The main types of umbrella breakdowns and their self-repair. How to close an umbrella if it won't close

Garden equipment 17.10.2023
Garden equipment

The modern market offers the client a wide variety of umbrellas. Among them you can find models that are distinguished by their special quality and beauty. But there are also those that break at the first bad weather. No matter what kind of umbrella you have, it may stop working. Is it worth it in this case to immediately take it in for repair or are there ways to try to fix this mechanism on your own?

Among the most common breakdowns are the following:

  • Severing the material from the frame.
  • Broken spokes.
  • Loosening of links.
  • Fallout of a tubular rivet.

In this article we offer some tips for self-repairing such breakdowns.

Fabric tear

No matter the quality of the material, over time it can come off the knitting needles.

In this case, you need to do the following. This problem is solved by using a fishing line. She shouldn't be fat. At the very edge of the torn fabric, you need to wrap the fishing line several times and thread it through the hole on the knitting needle. To ensure strong tension and fastening of the material, the fishing line should be tightened as tightly as possible.

Broken spokes

This problem is the weakest point of all umbrellas. And this does not depend on the strength of the frame. Even the most durable umbrellas cannot stand up if you are caught with them in strong winds and rain. Thus, the more often they are used, the faster they lose their original shape. So, to repair such a malfunction, you need to select a small tube - about 3 cm.

It should be about 6 mm in diameter. Some people use an antenna from the receiver for this. Using a hammer, we straighten the end of the broken knitting needle and pull it into this tube. The principle of this task is that you need to squeeze the tube with pliers at the point where the knitting needle breaks. This way the two ends are aligned.

Sometimes you may notice that the fabric at the point where it connects with the knitting needles will soon begin to tear. This problem can be solved with clear varnish. But if you decide to use a different varnish that matches the color of the umbrella, then this is also allowed.

Of course, there are situations when a product is no longer suitable for further use and repairing it is like trying to sew new fabric onto old one. In this case, we suggest you visit the website and buy a new umbrella. If necessary, we can make bulk purchases.

Link failure

If the links in the umbrella break, then you don’t need any special skills to repair it. You should make a hole at the bottom of the knitting needle link and insert a nail of the appropriate diameter there. Next, you need to rotate the link at the top until you can create maximum fixation in its connection with the lower link.

Rivet falling out

The hinged connecting mechanism has a tubular rivet that connects the spokes to the rods. When the umbrella is exposed to a strong wind, or is affected by other mechanical loads, the edges of this part bend and it falls out of this link. There is an excellent way to repair such a problem.

A paper clip is used as a substitute for a rivet. It needs to be unbent, inserted into the hole and bent on both sides. In this case, you will need pliers with wire cutters. This homemade product perfectly replaces a rivet and solves the problem of broken knitting needles. As you can see, many types of repairs can be easily performed using simple available tools and materials.

Probably every person uses an umbrella, since it rains in almost all places on our planet. And of course, almost everyone has encountered the fact that sooner or later an umbrella breaks.
– probably these two questions are of most interest to umbrella owners.

An umbrella usually consists of the following main parts - a handle with a button, sliding pipes (the number may vary, but most often there are 6 or 8 of these pipes), a lower support for the spokes, an upper support for the spokes to which the main cord of the umbrella is attached, a thick short and thin long springs, a plastic tube - the upper part of which is thickened, has a wheel and is inserted into the upper support.
If it turns out that the automatic umbrella is broken, then there is no need to rush to take it to the workshop or in no case should you throw it away. You can also repair the umbrella yourself.

Depending on what exactly is broken, you will need the following things for this: ready-made parts from another umbrella, pliers, stainless steel wire, a soldering iron, a metal tube with a diameter of 6 centimeters.

The most common types of damage to umbrellas are:

Automatic umbrella does not fold

Grooved spokes break very often.

In order to fix this, you need to take a metal pipe with a diameter of 6 centimeters and cut off a piece of it approximately 3 centimeters in length. Then you will need to straighten the ends of the knitting needle that broke, then put a cut piece of tube on it and compress these two ends with pliers.

— the tubular rivets at the ends of the spokes are damaged. In order to fix the umbrella in this case, you need to insert a small piece of soft stainless steel wire into the hole, and then you will need to twist the ends.

— the rod broke at the point of their hinge connection.

You need to cut a small plate of 20 by 12 mm from a piece of tin and bend it along its length so that it looks like a trough. After this, you will need to tin the ends and install the overlay itself. Then you need to take a soldering iron and use it to solder the place where the umbrella was repaired.

— often in umbrellas that open automatically there is a problem that the latch fails to work. It is the latch that holds the umbrella when it is closed.

In order to eliminate this, you need to press the locking protrusion and move it closer to the handle. Then you need to remove the faulty latch from the tube, straighten it - and then install it back in its place.

And you can also look video Repairing a semi-automatic umbrella with your own hands

Strong wind, rain or careless handling can cause the umbrella to suddenly break. Repairing at home is not an easy task. However, people with golden hands can easily repair an umbrella on their own. In this article we will talk about popular breakdowns and ways to fix them.

If they're broken...

Grooved spokes

They often break if the umbrella is caught in a strong wind. In this case, take an old, but not broken, grooved tube 6 mm wide and cut off a 3 cm piece. In such cases, you can take an old TV antenna or transistor. The ends of the broken knitting needle are straightened, a new tube is put on and the ends are clamped with pliers. If the tubular rivets at the ends of the knitting needles are damaged, then a piece of stainless steel wire is inserted into the hole and the ends are twisted.


If the cause of the breakdown is a torn ribbon that provides tension to the umbrella canopy, then it needs to be replaced. First, unscrew the top plug at the top of the dome, remove the canvas, and then remove the latch from the top assembly. Then the knot is removed completely, the tube is opened by placing your hand under it. Maximum caution is required as there is a spring inside that can pop out. After this, the rollers are taken out and the tape is replaced.


Sometimes it is necessary to replace the rod. This happens when the linkage pivot areas break due to excessive stress. For repairs, the umbrella is rested with its top on something solid, and the power spring is compressed with a dome clamp. The compression of the spring is restrained, the rods are removed from the hooks. A plate is made from a tinned tin, bent and applied tightly. The broken ends are soldered with a soldering iron. One end of the rod is fixed with a clamp, the cover is inserted and soldered together. The second end is inserted into the pad and soldered along the length. After this, the connection of the rods is brought to its original position, the umbrella is closed and opened several times in a row, checking the soldering for strength.


If the latch does not work and the umbrella does not stay closed, then do this. Press the locking protrusion, bringing it towards the handle. The broken latch is removed from the rod handle and straightened out, after which it is put back in place. If the metal is too brittle, the retainer is replaced with a new one.

If the breakdown is due to the tubular retainer falling out of the hinge, and there are no tools at hand, then a regular paper clip will help. The end of the paperclip is threaded through the holes of the knitting needles and rods, and the end of the paperclip is bent.

How to make a rivet from wire

If a rivet has fallen out of the hinge joint of the rods and spokes, then you can repair the umbrella by installing a homemade rivet made of copper wire. The wire is selected depending on the size of the diameter of the spoke holes and the rod. Before making a rivet, the wire is threaded through the hole in the rod and tested for mobility. If it is too tight, rub the wire with sandpaper to reduce the diameter. Next, the “head” of the rivet is formed: the wire is clamped with a vice, and “riveted” at the edges with hammer blows. The non-flat end of the wire is processed with a fine file.

To install the rivet, you need to install the umbrella in half-opening, which the springs that open the canopy to the end will not allow you to do. Therefore, you need to tie the lower movable part of the umbrella to the handle with a rope. Next step: the knitting needle is inserted into the slot of the rod and the prepared wire is inserted. The excess is bitten off with pliers, leaving a protruding part of 1 mm.

And the last thing: the head of the wire is pressed against the anvil with any metal object and the wire is flattened with light pressure until a head is obtained. If you don't have wire, you can use post nails. They are made of soft metal and therefore also rivet well.

How to disassemble an umbrella

Sometimes an umbrella can only be repaired if it is completely disassembled. This happens if you handle the umbrella haphazardly, for example, do not use a special button, but forcefully close the umbrella. The thread inside breaks and the product does not open. In such a situation, first unravel the knitting needles and free them from the wire fastening. Then the pin of the base of the spokes is taken out, and the axle is carefully separated from the top. At the same time, make sure that small parts do not fall apart. The handle is also detachable. After the cord has been replaced, the umbrella is assembled.

If the threads are frayed

Sometimes the difficulty of repair arises if the threads are frayed. You can use thread with a needle, and for stronger stitches you can use steel thread or fishing line.

How to remove rust

Due to the poor quality of the alloy, the umbrella parts may stain the fabric with rust stains. Rust can destroy the fabric, and the umbrella will become completely unusable. Therefore, it is better to immediately wipe such harbingers of breakdown with a piece of lemon and rinse with water. Grease and other contaminants can be eliminated using ammonia.

If the fabric is torn

Sometimes the material breaks from the knitting needle. In this case, taking a thin fishing line, you need to wrap the edge and secure it with a knot. You need to stretch the ends of the fishing line into the hole of the knitting needle and fasten everything with several knots. The knots are burned with a lighter for greater strength.
In order to connect the dome and knitting needles, you need to select matching threads. The fabric is sewn to the knitting needle using neat small stitches from the inside.


Repairing an umbrella is a procedure that requires attention and careful attention to detail. It is quite possible to eliminate the above listed breakdowns at home, while more serious problems will have to be solved by a specialist, or you will have to buy a new umbrella.

Usually, many people throw away umbrellas due to minor breakdowns, which are generally easy to fix even for an inexperienced craftsman. Mostly, the rods break at the point of their hinge connection, which is carried out using an axle. More often this happens with a large rod in node “A” (Fig. 1), since this rod in the open umbrella bears the main load, and even a slight lateral pressure on it leads to the rod breaking, as a result of which the compression hook of the power spring is usually lost.

Rice. 1. Design of the umbrella frame: A, B and C – places of the most common breakdowns; 1 – upper linkage fastening unit; 2 – hairpin; 3 – depreciation spring; 4 – power spring bushing; 5 – power spring; 6 – sleeve for fixing the umbrella when folded; 7 – cavity for the latch hook; 8 – power spring compression hook; 9 – traction

When starting to repair the rod, first of all you should relieve the tension in the elements of the umbrella frame created by the power spring. To do this, the upper end of the umbrella is rested against some surface, for example, against a door, and the power spring is compressed using the sleeve for fixing the umbrella when folded so that all the hooks that hold the spring in a compressed state can be freely unhooked from the rods. When releasing the hooks, you must not weaken the compression of the spring, otherwise the other rods may break.

Rice. 2. Repair of broken rods (using a lining): a – lining; b, c and d – sequence of operations during repair; d – repair with installation of a new axle; 1 – whole thrust; 2 – broken rod; 3 – overlay

To repair a broken rod, you will have to make a connecting pad. To do this, you should cut out a plate measuring 45×13 mm from 0.2...0.3 mm tinned sheet metal (the width is given in excess, since it is not always possible to symmetrically bend the plate exactly along the longitudinal axis), turn the plate into a “trough” so that the latter was tightly put on the rod being repaired, giving the lining the desired shape (Fig. 2,a).

The broken and intact rods are freed from the fabric; if the first one is deformed, it is straightened. The areas of the connected ends of the rod that will be located under the lining must be tinned in excess. If the axle on the attached (whole) rod has no defects, the rod with the axle is installed in place, as shown in Fig. 2, b, the axle on both sides is secured to the rod by soldering, and a connecting plate is installed (Fig. 2, c). Having fixed the end of the rod and the cover in the desired position using a compression clamp, the cover is soldered to the rod without disturbing the soldering of the axle. The other half of the rod is firmly inserted into the pad (Fig. 2d), after which the rod is fixed and the pad is soldered along its entire length. The joint is brought into proper shape, checking the functionality of the hinge joint.

If the axis on the attached rod is strongly bent and has any other defect, it is removed, a hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm is drilled in the lining, coinciding with the hole on the rod being repaired, and a wire is inserted into the hole, which will act as an axis. Next, carry out the same operations for connecting the rods that were described above. All that remains is to remove the wire, make an axis of the required length out of it and connect it with the rod axis. To prevent the axle from falling out of the rods and clinging to the fabric, it is soldered to the pad on both sides (Fig. 2e). The attachment of the fabric to the rods is restored. If there is easy access to the soldering point of the rod, it is better not to disconnect the fabric from the frame, but in order to avoid hot drops of tin getting on the fabric, you must first place a gasket between the fabric and the soldering point. The breakdown in node B is repaired in the same way (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 3. Repair of broken rods (using an insert and an overlay): a – insert; b – overlay; c, d and e – sequence of repair operations

Umbrellas in which the frame elements are made of thicker steel (in this case, the rods have narrower sidewalls), the broken rods in nodes A, B and C are connected using plug-in lugs, which are pressed against the sidewalls of the rods. For such umbrellas, breakage of the rods most often occurs in node B (see Fig. 1), since in this place the strength of the rod is weakened by the hole intended for the compression hook of the power spring. To repair such a rod, an insert-eye is bent from strong steel wire, the shape of which is shown in Fig. 3, a. The wire is selected with such a diameter that the insert fits tightly between the sidewalls of the rod. The length of the entire insert is approximately 45...50 mm. The main requirement for the insert is that when it is installed in place, the hook hook moves freely in the resulting cavity, and the insert itself does not interfere with the compact folding of the umbrella. To enhance the strength of the traction at the point of failure, it is still necessary to make an overlay from tinned sheet metal with a thickness of 0.2...0.3 mm (Fig. 3, b). Having made the fasteners, all that remains is to straighten the broken rod, tin the finished connecting insert with a thin layer of tin, insert the broken end of the rod closest to the handle so that the highest point of the curved part of the insert is located above the end of the hook hook (Fig. 3, c), and crimp the end of the insert traction sidewalls. Next, the second part of the rod is placed at the free end of the insert, the rod is compressed around the insert and the latter is soldered along its entire length. To increase the reliability of the connection, put an overlay on the place to be repaired, having previously drilled a hole in it with a diameter of 1.2 mm, coinciding with the hole on the rod being repaired, and solder the overlay to the rod.

Rice. 4. Mechanism for fixing the umbrella (manual) when opened: 1 – rod fastening unit; 2 – clamp; 3 – eye

There are cases when, after repair, umbrellas of this type do not fold completely. One of the reasons for this is the displacement of the ear inserts in the repaired units (especially in unit A), which usually occurs due to poor-quality crimping of the sidewalls of the rods. To eliminate such a defect, you will have to lightly hit the part of the eye protruding from the rod with a small hammer to move the eye to the desired place and again press the insert tightly with the sides of the rod. Please note that in order to more securely connect them to the rods, notches are made on the ear inserts (see Fig. 3, a).

In fact, broken rods are repaired only if there are no intact rods from any other umbrella of a similar design that cannot be repaired. Separating the required rod from the umbrella frame is not difficult. It is enough to cut off the flaring of the axles on a suitable rod with a knife and disconnect it from other rods and assemblies. And the axles for the “new” rod can be easily made from wire (or a nail) of the required diameter, not forgetting to solder the ends of the axle to the sides of the rod.

For umbrellas with an extended power spring, along with the above-mentioned breakdowns, the power spring bushing often cracks. I note that all the failed bushings that I dealt with were beyond repair, so to replace them I had to use suitable bushings from umbrellas of other designs. You can install a new bushing either through the upper or lower parts of the umbrella rod. You just need to determine which pin is easier to knock out: either the pin that secures the handle, or the pin that holds the upper linkage attachment. First of all, of course, you need to free the rods from the broken bushing and remove the latter. Installation of the bushing through the upper part of the rod is carried out in the following sequence: move the depreciation spring down (see Fig. 1), knock out the pin from the upper attachment point of the rods, remove this unit and install a new bushing. Assembling the umbrella, of course, is done in the reverse order.

Rice. 5. Option for repairing the umbrella fixation unit when open (using a clamp): a – pattern of a clamp blank; b – workpiece with soldered plates; c – drawing of the clamp

Rice. 6. Option for repairing the umbrella fixation unit in the open form (using surfacing and half-clamps): 1 – surfacing; 2 – half clamp

All of the above repair work is performed with the power spring compression hooks removed. Upon completion of the repair, check the presence of these hooks, make the missing number of them in the shape of the existing ones, install the umbrella fixation sleeve in a folded form so that the cavity (slot) of the hook on it is in line with the latch protrusion, hook the hooks to the sleeve, compress the power spring and insert the hooks into the holes of the rod.

By opening and folding the umbrella, check the correctness of its repair and assembly.

For umbrellas with manual opening, especially with a three-stage rod, in the mechanism that fixes the umbrella when opened, the eye in which the locking axis is installed often breaks due to excessive tension (in Fig. 4, the breakage point is shaded). If it is impossible to replace a failed mechanism, it can be repaired by making a clamp from 0.2...0.3 mm tin-plated sheet. It is clear that the dimensions of the workpiece for the clamp depend on the dimensions of the mechanism sleeve. In Fig. 5, and I gave the dimensions of the clamp blank for the fixation mechanism in the open form of my umbrella, where the size of 35 mm is the distance on the blank from eye to eye, measured along the outer diameter of the bushing. The dimensions of clamp blanks for other mechanisms are determined in the same way. The edges of the workpiece are bent (along the dotted lines) and, applying the edges to the ears of the mechanism, the contours of the ears are transferred to the edges and the location of the hole of the latch axis is precisely marked. Remove “extra” areas on the folds. To increase the strength of the clamp ears, it is better to solder to them plates cut to their size and shape (Fig. 5,b), not forgetting to drill holes in the bends. All that remains is to bend the workpiece, without allowing distortion, around the tube (rod), the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the bushing of the fixation mechanism, put the clamp in place, that is, on the bushing, eliminate the inaccuracies, select a screw with a nut instead of the axle, and assemble the mechanism. A drawing of the finished clamp is shown in Fig. 5, c.

Rice. 7. Design of the latch: 1 – locking protrusion; 2 – handle tube; 3 – hook protrusion

You can repair the mechanism in another way. It is a little simpler and takes less time to repair, but the ears are less durable. In this case, take a small plywood (or strip) approximately 5 mm thick and insert it into the slot of the fixation mechanism between the broken ears. Along the remaining part of the lug in the plywood, a hole for the axle is marked and drilled, nails of the appropriate diameter are inserted into the hole, the plywood is installed on the axle in the slot, and the missing parts of the lugs are welded from fragments of the lugs or other suitable material onto the body of the mechanism or glued to it. Next, two strips half the thickness of the ear are cut out of tin (stainless steel, copper, brass), and bent with a half-clamp. By placing one half-clamp on the ear, as shown in Fig. 6, heat the half-clamp with a soldering iron, gradually pressing it into the ear. We also press the second half-clamp into the other ear. All that remains is to remove the stud-axle, remove the plywood, process the ears, and then assemble the mechanism. Don't forget to check the welding quality for strength. (For those who have not welded plastic parts, I inform you that such work is performed in a well-ventilated area.)

With children's umbrellas with automatic opening, it happens that the protrusion of the hook at the latch that holds the umbrella when folded stops returning to its original position. This is due to the fact that the clamp is made of low-quality metal and simply bends under load. This kind of problem can be fixed quickly. To do this, you will have to press the locking protrusion (Fig. 7), move the protrusion towards the handle, pull the latch out of the rod tube, bend the latch at the bend point, and then insert the latch into place. True, after some time the retainer will lose its shape again, so it is better to immediately replace it with a new retainer made of high-quality steel. If you don’t find one, it’s easy to make a retainer yourself from elastic metal.

For those who are thinking about doing umbrella repair, I recommend making the devices shown in Fig. 8 and 9. Although they are primitive, they greatly simplify the repair process. So, to mold the overlays (see Fig. 2,a), you will have to make a simple stamp. The die matrix (Fig. 8a) is bent from sheet steel 1.5 mm thick. In the center of the bottom of the “trough”, a depression is formed with a beard or other suitable tool. The punch (Fig. 8,b), which has a protrusion in the center, is made from a strip of steel 3...4 mm thick. When forming an overlay, a plate measuring 45...50×13 mm is placed on the matrix so that there is a recess under the center of the plate, a punch is placed on top and hit with a hammer. All. The overlay is ready, all that remains is to work on it a little. By the way, the matrix described above is also useful for straightening the rods, but the punch will have to be made new (Fig. 8, c). The deformed rod is placed in the recess of the matrix, after which it is straightened with a punch.

Rice. 8. Die for making linings and straightening rods: a – matrix; b and c – punches

It is also necessary to make devices for compressing the power spring (Fig. 9). The operating principle of this device is similar to that of a simple screw press. Here, two crossbars “run” along two guides (Fig. 10), one of which acts as a base, and the second as a slider, which can be moved by turning or unscrewing the wings on the guides where the M6 ​​thread is cut. Each crossbar consists of two halves (Fig. 10, a).

Rice. 9. Device for compressing the power spring: 1 – crossbar (jumper); 2 – split washer; 3 – power spring bushing; 4 – sleeve for fixing the umbrella when folded; 5 – pin (guide)

We’ll tell you a little about how to compress a spring using this device. First, two halves of the jumper are put on each pin (guide) and screwed on the lamb. Complete assembly of the device is carried out directly on the umbrella. The halves are connected with screws, as a result of which the resulting jumpers wrap around the rod of the umbrella handle. The device is now ready to compress the spring. You just need to tighten the screws. This simplifies the process of removing and installing the spring compression hooks, described at the beginning of the text.

Rice. 10. Design of the crossbar (lintel): a – drawing of half of the lintel; b – assembled jumper

A little about fabric. Broken ends of rods, as a rule, tear the fabric of the umbrella. Small holes can be sealed with the same fabric using BF-6 glue, which is sold in pharmacies, but it is easier to stick a transparent self-adhesive film onto the damaged area, as my friends do.

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An umbrella serves as an indispensable accessory in rainy weather, protecting against the flow of water and wind. If after another bad weather it has lost its attractiveness or one of its main parts has broken, do not despair and do not rush to throw it away. It can always be fixed! Before repairing an umbrella, study its structure and determine whether it is possible to repair the faulty spare part. Sometimes automatic designs may require the help of a specialist.

Types of umbrellas

There are varieties of designs and differences between folding mechanisms from each other. The most important part of any umbrella is the dome, consisting of a metal frame or plastic spokes, on which fabric is stretched and a solid or folding handle. Each model can be equipped with a simple or automatic mechanism. All umbrellas are conventionally divided into:

  • canes– have an enlarged dome made of dense fabric, a strong handle;
  • folding– the structures have a telescopic device and can be folded and reduced in size (from two to five times).

Depending on the opening mechanism, there is a division into the following types:

  • mechanical– open and close by hand, there are no buttons on the handle;
  • semi-automatic– open manually, the automatic mechanism closes the dome when you press the button, and the handle shaft folds by hand;
  • automatic– the button opens the dome, but you need to close it with your hand;
  • full automatic– a button is used to open and close; no effort is required.


The designs vary from model to model, but there are basic parts for all umbrellas. Main elements:

  • fabric stretched over a frame;
  • a rod consisting of telescopic parts of a tube;
  • handle, with or without button;
  • lower spoke supports;
  • upper supports to which the main dome is attached;
  • springs (thick short and thin long);
  • A wheel is built into the upper part of the plastic tube (holder) that secures the lower supports.

The most common malfunction is when automatic umbrellas lose their rigidity. This happens when the wind turns them inside out, bending the thin knitting needles. It is important to periodically check the joints of the spokes and, if necessary, strengthen the weakened tissue. The same rule applies to all umbrellas: the fewer connections there are on the rod and spokes, the less often the structure breaks.

Spare parts

No matter how expensive and high-quality an umbrella is, it cannot be insured against breakage. Before throwing away your old one and buying a new one, try repairing your umbrella. If you have a second - unnecessary copy - then it can become a source of scrap materials for restoration. Urgent repairs of umbrellas, if necessary, can be performed by professional craftsmen in specialized modern institutions such as the House of Public Services.

The following components are subject to replacement and repair:

  • telescopic the shaft or base of a cane;
  • knitting needles from various materials;
  • pen any configuration;
  • dome material;
  • safety spoke tips;
  • center cap;
  • buttons.

DIY umbrella repair

Depending on the cause of the malfunction, prepare the necessary materials and auxiliary tools. This could be a finished part from an old umbrella, pliers, wire or a tool for soldering metal parts. At home, you can repair the automatic umbrella with your own hands and eliminate the following breakdowns:

  • damaged fabric at the seam;
  • the tip of a knitting needle has fallen off;
  • bent and broken knitting needles;
  • faulty latch.

Fabric repair

To connect the seam on the dome, select threads of the appropriate color: you should carefully sew the fabric by hand. If the material comes off the end of the knitting needle, then use a thin fishing line to wrap the edge and secure it with a knot. Thread the ends of the fishing line into the hole of the knitting needle and secure it with several knots. This procedure is performed with the tissue freely positioned on the frame.

Spoke repair

How to repair an umbrella if the spokes are damaged? Follow the step by step instructions:

  • First, you should detach the fabric from the frame of the product, remembering the location of the material.
  • Next, you need to straighten the damaged knitting needles. If a part is unusable, it must be replaced. Use a soldering iron to fasten or secure the metal parts of the knitting needle with wire (you can use a piece of paper clip).
  • Upon completion of work, secure the material with fishing line to the frame.

Holder repair

If the umbrella does not stay open, try to repair the product yourself. This kind of damage can be easily fixed if the latch is bent. To do this, press on the protrusion and sharply move the part to the side. This way the latch tongue is pulled out and carefully straightened. Install it back in the same way. Please note: if the spare parts for umbrellas are of poor quality, then such repairs will not last long. In this case, you just need to replace the damaged part. You can take it out of an old umbrella and insert it into the handle.

Automatic umbrella repair

Repairing an automatic umbrella is a little more difficult than a mechanical one, and it takes more time. Sometimes the breakdown is associated with improper use of the product, then the parts are severely deformed and can only be replaced with new ones. If the machine itself is faulty, it is better to contact specialists in specialized institutions where umbrellas are repaired. This process is completed in a short time.

Where to repair an umbrella

Repair of damaged products of any complexity is carried out by specialized workshops or stores that provide repairs to shoes and clothing. In large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are service centers that provide high-quality repairs of umbrellas. In small towns there are also centers where the service will cost even less. Pay attention to advertisements on the Internet, in newspapers, read reviews, customer recommendations, compare prices.

Umbrella repair price

Approximate cost of repairs in Moscow:


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