Letter to director * - required fields * - required fields. Determination of the flammability of materials H g 1 2 that

garden equipment 20.06.2020
garden equipment

As part of the exchange of materials with users of our site, we publish a table of flammability of materials, which shows how flammable certain materials are.

This tablet was sent to us by Vladimir Volodin from Krasnodar in response to my comments in his ForumHouse thread. Those who are interested can read how he built a frame house.

And this plate is interesting in that it indicates the main building materials for an example, and this plate well illustrates the table "". The degrees of fire resistance are indicated there, as they just correlate well with the materials used in the construction of a residential building.

So what do we see.

Of the most used building materials, category A (non-combustible) includes ceramic tiles, bricks, stone and concrete, expanded clay and plaster. It is with these materials that the walls of the boiler room should be lined or should be made from them.

Oak and beech fell into category C1 (poorly combustible). I would like to say that these two burn perfectly. It may not be as easy to set them on fire as other types of wood, but oak and beech burn just fine. These are the best types of wood when heating a house with wood, they give the best caloric value for firewood when you fire a stove or a solid fuel boiler.

Felt yes, it really burns rather badly. But this does not mean that they can wrap pipes or somehow isolate them from fire. Felt is useful only where it is necessary to briefly block the access of oxygen to an open flame and thereby extinguish it. That is why the fire blanket is made of thick felt.

Medium combustible materials of category C2 include all types of wood that are commonly used in construction work. These are spruce and pine, the basis for the production of lumber.

It is rarely built from larch in the European part of Russia, since here this tree turns out to be quite expensive. With a price for conifers of up to 6,000 rubles per cubic meter, larch will cost you 10-12 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

Any wooden structures that are used in your home that use combustion and open flames, as well as from chimneys - this is clearly indicated in the Fire Code.

Lightly combustible or flammable materials from category C3, which includes asphalt and bitumen, must be protected even from accidental sparks. Therefore, steel chimneys are insulated on roofs made of welded and bituminous materials, and chimneys are also supplied with spark arresters.

And one more thing - expanded polystyrene (PPS) or polystyrene belongs to group C3, that is, it is a combustible material. And no tricks of manufacturers to impregnate it with flame retardants will make it a material of category C1 or B, no matter what is written in the brochures.

The most important quality of the material used in construction is its combustibility. Combustibility is the property of a material to resist the effects of a flame. Therefore, five flammability groups are legally defined. Four groups of combustible materials and one non-combustible. In Federal Law No. 123, they are defined by abbreviations: G1, G2, G3, G4 and NG. Where NG stands for non-combustible.

The main indicator in determining the combustibility group of a particular material is the burning time. The longer the material can withstand, the lower the combustibility group. Burn time is not the only indicator. Also, fire testing will evaluate the interaction of the material with the flame, whether it will support combustion and to what extent.

The combustibility group is inextricably linked with other fire resistance parameters of the material, such as flammability, release of toxic substances, and others. Together, the fire resistance indicators make it possible to judge the flammability class. That is, the flammability group is one of the indicators for assigning a flammability class, it precedes it. Let's take a closer look at the elements of assessing the fire resistance of a material.

All substances in nature are divided into. Let's list them:

  • Non-combustible. These are substances that by themselves cannot burn in air. But even they can, when interacting with other media, be sources of the formation of combustible products. For example, interacting with oxygen in the air, with each other or with water.
  • Fire resistant. Difficult-to-combustible building materials can ignite only when exposed to an ignition source. Their further burning when the ignition source ceases to occur independently cannot occur, they go out.
  • combustible. Combustible (combustible) building materials are defined as capable of igniting without an external source of ignition. Moreover, they quickly ignite if such a source is available. Materials of this class continue to burn after the disappearance of the ignition source.

It is preferable to use non-combustible materials in construction, but not all widely used building technologies can be based on the use of products that can have such a remarkable property. More precisely, there are practically no such technologies.

The fire-fighting characteristics of building materials also include:

  • combustibility;
  • flammability;
  • the ability to release toxins when heated and burned;
  • intensity of smoke formation at high temperatures.

Flammability groups

The tendency of building materials to burn is indicated by the symbols G1, G2, G3 and G4. This series begins with the combustibility group of slightly combustible substances, designated by the symbol G1. The series ends with a group of highly flammable G4s. Between them is a group of materials G2 and G3, which are moderately combustible and normally combustible. These materials, including the group of low combustible G1, are mainly used in building technologies.

The flammability group G1 shows that this substance or material can emit flue gases heated no higher than 135 degrees Celsius and are not capable of burning independently, without an external ignition action (non-combustible substances).

For completely non-combustible building materials, fire safety characteristics are not investigated and standards are not established for them.

Of course, the G4 material group also finds its application, but due to its high tendency to burn, it requires additional fire protection measures. As an example of such additional measures, a floor-by-floor fire cut-off made of steel inside the ventilation facade structure can be used if a windproof membrane with a combustibility group G4, that is, combustible, was used. In this case, the cutoff is designed to stop the flame inside the vent gap within one floor.

Application in construction

The use of materials in the construction of buildings depends on the degree of fire resistance of these buildings.

The main classification of building structures according to fire safety classes is as follows:

To determine what combustibility materials are acceptable in the construction of a particular facility, you need to know the fire hazard class of this facility and the combustibility groups of the building materials used. The fire hazard class of an object is set depending on the fire hazard of those technological processes that will take place in this building.

For example, for the construction of buildings for kindergartens, schools, hospitals or nursing homes, only materials and NG combustibility groups are allowed.

In fire-hazardous buildings with fire resistance of the third level, low-fire K1 and moderate fire K2, it is not allowed to perform external cladding of walls and foundations from combustible and slow-burning materials.

For non-load-bearing walls and translucent partitions, materials without additional fire hazard tests can be used:

  • structures made of non-combustible materials - K0;
  • constructions from materials of group G4 - K3.

Any building structures should not spread latent combustion. In the partitions of the walls, the places of their connection there should not be voids that are separated from one another by continuous fillings of combustible materials.

Confirmation of the class and degree of flammability

Flammability test of facade finishing materials. Video

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1 Flammability classes
2 Flammability groups
3 Application in construction
4 Confirmation of the class and degree of flammability
5 Fire tests of objects
Flammability classes
All substances in nature are divided into flammability classes. Let's list them:

Non-combustible. These are substances that by themselves cannot burn in air. But even they can, when interacting with other media, be sources of the formation of combustible products. For example, interacting with oxygen in the air, with each other or with water.
Fire resistant. Difficult-to-combustible building materials can ignite only when exposed to an ignition source. Their further burning when the ignition source ceases to occur independently cannot occur, they go out.
combustible. Combustible (combustible) building materials are defined as capable of igniting without an external source of ignition. Moreover, they quickly ignite if such a source is available. Materials of this class continue to burn after the disappearance of the ignition source.
flammability group g1 what is it

It is preferable to use non-combustible materials in construction, but not all widely used building technologies can be based on the use of products that can have such a remarkable property. More precisely, there are practically no such technologies.

The fire-fighting characteristics of building materials also include:

the ability to release toxins when heated and burned;
intensity of smoke formation at high temperatures.
Flammability groups
The tendency of building materials to burn is indicated by the symbols G1, G2, G3 and G4. This series begins with the combustibility group of slightly combustible substances, designated by the symbol G1. The series ends with a group of highly flammable G4s. Between them is a group of materials G2 and G3, which are moderately combustible and normally combustible. These materials, including the group of low combustible G1, are mainly used in building technologies.

The flammability group G1 shows that this substance or material can emit flue gases heated no higher than 135 degrees Celsius and are not capable of burning independently, without an external ignition action (non-combustible substances).

For completely non-combustible building materials, fire safety characteristics are not investigated and standards are not established for them.
Of course, the group of materials G4 also finds its application, but due to the high tendency to burn, you require initial treatment with special fire-fighting compounds and subsequent treatments after the deadlines established by the fire inspectorate.

Application in construction
The use of materials in the construction of buildings depends on the degree of fire resistance of these buildings. how to get G1 for material

The main classification of building structures according to fire safety classes is as follows:

To determine what combustibility materials are acceptable in the construction of a particular facility, you need to know the fire hazard class of this facility and the combustibility groups of the building materials used. The fire hazard class of an object is set depending on the fire hazard of those technological processes that will take place in this building.

For example, for the construction of buildings of kindergartens, schools, hospitals or nursing homes, materials and insulation systems from the outside are allowed only for class PO K0. The same requirements have been developed for other types of building structures.

In fire-hazardous buildings with fire resistance of the third level, low-fire K1 and moderate fire K2, it is not allowed to perform external cladding of walls and foundations from combustible and slow-burning materials.

For non-load-bearing walls and translucent partitions, materials without additional fire hazard tests can be used:

structures made of non-combustible materials - K0;
Structures from materials of group G4 - K3.
Any building structures should not spread latent combustion. In the partitions of the walls, the places of their connection there should not be voids that are separated from one another by continuous fillings of combustible materials.

Confirmation of the class and degree of flammability
Any new material or system (design) must be supported by a technical certificate. This certificate authorizes the use in construction work of various materials in accordance with their fire safety rules set out in this document.

One of the chapters of the certificate is a listing of the mandatory fire hazard standards for a given material. For the first time, domestic and foreign products used in construction technology require confirmation by the fire inspection after standard fire resistance tests.

Fire tests of objects
This method of testing is carried out to establish the fire resistance of an object under construction or already erected. This property of the object depends on the fire hazard of the structural materials used in construction.

Fire tests on the territory of the Russian Federation are authorized to be carried out by such organizations as the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Research Institute "Experimental", ANO "Pozhaudit", Research Institute. Kucherenko and many others.
Testing of finishing materials for facades of buildings and internal elements is carried out in a special furnace. The protocol of these tests of testing materials for the degree of combustibility contains a reference to the customer and the organization that is authorized to conduct fire tests. The name of the tested structure is also indicated with a set of attached documentation.

Taking into account the weather conditions during the tests, the results obtained by heating and burning the samples used in the construction of the facility in the furnace are indicated. Also attached are photographs of structural elements before and after testing. A fire protocol is drawn up, in which all the test results are detailed.

According to the results of the tests set out in the fire protocol and the fire hazard class of the building, the customer is issued a conclusion on the compliance of the facility with fire safety requirements.

Flammability - the ability of substances and materials to ignite.

Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" defines general requirements that determine the possibility of using building and finishing materials, depending on their flammability index.

The flammability index is also taken into account when choosing materials for finishing floors, walls and ceilings on escape routes in buildings.

The essence of the method for determining the flammability of a material is to determine the parameters of the flammability of the material at the levels of exposure to the surface of the test sample of the radiant heat flux and flame from the ignition source specified by the standard.

The flammability parameters of the material are the critical surface heat flux density (KPPTP) and the ignition time.

To classify materials according to flammability groups, KPPTP is used (the minimum value of the surface heat flux density at which stable flame combustion occurs).

Combustible building materials (according to GOST 30244), depending on the value of KPPTP (the minimum value of the surface heat flux density at which stable flame combustion occurs), are divided into three flammability groups: B1, B2, B3.

For testing in the FGBU SEU FPS IPL for the Republic of Mordovia, it is necessary to provide 15 square-shaped samples, with sides of 165 mm and a deviation of minus 5 mm. The thickness of the samples should be no more than 70 mm. At each value of the surface heat flux density (SHFD), tests are carried out on three samples.

During the preparation of samples, the exposed surface should not be processed.

If there are corrugations, relief, embossing, etc. on the exposed surface. the size of the protrusions (cavities) should be no more than 5 mm.

If the exposed surface does not meet the specified requirements, it is allowed to make samples for testing from a material with a flat surface, i.e. without corrugations, relief, embossing, etc.

Samples for standard testing of materials used only as finishing and facing, as well as for testing paint and varnish coatings and roofing materials, are made in combination with a non-combustible base. The fastening method must ensure close contact between the surfaces of the material and the base.

As a non-combustible base, asbestos-cement sheets according to GOST 18124 with a thickness of 10 or 12 mm should be used.

In cases where the specific technical documentation does not provide conditions for a standard test, the samples are made with the base and fastening specified in the technical documentation.

For laminates with different surface layers, two sets of samples are made to expose both surfaces. In this case, the flammability group of the material is set according to the worst result.

Samples are tested in the thermophysical laboratory at the Flammability test facility.

Scheme of the installation for determining the flammability of materials. 1 - radiation panel with a heating element; 2 - movable burner; 3 - auxiliary stationary burner; 4 - power cable of the heating element; 5 - cam with stroke limiter for manual control of a movable burner; 6 - cam for automatic control of a movable burner; 7 - drive belt; 8 - sleeve for connecting a movable burner to the fuel supply system; 9 - mounting plate for the ignition system and the system for moving the movable burner; 10 - protective plate; 11 - vertical support; 12 - vertical guide; 13 - movable platform for the sample; 14 - the base of the support frame; 15 - manual control; 16 - lever with a counterweight; 17 - drive to the electric motor.

Installation type "Inflammability"

Processing of the results is carried out according to the method of GOST 30402-96. For each tested sample, the ignition time and the following additional observations are recorded: time and place of ignition; the process of destruction of the sample under the action of thermal radiation and flame; melting, swelling, delamination, cracking, swelling or shrinkage.

After testing and paying the cost of the test, the employees of the testing fire laboratory prepare reporting documentation.

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Penoleks is a type of heat-insulating materials, which is an extruded polystyrene foam.
Most people, choosing the right insulation for the home, are guided by various characteristics of the material. Many are interested in low price, some prefer ease of installation, and only a small part thinks about environmental safety and resistance to fire. What are the characteristics of penoplex, is it combustible or completely non-combustible? Strange, but there are a lot of opinions about this indicator, so it’s worth understanding the fire safety of foam plastic in more detail.

What class of flammability does penoplex belong to?

When studying the combustible properties of extruded polystyrene foam, it is necessary to take into account the fact that manufacturers produce different grades of this material. All of them have different characteristics, and therefore there are various opinions about their flammability.

All building materials are divided into several groups according to flammability:

  • G1 - materials are slightly combustible.
  • G2 - moderately combustible materials.
  • G3 - materials with normal combustibility.
  • G4 - materials with highly combustible properties.
  • NG - absolutely non-combustible materials.

Most sellers prefer to remain silent about the vapor barrier properties of the foam, since their main task is to implement it in any way. Some even claim that only they can buy non-flammable extruded polystyrene foam. As soon as you hear such statements, immediately leave. To date, there is simply no non-combustible foam plastic, but it can be classified as a class of low-combustible building materials.

Is penoplex dangerous in case of fire?

You need to figure out whether extruded polystyrene foam is dangerous in a fire. Previously, all types of foam plastic belonged to the group of materials with normal flammability or with highly combustible properties. Such materials, in addition to their flammability, emitted dangerous gases, which made the penoplex especially dangerous in case of fire. But recently, manufacturers have switched to the technology for the production of class G1 foam, that is, slightly combustible. The insulation received such properties due to the addition of a flame retardant, a substance that can increase the resistance of building materials to open fire. According to the statement of experts, the new penoplex does not emit harmful substances, it, like wood, emits only carbon dioxide and carbon gases.
But even with such statements by manufacturers, buyers are not inclined to believe them. All due to the fact that, according to state standards, extruded polystyrene foam cannot be slightly combustible. And all its species belong to the G3 or G4 group.

Penoplex is combustible or not?

Official manufacturers do not give any information about absolute incombustibility. There are only references to an independent study, according to which penoplex began to be classified as class G1. But there are no such records in official state documents. This is what causes controversy, some consumers are sure that an independent examination was interested in the result, so the statement that penoplex does not emit harmful substances is simply absurd.
But based on the statements of both sides, it can be concluded that opponents of the incombustibility of polystyrene are simply unfamiliar with the properties of the fire retardant. Of course, such substances will not be able to prevent ignition, but they will not allow the material to burn out. How to explain it? Everything is simple. Under the direct influence of the flame, the penoplex will ignite, but as soon as the fire ceases to affect it, it immediately goes out. It is based on these characteristics that the foam is called non-combustible, since by itself it can cause a fire.
If we evaluate the statements that penoplex emits no more harmful substances than wood, it looks debatable. Since extruded polystyrene foam is a synthetic material, in addition to carbon monoxide, it releases other chemical compounds that can cause pulmonary edema, severe poisoning and even suffocation in humans.

Can penoplex be called non-combustible?

To sum up the above information, is penoplex non-combustible and is it safe in case of fire?

  • Classic extruded polystyrene foam belongs to the groups of highly and normally combustible materials.
  • Only by adding flame retardants, foam plastic is made slightly combustible.
  • It cannot be called non-combustible, because even despite its high fire resistance, it is still flammable under the direct influence of fire.
  • Substances that are released during the combustion of penoplex are dangerous to humans.

Given all the characteristics, experts advise buying low-flammable foam. From significantly different in price, but its performance is worth it. The main difference is in the density of the insulation blocks, treated with anti-foam, the foam is denser. On the building materials market, heaters from various manufacturers are presented, which makes it possible to choose the best option.

How to choose the right penoplex?

Proper insulation should be aimed at maximizing the preservation of heat inside the room, at the same time not exposing it to the risk of fire. In order to purchase the quality product you need, you need to contact only experienced manufacturers who have a good reputation in the building materials market.
After choosing a manufacturer, you need to familiarize yourself with all related documents, which will indicate all state standards and compliance with them. You can also rely on the conclusions of independent expert institutions, which are often available from manufacturers. Nowadays, you can meet construction companies that are able to conduct a small experiment, after which you will be convinced of the fire resistance of the material.


The main thing to remember is that the purchase of insulation treated with anti-foam does not guarantee complete fire safety. To maintain all its fire-fighting properties, the necessary installation and processing instructions must be observed. Most often, extruded polystyrene foam is used to insulate the floor, basement and foundation. It is strictly forbidden to use it for insulation of walls and facades. It is because of the fire hazard that this insulation cannot be used in all areas of construction. Fortunately, manufacturers are constantly working to improve it, using various production technologies and processing insulation with protective substances. Soon, penoplex will acquire all the necessary qualities for widespread use in the field of insulation of residential and industrial premises.

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