Good varieties of carrots for storage. Carrots best varieties reviews

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For several thousand years, carrots have been used in the preparation of various dishes. Early carrots are immediately used for food, eaten fresh, and used for preparing children's and dietary dishes. Some varieties are harvested for the winter, because at this time of year the body needs useful and nutrients. Carrots are rich in vitamins and contain beta-carotene.

Winter carrots have a set of qualities necessary for long-term storage

Today you can find many good vegetable varieties and hybrids. Domestic producers produce seeds of varieties that are in no way inferior to foreign ones, and the amount of carotene in grown fruits is much higher.

Where to store supplies

Carrots, like other crops, are demanding on growing and storage conditions. The latter does not require much expense, but there is not always a suitable place in the house for this. It is better if the carrots are stored in a cellar or basement with a temperature of zero to two degrees and a humidity of about 98%. Do not overfreeze fruits and allow mold to form.

To keep carrots from drying out, they need high humidity.

How to choose the right varieties

For long-term storage, ripe and healthy root vegetables without damage are better suited. It is important to correctly combine climate, soil type and natural rhythms for each variety. It is necessary to avoid mistakes when planting seeds, watering the plantings and caring for them. Then you will be able to get high-quality ripe fruits. It is worth choosing seeds in accordance with the area where you plan to grow carrots.

The growing season and the duration of storage of carrots are directly related to each other. Early ripening varieties of this vegetable are not suitable for long-term storage in the basement. Therefore, in order to stock up on fruits, you need to choose other varieties of carrots for winter storage.

Nowadays there are many varieties of carrots; you need to choose the right winter ones.

Mid-season varieties

The growing season takes 80-115 days. Examples:

  • The Flakke variety tolerates storage well and does not lose its taste. The cone-shaped fruits are quite long. These carrots are used raw and for processing.
  • The Nantes 4 variety is quite common. The cylindrical fruits have an orange-red color and excellent taste.
  • Losinoostrovskaya 13 has been known for a very long time and is a favorite among summer residents. These carrots contain a lot of carotene and are perfectly stored. It is suitable for cooking for children.
  • Samson has bright orange fruits of an even cylindrical shape; its seeds give a good harvest. Carrots are consumed both raw and processed.
  • Seeds of the Incomparable variety give a large harvest. Carrots are quite rich in carotene. The cone-shaped roots are orange in color.
  • The red giant is distinguished by elongated fruits with tender and sweet flesh. Carrots retain their properties perfectly and are stored until the end of March.
  • Volzhskaya 30 has an excellent taste. The variety is resistant to bacteria and is valued for its generous yield.
  • NIIOH 33 is a high-yielding variety with delicate bright orange pulp with a sweet taste. Used raw and for processing.
  • The long red one without the core is of high quality and is used for winter storage and fresh consumption.
  • Viking has a high content of beta-carotene. The fruits have a good appearance and tasty pulp. The variety has good keeping quality and is stored until March.
  • The Altair variety has orange roots with blunt ends and excellent taste. Carrots can be stored for up to 7 months.
  • Fort seeds produce high and stable yields in many areas of our country. The variety has large cylindrical fruits. Carrots have an excellent taste.
  • Karotinka is a well-known type of variety without a core. Root vegetables have an even shape and high taste. These juicy, uniform carrots do not have a pronounced core.

Karotinka carrots have high taste qualities

Late ripening varieties

The vegetative period is 110-130 days. Examples:

  • The Queen of Autumn is distinguished by its bright orange color. This high-yielding variety is perfectly stored and tolerates frosts down to 4 degrees below zero. The fruits are juicy and sweet. Carrots are often canned and used in making juices.
  • The Flaccoro variety boasts beautiful root crops with delicate flesh, as well as disease resistance. It is suitable for processing and fresh consumption.
  • Special carrots are a mid-late variety with orange-scarlet conical-shaped fruits. Withstands storage very well.
  • Cascade F1 has short roots and pointed ends. The variety is quite disease resistant and has juicy soft orange fruits. Does not cause problems during storage and is suitable for preparing various children's dishes.
  • Vita Longa has long, tasty fruits that do not crack during cultivation. Carrots are rich in carotene and sugar. Vita Longa is optimal for preparing carrot juice.
  • The fruits of the Rote Risen variety are orange in color and conical in shape. It is consumed raw and processed.
  • Carlena is a storage champion. The fruits are cylindrical in shape and have a smooth surface. They taste crispy and juicy. These carrots retain their properties until the beginning of May.
  • Cardinal contains a lot of sugar and carotene. Cone-shaped root vegetables can be stored until May.
  • Chantane is a fairly common variety. The cone-shaped short fruits have a decent thickness and dense pulp. These carrots keep well until spring.

Rote Risen - a popular late variety of carrots

Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that stored crops begin to mold and rot. The reason lies in improper storage. To prevent this from happening, you must follow some recommendations:

  • Select the right variety of seeds that are best suited for long-term storage and sowing in a given region.
  • Sort through the harvested crop. Leave healthy and whole fruits as a reserve, and immediately eat the rest of the carrots.
  • After this, send the carrots for storage. The fruits must be dry and ripe. It's better to dry them first.
  • Observe the length of storage of fruits. This information is usually indicated on the packaging in which the seeds were sold.
  • As containers, you can use various boxes, baskets and containers with sand and holes for ventilation.
  • Maintain the same required temperature and humidity parameters in the room.
  • If carrots are stored in bags or bags, you must leave them open so that the vegetables do not disappear.

Each gardener chooses which variety to plant based on his preferences and experience. A variety of varieties and hybrids can suit everyone's tastes and needs.

But it is necessary to follow the rules for storing and sowing carrots. Then you can use the reserves of this healthy root vegetable full of vitamins for a long time and with pleasure.

Carrot (lat. Daúcus) is a genus of plants in the Apiaceae family.

Carrots are a biennial plant (rarely one- or perennial), in the first year of life it forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop, in the second year of life it forms a seed bush and seeds.

Widely distributed, including in Mediterranean countries, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and America.

In agriculture, carrots are grown (cultivated carrots, considered either as an independent species Daucus sativus, or as a subspecies of wild carrots - Daucus carota subsp. sativus) - a biennial plant with a rough woody whitish or orange root. Cultivated carrots are divided into table and fodder.

Botanical description

Carrots. Botanical illustration from the book “Bilder ur Nordens Flora” by K. A. M. Lindmann, 1917-1926

Biennial, rarely annual or perennial herbs with repeatedly pinnately dissected leaves.

The root crop is fleshy, truncated-conical, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, weighing from 30-300 g or more.

The cup teeth are inconspicuous, the petals are white, reddish or yellowish, obovate, notched at the top and in the notch with a lobe bent inward, the marginal petals in the umbel are noticeably enlarged.

The fruit is oval or elliptical.


In medicine, carrots are used for hypo- and avitaminosis. Promotes epithelization, activates intracellular redox processes, regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

The seeds are used to obtain medicines, for example, daucarin, which has an antispasmodic effect similar to that of papaverine and kellin, dilates coronary vessels; used for atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris. Extracts and essential oils for cosmetics and aromatherapy are obtained from the seeds.

It has long been believed that eating carrots helps improve vision. Despite the fact that carrots do contain vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal development of the visual system, the fact that poor vision can be improved by eating carrots has not been confirmed. The reason for this misconception was that the British actively spread rumors during the Second World War that they fed their RAF pilots carrots, and that it was supposedly because of this that the British Air Force was so successful in its night flights and in hitting targets. In reality, the British government thus sought to conceal the fact that radars were used for these purposes.

There are a great many varieties of carrots. Early ripening, producing the first juicy harvest within a month and a half after planting, sweet, with a high sugar content, long-fruited and with short roots - everyone can choose any option to suit their taste. For those who want to stock up on this healthy vegetable in the fall and enjoy it all winter until the next harvest, we have selected the best varieties of carrots for storing for the winter.

10 Queen of Autumn

Carrots “Queen of Autumn” are rightfully one of the best varieties. No wonder it bears such a name. Carrots have excellent taste and excellent appearance. The pulp of the root vegetable is sweet and juicy. “Queen of Autumn” is a late-ripening variety. This variety is universal: carrots have an excellent taste, are suitable for processing and are perfectly stored all winter until the beginning of summer. One of the advantages of this variety is the preservation of its presentation and taste for a long time. Interesting fact: carrots come in more than just the usual orange-red and yellow colors. There are varieties of carrots that are white and purple in color.

9 Moscow winter A-515

The best varieties of carrots for winter storage include “Moscow Winter A-515”. This is a mid-season variety, high-yielding and with a long shelf life. The color of the carrots and pulp is bright orange. The variety is famous for its wonderful taste. It is used for fresh consumption, for processing and long-term storage without loss of presentation. Interesting fact: Afghanistan is considered the birthplace of carrots. They first began to grow it here about 4-5 thousand years ago.

8 Bangor

"Bangor" is an early ripening variety of carrots, excellent for winter storage. Early ripening varieties of carrots usually do not have good shelf life, but Bangor perfectly retains its excellent taste and presentation for a long time. Carrots of the Bangor variety are suitable for fresh consumption, canning, and stewing. When properly stored, it does not lose its excellent taste and presentation throughout the winter. Interesting fact: Scientists suggest that the colors of the first carrots grown thousands of years ago were white-violet, yellow and red.

7 Nantes 4

Among the best varieties of carrots for winter storage, the “Nantes 4” variety should definitely be noted. This is in a sense a classic and the most popular carrot variety in our country. Its excellent yield and excellent taste have long become a model for other early and mid-season varieties. The taste of this carrot is excellent and is not inferior to late-ripening varieties. Excellent for baby and dietary nutrition due to the large amount of vitamins. Stored until mid-winter. The only drawback of this variety is that beautiful, even root crops are formed only on light soils. Interesting fact: at first, carrots were not grown for food, but for their seeds and leaves. The seeds were used for medicinal purposes, and the leaves were valued for their pleasant aroma.

6 Viking

The Viking carrot variety is excellent for winter storage. Carrots are a mid-season variety and have a high carotene content. This variety has excellent taste: the pulp of the root vegetable is juicy and tender. "Viking" is well stored and retains its presentation until spring. Interesting fact: we owe the variety of orange carrots to the Dutch royal Orange-Nassau dynasty.

5 Losinoostrovskaya 13

The carrot variety “Losinoostrovskaya 13” is a good choice for winter storage. This is a mid-season variety with good yield. Full ripening of the vegetable occurs in 100-120 days. The variety has excellent taste: the carrot pulp is tender and juicy. The core of the root vegetable can be round or faceted. The color, like the pulp, is orange. This variety has good resistance to disease, rot and stemming. One of the advantages of Losinoostrovskaya 13 is the increased content of carotene in root vegetables. The variety is excellent for winter storage, and the amount of carotene increases by one and a half times over time. Interesting fact: the positive effect of carrots on vision is a myth. During the Second World War, the use of radar by English artillerymen was hidden, and their amazing accuracy was explained by the consumption of large quantities of carrots, which allegedly improved vision significantly.

4 Shantane 2461

The mid-season carrot variety "Chantane 2461", like the "Nantes" variety, is considered a classic. It stores very well during the winter months due to its increased resistance to disease and rot. Carrots of this variety have good taste. The pulp is aromatic, sweet and dense. Sweetness is an indicator of the presence of high sugar and carotene content in carrots. The core of the root vegetable is large, differs in color from the pulp and has a rougher taste. Productivity is high, good resistance to diseases. The advantages of this variety include the uniformity of root crops and the ability to grow carrots on heavy soils.

3 Red Giant

The best carrot varieties for storage during the winter months include the Red Giant. This is a late ripening variety. The name is not accidental - the root crops ripen and fill until late autumn, growing 20-25 cm in length. The taste is pleasant, sweetish. Interestingly, the slight sweetness is retained when carrots are cooked. The variety is high-yielding and retains its taste and good appearance well until spring. Interesting fact: carrots can be successfully used as a toothbrush - it cleans teeth well and massages gums.

2 Incomparable

The mid-late carrot variety “Incomparable” is well suited for winter storage. Ripens in 100-120 days. The pulp is juicy and sweet. The core is small. The variety has good yield, is resistant to drought and is perfectly stored until spring. Interesting fact: the fruits and roots of wild and cultivated carrots are used as a spice.

1 Flaccoro

Flaccoro is a late variety of carrot, perfect for storage during the winter months. Ripens in 120-130 days. The length of the root crop is 20-24 cm, weight – 130-200 grams. A conical carrot with a sharp tip. The surface is smooth, orange in color. The taste of the variety is excellent. The core is round and juicy. The variety is characterized by high yield, excellent appearance and good storage until spring. Interesting fact: according to the European Union directive, carrots are considered both a vegetable and a fruit.

Owners of land plots prefer to grow carrot varieties themselves for winter storage, rather than purchase them in stores, especially since it is not very difficult to get a good harvest. The main problem is how to preserve it until spring. The situation when healthy fruits spoil by mid-winter is familiar to many gardeners. This is inevitable even in places where the storage conditions for fruits are fully met. The shelf life of carrots is affected by its variety, timing of planting and harvesting, and growing conditions.

How to choose a carrot variety

There are all kinds of carrots for long-term storage. Therefore, it is easy for an inexperienced farmer to get confused in this diversity. Knowing the following points can help you make the right choice:

  1. Zoned domestic varieties of root crops are more resistant to bad climate and less picky about soil composition. Interestingly, the best varieties of root vegetables for Siberia are almost no different from the varieties recommended for other regions of the country. The exception is the Altai shortened hybrid. This variety is intended for Siberia with its climatic features.
  2. Foreign varieties have a more attractive appearance of root vegetables, but their taste is at an average level. In addition, they are more demanding on growing conditions.
  3. Long-fruited carrot varieties are productive only if the soil is deeply plowed and has good air permeability.
  4. Large varieties of carrots grow quite quickly, but the harvest is poor.
  5. Late varieties are best stored. Among the early and mid-season varieties there are also those that are stored for a long time, but not all of them retain good taste. In addition, it is recommended to sow them in 2 terms: early spring and early summer. In this case, the harvest from the first sowing will be used earlier, and from the second - for storage. An important criterion regarding the choice of seeds is resistance to cracking. Often, ripened root vegetables crack in the ground and their pulp is affected by pests and diseases. You can no longer store such carrots.

The best varieties of carrots can be stored for as long as possible if the interval between harvesting and storing it is short. In this case, the optimal indicators will be a temperature of about 2ºC and a humidity of 98%. Only root vegetables without damage should be stored.

Long-lasting varieties of late-ripening root crops

Late-ripening varieties include carrots, which ripen 120–140 days after germination. This variety is characterized by cold resistance, less susceptibility to diseases, and therefore is stored better. If the optimal moisture and temperature are observed, late-ripening root vegetables are perfectly stored until next summer, almost without losing their taste. Almost all late-ripening varieties have long, pointed fruits. Among them are the following best varieties of carrots for storage:

  1. Queen of Autumn. It is one of the most shelf-stable varieties of domestic selection. Dense, conical fruits grow, 25–30 cm long and weighing 80–230 g. They have crispy, sweet flesh. The taste is at a high level both in fresh salads and in preserves. The average yield is 49 kg per 1 m². Does not form shoots and does not crack during ripening. The growing season lasts approximately 120 days and is stored until June.
  2. Sweet winter. This is a very productive carrot variety. The growing season is 140–150 days. The root vegetables have a bright color and conical shape, grow up to 20 cm. The pulp contains a lot of carotene and sugars. Rich taste and presentation are preserved until June. The variety is not subject to cracking and is resistant to bolting.
  3. Flakoro. The length of the root crops reaches 28 cm, weight - 200 g. The growing season is 130 days. From 1 m² you can harvest 8.8 kg. The taste of carrots is rich and sweet.
  4. Red giant. Refers to German varieties, well adapted to our country. Root crops weigh up to 140 g and are about 25 cm long. Commercial quality gradually decreases, starting from the beginning of May. The average yield is 3 kg per 1 m². Carrots of the Red Giant variety have proven themselves well during winter sowing.
  5. Emperor. Refers to varieties that are resistant to transportation and storage. The growing season is 130–135 days. Vegetables are sweet and juicy. Their length is 25–30 cm. They have a blunt conical shape. The pulp is orange in color. Characterized by high resistance to disease and average resistance to bolting.
  6. Dolyanka. This Polish carrot variety produces a high yield and does not throw away flower stalks. The average weight of the root crop is 130 g with a length of 25–28 cm. It is stored well until the end of spring.

Keeping varieties of mid-season root crops

The ripening period for mid-season carrots is 100–120 days. The sweetest and juiciest vegetables grow from these varieties. By the time of harvest, the fruits have time to extract a large amount of nutrients from the soil, which improves their characteristics. The following varieties of carrots are the best:

  1. Vitamin 6. Ripening time is about 108–115 days. The fruits have a blunt conical shape, their length reaches 15 cm and their weight is about 150 g. They are stored well and do not lose their appearance and taste during storage. Vegetables do not crack.
  2. Vita Longa. The weight of the root crops of this popular variety is 120 g. The carrots have a conical shape and a rich color of the pulp. Resistant to black and gray rot, has high shelf life and transportability.
  3. Moscow winter. Ripens in 110–120 days. The fruits have an elongated, pointed shape and are dark orange. The weight of carrots is 150 g, the length is 10–16 cm. From 1 m² you can harvest 5–7 kg of crop. Not subject to cracking, moderately resistant to rot. The appearance lasts until April.
  4. Nantes. Ripens in 110 days, gives a stable harvest. It has an average weight of 120 g and a length of 18 cm. The flesh is reddish in color. The fruits are cylindrical, pointed in shape. It has excellent taste, resistance to cracking, and does not lose its commercial properties until March.
  5. Nantes 4. The growing season is 110–112 days. The carrots are cylindrical in shape and light orange in color. The length of the root crop is on average 16 cm, weight - 150 g. This variety is characterized by excellent taste of the pulp and ease of care. Gives a good harvest in different climatic conditions. Not subject to cracking during ripening, stored until February.
  6. Flakke. Refers to the Dutch carrot variety. Root vegetables grow up to 30 cm and can weigh up to 170 g. Carrots have an excellent taste and “survive” until spring without any problems. Highly resistant to transportation, moderately resistant to diseases, does not shoot, and is not susceptible to cracking.
  7. Chance. This is a cold-resistant and productive variety. The mass of root vegetables is 80–130 g. Carrots have a blunt conical shape and are smooth. The pulp is juicy and tasty, can be used both for processing and fresh. Stored until March, it is rarely affected by diseases.

Keeping varieties of early ripening root crops

Early ripening varieties include a variety of carrots, the growing season of which is no more than 100 days. The fruits are mainly grown for consumption in the summer and autumn. However, even among them there are varieties that can be stored until spring without losing either taste or appearance. Here are the best varieties for open ground:

  1. Alenka. The growing season is 75–90 days. Carrots have a slightly conical shape with a blunt end and a rich color. The average fruit weight is 90 g, length - 10–12 cm. The variety is resistant to gray rot, does not crack when ripe, and is stored very well.
  2. Artek. The harvest can be obtained 70 days after germination. The roots are even, smooth, orange-red in color. The average weight of carrots is 120 g, length - 16 cm. For storage in winter, seeds are sown in early summer. The fruits are not subject to blooming or cracking.
  3. Nandrin. Refers to Dutch varieties. The growing season is 100 days. The root crops are cylindrical in shape, reach 20 cm in length, have high resistance to cracking and a long shelf life.

Carrot storage options

There are various ways to store carrots in winter. One of them will require scattered fine sand and a wooden box. The storage container is lowered into the cellar or basement, the bottom is covered with a 5 cm layer of sand, on which the root crops are laid so that they do not come into contact with each other. After laying the first layer, the carrots are covered with sand and the procedure is repeated again. The top layer of vegetables is sprinkled with sand.

Another option for storing carrots is to use clay. The fruits should be sorted, their tops removed and damaged specimens excluded, and then processed in a clay solution. After this, the root vegetables must be dried. Clay for preparing the solution should be used clean, without impurities of earth or plants. The resulting mixture should have the consistency of sour cream. In this case, it will not drain from the fruit and will form a protective layer.

After the root vegetables have dried, they should be placed in boxes and stored in a dry, dark room.

Carrots can be stored in plastic bags. To do this, fruits without damage are selected and dried well in the shade.

  • Each bag contains about 3 kg of carrots.
  • There is no need to tie them, otherwise the vegetables will rot very quickly.
  • Opened bags retain the required moisture.

When they breathe, root vegetables emit carbon dioxide, which protects them from the development of diseases. The packages in the basement are placed close to each other.

There is another option for storing carrots. However, it is recommended to store a certain part of the crop using this method, since there will be no access to vegetables during the winter period. During the period of harvesting root crops, a certain area is left untouched, and before the first frost, the tops of the vegetables should be removed, covered with sand and covered with a thick film. Sawdust, peat, dry leaves are placed on top, and all this is covered with film. Carrots underground do not lose their sweetness and juiciness. With the onset of spring, all that remains is to open the garden bed and enjoy fresh root vegetables.

To do this, you need to decide on the required variety of root crops and the most suitable storage option.

Carrots are one of the most consumed vegetables, and it is quite difficult to imagine your diet without them. Owners of their own gardens prefer to grow them themselves rather than buy them on the market, because getting a good harvest of carrots with proper care is not at all difficult. The problem here is different - how to preserve the grown root crops until spring, protect them from rotting and drying out.

Almost every gardener is familiar with the situation when large, ripe and absolutely healthy carrots begin to rot by the New Year, turn black inside, and lose their elasticity and taste. Moreover, this happens even in those cellars and basements where the required temperature and humidity conditions are met. As you know, the duration of storage largely depends on the timing of planting and harvesting carrots, as well as growing conditions, but the decisive factor is the choice of variety.

Criteria for choosing a carrot variety

The range of carrot seeds is now simply huge, and it is easy for a novice gardener to get confused in this abundance of varieties and hybrids. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you need to take into account some important nuances:

Among the mid-season and early varieties there are also those that are distinguished by high shelf life, but not all of them retain their taste. In addition, they need to be sown in two terms: in early spring and early June, then the first harvest goes for summer-autumn use, and the second for storage. Another criterion for selecting seeds is resistance to cracking. Often, during the ripening process, carrots crack in the ground, the unprotected pulp is affected by pests and diseases, and it can no longer be stored.

Popular keeping varieties

Late ripening carrots

Late-ripening varieties are considered to be those that ripen 120-140 days after germination. They are more cold-resistant, less susceptible to diseases, and therefore are stored better. At optimal moisture and temperature values, late carrots are perfectly stored until June, practically without losing their taste. As a rule, late-ripening varieties have long, pointed roots.

Name Characteristic

It is deservedly considered one of the most shelf-stable varieties of domestic selection. Forms attractive dense conical carrots 25 cm long and weighing from 80 to 230 g. Individual specimens grow up to 30 cm. The pulp is very crispy and sweet, quite juicy. Both canned and in fresh salads, this variety is simply magnificent. The average yield is 4-9 kg/m2. Does not shoot, does not crack when ripening. The growing season lasts about 120 days, stored until June

It has very high productivity. The growing season is 140-150 days, the bright conical roots grow up to 20 cm. The pulp contains a lot of sugars and carotene. It retains its presentation and rich taste until June. Universal use, very resistant to shooting, does not crack

A productive variety, ideal for long-term storage. Carrots are about 20 cm long, average weight - 130 g. The dense flesh has a sweet taste, the color is deep orange. It does not lose its taste until the end of spring, and does not crack during ripening. Universal use

Popular late variety. Valued for large root crops, the length of which reaches 28 cm, and the average weight is about 200 g. The growing season lasts 130 days, the yield per square meter of area is 8.8 kg. Rich, sweet taste, high carotene content

A well-known German variety that has proven itself well in our country. Forms large root crops weighing up to 140 g and about 25 cm long. It is well stored until the end of April, then its commercial quality decreases. The average yield is 3 kg/m2, gives good results with winter sowing. Quite resistant to diseases and bolting

A universal variety, characterized by keeping quality and transportability. The growing season lasts 130-135 days. The root vegetables have a pleasant sweet taste, are juicy, and reach 25-30 cm in length. The shape of carrots is blunt-conical, the flesh is dark orange, almost red. Resistance to diseases is high, resistance to bolting is average

Polish variety. Very productive, does not throw out flower stalks. The length of the carrots is 25-28 cm, the average weight is 130 g. It is well stored until the end of spring, has satisfactory resistance to carrot fly and fusarium

Mid-season varieties

The ripening period for mid-season carrots lasts 100-120 days. It is believed that the sweetest and juiciest root vegetables grow from mid-season varieties. By the time of harvest, carrots have time to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil, due to which not only the taste improves, but also the shelf life increases.

Name Characteristic

Ripening period is 108-115 days. The shape is blunt-conical, the length reaches 15 cm, the average weight is 150 g. It stores very well, does not lose commercial quality and taste during storage, root vegetables do not crack

The most popular variety. The weight of the root vegetable is 120 g, conical shape, the color of the pulp is very rich. Valued for its resistance to black and gray rot, high transportability, and keeping quality. Suitable for canning, fresh consumption and juices

Ripens in 110-120 days, the shape is elongated, pointed, the flesh is dark orange in color. Carrot length is 10-16 cm, average weight is 150 g. Productivity per meter of area is 5-7 kg. Does not crack, has average resistance to rot, can be stored without loss of presentation until April

An excellent proven variety. It takes 110 days to ripen, the average weight is 120 g, the length of carrots is up to 18 cm. It has a cylindrical, blunt-ended shape, the flesh is almost red. Prized for its excellent taste and consistent yields, as well as its resistance to cracking. Stored until February-March without losing commercial quality

The growing season lasts 110-112 days. The shape is cylindrical, the color is light orange. Carrots grow 16 cm long, with an average weight of 150 g. The variety is valued for its high carotene content, tasty pulp, and ease of care. The variety is widely zoned and produces stable yields in different climatic zones. Root vegetables do not crack during ripening and are stored until February

Ripens in 110-120 days. Root vegetables are smooth, spindle-shaped, weighing 150 g. Juicy and very crispy pulp, with a high sugar content. The length of carrots is 20-22 cm. They are stored until May, do not crack when ripe, and are not susceptible to blooming

A productive Dutch variety. It has very long (up to 30 cm) root crops, the weight of which reaches 170 g. It has an excellent taste, is perfectly preserved until spring, and tolerates transportation well. Has average resistance to diseases, does not crack or shoot

Dutch selection, zoned in the Central region. Root crops grow up to 20 cm long and have a cylindrical shape. Root weight 90-100 g. Valued for excellent keeping quality and stable yields

Very cold-resistant and productive. The root crops are blunt-conical, smooth, weighing from 80 to 130 g. They have juicy, tasty pulp, used for processing and fresh. Rarely affected by diseases, stored until March

Early varieties

If the growing season is no more than 100 days, these are early ripening varieties. As a rule, they are grown for summer-autumn consumption, and do not differ in keeping quality. But among them there are those that, when ripened early, can be stored until spring, without losing either taste or presentation.

Name Characteristic

The growing season lasts 75-90 days. Root vegetables are slightly conical in shape, with a blunt tip, and rich in color. Carrot length is 10-12 cm, average weight is about 90 g. The variety is rarely affected by gray rot, does not crack when ripe, and is stored very well

One of the most popular early varieties. The harvest is harvested 70 days after germination; the roots are smooth, even, orange-red in color. The average weight of carrots is 120 g, length up to 16 cm. For winter storage, seeds are sown in early summer. Root crops are little affected by fusarium, are not susceptible to flowering and do not crack

One of the new improved varieties from Dutch breeders. The growing season is 100 days, the roots are cylindrical, leveled, up to 20 cm long. They are valued for their high resistance to cracking and long shelf life

There are several effective ways to preserve carrots in winter. All of them are quite simple and do not require much effort from the gardener.

Option 1. This method requires a box of boards and sifted fine sand. The box is lowered into a cellar or basement, the bottom is covered with a 5 cm thick layer of sand and the root vegetables are laid on top so that they do not touch. Having finished laying the first layer, cover the root crops with sand and repeat everything again. The topmost layer is sand. If desired, you can moisten the sand a little, although carrots are perfectly stored in dry conditions until spring. Instead of sand, pine sawdust, moss and dry onion peels are also used.

Option 3. Selected carrots without tops and visible damage are dipped in a clay solution and laid out to dry under a canopy. The clay for the solution is taken clean, without any impurities of earth or plant residues. The solution should be thick, like sour cream, then it will not drain from the carrots and will form a protective shell. After drying, the root vegetables are placed in cardboard or wooden boxes and stored in a dry basement.

Option 4. It is recommended to store only part of the crop using this method, since there will be no access to root crops throughout the winter. When harvesting carrots from the garden, several beds are left untouched. Before the first frost arrives, the tops are cut off close to the ground, the beds are covered with a layer of sand and covered with a thick film. A layer of sawdust, peat, fallen leaves or humus is placed on top, and everything is covered again with film. Carrots are perfectly preserved underground, remaining sweet and juicy.

Video - The best varieties of carrots for winter storage

Carrots, unlike other varieties of root vegetables, are difficult to preserve in winter. Preliminary preparation for storage begins even before sowing and is the choice of a specific breeding category of crop. The article pays attention to the varieties of carrots most suitable for long-term preservation.

The ability for a long period not to be attacked by pests and diseases, and to retain commercial and taste qualities is called “keeping quality of fruits and vegetables.”

The key principles that should be followed when selecting a preserved variety of carrots should be:

  • rate of maturation;
  • expected harvest date.

Did you know?The birthplace of the first types of carrots is considered to be Afghanistan, where the vegetable grew in the wild and was distinguished by its rich purple color scheme. Carrots in their modern form (bright orange) began to be grown in the Netherlands.

Mid-season varieties (for example, “Nantes”, “Chantone”) ripen in 3-4 months, produce medium-length fruits and can be stored for about 4 months. For varieties of late ripeness (for example, “Forto”, “Berlicum”), the duration of the growing season ranges on average from 110–140 days from the appearance of the first shoots.

The latter are characterized by large and long (preferably conical) root crops, and are also famous for the highest level of shelf life compared to the previous ones: 6-7 months. Early varieties of carrots, for example, “Parizhskaya Karotel”, on the contrary, ripen in 2-3 months from the moment of germination, produce short fruits, but must be consumed immediately, since they quickly deteriorate.

Weather conditions also play an important role in the shelf life of carrots, for example, if spring is long and autumn is early, the growing season for carrot crops is significantly reduced. If the summer is short, late-ripening vegetables accumulate insufficient levels of fiber and glucose: for this reason, the ability to preserve fruits for a long time decreases. As for the same natural deviations and adaptability of early varieties of carrot crops, the situation is exactly the opposite.

Important! In order for carrots to develop well for further winter planting, a sufficient amount of natural precipitation is necessary, and in case of its absence, additional artificial watering.

Choosing a carrot variety suitable for long-term storage does not guarantee a high-quality harvest: the safety of vegetables depends on many conditions. This includes timely agrotechnical measures, the restructuring of crop cultivation technology depending on the climate, the effectiveness of pest control, preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases, and the preparation of storage areas.

Let's look at specific varieties of carrots suitable for winter storage, classified according to ripening time, as well as sweetness level and size.


As practice shows, early varieties of carrots are not preserved very well, but there are some representatives that can last until the arrival of the first two winter months. However, to achieve the goal, it is necessary to change the landing dates.

Information about the ripening period can be found on the packages of seeds of certain varieties. Taking into account that the carrot harvest is expected to take place at the end of September - beginning of October, and the growing season of early ripe varieties is approximately 3 months, it is recommended to sow seeds no earlier than the end of June.

Did you know? Any part of the carrot fruit is not only edible, but also useful: soups are prepared from carrot tops, tea is brewed, and even used to clean tooth enamel and prevent the development of dental diseases.

Thus, in 90 days the fruits will be able to ripen and will be suitable for winter storage. If you follow a certain temperature regime and humidity level, varieties of early and mid-early ripeness will retain their commercial properties for 4 months.

The most common ones for achieving this goal are:


The varieties of medium ripeness most suitable for winter storage are:


Late-ripening carrot varieties are considered to mature in 4 to 4.5 months. They are distinguished by high cold resistance, a lower degree of sensitivity to diseases, and therefore can be preserved until the onset of the next summer period.

Important!The winter storage period of carrots, as well as their taste, depend on how timely the harvest is harvested: if you dig up vegetables in advance, they will not have time to ripen, which will spoil the taste, and, conversely, leaving carrots in the soil will attract pests.

The taste of late-ripe fruits does not change for the worse during storage, and the beneficial qualities do not disappear.

The best late-ripening carrot varieties for successful planting for the winter:


Important! A variety of late-ripening carrots such as Carlena is also suitable for long-term storage in winter conditions, however, due to the high level of glucose in the fruits, it is not recommended for people with diabetes.

Let's consider some of the varietal categories for winter laying:

The sweetest

The sweetness of carrots is the quality for which children love the vegetable.

Sweet varieties suitable for storage in winter:

Features and methods of long-term storage of carrots in winter

For the purpose of winter storage of carrots for long-term storage, gardeners use a cellar or basement, and if this is not available, a refrigerator, loggia or balcony.

Did you know? In the Californian city of Holtville (USA) a carrot festival is held every year. Not long ago, cities in France (Creans), Latvia (Riga) and Russia (Dmitrov) joined this tradition.

An important role in the process is played by the correct preparation of the crop for subsequent storage, as well as the places for this purpose, namely:

  • lack of watering before directly removing root crops from the ground;
  • harvesting according to the varietal characteristics of the species, as well as approximately according to the color of the tops (when it begins to turn yellow);
  • mandatory cutting of the tops first and then the head of the fruit;
  • drying vegetables under sunlight for several hours;
  • ensuring crop storage at a temperature of +10...+14°C for 7 days;
  • cleaning and disinfection of the premises for the subsequent winter storage of carrots from debris, rotten, dried other vegetables and fruits, while removing apples, due to which, due to the production of ethylene, the carrots spoil;
  • moving fruits for winter storage to conditions in which the temperature fluctuates between –2…+2°С with light ventilation and protection from groundwater ingress.

Common methods for winter storage of carrots are:

  • in wooden boxes;
  • in bags with onion peels;
  • in pine sawdust;
  • in sand;
  • in polyethylene bags.

The last method is one of the least long-term, but in the absence of the ability to use the others, it also has a right to exist. Although carrots are difficult to store in winter, if you successfully select the appropriate variety, as well as create the necessary conditions, they have every chance of lasting until next summer, while delighting gardeners with a pleasant taste and preserved commercial qualities.

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