Greek Caesar 5 letters crossword.

Decor elements 03.07.2020

Bright Greek salad is to the taste of many. Its freshness, lightness attracts girls who watch their figure, and some piquancy thanks to cheese and olives attract gourmets from all over the world. Someone no longer imagines their lunch without the usual salad on the table. Let's see how to cook a Greek salad.

classic greek salad recipe

Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • tomatoes - 500 gr
  • cucumbers - 400 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper - 300 gr
  • olives or pitted olives - 150 gr
  • brynza or feta cheese - 200 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • olive oil (can be sunflower)
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l. (optional)
  • salt pepper

Cooking method. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces, and the cucumbers into semicircular slices, the onion also into half rings. It is better to cut the pepper into strips, having previously cleared it of seeds. Feta or cheese in cubes. In a salad bowl, mix onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. Drizzle all over with lemon juice, salt and pepper. And only at the very end add olives and cheese, mix very gently.

Greek Caesar salad

How to cook Greek salad, you now know. And the following recipe is suitable for lovers of experiments. Recently, two salads have gained great popularity in our country: Greek and Caesar (with chicken or shrimp). Apparently, someone came up with the idea to combine them. Admittedly, the mix turned out to be successful. Write down the recipe!


  • Shrimp or boiled (can be smoked) chicken fillet - 300 gr
  • brynza or feta cheese - 150 gr
  • olives or olives - 100 gr
  • cucumbers - 300 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lettuce
  • olive or sunflower oil
  • salt pepper

Cooking method. Boil shrimp (throw frozen shrimp into boiling water and after boiling water again, cook for 3 minutes). Shrimp should be shelled. Some cooks prefer not to boil, but to fry seafood (in this case, just fry them on both sides). If using raw chicken, then boil it. Olives can be cut in half or left whole. Let the cheese be in the form of cubes. Cut the onion into half rings, cucumbers into cubes. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands. Now it remains to mix lettuce, onions, cucumbers, olives (olives), cheese and shrimp (chicken) in a salad bowl. You can fill the Greek Caesar with olive oil or mayonnaise.

Wheat beer from Belgium 5 letters

1) Herbaceous garden plant, the leaves of which are eaten raw.
2) Food from the leaves of such a plant, seasoned with vinegar, sour cream, etc.
3) A cold dish of chopped raw or boiled vegetables, herbs, eggs, etc., seasoned with some kind of sauce.

(from Italian salato - salty)
see also lettuce, lettuce
a) Herbaceous garden plant, the leaves of which are eaten raw.
b) resp. Food from these leaves.
2) Cold food from finely chopped various products.


-I am; m. (lat. Caesar)
Roman Caesar.

Think of yourself as a Caesar.

1) The title of ancient Roman and Byzantine emperors.
ott. A person who has such a title.
2) A person with unlimited rights; dictator.

-I am; m. (lat. Caesar)
1) The title of ancient Roman and Byzantine emperors; the person who held that title.
Roman Caesar.
2) About a person with unlimited rights, a dictator.
Claim to be king.
Think of yourself as a Caesar.

give away
I carry transition
1) Return what is taken, assigned or given.
2) emit heat, cold, moisture, etc.; spread around.
3) Return with a blow back; beat (in sports).
4) Give something to someone's disposal or transfer to someone's property; to give up something of one's own for someone else's benefit.
5. trans.
Use, spend something on something, devote to someone or something (forces, feelings, time, etc.).
Transfer something to someone; to hand.
7. open
Offer something for a fee; sell.
8. open
To pay for something bought, received or for using something.
9. trans.
Untie, loosen, let go (anchor, mooring lines, sails, etc.).
To transfer something somewhere for a certain period of time and for a specific purpose.
11. trans.
Place, send someone somewhere for training, treatment, work, etc.
12. trans. unfold
Making someone someone else's wife; give in marriage.
13. trans.
Having lost the battle, retreated, leave the enemy; hand over.
II Nesov. neperekh.
1) Make a sharp, short backward movement when firing (about a weapon or a gun when fired, about a working mechanism, etc.).
2. trans. unfold
Let yourself be felt in another place (about feeling pain).
III bearing. neperekh. unfold
1) To have a slight taste, smell or color of something foreign.
2) To have a resemblance to something else, to have signs or features of something else.

give away
- give, - give; give; giving; nsv.
see also give, give away, give away
1) to give away
with what. only 3 liters; unfold have some taste or additional smell; revoke II
Tea gave grass.
The barrel gives off fish.
b) lex., dumb. About the smell emanating from someone, something.
From the hands gives a bow.
3) than. only 3 liters; unfold Have a resemblance to smth. to others, to have signs, features of smth. another.
Give old.
The story reeks of gag, lies.

process of action according to ch. eat (from eat 1.)

-I am; cf.
- to be eaten

Place where Julius Caesar died

First letter "s"

Second letter "e"

Third letter "n"

The last beech is the letter "t"

Answer for the clue "Place where Julius Caesar died", 5 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word senate

Roman authority

The highest state body established by Peter 1

Rome's supreme authority

In Russia - the Federation Council, and in the USA

Parliament under Sulla

Word definitions for senate in dictionaries

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
SENATE (Latin senatus, from senex - old man) in Dr. Rome of the republican period - the supreme authority. In Russia in 1711-1917 - the Governing Senate, the highest state body subordinate to the emperor. Established by Peter I as the supreme body for legislation...

Big Law Dictionary The meaning of the word in the dictionary Big Law Dictionary
(lat. senatus from senex - old, old man) - in ancient Rome, one of the highest state bodies. It arose from the council of elders of the patrician families at the end of the royal era (c. VI century BC). Members of the S. were divided into ranks in accordance with their previous positions ...

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. The Council of Elders, the highest body of state power in ancient Rome. The highest judicial and administrative institution (in the Russian state from 1711 to 1917). The upper house of parliament in some states. The building that houses the...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
Senate, m. (Latin senatus). In ancient Rome - the aristocratic council, the highest body of government (historical). The highest judicial and administrative institution in tsarist Russia (historical). Governing Senate. The upper legislative chamber (in France, ...

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
m. latin. the supreme government seat, in different states, of an unequal structure; our senate is the highest administrative, executive and judicial place, with the honor of ruling. Judge me the senate and the rope (under Peter I). Senate building, where...

Examples of the use of the word senate in the literature.

And this can only happen if the electors vote for an abolitionist president and the state legislatures elect an abolitionist in senate.

Grandfather was surprised to learn that he was deceived by none other than his imaginary, as it turned out, friend Augustus, but he came to the conclusion that Livia seduced him and he could not resist her beauty, and perhaps Augustus still had on him tooth for the once put forward in senate an unsuccessful proposal to reward the assassins of Julius Caesar.

On the advice of Livia, Augustus half-jokingly said senate that, although these poor fellows, of course, cannot be allowed to worship such deities as Roma and Julius, they cannot be left completely without a god, even the most modest one.

Michael Nixon was driving to the city of car builders directly from New York, where he met with Hess Hall himself, who announced that the Central Committee of the party had decided to nominate Michael Nixon himself as a candidate for senate from the Auto Builders State.

After a skirmish with Aquila, appearing at a meeting Senate, he took the habit of leaning derisively towards where Publius Pontius sat, and in a mocking tone say: “If the tribune of Aquila permits, I will inform you, father senators.

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