Food to relieve constipation. What foods to avoid for constipation

landscaping 03.07.2020

Constipation is the absence of bowel movements for a day or more, the presence of pain during emptying. This problem is especially acute after the age of 45, it slows down. To solve the problem, first of all, you need the right diet. The main share in the diet should be vegetable fiber. Proteins, fats and salt are limited.

  • In cooking, do not use frying, only bake without a crust, in foil or a sleeve, or boil;
  • With (lazy bowel syndrome) you do not need to chop food, it is better to cook in pieces, so peristalsis is stimulated; with spastic, on the contrary, the food should be mushy so as not to injure the intestinal walls;
  • Food should be warm, as hot or cold food takes longer to digest and makes it difficult for the intestines to work;
  • Fractional nutrition in small portions;
  • Abundant drinking and refusal of alcohol, since the liquid is needed to soften the feces, and alcohol removes it too quickly;
  • It is best to drink water, it is she who facilitates bowel movements;
  • The main components of the diet are carbohydrates.

What can you eat with constipation.

As already mentioned, the basis of nutrition should be fiber. You also need to eat foods rich in potassium and magnesium. Dairy products play an important role.

  • Vegetable dishes should be consumed every day - soups, stews, salads seasoned with vegetable oils; boiled, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers are especially good;
  • Fruits - in the first place are ripe plums, pears, figs; in winter - dried figs, prunes - it must be soaked in warm water, after swelling, eat on an empty stomach, and drink the water in which it was soaked;
  • Kashi - not viscous, crumbly;
  • Meat and fish are lean, cooking methods without frying and crusting; seafood, as well as seaweed and seaweed, which are very rich in fiber, give good results;
  • Fermented milk products are fresh, better home-made, since it is almost impossible to find daily kefir in the store; in a pharmacy, purchase starter cultures such as "Acidophilina", "Narine" and prepare kefir on your own;
  • Another useful additive is bran, crumbly add to cereals, let them swell a little;
  • Bread products of coarse grinding with bran.

What not to eat during constipation.

You should not eat foods that cause flatulence, fermentation in the intestines.

Starchy foods aggravate constipation. You should also avoid products containing tannin - this is an astringent tannin contained in tea, cocoa, pomegranate, persimmon, eucalyptus, bird cherry, oak bark. The list of products, the use of which should be excluded or limited for constipation, includes:

  • Fresh pastries, muffin;
  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Fatty broths;
  • Viscous cereals - rice and semolina, white rice has a lot of starch;
  • Legumes - beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils;
  • Potatoes - limited;
  • Kiseli, strong black tea;
  • Chocolate, marshmallow, jelly, marshmallow;
  • Dishes from boiled dough - dumplings, dumplings, pasta;
  • Quince, barberry, blueberry;
  • Spicy spices and root crops;
  • Mushrooms, hard boiled eggs;
  • Alcohol.

By following a diet, you can overcome constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. If you turn a blind eye to the problem, and fight it periodically with the help of laxatives or enemas, you can earn hemorrhoids, intestinal obstruction, and inflammation of the colon. In the worst case, a malignant tumor may form.

The main principle of the treatment of this disease is diet.

As a rule, constipation is observed in people with chronic bowel diseases.

Fundamental rules

The purpose of the diet for constipation is to normalize bowel function, in particular, its regular emptying and ridding the body of toxic metabolic products. Therefore, the diet is aimed at increasing the daily diet of vitamins, fluids, minerals and, of course, vegetable fiber.

According to Pevzner's classification, the diet for constipation corresponds to the treatment table No. 3.

The energy value of the diet corresponds to 3000-3500 kilocalories per day.

Basic diet rules for constipation:

  • food processing;
    For constipation, it is recommended to eat boiled, steamed and baked food, but without a crust (in foil). With atonic constipation, food should be prepared in portions and not crushed to increase intestinal motility. It is better to exclude minced meat and puree products, since such nutrition does not stimulate intestinal motility. And with spastic constipation, food should, on the contrary, be soft so as not to provoke pain in the abdomen.
  • diet;
    Food should be taken fractionally: 5-6 times a day in small portions. This promotes better bowel function.
  • food temperature;
    In nutrition, you should adhere to the temperature regime: eat food heated to 15-60 degrees Celsius. Too cold and too hot dishes irritate the stomach, which, in turn, adversely affects the functioning of the intestines.
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages;
    With constipation and a tendency to constipation, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, since they act as diuretics. Frequent use of alcohol leads to dehydration of the body and contributes to the creation of fecal blockages.
  • fluid intake;
    The daily amount of free liquid should reach 1.5-2 liters. From drinks, preference should be given to mineral waters and fruit drinks without sugar. Water softens the stool, making it easier to defecate. But it is better to refuse cocoa, strong coffee and tea.
  • vegetable fiber;
    Diet for constipation includes the use of a large number of raw and boiled vegetables and fruits. The vegetable fiber contained in them attracts water in the large intestine, this increases the amount of feces, makes them softer, has a positive effect on intestinal motility, ensures the growth of intestinal microflora, and also removes toxins from the body.

Approved Products

First, the list of allowed foods includes those that are rich in fiber. Fiber is found not only in fresh vegetables and fruits, but also in dried fruits, and in some types of cereals.

Secondly, the diet for this syndrome should be fortified and rich in trace elements, in particular, potassium and magnesium. Potassium is responsible for intestinal motility, and magnesium is responsible for the conductivity of its nerve fibers.

We should not forget about dairy products. They stimulate the growth of intestinal microflora, which normalizes the motor function of the intestine. Vegetable and animal fats envelop the walls of the intestine, preventing toxins from “sticking” to them, and provide a gentle evacuation of stool from it.

The treatment table for constipation should contain the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, since their lack exacerbates this condition.

The list of allowed products includes:

  • bread products from both rye and wheat flour, but coarse grinding, dry biscuits (crackers) in small quantities, lean pastries;
  • soups on vegetable and diluted meat (low-fat) broth, borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soups, fruit soups;
  • low-fat varieties of poultry, fish and meat (veal, turkey in boiled or baked forms);
  • crumbly cereals from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley groats, boiled in water with milk;
  • fresh vegetables and salads from them, seasoned with vegetable oil (beets, cabbage, beans, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peas, pumpkin and others);
  • green vegetables that are a source of magnesium (lettuce, celery, broccoli, boiled green beans and others);
  • ripe fruits and berries, fruit drinks, compotes, jams from them, apples are especially useful;
  • dried fruits, which are a source of trace elements, prunes deserve special attention;
  • vegetable oils, butter if tolerated;
  • sour cream, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, acidophilus;
  • mild cheese;
  • soaked herring, seafood;
  • rosehip and wheat bran tea, vegetable juices;
  • boiled eggs and steamed omelettes;
  • pasta;

Prohibited Products

Prohibited foods for constipation include those that cause flatulence, putrefactive processes and fermentation in the intestines. You should also not consume food that irritates the stomach.

In spastic constipation, food should be served in the form of puree (eg vegetables) and minced meat so as not to damage the intestinal walls.

Viscous cereals are not recommended, as they are slowly evacuated from the intestines and aggravate constipation. Those products that contain a lot of starch also have a similar effect. In addition, foods that contain a lot of tannin should be excluded from the diet: they suppress the motor function of the intestine. Dishes that make the gallbladder "strain" are also best avoided.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • bakery products from pastry, puff pastry, fresh white bread;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • legumes limited;
  • mucous porridges (rice, semolina);
  • spicy snacks, canned food;
  • spicy seasonings (pepper, horseradish, mustard);
  • vegetables (radishes, onions, garlic);
  • kissels (a lot of starch);
  • potatoes with restrictions;
  • bananas;
  • strong tea, blueberries (a lot of tannin);
  • chocolate, quince, barberry;
  • mushrooms;
  • confectionery with fat cream;
  • soups from rich and fatty broths;
  • fried eggs;
  • spicy and fatty cheeses;
  • mayonnaise;
  • jelly, marmalade, marshmallow;
  • alcohol;
  • flour dishes (dumplings, dumplings, pies, especially fried ones).

The need for a diet

Dieting helps to get rid of not only constipation, but also other symptoms associated with this condition (bloating and abdominal pain). By eliminating prohibited foods, the patient normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole and prevents the development of diseases that inevitably contribute to constipation (

Call the delay of the chair, temporary or permanent. Constipation can bother at any age, both infancy and the elderly. This is a very common ailment, which many are in no hurry to treat.

However, constipation can lead to serious consequences, which will be much more difficult to get rid of. A delicate problem like constipation is easiest to solve at the very beginning with the help of a diet.

Constipation appears due to malnutrition.

Constipation affects a huge number of people, starting from infancy. Constipation is not considered a disease, but rather a symptom or a consequence of lifestyle.

However, chronic constipation and the constant use of laxatives can lead to anal fissure, as well as provoke other diseases that will not be easy to cure.

To cope with the problem allows proper nutrition for constipation, physical activity and drinking regimen. The causes of constipation have long been known:

  • Wrong nutrition. At present, only a few people have the habit of eating right. Cafes and pizzerias open at every step, where you can quickly and satisfyingly rebuy. But such nutrition leads to a lack of fiber, a weakening of intestinal motility and constipation.
  • Sedentary work. The habit of sitting for 8 hours, and then getting home by car and taking the elevator leads to physical inactivity, muscle weakness, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, constipation and often hemorrhoids.
  • . During pregnancy, constipation almost always occurs due to the active production of hormones that relax the muscles. Intestinal peristalsis weakens. If during pregnancy a woman restricts herself from drinking due to edema, constipation can intensify and last for 2-3 days.
  • . Some diseases can lead to constipation, for example, diseases associated with stagnation of bile. Food is poorly digested and moves through the intestines for a long time.
  • Stress. Stress can cause both diarrhea and constipation. Constipation often occurs on nervous grounds in unfamiliar surroundings. For example, many children in a health camp cannot go to the toilet and endure long enough.
  • Operations on the intestines. Sometimes constipation is caused by reduced intestinal motility, but in this case, constipation can also be neurogenic due to fear of pain and blood during defecation.
  • Constipation, depending on the cause, can be divided into spastic and. With atonic constipation, peristalsis is very weak, so the feces move slowly.

Spasmodic constipation is caused by a spasm of part of the intestine, as a result of which the feces cannot move forward.

Emergency remedies for constipation

Glycerin suppositories will help to cope with constipation.

It is advisable to treat constipation with proper nutrition and sports, but if constipation has already lasted about 3-4 days, emergency remedies are required to help quickly overcome constipation with minimal stress on the pelvic vessels.

Prolonged constipation causes toxic, worsens the condition. However, laxatives are called emergency drugs because it is advisable to use them only in extreme cases, but not constantly. Emergency funds:

  1. . Candles quickly, effectively and gently allow you to get rid of constipation. One candle is inserted into the anus. After 5 minutes, you can already go to the toilet. Glycerin dissolves quickly and softens feces, and also acts as a lubricant. Candles are suitable for. They can also be used during pregnancy. However, the constant use of suppositories leads to a weakening of peristalsis, the effect may be the opposite.
  2. . These are microclysters that allow you to quickly deal with constipation. They are recommended for pregnant women and infants. Unlike water, the drug contained in microclysters does not wash out the beneficial microflora. It gently envelops the walls of the intestines, softens the stool, promotes their promotion.
  3. Phytolax. These are chewable lozenges based on herbal ingredients. Phytolax is recommended for use as a course, but it contains senna grass, which enhances intestinal motility. The release of the intestine occurs 8-12 hours after taking the drug. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women, as hay grass causes cramps and can cause miscarriage.
  4. Cleaning with water. An old and proven way to deal with constipation. For an enema, it is recommended to use water at room temperature. Colon cleansing occurs almost immediately and is fairly painless. However, frequent enemas disrupt the intestinal microflora. With severe constipation, an enema may only partially work.

Constipation nutrition rules

Fractional nutrition will help to cope with this ailment.

There are certain dietary rules that will help to cope with constipation. In addition to eating certain foods, one must not forget about the daily regimen, drinking regimen, and also properly process food before eating. Fundamental rules:

  • should be frequent and fractional. All meals should be evenly distributed throughout the day. You can not starve all day and eat up at night, food will be digested with difficulty, which will lead to constipation. You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Means pure unboiled water, but not tea, coffee, juice and other liquids. Pure water should be drunk per day up to 2 liters, and the remaining liquids should be added as needed, limiting their amount. All metabolic processes take place in water, and it is water that contributes to the normalization of the work of all organs of the digestive tract.
  • Don't drink food. It is undesirable to drink while eating, as water will dilute the gastric juice. This makes it harder for the stomach to digest food, which can lead to constipation. You need to drink half an hour before meals or one hour after. You can drink only very dry food.
  • Chew food thoroughly. For better assimilation, you need to eat slowly, chewing each bite well. It is not recommended to thoughtlessly swallow food while watching TV, as this leads to and does not give a feeling of fullness.
  • Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. This habit will help to get rid of constipation for a long time. In the morning, half an hour before meals, you need to drink a glass of lukewarm water. Water activates the bowels.
  • Avoid unnatural products. In a healthy diet, it is advisable to watch what you eat. You should not get carried away with ready-made sweet curds, packaged cereals, etc. They are not always useful.
  • Cook right. To get the desired effect from products, they need to be subjected to a minimum of processing. It is necessary to fry as little as possible or stew for a long time and boil or eat raw what is possible more often.

About proper nutrition for constipation - in the following video:

The most effective products for constipation

Properly cooked meat and fish will significantly improve intestinal motility.

It is the most effective treatment for chronic constipation. It not only normalizes the work of the intestines, but also reduces the load on the liver and pancreas, helps to get rid of stomach problems.

As a rule, a constipation diet includes a large amount of fiber, fluid, but requires the restriction of foods that are difficult to digest and cause increased. There is a list of products, the regular use of which will significantly improve intestinal motility:

  1. Flour products. However, this does not mean that you need to lean on fresh pastries, rolls and pies. For the intestines, only yesterday's or dried wholemeal bread, as well as bran bread, is useful, you can buy dietary bran, amaranth and rye bread. Rye bread should not be eaten by those who suffer from increased gas formation. You can eat biscuits, crackers, but in limited quantities.
  2. . Meat does not harm the intestines if it is properly cooked. Lean beef, turkey, chicken breast in boiled form or in the form of steam cutlets will not only do no harm, but will also help improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  3. Fruit. For constipation, it is recommended to eat plums, apples, kiwi. But it is better to refrain from pears and bananas. Fruit can be eaten as a fruit salad with low-fat yogurt. Daily consumption of fruits partially satisfies the body's need for fiber and vitamins.
  4. . Perhaps this is the best laxative, as well as an indispensable source of vitamins. Prunes and dried apricots have long been known for their laxative effect. Of these, you can cook compotes, eat just like that, add to salads and cereals.
  5. Vegetables. Vegetables are rich in fiber, but it is advisable to eat them raw. It is better to reduce the consumption of boiled potatoes. There is a salad called Panicle, which cleanses the intestines better than any laxative. It includes raw carrots, beets, white cabbage and greens. Such a salad is dressed with oil, but not salted.

Prohibited foods for constipation

The use of purchased sausages and sausages leads to a violation of intestinal motility.

  • Sausage and sausages. Purchased sausages, as you know, have very little meat, but a lot of food additives, flavor enhancers, fat, etc. The habit of snacking on sausage leads to a violation of intestinal motility, increases the risk of cholesterol plaques.
  • Chips and hamburgers. In medicine, such products are called "junk food", because they contain a large amount of harmful substances and almost zero useful ones. Such products only clog the body, leading to severe constipation, gastritis and.
  • Sparkling water. Soda leads to increased gas formation, slows down the digestion of food, and leads to constipation. In addition to the gas itself, it contains a lot of sugar and flavors, which also harm the body.
  • Mayonnaise and purchased sauces. Mayonnaise and other sauces can be used occasionally as an exception, but it is definitely not worth pouring every dish with mayonnaise every day. It contains a large number of calories and E-supplements, which adversely affect the work of the digestive tract. You should not console yourself that low-calorie, light and “natural”, purchased mayonnaises on quail eggs are not so harmful.
  • Fresh pastries and white bread. Occasionally, fresh pastries can be eaten, but in small quantities. It affects weight, bowel function.
  • Sweets. Sweets and chocolate lead to various problems, it is advisable to replace them with other delicious sweets such as natural curd desserts, homemade sweets from dried fruits and nuts.
  • . Alcohol in any quantity is harmful, even in small doses. It complicates the work of the intestines, irritates the walls of the stomach, slows down metabolic processes.

If you can't get rid of these foods completely, cut back on them first. As a rule, after several weeks of abstinence from harmful foods, the body itself gets used and no longer requires such food.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful digestion, active bowel function, and regular stools. Specially designed diets help people suffering from stool retention restore intestinal motility and improve the digestion process. Dietary nutrition in adults, the elderly and children is different.

A healthcare professional will not prescribe laxatives to a patient unless alternative treatments for constipation (stool retention) have been tried. Diet is one of the best remedies. It is recommended to all patients suffering from defecation disorders.

Nutrition for constipation in adults (laxative foods) helps to restore optimal digestion without complicating the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve intestinal motility. Often, patients manage to get rid of constipation with the help of diet alone.

Laxative nutrition prevails over the use of laxatives due to the unsafe use of the latter. Drugs that help empty the bowels relieve the symptom, but do not cope with the root of the problem. Frequent use contributes to complications, including:

  • “lazy” bowel syndrome, when the organ refuses to function fully on its own, without the help of a laxative;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • psychological dependence on drugs.

Laxative drugs are prescribed when alternative means are ineffective, including the observance of the correct diet and diet.

Diet for constipation in adult women and men

When constipation is not caused by pathological processes in the body, the patient is recommended to follow Pevzner's table No. 15. The diet provides a large amount of fiber, vitamins, a balanced diet, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is necessary to eat food 5 times a day, chewing thoroughly, avoiding overeating. It is advisable to eat at the same time to facilitate bowel movements.

What can and cannot be eaten?

The diet for constipation in women and men is no different. An exception is the period of waiting for a baby and lactation, when a woman needs to focus on products that are allowed for pregnant women and in the postpartum period.

Fruits (apples, bananas, citrus fruits, melons, avocados).Alcohol is completely excluded - alcohol slows down the process of digestion.
Vegetables. Beets are popular. It improves intestinal motility, has a pronounced laxative effect. Carrots, cabbage, tomatoes with constipation are included in the dietary list.Eliminate fatty meats from your diet. You should not eat pork, beef with streaks of fat, servelat, smoked products.
Prunes, dried apricots.Flour products from fresh bread.
The first vegetable dishes. It is recommended to cook with pearl barley, buckwheat. Okroshka, beetroot.Chocolate, coffee, strong tea, cocoa. It is advisable to completely eliminate sweets.
Kashi. Boil in water, add bran, fiber. Give preference to buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley.It is undesirable to use eggs in any form for constipation. A fried product not only complicates the course of constipation, but also leads to an exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
Onion has a laxative effect in any form. It has a beneficial effect in chronic constipation.Refuse hot seasonings, sauces, spices.
Prepare yogurt, kefir at home. Fresh fermented milk products of natural origin help in the digestive tract.Beans, lentils, peas.
Whole grain, grain bread.Semolina porridge, rice - completely remove from the menu. They inhibit the process of digestion, burdening it.

A prerequisite for dietary nutrition in violation of defecation is compliance with the drinking regimen. At least 1-1.5 liters of fluid should be consumed per day in the absence of contraindications.

The diet for constipation in pregnant women is characterized by limited fluid intake according to the doctor's indications, the exclusion of exotic fruits from the menu. Portions of meals should be minimal to facilitate digestion.

Sample menu for constipation

When the stool is delayed, the menu for the day is distributed in such a way that heavy food is consumed at lunchtime, in the morning and evening food is light. When compiling a diet, observe the following recommendations.

For breakfast, it is preferable to eat porridge. Boil buckwheat, oatmeal, oatmeal, millet, barley porridge in water. From drinks in the morning, choose jelly, fruit drink from fresh berries, fruits, compote. An alternative to cereals will be cottage cheese dumplings, steamed pancakes from zucchini.
At lunch, be sure to cook the first course. Give preference to puree soups, vegetable, okroshka. For the second, you can cook cabbage rolls from lean meat, boil chicken, fish, make a vegetable salad.

Dinner should be nutritious, like lunch, but not burden the digestive tract. Suitable dishes: cottage cheese casserole, lazy dumplings, porridge, fresh vegetable salad, boiled beets, carrots, stewed cabbage.

Lunch unloading. Before going to bed, you can not eat up, eat heavy foods. An excellent option would be: natural yogurt, snowball, fermented baked milk, a glass of kefir, prunes, dried apricots. Remember, you need to eat in small portions to facilitate the work of the digestive tract.

Features and differences of the diet for constipation in the elderly

The diet for constipation in the elderly has features, it differs due to the recurrence of the pathology. Many people, for physiological reasons, suffer from chronic constipation after the age of 50. Nutrition for constipation in the elderly is reduced to the maximum intake of fiber. It makes up 80% of the daily diet.

Nutritionists advise to pay attention to the following products when holding stools:

Stick to the rules of nutrition:

  • eat 6-8 times a day in small portions;
  • dishes should only be warm;
  • stew, steam, boil, bake;
  • food should not be excessively crushed (this leads to impaired defecation);
  • eat vegetables and fruits raw;
  • drink more water (2 liters per day).

You will have to forget about chocolate, cakes, pastries, ice cream, alcohol, coffee, conservation, fatty, fried, smoked. Now these products are under the strictest ban.

Diet number 3 for children

Feeding a child with constipation is based on diet number 3 for children. It includes products that favorably affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increase intestinal motility, and eliminate spasms of smooth muscles.

Table number 3 includes the following products for constipation for children.

ExcludePower on
Sweets: cake, pastries, chocolate.Tomato, pumpkin. carrot, beetroot, apricot juice.
Flour products: buns, pies, cheesecakes, etc.Second courses from barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, pearl barley.
Cocoa, coffee, strong black tea, jelly.Turkey, chicken, veal without lard.
Everything smoked, salted, canned, fatty, fried.Yoghurts without additives, natural, kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball and cottage cheese.
Meat with lard and fat.Steam omelets from proteins.
Semolina, rice porridge, pasta.Bread rye, bran, whole grain.
Fruits: quince, dogwood.Fruits: nectarines, bananas, peaches, apples, watermelon, melon, apricot.
Vegetables: horseradish, garlic, potatoes, radish, radish, white turnip.Vegetables: squash, carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage, pickles, pumpkin.

The basic principles of nutrition on diet number 3:

  • give the baby at least 1-1.5 liters of liquid per day (including juices, soups, compote, etc.);
  • limit your child's intake of salt, carbohydrates and proteins;
  • monitor the mode of food consumption (breaks between meals should be the same, dishes weigh no more than 150-200 grams).

Adhering to the rules of nutrition during constipation is important for a quick recovery, eliminating the complications that constipation leads to. Violation of defecation often causes hemorrhoids, inflammation of the rectum, intoxication of the body. The problem of constipation is easier to prevent than to treat. Follow the diet at all times so that the stomach and intestines work optimally.

Anyone who has ever experienced constipation knows how frustrating it is. Sometimes difficulties with bowel movements turn into a real problem that greatly darkens life. In 90% of cases, constipation can be eliminated by adjusting the diet, because it is the wrong diet that is the main cause of difficult bowel movements. We will find out what foods will help normalize intestinal motility and how to cook tasty and healthy dishes to eliminate constipation.

What causes constipation - about the rules of nutrition

Lack of time to cook healthy food (and sometimes just laziness) forces you to buy food in fast food establishments or snack on industrially produced convenience foods. Hamburgers, sausages, a variety of store-bought sweets quickly satisfy hunger, but do not bring any benefit to the body, only slagging it. It is not surprising that constipation occurs with such a diet.

According to experts in healthy nutrition, the human digestive system is designed only for the digestion of plant foods. Food rich in animal protein (meat and dairy products) is not fully absorbed by the body. Undigested particles get stuck in the intestines, rot, which leads to the development of various pathological processes, including difficulties with emptying.

In people whose diet is based on plant foods, constipation practically does not happen. Vegetables, whole grains, berries, and fruits provide the fiber needed to maintain nutrient balance and regular bowel movements.

Following a diet that involves avoiding foods that delay digestion and switching to foods high in fiber gradually normalizes intestinal motility. Coarse fibers from plant products are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but like a sponge they clean it, restore the microflora and the processes of food digestion.

In the fight against constipation, fractional nutrition (5-6 times a day in small portions) and drinking water at least 2 liters per day are of great importance. .

The following foods interfere with bowel movement:

  • White rice.
  • Bean cultures.
  • Fatty meat (lamb, pork, game).
  • Food of a viscous consistency (mashed potatoes, mucous soups, pureed cereals).
  • Eggs.
  • Fat cottage cheese, cream, sour cream.
  • Products with a high content of tannins (strong tea, persimmon, bird cherry, blueberries, quince, red wine).
  • Hard cheeses.
  • Bananas.
  • Potato.
  • Products from wheat flour of the highest grade (bread, muffins, pastries).

Refusal or significant restriction in the diet of these products will have a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestines with constipation. Strengthen peristalsis will help the use of products that promote bowel movement.

Fiber-rich foods can help relieve constipation

First of all, with constipation in the daily diet, it is necessary to increase the proportion of foods rich in dietary fiber. They absorb the liquid contents of the intestine, giving the feces volume and soft texture, improve their progress through the digestive tract. In addition, fiber helps to get rid of dysbacteriosis (one of the constipation factors), as it stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is necessary to eat at least 25–40 g of dietary fiber daily. According to research, on average, a modern person consumes only 5-10 g of coarse fiber per day, which inevitably leads to digestive problems.

What foods are good to add to food for constipation?

The bran (grain shell) contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and fiber useful for digestion (depending on the type, 40-55 g per 100 g).

Numerous clinical studies confirm the successful use of wheat and oat bran for constipation.

Before use, bran must be poured with boiling water, let stand for 15-20 minutes, drain the remaining liquid. Add the swollen mass to cereals, meatballs, soups, kefir. The dose of consumption every 3 days should be increased within 2-3 weeks: starting from 1 tsp. 2 times a day, gradually bring to 2 tbsp. l. three times a day. With the normalization of the stool, the dose of bran can be reduced to 2 tsp. 3 times a day.

Raw vegetables

The use of fresh beets, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, carrots significantly improves intestinal motility, relieving constipation. During the heat treatment of vegetables, part of the ballast substances is lost, so it is recommended to prepare salads from them, chopping them on a grater.

To cleanse the intestines of accumulated feces and toxins, healthy nutrition experts recommend periodically preparing a broom salad. To do this, you need to take cabbage, carrots and beets in a ratio of 3: 1: 1, chop, salt, mash with your hands until juice appears. Fill with olive oil.

Rye and whole grain bread

With a tendency to constipation, bread products with bran should be preferred.

They help to cope with problematic bowel movements because they contain a large amount of coarse fiber. Many gastroenterologists note the positive effect of whole grain and rye bread on the digestive tract.

Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds

Seeds with difficult bowel movements will help to gently eliminate stool retention and become a source of substances useful for the body. In addition to fiber, they contain a large amount of protein, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D), magnesium and folic acid, which improve the functioning of intestinal smooth muscles.

To get rid of constipation, the seeds need only be dried a little. Prolonged heat treatment destroys vitamins and other nutrients.

Buckwheat and pearl barley

A wonderful remedy for constipation is cereals from brown and gray cereals (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal). Barley is the best option in the fight against constipation, because it is easy to prepare, and it contains many valuable substances necessary to improve intestinal motility.

To cook delicious and healthy barley porridge (it should not turn out to be “slurry”), you need to thoroughly rinse the barley and soak it for at least 3-4 hours, preferably all night. After that, put the cereal on medium heat, pouring water at the rate of 2 cups per 1 cup barley. Cook for 50-60 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Prunes, raisins, dates, figs, dried apricots are also rich in dietary fiber, so they have a laxative effect. The potassium contained in them helps to reduce the muscles of the intestine, and magnesium improves the conduction of nerve impulses. To eliminate constipation, it is enough to eat 150 g of dried fruits daily.

An effective remedy for facilitating bowel movements is the following recipe:

  • Take 200 g of figs, dried apricots and prunes.
  • Twist dried fruits with a meat grinder.
  • Add 150 g of honey (in the absence of allergies).

Use the mixture three times a day, 1 tablespoon.


Mushrooms have long been used as a natural laxative. They contain a special type of fiber - chitin.

Mushrooms are contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers). Autumn mushrooms are considered the most useful for constipation.

Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews contain unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils and coarse fibers that stimulate the muscular system of the stomach, causing them to more actively digest food and quickly evacuate feces from the intestines.

To eliminate constipation, you need to eat 100 g of nuts daily. You can grind several types in a blender or meat grinder and consume 2 tbsp. 2-3 times a day.

A large amount of fiber in the composition has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion of food and restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. For the treatment of constipation, the grains must be germinated to a length of processes of 2-3 mm and taken 1-2 tsp. spoons a day, adding to salads.

Products that contain a large amount of dietary fiber should be selected individually and dosed. It is necessary to introduce new dishes into the diet in turn in a small amount and observe the reaction of the digestive tract to them.

Products that stimulate intestinal motility

The use of dietary fiber by people who have difficulty with bowel movements is the key to the success of treatment. Unfortunately, fiber-rich foods are not for everyone. According to research results, in 45% of patients they cause abdominal pain and flatulence.

With fiber intolerance, you can use products that stimulate the motor activity of the intestine: with a high content of organic acids and substances that irritate the walls of the digestive tract.

Natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, various fermented milk drinks with the addition of beneficial microorganisms (Bifidok, Acidophyllin, Bifilife) are sources of calcium, magnesium, vitamin A and phosphorus. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. A glass of fresh kefir or another fermented milk drink at night (not more than two days old) will help get rid of constipation and give you ease.

Fruit purees and juices

Puree from the pulp of fruits of fruit trees (plums, apricots, peaches) and juices from them, due to the high content of pectin and organic acids, have a softening effect on feces and stimulate bowel function. The rapid evacuation of the food bolus is facilitated by the activation of the gallbladder: the fruits have a powerful choleretic property.

For a laxative effect, you need to eat up to 10 fresh fruits daily.


Honey has a mild laxative effect due to its hygroscopic properties and high fructose content. It normalizes the balance of fluid in the body, gives the appropriate consistency to the feces, due to which the process of defecation does not cause difficulties.

With frequent constipation, honey has an antitoxic effect, improves well-being, eliminates headaches, nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and other signs of intoxication in the body.

Honey for constipation is used with a liquid (1 tablespoon per glass of water) or added to cereals, a mixture of nuts, seeds, dried fruits.

The use of unrefined vegetable oils has a stimulating effect on intestinal receptors and reflexively enhances peristalsis. In addition, the intake of oil stimulates the production of bile, which activates the digestive glands and the contractility of the intestinal walls.

Drinking 1-2 teaspoons before meals twice a day of any vegetable oil will not only help get rid of constipation, but also enrich the diet with unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the whole body.

Confectionery based on pectin and agar-agar

In order for the intestines to work like a clock, agar-agar (a vegetable substitute for gelatin extracted from brown algae) or pectin (a polysaccharide found in fruits) will help. Their action is similar to dietary fiber: greatly swelling, they increase the contents of the intestine and stimulate its motility.

Products containing agar-agar and pectin (marshmallow, marmalade, soufflé, marshmallow) act as a mild laxative for constipation.

Dishes that are effective in the fight against constipation

Below are some examples of healthy foods for digestion. Their regular use will greatly help in the fight against constipation, improve well-being and relieve the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Fruit and vegetable salad with oatmeal

Pour 50 g of raisins with boiling water for 10 minutes, drain the remaining water. Grate 1 carrot on a medium grater, pit 3 apricots, finely chop. Mix everything with oatmeal, sunflower seeds (or wheat germ), season with 150 g of fresh kefir.

Chicken soup with barley

Pour 50 g of pearl barley for 5-6 hours or overnight. Boil chicken broth (400 g of chicken meat per 1 liter of water). Add cereal, chopped onion and carrots. Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.

Cold soup with cucumbers

Cut 150 g of cucumber and boiled beets into cubes, combine and add 200 g of curdled milk or kefir.

Mackerel with eggplant

Salt the mackerel fillet, cut into pieces and cook in a double boiler or oven. For 10 minutes, pour 50 g of prunes with boiling water, chop. Put the cooked fish on a plate with 300 g of pickled eggplant and prunes.

Tomatoes stuffed with buckwheat

Prepare buckwheat porridge (0.5 tbsp of cereal per 1 tbsp of water). On the tomatoes, make a cruciform cut on top, take out the pulp and seeds with a spoon, put porridge mixed with pickled onions inside. Cook in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Since it is nutritional disorders that lead to digestive problems, it is natural that you need to start solving them with dietary adjustments. Physiotherapy exercises and taking medications to improve the intestinal microflora will be very useful in the fight against constipation. And only if these methods do not help, you need to resort to treatment with the help of more radical measures that the doctor will prescribe.

When writing the article, the following studies and materials were used:

  • Irina Zaitseva "Therapeutic nutrition for constipation."
  • S. Kashin "Therapeutic nutrition for children's diseases: diarrhea, constipation, vomiting."
  • M. Smirnova "Therapeutic nutrition: Constipation."
  • I. Pigelevskaya “Healthy digestion without drugs. Delicious food without heartburn and dysbacteriosis.
  • L. Rudnitskaya “Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Treatment and cleansing.

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