The benefits and harms of tanning in a solarium. The dangers of solariums for women - myth or reality

Engineering systems 27.05.2023
Engineering systems

If earlier aristocratic pallor was in fashion, now golden skin is in trend. And it’s great that fashion trends coincide with technological progress - now you don’t have to go to resorts and spend a lot of time near the water. After all, you can go to the solarium!

When you are in a solarium, the body is exposed to long-wave radiation, which is why melanin begins to be produced, giving the skin a dark tint.

The intensity of the tan obtained is determined by several factors: the power and number of lamps, the duration of the session.

The effects on the skin of sunlight and radiation in a capsule are essentially the same. The only difference is that in a solarium you can change the intensity of irradiation and there are no dangerous rays.

Types of solariums

Now there are three types of solariums:

How many days after peeling can I go to the solarium?

In about 3 days. If you feel that your skin is still irritated, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Is it possible to take a bath after solarium?

Of course, it is possible, but preferably at least 2-3 hours after the procedure. But you shouldn’t take too much after the session or use scrubs because they can speed up the disappearance of the tan.

You can ask many questions to a doctor you trust. He will give specific recommendations based on your health data.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

No, under no circumstances should you enter the booth without glasses. Even if you close your eyes, it will not protect them from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to wear lenses to a solarium?

In general, sunbathing while wearing lenses is not prohibited, but it is not advisable. If possible, it is better to remove them. And also, in any case, you need to use special glasses.

Yes, but highly undesirable. At the same time, to protect the eyes, it is necessary to use special glasses to protect the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a stickini?

You shouldn't sunbathe without them. They provide indispensable protection.

What can replace stikini in a solarium?

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium (for example, at the dacha, on the beach of the sea or river)?

No you can not. It's better to lie down and rest.

Is it possible to exercise after a solarium?

Can. If you have the strength and desire. There are no special contraindications in this regard.

Is it possible to go to a solarium with a fever?

This is not worth doing. The body is already weakened and, thus, you can only worsen your condition.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium with fair skin?

In general, it is possible, but extremely carefully, no more than 3 minutes per session. Light skin is prone to burns.

Can Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium if you have tattoos on your body?

To prevent the tattoo from discoloring, it must be covered. You can purchase stickers to protect your drawing. They should be in a beauty salon. You can read more about tanning if you have tattoos.

At what age can you go to a solarium?

And in some progressive countries there is even a law prohibiting people under 18 from undergoing such a procedure. Therefore, you should not take risks and do such a procedure before adulthood.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?

No. Since unstable hormonal levels can lead to the appearance of age spots and, in general, have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother. Read more in .

Solarium and pregnancy

Is it possible to go to a solarium with various pathologies?

This issue can only be discussed with your doctor! Only he will give you the correct answer. You can't trust anyone but him. Information on forums, from beauty salon employees, or from friends may be unreliable.

Video: blogger talks about the important rules of tanning in a solarium.

Instructions for use

How to use a solarium? Step-by-step instructions:

  • Decide on the choice of salon. And choose the type of solarium that suits you best.
  • Before the actual session, inspect the area for cleanliness. If you see dirt on the booth, you should find another establishment.
  • The cabin employee must show and talk about the buttons in the cabin and their functions.
  • The employee will provide you with safety glasses, you must wear them!
  • Step into (or lie down in) the tanning bed and close the lid.
  • Step out of the solarium and enjoy the golden hue of your skin.
  • After the procedure you can.

Thanks to a solarium, anyone can achieve a beautiful skin tone, regardless of the season. Now such a tan is no longer a luxury that is available to a small circle of people. And despite stereotypes, a solarium can bring benefits to the human body. It is only important to adhere to the established rules and doctor’s recommendations.

In contact with

A beautiful bronze tan is every girl's dream. If in the summer it is enough to bask in the sun, then in the cold months you have to resort to a solarium. This procedure gives rise to a lot of rumors and controversy. The benefits and harms of solariums are still not completely clear to many. Therefore, before visiting salons offering such services, you need to understand the features of such a procedure.

What is the principle of operation of a solarium?

A solarium is a specialized apparatus in which lamps are installed. They produce radiation that is similar to that of the sun. When the rays hit the skin, they stimulate the active production of melanocytes. Thanks to them, the skin changes its shade.

There are two main types of solariums:

  1. Horizontal. In them, the lamps are placed horizontally. A man sunbathes while lying on his back. The effect in such a device is achieved faster, but you have to come into contact with the machines.
  2. Vertical. Equipped with vertically positioned lamps. You will have to sunbathe while standing, so you won’t be able to fully relax.

The radiation in such devices is dosed, which eliminates the possibility of getting a burn.. The air conditioning system creates a pleasant breeze that cools your skin.

There are also types of solariums for use at home. They can accommodate up to 24 lamps. To obtain an attractive tan, you will have to use such devices longer than professional equipment.

Beneficial features

Such sessions are beneficial for the body. Among the positive aspects of this procedure are:

  1. The tan is even and attractive. It is difficult to achieve the same effect while sunbathing.
  2. A few sessions in advance of summer will help prepare your skin for the season.. It will be easier to tolerate exposure to sunlight.
  3. Attending such sessions helps strengthen the immune system, since exposure to ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamins in the body.
  4. Irradiation leads to the production of vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Visiting a solarium improves your mood, as it leads to the production of endorphins. A girl, lying in a solarium, can imagine that she is basking in the sun on the seashore.
  6. Solarium is recommended not only for women, but also for men, as it helps fight many skin diseases, such as acne or psoriasis.
  7. Cosmetologists advise using such procedures to combat capillary patterns appearing on the arms and legs, since the rays have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

People often wonder what is more harmful: the sun or the solarium. There is no clear answer to this question. But unlike solar radiation, solarium radiation is dosed and, if you follow the rules for using the equipment, does not cause burns.

How is solarium dangerous for your health?

Solariums also have a number of negative qualities. Among them are:

  1. Such procedures can be addictive, which resembles alcohol addiction. Experts even coined the special term tanorexia. This condition is characterized by nervousness and sudden changes in mood in the absence of another dose of radiation. This effect is more common in people under 30 years of age.
  2. Regular visits to the solarium provoke premature aging of the skin. High doses of ultraviolet radiation negatively affect the production of collagen and elastin in the epidermis. Early wrinkles and manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear.
  3. Frequent sessions provoke the appearance of age spots on the skin. The risk increases many times over for women who take hormonal drugs, diuretics or antibiotics.
  4. Excessive use of artificial tanning can trigger the development of melanoma, a malignant tumor. The risk group includes people under 30 years of age.
  5. If you frequently visit a solarium, skin diseases may worsen.. After the first procedures, the problems disappear, but after some time a relapse may occur. In this case, repeated skin rashes will be more difficult to treat.

WHO gives its answer to the question of whether solariums are harmful for women. According to scientists, such exposure can damage the DNA of cells. Therefore, it is best to refuse the procedures. This is especially true for persons under 18 years of age.

Who is prohibited from visiting the solarium?

Sometimes visiting a solarium can cause irreparable harm to health. The main contraindications for this procedure include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • The presence of serious pathologies of the heart and vascular system.
  • Recent surgeries.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Age up to 15 years.
  • Skin tone too light.
  • The presence of tattoos on the body.
  • Mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions.
  • The presence of a large number of moles or age spots on the body.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease.

It is forbidden to visit the solarium if you were sunbathing that day. This increased load on the skin will provoke a negative reaction.

How to minimize risk

In order to make visiting the solarium completely safe, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose only proven salons that have new high-quality equipment installed. It should employ only highly qualified specialists who can advise you on all issues.
  2. Before starting a course of such sessions, consult your doctor. Make sure you have no contraindications.
  3. If you do not want to completely abandon procedures, then conduct sessions no more than once every seven days. In this case, the duration of one procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Such exposure will not cause harm to health.
  4. Before visiting the solarium, it is forbidden to take a steam bath or sauna..
  5. Make sure that the equipment you choose has an emergency button. This way you can call a salon worker in case of a dangerous situation.

These tips will allow you to sunbathe safely. Despite this, solarium is still not the safest procedure, so it is better to avoid it.

Basic rules for safe tanning

To prevent tanning from causing health problems, rules for visiting a solarium without harm to health have been developed. They cannot be ignored. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Before going to the salon, choose a tanning product that suits you and after it. If you do not protect the skin with the product before the session, a negative reaction may occur. Choose creams or lotions specifically for solariums, not for tanning in the sun.
  2. A couple of hours before the session, take a shower and wash your skin thoroughly with soap. After this, it is not recommended to use any cosmetics or perfumes. The only exception is sunscreen.
  3. When tanning in a solarium, you must wear a protective cap and special nipple stickers. Ask in advance whether the salon provides such equipment. Otherwise, you will need to purchase it yourself.
  4. Before entering the booth, remove all jewelry. Remove contact lenses if you have them. Be sure to remove your makeup.
  5. If you choose a horizontal solarium model, make sure that the salon workers treat the equipment with a special compound.
  6. The treatment has an extremely negative effect on the eyes. Therefore, before entering the booth, be sure to wear special safety glasses. Apply a layer of protective balm to your lips.
  7. Sit comfortably in the solarium and try to relax. The salon worker must set the timer for the required time.
  8. After the procedure, it is advised to drink a cup of herbal tea, which contains vitamins and minerals.. Take a cool shower. After this, lubricate your skin with moisturizing lotion or after-sun cream.
  9. The next session can be held no earlier than three days after the first visit. If during this time you notice a negative skin reaction, then it is better to cancel your visit to the solarium.
  10. The best option would be 2 tanning courses per year. Each of them must include 10 procedures.

How long are you allowed to sunbathe?

The number of permitted procedures depends on the characteristics of the skin. The following options are available:

  • The skin is dark, the hair and eyes are dark. People with such features rarely get burns, so up to 12 sessions lasting up to half an hour are allowed.
  • Light skin, dark nipples, brown or dark brown hair. In such a situation, the first session should not last longer than 15 minutes. If no negative reaction appears, then the duration of the procedures can be increased to half an hour.
  • The skin and nipples are light, the hair is light brown or light brown, the eyes are blue, green or gray. Such people often burn because their skin reacts strongly to ultraviolet radiation. Sunbathing is allowed no more than once every three days. In this case, the duration of the session is no more than 15 minutes. You cannot conduct more than two courses of 10 sessions per year.
  • The skin is too light, the hair is red, the eyes are green, the nipple is light, and there are a lot of freckles. With such an appearance, you can’t sunbathe in a solarium. The acquired tan will fade quickly. This greatly increases the likelihood of getting burns..

Proper tanning in a solarium will not cause serious harm to your health. But before starting the procedures, you need to consult a specialist.

Dear readers, hello! People strive to maintain their tan after a holiday at sea for as long as possible, otherwise they turn to the services of solariums. This procedure can be found among the offers of almost all spa centers, fitness clubs, and beauty salons. But while striving for a beautiful tan, we sometimes don’t think about what benefits or harm a solarium brings to human health.

Even in ancient Greece and Rome there were rooms for galiotherapy - sun treatment. Why is this necessary?

A solarium is equipment that produces ultraviolet light. It is almost identical to solar radiation. Solariums are divided into horizontal and vertical. The last option is considered the best. It provides the necessary evenness and hygiene. The ideal option is to alternate these types.

Under the influence of ultraviolet light, epidermal cells produce melanin, a pigment that provides brown color. In addition, the well-known vitamin D appears, which is useful for its deficiency. Is this not significant? It would seem yes, but in practice this leads to rickets, colds, skin and joint diseases.

American scientists have proven that the sun is better than consuming encapsulated calcium. Women using the services of artificial sun have improved the condition of their teeth and eliminated muscle pain.

In order to prevent viral diseases, doctors advise him to use this service.

Remember the feeling of being on the beach. The same pleasant, relaxing effect of pleasure and relaxation accompanies salon visitors. Are you sad and tormented by winter depression? Pamper yourself with artificial rays and everything will pass. This is effective for men too.

What could be the harm?

There is always a downside to the coin and you need to remember it. The main negative factor is a cancer stimulator. Swiss scientists have confirmed that clients who visit a solarium more than 10 times a year are seven times more likely than others to develop skin cancer.

There is nothing simpler than buying a tanning complex and selling such a service, especially since the quality of the lamps is not regulated. Faulty lamps emit more radioactive rays than the sun itself. Balance a day at the beach in the summer heat with one visit to the solarium. The effect can be as follows: the hair will dry out, the skin will become covered with spots and freckles.

Science has also proven accelerated aging of the skin under the influence of solariums. Subsequently, it loses elasticity, smoothness, wrinkles and even cracks appear.

They also have a negative effect on the thyroid and mammary glands, as well as on the eyes, contributing to the development of cataracts.

Therefore, even before using a solarium, think about it and consult a doctor if you have any diseases. Read about the contraindications (read below).

Today there is such a disease as tanorexia. This diagnosis is given to people who strive for a chocolate skin color all year round. People aged 25-30 who want to be beautiful or suffer from mood swings are prone to it.

Solarium - harm and benefit for women

Solarium while breastfeeding

Every mother, wanting to get back into shape after childbirth and gain attractiveness, takes intensive care of herself. According to many, tanning allows you to hide some visual defects of the skin, replenish vitamin D reserves, and lifts your mood, which is sure to be passed on to the child.

During this period, it should be remembered that hormones are active. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, growth hormones are activated, causing the formation of age spots, moles, or their enlargement. Therefore, in such a situation, you should weigh the negative and positive sides and consult a doctor.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Are you or someone you know pregnant? Walk past the solariums. Useful moments of pleasure during this period increase the predisposition to cancer. You need it?
The reason for this is the same hormonal changes and restructuring of the body. In addition, even if a pregnant woman is comfortable in a solarium or used to be, there is a risk that it will get worse, and this will certainly be passed on to the baby.

Solarium - how to tan properly

Before going to the salon for a procedure, you should ask about the quality of the lamps, the duration of their operation and the resulting effect (or the absence of negative ones). Pay attention to your skin type:

Celtic. The skin of the owner of this type is white and has freckles. You can sunbathe for up to 10 minutes 2 times a week.

Nordic . This type is characterized by pale skin. You can sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes.

Central European. Such people have dark eyes and often brown hair. Allowed time up to 15 minutes, 4 visits per week.

Mediterranean. This is dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes - a third of an hour is an acceptable figure.

Solarium - how to sunbathe correctly for the first time

To visit a solarium and get the desired effect, experts have developed rules:

  1. moles and mammary glands should be hidden under special stickers;
  2. do not stay under the rays for more than 5 minutes (for the first time and during lactation);
  3. use protective creams (hypoallergenic during lactation);
  4. pay attention to the sanitary condition of the box or ask for it to be disinfected in front of you;
  5. wear safety glasses;
  6. wash off makeup;
  7. during lactation, at the end of the session, cosmetics should be washed off well;
  8. to prevent dehydration you need to drink still water and herbal tea;
  9. if this is your first time in the salon, find out if there is an emergency stop button for the procedure and if there will be someone nearby (employees may leave);
  10. After the first visit, it is a good idea to monitor your skin. If new moles or rashes are discovered, the procedure should be stopped;
  11. mandatory break between visits is 2 days. Remember that the skin needs to recover, moisturize it.


Let's put together a small reminder for prudent visitors to the solarium. Avoid artificial sun if:

  • have not reached the age of 15 years;
  • there is a predisposition to cancer;
  • Laser hair removal and chemical skin peeling were performed;
  • you are allergic or such manifestations occur;
  • claustrophobia bothers me;
  • for diabetes, gynecological problems, central nervous system diseases, after surgery;
  • there are moles, age spots;
  • are taking antidepressants (such drugs contain photosensitive components that provoke burns and allergic manifestations);
  • During the menstrual cycle, melanin is formed unevenly and does not lie evenly, the discharge intensifies, so at this time it is better to refuse such an event.

Dermatologists have developed many products that promote uniform and safe tanning. Protective oils and creams, when used correctly, give the skin silkiness and the desired “dark” effect.

  • Developers. They are necessary for the first 2 visits to obtain a uniform effect.
  • Activators. Used after the first visits.
  • Fixatives. Apply after the procedure to moisturize the skin.

The quality of cosmetics can be judged by the following criteria:

  • There are no components that irritate the skin or bleaches, including alcohols and mineral oils.
  • After application, the skin should be velvety, pleasant, and moisturized.
  • The tanning effect is enhanced, while ensuring uniform tanning.

Of course, you can save money and not buy the necessary products, but dermatologists warn that in this case the skin will be dry from loss of moisture. This is also evidenced by reviews from people who use this service.

Take care of yourself, enjoy being well-groomed. At the same time, remember that ultraviolet radiation damages the skin, and with hormonal imbalance it can cause the development of cancer. If you approach the procedure correctly, do not abuse it, using the service in a course of 6 procedures every six months.

Whether or not to visit a solarium is worth it, you must decide for yourself. For many, it has become an integral part of caring for their appearance. If you decide to use such services, do not forget about the rules of use and side effects of the procedure. After all, if you do not follow these rules, you risk your health. Remember that there should be moderation in everything. Or maybe it’s better to sunbathe in the sun?

The tan you get there is, of course, beautiful, but... Let's take a closer look!

Is it dangerous to visit a solarium?

Discussions on this topic have long been ongoing between supporters and opponents of artificial tanning. Some say that tanning is not only beautiful, but also useful. Others say that tanning beds are harmful, and that ultraviolet rays from tanning beds can cause skin cancer more often than sunrays.

In general, the fashion for tanned skin was introduced by the famous Coco Chanel. Yes, we agree with her: tanning is beautiful and stylish, but... it’s also harmful to the skin. The benefits and harms of solariums are one of the most pressing issues of our century. And lately, arguments have been increasingly heard that the harm from visiting solariums is greater than the benefits.

Solarium: benefit or harm?

Ultraviolet radiation– one of the main enemies of youth and skin health. Dermatocosmetologists think so. And this is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. Tanners' skin ages earlier, problems such as hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis often arise, atrophic processes in tissues begin, and wrinkles quickly appear. In addition, tanning can provoke excess hair growth. Therefore, for those who have unwanted hair on their face or body, visiting a solarium is not at all advisable. And please note: most cosmetological techniques are aimed precisely at combating such a phenomenon as photoaging. That is, first we go to the salon to tan, and then we fight the consequences of tanning. Therefore, it’s worth thinking again: do you need a tan that ages you?

On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamin. After sunbathing, a person’s mood improves, and life becomes a little easier and brighter. This is simply irreplaceable in our winter! However, you need to know how much to sunbathe (both in the sun and in a solarium): you can only benefit from a moderate tan.

Rules for visiting the solarium

How can you tell if you're tanned enough?

The skin should not darken much, much less burn! Ideally, the tan should be so gentle that it can be completely washed off between visits to the solarium. If you personally have more reasons for using a solarium than “against”, remember: the time spent in a solarium must be calculated based on your phototype. The skin of people with blue and green eyes and blond or red hair is most tender. The darker your hair and eyes, the longer you can be exposed to the sun or tanning lamps. Keep in mind: to drive away depression and stimulate the production of vitamin D, just 5-7 minutes of tanning in a solarium is enough.

The maximum that only people with brown eyes and dark hair can afford is 15, or at most 20 minutes (although dermatologists strongly advise reducing this maximum to 12–15). And not immediately, but only from the third or fourth session. Everyone else should start sunbathing from 5 minutes, carefully and gradually increasing the time to 10–12. The break between the first and repeated visits to the solarium should be at least two days. Remember that you can visit the solarium for no more than three months in a row, and maintenance sessions should not be carried out more than twice a week (ideally, and even less often, once every 7-10 days).

Natalia Gaydash

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the aesthetic medicine clinic “TriActive”

The younger and more delicate the skin, the more damage intense tanning causes. Ultraviolet, injuring the skin, seems to program it for the development of pathologies in the future. The risk of developing melanoma especially increases. This has been proven by science and is an indisputable fact. Those who have many moles and tumors are most at risk. If you don’t have enough sun and you love the solarium with all your heart, at least cover particularly sensitive areas - chest, genitals, eyes. Don't sunbathe until you get black! This is not only harmful to the skin, but also vulgar. Remember that cosmetics for solariums increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Ideally, before going to the solarium, you should consult a doctor. Tell your therapist, dermatologist or dermatocosmetologist about your desire.

Solarium is contraindicated for people taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers, antibiotics and some other medications - photodermatosis or an allergic reaction may occur. If you have dermatological diseases, it is also better to postpone visiting the solarium. If you like a dark "chocolate tan" - instead of going to the solarium often, use a "self-tanner" in addition to the solarium. Carrot juice with cream, peaches, apricots, and blackberries will help enhance the production of melanin. And tomatoes and olive oil will help protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation: they contain components that to some extent neutralize the oxidative processes in skin cells caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Solarium session

The popularity of solariums today is understandable, since many of us associate a beautiful matte skin tone with a certain element of luxury and wealth. Fashion magazines, full of tanned beauties, make many girls and guys think about a beautiful and even tan that can be obtained at any time of the year. There are whole discussions about whether solarium is harmful, so I would like to understand a little about the harm and benefits of solarium.

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The fashion for tanning came to us from European countries, where golden skin is a sign of wealth, success, and self-confidence for both women and men of different ages.

But in Asia it’s the other way around; for them, snow-white skin is the ultimate dream to which they strive; almost all their lives they avoid direct sunlight.

Read about how to care for your skin using the Korean system here and here.

In Russia, many girls still want to get tanned skin, without knowing or listening to anyone who is against it. To quickly achieve a tan, special devices called solariums were invented. They operate on electricity due to UV lamps located around the perimeter of the capsule.

The first such lamps began to appear after the end of the Second World War, and the production of solariums began to spread everywhere only in 1976. Now they are available in many:

  1. beauty salons;
  2. SPA and fitness centers;
  3. hotels and sanatoriums.

And their models are amazing. So there are the following types of booths:

  • Horizontal - they have low power lamps, but are located at a fairly close distance to the body, plus - a low risk of burning, minus - white spots remain on the skin.
  • Vertical - they have powerful lamps that are located further from the body; among the disadvantages, one can highlight the rapid burning of the skin, and the advantage is obtaining a more uniform tan.
  • Mirror - have a mirror floor that reflects the rays and contributes to the rapid manifestation of solar pigment on the skin.
  • Turbo - equipped with a ventilation system, this allows you to better tolerate solar treatments.
  • With a vibration platform - it will help you get a tan and get rid of cellulite deposits at the same time.
  • Increased comfort - there is a cooling system, music and even air aromatization.
  • Infrared - equipped with infrared lamps, which allow you to not only tan, but also improve the condition of the skin due to heating.

It is mainly women who strive to achieve a bronze tan, although men are no exception, hence their increased interest in the positive and negative effects of solariums. I won't torment you for long. So let's begin.

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Fashion trend

Tanning after sessions in the solarium

How popular the solarium is can be judged from the fact that it is now difficult to find a fitness club or beauty salon that does not offer such a service.

But “dark skin,” despite its great popularity, has both supporters and opponents. So who is right after all, and is solarium harmful to health?

Harm from solarium

Understanding the question of why solarium is harmful, we can highlight several arguments not in its favor:

  • Addiction. Despite the skepticism of supporters of “artificial tanning” in this matter, in medicine there is even such a concept as tanorexia, which implies dependence on sunlight. A pronounced sign of tanorexia is deterioration in mood and nervousness of a person who has not received enough ultraviolet radiation. This disease can be treated with psychotherapy and medications.
  • Photoaging. High doses of ultraviolet rays can penetrate into the deep subcutaneous layers and negatively affect the composition of elastin and collagen. This effect has a negative impact on the overall condition of the skin, triggering the premature aging process.
  • Melanoma. Scientists have proven that exposure to ultraviolet lamps on the skin increases the risk of melanoma. People under thirty years of age who actively use solariums are most susceptible to such negative effects.
  • Pigmentation and allergies. Excessive use of solarium can lead to age spots and allergic reactions.

The benefits of solarium

What are the benefits of a solarium:

  • Vitamin D. Visiting a solarium stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This issue is especially relevant in the winter and autumn-spring periods of the year, when there is much less sunlight. A five-minute visit to the solarium replenishes the vitamin deficiency for a whole week.
  • Good mood. Due to the lack of sunlight and heat in winter, the human body poorly produces endorphins, the so-called “hormones of happiness.” This entails a bad mood and, as a result, depression. In some countries, light therapy is prescribed to treat depression.
  • Smooth transition. Another argument in favor of visiting a solarium is that with regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin throughout the year, the transition to the beach season or an unplanned trip to the sea will not be so stressful for the skin. This will avoid burns and, consequently, skin injuries.
  • Therapeutic effect. Ultraviolet radiation from a solarium can have a healing effect on skin diseases. Several sessions can dry out minor inflammations and pimples.
  • Solarium for psoriasis. A moderate amount of artificial ultraviolet light can relieve signs of psoriasis. However, such treatment is only possible with the help of special lamps that physiotherapy clinics are equipped with. The duration of the treatment course and intensity of exposure can only be prescribed by a certified dermatologist.

Horizontal solarium from the inside

Despite the fact that a huge advantage in favor of “artificial tanning” is the beautiful appearance and tone of the skin, before deciding on this procedure you should know about the contraindications of a solarium.

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Harm from visiting a solarium

This is where the scary stories begin, and there is something to be afraid of. But, I believe that everyone should know about the dangers of artificial tanning. Forewarned is forearmed.

So what can happen if you are an avid tanning enthusiast?

This is the lesser evil. Tanorexia is a psychological dependence on solarium. You will get so used to seeing yourself tanned that you will constantly want to visit the solarium again. White skin will simply become unacceptable to you. It turns out that this happens too.

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You should refuse the procedure if:

  • presence of mastopathy and fibroids
  • inflammatory processes on the skin
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • a large number of moles (this may indicate a predisposition to melanoma)
  • mastopathy
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • use of painkillers and antibiotics (risk of an allergic reaction)

It is also not recommended to visit a solarium during menstruation, as this can cause bleeding, worsen overall health, aggravate gynecological diseases that have not made themselves felt, and lead to uneven tanning.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of a solarium, everyone has the right to make a decision for themselves, but before deciding on a popular beauty procedure, you should still consult a doctor.

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For whom is solarium contraindicated?

Now let’s consider in what cases it is not recommended to visit a solarium. According to the authoritative opinion of doctors, people with the following diseases should not get carried away with artificial sunbathing:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Disruption of the nervous system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gynecological;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Rosacea, rosacea;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Bronchial asthma.

But that is not all. You should also exclude the solarium:

  1. Pregnant and nursing mothers due to changes in their hormonal levels.
  2. For women on menstrual periods, so as not to cause excessive bleeding.
  3. People taking medications: tranquilizers, non-steroidal and painkillers, some antidepressants.
  4. Individuals with very sensitive skin, freckles, moles and age spots.
  5. Children under 15 years of age.
  6. If you have had laser hair removal, skin resurfacing or chemical peeling before.
  7. If you visited a bathhouse or sauna the day before.
  8. People in the postoperative period.

The best decision before going to the solarium is to visit a doctor. You should not neglect his consultation, so as not to regret it for the rest of your life.

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