Do-it-yourself floors on the balcony. We make a wooden floor on the balcony step by step

Site arrangement 03.03.2020
Site arrangement

Before starting work related to arranging the floor on the balcony, you need to decide on a couple of important points - the purpose and choice of material for flooring.

When choosing a material for cladding, one should be guided by the purpose of the balcony space used as an additional room.

We solve the issue with the appointment

The balcony is a multifunctional space of the apartment. This room has a universal purpose, and its use depends on the individual needs and wishes of the apartment owners.

Do-it-yourself floor on the balcony, photo

Consider the most popular options:

  1. Terrace open type operated in the warm season (mainly in the summer months).
  2. Glazed- in the warm period it can be used as a workshop and even a gym. In winter, it is often used to store household items.
  3. Thermally insulated. Thermally insulated loggias and bay windows can be used year-round, including as an additional living space.

Having considered every detail, you will be able to fully translate into reality all your ideas, investing in their implementation of funds in a small amount, limiting yourself to minimal labor costs.

Watch a video that teaches you how to properly install flooring on a balcony:

Choosing a material

Let's look at how to lay the floor on the balcony and what is the best way to cover it. As mentioned above, when choosing a finishing material, you need to focus on the purpose of the balcony space, the features of its application.

What can you make a floor on a loggia or balcony from? The following materials can be used as a floor covering for a balcony:

Tile. Ceramic-based tiles are the best solution for an unglazed balcony. To install it, you just need to level the floor surface.

Among the advantages of this material are:

  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to temperature changes (ability to withstand exposure to frost);
  • presentable appearance.

There is only one minus for ceramic tiles - this is a cold material, on such a floor, even in summer, the feet will quickly freeze.

On a note! Ceramic-based tiles can also be used for closed bay windows, in combination with a heated floor system.

Another suitable material for arranging the floor on the loggia is wood. Wood flooring is done on closed balconies; This fact is explained by the ability of wood to absorb moisture. The wooden floor on the open balcony will quickly collapse.

The next option is self-leveling floor- used on loggias with strong supporting structures and on well-insulated closed-type balcony spaces.

Self-leveling floors do not tolerate the effects of negative temperatures, since the period of their use is significantly reduced.

Many apartment owners choose to finish the floor on the balcony linoleum.

Recommendation: when performing floor cladding, take into account the design features of the balcony, as well as the load created by the coating on the supports of the frame base.

This option is more suitable for insulated balcony spaces. On sale are also linoleum coatings designed for "street" use.

The most budgetary coverage option is considered staining. In recent years, almost not used and does not look very presentable.

Foundation preparation

Having decided on the use of a bay window and finishing material, you should prepare the base.

Attention: for a certain type of finish, its own method of preparing a balcony floor is provided.

We present to your attention a number of rules that are identical for all types of coatings.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to level the floor surface, dismantle the old coating and screed, if any.
  2. A level is used to check the evenness of the surface and the location of the plate.
  3. An important point is the installation of beacons. They are mounted transversely to the bay window for the entire width. Profiles are installed at a distance of 60 cm.
  4. Irregularities are compensated by hardboard gaskets.
  5. The next step is to prepare the screed solution. The consistency of the solution should be similar to sour cream. Using the rule, evenly distribute it over the entire area.
  6. Wait until the solution is completely dry - be guided by the instructions.

If the balcony is open, during the leveling process, form a two to three degree slope from the outer wall towards the street so that the flowing water does not destroy the coating.

We make flooring

Let's get acquainted with the technique of repairing and laying flooring for a certain type of flooring.


To install linoleum, you will need the following tools:

  • roller with a rubber-coated head;
  • adhesive suitable for a particular coating;
  • fasteners (best of all self-tapping screws, and for fast flooring - dowels) for fixing skirting boards;
  • a knife (you can use scissors) to adjust the size of the finishing material;
  • skirting board of the right size.

Flooring instructions:

  1. Prime the base prepared in advance.
  2. Roll out the linoleum and let it lie down for a couple of days. The material should flatten and stretch.
  3. The dimensions of the linoleum should be clearly adjusted to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia around the entire perimeter.
  4. Roll up the material to half the balcony.
  5. Apply the adhesive to the base and finishing material. Roll out the linoleum and press it to the base, walk on it with a roller. Perform similar actions with the second half of the material.
  6. Places of docking of linoleum with walls are covered with plinths.
Recommendation: in glazed balconies, it is desirable to glue the linoleum sheet on plywood: this increases the wear resistance of the material.

wood flooring

Wood is a natural material with "living" properties. For this reason, such a floor is made only in well-waterproofed rooms. Upon contact with moisture, the wooden floor swells and changes its original characteristics. Consider how to make a wooden floor on the balcony with your own hands.

To install a wooden floor you will need:

  • fasteners;
  • level;
  • waterproofing material;
  • dowels (for fixing to a concrete base);
  • screw driver;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • lacquer or stain for finishing.

Wooden floors on the balcony, photo

Wooden flooring can also be done on your own. This will require carpentry skills, you must also follow a number of recommendations:

  1. On the base (do not forget to level it first!) Glue a layer of waterproofing. For this purpose, a dense polyethylene membrane glued in several layers, or bituminous insulation, is suitable.
  2. Using the level, set the logs - along or across to the bay window. The length of the bars is equal to the length or width of the loggia, the installation range is 40-70 cm.
  3. Cover the logs with compounds that provide protection against moisture, fungus and fire.
  4. Lay a sealant (for example, mineral wool, polyurethane material or foam plastic) in the cavity.
  5. The crate is attached with dowels to the concrete floor.
  6. The boards are placed transversely to the bars and fixed with self-tapping screws. Before installation, they are impregnated with the same compositions that were used to process the log.
  7. The finishing coating should be mounted with small gaps.
  8. The plinth is located as close as possible to the floor and to the walls of brick (concrete). Fastened with self-tapping screws.
Recommendation: this type of floor cladding is recommended for use when creating an office or a greenhouse on a balcony.

self-leveling floor

Self-leveling floors are gaining more and more popularity. The advantages of such a coating include: good tolerance to temperature fluctuations, elasticity, wear resistance and a diverse color palette.

This finish looks aesthetically pleasing and is perfect for residential premises.

To create such a cover you will need:

  • solution;
  • dye;
  • mixer for the preparation of a building mixture;
  • lighthouses;
  • large spatula.

Work progress:

  1. The base is primed in three or more layers (it is important that each of the layers dry well).
  2. A solution is being prepared (its consistency should be similar to sour cream). Water is gradually added to the dry mixture, after which the components are mixed with a mixer at a low rotation speed.
  3. Dyes are added. The amount of pigments is taken based on the desired tone and concentration of the solution.
  4. The floor is evenly poured. The density of the filling layer is 2-3 mm. Drying takes 2-4 days.
Recommendation: prepare the mixture immediately to finish the entire loggia, otherwise you will not be able to choose the desired tone.


Tiled flooring is one of the most durable and wear-resistant types of flooring, suitable for any environment.

Materials and tools for work:

  • steam and heat insulator (for loggias operated as living quarters);
  • dividing crosses for tiles;
  • putty knife;
  • adhesive composition;
  • grout mixture;
  • building level.

To equip the living area on the balcony, before leveling the floors, a vapor barrier and heat-insulating layers are laid. Warm floor

The device of the "warm floor" system on the balcony is not available to everyone. Such a coating is quite expensive, but the costs are fully justified after the cold season comes. With the "warm floor" system, the atmosphere on your balcony will be warm.

To create a comfortable environment on the loggia you will need:

  • underfloor heating system;
  • finishing coating.

Let's take a look at the course of action:

  1. Prime the base.
  2. Lay heated mats on top and make cabling.
  3. The mats have a small width, so they are rolled out in one direction for the entire length of the loggia.
  4. When you get to the end, turn the mat in the opposite direction by cutting the net. Perform similar manipulations until the entire bay area is covered.
  5. Rewind the unfolded cover.
  6. Thoroughly clean the overlap of debris and wash.
  7. Prime the base and let it dry.
  8. Finishing installation is carried out due to the adhesive base of the floor covering grid with heating.
  9. All cables must be securely insulated.
  10. After these steps, a screed is made. Density is determined by the section of the electric cable of the heated floor.
  11. At the very end, you need to put a finishing coating, such as tile or laminate.

To install such a heating system, you should take care of a separate line for connecting an electric meter and automatic shutdown.

  1. Wooden boards can be replaced and chipboard sheets can be laid.
  2. Heated floors are suitable only for closed loggias and balconies.
  3. Use only high-quality finishing materials, especially if you plan to cover an open balcony.
  4. Certain types of linoleum coating can be used on open balconies.

It is quite possible to equip the floors on the balcony on your own. To do this, you need to decide on the purpose of the balcony space and the type of finishing coating.

Hello! A neighbor recently contacted me. She and her husband had a desire to ennoble the balcony and they decided to start from the floor. They had an ordinary concrete floor, without any coating.

She needed answers to questions about what coverage would be most convenient and less costly financially. Well, we sat down at the computer with her, I showed her the options, calculated together and settled on the laminate, because. the loggia is glazed and moisture does not get in. Well, in the evening I matured to write this article. I hope it will be useful!

If your balcony is still not glazed, it is quite clear that the floor on it is constantly exposed to the active influence of precipitation and strong gusts of wind, and in winter it has to hide under a fluffy layer of snow for a long time.

Accordingly, in the spring the snow melts, and the floor again has a hard time due to the formed significant layer of water.

Therefore, in this case it is very important to create a surface that is resistant to negative natural influences. It immediately comes to mind that the floor can be raised due to the formation of a new screed, and a reliable, durable coating, previously chosen by you, can be laid on top. We propose to consider everything in more detail and in order.

Option 1: Painting

You can simply take the concrete floor screed on the balcony and paint it with a special paint that is designed for outdoor work. Such paint, as a rule, lasts for three or four years. So, for this period of time you will not need to update.

It should be borne in mind that by painting the floor on the balcony, you will not be able to create a durable coating, since the paint is not designed for the loads associated with the pressure of gravity (furniture or other large items).

Option 2: Tile

If you plan to bring old, but still usable furniture here, then in this case it is better to cover the floor with tiles. By laying the tiles in accordance with all the rules, you will provide a protective layer to the concrete screed, and it will not collapse from falling rain on the balcony.

Laying tiles should begin with the outer row, and at the same time try to maintain a straight line. To neatly lay the tiles in the corners of the room, they should be cut at an angle of 45 °.

For a glazed balcony

For a closed balcony, the floor design will be somewhat different. If you want to turn it into an additional room where you are supposed to walk barefoot, please note that then the floor must be insulated to ensure comfort.

Most likely, in this case, it will be better for you to seek help from qualified builders. Work on flooring and floor insulation is carried out thoroughly, in several stages, the first of which is the creation of a high-quality concrete screed. Sheets of plywood or fiberboard are laid on top of the screed.

Option 1: Linoleum

The simplest and most affordable coating is linoleum. A variety of drawings depicted on linoleum allows you to expand the design possibilities when decorating a balcony room.

Option 2: Laminate

As an option, you can consider laminated or wooden parquet or a polished wooden board as a floor covering on the balcony. The wooden floor is usually varnished or painted.

It has a huge advantage over other materials - it is warm and comfortable to walk on a wooden surface, and it does not harm health. But there is also a significant drawback: the boards dry out over time from cold and dampness.

Option 3: Tile

If you decide to make a warm floor with electric heating, then pay special attention to the waterproofing of the balcony. The ingress of moisture in this case is unacceptable. With the help of sealants, carefully seal the windows and insulate the walls and floor. Any modern foam material is suitable as a heater.

As you can see, having even the slightest experience in carrying out repairs will help you cope with the installation work on laying the floor on your own without the involvement of professionals. Nobody says that repair is easy. But, as they say, there would be only a desire and the necessary tool at hand and everything will work out for you.


The better to cover the floor on the balcony

For urban residents, owners of standard apartments in high-rise buildings, a balcony and a loggia are a favorite place where you can go out to breathe fresh air and admire the panorama of the city.

In the warm season, you can sit there with a book in your hand or have tea with your family. To create such an atmosphere, you need to correctly assess the situation and decide which floor to make on the balcony.

Let's look at the possible options for materials for such work.

Repair of balcony floors must be carried out taking into account two factors:

  1. Will your balcony be open or glazed?
  2. What resources do you have to choose the right coverage for the cost?

If you want to get a good and high-quality result, construction work must be carried out in stages.

What is the best place to start

The process of initial preparation of the floor surface for subsequent work is also important. First you have to get rid of the old coating with the help of such simple tools as a chisel with a hammer.

Note! If you have an open loggia or balcony, then it is better to take care of laying the floors on the balcony in the warm season. Of course, you can do this in cold weather, but then you will have to invest in more expensive materials for leveling the surface.

Material selection

The options for purchased building materials will also depend on the type of balcony or loggia:

  • for open types, laying tiles is more suitable,
  • and on the glazed balcony, you can make wooden floors, followed by painting or laying linoleum.


This is a universal version of the material, it is well suited for any type of balconies and loggias. And before you cover the floor on the balcony with tiles, you need to carry out preparatory work.

  • First, as is customary with any work, the floor is brought to a clean look.
  • Then a waterproofing film with insulation is laid on it. The thickness of the insulation layer depends on the height that is planned for the floor surface in the future.
  • A cement mortar screed is poured onto the coating thus obtained.
  • After drying, the surface is treated with special glue and tiles are laid on it.
  • To get a flat surface, the tiles are laid using regulating crosses, the seams after laying must be sealed with a special grout.

Note! Laying tiles on the balcony floor is very convenient for open country attics, because such a coating perfectly tolerates any temperature changes, the main thing is to choose the right tile adhesive.

Everyone considers tiles to be a very strong and durable material, the surface of which is easy to clean and repair. But it has one drawback - it has a very cold surface. This can be eliminated by installing underfloor heating.

Balcony wood flooring

Before installing a wooden floor, it is imperative to level its surface, since the presence of even small minor irregularities can then lead to disastrous results.

For leveling, a cement-sand screed is used, followed by the removal of construction debris. In residential premises, a 5-6 mm screed is enough.

Heaters are placed between the floor and the lags. On the draft layer, a flooring is made of edged boards, which must be impregnated with a protective compound. After drying, the wooden floor can be painted with paint or varnish of your choice.

Note! The option with wooden floors is convenient in that you can put an additional coating on it - linoleum or carpet.

A few more options

The above methods are considered a budget option, and if we talk about more expensive materials, then granite, marble, decorative stone or cork flooring are suitable for laying the floor.

Also, the flooring can be made from fiberboard and chipboard, this option will be cheaper. The surface preparation technology is the same as when working with laying a wooden floor. The plates are attached to the logs with the help of self-tapping screws and must be treated with protective compounds.

A bit about granite and marble

These are very durable and heavy materials, and therefore they can only be used on the loggia. Such materials are considered cold, when laying them, you will need to take extra care of the underfloor heating system.


This is a kind of decorative coating and it looks very attractive. But if you do not take care of its protection, then in three years such a floor will turn into dust, because the cork is very sensitive to moisture.

Before deciding what to lay on the floor of the balcony, and not be disappointed in the future, you need to take into account all the components of future work.


How can I cover the floor on an open and glazed balcony

Almost every apartment has a balcony, which is used as a kind of warehouse where temporarily unusable things are stored or a small garden with beautiful flowers.

Some of the balcony space is turned into an office or a secluded place to relax.

Whatever the intended purpose of the balcony, you need to select a floor covering that can withstand the effects of harsh climatic conditions (temperature changes, sunlight, precipitation) and at the same time it should be comfortable to stand on.

There are a lot of materials for the floor, and it will be very difficult to understand how to cover the floor on the balcony better.

Flooring materials for an open balcony

Balcony flooring should be hardy, practical and even aesthetic. After all, no matter how perfect cleanliness is in the whole apartment, dust from the balcony can break it.

The choice of material is strongly influenced by the type of balcony: open or closed. For the first type, many floor coverings will be unsuitable, because not everyone can withstand constant precipitation, elevated or too low temperatures.

For an open balcony, you can make an ordinary concrete screed, simply painted with paint. You can also lay ceramic tiles. Some believe that the floor can be covered with thick linoleum with a maximum protective layer and high density.

To make the right choice, you need to carefully consider each flooring option suitable for an open balcony.

Painting concrete screed

In order to create this floor covering on your balcony, you first need to pour the entire floor of the balcony with a mortar, which includes 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and water.

After the concrete screed dries, it can be painted. The paint must be designed for outdoor use and resistant to harsh weather conditions. Apply several layers for best results.

The resulting layer of paint will repel moisture well, protect concrete from minor mechanical damage, and give a beautiful color and shine to the floor.

But it is worth noting that the paint will not be able to save the screed from strong impacts or the pressure of furniture legs. And after 3 years, the coating again needs to be changed, the old one removed and a new one applied. Painting a concrete screed is the most economical option.

Ceramic tiles

A more expensive, at the same time durable coating can be made using porcelain tiles. It is also applied to the finished, most even concrete screed.

Tiles are divided into 5 classes according to their wear resistance, you need to choose 4 or 5, because. they have the highest degree of strength and resistance to abrasion.

Also, when choosing a porcelain stoneware slab, you need to pay attention to its weight; the base plate of the balcony may not withstand too heavy material.

You can safely take out furniture on the tile flooring, walk on it in street shoes with heels. But you won’t go barefoot to the balcony with such a floor, you will need to put on slippers or lay a small rug, otherwise your feet will freeze.

Not the best flooring for an open balcony is linoleum. It is not advisable to use even the thickest material, it will lose its color in the first year due to constant sun exposure, and will gradually begin to delaminate.

Moisture is fatal for him, and on this type of balcony it cannot be avoided. If water gets on the linoleum, it is impossible to walk on it, and in winter it will be very slippery at all. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from purchasing this material for an open type of balcony.

Floor covering materials for a closed balcony

With closed balcony spaces it is much easier, the choice of floor materials is large, especially if the balcony is also insulated.

When using any floor covering, a concrete screed is first made, after which at least a fiberboard sheet is laid, and only then the selected material is used. After all, even on a closed balcony, the floor suffers greatly from high frosts and winds, so it’s better to insulate it a little, because not everyone wants to constantly wrap their legs, it would seem, on a warm balcony.

As an insulating material, you can use mineral wool, polystyrene foam, or lay an electric or infrared warm floor.

It is quite possible to use linoleum, laminate, wooden boards, ceramic tiles and even carpet as a material for flooring. But the final choice depends on the required capabilities and characteristics of the material and its operating conditions.

The use of linoleum is the simplest and most affordable coating option. It is easy to work with it, the main thing is to lay it in one piece, without joints, in order to avoid moisture getting under the flooring.

There are many patterns on linoleum, and the variety of their colors is also pleasing. You can even find imitation of various stones, tree species, etc. True, if there is high humidity on the balcony, then this flooring will have to be changed in a few years.

Laminate is well suited for flooring a closed balcony space. The main thing is that the concrete screed must be covered with a substrate. Moreover, this cement surface must be made perfectly flat.

Laminate is a light and beautiful material. It can imitate valuable tree species, expensive stones. Laminate flooring is warm. But this material has a low resistance to moisture, so the balcony must be dry.

wooden boards

Wood is the best flooring for a closed balcony. Feet will always be warm and comfortable.

Wood is a lightweight material, so there will be little stress on the base plate.

In order for the floor from the boards to live for a long time, the choice must be given to yew or oak and treated with special protective agents. You can also put birch, it is cheaper, but also very durable.

Pine or linden will not last long, because. they are the most susceptible to decay. It is better to cover the finished floor from boards with paint or varnish, this will give it an attractive appearance and provide additional protection from moisture and other influences.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles look beautiful, but this is a cold material, so it is better to make the floor heated or constantly walk in slippers.

It is desirable to choose with a rough surface and light weight, so that the suspended balcony structure is not affected by strong loads and does not reduce its degree of reliability.

Tiles exist in several classes, you need to choose based on the operating conditions. For a more insulated balcony, you can purchase tiles of a smaller class, 2 or 3 is quite suitable. You also need to pay attention to its moisture absorption and frost resistance, because even on a closed balcony, the flooring will feel temperature changes.

You need to buy tiles with a margin, because. there will be an inevitable large amount of waste. Ceramic tile flooring is durable and will last at least a decade. It is also practical, it will be easy to clean and wash it.

You can put carpet on the floor of the balcony space. Moreover, the surface of the concrete screed must be made as even as possible. Walking on this floor will be pleasant.

But in terms of practicality, it is inferior to other materials. It will need to be constantly vacuumed and washed and cleaned as often as possible due to the constant presence of dust.

self-leveling floor

Unusually will look bulk floor. It is difficult to make it, you just need to pour the mixture evenly on the surface of the balcony. And the very next day you can walk on it. The colors of this floor are very diverse.

With the help of paints and a stencil, you can create any pattern, only to fix it you need to apply several layers of varnish.

If you know how to cover the floor on the balcony, and what material you need to choose, then it is possible to use the balcony space to good use. Having properly insulated it, you can purchase another small and comfortable room and thereby make the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment a little larger.


Before you start repairing the loggia, you need to find out how to cover the floor on the balcony better.

When choosing a finishing floor covering for this hinged structure, experts recommend taking into account the fact that a large temperature drop and humidity index regularly occur on the loggia.

Factors influencing the choice of material for the improvement of the floor

The finish flooring for the balcony is selected taking into account both aesthetic and practical considerations. So, for example, the contamination of this structure has a direct impact on the hygiene of the entire apartment.

Especially if the floor is laid on an open balcony. In this case, the issue of choosing a finish for an open loggia plays a decisive role in the cleanliness of housing. The selected material for the improvement of the floor must withstand both winter frosts and spring warming. The future flooring of the loggia should not be deformed from excessive moisture.

Use weatherproof paints marked "1". They are suitable for outdoor use. Applicable in rooms with low or high temperature conditions.

The easiest way to make wet cleaning a floor easier is to paint the finish coat with weatherproof paint. However, it should be noted that on balconies, especially open ones, a wooden floor device is rarely laid.

It is not advisable to paint the cement surface with paint, since in a couple of years such a coating will again need to be painted. This can be done in one day. However, such a coating does not have a presentable appearance, although it performs its functions with dignity. To paint the floor you will need:

  • capacity;
  • paint (depending on the parameters of the balcony);
  • brush or roller;
  • thinner or drying oil (depending on the recommendations of the paint manufacturer);
  • gloves (if necessary).

Linoleum - an economical option for a glazed balcony

Linoleum flooring has enjoyed considerable success due to its durability and relative strength.

Modern linoleum is beautiful, muffles steps, is easy to use, and has sufficient thermal insulation.

Some households believe that it is better to make the floor on the balcony with linoleum than with paint. After all, such a coating lends itself well to care. However, its big disadvantage is slipping when wet.

In this regard, the specialists of the construction company recommend glazing the loggia. Compared to paint, linoleum is easy to maintain. However, even the highest quality material of this type does not withstand temperature extremes and severe frosts.

Due to water getting under the linoleum, it begins to rot. As for the installation of such a finishing floor, linoleum is easy and quick to install. Unlike floor painting, linoleum requires base preparation.

To do this, you will need to take the following steps: level the base, prime it and allow time to dry. After that, you can begin to carry out a new screed and priming work.

Linoleum is attached to a clean and dry surface, usually in one piece, if the configuration of the balcony or loggia allows it. After flooring, in 10-15 days the linoleum will completely straighten out.

Next, you will need to spread the linoleum and give it time to stretch. Experts recommend laying plywood before installing linoleum. It will allow the finishing flooring to “breathe” and not absorb moisture. For such a floor, the following tools will be required:

  • roller;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • level and metal ruler;
  • large scissors;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • putty knife;
  • vinyl adhesive tape;
  • dry floor screed.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles, which is better?

Ceramic tiles are a great way to turn an outdoor balcony into a terrace. But in this case, you will need to purchase ceramic tiles with a rough surface and high frost resistance.

At the same time, the adhesive for this material and the grout for the joints must also have similar properties.

Construction companies know how to lay ceramic tiles. Making this job is more difficult than laying linoleum or painting the floor.

The ceramic tile well transfers various atmospheric influences, is not torn and does not bend, as linoleum. Such floors with confidence can be called reliable and durable, if you approach this issue correctly.

This will require the following inventory:

  • tile cutter,
  • building level,
  • mixer and drill,
  • glue container,
  • putty knife,
  • grinder with a dry cutter,
  • crowns with diamond coating,
  • rubber spatula for grouting,
  • crosses.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of the loggia along a stretched thread. In this case, you will need to indent one row from the edge. It is better to buy crosses for tiles taking into account its size.

During the installation of the first tile, it is necessary to check that it is level in each diagonal, both across and along. The next two tiles are stacked side by side in the ladder. They also need to be controlled with a level.

When laying subsequent tiles, it is no longer necessary to carefully check their level. Porcelain tiles are great for landscaping an open loggia in areas with a harsh climate.

This material has maximum density and lack of porous structure. It perfectly withstands frosts down to -50°C and heat up to +50°C. This coating has high strength and wear resistance.

The surface on which porcelain stoneware or tiles will be laid must be smooth, strong, without cracks and dirt, free from materials that reduce its adhesiveness.

Porcelain tile is laid in the same way as floor tiles. But, unlike painting, the base will need to be leveled. Next, glue is applied to the floor and tiles. It is necessary to choose it taking into account the purchased porcelain tiles. As for the inventory, for the improvement of the floor of the loggia from porcelain stoneware, you will need:

  • capacity,
  • drill and mixer,
  • spatulas,
  • tile cutter,
  • tape measure,
  • rubber hammer.

From the materials you will need to purchase porcelain stoneware, crosses, a primer for the base, grout for joints, tile adhesive, silicone sealant.

Decking and carpet - pros and cons

Decking is a durable and lightweight material that is made from solid wood species or wood-polymer composites.

The quality of the decking is not adversely affected by precipitation and temperature fluctuations.

It is easy to lay such a device, since the decking is presented in the form of modular structures that are fixed to each other in the same way as the designer. You can lay such a floor on the logs. Unlike tiles, decking is a lightweight material.

Benefits of using decking (terrace board): easy and quick installation, flat surface, easy maintenance, large selection of colors, high-quality imitation of wood of various species, including valuable ones.

This will require the following tools:

  • level;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • trimming;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • screws, nails;
  • wedge.

According to experts, it is better to lay carpet on a glazed and insulated loggia. However, this device should only be laid on a flat surface. Tolerances should not exceed 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the base must be leveled, and the carpet must be kept on the balcony for three days.

Carpet is able to organically fit into any interior design. It provides a pleasant tactile sensation. This is an ideal solution when the loggia is converted into a rest room or office.

To lay this material you will need the following inventory:

  • video clip;
  • tool for cutting skirting boards from carpet;
  • kicker;
  • iron for joining pieces of carpet;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • influenza;
  • glue.

There are other types of materials used to improve the floor on the loggia. It is better to choose a finish coating in each case individually.

Most people living in urban areas have a balcony. Everyone decides for himself whether this is a pantry, a warehouse of unnecessary rubbish, or this is a modern elegant extension of the apartment.

While you decide on the purpose of your premises. We will analyze the materials and methods of finishing the floor on the balcony.

If we decided to make a continuation of the apartment, then we need a high coefficient of insulation. If as a pantry, you can pick up a cheaper option.

If we use the balcony as an open space, then materials that are not afraid of temperature extremes and high humidity will help us. You will be able to embody all your ideas, think over the smallest details, choose the finishing material depending on the purpose of the balcony you have chosen.

Wooden floor on the balcony

A wooden floor is usually mounted in well-ventilated and sealed balconies, loggias.

Hard woods such as Oak, Yew are well suited for the floor. Medium and soft breeds are less suitable, as they are more susceptible to rotting.

To prevent decay, and the destruction of pests, a complete treatment with special solutions is required. The wooden floor on the balcony can be done by hand, for this we need to remove all the garbage, repair all the chips and bumps.

After that, you need to take care of waterproofing, usually thick polyethylene or bituminous insulation. After that, we set the guides (lags) using the building level.

Logs can be placed both along the balcony and across, keeping a distance of 50-60 cm. They are attached with dowels to the base of the concrete floor.

The resulting structure is treated with a special composition that protects against moisture and bacteria. Insulation is placed in the resulting cavities, it can be polystyrene, mineral wool and other components.

The next stage, laying the board on the logs. The boards are placed transversely to the guides, and fastened with nails or self-tapping screws. The decorative coating is mounted on top of the boards (rough floor). After that, you can proceed to the installation of the plinth.

The most important advantage of the wooden floor on the balcony is that it is easy and quick to do it yourself. As well as the minimum load on the concrete floor. Mainly used in glazed, warm balconies.

Floor screed on the balcony

With this method of forming a floor on a balcony, it is required to disassemble such concepts as a loggia and a balcony. What are their similarities and differences?

  • The balcony is located on a slab, which is connected to the structure of the house at one point. Therefore, the finishing of the balcony needs to be made as light as possible so as not to overload the stove.
  • The loggia is located on a slab, which is connected with the structure of the house at three points. The load on the surface has little effect on the quality of the plate. When finishing a loggia, it is possible to use almost all materials and technologies.

That is, the screed is perfect for the loggia, where there are practically no restrictions on the load. It is not recommended to use a screed on the balcony, since the average thickness of the layer without heating is 3-4 cm.

And with the use of underfloor heating technology, all 4-6 cm. If we take the average balcony, then the mass of the screed will be approximately 450-600 kg. And that's without the finish.

We remove the debris, then prime the surface and wait for it to dry completely. After the primer has dried, we lay the vapor barrier, usually a layer of polystyrene foam.

Then a layer of waterproofing is laid, usually a thick oilcloth. After the surface of the balcony is leveled with a screed of sand-cement mixture, in a ratio of 3:1. We prime it in at least 2-3 layers.

Tiles on the floor on the balcony

A distinctive feature of the tile is durability, resistance to temperature extremes. Tiles look beautiful on the floor, and are also easy to clean.

Not a big drawback, it is that the tile is a very cold material, but this drawback can be solved with a warm floor, under the tiled floor.

The tile has 5 classes of wear resistance, the colder it is on the balcony, the higher the class should be for the tile.

  • Tiles of class 4-5 are used with an open and unglazed balcony with a large dynamic load.
  • Tiles of class 2-3 are used for a glazed and warm balcony with an average dynamic load.

Before laying the tiles, you need to prepare the floor on the balcony. We carry out the entire sequence of operations, as indicated in the section above floor screed on the balcony.

After all the preparatory work, you can start laying the tiles, for this we apply the adhesive solution in an even layer, with a spatula with a comb.

Now there is a large selection of adhesives for tiles, they are chosen depending on the conditions:

  • Are there underfloor heating or not?
  • Glazed balcony or not.

And you can also use cement and sand, in a ratio of 1 to 4, everything is thoroughly mixed with water and the solution is ready. The choice is yours.

Lay out tiles, it is recommended from the far corner, one at a time. We tap on the surface of the tile with a rubber mallet, achieving the desired level, and in this way the tile is in close contact with the adhesive base.

In order for all the seams to be similar, crosses are used. The size of the seam is regulated by the size of the crosses for the tiles. Another important point, you should not save on glue, this is due to the fact that, with the formation of a cavity under the tile, deformation and destruction of the tile itself is possible.

After the entire tile is laid out, all edges are trimmed, you can remove the crosses from the joints between the tiles and rub them with grout mixtures. Recommendations of professionals, use the finished coating no earlier than 2-3 days after the end of the work.

Bulk floor on the balcony

The next option for the floor on the loggia and balcony is the self-leveling floor. But without surface preparation, it is impossible here. We carry out the same sequence as for the screed.

When the screed is covered with soil, and everything is dry, we apply a self-leveling floor. In a bucket, according to the manufacturer's instructions, we dilute the working mixture, for this it is best to use a nozzle on a perforator.

The resulting solution has a consistency similar to sour cream. Since the resulting solution begins to set quickly enough, you will have to act quickly and carefully.

The process of mold and fungus formation will begin, a characteristic smell will appear. Recently, special synthetic and natural linoleums have appeared that are not afraid of negative factors. But the price of such materials is very high.

From this follows the conclusion that linoleums are best used only in well-insulated closed loggias and balconies.

For laying linoleum, surface preparation will also be required, it can be either a screed, a wooden floor or a self-leveling floor. Before laying the linoleum on the prepared surface, it must be rolled out and allowed to lie down for a couple of days, it must stretch and level out.

We adjust to the size of the room. After he rests, he must be rolled up to the middle. We spread the glue with a thin layer on the back side of the linoleum, as well as on the surface of the prepared coating, roll out the linoleum, press down and go through it with a prepared rubber roller. We mount the plinth and you're done.

Electric floor on the balcony

If your balcony or loggia is fully glazed. You will need heating appliances. Traditional bulky and clumsy, and even a little space.

An underfloor heating system will come to our aid. The best option is an electric floor. The system practically does not weigh anything, and copes with the task of heating no worse than traditional appliances.

This type of coating is an expensive pleasure, but it fully justifies itself with the advent of cold weather. And so we prime the surface of the base. C, lay out the heating mats on top and do the wiring.

The mats are not large in size, so they are laid out to the full length one after another until the entire surface of the balcony is filled. This is a rough run, we connected everything, made sure that there are no empty seats, we rewind everything.

We remove the debris and prime again. Finishing installation, we do using the adhesive base of the mats, we isolate all the wires. After, we fill it with a screed, followed by installation of the finishing material on the warm floor on the balcony (laminate, tile). This type of floor is suitable only for closed balconies and loggias.

Floor painting

In the case when, there is no time to do repairs or do not want to. You can resort to the staining method. Nowadays, there are special paints for concrete.

They include polymers that protect the surface of the concrete floor from temperature gradients, high humidity, and erosion. The coloring composition does not fade in the sun, has an extensive color gamut.

Paints for concrete are divided into:

  • Epoxy.
  • Acrylic.
  • Polyurethane.

All these paints are great for painting floors on the balcony. The dynamic load on the balcony is not large, so the paint will last a long time without losing its functions. Easy and convenient, you can repaint the floor surface.

Other types of floors on the balcony

We have analyzed the main types of flooring on the balcony. But there are still many other ways to make the floor on the balcony. Such as laying laminate, decking, garden parquet.

Laminate is afraid of moisture and is used mainly in closed, insulated balconies - a good substitute for parquet and wooden floors.

And decking and garden parquet are modern composite, polymeric materials, suitable for both glazed and non-glazed balconies.

Decking is a wood-polymer composite. Has the form of a board, is equipped with fixing mechanisms. In a short time, it assembles on a concrete surface.

Possesses the big durability and reliability. It is designed by specialists for outdoor use, the weight of the element is not significant, which is very important when used on a balcony. There is another not unimportant aesthetic fact, it is very similar to a real boardwalk.

Garden parquet is a wood-polymer composite or wood. Thanks to special deep processing technologies, the parquet is durable, does not biodegrade under any aggressive influences.

Garden parquet is convenient to use in balconies of any complexity, as it is produced in blocks with locking joints.

This will allow you to quickly install the floor covering without any problems. Also, when not needed, it is easily and conveniently dismantled, with the possibility of subsequent use.

More expensive options:

  • Natural stone.
  • Marble.
  • Granite.
  • Cork.

Natural stone, marble and granite are some of the most durable and expensive natural materials, and they also have a lot of weight. Because of this, they can only be used on loggias.

The main drawback is very cold materials, even in summer you have to wear slippers.

Cork does not tolerate moisture. The service life of such a floor is 3-4 years, and then the cork collapses and becomes like dust.

When choosing a floor on a balcony, you need to consider many factors:

  • Balcony slab condition
  • Humidity in the room
  • Temperature regime
  • Cost of materials

Making a wooden floor on the balcony with your own hands is not such a difficult task. Anyone who knows how to handle tools can cope with it. The material is easy to work with, the area is not too large. Here are some tips to help clarify questions that arise.

Benefits and material selection for wood flooring

The balcony is an auxiliary area. It is not designed for large rapidly changing loads. In addition, with an increase in the age of the house, the bearing capacity of the balcony slab decreases.

Therefore, the choice of wood as a material for the floor on the balcony is fully justified. Light weight, low thermal conductivity and sufficient strength in combination are the most preferable qualities that a material should have for such a purpose.

Pros of wood for a wooden floor on a balcony:

Wood normally tolerates contact with sunlight and rain moisture. Installing a wooden floor does not require a lot of tools and labor. As the wood wears out, it is easy to change.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to remove everything that is on it from the balcony. Remove old coating (if any). If necessary, existing defects in the concrete surface should be plastered, it is good to fill the cracks with mounting foam.

Inspect the metal fence, if necessary - weld, paint, clean from rust. Purchase materials for coating - a substrate, a beam for a log, a floorboard, fasteners (self-tapping screws, corners, dowel-nails).

You will need some kind of antiseptic for the boards, as well as varnish or paint to protect the finished floor.

Balcony floor waterproofing

The need for waterproofing is not reinsurance. Without proper protection, the floor may begin to absorb moisture, mold, the metal parts of the floor and fences will begin to rust.

First of all, it is necessary to provide a slight slope for rainwater runoff. She must not be allowed to stagnate on the balcony. One of the options for a waterproofing coating can be called a concrete-bitumen screed.

It will allow you to bring the desired slope and at the same time protect the balcony slab from a set of moisture. A roofing material is laid over the screed as a second layer of waterproofing, or some other insulating coating is used, the choice of which is quite wide, for example, a special waterproofing membrane.

The canvas should be wider than the balcony so that its edges go onto the wall by 20-25 cm.


The first step is to strengthen the first row of lags. The distance between them should be about 45-50 cm, they are attached across the balcony and attached to the floor with dowel-nails. They should not reach the walls by 2-3 cm in length.

The second step is laying the second, longitudinal layer of the log. This layer is the main one, it is made from a thicker bar and bears a layer of floorboard.

The logs of the main layer are located along the balcony, the distance between them is 45-50 cm, from the walls - about 3-5 cm.

This layer of logs must be leveled in a horizontal plane, placing pieces of wood under them, if necessary, to adjust the level. Between the lags, it is desirable to lay a layer of insulation - mineral wool or some similar, which is cut with a knife to size and located in between. There is for this.

Then proceed to laying the floorboard. It is cut into pieces across the balcony in such a way that there is a gap between the board and the wall of the order of 1 cm. A spike must be cut from the extreme board and attached to the logs with self-tapping screws. Screws must be screwed into the groove at an angle so that they are not visible after attaching the next board.

The next board is inserted with a spike into the groove, with gentle blows through a wooden gasket it is adjusted until the gap is eliminated and screwed in the same way as the previous one. Thus, the entire floorboard is laid.

Sometimes thick plywood or chipboard is used instead of a floorboard, but this option seems to be short-lived due to its low resistance to moisture, and even atmospheric humidity will destroy such a coating pretty soon.

Video lesson:

Wood floor processing

The laid floor must be protected from rain and atmospheric moisture. It is advisable to treat the material with an antiseptic in advance, before laying, so it will be easier to cover the entire board as a whole.

Varnish or paint can be used as a protective coating. It is applied with a brush or roller in 2 layers with intermediate drying in the quantities indicated on the packaging of the selected varnish (paint).

Even if it is planned, or another coating, varnishing is still needed to protect the wood of the floor. We must not forget that the balcony is not the most favorable place for wooden parts, and strengthening the protection here will not be superfluous.

The wooden floor on the balcony creates comfort, a sense of well-groomed and tidy, protects the base from moisture. With the simplicity of arrangement, the benefits of it are very great, and it is recommended to everyone.

Almost half of the residents of apartments have to do repairs on the balcony with their own hands, which means that the floor needs to be done as correctly as possible. To date, the cost of apartments is very high and a couple of squares will not be superfluous, especially if the apartment is small - Khrushchev. Therefore, an important part of the repair is the insulation of the balcony floor, since it is through the floor that most of the heat loss occurs. So the question of how to make the floor on the balcony naturally arises? There are several options that should be considered in more detail.

Anyone can make a floor on the balcony with their own hands

Any balcony can be made comfortable, warm and beautiful.

Coating selection

If you decide to make the floor on the balcony with your own hands, you will have to make several important decisions. First you need to decide what kind of coating will be done during the repair. There are several types of bases for flooring on the balcony that are popular in our time:

  • Insulated concrete screed on the balcony.
  • Wooden floor on the balcony.

There are many options for flooring

You also need to decide:

  • Will the balcony be open.
  • What is the purpose of the balcony?
  • What funds are allocated for the repair work.

It is impossible to single out the best type of floor finish, it can only depend on the allocated funds and the initial basis. For this reason, it is advised to learn more about all types of floors and their finishing technologies.

Factors affecting the choice of material for the floor on the balcony

Before starting the repair and work on the floor on the balcony, it is necessary to select the finishing material. Since it depends on the materials used, how much, the finish and appearance will be of high quality.

Before starting the repair and work on the floor on the balcony, it is necessary to select the finishing material

  • If the room is glazed, you can make a wooden base, different types of this material. The finishing part of the floor can be covered with parquet, laminate, tile or plywood. If the floor is wooden, an important point in the repair is the correct waterproofing work, because moisture on the wood may not end very well.
  • If the balcony is open, the best coating will be linoleum or ceramic tiles, such finishing materials are not affected by the environment. But this type of coating is colder.
  • In the event that the dimensions of the apartment are small (for example, "Khrushchev"), adding a few square meters to the living space during the repair will not be superfluous and the base can be made with heating.

After deciding what the floor will be, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

Preparatory work with the base

First of all, you need to measure how much, the base is even - this can be done with a building level. How to level the floor on the balcony is written in this article below. If the base base is uneven, it should be leveled with screed or joists to be painted for a longer service life.

Preparatory work - measure seven times, cut once

Floor insulation

How to insulate the floor? The most advanced technology used in the repair in our time. Most often, the opening of the balcony door is at a distance of up to 8 cm from the floor, so it can be raised a little, and it is not difficult to raise the floor on the balcony with your own hands, and you can even insulate it. Extruded polystyrene foam is laid on the base, it is not afraid of moisture and has a high density and strength. Due to the properties of the material, additional protection is not done.

  • It is desirable to lay the insulation apart, but if the surface area is small, it can be laid in order.
  • The plates are fastened with special fasteners similar to a mushroom. To do this, you need to drill the plate and the base, then insert the fasteners into the hole.
  • The remaining gaps between the wall and the slabs, as well as between the slabs themselves, are filled with mounting foam.
  • This type of insulation is not afraid of dents and you can walk freely on it.
  • If the plate has a foil layer, then it must be directed upwards in order to reflect thermal energy.

Expanded polystyrene - inexpensive and high-quality insulation

Concrete screed

The first stage of the floor installation on the balcony is the pouring of the screed and it must be even. Therefore, first you need to consider the question of how to level the floor on the balcony? In order for the screed to be of good quality, it is necessary to install several beacons - these are reinforced metal strips. They need to be cut into several pieces along the width of the room, the segments are set in increments of 60 centimeters, across the base. Alignment is carried out with a building level, they can be fixed with a semi-dry solution.
If the balcony is open, you need to make a slight slope, and it is done from the house. The beacons are aligned individually and at the end over the entire plane. Work should be carried out slowly and carefully. After leveling and fixing, the beacons are left to harden for a day.

The first stage of the floor device on the balcony is the pouring of the screed

In order for the solution not to spread, something is done in the form of formwork. A wooden beam or board is attached to the base on the outside, if there are gaps left, they must be covered with a thick mortar. After pouring, this structure is removed.
Expanded clay can be used to insulate the screed. It must be poured to the profile level and the filling must be done at a time. This can be done without difficulty, because the area is small. The floor is left to be completely hardened, it will take several days. After that, finishing is done. A good option for finishing material would be ceramic tiles.

Floor on wooden base

If you decide to make a wooden floor on the balcony, then the installation of the log must be done on a flat surface, they must be installed without skewing the crate. After that, boards or plywood are laid on these support bars, which means that before installing the log, you need to carefully prepare the surface of the slab, knock out irregularities or make a small leveling screed (you can even self-leveling).
At the next stage, the crate is created and painted. If a perfectly even screed is made, then the boards can be laid directly on it. But in this case, the floor will lose the possibility of insulation, there will also be no air circulation, and the boards will be very difficult to fit.

Wooden flooring is preferred for balconies due to the lightness of the material.

The advantage of arranging boards (plywood) on the crate, in between for additional insulation. There are many options for floor insulation and it requires some space. In order for wooden logs to serve on the balcony for a long time, they should be painted or treated with a special agent that will protect them from damage and decay.
Wooden bars serve as lags; for a longer service life, it is better to paint them. The bars must be attached with dowels or self-tapping screws to the concrete base. The crate is assembled in this way: the perimeter of the bars is installed first, and the transverse jumpers are installed at such a distance that the board does not sag. On long balconies, it is better to lay the board across.

Balcony laminate flooring

Laminate on balconies can be found quite often. The laminate is created by several layers providing rigidity, thermal insulation, noise insulation and moisture insulation. The top layer of the laminate is its decorative part and has a pattern on it. This material is afraid of moisture, therefore waterproofing is very important, and it is desirable to insulate it from below.

  • The laminate is laid on a flat surface and under it there should be a substrate made of polystyrene or cork.
  • The substrate is laid out at a right angle with respect to the laminate, and glued with adhesive tape at the joints.
  • Laying starts from the opposite side of the door. Laying options: diagonally, across and along.
  • When laying, each row is shifted by 40 cm; in this form, laying is more reliable. A gap of about 1 cm is left from the wall to the laminate.
  • The laminate is laid in a lock, so the process is fast. It is possible to lay insulation with electrical elements under the laminate.

This material is afraid of moisture, therefore waterproofing is very important, and it is desirable to insulate it from below.

plywood floor

This is a fairly simple version of the floor on the balcony. As always, the first step is to level the surface of the base with a screed, if fixed to a concrete base or a frame of painted logs.

  • Before laying plywood, a waterproofing device is made.
  • A lag is made on the base, then they are painted. In between they need to be insulated.
  • Then sheets of plywood are cut to the size of the floor. Cutting can be done with an electric jigsaw.
  • Laying plywood sheets on the crate is done with a small gap in order to avoid creaking.

Plywood can be an independent finishing layer or a base for carpet or linoleum

To obtain higher strength, plywood is arranged in several layers. Plywood can be an independent finishing layer or a base for carpet or linoleum.

Covering with ceramic tiles

There is another type of flooring on the balcony - ceramic tiles, it is easy to lay. Tiles on the floor should be rough or have a textured pattern, because wet gloss is slippery.

Laying tiles on the balcony floor is not difficult and you can handle it yourself

Laying tiles on the balcony floor is not difficult and you can do it yourself. For laying you will need: tile adhesive, spatula - comb, level and tile cutter or a grinder with a stone circle. The glue is stirred strictly according to the instructions on the package, and you need to start laying the tiles from the corner from the wall. Glue is applied to the concrete base with a comb, tiles must be laid on top and pressed down. The procedure is repeated for the next tile, and a special cross is inserted into the seam. In those places where the whole tile is not inserted, it is necessary to trim. To do this, the empty space is measured and transferred to the tile, then it is cut along the line with a grinder or a tile cutter.
After the tile has dried, you need to clean the seams and wipe.


It is not difficult to make a floor device on a balcony. In the case of making a decision on self-assembly, the first step is to choose the main type of material. It is on him that the complexity of the whole work depends. Different types of floors differ in technology and time spent on work.

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