricorn devote a lot of time to work, being, in fact, workaholics.

Generally speaking, workaholics are quite common among Lunar Capricorns of both sexes, which fully explains their tolerance for one's own loneliness. Thanks to their internal organization, people with the Moon in Capricorn can often be found in leadership positions and even among politicians. Often such people are found among representatives of such professions as architects, builders, and managers.

Kira Stoletova

The Moon in Capricorn is limited by the influence of Saturn. She is in a kind of captivity. The owners of this natal chart are stingy with emotions, secretive, and ascetic. They have a developed sense of duty, hard work, and determination. The earth element stabilizes the changeable night star; such influence has both positive and negative aspects.

Main character traits

The Moon influences the character of Capricorn. This is taken into account when working out synistry or compatibility between partners. The composite map always includes the location of the night star. Astrologers such as Vasilisa Volodina, Absalom Podvodny, Shestopalov and others speak about the importance of the lunar horoscope.

In Capricorn, the Moon behaves differently. Saturn influences emotions, so this area remains limited. But there are other features that appear more clearly when the unstable emotional component is excluded.

Positive character traits

Under the influence of the Moon, many positive traits appear in an earth sign.

Capricorn's mind is rational and practical, his thinking is logical. These people are not prone to empty dreams or philosophy; all their days are filled with activities. They quickly acquire knowledge that will bring them practical benefit and will be useful for future work. They are organized, although not pedantic, and work according to their own system. They take any task responsibly and are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life. It takes them years to build a career, but the result exceeds expectations.

Emotionally they mature late. Young people study, work, but rarely make romantic acquaintances. People get married in adulthood, when they feel confident and have material resources. They approach the search for a soul mate in a practical manner, looking for like-minded people. Relationships are guided by common sense, not passion. But families are created for life.

Negative character traits

Negative traits that the black Moon in Capricorn brings:

  • Cold
  • Stealth
  • Mistrust
  • Stubbornness
  • Tendency to melancholy
  • Depression
  • Eccentricity
  • Irritability
  • Passivity
  • Indecisiveness

People with the Moon in Capricorn are powerful and ambitious. To achieve their goals, they do not hesitate to use dishonest methods. They have a poorly developed sense of humor and can be offended even by an innocent joke. They make enemies easily. They prefer hierarchy in work relationships. They obey orders, but when occupying a leadership position they do not allow familiarity and can ignore the initiative of their subordinates.

Capricorns hide their emotions. But this should not deceive us, feelings accumulate, which leads to depression and melancholy. They are afraid that if they fall or fail, they will be expelled from society. Extreme distrust makes everyone suspicious. The circle of friends narrows, sometimes leading to mania of persecution and complete loneliness. A conservative sign has difficulty changing its opinion or type of activity, which becomes an obstacle to personal development and achieving success in life.

Moon in Capricorn for women

The Moon in Capricorn in a woman struggles with the opposite influence of Saturn, which has a light (white) and dark side.

In the first case, such traits as a sense of duty, determination, commitment, and loyalty appear; in the second, depression, demandingness, and rigidity, like the devil Lilith. The predominance of certain characteristics depends not only on personality traits, but also on life circumstances.

Young girls prefer to study and make a career; they put off marriage and family for later. They set a goal and achieve it throughout their lives. They are demanding of themselves and their partners, and value material well-being. Money for them is an opportunity to gain a high position and status in society. They rarely spend it on beautiful things. They record all their expenses - from hair cutting and dental treatment, to buying a car and an apartment.

Women are looking for a partner to match. They prefer smart and practical men who can build a successful career. Despite their apparent strength and toughness, in their hearts such ladies feel unprotected, fragile and vulnerable. They are able to reveal all their sensuality to a partner who will become their support and protection. Only a confident, mature man is able to give them happiness. It is difficult to find such a life partner, because women often spend their days alone.

Such a woman will not maintain perfect order in the house or plant garden plants. The mothers of such girls turn out to be strict. They pay great attention to the child's education, but love is rarely shown, which is why children often grow up emotionally immature.

Moon in Capricorn for men

The Moon in Capricorn in a man makes him withdrawn and stingy in showing emotions. The guy will never become a romantic lover, which scares girls away from him. He has been looking for a life partner for a long time, the reason for this is his isolation and mistrust. A man is only capable of showing emotions when he completely trusts his other half. If a woman manages to conquer this cold heart, she will find a faithful and reliable husband for life.

The influence affects a man’s work activity. They dream of a career from a young age and make every effort to realize their ambitions. Their work is always clearly organized and systematized, they are ready to work all day long. The problem comes when something goes wrong. In such a situation, Capricorn becomes depressed and takes a long time to put his thoughts in order.

In relationships with colleagues and friends, Capricorn is reserved; it is difficult for him to find a common language with people. Prefers a narrow circle of friends, into which he admits only those closest to him. He often shows aggression if he suspects someone of betrayal or lying. Feels calmer when he achieves financial stability. Therefore, Capricorns often show their emotionality, both in relationships with friends and with women, after 40 years. At this age, they begin to understand that it is worth living today, and not putting everything off for tomorrow.

Paternal feelings are poorly developed. They prefer to monitor their children from a distance. Dad is always aware of school affairs, progress, and the health status of his child. But you can rarely see him on the playground, at competitions, or just on a walk in the park with your baby, or even while checking homework. The father prefers to give practical advice and provide financially, and trusts the mother with direct upbringing.

Influence on sun signs

Astrology claims that the transit Moon affects Capricorns. It corrects the character traits of the solar representatives of the Zodiac. Much depends on whether the night luminary is in the ascendant or descendant, has a white or black side, and what other influences are included in the calendar.


The combination of solar Aries and lunar Capricorn gives rise to an extremely ambitious personality. The whole life of this person is subordinated to achieving the goal, the pinnacle of his career. He has a logical mindset, practicality, and masters only that knowledge that brings real benefit. He knows how to manage people and shows leadership qualities in any position. He is attached to his parents; they are almost the only authorities for him. Marriage means little to this Aries; family is just an episode in life, far from the main one.


For a Taurus with a Capricorn moon in the natal chart, emotions and mind often live separately, especially for those born in May. On the one hand, he is an educated, tolerant, intelligent person. On the other hand, he is an ossified conservative, accustomed to judging others harshly. Taurus people with this combination are strong and powerful personalities, capable of achieving considerable success in life. They want to remake the whole world for themselves. Venus makes this sign sensual and makes a good lover. Family relationships with such Taurus are successful if they do not turn into domestic dictators.


Analytical mind, non-standard thinking - these are the traits of solar Gemini, supported by the influence of lunar synastry. Outwardly, such people seem frivolous and gullible, but inside they have a tough core. Geminis look for benefits everywhere and are ready to compromise even with their own conscience in order to achieve success. They do not enter into conflicts, but their intellectual games are so subtle that those around them do not even notice how they are being deceived. Emotionally, representatives of this sign are cold, and the Moon in Capricorn only emphasizes this characteristic. They get married late; family will never come first for them.


The changeable nature of Cancer is balanced by the lunar influence, but the emotional coloring does not disappear from it. The owner of such an astrological combination combines practicality, pragmatism, intelligence, with developed intuition and insight. He understands people well, knows how to manipulate others, while evoking sympathy. Cancer develops leadership qualities and ambitions, a desire to lead. He persistently achieves his goals, using any methods. He makes a gentle and sensitive lover or lover. Cancer values ​​family and is capable of doing a lot for loved ones.

a lion

They say about such people that they are self-made. The powerful combination of leonine ambition and tenacity of an earth sign gives rise to a strong personality. Leo sets a goal for himself in childhood and persistently strives to achieve it throughout his life. He reaches great heights or falls, losing everything. The main enemy of these people is a tendency to depression and the inability to cope with failures. They are demanding in love, sometimes using partners to prove their own power. But they are not prone to cheating, they choose a husband or wife for life, and they rarely get divorced.


People born with this combination are intellectuals. They even approach love from the point of view of logic, not emotions. Families are often created for convenience; children are raised according to strict rules. Virgo is organized, pragmatic and pedantic. She tries to complete any task to the highest standard, for which her superiors appreciate her. But Virgo lacks ambition; she can work in one place all her life without moving up the career ladder. If she likes the job, the material side and success fade into the background.


Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn are a combination of a leader. The owner of such a natal chart is distinguished by charm, diplomacy, and determination. He arouses sympathy among his superiors, so he moves up the career ladder even without sufficient knowledge and competencies. Libras are domineering and selfish, but not always self-confident, which is enhanced by the lunar influence. They need constant confirmation of their successes and the approval of others. Family and personal relationships are far from the first place in life for this sign, although he does not suffer from chastity.


For Scorpio with such an astrological combination, the issue of independence comes first. He is smart, broad-minded, analytical and has good intuition. These traits allow Scorpio to occupy leadership positions, but independence often leads him to the side, towards individual activity and freedom. The second feature of the sign is high moral qualities. He will never make a deal with his conscience and will not commit dishonest acts. If Mars interferes in the natal chart, Scorpios become warlike. These people are passionate and faithful lovers and value family. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones.


The Moon in the sign of Capricorn, combined with fiery Sagittarius, develops oratorical abilities, breadth of thinking, and leadership qualities in a person. Owners of such a natal chart have a good sense of humor, feel the crowd, and are able to direct them in the right direction. The Moon reduces the tendency to impulsive and reckless actions in Sagittarius and increases his moral qualities. Such people will never act contrary to their principles; these are the true children of Jupiter. In personal relationships, these are passionate lovers whose sexual energy is inexhaustible. But they rarely find spiritual closeness with their partner; they always remain detached and independent.


Double Capricorns often have poor health in childhood, which does not allow them to realize their dreams in early youth. But in middle age a favorable sextile opens up for them. They are ambitious and willing to work hard to achieve their goals. They love to impress people and dominate. By nature, they are realists and egoists, stingy with feelings. They show no interest in art, abstract or philosophical ideas. They don’t start close relationships, they put off starting a family. They often lead an ascetic lifestyle, and use money only to advance their status, career and achieve power.


In Aquarius, with this combination of heavenly bodies, nobility, self-confidence, insight, fearlessness, and a vivid imagination develop. These are individualists who prefer to live by established rules. They are ambitious, but never compromise their honor and principles to achieve their goals. Even at the peak of success they do not lose their heads. In society, such people are respected and not envied, because Aquarians achieve everything through their own efforts. In personal relationships they are cold, rarely become attached to someone, they start a family late.

Moon Venus in the natal chart of a man and a woman (fragment). Astrology training.


The Capricorn lunar horoscope is just a trend that affects emotions. There is always a chance to change your character and destiny if you know your strengths and weaknesses.

A woman with the moon in Capricorn should become softer, and a man more emotional. Every person has angels and demons in their soul, you just need to control them correctly.

If at birth the Moon was in Capricorn, then your life is protected by two elements. The earthly zodiac is subordinate to Saturn. This harsh planet has prepared for its wards a higher destiny, to which it leads throughout their lives. The moon is inextricably linked with the zodiac Cancer - the water element. Such a combination as the Moon in Capricorn for a man forms a complex and bright destiny.

What does the Moon in Capricorn mean for a man?

A man with the Moon in Capricorn tends to suppress emotions and feelings. This is a purposeful person who strives for stability in all aspects. Material well-being is important to him, but it is not the central idea.

There are three periods in the life of Lunar Capricorns. Childhood and adolescence are spent in trials and difficulties. It is difficult for them to find their own company and fit into the general rules. The presence of the Moon in tandem means a developed creative personality. People of this sign have their own moral and ethical code, a keen sense of justice. This is why it is difficult for them to “go with the flow” and “follow the crowd.”

Characteristics of someone born under the sign:

  • reliability;
  • loyalty;
  • strong will;
  • respect for the law;
  • desire to start a family;
  • love of work;
  • creation;
  • courage and honor.

In the period from 25 to 36 years, the Moon awakens in Capricorn the desire to accumulate life experience. During this period, the personality is revealed, we get the maximum number of individual traits. Depending on the chosen lifestyle, the period brings many vivid impressions and memories. The stage may seem unproductive. However, it is not. The personality receives its own facet, a stable understanding of oneself is formed.

Reaching a threshold age gives Capricorn an understanding of what his true path is. He finds a clear goal. It consists of thoughtful steps, plans and achievements. Once the analysis process is over, Capricorns take action. No realities of life can turn him away from his chosen path. He persistently achieves results, achieving his goals in short periods.

How to win a man with the Moon in Capricorn

Men born in tandem of the Moon and Capricorn have an idea of ​​their ideal. They lead a healthy lifestyle and strive for sports. In relationships they are stable, although not inventive. The main criterion in building relationships with the opposite sex is freedom.

They rarely change partners until the relationship completely becomes obsolete. It is difficult for them to find their other half, since the sign does not tolerate superficiality. For this reason, there are few love stories in their biography. However, this does not mean a lack of experience.

If a Moon in Capricorn man does not have a woman at the moment, he is looking for her and preparing for a meeting. Despite their pragmatism, men of the sign are romantic in love. To attract their attention, you need to be an unusual person and be able to surprise. They are drawn to active and creative women who know how to color their lives with adventures and travel.

Do you want to win the heart of a Capricorn man? Be persistent and tactful, you need an inventive plan. Throw away the familiar and banal. You will succeed only by piqued your opponent's curiosity. Capricorns in the Moon sign are drawn to relaxed and bright personalities.

White Moon in Capricorn for a man

Being in a dominant position, the White Moon in Capricorn gives a man the impetus to strive for higher goals. Selena patronizes the endeavors of her charges. It gives strength and luck to achieve a higher destiny.

With its help, a person confidently moves through life's adversities. A man’s life is subordinated to the path to the prepared highest goal. On this path, everything that becomes an obstacle fades into the background. The female companion must support her partner in this movement. Otherwise she will leave his life.

At a basic level, Selena in the sign gives a successful career and the start of complex projects. As a result, a happy old age, plans come true. At an average level, the Light Moon leads to isolation, asceticism and the search for a spiritual path. The desire for ideals and a rigidly constructed position characterize the period. At the highest level, the White Moon is led to aspirations to achieve a bright future for all humanity.

Black Moon in Capricorn for a man

Being in a sign, the Black Moon in Capricorn for a man denotes an internal demon-destroyer. This is a symbol of constant struggle with oneself. The dark “I” has strength and power, creating problems in the realization of the individual.

Lilith forms persistent complexes and a tendency to procrastination. This is a mirror of everything negative that is inherent in a person. The struggle with your alter ego continues throughout your life. By conquering himself, the Capricorn man hardens. External difficulties become an easy obstacle that he passes without thinking.

Lilith awakens the rebel in the soul of a Capricorn man. This is the other side of his desire to respect laws and orders. If the Dark Moon is pronounced in the sign, the man will oppose himself to social leaders. He will challenge authority. This line of behavior will give him a stable reputation as an independent person and respect. On the downside, it will cause alienation and isolation.

The influence of the Black Moon makes the sign reactive. Men under the sign of Lilith do not put up with injustice; they are ambitious and seek benefits from their superiors. If this influence is balanced, a person will be able to build a career with maximum material benefits.

Despite the pronounced negative influence, Lilith is able to bestow gifts on her ward. It gives resistance to adversity and the desire to improve material levels. Involving the Black Moon in interaction is not easy. The task requires sensitivity and intuition. Lilith is given to people who are able to throw themselves into work headlong.

When immersed in the creative process, the Capricorn man loses his sense of time. He gives off too much energy, which leads to rapid professional burnout. The Black Moon acts as a switch. At a certain point, the workaholic falls into a blissful state of peace, from which it is difficult to get out. Achieving a balance between the two states is the real art and goal of Capricorn.

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