Easy crafts from newspapers. DIY crafts from newspaper tubes

landscaping 14.10.2023

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a very popular activity, and this is not surprising: something had to replace traditional weaving from wicker. made from paper, they turn out no worse, and most importantly, weaving from tubes is accessible to both adults and children - you just need to prepare more material. This is what we will do today: we present a master class for beginners on making newspaper tubes.

Materials and tools

Paper. Let's go to the paper vine harvesting! What is the best material to make tubes for weaving from? First of all, from old newspapers. Newsprint paper is thin, curls well, and absorbs paint well. Low density A4 paper (60-65 g/m2) is also suitable. It is called “newspaper” or “consumer”, “writing”.

In addition, magazines, old notebooks, cash register tape, etc. can be used to make straws.

How to cut paper
Paper is a fibrous material, and, like fabric, it has a longitudinal and transverse direction of fibers. Typically, small-format newspapers (57x40 cm) have fibers along the long side, and large-format newspapers (84x57 cm) have fibers along the short side. In A4 paper, the fibers often run along the long side, but sometimes you come across paper cut crosswise by manufacturers. Before cutting the entire pack into strips, check the curl of the material on one of the sheets. Place the sheet on a damp surface - it will begin to roll itself into a roll in the longitudinal direction. This is the direction you need to cut.

Glue. To work with newspaper tubes, you can choose any glue suitable for paper. For example, PVA or glue stick. It is important that it has good fixing properties, otherwise your tubes may unwind during painting.

Density also matters. If the glue is too liquid, the tubes will get wet during extension.

Wood stains water-based paints will help paint paper tubes in the colors of pine, maple, oak, rosewood and even ebony wood. You can find about two dozen shades on sale. There is a powdered stain that is diluted with water before use.

A mixture of construction primer and color also very suitable for coloring tubes. Before work, be sure to dilute the primer with water, as indicated in the instructions on the bottle. Keep in mind that paper is a highly absorbent surface.

How else to color the tubes
To give the tubes the desired color, you can use wool, fabric, printer dyes, food coloring, a hot decoction of onion peels, brilliant green and potassium permanganate.

Varnish. To make your work durable and not afraid of dampness, it needs to be varnished. Any wood varnish will do, but indoors it is best to use acrylic. It is odorless, after application it dries quickly and becomes transparent, forming a protective film.

Knitting needles and skewers. To twist paper strips into tubes, you will need knitting needles of different diameters - from 1.5 to 4.5 mm - or wooden skewers for kebab. Tubes twisted on a thin knitting needle look most like a vine. They are dense and almost do not wrinkle during weaving. And on a thick knitting needle you get tubes that are easy to flatten. And if they are twisted from very thin paper, then they can be woven like straw.

Scissors or knife. You will need one of these tools to cut newspapers into strips. But twisted tubes are best cut with pliers.

Spray needed to moisten dry tubes: sprinkle them with water and put them in a plastic bag. They will become flexible and obedient again. The spray bottle can also be used to apply paint to crafts.

Brushes used for painting finished crafts and - sometimes - tubes. You will need wide and thin brushes.

Clothespins fix the tubes, prevent the weaving from unraveling and facilitate gluing of parts.

Shilom They make holes, move the rows of weaving apart, and drag tubes between them.

Making newspaper tubes

  1. Cut the newspaper along the long side into several pieces. The two stripes at the edges are the most valuable; they make white tubes. Center stripes will also come into play. Tubes with letters look good when woven and emphasize the unusual nature of the material.

  1. It is best to twist the tubes on a table with a rough surface. Place a knitting needle on one side of the paper strip at an angle of approximately 30°. If there is a limiter on the knitting needle, it should be located behind the table surface.

  1. Fold the corner of the newspaper at the same angle and press firmly.

  1. With your right hand, turn the knitting needle, gradually twisting the tube; with your left hand, hold the newspaper.

  1. Place a little glue on the corner of the strip, roll it up to the end and let the glue set.

  1. Take out the knitting needle. Since we started twisting the strip from the text side, the tube turned out white.

The width of the paper strips depends on what kind of product you have in mind. If you decide to weave something large, then the width of the strip should be 8-10 cm. For a small craft, 6-7 cm is enough. The narrower the strip, the thinner the knitting needle should be. Strips 10 cm wide are best wound on a knitting needle with a diameter of 2.5 mm. For a strip 6 cm wide, a knitting needle with a diameter of 1.5 mm is suitable.

Tube extension

If you twisted the tube correctly, it will be slightly wider on one side than on the other. In this case, to build up one tube you just need to insert 1.5-2 cm into the other.

If the ends of the tubes turn out to be the same, then to extend them, fold one end into a “corner” or cut it at an acute angle.

To make the connection strong and reliable, use glue.


It is convenient to paint newspaper tubes in a tray with a small amount of liquid or dip several pieces at a time into a wide-necked bottle. You can paint with a wide brush on a surface previously covered with oilcloth, slightly twisting the tubes. It is best to dry them on a wire rack or stacked in a woodpile.

If you want to paint the finished craft, do it first with a wide brush and then with a thin one, carefully covering the cracks. You can also give the work the desired color using a spray bottle or by immersing it in a container with a coloring agent and slowly turning it.

Next time we will weave the first figures from newspaper tubes.

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My arms are suspended while weaving, so my back gets tired quickly. You have to rest often. But what pleasure I get from the crystal ringing of bobbins! Do-it-yourself newspaper tubes for weaving: master class.

Almost all of us have unnecessary newspapers and various magazines and other printed paper products. Many people try, of course, to get rid of all this, but they shouldn’t do this.

The fact is that you can make a variety of crafts with your own hands from old newspapers, and you can make various things that are necessary in the house or well decorate the interior of your room.

Newspaper is very easy to process and you don’t need to make any Herculean efforts to make something useful. Therefore, to make crafts from newspapers with your own hands, you can involve children as assistants, who will have a great desire and interest in doing something interesting and useful.

At the moment, one of the most interesting and popular areas of DIY newspaper crafts is considered to be weaving crafts from newspaper tubes.

It should be noted that this task is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Here you need to clearly understand all the subtleties and nuances of weaving, and if you study all this well, you can do a lot of different and fun things that will appeal to both children and adults.

So, for example, you can make a variety of decorative boxes, caskets, baskets, vases and decorative saucers, in general, for anything that your imagination allows.

This article also presents many bright and colorful photos of crafts made from newspaper tubes.

However, before starting the creative process, it is necessary to prepare the source material from which the weaving process will begin.

How to make a vine from newspaper?

Many wicker elements can be combined very well with the interior of almost any room, so most owners of country or private houses would be especially happy to decorate their premises in this style.

However, the vine that is used for weaving can cost significant financial costs, but in this case you can turn your attention to cheaper and more accessible material - these are ordinary old newspapers, from which you can make wicker crafts, while the cost of the outlay will be minimal.

So, before you start, you need to make a large number of blanks, from which some interesting craft will be made later. Therefore, first the newspaper must be cut crosswise into strips of the same size, after which we take a knitting needle and wind a newspaper strip onto it, resulting in a thin and beautiful tube, and so on until a large number of blanks are collected.

Souvenir basket made from newspaper

One of the most basic crafts made from newspaper tubes is a rectangular or square basket. This design is not particularly difficult; almost anyone can do it.

To make this product you will have to use a rectangular or square piece of cardboard, you will also need glue and scissors.

So, several tubes need to be glued onto the prepared cardboard form, and the distance between them should not exceed more than 2 cm.

Next, you need to bend each tube upward at the edge of the cardboard, but you need to do this so that the cardboard form is at the bottom and the tubes protrude upward. After which the base of the frame is ready and you can start weaving.

The weaving itself looks like this: from the very bottom horizontally we install the workpiece between the vertical elements and so on until the very top. If the tube runs out, then a new tube is put on its tip, pre-lubricated with glue, and we continue the weaving process further.


Upon reaching the required height, everything that is unnecessary needs to be firmly fastened somewhere, and glued somewhere well. For a longer service life of the product, it is coated with a special varnish.

Thus, from ordinary newspaper tubes you can make a rather interesting and beautiful basket, which will certainly be useful in the house.

At the same time, when you gain experience and skills in the weaving process, you can make new crafts from newspaper tubes, more complex and simple in shape.

In this case, you can use tubes to make almost any thing that may be needed in the house, for example, a wall shelf for storing small and light items or souvenirs.

Children's crafts

A very fun and exciting activity with paper can also be found for kids. In this case, we will talk about an interesting style of working with paper like papier-mâché.

This activity will not leave any child indifferent, and the child will learn certain subtleties of working with paper, scissors and glue. And most importantly, the child will like it and it will be educational.


So, first you need to take the main element when creating paper crafts, this is a plate that will be the basis of the future product.

The plate itself is pre-lubricated with Vaseline, then small pieces of a white napkin soaked in water are placed on it; this process must be done until the napkin covers the entire plate, only after that it is recommended to use newspaper.

The newspaper also needs to be torn into small pieces with a diameter of 3-4 cm, but no more.

All pieces of newspaper soaked in water must be placed on the top layer of a napkin; this operation must be done in several layers; it is recommended to carry out no more than 7 layers.

After each layer, it is necessary to smooth the entire surface with a brush to evenly distribute the newspaper pieces. The last layer is applied with a white napkin, after which everything must be smoothed and leveled again with a brush, and only then the product must be left to dry for one or two days.


After complete drying, the product can be removed from the mold. It is clear that during the process there could be unevenness along the edges, but this can be carefully corrected with scissors.

And the finished product can be painted in different colors, or some kind of design can be applied, and finally a thin layer of transparent varnish can be applied to the finished papier-mâché style plate.

As a result, you will get an interesting and original do-it-yourself craft made from newspapers, which can be installed in the most visible place.

Picture from magazines

Almost every home has old illustrated magazines; some people get rid of them by throwing them in the trash, while others store them and take them to a waste paper collection point.

But you shouldn’t rush into this, as you can make paper crafts from such magazines. In this case, the only thing that may be required is to cut out various pictures from a magazine and paste them on a piece of paper, resulting in a simple picture that is filled with a certain meaning.

Photos of crafts made from newspaper tubes

In skillful hands, even an ordinary newspaper can turn into incredible, astounding masterpieces of art. Many noteworthy examples of this can be found in this section. Most of the publications collected in it are devoted to the creative technique of weaving from newspaper tubes. Large and small baskets, flowerpots, boxes and chests; original crafts “Lighthouse”, “Antique Bicycle”, “Windmill”, “Baby Stroller”, “New Year Tree” and much more presented here can only be recognized upon close examination as made from newspapers. In addition to voluminous crafts, on the pages of this section you can easily find interesting materials about creating applications and panels from old newspapers and magazines.

Log cabins, realistic sandals and much more from simple newspapers!

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All sections | Newspaper. Crafts from newspapers

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Surely, many of us have old magazines that have already been read and re-read more than once, but we don’t dare throw them away. Almost everyone subscribes to newspapers, which then turn into huge piles of waste paper.

And, of course, we all dig free flyers out of our mailboxes. Don’t rush to get rid of this “wealth”: you will still need it. Look at what unusual and, most importantly, beautiful decor you can make from unwanted newspapers and magazines with your own hands. These cheerful and fun DIY magazine crafts are sure to brighten up your home. Let's figure out what you can make from magazines with your own hands.

What is needed for this?

What is attractive about this method of decoration? Firstly, it’s easy to implement: you don’t need any special skills, just give in to your imagination. Secondly, it does not take up much space or time. Thirdly, you can involve the whole family in such a fun handicraft and have a fun and exciting time. So, here's what you'll definitely need:


PVA glue and glue stick;

Ruler, pencil;

A thin bamboo stick or knitting needle (we will wind paper tubes on it);

The surface you are going to decorate.

You've probably noticed that the decor from old newspapers and magazines is based on the use of identical blanks - newspaper and magazine tubes and strips rolled up like a snail. By varying them in size and color, you can create interesting compositions and transform ordinary or already boring things - photo frames, mirrors, wall clocks, vases, floor lamps, candlesticks and all kinds of boxes for storing a thousand and one little things. In this original way you can decorate gift wrapping or make a wall panel. So, let's learn how to make these blanks.

Newspaper and magazine tubes

1. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half, smooth the folded area well with scissors.

2. Place a bamboo stick or knitting needle diagonally (the size of your future workpiece depends on its diameter) and begin to carefully and tightly wind the tube. After several layers, coat the remaining sheet with glue. It should not be too liquid (it is better to use a glue stick). After you get a tube of the diameter you need, carefully remove the stick.

3. Done! Now all that remains is to dry it and create masterpieces .

You can use these newspaper tubes in their original rounded form. Cut them into pieces of the length you need and glue them end to end. Don't skimp on the glue, they should stick well. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can use double-sided tape.

On a note: In order to secure the magazine tubes in a “herringbone” pattern, it is not at all necessary to cut them, you can simply bend them carefully, as shown in the photo.

“Flattened” tubes look no less beautiful. If you “flatten” them a little, you get a very interesting shape that it’s simply a shame not to play with (see photo). In this case, you cut short pieces and glue them where the cut is. .

It will be effective if you squeeze these tubes tightly and cut the resulting strips into small pieces. There is no need to glue them end to end (see photo).

Newspaper and magazine snails

1. Take a sheet 8 times wider than the intended strip. Fold it in half the same way, then bend the edges towards the middle and fold it in half again. Smooth each fold well so that your stripe is as thin and neat as possible.

2. Now we twist the “snail”. To do this, start winding the strip on a bamboo stick or knitting needle (you can also take a pencil or felt-tip pen, then you will get magazine “rings”). Don’t forget to coat the inside of the strip with glue so that the “snail” does not spread.

3. After you have received the workpiece of the required size, cut off the rest of the strip and let the “snail” dry .

Both blanks of the same size or color, as well as different ones, look beautiful in the decor. Turn on your imagination! By the way, the strips do not have to be twisted; they can be used just like that, wound in a spiral onto a cylindrical surface, for example, a vase, round box or candlestick. If desired, the finished composition can be painted or coated with a layer of varnish. And a few more words about the background. It can be just a white surface or a surface covered with magazine or newspaper pages.

Unusual panel made from magazine strips

And finally, another very interesting and simple DIY panel idea. In this case, there is no need to twist the tubes or snails, just cut thin strips (you can use both color pages and black and white). You will need a frame with a mat, preferably under glass, and two sheets of cardboard. On white cardboard the size of your frame, glue magazine strips at a short distance from each other. From the second sheet (it’s better to take cardboard with an interesting texture) create a stencil. Now place the stencil on the striped background, secure it and under the frame. If it allows, it is better to place a sealant between the sheets of cardboard, then the picture will turn out three-dimensional .

It is unlikely that anyone will be left indifferent to homemade interior items decorated in such a simple but very effective way. In addition, this is a great opportunity for creative self-expression and relaxation. Create beauty with your own hands with pleasure!

Sourcesphoto: www.craftstylish.com, papercreative.ru, biovi.ru, stranamasterov.ru.

I was faced with the question of how to make tubes from newspapers in such a way that they would not break during weaving and would lend themselves well to painting. I took a break from dozens of sites, I decided to try it in my own practice, I am now sharing the result in this master class.

Materials for making tubes:

  • A2 newspaper
  • Stationery knife
  • PVA glue

How to make tubes from newspapers:

1. First you need to cut the newspaper strips to the desired size.

2. For this you will need a stationery knife. They are very convenient and quick to cut. First, cut the newspaper in the center to get two sheets of AZ size.

3. Then we fold these halves in half again and cut them again with a stationery knife.

4. You can do this not only one sheet at a time, but also in a stack at once.

5. Now take a knitting needle or wooden skewer and begin to wind the newspaper strip at an angle of 45 degrees.

Moreover, it is best to twist it so that the empty newspaper strip is on the right and when folded, it covers all the newspaper inscriptions. This way you will get white tubes, without unnecessary printed letters, and it will be easier to paint them in a uniform color, without letters showing through. But you can’t do without them completely, because the inside of the newspapers does not have enough white stripe to cover the inscriptions. If you want to get white tubes, then you can use only the outermost strips of newspaper with a sufficient white margin along the edge. Or buy A3 newspaper writing paper.

6. Roll up the newspaper tube quite tightly.

7. Apply a little PVA glue to the tip of the newspaper

8. And screw it all the way. Remove the skewer or knitting needle.

9. You will get a tube like this.

10. It should be noted that when twisted correctly, one side of the tube is slightly thicker than the other. This is necessary so that they can be easily built up with each other, inserting one into the other.

11. Initially, before weaving, the tubes can be extended. This will make it easier to weave. To do this, you need to drop a drop of PVA into a hole with a larger diameter and insert a tube with a smaller diameter into it.

12. After extensions, so that the tubes do not break, I crush them with a rolling pin, several at a time

13. Or hands one at a time.

14. You will get such elongated tubes from which you can weave. Or you can first paint them with water-based acrylic paints or stain.

Initially painted tubes have some advantage: you can easily change colors immediately during weaving and the basket looks more neat, without white gaps. But first, it’s better to try a simpler method: first weave and then dye.

The first thing you can try to do after making tubes from newspapers is to weave an ordinary small basket with a simple type of weaving.

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