Modal verbs must to presentation. Presentation for the English lesson "modal verbs"

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Modal verbs CAN and their equivalents CAN Be able to Present Present Can Am Able to Isare Past Past Could Was Able to wereFuture Will be able to 1 1 Opportunity: I can, I can, I can I can, I can, I can 2 Permission: 3 Prohibition: I can't I can run very fast He can speak French. Can he do sums? Can I have a cup of coffee? You can't cross the street here. I can run very fast He can speak French. Can he do sums? Can I have a cup of coffee? You can't cross the street here.

The meanings of the verb could and its meanings The meanings of the verb could and its equivalent are not always exactly the same. In some cases, could and its equivalent was/were able to are used in different contexts: could - permanent ability to do something - could - permanent ability to do something in the past - could was/were able to - it matters could, succeeded - an exceptional situation . I could read when I was 5. I could read when I was 5. When he was 17 he could play chess well. Once he was even able to beat the champion. When he was 17 he could play chess well. Once he even was able to beat the champion.

Modal verbs MAY and their equivalents MAY Be allow to Present Present MayAm Is Allowed to are Past Past Might MightWas Allowed to Allowed towereFuture Will be allowed to… 1 Permission: May, permitted 2 Strict prohibition: Don't you dare 3 Opportunity: (may) May I come in? Yes you can (may). No, you cant (may not) You may not leave the room until I say so. You may often see such faces in the South of Russia

You can ask permission to do something like this: CAN/ COULD/ MAY/ MIGHT I borrow your pen? A short negative answer to such a question can be expressed as follows: No, I dont - please do not do this No you may not - prohibition No you must not - prohibition does not come from you it is forbidden No you can not - rules laws, etc. . We use the modal equivalent of may (be allowed/ permitted to…) when we want to emphasize that permission/ prohibition comes from someone: You are not allowed/ permitted to wait here


Modal verbs


ZHAVORONOKVA v.m. MBOU secondary school №38

Conveys the need to perform an action, because. the circumstances require it.

I have to go to school on Monday.

I have to go to school on Monday

I have to get up at seven tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I have to get up at seven o'clock.

IN negative offers.

When there is no need to perform an action, use don't have to

You don't have to help them.

You don't have to help them.

IN interrogative offers.

Interrogative form of the verb

have to are always formed with the help of an auxiliary do/does

Do I have to help them?

Should I help them?

Used by the speaker when he himself believes that it is necessary to perform an action.

You must read this book.

Must not = mustn't

expresses prohibition

He mustn't eat sweets.

He can't eat candy.

You must not make noise at night. You can't make noise at night.

used to express strong advice, recommendations.

You should see a doctor.

You should see a doctor.

Use the correct verb: must, have to or should.

  • I hadn't enough money and I ... pay by check.
  • You … see it. It's the best film I've ever seen.
  • He….enter this room. It is dangerous.
  • English children. . . stay at school till the age of 16.
  • I think you … learn Spanish if you want to work there.
  • You …walk across the street on the crossing!
  • You … buy coffee in the cafeteria.
  • You …worry about it. It's not important.
  • You …remember to do your homework.

1 had to 2 must 3 mustn "t 4 have to 5 should 6 must 7 don't have to (you have a choice) 8 shouldn't 9 must

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Must / have to / should modal verbs

Should/shouldn't. This verb has an absolutely exact translation into Russian: worth / not worth. You should see that film. It's very good. (Not so strong. That's your advice) You shouldn't watch so much TV. (You are not allowed to do it) The verb should suggests an alternative.

Have to The verb Have to is used to express the need to do something due to certain circumstances. Like simple verbs, they are able to reflect the categories of person and number. You have to get ready for your test on literature. (Quite strong. It's necessary to do).

Forms of the modal verb h ave to: Present I have to (don't have to) We have to (don't have to) You have to (don't have to) You have to (don't have to) He /She/It has to (doesn't have to) They have to (don't have to) Past tense I had to (did not have to) We had to (did not have to) You had to (did not have to) You had to (did not have to) He/She/It had to (did not have to) They had to (did not have to)

Must This is a mix verb. It combines the elements of the verb should and have to, but it certainly has special functions on its own. The connection with the verb have to can be traced in the past tense of the verb must, because it sounds like had to In the verb must, there is more severity. In situations of “forcedness”, have to is used, not must. (I have no bread. I have to go to the shop. - I don’t have bread. I have to go to the store. (I really don’t want to, no one forces me, but I really need to)

+ (affirmative sentences) + (affirmative sentences) Have to Must Should 1. Strong advice (“definitely worth it”) I love this film. You must watch it. (I really like this movie. You should definitely watch it.) Advice (“should”, “should”) You should go home. It's late. (It's getting late. You should go home.) 1. rule, law You have to get a visa to go to London. (You must get a visa to go to London.) 2. rule, law You must get a visa to go to London. (You need to get a visa to go to London.) 2. You have to because the circumstances are I have to go to work on Sunday. (I have to go to work on Sunday.) 3. You must, because I decided so You must wash your hands before lunch. (You must wash your hands before eating.)

- (negative sentences) Don't have to Don't need to Needn't Mustn't Can't Shouldn't Don't have to go to university tomorrow. It's Sunday. (I don't have to go to university tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday.) You mustn't smoke here. (You can't smoke here.) Advice "don't" "shouldn't" You shouldn't go to bed so late. You'll feel bad tomorrow. (Don't stay up so late. Tomorrow you won't feel well.)

Conclusion When choosing a modal verb, it is necessary to be guided by the context and understand the exact meaning of this verb in Russian. To summarize: Should / shouldn't - worth / not worth it. Have to / don't have to - forced / not forced. Must / mustn't - must, must / do not have the right, is prohibited.

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