Hot smoking herring. Homemade smoked herring (5 recipes)

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Hot smoked herring

Herring is good in any form. There are no people who don't like hot smoked herring. As a result of processing, the taste of the fish changes: it depends on the smoking methods and has various shades. During heat treatment, many trace elements and amino acids are preserved.

There are several ways to prepare hot smoked herring: national, with liquid smoke, with spices, with lemon, etc. Before cooking, fish weighing up to 1.5 kg are left ungutted. Or they carefully cut it, remove the scales, remove the gills and entrails. Wash well. In the absence of a smokehouse, you can get smoked herring by smoking it in the oven or in a frying pan!

Properly smoking hot-smoked herring

Each fisherman has his own “correctness” of smoking, verified over the years. The process may vary in terms of salting and smoking time, and according to the type of smokehouse used. On the use or non-use of spicy additives.

The classic way to produce hot smoked herring

  • For 1 kg of fish approximately 3 tbsp. l. salt (without top); pepper to taste.

Cleaned carcasses are rolled in salt and pepper (as desired). Each one is individually wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

The salted herring is washed, removing excess unabsorbed salt. Wipe thoroughly. Leave to dry for ten minutes.

Wood chips that have been slightly soaked beforehand are placed at the bottom of the smokehouse. A tray is placed on top of the chips to drain the liquid. A grill with fish is placed on top of it, placing the carcasses at a short distance from each other. Smoke for 30 minutes at high temperature. Then the fire is extinguished, but the fish is not removed immediately. Hot smoked herring should sit for another half hour, slowly cooling in the smoking box.

We smoke herring in the oven, with liquid smoke

For 2 pcs. herring:

  • 1 liter of water,
  • half a finely chopped onion,
  • 2-3 cloves of chopped garlic,
  • 1/2 tsp. black peppercorns,
  • 5-6 bay leaves,
  • 1 tsp. dry dill,
  • salt for grating herring,
  • 50 ml liquid smoke.

Fresh herring is cleaned and coated with salt inside/outside. Seasonings are placed inside. Let sit for 20 minutes while the oven warms up.

Pour water onto a baking sheet, add dried dill, laurel, and liquid smoke. Excess salt is removed from the resting herring and placed on a wire rack on top of a sheet of liquid (so that the carcasses do not touch the water). Smoke for 25 minutes at 200 °C, setting “precise airflow”. If there is no such mode, choose “top-bottom” and 220 °C.

Do not remove fish after turning off the oven. Keep it for another 20 minutes so that it cools slowly, soaking in the aromas.

Hot smoked herring in a smokehouse (in the field)

A unique recipe for smoking freshly caught Don herring. The taste is excellent because the fish is smoked immediately after being caught. In addition to herring and coarse salt, you will need:

  • fresh water,
  • Utensils for salting: pan, bucket,
  • wood and matches to start a fire,
  • grill,
  • smoking box.

Unpeeled herring (weighing up to 1.5 kg) is washed with fresh water, placed in layers in a salting bowl, and all layers are sprinkled with salt. Keep cool for about three hours. Wash thoroughly and place in the smokehouse.

When smoking, hardwood is used: maple, alder, oak, poplar, beech, ash. You cannot take birch, pine, spruce and all resinous species. The best thing is branches of fruit trees. Dried cherry branches are used as sawdust and firewood.

The smokehouse box is placed on the fire, placing bricks on it. Or on the grill. The designs can be homemade, well adjusted to each other. They are taken fishing in a trailer.

In all recipes for preparing hot smoked herring in a smokehouse, it is recommended to sprinkle sawdust in a 0.5 cm layer.

According to Don fishermen, this amount of sawdust:

  • deteriorates the taste of fish,
  • gives an unpleasant dark color,
  • gives an unpleasant bitter taste,
  • saturates the product with released carcinogenic substances.

Sawdust (shavings) from 3-4 cherry twigs, the size of which is no larger than an ordinary pencil, is enough.

Place a bowl on the shavings to drain the fat. If this is neglected, the fat flows onto the sawdust and the bottom of the smoking box. Carcinogenic vapors rise from there, worsening the taste, imparting bitterness and harm.

The carcasses are laid out separately from each other on a wire rack above a tray. They should not touch the walls of the box; they will char. The smokehouse is well closed and placed on the grill, where the heat comes from the burnt coals. The smoking time is determined experimentally. About half an hour.

Smoked herring turns out lightly salted and juicy in taste, pleasant golden color, with a light smoky aroma. Doesn't last long. It tastes much better hot than cold. It is served with vegetables, herbs, and pleasant drinks.

Perhaps the most famous fish species in our country is the herring. One of the dishes, “herring under a fur coat,” is even an indispensable attribute of the holiday table of millions of Russians. Tradition! But herring, or herring in its popular name, is used in many dishes of Russian cuisine and, among other things, it is smoked.

Before cold smoking, herring, like any other fish, must be salted, since only salted fish undergoes the cold smoking process. Salting is the first stage of cold smoking.

Of course, in order to salt, you need to buy fresh fish, or, in extreme cases, fresh frozen fish, which needs to be thawed before salting. The popular lightly salted herring, which is sold in most stores and is the basis of many dishes made from it, is not suitable, although it can be immediately smoked.

Perhaps the question arises: “Then why salt it yourself, if you can buy ready-made lightly salted herring?” You may not like salting, which is produced on an industrial scale, because it will not suit the smoking result, but it is still better when you can independently control the process from start to finish.

The process of salting herring at home

So, fresh herring can be salted without cutting into pieces, but after decapitating and cleaning, removing all internal organs, bladder and gills. Next, you need to wash the herring carcasses well. Salting can be done either by the dry method, by rubbing each fish separately with salt, or by preparing a salty solution (brine). Moreover, experts advise inexperienced smokers to use a solution – the “wet” method.

With this method, you need to prepare a 20 percent solution of table salt (not iodized!), into which the herrings are immersed, tightly together and kept under pressure in some container (bucket, deep tray). The speed of salting is quite high - the fish will be ready within 24 hours, although you can start controlling the degree of salting earlier, from the 14th hour, by cutting off a small piece and tasting it. After salting, you need to rinse the fish in running water (half an hour) or immerse it in a container with clean water for 3-4 hours. And don’t forget to dry it for 2-3 hours afterwards.

The dry method takes longer, but gives (according to reviews) more “tasty” results. With it, each fish is thoroughly rubbed with salt, wrapped in canvas and placed at room temperature on a pallet for 2-3 days. The fish will give juice, which will be absorbed into the canvas, but when the canvas dries, part of the liquid will again pass into the herring meat. At the end, the herring does not need to be washed.

Now, regardless of the method you use, the herring is ready for smoking. It is placed on the grates of the smoking chamber of the automatic smokehouse “Dachnik” or hung in it on special hooks and smoked for at least a day. After smoking, the product is ready!

Paradoxically, the relatively inexpensive herring is of particular value among industrial fish. It is mined in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The largest herring suppliers in Russia deliver products from the Murmansk coast, the Baltic Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic coast of Europe. But our main “vein” is in the Far East.

Everyone knows that thawed herring places increased demands on itself. Indeed, transporting this fish is very problematic, due to the fact that it quickly deteriorates. Therefore, it can only be found on the shelves in salted or frozen form. Despite this, it lends itself well to smoking, and the result is a product with excellent taste.

Useful qualities of herring meat

If we consider the composition of herring from the point of view of energy-producing elements, then the average indicators per 100 grams will be as follows: proteins - 18 g, fats - 9 g. At the same time, the calorie content barely exceeds 100 kcal.

For the information of those who are on a diet, calculating the energy balance, fish containing only proteins and fats will not harm the figure. Fats are deposited in the body only under the influence of carbohydrates, which are not present here.

Fats and proteins entering directly are broken down, “carrying away” with them a certain energy. In simple words, eating fish not only does not harm the body, but is also beneficial, and if you remember that herring meat is a storehouse of microelements (manganese, zinc, iron, selenium), then it is not difficult to appreciate the role in stabilizing the functioning of the heart and brain , liver, influence on the rejuvenation of the body, the condition of bones and horny substance.

Some amino acids cannot be obtained from any alternative sources. Speaking about the benefits of eating fish, it is necessary to note the properties of fish oil. Since childhood, we know that it is useful, but how and with what? – remains a mystery. It turns out that it contains a lot of vitamins, almost the whole range. In addition, fat has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

The article may seem somewhat disingenuous if we do not mention the dangers of eating herring. People who are at risk of gastritis, ulcers, or hypertension should limit themselves, but not exclude fish completely from their diet. You can always reduce the salt content by soaking the carcass in tea or milk before eating.

Smoking recipe with liquid smoke

Here, by recipe we will mean the sequence of actions not only for direct smoking, but also for preparation. Fresh or just defrosted fish cannot be immediately sent to the smokehouse without first being salted; this is fraught with the appearance of an unpleasant odor or taste, rotting, toughness of the meat and the taste of ordinary boiled meat without spices. You can easily get ready-made herring in a store, but smoking the herring at home seems to give it a piquant taste, compared to the factory offering.

Not only the owner of a private home or cottage wants to feel the unforgettable aroma of smoke combined with the amazing taste of smoked meats. Apartment owners have their own recipe, according to which you can get the maximum imitation of smoked fish. Why did we call the process imitation? The fact is that there is simply nothing to replace a real smokehouse built in nature.

In the described case, you cannot do without liquid smoke. Let’s face it, this is a concentrated chemical that imitates the smell of smoke and supposedly the taste of a smoked product, and while we can still agree about the smoke, the taste is not so clear.

  • You can defrost the herring in cold water, but at the same time, rinse it well under running water. When removing the entrails, it is advisable to leave the caviar or milk.
  • The resulting carcass is rubbed with coarse salt, and the cavity is filled with onions and garlic. If you make a kind of minced meat from the listed products with the addition of pepper, then during the smoking process juice will be released, which will make the meat more loose and tender.
  • Water is poured into a tray made in the form of a bath. A few bay leaves and liquid smoke are added to it. The fish will lie on top of the grill without touching the liquid.
  • In fact, smoking comes down to trivial baking, since the oven is turned on at 200°C degrees, and the process lasts about 30 minutes.
  • After turning off the oven, you should leave the fish to “simmer” until it cools completely. As a result, it turns out that the meat is steamed, but due to the evaporation of liquid smoke, it has a peculiar taste, reminiscent of smoked meat.

Scottish smoking

The peculiarity of the recipe, which came to us from Scotland, lies not only in the composition of the ingredients for salting, but also in the principle of cutting the carcass, which is cut along the spine from the back, but the belly remains intact. Such a carcass can be turned flat.

The marinade is prepared not based on water, but by dissolving salt in strong tea. There are 5 tablespoons of salt per liter. The herring is marinated for only 5 minutes. This short period is compensated by a fairly long preparation.

The fish should be smoked for about 8 hours, and finally, the last feature makes it necessary to finish the dish even more. To do this, you can create several conditions: grill, steam, fry in a frying pan.

Recipe with lemon

In addition to the fact that lemon juice gives any meat a sour taste, which, together with the aroma of citrus, turns into piquancy, it also has excellent breaking down properties. You can use lemon to marinate meat and fish if you don’t want to use a lot of salt or vinegar.

  • The herring carcass is freed from the entrails, and the head is cut off. It must be remembered that the black film covering the internal cavity imparts bitterness, so it is advisable to get rid of it.
  • The lemon is cut into thin slices, and an incision is made in the carcasses. Through it, the lemon is placed into the cavity. But you can use an incision made in the abdomen to remove the entrails.
  • Bay leaf is added to the lemon. To prevent the filling from falling out, it is recommended to tie the carcass with a string.
  • To properly salt such a preparation, you just need to dip it in salt and place it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the herring can be smoked.
  • It is necessary to use a smoker with hot smoke. With such a small amount of salt, cold smoking may not work. After 3 hours of exposure to smoke, the dish will be ready. To prepare it deliciously, it is recommended to use alder chips or oak sawdust.

Herring in soy sauce

Before we start looking at this recipe, it is necessary to emphasize that it will be used to prepare cold smoked herring. This is a processing method in which the smoke temperature does not exceed 20-40°C degrees.

Before placing the fish in the smoker, it is necessary to properly prepare the marinade. The fact is that a long stay at this temperature will certainly provoke the proliferation of microorganisms, which will lead to rotting and spoilage of the fish. There is only one way out, which is to remove moisture from the fibers. This can be done with salt or by drying the carcasses properly.

Hot smoked herring does not cause such difficulties, since the high temperature kills all excess fauna.

Now let's get back to the recipe itself. Soy sauce can serve as salt. The latter can be completely excluded from the list of ingredients. The fish will have to be freshened, since the fibers must be well saturated with the prepared marinade. The carcass is rubbed with sugar, then wrapped in film or a bag and sent to the refrigerator. Within 12 hours it will not produce its own juice, and the film will not allow it to drain. The next step is to remove the fish from the refrigerator and soak it in soy sauce for a couple of hours.

For the reader, the most interesting option is when not only the fish is smoked, but also the seasoning for it. You can prepare rice, sugar, tea and cinnamon at home. All ingredients are mixed and the fish is placed on top of the grill. With the cold smoking method, you will have to wait several days for readiness. But the resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. And meat without heat treatment will retain more nutrients.

A few words about fuel

The smoke released during the smoldering of the fuel penetrates the fibers of the product, and since smoked meats will be consumed as food, the selection of suitable wood is a particularly important step. This smoke should not be harmful to health, nor should it negatively affect the taste of the product. In this regard, coniferous species are immediately excluded. A high resin content will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, as well as the release of carcinogens.

According to experts, fruit breeds are excellent. But here it is better not to experiment, but to take an apple or cherry tree. Plum sawdust may also contain resin. If it is not possible to stock up on such fuel, you will have to buy it at the store, but they will offer alder chips, which are also perfect for any type of smoking. Before putting sawdust or wood chips into the smokehouse, it is recommended to moisten them with water to avoid fire.

Despite the rather labor-intensive preparation process, smoking meat and fish has become one of the summer residents’ favorite pastimes. Food obtained by natural smoking will be much less harmful than the proposed factory-made ready-made meals.

Smoked herring is a very popular dish. The British traditionally serve it with scrambled eggs, olives and cucumbers for breakfast. For residents of our latitudes, it is also one of their favorite fish dishes. It is available for sale in a variety of forms: salted, pickled, smoked. The preparation process begins in the North Sea: the fish is gutted, washed and soaked in brine, and then delivered to the smokehouse, where it is smoked over smoldering oak. To feel like a resident of Foggy Albion, we will prepare the smoked herring ourselves at home. After all, it cannot be compared in taste, aroma and quality with herring bought in a store.

1. Cold smoked herring


  • Herring 2-3 pieces
  • Salt 80 grams
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • Water 1 liter

First, you need to wash the herring and remove the scales, and only then, by cutting along the back, remove all the entrails, caviar or milt. Place the unwrapped fish carcasses, skin side down, in a glass or enamel bowl, pour in a previously prepared solution of salt and seasonings and put in a cool place for 3-4 hours. The solution is prepared as follows: dissolve 80 grams of salt, 1 tbsp. in one liter of water. l. sugar, black pepper, bay leaf. We boil it all, skim off the foam, and cool it. Dry the salted fish in the shade for about one hour; you can use a fan to speed up the process. We smoke for 24 to 36 hours, at a temperature no higher than 25-30 degrees, the last half hour the temperature can be raised to 35 o C to give a brighter color to the herring.

2. Cold smoked salted herring


  • Salted herring

If desired, store-bought salted herring can be turned into delicious cold-smoked fish. Herring is sold in varying degrees of salting, depending on your taste; salted fish will need to be soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours. At the same time, the fish is not gutted, which allows it to remain very juicy and tender. Hang the herring on pre-prepared metal hooks and let the water drain well. We load the already dry fish into the smokehouse and smoke it at a temperature not exceeding 30 o C. The smoking time is from 24 to 36 hours.


  • Herring 2-3 pieces
  • Salt 100 grams
  • Seasonings to taste
  • Water 1 liter

Before smoking, the fish must be prepared: gutted and gills removed. Pour in saline solution (100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water) and leave in a cool place for 3-6 hours, depending on preference and size of the herring. If desired, you can add seasonings to the solution to taste - pepper, bay leaf, etc.

Remove from the brine and dry thoroughly, the taste and color of the fish depend on this (wet products do not “take up” the smoke well and taste like boiled ones). Tie a thread around each fish; this is not necessary, but it will make it easier to remove from the smokehouse.

Smoking the herring at a temperature of 70-80 o C for 20-30 minutes; readiness can be checked by pulling the dorsal fin: if the fish is ready, it is easily separated.

4. Smoke herring in a frying pan


  • Herring 1-2 pcs
  • Salt 2 tbsp
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Soy sauce 1-2 tbsp

Smoke mixture:

  • Rice 100 grams
  • Tea (leaf black) 30 grams
  • Cinnamon 1 tsp.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp

Not everyone has a smokehouse, but this doesn’t stop you from preparing smoked herring at home. We gut the fish, cut off the head and tail, thoroughly rub the carcass with a mixture of salt and sugar (salt 2 tbsp, sugar 1 tbsp). Wrap in cling film and hide in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After time has passed, rinse the herring with cold water, put it in a deep container and pour 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce, marinate for one hour.

We make a mixture for smoking: rice 100 grams, tea (leaf black) 30 grams, cinnamon 1 tsp, sugar 2 tbsp. Place foil on the bottom of a large, thick-walled frying pan, folding it into 3-4 layers, and pour in the mixture. Place a wire rack on top of the frying pan; you can use one from the oven or any suitable one. Place the fish on it, close it tightly with a lid or foil and turn on the oven at full power. Once you hear a strong aroma, wait five minutes and turn the heat to medium. We smoke for 20 minutes on one side and 15-20 on the other. The herring is ready!

5. Home-smoked herring


  • Herring 2-3 pieces
  • Salt 3 tbsp
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Onion peel
  • Liquid smoke 2-3 tbsp

For those who don’t want to bother with smokers and frying pans at all, you can prepare aromatic and tasty herring using “liquid smoke.”

Prepare the marinade: pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, put a handful of onion peels in it (it will give our fish a wonderful golden color), dissolve 3 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. sugar and boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes. The husk that gives color to the marinade is filtered and discarded. After the marinade has cooled, add 2-3 tablespoons of liquid smoke.

Place the gutted and washed herring in a suitable container. Fill with marinade and place under pressure in a cold place for 48 hours, remembering to turn over every 12 hours. After marinating, wipe the fish with a napkin and let it dry a little. To give the herring a brighter, golden shine, you can lightly rub it with vegetable oil. Bon appetit!

It is very difficult to pass by smoked herring or mackerel in the store. But even children know how harmful these products are to the body, because they do not use smoke, but preservatives and flavorings. Try cooking the fish yourself. So, let's find out how to make smoked herring at home using liquid smoke, tea leaves and onion skins. The recipe that we will share with you today has been tested several times. Home-smoked herring is very tasty and aromatic. And you won't need a smokehouse. The whole secret is in the special marinade, but let's talk about everything in order.

By the way, if you want to make it for the holiday table, you can try the option with smoked herring. Surprise your guests!

Choosing products

When buying fresh frozen herring, pay attention to its appearance. The fish must be smooth: breaks, damage and stains are not acceptable. There should also be a subtle, characteristic aroma. At home, you don’t need to put it in water, much less put it in the microwave. Place on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator and wait until the herring defrosts.

For the marinade you will need onion peels, black tea, salt and spices. But the main role is given to liquid smoke. It is thanks to him that the fish will acquire a characteristic smoked aroma and taste.

There is a lot of controversy about liquid smoke. Some consider it poison, while others add it to almost all dishes, including cereals and soups. There are natural and synthetic liquid smoke. During the production of the first, sawdust from trees is burned, and the smoke released at this time is passed through a container of water. The resulting liquid goes through several stages of purification, is left for some time to “mature” and goes on sale.

Liquid smoke produced synthetically is a mixture of water and chemicals. It is clear that the first one is not so harmful, so it is recommended to purchase it. Although it should be noted that even natural liquid smoke should be used very rarely and exclusively in accordance with the instructions for use.

Herring, like smoked, at home

You can cook not only herring according to this recipe. Mackerel turns out very tasty, and if you need a more budget-friendly option, you can make, for example, herring.


  • herring – 2 pcs (about 1 kg);
  • onion peel - a large handful;
  • tea granules - table. spoon;
  • salt - 3 table. l;
  • sugar - 1.5 table. l;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • liquid smoke – 100 ml;
  • water - 1 l.

Smoked herring at home: step-by-step recipe with photos

You should start with the marinade. It will require all ingredients except fish.

Place onion skins and tea into a saucepan.

Pour in water and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for 5 minutes under the lid. Strain.

Advice! Do not use white utensils during cooking as they may become stained.

Add liquid smoke along with salt, sugar and pepper to the resulting broth, stir.

Wash and dry the herring (form. 4). Clean off the entrails and remove the head.
Cut into pieces.

Place in a marinating bowl.

Pour over the marinade.

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