Fortune telling on paper. Fortune telling by shadow: meaning and interpretation Fortune telling on Christmas paper the meaning of shadows

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Fortune telling on burnt paper is the most ancient ritual. This method is even written about in the cultural monuments of Ancient Egypt. The principle of the entire procedure is very simple; the main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the results obtained.

The oldest ritual is fortune telling using burnt paper.

Preparing for fortune telling

The most difficult thing in this fortune-telling is following all the rules to obtain truthful results.

This ritual should be approached very seriously, namely:

  1. First you need to choose the right time. Under no circumstances should you tell fortunes during the full moon. On this day there is a high probability of attracting a lot of evil spirits. The most favorable time for fortune telling is the first days of the new moon.
  2. The most favorable day for the ritual is the night from Friday to Saturday. It is very important to start the procedure before midnight. But it must be completed after 12. If you comply with all these time frames, the value will be more accurate.
  3. In the room where fortune telling will be carried out, it is advisable to remove all mirrors. Because of them, the information will be modified and therefore it will be difficult to obtain an accurate result.
  4. There should be no photographs in the room. Otherwise, fortune telling will be aimed at the information field of this person.

If there are photographs in the room, they must be removed

When doing fortune telling, you should not be nervous, worry, or advertise your intentions to other people. During the ritual, you should not be immediately distracted by the appointments. It is better to simply remember or write down all the images that were visible in the shadows.

Fortune telling procedure

For fortune telling, you need to prepare a wax or paraffin candle, a large flat plate and paper. The last element should be chosen very responsibly. Fortune telling by shadows will be very effective if you take a newspaper. It has large sheets and they wrinkle well. If you don’t have newspapers on hand, you can use writing paper. It is better not to choose sheets for the printer, as they burn very poorly.

We take a sheet of paper in our hands and crumple it. No need to make a tight ball. It is better if it is a shapeless lump. Place the prepared paper on a plate and light the candle. After this, you should turn off the light and see what shadow is cast by the lump of crumpled paper. This image is also worth remembering or writing down. After this, the paper is set on fire.

We begin to look very carefully at the shadows that move away from the burning paper. The resulting clear symbols are worth remembering or writing down. You need to slowly turn the plate with burnt paper and look for new images. And this continues until everything is completely burned out. This is not the end of fortune telling on burnt paper. A plate with burnt paper is brought to the candle and the shape of the ash is examined.

Newbie mistakes

Fortune telling on paper shadows requires very strong concentration, so many beginners make mistakes. To avoid this, you should listen to the following:

  1. The plate should turn very slowly, this will allow you not to miss a single symbol.
  2. There is no need to highlight individual fragments; you should look carefully at the whole picture and put the image together.
  3. They don’t write down the resulting images and end up forgetting about what they saw. To avoid this, you can use a voice recorder.
  4. Shadow fortune telling is best done alone. If you perform the ritual with friends, the predictions will be confused due to the presence of a large number of information fields.

When interpreting the meaning of the figures, it can turn out to be complete gobbledygook. If everything turns out very confusing, then it is better to leave everything until the morning. After a night with a fresh mind, it’s better for all the interpretations to come together.

Interpretation of results

The interpretation of fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper after completing the entire procedure must be taken very seriously. If a symbol is very clearly visible, this means that its meaning is most important. The second most important figure is the one that has been kept in the shadows the longest. Only after this do they move on to considering all the other symbols when fortune telling on a burnt newspaper.

A wide variety of images can be formed on the shadows of paper. Here you need to be in harmony with your feelings and intuition. If you tell fortunes but don’t understand anything, this means that you are not in the mood for the ritual. If you burnt all the paper and didn’t notice a single symbol, you shouldn’t start over. It is better to repeat the fortune telling in a week.

The meaning of the most common figures:

  • Butterfly. Love and romance await.
  • Star. Everything will work out.
  • House. Prosperous family life.
  • Mountains. A life streak with obstacles and difficulties awaits.
  • Tree. Successful business development.
  • Ring. It’s worth throwing all the problems out of your head, they prevent you from thinking soberly.
  • Ship. Making a dream come true.
  • Cross. Dangerous moment, serious illness, death.
  • Heart. Friendships will develop into love.
  • Birdie. Good news, a sharp improvement in the situation.

If you were able to see the image of a bird, then only good news awaits you

Let's consider the meaning of the symbols denoting animals:

  • Horse. There are everyday difficulties that it is advisable to solve as soon as possible.
  • Bear. There is a “gray streak” in life, but it’s not time to change anything yet.
  • Fox. You're wearing rose-colored glasses, you should take them off.
  • A lion. The emergence of unexpected support from others.
  • Wolf. New acquaintances will radically change your life.
  • Bunny. Any new business is accompanied by fear and panic, because there is no desire to be responsible.
  • Hedgehog. There are hidden material and spiritual resources.
  • The Dragon. The life situation is under the influence of invisible forces, so it cannot be influenced in any way.
  • Cat. There is a strong connection with the past or the appearance of a cunning woman nearby who will use magical powers.
  • Mouse. Worry over trifles.

I would also like to note a few positive images:

  • Swan. Having true friends nearby.
  • Boar. This is an excellent opportunity to show your abilities at work and get promoted.
  • Gates. A new stage in life: wedding, new job, new home, etc.
  • Crown. Gaining public recognition.
  • Bag. Unexpected improvement in financial situation.
  • Monkey. The appearance of a person who will help you acquire large material profits.
  • Dog. A good friend will appear in life.
  • Flower. Good luck in any endeavor.
  • Tower. Promotion on the career ladder.
  • Pigeon. Calmness and tranquility.

The image of a baby or a baby stroller can indicate a new addition to the family.

The image of a pram or baby can indicate an imminent addition to the family.

And also silhouettes to watch out for:

  • Crocodile. The appearance of a traitor, a strong blow in the back.
  • Witch. You will be damaged.
  • Ruins. Unpleasant events, divorce, financial difficulties.
  • Kettle. Your journey in life is coming to an end.
  • Snake. The likelihood of a dangerous and treacherous person appearing in your life.
  • Rat. A negative turn is expected soon, which will knock you off your feet for a while.

It is very important to consider the order in which the images appear. This speaks about how fate will develop.

They have been telling fortunes by shadows for many years. They allow you to look into the future and guide you on the right path. The main thing is not to use this method often. Turning to the shadows should only be done when absolutely necessary. In this case, there is no doubt about the accuracy of the predictions.

A rather interesting process is to guess on burnt paper. Flame, a special force dependent on nature, can tell you about the future, about love and your desires. Fortune telling by shadows, understanding and deciphering the meaning of figures is a skill that is easy to master. This is one of the ancient rituals and is often used today. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare for the ritual, and also explain the meaning of figures in shadow divination.

Fortune telling by shadows will help you find out your destiny

What is included in preparation for the ritual:

  1. To start fortune telling using paper shadows, you need to choose a time. The ritual should not be performed during the full moon. During this period there is a great opportunity to attract a lot of evil spirits. Therefore, the right time for the ritual is the first days of the new moon.
  2. You also need to choose a day. The best option is the night from Friday to Saturday. The process itself should begin before midnight and end after twelve. If you do not violate all the given time frames, the value will be more correct.
  3. There should be no mirrors in the room where the ceremony will take place. Because the information will change and there will be no result.
  4. There should be no photographs in the room. In a different way, the ritual will be aimed at the person depicted in the photo.
  5. When fortune telling by paper shadows, there is no need to worry or worry. There is no need to be distracted during the ritual.
  6. It is preferable to remember or write down all the images. This way, the interpretation of fortune telling will take place without difficulties.
  7. It is preferable to choose an ordinary plate, pastel color, perfectly white, without images or edging. To prevent the paper from falling out during the ritual and to avoid a fire, it is recommended to select deep dishes with large brims.

Fortune telling process

You need to prepare to perform the ritual of fortune telling on paper shadows. The first step is to prepare a candle, a flat plate and paper. There are special requirements for choosing the last element for the ritual.

Paper shadow fortune telling should be done using newsprint. The newspaper has large sheets, and this paper also wrinkles well. In extreme cases, when there is no newspaper, you can prepare paper from a notebook. Some people think that printer paper will be just right. But this paper cannot be used. This kind of paper just doesn't burn well.

It is better to use newsprint for fortune telling.

How do you do fortune telling using the shadows of crumpled paper? First you need to pick up a piece of paper and crumple it in your hand. You need to roll the paper into a ball, but it should not be very tight. It is preferable when it is a lump without a shape. After you make a lump of leaf, you need to place it on a prepared large flat plate. Then simply light the candle.

As the candle begins to burn, you can turn off the light. You can already observe the shadow that has appeared from this wad of paper. This image must be saved in memory or recorded.

The next step is to burn the paper. Once you have set the paper on fire, you can begin to look closely at the shadows on the wall. You can see similar symbols listed below. These can be such meanings of figures as people, nature, animals, buildings, objects.

Everything you see on the wall, all the shadows, needs to be remembered, or even better, written down on a piece of paper. This is especially important for beginners. The plate with burning paper should be gradually turned. This way you can see some new images.

The entire fortune telling process lasts until the paper burns. But fortune telling by paper shadow is not over yet, since an important stage begins - deciphering and solving the symbols that you wrote down. Before you start deciphering, you need to bring a plate with burnt paper to the candle and evaluate the shape of the ashes.

The meaning of the figures

Each person sees certain images and understands the meaning of figures in their own way. It all also depends on the question to which you want to know the answer. Naturally, your imagination is of great importance, without which it is impossible to interpret fortune telling. However, there are several commonly encountered symbols. When divining by the shadow of paper, the following are considered such figures.

  • witch - the influence of a witch;
  • horseman - events will have a successful resolution;
  • groom - marriage;
  • people - condemnation;
  • person - a loved one who will help solve the problem;
  • baby - pregnancy, founding a business;
  • man - meeting a stranger;
  • bride - marriage soon;
  • profile - a person will appear in your life who will change your life;
  • person - means acquaintance.
  • mountains are barriers;
  • tree - a favorable development of events;
  • star – protection of higher powers;
  • forest - deception;
  • flower - development, well-being;
  • pit - personal decline, financial difficulties.

The shadow of a tree that appears indicates a favorable development of events.


  • butterfly - love;
  • hippopotamus - unwillingness to move forward;
  • squirrel - improvement of financial situation;
  • the bull is an aggressive person who will plot intrigues;
  • camel - problem solving;
  • wolf - rapid changes associated with a new acquaintance; the wolf symbol speaks of a strong and brave friend;
  • dove - calm and tranquility;
  • dragon - it is impossible to change the situation; influence of higher powers;
  • hedgehog - hidden resources;
  • hare - avoidance of responsibility;
  • a snake is a dangerous person, ready for any meanness;
  • cat - magical influence;
  • rabbit - means betrayal;
  • chicken - stable income;
  • boar - career advancement;
  • rat - meeting a bad person;
  • horse - good stable job;
  • crocodile - a threatening person, a liar; unexpected problem;
  • swan - devotion, understanding, friendship;
  • Leo – confidence; sudden help;
  • horse - minor domestic difficulties;
  • frog - recklessness, thoughtlessness;
  • bear - the need to settle down so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • mouse - excitement; small difficulties;
  • monkey - material income;
  • bird - rapid takeoff, inspiration;
  • pig - malicious deception;
  • a dog is a faithful friend;
  • elephant - meeting with an influential person;
  • snail – slow resolution of events;
  • duck - sudden profit, income;
  • turtle - stagnation in activity.

The shadow of a bird promises a quick rise in business


  • tower – quarry rise;
  • gate - new beginnings, transition to a different environment (moving, marriage, new job);
  • home - stable life;
  • castle - determination, security;
  • well - secrets;
  • ruins - failure, separation, breakdown of relationships, loss of funds or independence;
  • church - wedding or funeral (specify by images).

Household objects:

  • shoe - professionalism in work; sudden romantic meeting;
  • bottle - celebration; drunkenness;
  • scales - you need to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision;
  • ring - marriage;
  • baby stroller - new worries; birth of a child;
  • crown - development, prosperity, popularity;
  • cross - threats, illness, death;
  • bag - prosperity, hoarding, sudden profit;
  • weapons - disagreements, conflict situations;
  • candle - marriage;
  • tank - the need for rescue;
  • transport - travel;
  • teapot - a quick end to everyday problems;
  • hat - secret, secrecy.

Anyone who sees the cross will face illness, threats, and even death.

If you concentrate on your problem when fortune telling and interpreting the meaning of the figures, then there will be no problems with solving the image. The person who tells fortunes must show a little intelligence.

Errors of beginners when fortune telling

No one is safe from mistakes in fortune telling on burnt paper. Here are typical misconceptions that prevent the correct interpretation of the result:

  1. Do not try to interpret individual passages of what you see without comprehending the picture in its entirety. First, fix the image in your mind, and then start decoding.
  2. Consider all the symbols, not just the ones you like best. The first figure is the exact image that needs to be remembered.
  3. When you first tell fortunes by shadow, you can always write down the information on paper or record the whole process on video. This will make it much easier to compare all the images together and interpret them correctly in the future.
  4. If there is someone else in the room with you, then the images will not give a specific answer to the question. It will be difficult to realize whose future the images are talking about.

Fortune telling on burnt paper is carried out at Christmas time and all predictions concern the future - for the year ahead. The interpretation of the figures is complete only if, along with the meanings given here, you use your imagination.

Proper preparation is of great importance in fortune telling. If you break even one rule, the image will no longer be accurate enough. The interpretation of fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper must be taken seriously. It is especially important what mood you are in.

As for symbols, there are also some features here. For example, when a symbol was clearly shown, this means that its meaning is important. The second most important figure is considered to be the one that remained in the shadows for a longer time.

It is worth remembering these two main images, and then proceeding to interpret the rest. If you burned the paper and did not see any image, then you need to repeat the fortune telling a little later. You can do fortune telling after a week.

In this article:

Since ancient times, shadows have been associated with a certain mystery and mystery. After all, the world of shadows is a mysterious world of something otherworldly. They are the personification of the souls of deceased people.

There are many known cases when magicians conducted various spiritualistic seances, and the shadows of the summoned spirits appeared on the wall. Fortune telling by a mysterious shadow belongs to white magic, since it does not have the goal of harming, causing damage or looking into the future at the expense of the loss of another person’s health, etc.

Shadow magic is based on the transmission of data from the information field of a fortuneteller. This is a kind of scanning, reading. Since ancient times, it was believed that fire had a cleansing, witchcraft power and was used in various ways.

Before performing the ceremony, it is very important to familiarize yourself with common mistakes and rules of fortune telling.

All that is needed for the ritual is a small plate without drawings (preferably it should be pure white or another, but monochromatic), a white candle and paper. There should be a light wall in the room where the fortune telling will be carried out, but if there is none, then you can hang a white sheet on it.

In addition, there should be no drafts or any air currents in the room that could affect the combustion process and cause the sheet to vibrate. You also need to remove all mirrors from the room, as displayers they can slightly distort the information, especially if there are more than two of them.

It is better to carry out a magical ritual in the evening or at night; it is also possible during the day, but in this case you need to cover the windows with thick curtains so that the room is dark. All lamps and other illuminators should be turned off, the photos present should be turned away from you or taken out for a while, since there were cases when the information field was scanned from a photograph of a person, and not from a fortune-telling person.

If a girl is doing the fortune-telling, then she needs to remove all hairpins, jewelry, belt, watches and other objects that interfere with movement. No sounds during the ceremony should interfere, that is, all telephones and the doorbell must be turned off. There should be only one fortuneteller in the room, since scanning will happen in any case, but it will be impossible to determine from whom exactly.

Conducting fortune telling

When a person is ready to conduct fortune telling by a mysterious shadow, he needs to take white paper and, focusing on his inner sensations, set fire to the sheet and put it on a plate. When it burns, you need to carefully monitor the changing shadow images that are displayed on the wall. There is no need to rush to look at the meaning of the images you see, you need to catch and remember them. As a rule, the pictures always change very quickly, it seems that they are chasing each other.

If you tune in to the right mood, this method can show very clear and correct results.

The fortuneteller may feel positive or negative energy during the ritual. Some may hear intermittent sounds or experience a continuous noise in their head. All this usually lasts from 25 seconds to 1-2 minutes, depending on the size of the paper and the duration of its burning. When the leaf is completely burned, you need to immediately look at the shape of the ash; the outlines seen can also be interpreted as shadows, but these events characterize the distant future.

Interpretation of fortune telling

Fortune telling by the mysterious shadow is over after the paper is completely burned, now you need to turn on your imagination and predict your future based on the images you see. The interpretation of a shadow always occurs on the principle of comparison, analogy and intuition.

Some examples of the results of magic to help understand the principles of interpretation:

  • if a fortuneteller saw a certain horned creature, then he needs to be extremely careful in his actions;
  • home signifies a calm family life;
  • mountains - obstacles and difficulties;
  • butterfly - mutual love, romantic relationships;
  • rider - good luck and success in everything;
  • bag - benefit, money, profit, wealth;
  • tower - promotion;
  • the bride is a symbol of the wedding;
  • weapons - conflicts, quarrels, squabbles;
  • monkey - there is a meeting with an important person;
  • car - long journey, road;
  • a witch or her profile - portends an evil woman who will begin to plot intrigues;
  • turtle - slight stagnation in business;
  • bird - success in personal life;
  • shadow of a child - addition to the family, etc.

If the result of fortune telling is not satisfactory, then it cannot be repeated immediately, it must
pass at least 3 months.

Why exactly fortune telling on burnt paper? The fact is that fire contains a special natural force that can reveal many secrets to us, if only we are able to ask the question correctly and are really ready to hear the answer. There are many ways to tell fortunes on burnt paper. Now we will talk about the most popular of them. It is worth noting that there are both simple and complex fortune telling, so you can always choose the one that suits you best.

Simple fortune telling

For this fortune telling on burnt paper, you will need a regular sheet and matches. Before you begin this ritual, think of a question, concentrate, and then write it on paper. After this, you need to take the leaf by the lower end so that it stands vertically in your hands. After that, set fire to its upper end and wait. If the flame flares up and the paper burns to the end, your wish will come true. If it goes out, it means it’s not destined.

Burnt paper shadows

This fortune telling is often used on Christmas evenings. The fact is that there really is something magical and mystical in this ritual, because when we look at the shadows, we always see some special images. For fortune telling, we also need paper and matches. We take the sheet by the bottom corner, place it vertically, set fire to the top corner and look at the wall where the set fire sheet will cast its shadow. Watch carefully and don’t forget to use your imagination. In the shadows dancing on the wall, you will see symbols: faces, people, animals, trees, various objects. You must decipher the symbols that the fire gives you. They will mean things that will help or hinder the fulfillment of your desires, the people you will meet along the way, and much more. The main thing is to correctly interpret these images. Many people begin to come up with what they would like to see. This cannot be done. You just have to observe and remember the images. Only in this way will fortune telling give you the correct answer.

Paper and candle

In this case, in order to tell fortunes, we need not only paper and matches, but also a candle and a saucer. You need to take the paper, put it on a saucer and set it on fire. After the paper has caught fire, place a candle next to it. Thanks to the candle, the shadows cast by the burnt paper will become more distinct and accurate. You will need to wait until the fire burns out and then look at the shadow cast by the burnt paper.

If you don’t see the image clearly, you can gently twist the saucer, just make sure that the paper doesn’t crumble into ashes. On the wall in the images of shadows you will see something that will tell you exactly how the situation will develop further and whether your wish will come true.

During fortune telling, always remember that you must fully concentrate on your question and not be distracted. Only in this case will you definitely receive an answer that you understand. It is worth noting that there are many decodings of such fortune-telling. But it is best to rely on your feelings and intuition. In this case, your consciousness itself will tell you what exactly these or other images mean.

Thirteen leaves

Fortune telling by shadows is considered one of the most ancient. This method of comprehending the future is mentioned in the cultural monuments of Ancient Egypt. There are several specific ways to carry out this fortune-telling, but in any case, the interpretation of the results obtained is quite subjective.

In this topic:

After all, the main thing here is associations, and everyone has their own associative series. Therefore, to obtain objective, truthful results, fortune telling must be carried out by a person with developed intuition and good abilities.

What do you need to do fortune telling using shadows?

The most common way is to interpret the shape of the ash from burnt paper. To carry out such fortune-telling based on the shadow that appears from burnt paper, you need to crumple the sheet, put it on a dish and set it on fire. Then they bring the incinerated paper to a light wall, hold a candle opposite it and look at the shadow cast by the burnt sheet.

This fortune telling has several rules.
  1. There should be no mirrors in the room where it is decided to tell fortunes. They modify the information, and reliable results cannot be obtained.
  2. There should be no photographs placed or hung in the room. If the faces look at the burning paper, fortune telling by the shadows formed from the burnt paper will reveal information about the person in the photograph. This is especially true if the person looking from the photograph is a person who is no longer alive.
  3. Extreme care must be taken when moving the plate from the place where the paper was burning to the place where the shadow will be analyzed. If the ashes are destroyed, attempts at interpretation will be pointless.

Standard Methods of Interpretation

The meaning of the figures is a key point in the entire fortune telling procedure. If you manage to see shadows in the shape of a bear, it means that a strong protector and patron will appear in the near future. If the ashes resemble a bell, there is news ahead. Other values ​​look like this:

  • Burnt paper has the shape of an eagle - to the respect of others, to honor and glory.
  • A sailing ship or car promises travel.
  • An animal or entity with horns means possible troubles.
  • Home – peace, family.
  • Mountains are difficulties.
  • Dragon - lack of ability to influence circumstances.
  • Butterfly - mutual love feelings.
  • Weapons – confrontation, conflict.
  • Bird - success and rapid advancement in romantic relationships.
  • Turtle – slow progress of things.
  • Baby, silhouette of a baby - increasing the family.
  • Bride - marriage.
  • A bag is profit.
  • Tower – career growth, success at work.
  • A man on a horse means success, good luck.

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