When can you go to the cemetery. Religious rites and days of remembrance

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Dear Olga! In the Orthodox tradition, the main importance is attached to the prayerful commemoration of a deceased person. Compared to raising a prayer to the Lord for the repose of the soul, all other manifestations of our memory of the deceased - a memorial meal with the loved ones of the deceased, a visit to his grave, are secondary, albeit important, and edifying for the remaining relatives. This is what a believer is guided by when he plans to visit the grave of a loved one: first, a prayer commemoration is performed in the temple, candles are lit, a note with the name of the deceased is transferred to the altar, so that the priests, performing temple services, can offer prayers for a loved one. It is possible to bring food to the memorial table in the church, donations to the altar of objects and substances necessary for the performance of services: large altar candles, lamp oil, wine, coal for censer, incense, etc. In memory of the deceased, alms can also be given to those who ask different people ask for it, so it is not always worth giving alms with money, because it is possible to abuse the faith of the parishioners. they themselves set the reason for their appeal for alms (let it be not only bread, it can be given to those asking for food and other products). Only after prayer in the temple can you go to the graves of relatives, if such a visit to the cemetery is planned. At the graves, where, until the Second Coming of Christ, the bodies of deceased relatives are buried, a prayer is again offered up for their repose. The necessary work is possible to restore order on the grave mounds, renovation and painting of monuments - works that are aimed at preserving the graves in an appropriate and dignified form. For a believer, "commemoration" of the dead with alcoholic beverages is excluded. Saturdays are dedicated to the commemoration of the departed - this is reflected in the composition of the Sabbath services in churches. Therefore, after the temple prayer, it is also possible to visit the graves in cemeteries. Sunday is called Little Easter, because every Sunday day (it is called that) reminds us of the day when the Savior was resurrected - about the Easter of Christ. This is the day of our common participation in the main service - the Divine Liturgy. Only some extreme situation, a very compelling reason, can cancel the participation of a Christian in the common prayer of the community at the Liturgy. It would be better to postpone the visit to the cemetery for another, weekday. Well, unless it is on this day that there will be a memorable date associated with a deceased person. or all your relatives will gather to visit the cemetery on this very day and it will not be possible to reschedule this visit. Then, after your participation in the Liturgy, you will have to support your relatives. Visits to cemeteries on Easter and the day, on the days of Bright Week up to Radonitsa, are canceled, when the funeral prayer is performed in churches and for the first time, after Easter, the graves of deceased relatives are visited.

Probably, every person has at least one relative or friend who has already been buried. People always pay maximum attention to their loved ones. Even after the death of a person, there is a desire to visit his tomb and take care of his peace. But many do not know how to visit a cemetery correctly. There are days when it is possible and even necessary to go to the cemetery. And, conversely, when it is better not to visit the dead.

When can you go to the cemetery:

  • on the day of the funeral;
  • on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death;
  • every year on the day a person leaves life;
  • on memorial days - Monday and Tuesday of the week that follows Easter;
  • Meat Saturday preceding the week of Great Lent;
  • 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent;
  • Trinity Saturday - the day before the feast of the Holy Trinity;
  • Dmitrovskaya Saturday - the first Saturday in November.

When you can't go to the cemetery:

  • Orthodoxy does not welcome to visit the graves of relatives on such Christian holidays as Easter, Annunciation and Christmas;
  • Trinity is not celebrated in the cemetery either. On Trinity they go to church;
  • it is believed that you do not need to go to the churchyard after sunset;
  • women are advised not to visit the place of the dead during pregnancy or menstruation. But this is a personal choice of each of the fair sex.

Some sources report that it would be wrong to go to the tomb on the birthday of the deceased. You can just remember him with a kind word. But there is another opinion that such memorable dates as the birthday or the day of the Angel also serve as an occasion to commemorate the deceased. These days, you can also invite a priest to the grave. There are also some superstitions and rules of conduct on the churchyard.

How to behave in a cemetery

If you're planning a trip to the cemetery, don't wear brightly colored clothing. Black or white are most suitable. You can also pick up muted tones from your wardrobe. Legs must be covered: wear pants or a long skirt. Shoes should also be closed. It is advisable to cover the head with a headdress or throw on a scarf.

When they go to the cemetery, they behave calmly, without unnecessary emotions. Avoid laughing or crying out loud. Do not swear.
Don't spit or litter. And if you feel like it out of necessity, find a suitable place for this outside the cemetery.
Upon arrival at the grave, a positive action will be to light a candle, to remember the deceased.

Do not eat or drink near the tombstone. Have a memorial dinner at home.
Do not step on graves or jump over them.
There is no need to touch other people's burial places, to put things in order there, if you were not asked by the relatives of the person buried there.

In the event that you dropped something on the dead ground, it is better not to pick it up anymore. If the dropped object is very important to you, picking it up, put something in return (sweets, cookies, flowers).
Leaving the cemetery, do not turn around, and, moreover, do not return.

When you come home, wash your hands thoroughly (and it is better to do this even at the cemetery), be sure to wash off the cemetery soil from your shoes, wash the tool that was used to clean up at the grave.

When to visit the cemetery, each person decides for himself. Of course, going to such places almost every day is not recommended. But you don't need to forget about your loved ones either. Do what your heart tells you. In a situation where you live far from the grave of your relatives or simply do not have the opportunity to visit them, but there is a desire to pay attention and remember, go to church and light a candle for peace. You need to put this candle in the middle part of the temple on the left side.

You need to know that such candles are not put on the days of Holy Week and the days of Bright Week. Also in the church there is an opportunity to order a panikhida (prayer for the dead) or a litiya (increased prayer) from the priest. You can also pray yourself: read the Psalter or the rite of the litia performed by a layman.

Under any circumstances, remember your deceased loved ones, and when you come to their graves, behave appropriately, because a cemetery is a sacred land, a resting place for the deceased.

In any European culture, respect for the memory of loved ones is of great importance. Visiting cemeteries is a must for their relatives, and not only to put things in order at the grave, but also not to forget about a loved one, cope with his loss and remember all the good things that connected you with him.

In Russian culture, there is an unspoken set of rules and recommendations on how and when to visit cemeteries. Our today's material will tell you whether you can often come to the grave of a friend or relative, how to honor his memory, what holidays are suitable for a mournful visit, and also what beliefs exist associated with visiting the graves of loved ones.

How often should you visit the grave?

You must not come to visit the deceased - this will demonstrate your indifference. In addition, from time to time it is necessary to put the grave in order - to see if the earth is subsiding, to plant flowers and plants for an attractive appearance, to change faded wreaths and ribbons, to clean and restore the monument (if it is made of wood or metal).

But it is also not recommended to come to the cemetery often - folk beliefs are associated with this. Abuse of visiting the grave can negatively affect life and even bring illness. According to popular belief, it is not recommended for pregnant women to visit cemeteries - this can harm the baby and the expectant mother.

It is better to visit the cemetery once a season or on separate days. Non-religious people come to the graves of loved ones on Easter, the anniversary of death or May 9, and adherents of the Christian religion - on some church holidays and commemoration days.

Days to visit

The Orthodox religion has determined the days on which it is better to pay a visit to the cemetery:

  • Immediately after the death of a friend or relative - on days 9 and 40 after death. Also mentioned is the 3rd day, which is usually buried;
  • Every death anniversary or birthday;
  • Parental Saturdays - spring and autumn, as well as post-Easter Radonitsa - a church holiday on which all the dead are remembered.

There is controversy over Easter - is it worth visiting the graves of loved ones on this day. Many religious people are against this practice, since the meaning of the holiday is joy, which does not correlate with sorrow and pain of loss. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone cemetery worries until Radonitsa - it falls on Tuesday 2 weeks after Easter.

How loved ones are remembered in the cemetery

Prepare the necessary set of tools in advance to put the grave in order. In the spring, they remove non-rotten leaves, garbage and weeds, in the fall they shelter the plants from the cold. The monument needs to be renewed if it has been damaged mechanically or by exposure to moisture. They hang a new wreath or bring a bouquet of fresh flowers. You can plant fresh flowers - this is more aesthetically pleasing and looks like a touching gift from loved ones to the deceased.

A small memorial meal can be arranged at the table. To take alcohol with you or not is a matter of personal preference; in national culture, a shot of vodka for peace is a generally accepted tradition, but not everyone will share it. Therefore, you can get by with tea, sweets and a light snack.

Is it really forbidden to go to the cemetery on Wednesdays? What days is it possible? How often can and should it be done? Does everyone know the answers to these questions? Of course not. Only people who are deeply religious know, who often go to church and fulfill all church instructions.

The main mass sometimes listens to the older generation, but most often they act according to the rule "where everyone is, there I go too." Well, there is also a category of people who do not believe in anyone and in anything. Such, as a rule, act at their own discretion.

The Bible about visiting the graves of loved ones

  • days of commemoration, that is, the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death;
  • day of death;
  • Radonitsa;
  • Saturday (Saturday is considered a funeral day).

Radonitsa or Radunitsa is a holiday of remembrance of the dead, in common parlance it is called parental day. Celebrated on the ninth day after Easter. On this day, it is customary to rejoice for those who have left this vain world, got rid of the physical shell, freed from suffering and hard life.

Feast of the Holy Trinity

For everyone, it has become a habit when, on the day of the Holy Trinity, a huge number of people rush to the cemetery to visit their relatives and friends who are resting there. And few people know that the church does not advise visiting the cemetery on this day, you can go to the grave of your family the day before, but not on the day of Holy Trinity. The same applies to the holiday of Easter, because it is a holiday of the living. Better to just go to church these days.

Is the day of the week important for visiting the cemetery

Both the Bible and the church either advise or do not advise visiting the cemetery on any days, but they do not put direct prohibitions, especially that it is not mentioned anywhere that one should not go to the cemetery on Wednesdays.

No one can prohibit visiting the graves of their loved ones, if a person has such a desire or need. Visiting the cemetery often helps people cope with loss, put their thoughts in order and calm down.

Therefore, when it is better to visit the grave of a loved one, everyone chooses for himself. And it doesn't matter at all what day it is, Monday, Wednesday or any other day of the week.

Is it really forbidden to go to the cemetery on Wednesdays? What days is it possible? How often can and should it be done? Does everyone know the answers to these questions? Of course not. Only people who are deeply religious know, who often go to church and fulfill all church instructions.

The main mass sometimes listens to the older generation, but most often they act according to the rule "where everyone is, there I go too." Well, there is also a category of people who do not believe in anyone and in anything. Such, as a rule, act at their own discretion.

The Bible about visiting the graves of loved ones

  • days of commemoration, that is, the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death;
  • day of death;
  • Radonitsa;
  • Saturday (Saturday is considered a funeral day).

Radonitsa or Radunitsa is a holiday of remembrance of the dead, in common parlance it is called parental day. Celebrated on the ninth day after Easter. On this day, it is customary to rejoice for those who have left this vain world, got rid of the physical shell, freed from suffering and hard life.

Feast of the Holy Trinity

For everyone, it has become a habit when, on the day of the Holy Trinity, a huge number of people rush to the cemetery to visit their relatives and friends who are resting there. And few people know that the church does not advise visiting the cemetery on this day, you can go to the grave of your family the day before, but not on the day of Holy Trinity. The same applies to the holiday of Easter, because it is a holiday of the living. Better to just go to church these days.

Is the day of the week important for visiting the cemetery

Both the Bible and the church either advise or do not advise visiting the cemetery on any days, but they do not put direct prohibitions, especially that it is not mentioned anywhere that one should not go to the cemetery on Wednesdays.

No one can prohibit visiting the graves of their loved ones, if a person has such a desire or need. Visiting the cemetery often helps people cope with loss, put their thoughts in order and calm down.

Therefore, when it is better to visit the grave of a loved one, everyone chooses for himself. And it doesn't matter at all what day it is, Monday, Wednesday or any other day of the week.

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Why you can't go to the cemetery on Wednesday

There are many traditions and signs associated with the commemoration of the departed, but not everyone knows why one cannot go to the cemetery on Wednesday. Let's try to understand this issue together.

Cemetery and signs | Do they go to the cemetery on Wednesday? | What days should the dead be commemorated? | When should you not go to the cemetery?

Do they go to the cemetery on Wednesday?

  • It has long been believed that in the middle of the week, that is, on Wednesday, all the souls of the departed rise from their graves and gather together.
  • The grandmothers used to say that if a person's foot steps into the cemetery on that day, then these souls can take the uninvited guest to their own world.
  • But the priest's answer to this question is completely different. Absolutely all church officials unanimously say that you can go to the cemetery on Wednesday. Moreover, if the scheduled day falls on Wednesday or the funeral itself, then not going to the cemetery because of some kind of omen is at least stupid.
  • The Church generally opposes all kinds of popular beliefs in omens, evil spirits and fortune-telling. The priests say that one should not be afraid of the dead and ghosts, but of living people, who, at times, turn out to be very cruel.
  • In Orthodoxy, there are certain days on which it is necessary to go to the cemetery and commemorate the dead.
  • As a rule, this is the funeral itself, when all relatives, friends and acquaintances gather at the cemetery near the grave of a deceased relative.
  • Then the next day after the funeral they go to the cemetery in the morning to commemorate the deceased.
  • Then they visit his grave on the 9th day after burial and this day is called nine.
  • Then, for the commemoration, they go to the cemetery in polysorochin. This is the 20th day after the funeral.
  • Then they visit a deceased loved one on the 40th day after his burial and this day is called magpies.
  • Well, then they go to the grave in the years, that is, a year after the funeral.
  • In addition to these days, they go to the cemetery in Trinity. On this holiday, they visit all their friends and relatives. Usually this day falls at the end of spring - early summer. Before this holiday, you need to go to the graves and clean up there. Most often this is done on May 9, when all the snow has already melted from the graves.
  • They also go to the cemetery on a holiday called Radonitsa. This day is celebrated after Easter.
  • On parental Saturday, they also visit the cemetery to commemorate their deceased parents.
  • There are no special days of commemoration of the deceased in winter. If only someone died at this time, then people go to the cemetery on the appointed days and commemorate the deceased there.

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When should you not go to the cemetery?

  • The church warns that it is better to go to the cemetery in the morning. And later it gets dark there, and it can scare people who come there.
  • There is also a warning for pregnant women. It is better for them not to visit the cemetery before the birth of the child, as there is an accumulation of negative energy, which will not have the best effect on the child.
  • For the same reason, you should not go to the cemetery with babies who have not yet been baptized.
  • You should not go too often to the cemetery to your deceased loved one and cry at his grave, because this will disturb him and will not give rest in the next world.
  • One should not go to the cemetery on such a holiday as Easter without a special reason (if not a fixed day and a funeral). The church does not welcome this.

So you found out why you can't go to the cemetery on Wednesday and realized that this is just an outdated omen that has no foundation.


Why can't you go to the cemetery on Wednesday?

For most people, the cemetery evokes unpleasant and frightening feelings, and similar fears were present among the people in ancient times. All this determines the presence of various superstitions, for example, many are interested in whether they go to the cemetery on Wednesdays, and when is it best to do it. Signs are not an order and no one has the right to make them follow, so everyone has a choice whether to follow them or not.

Why don't they go to cemeteries on Wednesdays?

Most of the signs appeared due to the observation of people, and some are more only a reflection of fantasies. In addition, in ancient times, signs were only a way of managing people, therefore, it is possible that the prohibition concerning the fact that one should not go to the cemetery on Wednesday was also invented due to the prevailing circumstances.

To find the answer to the main question, you need to look in the Bible to find out the opinion of the clergy. The church defines important days when visiting the graves of loved ones is mandatory. First of all, this concerns the days of remembrance: the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death. It is recommended to go to the cemetery on the day of death of a person, Radonitsa and on Saturdays, because these days are considered funeral days. 8 days before the onset of Great Postavy, Orthodox Christians also celebrate meat Saturday. Many also visit the graves of deceased people on the day of Holy Trinity, but the church does not recommend doing this, so if there is a desire to visit the departed, then it is better to do this on the eve of the holiday on the day of Trinity parental Saturday.

Now it is necessary to figure out whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on Wednesday, and in general whether the day of the week is important for visiting deceased relatives and friends. In fact, both the Bible and the church can only advise you to visit the cemetery on some days, but there are no direct prohibitions, all the more so as to why you cannot go to the cemetery on Wednesday. The clergy say that no one can forbid visiting the grave of a loved one, especially if there is a strong desire. For many people, coming to the cemetery and talking with the deceased helps to come to terms with loss, sort out their thoughts and calm down. Summing up, we can say whether or not to go to the cemetery on Wednesday should be decided by the person himself, not paying attention to existing prejudices.

Now let's talk about how to properly visit the graves of relatives and friends who have passed away. The Church, speaking about the deceased, prefers to use the word "departed", which implies the coming of the time when God will revive the believers and the grave will be the place where a person will be resurrected. It was from here that the tradition and rule began to look after the burial place and decorate it with fresh and artificial flowers. When visiting the grave of a loved one, it is recommended to light a candle and perform a litiya, that is, to be silent near the tombstone for a while, and this should be done meaningfully. It is believed that at such a moment, kind thoughts will be more important than any words. You can also read a prayer or akathist for repose, which will be much better than sobbing. In addition, psychics generally say that it is impossible to cry for dead people, since souls in the next world drown in them. It is also worth mentioning a common tradition among people - to set the table and drink near the grave, but such actions will only be an insult to the memory of the deceased. One of the common traditions is to leave food on the grave, but it is pagan and the best solution would be to give food to those in need. The church recommends that you must visit the temple in order to submit a note with the name of the deceased. Thus, not only you, but also the church will pray for the soul of a loved one.

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When you can and when you can't go to the cemetery

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When can you go to the cemetery:

  • on the day of the funeral;
  • on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death;
  • every year on the day a person leaves life;
  • on memorial days - Monday and Tuesday of the week that follows Easter;
  • Meat Saturday preceding the week of Great Lent;
  • 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent;
  • Trinity Saturday - the day before the feast of the Holy Trinity;
  • Dmitrovskaya Saturday - the first Saturday in November.
  • Orthodoxy does not welcome to visit the graves of relatives on such Christian holidays as Easter, Annunciation and Christmas; Trinity is not celebrated in the cemetery either. On Trinity they go to church;
  • it is believed that you do not need to go to the churchyard after sunset;
  • women are advised not to visit the place of the dead during pregnancy or menstruation. But this is a personal choice of each of the fair sex.

Some sources report that it would be wrong to go to the tomb on the birthday of the deceased. You can just remember him with a kind word, in the bosom of the family and loved ones of the deceased.

How to behave in a cemetery:

Upon arrival at the grave, a positive action will be to light a candle, to remember the deceased.

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