General cleaning for the New Year - getting ready for your favorite holiday. General cleaning before the New Year - how to do everything General cleaning for the new year plan

Engineering systems 20.06.2020
Engineering systems

The approach of the New Year holidays is always associated with a lot of trouble, menu planning, buying gifts and, of course, cleaning. However, today it is possible to significantly facilitate the implementation of all these tasks by entrusting them to experienced experts in their field. A cleaning company is your unique chance to get a perfectly clean home just before the holidays.
Experienced cleaners of our company will be able to cope with any task assigned to them. It is enough for our customers to express all their wishes to the employees of the company, and in the shortest possible time they will be implemented.

How to order cleaning before the New Year?

The answer to this question is as simple as possible: just contact the company's managers and specify the essence of your order. However, on the eve of the New Year, it is important to consider that many modern citizens want to take advantage of professional help in cleaning. Therefore, the earlier you place an order, the more confident you can be that you will celebrate the New Year in perfect cleanliness and order. The cost of cleaning in our company will pleasantly surprise you. At a relatively low cost, you can get professional cleaning assistance and save your own time.

    Cleaning the apartment before the New Year by a cleaning company

    The list of works included in the cleaning service before the New Year is extensive. Moreover, it can vary depending on the wishes of the customer. As a standard, our clients order:
  1. dry and wet cleaning of all residential and technical premises in a house or apartment;
  2. polishing surfaces of furniture, mirrors and glasses;
  3. cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets;
  4. preparing a place for the subsequent installation of a Christmas tree;
  5. sorting things into cabinets and sorting out other “deposits” of things that have accumulated in the house over the year.

New Year's Eve requires serious preparations. It is necessary to decorate the Christmas tree, and before that - carefully clean the apartment in order to get rid of the garbage that has accumulated over the year. We offer to use the experience of professional cleaners. How to conduct a general meeting, experts of the Helpstar home services service tell.

General cleaning: getting rid of bad emotions

New Year's Eve is not for everyone. Some people do not like this holiday because they have to clean the apartment - and after all, the last cleaning of the year is significantly different from the weekly cleaning of carpets and a bathroom. There is something sacred in it - you need to clean the room not only from garbage, but also from negative emotions, in order to reset your life from the New Year. I also want to bring the Christmas tree to a clean apartment: first, dressing up the New Year's beauty, and then vacuuming and washing the floors is simply inconvenient.

Any cleaning of the premises begins with the release of it from the rubbish. Collect all the unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year: boxes from gadgets, clothes that you do not wear, cracked dishes, and the like. Do not be afraid to throw away: the more useless items go to the trash on New Year's Eve, the more necessary things you will have in the future. When the garbage is stacked in the corridor, you can send the bedding to the washing machine and proceed to the main thing.

Apartment cleaning starts in the bedroom

You will definitely need a stepladder. General cleaning involves the destruction of dust and dirt in all places, and it’s worth starting from the ceiling - including washing all the chandelier shades. By the way, the more complex they are in design, the more dust accumulates on them.

Then the dust is removed from the top of cabinets and mezzanines. As a rule, it is in these places that it accumulates a lot. After that, it is customary for professional cleaners to wipe the walls and wash the cabinets inside - for this you have to remove all things.

Work is carried out according to strict rules: from top to bottom and clockwise. The fact is that if you wipe the upper surfaces of the cabinets after the floor, then you will have to do part of the cleaning again, because the dust will simply settle below. Moving clockwise allows you to distribute time and control which areas have already been washed and which have not yet.

After cabinets comes the turn of switches, sockets, interior doors that are washed from both sides, as well as central heating radiators and window sills. Be sure to wipe all mirrors and glass surfaces - for this it is better to use a special cloth that will not leave streaks.

In conclusion, the floor of the bedroom is vacuumed, and then wet cleaning follows, destroying the last remnants of dust. After the bedroom is cleaned, you can put on clean linens, make the bed and proceed to another room. The principle of cleaning will be the same. Well, after freshness reigns in all rooms, we begin to wash the kitchen.

How to clean the refrigerator and the entire kitchen

Cleaning the kitchen begins with washing the ceiling, walls and ventilation grill. It always accumulates a thick layer of grease, soot and dust. Ideally, the grate should simply be removed and wiped well. But if it is impossible to disconnect it, then you have to wash it right at the ceiling.

Kitchen cabinets also require cleaning both on top and inside. At the same time, it will be useful to conduct an audit and throw out unnecessary seasonings or stale products. All the same applies to the refrigerator: there will surely be ancient lemons or some kind of moldy persimmon. And even if there is nothing like this, it is still worth washing the refrigerator before the New Year to load it with products for the New Year's table.

First you need to remove all glass shelves and plastic containers for vegetables. They should be taken to the bathroom and left there to warm up to room temperature: cold glass can burst if you immediately start washing it with hot water.

Then the refrigerator is washed from the outside. Temporarily remove all magnets so that the refrigerator door shines like new afterwards. By the way, professional cleaners have a special brush similar to a toothbrush to clean the rubber door seal of the refrigerator, only with much stiffer bristles.

No less thoroughly wash the refrigerator inside. Then the shelves and plastic containers are washed. You should not immediately put them in the refrigerator: while they dry, start washing the countertops, sinks, apron and stove.

Previously, all surfaces can be treated with a detergent and left for fifteen minutes, so that the dirt subsequently leaves more easily. The same should be done with the oven and microwave. By the way, there are special scrapers for cleaning the glass-ceramic hob.

After all the internal surfaces of the microwave and oven are washed, and the refrigerator shines with cleanliness, wipe the radiators and window sills. At the final stage of cleaning the kitchen, you should vacuum the floor and do a wet cleaning.

Cleanliness in the bathroom - only apparent

In the midst of cleaning the kitchen, it is worth remembering the bathroom. The sink and toilet bowl need to be filled with detergent so that it fights dirt on its own for some time - this will simplify further cleaning.

It is also recommended to start washing the bathroom from the ventilation grill. She, of course, will seem less dirty than in the kitchen, but fine hair and dust still fly into it. Also, bacteria can multiply there, which then, thanks to the hood, spread throughout the apartment.

Be sure to clean the tiles. It only seems as if it is clean: in fact, both water deposits and a soap film settle on it. All cabinets in the bathroom and the shelf where there are toothbrushes and cosmetics are completely washed. Lastly, wash the sink, toilet bowl and floor, and you should pay attention to the space behind the toilet bowl, where, as a rule, a lot of dirt accumulates.

Finished cleaning the hallway. The final touch is taking out the trash. The more it is typed, the more thoroughly the cleaning was carried out. Well, now, if you have the strength left, you can decorate the Christmas tree.

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General cleaning: how to have time to polish?

General cleaning is an inevitable event on the eve of any holiday. And especially before the New Year. A catastrophic lack of time, a large amount of work and the pre-holiday fuss - all these factors postpone the start of the cleaning process, and when there are already two or three days left before the reception of guests, we will be guided by the principle "eyes are afraid, hands are doing."

General cleaning before the holiday is a kind of home time management for polishing the apartment

General cleaning: basic rules

♦ Good mood. Pre-holiday cleaning is not an easy task, but you can psychologically tune in to it. First, treat work not as a duty, but as a useful training or an intricate game. Secondly, to attract households and distribute the front of employment. If you like to do it alone, then send family members for shopping and gifts. For mood, turn on your favorite music or TV, but in the background. Cleaning, by the way, is a great opportunity to put in order not only the apartment, but also thoughts.

♦ In cleaning, it is important to make a plan of where to start, what to focus on. We do not scatter and do not waste energy on everything. We divide the rooms into zones and begin to systematically clean one closet after another. We remember that the sense of order for outsiders, first of all, is clean horizontal surfaces, that is, there should be nothing superfluous on open shelves, tables. However, for internal comfort, cleanliness and order are also important in places closed from the eyes - dressing rooms, racks.

It would be right if every adult member of the family polished their closets. We get rid of excess, unnecessary clothes - we collect them in bags, which, if possible, we distribute to friends or to help centers for those in need. During cleaning, we sort dirty things from clean ones. The first ones are sent to the washing machine, the second ones are laid out in cabinets.

♦ Various containers and boxes will help in the household, they perfectly store things that individually take up a lot of space or visually give a sense of disorder. Boxes of different sizes are suitable for small things - pencils, shoelaces - and for bulky items - shoes, bags, etc.

Vacuum bags for seasonal clothes are indispensable, they are removed to the upper shelves of mezzanines and cabinets. We also place additional sets of pillows, blankets and other bedding in such packages. Wardrobe items packed in bags in this way take up much less space than in their usual form.

♦ We wipe dust off chandeliers, cornices, upper shelves, that is, places that are not reached during daily or weekly cleaning. We clean the leaves of indoor plants, polish the furniture, wipe the upholstery of upholstered furniture, chairs; we get rid of dust household electronics - computer, TV, home theater. For them, we use special sprays or wipes - they perfectly remove static dust and allow you to keep electrical equipment from plaque for a long time.

♦ If possible, it would be nice to freshen the curtains and tulle - a lot of dust also settles on them. We wash mirrors, glass surfaces with special products. We change capes, bedspreads, furniture covers.

♦ Before the general cleaning, we think over a place for seating guests, a recreation area and games for children. If the presence of small children is expected at the holiday, then we carefully examine the lower parts of the racks, slides - we remove small parts from them, objects that can harm the kids; plug sockets.

♦ The kitchen is a very important place for the hostess, especially on the eve of any celebration. Even before the main process of cooking in the kitchen, you need to put things in order. We defrost and wash the refrigerator, clean from stains and grease not only the stove and microwave, but also other household appliances, headset facades, panels. We prepare the dishes necessary for the holiday: pre-polished cutlery, washed service will facilitate table setting on the day of celebration.

General cleaning of the kitchen is perhaps the most crucial moment on the eve of any holiday.

♦ Don't forget about the hallway and the bathroom. In the hall we free up space from shoes, clean them, put them in boxes; we do the same with other accessories, leaving only the necessary things for the coming days. In the wardrobes, we definitely provide free hangers and shelves for the clothes of future guests. In the bathroom, we clean the plumbing, tiles from dirt and plaque, free the shelves from excess or empty bottles from shampoos, masks, gels. Washing machine is also better to clean.

♦ At the end of the cleaning in the entire apartment, once again wipe the dust off the surfaces, vacuum and mop the floors. After that, the room will become clean, will please the eye. Time for such cleaning will not take as much as it seems at first. But only on one condition - if there are no distracting maneuvers: conversations, tea parties, frequent minutes of rest. It is better to immediately determine for yourself the hour of completion of work. Such home time management will effectively distribute the forces and time before the main celebration.

New Year is an unusual holiday - it's a fairy tale, the expectation of a miracle and children's faith in the fulfillment of desires. But in order for the fairy tale to succeed, it is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. And you can't do without cleanliness here. General cleaning before the New Year - how to do everything so as not to fall exhausted before the chiming clock ?! Even if it seems that you can’t do everything, the main thing is not to panic. The rule of time managers: “Eat the elephant in pieces” also works effectively during New Year's Eve troubles.

A constructive approach will help to catch everything

● First of all, make a list of things that you plan to do for the holiday.

● Then divide the process into stages and write a plan - when, where and what you will clean.

● New Year's Eve is a family holiday, so get your family involved in cleanliness. The kids can do the hard work too. Instruct them to beautifully draw up a New Year's Eve plan, and tick the completed work, put flags, snowflakes or other icons.

A common cause will strengthen the family, and you will be relieved of congestion. The main thing is a positive attitude and a constructive approach.

How to do a spring cleaning before the New Year

In order to do everything before the New Year holidays, devote 30-40 minutes of your evening time daily on weekdays to cleaning up.

Get your family members involved in this activity. In 30 minutes, no one will get tired, and the to-do list will gradually decrease.

General cleaning - where to start

● Start with the hardest part, cabinets.

It is better to part with things that you have not used for more than a year. Give them to those in need or throw them away. My friend, for example, donates old clothes to animal shelters for bedding.

● Inspect kitchen cabinets, mezzanines and closets. Remove the excess, wash the shelves, and ventilate the cabinets.

● The next stage of general cleaning will be cleaning of dust, nets and invisible cobwebs of ceilings and tall cabinets. Involve your husband and older children in this activity.

● Spouse and children will help to remove tulle for washing, shake out curtains, blankets, and pillows, clean carpets and upholstered furniture

● Then take care of the lamps. All family members can also participate in this case.

● After the most difficult and time-consuming work is done, things will move much faster. Devoting 30-40 minutes every day to cleaning up the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you will have time to redo all your affairs before the New Year holidays, and on December 30, only wet cleaning will remain.


In order not to have to deal with these matters on December 31, when every minute counts, be sure to:

▪ prepare dishes for the festive table in advance;

▪ wash and dry plates, vases, wine glasses and glasses, clean darkened silverware;

▪ make a holiday menu with the whole family (it is better to buy groceries in advance before prices skyrocket);

▪ think about how you decorate and serve the New Year's table, many useful recommendations can be found on the Internet (children and husband can do this, they will show you the proposed options and together you will choose the best).

Now you know how to have time to do a spring cleaning before the New Year and prepare for the holiday.

Happy New Year!!!

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Almost everyone starts preparing for the New Year with a general cleaning of the apartment. But as a result, without strength, he falls on the sofa / bed long before the chiming clock. It's all about the wrong planning and distribution of cases. The following instructions will help correct the situation. And this New Year will be very different from the previous ones! Simple rules should be remembered before other family holidays.

step by step plan

How to effectively clean the apartment before the New Year and other celebrations? To get rid of the accumulated trash, you should be patient. One desire to see the house clean and beautiful is not enough!

The first thing to tidy up is the hallway. From here all unnecessary things are carried away, and only the necessary items and pleasant little things remain. If there is a chest of drawers, then you can put a vase with fresh flowers on it. Or just hang a funny picture/poster on the New Year theme on the wall.

The second step is to create an atmosphere of comfort in the living room. Since it is in this room that the family usually gathers, receive guests (not counting the kitchen), there should be no mess and rubbish here. Not sure what to get rid of? Take a picture of the living room and look at it from the side. As soon as a pile of old newspapers and other rubbish disappears from the room, it will immediately become neater and more comfortable.

The third step is to arrange a place for home dinners. Not everyone can allocate a separate room for a dining room. If her role is played by a table in the kitchen, it is important to put things in order on it. That is, remove everything that will distract you while eating. Is the table used for needlework, office work, or homework? Sort all items into boxes. The main thing is that they do not loom before your eyes during breakfast / lunch / dinner.

The fourth step is to clear the kitchen of unnecessary things. The room has long been the "heart" of the apartment, so you should not litter it with furniture or items that will ever come in handy. The kitchen should be left with utensils and products most commonly used for cooking.

The fifth step is to gradually teach the child to clean up the nursery. Toddlers are calm about the mess, because for them it is the result of development. Therefore, instead of screaming, it is better to set small tasks for the child first, and then gradually complicate them. The main thing is not to forget to encourage the child.

The sixth step is to clear the workspace. It does not matter where it is equipped, near the window or in the center of the living room, but over time a pile of garbage appears here. Before throwing out all the rubbish, it is better to sort it by importance. As a result, long-lost notebooks and checks can be found!

The seventh step is to arrange a resting place in the bedroom. This room is designed for relaxation and recuperation, so there is no place in it for objects that have long ceased to please or cause unpleasant associations. They should be replaced with nice accessories.

The eighth step is to clean the bathroom. Far from the last room in importance in the apartment, where you can retire and make a funny face in the mirror. But a dirty sink, unwashed linen and chaos among bottles / vials will spoil the mood. Therefore, you should sort out the tools you use and throw away the ones you don't need.

When every thing has its place, and there is no rubbish left in the house, then it will be possible to cope with mopping and dusting in a shorter time!

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