Reveal the meaning of Stepanov’s statement “The dictionary of the language testifies (Gia in Russian). Preparation for the OGE (GIA) Stepanov language dictionary

landscaping 28.12.2023


“The dictionary of a language shows what people think about...”

"A nation that has lost its authenticity

will probably lose its historical language

and his own psychology, will tear

with your great works


S. Zalygin.

It is probably difficult to imagine how difficult the work of a lexicographer is for a person who does not have a linguistic education. Many philologists have been compiling dictionaries all their lives, until they are very old; some never managed to complete this global work. For example, Jacob Grimm died at his desk, working on a huge explanatory dictionary (it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for its large volume); he managed to fully describe words only for the first five letters of the alphabet (A - E), stopping at the letter “F" The work was completed by the students of the Brothers Grimm; in total, it lasted almost 100 years; the dictionary ended up in 33 volumes, which the famous brothers could hardly have guessed. The number of words in it was about 350 thousand.

In Rus', I think, only the Dalevsky dictionary can be correlated with the Grimm Dictionary. It was compiled in the mid-19th century (at the same time Grimm began working on the dictionary) and included about 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs. This work was awarded the Konstantinov Medal and the Lomonosov Prize; the author worked on it for about 50 years. Of course, the dictionary of a language testifies to the thoughts of people, great people, with a high level of education, since the dictionary includes normative literary vocabulary if the compilers do not set themselves other tasks to consider, for example, jargon. Dictionary A.S. Pushkin has more than 20 thousand words, and Ellochka had enough of thirty language units.

In our time, starting from the mid-20th century, S. Ozhegov’s dictionary, which was first published in 1949, is very popular. In the preface to its 4th edition, N. Shvedova writes: “Ozhegov was a linguist who had a great sense of the life of language and saw the trends in its development. During the author’s lifetime, 6 editions were published; after his death, N. Shvedova continued the work. In 1990, the dictionary was awarded the Pushkin Prize. The dictionary can be considered as a lexicographic description of the modern Russian language, which seeks to reflect the living processes occurring in our language in the last decades of the 20th century. The “Dictionary of the Russian Language”, created by Ozhegov, outlived its author for a long time. This book has served the Russian people and those who love and want to know their language for more than half a century.” How gifted do you need to be to “feel the life of language”? Feel like a subtle barometer, understand its slightest changes, and then reflect them in a global work - a dictionary of the language. Every sane person should love their native language and strive for its deep knowledge; this is a natural need, as is knowledge of examples of native literature; without this it is impossible to raise a patriot, a conscientious citizen.

Essay C2.1

The famous linguist G. Stepanov argued: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.” Let's try to understand the meaning of this aphorism.

This statement consists of two parts. Let's look at the first part. In my opinion, by the word “dictionary” G. Stepanov meant vocabulary, or the vocabulary of the language that people use in speech. Man needed words in order to give a name to everything that is in the world. This means they reflect people's thoughts. Figuratively speaking, language is a cast of our thinking. That is, “the vocabulary of a language shows what people think about.” For example, Using in the remarks of one of the girls (sentences 34, 35, 38) emotionally expressive vocabulary (“unfortunate coward”) and colloquial words (“pickney,” “we’ll arrange”), the author of the text emphasizes the rudeness and cruelty in the children’s thoughts, their insidious intentions .

Now let's look at the second part of the statement. To understand its meaning, you need to find out the meaning of the word “grammar”. Grammar is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules for constructing phrases and sentences. Knowledge of grammatical rules not only helps a person express his own thoughts correctly and clearly, but also reveals his inner world, state, and attitude towards others. Take, for example, sentences 19 and 20. Everyone knows that the word “please” is used if a person wants to win over his interlocutor, show him respect and politeness. But if we consider these sentences from the point of view of their construction, that is, grammar, we will see that this word is not part of the previous sentence, but is an independent syntactic construction. In this case, the author used a syntactic device such as parcellation to emphasize the hidden aggression of schoolchildren and their demanding tone. The use of the word “should” also helps with this (sentence No. 19).

Thus, the way a person thinks and speaks is his essence.

I agree with the statement of the famous linguist G. Stepanov that “the dictionary of a language shows what people think, and grammar shows how they think.”

The world around us is too complex and diverse, so we do not think about all things at once, but only keep a few problems in our heads. Therefore, by voicing our opinion, we show what is important in this world for us, what exactly we see around us, notice, what we are surprised by, what we admire, and what is completely unacceptable.
Thus, B. Vasiliev, telling his readers a story about collecting material for a school museum of war heroes, shows that for him the feelings and experiences of the characters are important in this story. This is what the vocabulary conveys: the epithets “undisguised distrust” (sentence No. 12), “defiant aggression” (sentence No. 24), the metaphor “taken out of the soul.”

The author himself worries about his heroes, sympathizes with the mother, whose soul has become “blind” and “deaf” due to the callousness of three teenagers, and his attitude to this whole story is manifested through the choice of grammatical constructions. Thus, the conversation between teenagers and an old woman does not represent a dialogue with questions and answers in the classical sense. Among the replicas there are only two interrogative sentences (No. 20, 24), but there are a lot of incentive sentences with verbs in the imperative mood - No. 26,31,32. Because of this, the atmosphere of the visit is perceived as unfriendly, in some ways even threatening.

Thus, thanks to the choice of vocabulary, the text revealed those facets of the situation that occupied the author’s thoughts at the time of writing his work, and the choice of grammatical forms reflected his attitude, that is, “how” he thought about it.

Language is a complex multi-level, but at the same time interconnected system. Thus, vocabulary (the vocabulary of a language) reflects a person’s idea of ​​the phenomena of reality, that is, his way of thinking. But how to express your thoughts in speech? Without knowledge of grammatical rules, it is impossible to create a coherent statement, that is, to construct a sentence or text. The connection between grammar and vocabulary is obvious. Let us explain this statement using specific examples from the text of B.L. Vasilyeva.

For example, in sentence 1 the author uses a word with the diminutive suffix “granny” (the lexical phenomenon is named). It expresses the affectionate attitude of Tanya’s granddaughter towards her grandmother (the role of the word in the text is explained). However, in the sentence the noun `granny` is also an address (a grammatical phenomenon is named). The writer used it in the form of the nominative case and highlighted it with a comma (the grammatical phenomenon was commented on and the main grammatical features of addresses were named). Thus, knowledge of grammar helped to understand to whom the girl was speaking (the role of the speech unit in the text was named).

So, the statement of G. Stepanov is fair: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.”

The famous linguist G. Stepanov argued: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.” Let's try to understand the meaning of this aphorism.

When we say “dictionary of a language,” we most likely mean vocabulary. Let's remember this concept. Vocabulary is a set of words, the vocabulary of a language. A particular person’s vocabulary (lexicon) characterizes how rich his speech is. By studying vocabulary, we become familiar with the lexical meaning of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and other vocabulary concepts.

Grammar studies the structure of language, its laws. It combines word formation, morphology and syntax. This is a very ancient science. It originated with the ancient Greeks, getting its name from the word gram, that is, letter. That is why in the old days every written document was called a letter, and a person who can read and write is still called literate.

A. M. Gorky, the great Russian writer, brilliantly mastered the Russian word and Russian speech. This can also be observed in an excerpt from the story “Childhood”. The writer's vocabulary is rich and surprisingly diverse. Let's pay attention to synonyms. These are the synonyms the author uses when talking about the grandmother’s manner of speaking: admiring the banks of the Volga, she spoke (sentence 9), told strange stories (sentence 15), and told fairy tales (sentence 16).

When analyzing the syntax of the text (and this, as we know, is part of the grammar), I paid special attention to comparative phrases (sentences 6. 7, 25, 29). These comparisons help not only to construct sentences beautifully and competently, they help to imagine the beauty of nature, a portrait of a grandmother.

It seems to me that expanding our vocabulary makes our speech richer and more diverse. We speak and think using words. It is no coincidence that G. Uspensky wrote: “If there are things in the world worthy of the name “miracle,” then the word is undoubtedly the first and most wonderful of them.” It is equally important to know grammar well: grammar disciplines our language and explains to us why we should speak this way and not otherwise. In addition, she teaches us how to write correctly. If without grammar you can still learn to speak somehow and express your thoughts orally, then without it you will certainly not learn to write. You will make big mistakes until you get old.

The famous linguist G. Stepanov states: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.” How can we understand this statement?

A “language dictionary” is vocabulary. All words have their own lexical meaning. With its help, a person conveys his thoughts to his interlocutor. But words also need a certain form, which serves to express grammatical meanings.

As an example, let’s take the compound nominal predicate “was focused” (sentence 40). The nominal part “concentrated” conveys the main lexical meaning: Anna Fedotovna was tense, “waiting for the creaking of the drawer being closed.” The linking verb “was” expresses grammatical meanings: indicative mood, past tense, singular, feminine.

We have seen that vocabulary and grammar really show what people think and how they think. (99 words)

Could it be a little simpler?

The famous linguist G. Stepanov wrote: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.”

How to understand words?

In my opinion, by the concept of “dictionary” G. Stepanov meant vocabulary. A person needs words to give a name to everything that is in the world. This means they show what a person is thinking about.

Grammar studies the rules of word production, parts of speech, sentences and phrases. It helps us connect any Russian words with each other in order to express any thought about any subject, it testifies to how people think.

The vocabulary of the text____________________ helps us understand his thoughts and attitude towards the characters in the story. In sentences No. we see (synonyms, antonyms, outdated words, colloquial vocabulary, etc. - choose the one you need).

Knowledge of grammatical rules helps a person to express his thoughts correctly and clearly, reveals his inner world, state, and attitude towards others. So, the introductory words in the sentences ____, _____, ____ tell us about…………………………….

Reflecting on the words of G. Stepanov, I realized that I need to expand my vocabulary and try to study grammar better. Then we will make fewer mistakes both in oral and written speech, and we will become truly cultured people.

Stepanova: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.”

When justifying your answer, give 1 example from the text you read, illustrating lexical and grammatical phenomena (2 examples in total). When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of G. Stepanov. The essay must be at least 70 words. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

(1) On a quiet autumn evening, young nature defenders Kolya, Vitya, Sergei, Vanya came to the teachers’ room. (2) “They arrived in a car... They were sawing an oak tree,” said Vanya, out of breath. (3) From the confused story the following became clear. (4) A few days ago, young conservationists noticed an oak tree in the forest, from which the bark had been removed at the bottom in a narrow, almost imperceptible strip. (5) The oak was drying up. (b) Then two more oak trees were killed in the same way (these are Kolya’s words). (7) This event excited all the guys. (8) It became clear: someone was mutilating the trees so that they would dry out: then it would be easier to cut them down and take them out. (9) The boys solemnly vowed to find the criminals at all costs. (10) And today, in broad daylight, a car arrived in the forest. (11) Two began to saw the oak, and the third, obviously, went somewhere. (12) The boys were stunned: among those who destroyed the trees, they recognized the man in charge of the livestock farm. (13) More than once they heard beautiful words from him about patriotism and civic duty. (14) What is this? (15) How can we trust this person now? (16) The poachers, not having finished cutting the first tree, put down their saw and axes, went into the clearing and sat down to have lunch. (17) The third one came - the driver, who was walking somewhere. (18) All three began to drink and eat. (19) Then they lay down on the grass and probably fell asleep. (20) The boys quietly left their hiding place. (21) They took a saw, axes, and found a rope in the back of the car. (22) They tied it all up, threw it into a ravine, and also covered it with earth. (23) And on the back of the car they wrote: “Thieves.” (24) Having punished the criminals in their own way, the boys were now afraid that they would be accused of pranks or even hooliganism. (25) In their eyes I saw sparks of indignation at evil and at the same time uncertainty. (26) The boys seemed to be asking: (27) “Did we do the right thing?” (28) Barely containing a feeling of joy, I said: (29) “Well done, guys! (ZO) Always when you see a crime, deception, hypocrisy, do as your conscience prompts and orders. (31) She will never betray. (32) Be real fighters for the truth. (33) Criminals will be punished. (34) In addition, they will plant ten trees with their own hands for each one destroyed and will take care of them for several years.” (35) Encouraged by my praise, the boys gave me the key to the car: it was easy to detain the criminals... (36) The boys, of course, did as their conscience ordered, and conscience is a feeling multiplied by the awareness of rightness. (37) There was no doubt that this act would leave a mark on our hearts for the rest of our lives.

Theme description: The linguist G. Stepanov once said affirmatively: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.”

And now the task:
Write an essay on “Your opinion on the statement”, and take the following as an example:

Let's talk about speech culture

Today there is a popular statement by philologist Georgy Stepanov: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.” This statement refers to the culture of speech and the culture of thinking. How people evaluate this or that event and how they describe it characterizes them as individuals. By what they think and how they express it, we see their level of education, habits of thinking and speaking. Here we can also draw a parallel with this formulation: it is important not only what you do, but also how you do it.

Let's look at Stepanov's statement in parts. The dictionary of a language is a vocabulary; each person has his own dictionary of the most frequently used words. One, for example, says “dog,” another says “dog,” even if we are talking about a huge dog, and the third more often uses the expression “man’s four-legged friend.” People with different levels of culture and different habits will describe the same event in different ways. One person will say this: “Our company had a lot of fun and danced at the disco.” But the option is also possible: “Our party had a great time shaking and twitching on the disk.”

Do I need to explain that in one sentence we can notice a very big difference between these people. It happens that the same person in different environments can use the first option or the second. This is how he adapts to the listener, tries to be understood and accepted as a person of this particular category.

But, in addition to vocabulary, there is also grammar - the rules for using words in speech. There are people who never learned to speak in sentences. They speak in phrases. They would talk about the disco like this: “Well, it’s... the guys and I... there was a disco... we had a great party...” When you just need to tell what happened, such people get lost. They say: “They are at a loss for words.”

It's never too late to develop your speech. To do this, you need to read and talk more, while watching what and how you say.

Essay-reasoning based on the text by V. Rasputin, revealing the statement of G. V. Stepanov “The vocabulary of a language shows what people think, but the grammar shows how they think.”

(1) The hut was left an orphan; Agafya had no heirs.

(2) So she stood there lifeless - no smoke, no light, with the windows tightly closed, numb, careless, cold, mournful. (3) Snow covered it from below and above, only the shutters and it turned black, buried in a bag*. (4) People took their eyes off her and, avoiding unnecessary thoughts, hurried to pass by. (5) The cold sun walked over it, snowstorms howled, timber trucks roared along the street, the voices of children returning from school sounded - Agafya’s hut could not respond to anything, it died without a grave, bringing heavy melancholy to the living. (b) The neighboring huts involuntarily pushed away from it, the path along the alley, found in the snow, made a shy lapel.

(7) Where there is life, spring comes earlier. (8) Drops were already running in full force, streams were gurgling through the streets, the ditch in the alley was already sighing languidly and impatiently with the settling snow, and Agafia’s hut was still numb in the same frozen immobility. (9) It even stopped looking like a hut - like a building that stuck out in front of the eyes, out of place, burdened with itself, causing awkwardness.

(10) Then someone thought of opening the shutters. (11) All that was needed was to give light to the windows. (12) And the hut began to breathe, woke up, became all tense, turned up its small blinded eyes to the sun, began to cry, accepting the warmth, and in two days threw off its mortal appearance.

Essay 1

G.V. Stepanov writes: “The dictionary of a language shows what people think about, and grammar shows how they think.” There are a lot of words in the Russian language. It is probably one of the richest languages ​​in the world. Every person should have a large vocabulary.

For example, in the text Rasputin uses a variety of vocabulary, including the dialectal word “sumyot”. Using homogeneous adjectives in sentence N°2, the author describes a hut left without owners. Thus, the writer managed to show a Russian village and a hut left without owners. (75 words)

Essay 2

The statement of G.V. Stepanov can be explained as follows: words name various objects, signs or actions, but only in a sentence or in a text can a complete thought be expressed.

Confirmation of my understanding of the quote can be found in the text by V. Rasputin. For example, using words from one thematic group (“winter”, “blizzard”, “snow”) the writer creates an image of winter.

In sentence 12, with the help of homogeneous predicates and personification, the author shows how the hut “comes back to life” after a winter spent without its mistress.

Thus, vocabulary and grammar allow the writer to create artistic images and convey his thoughts to the reader. (82 words)

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