Install a satellite dish. Do-it-yourself installation and configuration of a satellite dish

Landscaping and planning 20.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Recently, satellite television has been in great demand, and this is not surprising. This method of broadcasting allows you to improve the quality of channels, increase their number, and it's just much more convenient than using modems or cable TV.


It is also worth noting that the installation of a satellite dish can be done independently, and for this you do not need to have unique knowledge in physics Or know how to use a soldering iron. Installing a satellite dish with your own hands, on the contrary, is quick and easy. It will only be necessary to follow the recommendations, as well as to use specific basic knowledge in astronomy.

Using a satellite dish

As a rule, before installing a satellite, many people think about the availability of permission. Is it necessary to obtain permission to install a satellite dish? In fact, you can do without permission, because receiving television services via satellite is free, but it will not be possible to watch all channels.

Many channels will be marked with an asterisk or an exclamation point, which means that broadcasting can only be done after payment. In order to open full access to all channels, you need to buy a special key card.

Permission may be required to install the antenna, but already from the utilities. If the “dish” is installed on the roof of a building or supporting structures, then you will need to obtain a special document that confirms the installation of the satellite, otherwise the antenna can simply be removed and the person will pay a fine.

If you install a satellite dish on the side of the building, that is, where there are no supporting structures, then you can do without permission, but the equipment will constantly suffer from gusts wind, humidity, cold. The impact of external factors significantly reduces the service life.

Many residents of Russia mainly order the installation of a satellite dish through companies that take on all obligations, including obtaining permission to install equipment from the Housing Office.

General information about satellite television

Before you start installing a satellite dish, you need to know some general information that will ultimately help you when setting up the equipment. For starters, you need to understand what is geostationary orbit. This is an orbit that is at an altitude of 35,768 kilometers, and is equal to the equator. It is at this height that the speed of the Earth is equal to the satellite. In fact, the satellite in such conditions stands still.

It is the standing of the satellite in one place that gives the necessary result, which allows it to be used for the rapid transmission of information. This information is necessary when installing the antenna, as it will need to be adjusted to the location of the satellite. In addition, proper tuning can help increase the number of free channels.

Sometimes the question may arise, is it possible to catch the broadcast from several satellites at once. Naturally, since the information feed beams of satellites that are in space often intersect, but basically the channels can be useless. People tune satellite dishes most often based on your country and language. Given this, the number of satellites for tuning can be selected much less. In many regions, only one satellite may be available.

Home satellite TV

When installing satellite television, as mentioned earlier, you will need to set up or, as they say, in professional circles, adjustment. This is a kind of selection of a thin angle in order to find a broadcast from a specific satellite. For the person who does not have experience in setting up a satellite dish, it is quite difficult to do such work. But you can call a master at any time who will make the adjustment in a matter of minutes, because he already has experience, and his eyes are trained to select the required angle.

The cost of such work is not too high, but you should not hope that the adjustment needs to be done only once. Any heavy wind or snowfall can bring down the antenna, and in this case, you will need to call the master. What for? You can do everything with your own hands and gain the necessary experience in setting up practice.

Sometimes, even if all the television settings are observed, there is simply no broadcasting, or you can only see channels with poor quality. The reason is usually that the antenna is installed in villages or villages that are located in the lowlands and at the same time cannot catch the satellite signal with high quality, but it “shines” quite strongly at the right point. Therefore, when buying a satellite, you need to consult about which satellites the “dish” can catch and choose the option that is acceptable to you. After that, when setting up, you should pay attention to some details.

Antenna selection

The choice of a satellite dish basically comes down to buying a model with the required diameter. As a rule, exactly the quality of reception mainly depends on the diameter of the "plate" satellite broadcasting, but if in St. Petersburg 60 cm may be enough, then for the southern regions a longer length will be required, which can be 1.5 m.

It is worth noting that when choosing an antenna, many people think that a large diameter can catch a huge number of channels or improve broadcast quality. No, actually with large plate diameter There may be more channels, but their quality is significantly reduced. Most of the satellite's signal is reflected from the "dish" satellite mirror. When choosing an antenna with a small diameter, the quality is better, because the signal from the satellite is focused. In addition, such equipment is much easier to configure.

We must not forget that when buying equipment, you need to additionally purchase a multifit. This will allow you to install several converters on one satellite dish. Sellers are usually interested in whether the equipment has one socket or multifit. It is necessary to choose the second option, even if only one socket will be used in the end. This not only gives an advantage in using the converter, but if one cell breaks down, the equipment can be switched to other sockets.

Choosing a converter and receiver

The converter is an important part in any satellite dish. As a rule, this part is selected separately for the “plate”, but what part of the work does this equipment do? The converter is used to catch the signal from the satellite and convert a strong signal that breaks through the atmospheric layers into an easy stream of information for the receiver.

Most often, people purchase converters with circular polarization, as they are not as sensitive. Moreover, such converters allow you to catch a high-quality signal, which will not change depending on the weather outside or due to the deviation of the satellite in orbit. It is important to remember that the quality of broadcasting will directly depend on the choice of model and converter company.

The receiver, on the contrary, has almost no effect on the quality of broadcasting, and basically its choice comes down to the cost and number of functions.

Installing a satellite dish

On the Internet, you can find a fairly large number of various schemes that allow you to install a satellite dish, but it is difficult to find step-by-step work and recommendations. When installing the antenna, be sure to follow the recommendations that allow you to avoid mistakes.

Adjustment procedure

As a rule, for high-quality alignment of the antenna, you need to take the TV out with the receiver on the street, after connecting it to the extension cord. Then:


Even a novice can install and configure a satellite dish with their own hands. This will save a lot of money, but, most importantly, do not make mistakes and do everything exactly according to the instructions.

It's hard to imagine your life without television now. It would seem that installing a satellite dish is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. But that's not the case at all. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly install and configure a satellite dish.

The set for satellite TV includes all the necessary materials. These include:

  • Receiver. It is also called a tuner or receiver in a different way. This is the most expensive and important piece of equipment. It must be chosen with great seriousness. There are two formats: mpeg 2 and mpeg4. The latter is better;
  • "Dish" - antenna (mirror). A beam is formed on it. The diameter of the plates are from 0.7 to 1.2 meters. Its purpose is to shape the beam that is sent into focus. It is at the focus that the radio signal is received. Now the most popular are offset satellite dishes. The shape of the reflector is oval. They are out of focus. Thanks to this, it is possible to install an additional (second or third) converter for receiving several satellites. This is good for hard-to-reach areas (in a beam, in a lowland);
  • The converter is something without which it will be impossible to register electromagnetic waves that are focused at one point. The converter is also called the head, it is on its irradiator that a narrow beam of radio signal falls. Available in circular and linear polarization. It is believed that it is better to purchase a universal converter with linear polarization. There should be one converter per satellite. But it is more desirable that the signal is received from several satellites. Accordingly, you will need several converters
  • Multifeeds are special mounts for converters. Usually there are two of them in one set;
  • The switch between converters is a disc. When using an offset satellite dish, that is, if there are several converters, the same number of switches are needed. Because one tuner can only receive a radio signal from one of its converters;
  • A coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 ohms, it is also a television cable. It is advisable to buy a cable with a margin of about three to five meters;
  • And three more satellites will require eight plugs for connection (F-connectors);
  • To install the plate you will need a bracket and a dowel (anchor) under it.

Installation steps

Of course, installing a satellite dish requires some time and special training. But after finding out the important technical features of mounting and connecting the dish, this process will become easier for you.

So, the algorithm for installing a satellite dish is as follows:

Common mistake:

Incorrect converter position! It must meet the signal in such a way that their orientations coincide, if the converter is turned horizontally, then we will get zero. Because Since the satellite does not hang strictly in the south (where the polarization vector is really vertical), but shines on us from the southeast, then its emitter also collapsed to the east (for us). Therefore, we must meet the electromagnetic wave by turning the converter to the east (counterclockwise) by 21 degrees.

How to tune the antenna to the satellite?

The last step before you start enjoying great satellite TV is setting up your satellite dish.

Now we will smoothly tilt the antenna up and down, right and left. You can peep the direction from a neighbor (most often towards the south direction). The desired channel must be received. If this happens, an image and sound will appear. In addition, the scales will also light up. That is what they should be guided by.
Scroll the converter clockwise and counterclockwise to enhance the signal quality. We get the result you like. We do this with every channel. After we are satisfied with the quality of one channel, we press exit and proceed to others. On info we check the level of signal reception.

When everything is adjusted, tighten the antenna mounting bolts. Then we do the same with the converter mounting bolts. You can then tweak the converter a little more (by moving it in the multifeed).

We tighten the bolts evenly so that the signal does not disappear. If they are not tightened, the antenna may oscillate from gusts of wind, and the signal may disappear.

Thus, we installed and set up a satellite dish.

Satellite television is gaining the market of television services at a steady pace, and even "yesterday's" luxury - a satellite dish - has become commonplace in millions of families. There is an opinion that the installation of a "dish" is the lot of professionals, and that an ordinary person simply cannot understand how to set up an antenna.

Below we will try to dispel this myth, showing in practice what and how to do in order to join the era of satellite television on our own.

Satellite selection

After you got the idea to purchase a satellite dish yourself, you need to decide on a satellite television operator, in other words, with a satellite, the signal from which the antenna will receive.

Satellite television is named so because it uses a system of orbiting satellites in space. They receive a signal from television stations and then broadcast it to vast areas below them. Satellite dishes receive the signal and reflect it to the collecting head (converter), which transmits it further to the receiver (tuner), from where it goes through the final decoding stage and enters the TV in the form of images and sound.

It becomes clear that one satellite dish is not enough to receive a signal. To do this, a whole system of satellite equipment must be installed and correctly configured. We will begin its consideration a little later, but for now we will return to the choice of a satellite.

Today there are two types of satellites. The first broadcast open channels, others - encrypted. It happens that the equipment on the satellite is used by different operators. In this case, you will have to purchase a card for decoding each channel separately.

But most often the channels are collected in packages, and it is enough to purchase one single card on your own to get access to all at once.

Russian-language channels are broadcast from various satellites located over different latitudes and meridians. In order to receive a signal from a certain source, it is necessary to set (direct) the antenna to it with the utmost accuracy and adjust the reception frequency. If your preferred satellites are close to each other, then you have every chance to receive a signal from them using just one satellite dish.

Satellite "YAMAL 201" allows you to watch up to 30 Russian-language channels in the public domain. There are also many other satellites in Earth orbit that broadcast free-to-air channels. When choosing a satellite TV operator, pay attention to Tricolor-TV. For several years of operation, this operator has built up a solid client base, which is direct evidence of the high quality of the services it provides. In addition to it, you can advise NTV-Plus (with an extensive list of channels) and Raduga-TV.

You can independently find a list of satellites with free broadcasting on the website, with a paid one - on the official websites of the above operators.

When choosing a satellite, check whether you will be able to point your satellite dish at it. In the event that there are objects that interfere with the signal path (another house, power lines, trees, etc.), consider installing a “dish” on the roof. Well, if this turns out to be impossible, you will have to turn your attention to the satellite located in the intended antenna visibility zone.

Purchase of equipment

Before installing and configuring satellite equipment, it must be purchased. You need to go to a specialized store for the following items for assembly:

  1. "Dish" (antenna). She will "collect" the signal from the satellite, concentrate and reflect it into the converter. The recommended diameter is more than 90 cm.
  2. Converter (head). It picks up the signal that hits the antenna, and, after converting, transfers it to the receiver. The choice depends on the polarization (circular or linear) of the preferred satellite, in the description of which this parameter can be found.
  3. Receiver (tv tuner). It will receive a signal from the converter, then it will decode it (“translate” into the language of the TV) and transmit it to the final destination - the TV. Setting up this device does not require special knowledge.
  4. Bracket ("leg"). Provides secure mounting of the antenna on the wall (or roof) of the house. In addition, it will allow you to quickly rotate the dish in two planes (to search for a signal). Make sure that the plate is far enough away from the house so that it does not touch the wall during rotation. In general, it is not possible to install an antenna without a bracket.
  5. Cable (coaxial). Acts as a signal conductor, connecting the converter to the receiver (tuner).
  6. DiSEq. Masters simply call it "disek". It will be necessary if you decide to receive a signal from several satellites at once. In this case, it will help to combine a group of converters into a common cable.
  7. "F-ki". Without them, it is impossible to connect the cable to each link in the antenna-receiver chain. You will need 8 pcs. (for reinsurance - 10).
  8. Cable for connecting the receiver to the TV. Can be: composite (tulip), SCART, or HDMI (for the highest quality). It is necessary to independently check which cable is suitable for your case.

All of the above devices and devices can be purchased in a satellite television kit, which has already been assembled by professionals. You can assemble it yourself - in this case you will be sure of the quality and reliability of each element of the system.

Self-installation of the antenna

Before proceeding to this step, you must be absolutely sure where your satellite dish should be pointed. The service will help you make the right decision. You just need to indicate the place where you plan to install the antenna, and select the desired satellite. The screen will then prompt you to select a direction.

Before proceeding with the installation of the system, it is recommended to make sure that there is a signal (it should reach 60-70%), holding the antenna in your hands. If the test is successful, the next step is to install the bracket.

Make sure that the place for fastening is reliable and, using a perforator, make holes in the wall for anchors, the size of which should be selected depending on the material of the wall and the weight of the entire structure to be mounted. Having fixed the bracket, proceed to install the satellite dish itself (you will find a description of this process in the instructions for it). Remember: until you are sure that it is in the right direction, there is no point in tightening the nuts. First you need to set up a satellite dish.

Connection and setup

Setting up satellite dishes does not start on its own until they are connected to the receiver. To do this, you need to prepare the cable (wind the F-ku on it) and transfer it from the converter (head) to the tuner.

We prepare the coaxial cable according to the algorithm:

  1. Cut off the insulating layer (1.5 cm from the edge) of the cable;
  2. We bend the shiny braid (from small aluminum strands) outward;
  3. We release the core of the cable from the foil screen (you need to get rid of about 8-9 mm of the screen);
  4. We clean the core (the main copper core) from the remaining enamel and put on the F-ku.
  5. It remains to make sure that the core "peeps" out of the F-ki by no more than 2 mm. All excess must be cut off with wire cutters.
  6. We do the same with the other end of the cable (having previously measured the required length on our own).
  7. We connect the cable to the converter (if there are several of them, then we combine them into one with the help of a disk), and pull the other end to the receiver.

System installation is complete, the next step is configuration.

The antenna is set correctly and "looks" at the satellite (approximately so far). We go into the settings of the receiver and select, for example, the Sirius satellite. For it, you need to specify the frequency "11766", the speed "2750" and the polarization "H". Two bars will appear on the screen: the first shows that the dish has caught the signal, the second shows its power. If the satellite dish is installed correctly, you should see at least 40% signal strength. It remains only to improve the quality, which is still in the region of zero. We leave the TV and go to the plate. It is desirable that you can see the changes on the signal scale. But if you cannot monitor them yourself, leave an assistant who can correct your actions - it will be easier to set up the system with him.

Start by turning the satellite dish all the way up to the right. From this position, slowly, constantly observing the signal level from the satellite, rotate the dish to the left.

If the signal could not be caught, it is necessary to lower the antenna a couple of millimeters (the fasteners are usually marked), and then repeat the rotation of the dish.

Setting up a satellite dish on your own just means a painstaking search for a signal by manual adjustment.

First you need to achieve at least 20% quality, after which you can fix the satellite dish stronger. After that, with light manipulations (literally by degree), we turn the plate left and right in search of 40%. But even this is not enough. For good work, you need at least 60-80%. Further "adjustment" is made by manipulating the converter, which must be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. When the signal level is satisfactory, you can proceed to debug the side converters (if you do not have them, skip this step).

Setting up additional heads will be much easier, since the main antenna already picks up the signal in full. All that remains is to specify your satellite for each converter (select in the receiver settings, as well as indicate the frequency, speed and polarization) and by rotating or bending the head leg to catch an acceptable signal.

Pay close attention to the labeling of the inputs in the disc (A, B, C…). In the same sequence, they will need to be specified in the tuner.

The last step is setting up the TV

It remains only to scan the satellite for channels and set up the TV (arrange the channels in the desired sequence for easy searching). If you are dealing with a paywall, insert an unlock card purchased in advance from a satellite TV operator.

The article covers the issues of assembling, configuring and adjusting the Tricolor antenna with your own hands.

Having bought a Tricolor antenna, everyone can do their own tuning, subject to certain rules.

Set for installation of satellite TV Tricolor.

For work you will need:

To fix the base, you need to select fasteners. It should be fixed on a wooden surface with the help of plumbing "grouse". In other situations, 10x100 anchor bolts will do.

The cable used to connect the antenna and the TV must contain a thick copper core and a double braid. The cable length is not more than 100 m. If it is required to lay more than this length, signal amplifiers are additionally located.

Choosing a place to install the antenna

Since the dish receives a signal from the satellite, the main criteria for choosing a place are:

Following the criteria will ensure the elimination of errors in independent work.

Antenna Assembly

The assembly instructions are attached to the equipment, following which you can complete everything quickly. The design for receiving a signal is formed by the elements:

Assembly diagram:

Assembly work completed.

Antenna adjustment

Adjustment should be carried out in good weather (no snowfall, rain, dense clouds). The stage involves the creation of a certain position of the equipment for the clarity of the broadcast. They depend on the elevation angle and the azimuth angle. To calculate the elevation angle, you should draw a horizontal line from the installed dish in the direction of the satellite and measure the angle formed by this line and the signal receiving line (the vertical angle formed by turning the mirror up and down).

Azimuth is the angle of the horizontal plane between the north guide line and the dish-to-satellite guide line (horizontal angle corresponding to left-right rotation of the dish).

There is a table that shows the angle of elevation and azimuth for different cities. If the plate is not installed in the city, then you need to focus on the nearby city.

The azimuth angle is set by the compass. To determine the elevation angle, you can use a protractor and a plumb line. The plumb line is located at the zero point of the protractor and serves as a conditional horizon line. The required size of the angle is plotted on the protractor scale.

Different manufacturers design the antenna at different tilt angles. Supral's products are characterized by an accurate vertical position of the antenna at an angle of 26.5°. When the equipment is located with such an angle in Moscow or Kaliningrad, it is not required to change the elevation angle. For other cities, it will be necessary to tilt the structure forward or backward so that the angle matches the required value.

TV jack installation

The TV connector is connected to the converter in accordance with the diagram:

With regard to the antenna wire used, there are two ways to install the receiver to the TV:

  • High-frequency antenna cable (HF) - plugs into the antenna socket on the TV and into the inlet of the RF Out receiver. After switching on, the combination “BOOT” and the channel number appear on the TV screen. When the channel search function is turned on, the notification "No signal" is displayed, which implies the normal functioning of the receiver.
  • Low-frequency cable with a connector (LF) - similar to HF. When connected, the inscription “BOOT” appears on the TV screen. After that, you need to press the “A / B” button on the console surface of the receiver. As a result, the notification "No signal" should light up. The appearance of other information indicates the incorrect assembly of the equipment.

After the above steps, you can start setting up channels.

Adjusting the signal strength of the TV show

The adjustment must be carried out by changing the position of the antenna and monitoring the signal level on the television screen. First, open the Antenna Installation menu:

After displaying two scales “Signal” and “Quality”, the equipment location should be adjusted:

Look at the TV, analyzing the content of the scales:

Pre-setting ends with fine tuning, when when the plate is changed left-right and up-down, both scales are filled at the level of 80%. Such values ​​will help to transmit an accurate signal in bad weather (rain, snowfall, cloudiness).

After fine-tuning the TV display, you should firmly fix the equipment on the street and exit the installation menu by pressing “Exit” twice on the remote control.

Receiver Registration

The reception of a television picture occurs after the registration of the equipment. Registration is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • On the Tricolor website;
  • At the sales office or authorized center (usually after the purchase at specialized points of sale, the receiver is registered);
  • Through the technical support department, when you have a subscription agreement on hand.

When registering, the user must specify the receiver model, a unique identification number (ID), personal data. You can see the model name on the front panel of the equipment.

The identification number is a sequence of 10-12 digits. The number is on the package sticker or on the receiver body sticker. On some packages and cases there is no inscription, so you need to go to the receiver menu. When clicking on the "Status" submenu, the user will see the ID.

To conclude an agreement, it is required to provide the user's personal data (full name, passport, date of birth, installation location, contact information).

Registration actions end with confirmation of the equipment by telephone conversation with the Tricolor service. You should indicate the purpose of the appeal, full name, identification number.

Questions from subscribers

“Do I need a special device to tune satellite dishes?”

A self-tuning tool is not required, but it can make it easier to find a satellite signal.

"What parameters to use to set up a satellite dish?"

Azimuth and elevation.

Satellite TV is no longer a luxury and is in many homes. Installation of such a design has always been considered a complex process. Do you know how to set up a satellite dish yourself? It turns out that if you understand the installation technology, everything is not so difficult. Let's try to analyze together how this process takes place and what difficulties lie in wait.

The use of a satellite device is an excellent solution for both an apartment and a private home.

Before purchasing satellite equipment, it is important to first select an operator. Satellite television operates from various orbiting satellites that pick up the signal from stations and transmit it to large areas on Earth.

The antenna detects the signal, and then transmits it to the converter and further to the tuner. And only after that the decoding process takes place, and the signal is transmitted to the TV already in the form of sounds and images.

Channels in Russian are transmitted from certain satellites. In order to receive a signal from a specific object, it is important to set the receiving frequency correctly. To do this, you need to know how to set up a satellite dish yourself.

About 30 channels in Russian can be received via the Yamal 201 satellite. Of the operators, you should choose among such operators as Tricolor - TV, NTV - Plus or Raduga - TV.

The table shows prices for certain models of satellite dishes.

ImageModelsprice, rub.
Lumax 0.6 m with bracket1450
Tricolor STV - 0.55-1.1 0.551290
Tricolor FullHD GS-E501/C59110300
Supral 60 cm with bracket1640
Option 0.6 m900
Wisi b/cr5900

How to set up a satellite dish yourself: installation nuances

Before you install a satellite dish yourself, let's figure out what parts such equipment consists of:

  • a plate that perceives the wave and sends it to the converter. It is better if its diameter is more than 90 cm;
  • the head (converter) receives the message and transmits it to the receiver;
  • the tuner receives the signal, performs decoding and transmits it in an understandable form to the TV;
  • the bracket provides a strong mounting of the antenna on the wall, which allows you to turn it in different directions;
  • the cable is the conductor of the received signal. It connects the receiver and the converter;
  • if you plan to receive several channels, then the DiSEqC device is used, which allows you to connect the converters in a common cable.

To install and configure a satellite dish, prepare the following tools: a drill, wrenches, a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer and electrical tape.

High-quality installation of a satellite dish yourself: instructions for dummies

In order to properly install equipment, you must know exactly where it needs to be routed. The service will allow you to do this. There you need to specify a specific placement of equipment, as well as select a satellite. After these steps, the desired direction will be displayed on the screen.

To find out the exact coordinates of the place for mounting the antenna, use a directory or search on the Internet. You will also need information about data transmission from the satellite. In this case, the location of the satellite on the horizon, as well as the frequency of the transmitter and the speed of maximum information transfer, are important. Through search engines, you can find out information about the transmitter.

It is important to correctly calculate the tilt and turn angles of the antenna. This can be done manually (which is very difficult) or you can use special software applications. Such a service requires the input of certain information: the location and name of the satellite, as well as geographic coordinates. The program also provides results in graphical form.

Fine-tuning the antenna device requires some preparation. Prepare screwdrivers of various sizes, a set of cables, an extension cord and several sockets for connecting the power supply.

Before installing the system, make sure there is a signal. In this case, the antenna should be held in your hands. If everything is in order, then the bracket is installed. The puncher makes recesses for the anchors. At the same time, their size is selected taking into account the material of the wall and the mass of the structure. After attaching the bracket, you can mount the antenna. In this case, you will need information on how to set up a satellite dish yourself.

How to set up the satellite tuner yourself after connecting

The antenna is tuned after it is connected to the receiver. To do this, the wire is thrown from the converter to the tuner. The cable is installed like this:

  • the insulation layer in the cable is cut, about 1.5 cm from the edge;
  • the braid is bent outward;
  • the middle inner part of the wiring is released from the foil, then it is cleaned and put on the F-ka;
  • in this case, the core should extend no more than 2 mm;
  • the same must be done with the other side of the cable;
  • the cable is connected to the converter, and the other side is pulled to the receiver.

Then you need to configure. In this case, you should find out in advance how to set up different channels on a satellite dish yourself.

First, it is recommended to set the antenna approximately. Then, a suitable satellite is selected in the receiver settings. Its characteristics also need to be affixed. These are frequency, polarization and speed. This will display two bars on the screen. One demonstrates that the plate has caught the desired wave, and the second displays the power. If the equipment is properly installed, it should show at least 50% of the signal. Then you need to improve the quality. Here certain actions need to be carried out with a plate. It is important to note changes on the signal scale. Therefore, it is better to set up the system with an assistant.

It is worth starting by turning the device up and to the right. Then slowly turn the plate to the left. If the signal is not received, then let the antenna down a few millimeters and move the dish. Tuning involves searching for a manual fit. First, achieve at least 30% quality. And then, moving by degree, make a more detailed fit. When the quality is 60-80%, then further settings are made using certain actions with the converter.

Then the individual heads are adjusted. A specific satellite is specified for the converter.

How to configure the tuner can be found in the instructions for it. First select the menu language for the receiver and flash it. Then you should set the time zone and time. After that, select the satellite and all the necessary settings for it. When using DiSEqC, you need to put down the input number to connect the converter.

The signal strength is then output and the antenna is tuned. When you make sure that the signal is normal and the antenna is tuned, perform a satellite scan. To be able to enable channels, a card of a specific operator is inserted. In some cases, you can use a special device for setting up satellite dishes with your own hands.

How to set up a TV?

Finally, you need to scan the satellite for channel content, as well as set up the TV. In this case, the channels are arranged in a certain sequence, so that it is convenient to search for them. If access is paid, then you need to use an unlock card.

Satellite dishes have so many advantages that more and more people are thinking about installing them. With the correct application of tools and recommendations, you will be able to install this wonderful equipment yourself.

Satellite dish: installation and configuration (video)

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