Presentation on the theme of Ostrovsky's snow maiden. Poetic fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

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    A.N. Ostrovsky is a wonderful Russian playwright, the creator of 47 plays that still do not leave the stage of many theaters. Among them, one of the most popular is the Snow Maiden. The playwright worked on the creation of the play in the spring of 1873, and immediately after the completion of the work, it was staged. In 1900, at least four productions of the play took place. But the play had real success only on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.

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    Lesson topic: Heroes of the fairy tale play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". Folklore basis of the work.

    Goals and objectives: to know the features of the dramatic kind of literature, fairy tales as a genre of literature; identify the folklore sources of the play; reveal the features of the conflict of the play.

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    Fairy tale as a genre of literature.

    The fairy tale is one of the most popular and beloved genres in the folklore and literature of all the peoples of the world. The fairy tale is not only a poetic fiction or fantasy game; through the content, language, plots and images, it reflects the main cultural values ​​of the people who created it. The fairy tale reflects the worldview of the people at different stages of its development. In addition to declaring values, a fairy tale still claims to be a lesson, however, unlike simply stated morality (as sometimes happens when angry adults scold children), a fairy tale narrative always provides a rationale for why this should or should not be done (that is, it contains a ban on any or the actions of the characters), and what these actions may ultimately lead to. Fairy tales are folk and literary.

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    "Snegurochka" and Russian literary fairy tale.

    The genre of a literary fairy tale in Russian art was very popular, it was reflected in the work of V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, P.P. Ershov. However, unlike his brilliant predecessors, Ostrovsky created a fairy tale-drama.

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    Folklore sources "Snow Maiden".

    Folklore - 1. Folk art. 2. The totality of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life. The source of Ostrovsky's fairy tale was "Russian folk tales" by A.N. Afanasyev (1826-1871), as well as his works on Russian mythology ("Poetic views of the Slavs on nature") Take the test

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    Problem questions.

    What in the views of the Snow Maiden and her behavior corresponds to the name of the daughter of Spring and Frost? What kind of conflict is indicated already in the prologue?

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    Features of the play's conflict.

    In Ostrovsky's play, there are two main, independent, but united conflicts. The first is the collision of opposite natural phenomena - Cold and Heat, Frost and Yarila. The second is the own structure of the kingdom of the Berendeys.

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    "Snegurochka" and the Russian National Theater

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    Rimsky-Korsakov. The Snow Maiden opera.

    Understanding the beauty of the play did not come to the composer immediately. The kingdom of the Berendeys seemed strange to him. “In the winter of 1879-1880, I again read The Snow Maiden and it was as if I saw the light of her amazing beauty.” Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera in just two and a half months in the summer of 1880.

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    V.M.Vasnetsov. Illustrations for the spring fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".

    V.M. Vasnetsov said: “And this poem “The Snow Maiden” is the best there is. Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet.” V.M. Vasnetsov, close in spirit to Ostrovsky’s creativity, defined a task characteristic of the artists of the 1870-1880s: “... with the perfection and completeness possible for us, we will depict and express the beauty, power and meaning of our native images - our Russian nature and man ...”

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    The Kingdom of the Berendeys and Tsar Berendey in the play.

    Ostrovsky refers the action of the play to "prehistoric times". Here, disregard for the traditions and laws of society is perceived as the gravest crime and severely punished. In the image of Tsar Berendey, the author's ideals of a wise ruler were embodied.

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    The presentation “A.N. Ostrovsky. “The Snow Maiden” (Introductory lesson. 10th grade) ”of the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Anninsky secondary school No. 1 Konovalova N.I. from the repository of methodological materials of the Voronezh Regional Center for Distance Education. Back to the project

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A.N. Ostrovsky and his work in these materials are presented by presentations, textual and visual materials using video, musical design, using Internet resources and individual fragments from the Forum of the winners of the NP "Education".



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Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

In 1873, A.N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasiev's ideas, wrote the play The Snow Maiden.

"Snow Maiden" The work "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the world, love, nature, youth. The work is based on folk tales, songs, traditions and legends. Ostrovsky only connected fairy tales, legends and songs together and gave folk art a very peculiar flavor. In "The Snow Maiden" the main place is occupied by human relations. At first glance, the plot looks absolutely fantastic. But then it turns out that living human characters are visible in this phantasmagoria.

The action takes place in a fabulous place - the kingdom of Berendey. Describing the laws of this country, Ostrovsky seems to draw his own ideal of social order. In the kingdom of Berendey, people live according to the laws of conscience and honor, trying not to provoke the wrath of the gods. Beauty is very important here. The beauty of the surrounding world, the beauty of girls, flowers, songs are valued. It is no coincidence that the singer of love Lel is so popular. He, as it were, personifies youth, ardor, ardor.

King Berendey himself symbolizes folk wisdom. He has lived a lot in the world, so he knows a lot. The tsar worries about his people, it seems to him that something unkind appears in the hearts of people. Berendey is not worried about money and power. He cares about the hearts and souls of his subjects. Drawing the king in this way, Ostrovsky wants to show the ideal picture of a fairy-tale society. Only in a fairy tale can people be so kind, noble and honest. And this intention of the writer in depicting the fabulous ideal reality warms the soul of the reader, makes one think about the beautiful and the sublime.

In the kingdom, simple but wonderful relations have been formed between people for a long time. The deceived girl Kupava first of all turns to the protector king with a request to punish the culprit of her grief. And having learned all the details from Kupava and those around him, the king delivers his verdict: the guilty must be punished. He orders to drive Mizgir out of sight. It is in exile that the Berendeys see the most terrible punishment for a guilty person. Honest people, worthy of the death penalty His wine; but in our code of the Bloody there are no laws; May the gods Execute him according to the measure of his crime, And we, by the people's court, condemn Mizgir To eternal exile.

The figure of the Snow Maiden is remarkable. She is completely different from everyone around. The Snow Maiden is a fairy-tale character. She is the daughter of Frost and Spring. That is why the Snow Maiden is a very controversial creature. In her heart, the cold is the legacy of her father, the harsh and gloomy Frost. For a long time, the Snow Maiden lives in the wilderness of the forest, and her terem is diligently guarded by a stern father. But, as it turned out, the Snow Maiden looks like not only her father, but also her mother, the beautiful and kind Spring. That is why she is tired of living alone, locked up. She wants to see real human life, to know all its beauty, to take part in girlish amusements, to listen to the wonderful songs of the shepherd Lel. “Without songs, life is not joyful.” In the way the Snow Maiden describes human life, one can see her genuine admiration for human joys. The cold heart of a fabulous girl does not yet know love and human feelings, but nevertheless she is already attracted, attracted by the bewitching world of people. The girl realizes that she can no longer remain in the realm of ice and snow. She wants to find happiness, and perhaps this, in her opinion, is only in the kingdom of the Berendeys.

The shepherd Lel rejects the Snow Maiden, and she decides to beg her mother for ardent love. One that burns the human heart, makes you forget about everything in the world: The Snow Maiden was deceived, offended, killed. Oh mother, Spring-Red! I run to you with a complaint and a request: I ask for love, I want to love. Give the Snow Maiden a girl's heart, mom! Give me love or take my life!

Spring gives her daughter a feeling of love, but this gift can be disastrous for the Snow Maiden. Spring is tormented by heavy forebodings, because the Snow Maiden is her daughter. Love is tragic for the heroine.

The Snow Maiden in love becomes surprisingly touching. A whole world opens up for her, completely unknown to her before. Now she understands all those who experience love yearning. She answers Mizgir with her consent to become his wife. But Mizgir is not able to give up his intention to appear before all the Berendeys with his bride, considering the beauty's fears a whim. The first bright rays of the sun kill the Snow Maiden.

Mizgir cannot put up with the death of his beloved, so he throws himself from a high mountain. But the death of the Snow Maiden seems to be something natural to the Berendeys. The Snow Maiden was alien to the warmth of the soul, so it was difficult for her to find her happiness among people.

Literary and aesthetic principles in A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "The Snow Maiden", remaining common to all the work of the playwright, acquire a unique originality in the "spring tale", which made it possible to combine in the work the solution of the most important psychological problems of the time with the entertainment of a fairy-tale work.

One of the original features of the artistic method of The Snow Maiden is the combination of pictures of real life with a fairy tale and fantasy, the poetry of nature with the dramaturgy of eternal human feelings and passions. In creating characters, the playwright boldly combines romantic and realistic techniques. Thanks to this special character of character typification, Ostrovsky not only achieves the reality and concreteness of the images of fairy-tale characters, but also translates the fairy-tale conflict into a psychological plane, which allowed the playwright to raise the question of a person’s moral ideas. Thus, in "The Snow Maiden" the same conflict turns out to be central as in Ostrovsky's everyday plays, only it is resolved not in a concrete everyday, but in a generalized symbolic plan.

In accordance with his ideas about artistry, wishing to give the Russian theater an ideological, moral, highly artistic festive repertoire, Ostrovsky creates a new unique genre - the "spring tale", which combines elements of already known genres - the fantastic extravaganza, the symbolism of the "play-mask", irony comedy, entertainment and at the same time the deep content of a folk tale.

A.N. Ostrovsky's appeal to the fairy tale genre is not accidental. The playwright does not simply retell the fairy tale, but, deeply processing fairy-tale material, involving other genres of oral folk art (ritual poetry, folk song, tradition), subordinates the fairy tale to the solution of topical problems.

"The Snow Maiden" is a poetic picture of the inner world of A.N. Ostrovsky and the world of his heroes in a subjective-lyrical refraction. In the "spring tale" Ostrovsky's aesthetic ideal appeared directly and openly in the form of the creation of the Berendey kingdom. The fairy-tale nature of the play, the lack of political specificity and proximity to folk utopian legends, fairy tales, unlike many utopias, characterized by a high degree of theorizing and providing a concrete solution to the problems of the political and social structure of an ideal country, allow us to speak about the expression in The Snow Maiden of the playwright's aesthetic ideal.

The presentation was made by Klyuchnikova T. and Peskov G. Selection of information Mishina Yu., Peskov G., Klyuchnikova T. The project is defended by Kruglova M. and Abramov I.

The poetic fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" stands apart
among a number of other works
Ostrovsky. In other plays, Ostrovsky draws
gloomy pictures of the merchant environment, criticizes
harsh morals and shows all the tragedy of a lonely
soul forced to exist in conditions
"dark realm"

The work "Snow Maiden" is
an amazing story that
showing the beauty of the world
love, nature, youth.
The work is based on folk
fairy tales, songs, traditions and legends.
Ostrovsky only connected fairy tales,
legends and songs put together and imparted
folk art is very
kind of color. AT
"Snegurochka" the main place is occupied by
human relations. For the first
look, the plot looks perfect
fantastic. But then it turns out
what's in this fantasy
looking at living human

The action takes place in a fabulous place
- the kingdom of Berendey. Describing laws
this country, Ostrovsky seems to draw
his ideal of social order.
In the kingdom of Berendey, people live along
laws of conscience and honor, try not to
provoke the wrath of the gods. Here is a very large
value is given to beauty. Appreciated
beauty of the world, beauty
girls, flowers, songs.

King Berendey himself symbolizes folk wisdom. He lived in the world
a lot, so he knows a lot. The king worries about his people, he
it seems that something unkind appears in the hearts of people:
In the hearts of people I noticed I will cool
Considerable; fervor of love
I haven't seen Berendey for a long time.
The service to beauty has disappeared in them;
I do not see the eyes of youth,
Moistened with bewitching passion;
I don't see thoughtful maidens, deep
Sighing. On eyes with a veil
There is no sublime longing for love,
And see completely different passions:
Vanity, envy of other people's outfits
And so on.

What values ​​does Tsar Berendey think about?
He is not worried about money and power. He
takes care of their hearts and souls
subjects. Drawing the king just like that,
Ostrovsky wants to show the ideal
picture of a fairy tale society. Only in
fairy tale people can be so kind
noble and honest. And that's the intention
writer in the image of a fairy tale
ideal reality warms the soul
reader, makes you think about
beautiful and sublime.

Indeed, the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" is read with enthusiasm
at any age. And after reading it, the thought arises
about the value of such human qualities as spiritual
beauty, fidelity and love. Ostrovsky in many of his
works speaks of love.
But in "The Snow Maiden" the conversation is carried on completely
in a special way. In the form of a fairy tale
the reader is presented with great truths about
the enduring value of love.

The ideal kingdom of the Berendeys lives so happily precisely because
that appreciates love. That's why the gods are so merciful to
Berendei. And it's worth breaking the law, offending a great feeling
love for something terrible to happen.
I've been living for a long time, and the old order
Quite well known to me. Berendey,
Beloved by the gods, lived honestly.
Without fear, we entrusted the daughter to the guy,
A wreath for us is a guarantee of their love
And faithful to death. And never
The wreath was not desecrated by treason,
And the girls did not know deceit,
They did not know resentment.

It is no coincidence that Mizgir's betrayal of Kupava was so painful
in everyone around. Everyone took the bad
guy's behavior as a personal insult:
... Everyone is offended,
Offense to all Berendeyka girls!

In the realm between people for a long time
a simple but wonderful relationship develops.
The deceived girl Kupava first of all refers to
protector king with a request to punish the culprit of her
grief. And having learned all the details from Kupava and
surrounding, the king issues his verdict: guilty
should be punished. What punishment does the king choose?
He orders to drive Mizgir out of sight. Exactly at
exile see berendey the worst punishment
for the wrong person.
There are no bloody laws in the kingdom. This could be
only in a fairy tale created by the imagination
writer. And this humanity makes the kingdom of the Berendeys
even more beautiful and pure.

The figure of the Snow Maiden is remarkable. She is completely
not like everyone around. Snow Maiden - fabulous
character. She is the daughter of Frost and Spring.
That is why the Snow Maiden is a very
contradictory. In her heart the cold is her legacy
father, severe and gloomy Frost. Long time
The Snow Maiden lives in the wilderness of the forest, and her tower
diligently guarded by a stern father. But as it turned out
The Snow Maiden looks not only like her father, but also like
mother, beautiful and kind Spring. That's why
she was tired of living alone, locked up. She wants
to see the real human life, to know the whole
her beauty, take part in girlish amusements,
listen to the wonderful songs of the shepherd Lel. “Without songs
life is not fun."

In the way the Snow Maiden describes human life, one can see her
genuine admiration for human joys. Cold heart
fabulous girl does not yet know love and human feelings, but
nevertheless, she is already attracted, attracted by the bewitching world of people.
The girl realizes that she can no longer remain in the realm of ice and
snow. She wants to find happiness, and perhaps this, in her opinion, is only
in the kingdom of the Berendeys. She says to her mother:
..Mom, happiness
Whether I find it or not, I'll look for it.

Snow Maiden strikes people
with its beauty. family, in
which turned out to be
Snow Maiden wishes
take advantage of the beauty
girls for their
personal enrichment. They are
begging her to take
courtship of the rich
Berendey. They can not
the girl who became
named daughter.

Snow Maiden seems
more beautiful, humbler and
softer than anything
surrounding girls. But
she doesn't know love, that's why
can't answer
hot human
feelings. There is no warmth in her soul
and she looks away
the passion that
tests Mizgir for her.
A being that doesn't know
love, pity and
astonishment. Not by chance
no one can understand
Snow Maiden: neither the tsar, nor any of the Berendeys.

The Snow Maiden attracts others so much precisely because of her coldness. She seems like a special girl
for which you can give everything in the world, and even yourself
a life. At first, the girl is indifferent to everyone around.
Gradually, she begins to feel for the shepherd Lelya
some feelings. It's not love yet, but icy
it is already hard for the beauty to see the shepherd with Kupava:
Razluchnitsa! This is your word;
She called me a lover,
You yourself are separating from Lel.

The shepherd Lel rejects the Snow Maiden, and she decides to beg
his mother's ardent love. The one that burns
the human heart, makes you forget about everything in the world:
Deceived, offended, killed by the Snow Maiden.
Oh mother, Spring-Red!
I run to you with a complaint and a request:
I ask for love, I want to love.
Give the Snow Maiden a girl's heart, mom!
Give me love or take my life!

Spring gives her daughter a feeling of love, but this
gift can be detrimental to
Snow Maiden. Spring is heavy
premonitions, because the Snow Maiden is her daughter.
Love is tragic for the heroine. But
without love, life loses all meaning.
The Snow Maiden cannot cope with desire
become the same as all the people around her.
Therefore, she decides to disregard the precepts of her
father, who warned her against fatal
consequences of human passion.

The Snow Maiden in love becomes amazing
touching. A whole world opens up for her.
completely unknown to her before. Now she
understands all those who experience love
languor. She answers Mizgir with consent
become his wife. But Mizgir is not capable
give up the intention to appear in front of everyone
Berendey with his bride, considering the fears
beauties whim.

The first bright rays of the sun kill the Snow Maiden.
But what about me? bliss or death?
What a delight! What feelings of languor!
Oh mother Spring, thank you for the joy,
For the sweet gift of love! What a bliss
Languishing flows in me! Oh Lel,
Your enchanting songs are in my ears,
Fire in the eyes... and in the heart... and in the blood
All over the fire. I love and melt, melt
From sweet feelings of love. Goodbye everyone
Girlfriends, farewell, groom! Oh honey
The last look of the Snow Maiden to you.

Mizgir cannot put up with his death
beloved, so rushes from high
the mountains. But the death of the Snow Maiden appears
Berendeyam something natural. Snow Maiden
was alien to the warmth of the soul, so she was
it is difficult to find your happiness among people.

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The image of the fairy-tale heroine Snegurochka was formed in the public consciousness gradually over the centuries. . In 1873 A. N. Ostrovsky, influenced by the ideas of Afanasiev, wrote the play The Snow Maiden. Initially, the play was not successful with the public. Spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky was highly appreciated by A.I. Goncharov and I.S. Turgenev, however, many responses from contemporaries were sharply negative.

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The pedigree of the Snow Maiden is indistinct and obscure. It is impossible to say exactly when the Snow Maiden established herself in the status of Grandfather Frost's "granddaughter". Undoubtedly, the image of the Snow Maiden is a mutation and transformation of many pre-Christian beliefs, myths and customs. First of all, this applies to such holidays as Shrovetide, Krasnaya Gorka, when the villagers called out to spring, Yarilino Gulbishche, the funeral of Kostroma. Russian Orthodoxy absorbed many pagan ideas. So, the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, celebrated as the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, in Russia merged with the ancient Slavic holiday Semik, associated with the veneration of the spirits of vegetation.

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The most famous literary work about the Snow Maiden is the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky, written in 1873. In the drama "The Snow Maiden" (the writer defined its genre as a "spring tale") A.N. Ostrovsky makes an attempt to touch the deep sources of Russian and Slavic culture, to learn the secrets of folk mythology. The work “The Snow Maiden” is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the world, love, nature, youth.

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There is nothing surprising in the fact that the theatrical production of The Snow Maiden by the Moscow Maly Theater (Maly 11, 1873) actually failed. Only at the beginning of the 20th century did A.N. Ostrovsky was appreciated. A.P. Lensky, who staged The Snow Maiden in September 1900 in Moscow, remarked: “Ostrovsky would have had plenty of imagination to fill his fairy tale to the brim with native devilry. But he, apparently, deliberately saved fantastic elements, saved in order not to overshadow another, more complex element - the poetic one - with the enchantment.

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In 1873, music for the “spring tale” by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden" was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). Responses to the musical accompaniment of the play were mixed. A certain P. Akilov noted in Theatrical Notes that the music for The Snow Maiden is monotonous "to the point of falling asleep." Perhaps this impression was facilitated by the disgusting performance of musical numbers by the orchestra conducted by I.O. Shramek. Solar music for the spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky cannot but evoke positive emotions. It is no coincidence that P.I. Tchaikovsky defined his idea as follows: "There should be a noticeable joyful, spring mood in this music."

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In 1900, A.T. Grechaninov (1864-1956). The premiere took place on September 24, 1900 at the Moscow Art Theater. The roles were played by: Tsar Berendey - V.I. Kachalov, Snegurochka - M.P. Lilina, Lel - M.F. Andreeva. In 1880, from the pen of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908), the opera The Snow Maiden was released - one of the pinnacles of Russian musical classics. The composer was completely captured by the themes and images of A.N. Ostrovsky. Bunk gazebo It is believed that Ostrovsky A.N. came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the play "Snow Maiden".

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Music N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov is permeated with the fragrance of spring, warmth and light, warmed by folk song motifs. The first performance of the opera took place on January 29, 1882 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre. Conducted by E.F. Guide. October 8, 1885 The Snow Maiden was staged in Moscow on the stage of the Private Russian Opera S.I. Mamontov. Opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov was successfully staged in the best Russian theaters. Scenery sketch for the play

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The opera was composed in the summer of 1880 in a remote Russian village. The composer later said that not a single work was given to him with such ease and speed as The Snow Maiden. In 1881 the opera was completed. The premiere, which took place on January 29 (February 10) of the following year at the Mariinsky Theater, was a great success. A. N. Ostrovsky also enthusiastically accepted the opera: “The music for my “Snow Maiden” is amazing, I could never imagine anything more suitable for it and so vividly expressing all the poetry of the Russian pagan cult and this first snow-cold, and then irresistibly passionate fairy tale heroines.

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In the late 1960s, the famous Soviet actor Pavel Kadochnikov realized his director's plan - he directed the film "The Snow Maiden" based on the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky. The picture was released in 1970. The roles were played by: Evgenia Filonova (Snow Maiden), Pavel Kadochnikov (Tsar Berendey), Evgeny Zharikov (Lel), Irina Gubanova (Kupava), Boris Khimichev (Mizgir), Sergey Filippov (Bermyata), Natalya Klimova (Spring-Krasna), Lyubov Malinovskaya (bobylikha), Valery Malyshev (Brusilo), Gennady Nilov (Smoking room).

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It must be said that Kadochnikov approached the creation of this film fairy tale very seriously, because in his youth (long before the “Feat of the Scout”) he played the role of Lel in the theater. That is why, apparently, for this role in his film, he chose not a feminine bunny boy, but E. Zharikov, who was imprisoned a priori for something so heroic, for example, for the role of a police chief in the TV series Born of the Revolution.

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In the frame - the life of the tribe, headed by a certain sorcerer (says a lot of philosophical things). Ostrovsky himself defines the time and place as follows: “The action takes place in the country of the Berendeys in prehistoric times. Prologue on Krasnaya Gorka, near Berendeev Posad...”

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The work of A.N. Ostrovsky revolutionized the Russian theater. Already his first plays showed on the stage a world well known to the playwright himself, but completely unknown to readers and spectators of the middle of the 19th century. The dramaturgy of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky marked an important stage in the development of the Russian national theater. As a playwright and director, Ostrovsky contributed to the formation of a new school of realistic acting.

Spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden" Features of the play.

"The Snow Maiden" is a fairy tale, a dream, a national legend, told in the magnificent poems of Ostrovsky ...


Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

OSTROVSKY Alexander Nikolaevich (1823 - 1886), Russian writer, playwright, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1863).

V. G. PEROV "Portrait of A. N. Ostrovsky." 1871. Tretyakov Gallery.

  • to reveal the features of the work and the main moral conflict of the play, to determine the life values ​​of the Berendeys, to identify the level of knowledge of the content and understanding of the fairy tale by students.

  • “The Snow Maiden” is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the world, love, nature, youth. Ostrovsky's play is an amazingly beautiful fusion of folklore and literature. Using the motifs of a folk tale about a snow girl, enriching them with scientific data about life, the playwright created an original "spring tale", full of secrets, splendor of characters, conveyed by a musical style and truly Russian language.

1 group."Berendey".

Where there is love and advice, there is paradise, there is light; and quarrels and disputes, there are only nonsense.

Russian proverb.

2 group."Snow Maiden".

  • Let me die, love is one


  • Dearer years of melancholy and

A.N. Ostrovsky.

3rd group. "Lel".

  • Through the beautiful - to the human.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

  • Layering
  • multi-genre
  • eternal stories
  • synthesis
  • moral
  • conflict

  • Layering
  • multi-genre
  • eternal stories
  • synthesis
  • moral
  • conflict

  • Morality (Ushakov Dictionary)- a set of norms that determine human behavior in society.
  • Conflict("Modern Explanatory Dictionary" ed. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia") is defined as a clash of parties, opinions, forces.

The main moral conflict of the work. Cross poll.

  • Brusila and Berendei are robots.

Costume design, 1885 - 1886

The harmony of the eternal and harsh laws of nature, according to which human existence must proceed, is indestructible.

The reason for all the misfortunes of the country of the Berendeys -

in human selfishness, in the loss of human kinship,

in the loss of love and sense of beauty:

In the hearts of people I noticed I will cool

Considerable; fervor of love

I haven't seen the Berendeys for a long time,

The service to beauty disappeared in them.

In these words of the wise king,

deep meaning of the play, where the ethical

a person's beauty is determined

relationship with nature and others

And the final words of Berendey:

"Let's expel the last trace of cold from our souls and turn to the Sun" reveal the ideological basis of the whole play, they express A. Ostrovsky's dream of a world free from cold, prudent people.

The playwright affirms a person's right to a full-fledged spiritual life, expresses the dream of creating new forms of relationships between people, and freedom in love, its high appreciation, recognition of its best moral qualities that ennoble a person, is a significant condition for creating a happy state.

Filling in the table "Known, special, new."




  • "The Snow Maiden" by A.N. Ostrovsky, created for a festive performance and intended for a democratic audience, is of great interest. This is “multi-layered, multi-level work”, which contained a folk tale, an idea of ​​the ancient Berendey tribe(Turkic nomads who lived in the southern Russian steppes (XI-XIII centuries); from 1146 they became vassals of Russian princes. The name in the annals disappears by the XIII century) , ancient calendar rituals, songs, spells.

  • The poetic drama was based on one of eternal stories of Russian folklore about how a beautiful girl - a snowmaiden - comes into the world and dies from a sunbeam. And the closest source was the folk tale about the Snow Maiden, published in 1862 by the collector I.A. Khudyakov. The playwright read the works of the famous mythologist and folklorist A.N. Afanasyev: collection "Russian folk tales" (1826-1871) and study "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature" (1865-1869). "Borrowed" plot was just a reason for the birth original artistic intent.

V.M.Vasnetsov Berendeevka

N. Roerich Yarilina Valley

The prototype of the Berendeev kingdom was the Shchelykovo estate, acquired

playwright in 1867

In the Berendey kingdom intertwines real and fantastic. Here images of Slavic paganism come to life: Spring-Krasna, Sun-Yarilo, Leshy, Lel (the son of the goddess of beauty and love Lada, the same as Greek Eros or Roman Cupid), Santa Claus (is the prototype of Veles, Studenets, Treskun, Morozko), Snow Maiden (Goddess of love Lada or Kastroma). Fairy-tale creatures communicate with real people: Mizgirem (spider, tarantula), Kupava ( « water lily, flower bud ”(V.I. Dal)) Berendeys perform their spring rituals, sing folk songs -“ the very ones that, perhaps, once sounded on our land at the time of spring games, in distant pagan times.

V.M.Vasnetsov Spring-Red

N. Roerich Santa Claus

In a play two main, independent, but combined into a single

whole conflict: the first is the confrontation between Cold and Heat, Frost and

Yarila, the second is the own structure of the kingdom of the Berendeys. Both conflicts

develop into a conflict in the field of moral relations in the basis of which wealth is poverty, love is cold.

  • Special:

1. "Snow Maiden" is multilayer work, as the play included different genres of folklore.

Berendei- a tribe that lived in the XI-XIII centuries.

2. multi-genre work.

The work was conceived in the fashionable for the 70s of the 19th century genre of "extravaganza",

plays are masks.

3. In eternal plot of Russian folklore one that has existed for a long time independently of the authors.

  • 1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov published a fairy tale.

4. The fairy tale shows fabulous kingdom of the Berendeys where the Snow Maiden came to live.

5. Synthesis of real and fantastic, that is, Slavic pagan deities communicate with real people.

6. Two main, independent, but united into a single conflict.

This is a conflict between Moroz and Yarila and a conflict within the Berendey kingdom.

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

  • Known:
  • "The Snow Maiden" was written on the plot of folk tales, it uses calendar poetry, sayings, proverbs, spells, songs, traditions and legends.
  • Ostrovsky defined the genre as a lyrical "spring" play-tale, drama.
  • Everyone knows the plot of a folk tale about how a beautiful snow girl comes into the world and dies from a sunbeam.
  • The basis of the Berendey kingdom is peace, freedom, conscience, harmony with nature, service to the beauty of human relations, fair laws.
  • « water lily, flower bud ”(V.I. Dal)).
  • There are two conflicts in the play: the first is between Cold and Heat, Frost and Yarila .; the second - within the kingdom itself, as well as between the Berendeys and Mizgir as a resident of a foreign country.

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

  • New:
  • Berendeys are Turkic nomads who lived in the XI-XIII centuries in

southern Russian steppes.

2. "Fairy" - a festive fairy-tale performance, fashionable in the 70s of the 19th century.

A play-mask is a combination of a variety of texts: literary, dance, political, relatively free creativity of the author.

3. 1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov published a fairy tale.

1826-1871 A.N. Afanasyev published a fairy tale in the collection "Russian Folk Tales".

1865-1869 A.N. Afanasyev in his work "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature" explored the fairy tale.

4. The fabulous kingdom of the Berendeys is Ostrovsky's dream of a social future, of a peaceful life of the people, free from the power of arbitrariness and violence, that good must be done with one's own hands.

5. Santa Claus is an image that combines the features of pagan gods: Veles, Varun, Student, Treskun, Frost. The prototype of the Snow Maiden was the goddess of love Lada.

6. The conflict of the play develops into a conflict in the field of moral relations at the heart of which are wealth and poverty, love and coldness.

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".



Russian folk tale, ancient calendar rituals, songs.


multi-layered work.


an ancient tribe of Turkic nomads in the southern Russian steppes

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

Lyrical "spring" play-tale,


multi-genre work.


festive fairy tale performance

mask play

the combination of a variety of texts: literary, dance, musical, political - a relatively free creativity of the author. .

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

a beautiful girl - a snowmaiden comes into the world and dies from a sunbeam.

the eternal plot of the Russian


1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov

1826-1871 A.N. Afanasiev

collection "Russian folk tales"

1865-1869 A.N. Afanasiev "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature"

explored the story.

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

the basis is peace, freedom, conscience, harmony with nature, service to the beauty of human relations, fair laws.

fabulous kingdom of the Berendeys

the playwright's dream of a social future, of a peaceful life of the people, free from the power of arbitrariness and violence, that good must be done with one's own hands.

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

Slavic deities: Spring - Red, Sun - Yarilo, Leshy, Lel (son of the goddess of beauty and love Lada, the same as Greek Eros or Roman Cupid) - communicate with real people: Mizgirem (spider, tarantula), Kupava ( « water lily, flower bud "(V.I. Dal))

With synthesis of real and fantastic

Santa Claus - Veles, Varun, Studenets, Treskun, Morozko (night, moon, stars, winter, frost, water, the world of the dead).

Snegurochka - Goddess of love Lada.

Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

1. Confrontation

cold and heat,

two main, independent, but united into a single conflict.

Frost and Yarila.

conflict in the field of moral relations:

2. kingdom

wealth, poverty

Berendeev - Mizgir

love is cold.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Russian composer

  • P. I. Tchaikovsky while working on The Snow Maiden, he wrote: “I have been sitting at work without getting up for about a month; writing music for a magical play

Ostrovsky's "The Snow Maiden"", he considered the dramatic work itself to be the pearl of Ostrovsky's creations, and said about his music for him: "This is one of my favorite brainchildren.

The spring was wonderful, my soul was good ... I liked Ostrovsky's play, and in three weeks, without any effort, I wrote the music.

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich (1846-1926) Russian painter

  • And this poem "Snow Maiden" -

the best there is.

Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov 1844 -1908 Russian composer

  • "... I listened to the voices of folk art and nature, took what was sung and prompted by them as the basis of my work." ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov in the opera The Snow Maiden sang the life of the people living in harmony with nature, showed the wealth of folk customs and rituals, without which the picture of fabulous Russia would not be so colorful.

B. V. Asafiev wrote about The Snow Maiden: “Rimsky-Korsakov’s inspiration glimmers with an even light, but at other moments the music deepens to comprehend only audible secrets and sources of life, about which the word, being connected with reality, involuntarily SHOULD be silent ... It seems , all the mighty elements of Russian nature sound in the opera, the spirits and forces of which are an integral part of life and the people themselves - the inhabitants of the Berendey kingdom "

“In the winter of 1879-1880, I read The Snow Maiden and as if I saw the light of her amazing beauty. I immediately wanted to write an opera on this plot, I felt more and more in love with the fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky.

Fragment from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden. The scene of the melting of the Snow Maiden. "The Snow Maiden" by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov is "the delicate color of Russian opera." B. V. Asafiev (music critic). Compilation of tests.

  • 1 group."Berendey". Where there is love and advice, there is paradise, there is light; and quarrels and disputes, there are only nonsense (the image of the Berendeev kingdom).
  • 2 group."Snow Maiden". The image of the Snow Maiden in the perception of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
  • 3 group. "Lel". Lel is the son of the Sun and the singer of love.


  • Invent and write down a "terrible" story about some representative of the lower Slavic mythology (mermaid, water, goblin, brownie).

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