Wall painting on wallpaper. Paint for wallpaper for painting: selection and calculation of consumption

garden equipment 03.03.2020
garden equipment

Most often, wallpaper is used for wall decoration or walls are prepared for painting. But there is an option when you can paste over the room with wallpaper, and then paint them in the color you need.

What gives such a finish? The fact is that if you need to change the color of the room, you do not have to re-paste the wallpaper, it will be enough just to re-paint the walls.

Sometimes the need to paint the wallpaper is caused by the fact that the wall was dirty and then it is enough to tint its area.

The wallpaper itself always has a certain texture that will create a warm atmosphere of wallpaper, and not cold painted walls. There are several rules for choosing paint and its color for different rooms.

Preparing tools for painting

Before you start painting wallpaper for painting, you should prepare the necessary tools. For this operation, you will need two rollers - large and small, a brush, a paint tray, as well as some other tools.

For example, with molar tape it will be necessary to glue all the elements that you do not want to cover up with paint during the staining process. These can be sockets, baseboards, radiators protruding from the wall, and the like.

Rollers are divided into several types. It all depends on the material of its manufacture - velor, fur or foam rubber.

The choice of roller depends on the coloring material and the effect you want to achieve in the end. A roller with a long pile deeply stains the surface, while a short one will paint only the protruding parts of the pattern.

Minimal contact with the wall gives a roller with a foam nozzle.

Brushes are used to paint hard-to-reach places in the room. Most often they are corners, joints of walls and ceilings, as well as the connection of walls with built-in or adjacent elements.

In order to keep the paint baths clean and not take too long to wash it off, you can use a bag that will be put on the bath itself.

For example, in the case when several colors need to be used in one room, you can simply change the package and paint the next area with a different shade.

Varieties of paints

Wallpaper for painting can be given color with several types of paint. They differ from each other in price and some characteristics.

Water-dispersion paints are the most popular for painting wallpaper. They have a rich palette and do not contain harmful substances. This paint is used in living rooms.

Acrylic-based latex paint, which is a type of water-dispersion paint, can be used when painting non-woven wallpaper, as well as fiberglass.

Such paint can be used in any room, with the exception of the bath, that is, rooms with high humidity.

Acrylic paint can be used even in a nursery. Since there are no harmful substances in the composition of this paint.

But it is best if children's rooms use paint with the addition of silver ions. They will protect the wallpaper from the formation of mold. However, one of the disadvantages of this paint can be called a rather high cost.

Acrylic paint is best for painting non-woven wallpaper, but can also be used for paper wallpaper, as well as fiberglass. Acrylic paint is odorless, so it can also be used to paint walls in living rooms.

In addition, it is very convenient to paint wallpaper with this paint, as it dries quickly and does not form a film, which allows the wallpaper to breathe.

Alkyd paints are intended primarily for painting non-residential rooms. This is due to additives that increase the wear resistance of the wallpaper painted by them, and also make it possible to use brighter and more saturated shades compared to the above-mentioned paints.

However, it is these additives that can adversely affect the health of people who are constantly in rooms painted with such paint.

The choice of color for wallpaper for painting

The stores have a huge palette of colors. You can choose the shade you need with the help of a fan. However, it is worth remembering that the lighting in the store is not always identical to the lighting that you will have at home.

In addition, even having correctly assessed the shade of paint in the store, it may not be suitable when it turns out to be inscribed in the colors of the surrounding interior (the color of the floor, ceiling).

It is worth buying a small amount of paint, the color you like and painting the part of the wall that will be hidden by the furniture, or just make a sampler on a piece of wallpaper and attach it to the wall section. And after a satisfactory result, order the entire required amount of paint.

Photo examples of wallpaper painting

It is possible to paint wallpaper for painting without streaks with your own hands, subject to certain recommendations, and this will be the best solution for lovers of modern design. New possibilities for combining several color schemes are opening up, which in turn will have a beneficial effect on the interior. And if this task seems difficult to you, then a few tips on the nuances of working with this material will be very helpful.

What is paintable wallpaper

Paintable wallpaper performs the same function as the classic wall decoration, except that there is no pattern on their surface. Manufacturers produce wallpaper for painting in either white or milky colors. This approach allows you to paint pasted wallpaper in any color at the request of the owner of the house. But the most important advantage of this wallpaper option is that they can be painted repeatedly, and this plus will undoubtedly appeal to those who like to transform the room from time to time without spending a lot of time and without resorting to major repairs.

Types of wallpaper for painting

Important!The choice of paint and high-quality painting of wallpaper depends on the material from which they are made. And even if you immediately liked a certain surface texture, you should decide on the type of wallpaper.

Three bases for wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • interlining;
  • fiberglass.

Paper wallpapers perfectly "breathe", help to hide possible defects on the walls and have an affordable price. Of the shortcomings, one can only single out that the number of stains is limited, and the surface cannot be washed in case of accidental contamination. Also, when sticking paper wallpaper on the wall, you should be careful not to damage the rather delicate base impregnated with glue.

Non-woven wallpaper, unlike paper, is much stronger and does not cause trouble with care during operation. The structure of the wallpaper is stronger and is designed for multiple repainting, as well as wet cleaning. One of the disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper is that the structure does not let air through, or in other words, “does not breathe”. The advice is suitable for those living in wooden houses where air access is needed to avoid the formation of dampness.

Fiberglass wallpaper, strong and durable option, designed for repeated painting. Fiberglass wallpapers comply with fire safety requirements, are easy to clean and wet wash. Well, environmental friendliness and ease of care complete the list of pluses with a definite advantage. Also, fiberglass perfectly passes air, and in case of accidental damage it can be repaired.

Choosing a paint

It is immediately worth highlighting three characteristics of paints that should be taken into account, namely, harmlessness, since there will be people in the room, drying speed and good hiding power with a moderate content of solid components.

All these requirements are best met by water-based paints, which not only dry quickly, but are absolutely harmless to those in the room.

It is also worth remembering about other properties of paints. For example, paints with latex additives increase adhesion, and also make it possible to carry out wet cleaning.

Paints based on acrylic and silicone, ideal for rooms with increased steam generation or water. It can be either a kitchen or a bathroom and, of course, are ideal for rooms.

Paints based on rubber sealants will reliably protect even paper wallpapers from water. Also, after using this type of paint, the walls can be safely washed without fear of spoiling the surface.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing wallpaper for painting

So, the walls are pasted over and now it's time to paint the surface. Make sure that the entire surface of the wallpaper is dry and there are no traces of glue left on the joints. For uniform painting, you will need paint rollers with a short pile of various widths. You should not take rollers with foam rubber or long pile, since the foam rubber coating can leave “bubbles”, and the long pile will not allow you to paint over the texture of the wallpaper.

Although everything, of course, depends on the skill of the performer, nevertheless, we recommend that you opt for a short pile roller. Also, for painting in hard-to-reach places, such as corners or behind the battery, get a couple of brushes. Compliance with the instructions will help to qualitatively paint the wallpaper for painting without annoying streaks.

Note!The structure of the wallpaper absorbs paint. To avoid uneven absorption, wallpaper for painting should be coated with a primer. To do this, use a classic primer, or paint applied in one layer.

After the primer has dried, proceed to the final painting. First of all, paint over the corners with a brush, and only then proceed to painting the entire surface of the walls. According to the instructions, paint the surface from top to bottom, gradually descending to the floor. This will avoid influxes or eliminate them in time. Do not hold the roller in one place for a long time, otherwise it may lead to drips and, as a result, to divorce in the future.

Do not allow the paint edge to dry out, as applying a fresh/wet coat will result in streaks and streaks. Finished one wall without interruption, only then move on to the next section.

Make sure that the amount of paint on the roller is evenly distributed, and if the paint is dry, then change the “fur coat” to a new one.

Advice!Well, if you want one of the main recommendations, then make sure that at the very beginning of the repair work the walls are leveled with plaster. At the end of the work, say thank you, as a smooth surface will eventually appear perfectly after painting.

visual demonstration

Well, as practice has shown, it is better to see once than to read 100 times. That is why the information on how to paint the wallpaper for painting so that there are no streaks, shown in a short video, will be very useful to you. After viewing, you will definitely be able to do this stage of repair on your own, while not possessing super skill or many years of practice.

Write in the comments: What difficulties did you encounter while painting the wallpaper?

Now the topic of wallpaper painting has become quite popular. This is the easiest and cheapest way to change the color of the walls, and indeed to update the repair in the apartment.

Wall decoration with painting is:

  • the ability to hide some defects under the paint,
  • economy in repair costs,
  • excellent wear resistance of the walls and simply exclusivity.

After you have painted the wallpaper, they will not fade in the sun, and the painted ones also tolerate various physical damages perfectly. In addition, wallpapers have their own specific relief, and if they are painted correctly, the look will be exquisite.

Helpful information:

Painting itself is not so difficult and everyone can make their dreams come true, but you need to know what paint and what wallpaper to use.

In any store selling wallpaper - just the widest range. There are also special wallpapers on non-woven base, which are designed specifically for painting. It is better to choose plain, white colors - it will be easier for you to paint them in new tones without color distortion. If you already have something glued, you will have to paint in several layers to cover the old color.

When painting, it is better to use a brush with a hard bristle or a roller with a harder fur coat. It is this moment of rigidity that will give the wallpaper a better embossed surface.

How to choose paint

In the production of non-woven wallpaper, cellulose is added, which is processed using special technologies. The canvas has two layers: the inner one is non-woven, the outer one is polyvinyl foam. When buying just such - specify, because there are two types of them - for painting and ordinary.

Wallpapers with a uniform structure are painted exclusively on the front side using a roller or spray gun. Those who like to experiment can paint the non-woven ones from the inside and, after the paint dries, glue them to the wall. After drying, the paint will appear on the front side and will have its own specific tone precisely in those places where there is no upper polymer - it looks quite interesting.

Non-woven wallpapers will look much more interesting if they are first painted in one tone, and then applied with a completely different tone of paint. The first paint will show through in some places under the second.

How you paint - decide for yourself, there are many options and there are absolutely no difficulties in this. You should never be afraid to experiment, because if anything, then everything can be repainted again. I think we all loved to paint on the walls in childhood! In addition, painting wallpaper is a fun activity that the whole family can participate in. Repair will be doubly pleasant!

Video - technology and technique of painting wallpaper

Wallpaper for painting: types and features

Choices may vary. Ranging from paper and ending on fiberglass. However, each type has its own disadvantages as well as advantages.

Paper having a relief structure are usually impregnated with water-repellent mixtures. This will allow you to dye them up to three times. The cheapest option and the most practical, but it is absolutely forbidden to wash and wipe them with a damp cloth.

non-woven- perfectly glued, excellently remove all the imperfections of the walls, they can also be painted several times and at the same time they can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

fiberglass- very strong and durable. Quartz threads are used in their manufacture. Glass fiber can imitate quite different textures, which, after painting, will give its own specific effect.

Painting wallpaper is one of the most popular types of finishes, which provides an aesthetic appearance of the interior for a long time and allows you to change the color of the walls at any time.

Painting wallpaper for painting with your own hands is not particularly difficult.

The main thing is to choose the right working material and tools.

What wallpaper can be painted?

When choosing wallpaper for painting, it is important take into account their structure, coverage and thickness. Not all types of wallpaper can transfer the pigment well.

With the quickly entered fashion for painted wallpaper, manufacturers of finishing materials began to produce special wallpaper for painting. Their main advantage is durability, a wide variety of colors and good susceptibility to pigment:

Which is better to choose?

The best option - non-woven and vinyl wallpaper. This type of finish is designed specifically for painting. Consider their differences, advantages and disadvantages.


This type of wallpaper consists of two layers. The first is paper, the second is PVC. Due to this, they have high strength and elasticity. Their main advantage is fire resistance and water resistance.

They can be washed with water and detergents.

After cleaning, the top layer will remain in its original form. Such wallpapers not afraid of direct sunlight, which means that their color will not fade and retain the original brightness for a long time. Vinyl wallpaper is not afraid of mechanical damage.

Wallpaper layers impregnated with a special antifungal compound, which does not allow mold to form at high humidity. Therefore, they are often glued in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

They come in a wide variety of colors and textures. Manufacturers produce coatings with imitation tiles, wood, fabric and even leather.

Vinyl wallpapers are three kinds:

  1. Foamed.
  2. They have a relief surface, therefore they are ideal for finishing uneven walls. The only negative is less moisture resistant.

  3. Silkscreen.
  4. They differ in the content of silk threads in the layer. They retain their color and structure for a long time, but are more expensive than their counterparts.

  5. Washable.
  6. Washable vinyl wallpaper is the most commonly used for bathrooms and kitchens. Their waterproof surface protects the walls from moisture and fungus. Easy to clean, withstand constant humidity, do not fade.

    Among the shortcomings, one can distinguish the presence of a synthetic layer that does not allow air to pass through and releases formaldehydes.


Interlining is made of cellulose bonded with polymer fibers. In its composition, it is close to ordinary paper wallpaper, but unlike them, it has increased strength and fire resistance. This type of finish allows air to pass through well, allowing the walls to "breathe". Another advantage is that dust does not settle on the surface.

Non-woven wallpaper does not require special care. Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove dirt. They are not afraid of water, are not subject to fire and fading.

Their undoubted advantage is that during repeated repairs they will not need to be torn off the walls - new wallpapers can be glued directly onto their surface.

Of the minuses can be identified only susceptibility to mechanical stress. Scratches and cracks can easily form on the top layer if the walls are protected from the influence of external factors.

Unlike vinyl wallpaper, non-woven wallpapers are much more expensive, and design solutions are not very diverse.

Wallpaper painting is a very responsible process. After all, in order to get the desired shade, you will need to master the tinting - mixing several colors. For painting, as a rule, white wallpaper is chosen.

If the shade is not particularly important to you, and you do not want to spend more money and time on repairs, then you can stop your choice on colored wallpaper.

Primer before painting

Before you paint the wallpaper, they need to be primed. This will allow the paint to lie better on the surface without streaks and bald spots. In addition, with the help of a primer, you can reduce paint consumption and strengthen the fiber. For the procedure you will need:

  • wide roller;
  • paint brush;
  • plastic pallet;

Before starting the process, cover the baseboards and the floor with newspaper or polyethylene. Make sure the glue under the wallpaper is completely dry and the walls are ready for further work.

Pour the primer mixture into the tray, dip the roller into the liquid, gently squeeze out or shake off the excess and get to work. Do not collect a large amount of solution on the roller, as in this case it will run down the wall.

In some hard-to-reach areas of the wall (under the windowsill, corners, next to the batteries), use a paint brush. It is not convenient to work with a roller in such places.

Treated walls dry for about 12 hours. Only after the primer has completely dried can you start painting.

How to paint without streaks?

To avoid stains and smudges, you should follow a few rules:

  1. Exposed areas of the walls should be painted with a roller, not with a brush.
  2. Coloring should be in two opposite directions, and the final movement must be done from top to bottom. This will help avoid streaks and give the right visual effect.
  3. Apply paint in a thin layer. You should not collect too much paint on the roller, as during operation it may drip down, forming smudges. Before bringing the roller to the wall, carefully shake off the excess composition into the drip tray.
  4. Try to drive the roller with smooth movements with the same pressure, evenly distributing the pigment over the surface.
  5. The first thing that needs to be painted over is the areas under the ceiling and near the baseboard.
  6. You can start painting from a window or corner. Do not approach this process randomly. Visually divide the wall into sectors and carefully paint over each of them.
  7. To prevent smudges and stains, blend the paint with a dry roller, gently walking it over the surface. It is not necessary to do this if the first time you get an even layer.
  8. After the paint has completely dried, a second layer is applied in the same way as for the first time.

The drying time of painted wallpaper depends not only on the choice of paint, but also on the temperature and humidity of the air in the space. At room temperature with normal humidity, acrylic paint dries after 1-1.5 hours, and during 30-60 minutes.

How many times can you repaint old wallpaper?

The durability of wallpaper for painting is confirmed by the fact that they can be repainted and updated up to 10-15 times.

If this is a surface with a pronounced relief, then be prepared for the fact that after each staining it will gradually smooth out, losing the original pattern. The canvas itself will not suffer at all from frequent painting work. Much better tolerant of repainting smooth or fine textured wallpaper.

Which roller and paint to choose?

When choosing a paint, be guided by its characteristics and purpose. Under this or that type of wallpaper, different types of paints are selected.

Water based paint has a number of advantages - environmental friendliness, durability, lack of a specific smell, ease of application, affordable cost. In addition, it dries quickly.

acrylic paint It is used to work with most types of wallpaper. It has no unpleasant odor, contains antifungal additives.

Any water-based paint is suitable for non-woven and paper wallpapers. When working with vinyl wallpaper, it is recommended to take latex-based acrylic paint. If the vinyl wallpaper is non-woven, then a water-based one is also suitable. Both water-based and acrylic paints are used for painting paper wallpapers.

To get the desired shade, white water-based or paint mixed with colors. This is a rich pigment used to give the required color for liquid, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers.

tinting- a rather complicated process for beginners. It can take a long time to get the right shade of paint. The most important thing is to mix paint and color in the right proportions.

From the first time, the result may not meet expectations, so designers recommend experimenting first with a small amount of paint. As soon as you manage to get the desired color, you need to mix the color with the paint in a larger volume in compliance with the original proportions.

While tinting, don't forget to test the shade on a scrap piece of wallpaper to see how it will look on your walls.

The choice of painting tool sometimes affects the quality of the finish more than the paint itself. It is recommended to use fur roller with a long pile. If this was not at hand, you can tightly wrap a piece of an old artificial fur coat on a regular roller.

What is the advantage of such a tool? Due to the long pile, it carefully paints over the surface relief over its entire depth. Foam rollers are not suitable for these purposes, since they work only on the surface layer of the pattern, which means they can leave behind bald spots.

For processing corners and hard-to-reach places, use a narrow paint brush and short (up to 50 mm)

Ideas and colors

In order for the painted wallpaper to harmoniously fit into the interior, you need to think in advance about the options for color, pattern and texture of the finishing material. Wallpaper manufacturers today offer wide selection a wide variety of wallpapers for painting - embossed, smooth, with a texture like wood, brick, masonry and others.

Perfect for a child's room textured non-woven wallpaper in pastel shades- peach, beige, cream, pink, blue. Moreover, there are special children's embossed coloring wallpapers that allow the child to feel like an artist or an interior designer.

Relief wallpapers with natural textures look harmonious in the office - stone, brick or leather. When choosing a paint color, try avoid bright, neon and dark shades. Remember that the environment greatly affects the working office atmosphere.

Ideal for - wallpaper with a fine texture or smooth surfaces. You should not glue wallpaper with volumetric relief in this room, as it gives a feeling of rigor and officialdom. As for the shade of paint, the pastel calm colors of the palette will fit in well here.

Looks great in the bathroom volumetric textures - in the form of tiles, bricks or other geometric elements. The optimal shades are blue, green, purple, black, golden, gray, red. If the bathroom is small, then you can visually expand the space with the help of white wallpaper with a fine texture.

In the living room You can use any textures and shades that you like. Just remember that voluminous relief surfaces visually “eat up” the space area. Therefore, in small rooms it is recommended to glue fine-textured wallpaper.

If you want to diversify the interior of a room in an interesting way, giving it a twist, one wall can be painted in one color, and the opposite or adjacent wall in another. This is will increase the space and visually divide it into zones. The only thing to consider is the combination of shades.

Painted wallpaper is not only modern solution, but also practical. Tired of color? It can be easily repainted into another. Wallpaper ruined? It is not necessary to peel them off to stick new ones - you can lay them on an existing layer.

Ease of use and a wide variety of wallpapers and colors make this type of finish popular with most people.

Learn how to paint the wallpaper with your own hands from the video:

There are quite a few options for finishing materials for walls, but wallpaper remains the most popular. Of all their varieties, many consumers prefer wallpaper for painting. Their advantage is the ability to repaint and change the interior several times at the lowest cost.

It is possible to embody the most daring color ideas on your own and choosing the right paint is an important point.

Types of paints for different types of wallpaper

Wallpaper paints can be divided into three types: water-based, acrylic and latex. For each type of wall covering for painting, there are recommendations for choosing a paint.

Consider the options:

Among the popular manufacturers of interior paints for wallpaper are the following:

  • Dulux. Belongs to the expensive segment. Paints are available in a variety of colors, are well applied and last a long time.
  • beckers. Certified coatings are distinguished by environmental safety, as well as resistance to environmental factors.
  • Tikkurila. A rich selection of colors for any type of wallpaper. They retain color for a long time and favorably emphasize the relief pattern.
  • Alpina. Works great on wallpaper and dries quickly. A large selection of matte shades allows you to choose the paint for any interior.
  • Dufa. Russian-made paint. Safe for indoor use, not afraid of moisture.

Empirically in the video they paint wallpapers with different colors comparing expensive ones with cheap ones.

Which paint is better: acrylic, water-based or latex?

The choice of paint is individual. Each consumer may have their own preferences depending on the characteristics and cost of paint and varnish products. In the comparative table, we indicate the advantages and disadvantages of types for wallpaper.

paint typeAdvantagesdisadvantages
  • is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage;
  • presented in a wide range of colors;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to apply and does not spread;
  • resistant to sunlight, does not fade;
  • has no smell;
  • does not create a film on the wallpaper, which allows them to "breathe".
  • high price;
  • has only a matte texture;
  • total drying time is 24 hours.
water emulsion
  • environmentally friendly;
  • initially white, easily tinted in any shade;
  • matte and glossy textures are made;
  • easy to apply and fits well on the surface of the canvas;
  • dries quickly;
  • has no smell.
  • afraid of moisture;
  • burns out when exposed to sunlight.
  • creates a luxurious coverage with a silky texture;
  • is not afraid of moisture, which makes it easy to clean the wallpaper from dirt;
  • durable;
  • has a large selection of colors;
  • available in matte and glossy;
  • dries quickly (within 2-4 hours).
  • high cost, but it is due to excellent performance;
  • It has a smell, which after drying is almost not noticeable.

Painting technology

For applying paint to the wallpaper using a roller and brushes. First, hard-to-reach places are painted over with a brush, such as cracks, areas located near batteries, window slopes, all corners of a room, a doorway. Then proceed to more even areas, carefully painting them with a roller. Large areas can be treated with a spray gun.

Preliminary and thorough mixing of the paint is essential so that the color is uniform. To work, you will also need a paint tray and masking tape, which can be used to limit those areas that should not be painted (ceiling, baseboard, etc.).

The first coat is usually considered a primer because there is a possibility of areas that will not be painted over well. This especially happens with wallpapers with a deep textured pattern. After the first layer has dried, repeat the procedure.

The technology of applying paint to wallpaper consists of the following steps:

  1. Wallpaper glue after pasting must dry completely, i.e. wallpaper must be dry before painting.
  2. Cover with painter's tape the areas that do not need to be painted. Apply paint with a brush to hard-to-reach places and in places where the tape is pasted over.
  3. Pour some paint into the tray, dip the roller. It is preferable to use with a long pile to carefully paint over the relief pattern.
  4. Applying paint to the wallpaper is best done from the window and in directions from top to bottom.

Interior design can be thought out in such a way that drawings or color stripes can be applied to the wallpaper. It is important to know that you need to draw on the finished base coat, i.e. on the second coat of paint. An option for the formation of drawings can be a prepared stencil.

Finishing coating with varnish is allowed, which will give the wallpaper and paint additional protection against mechanical damage.

Features of painting wallpaper

non-woven. They are the most popular wallpaper for painting according to sales statistics. Non-woven wallpaper itself is moisture resistant. If the wallpaper is pasted in a room where you need to clean it from dirt and dust, then choose a latex paint that is not afraid of wet processing and cleaning products.

Apply at least two coats with a deep pile roller to achieve thorough coverage.

Vinyl wallpapers. The principle of applying paint is similar to glass wallpaper: the surface is first primed, and two layers of paint are applied. An important condition is not strong impregnation, especially with paper-based options. If the wallpaper is not very embossed, you can get by with one coat of paint.

paper wallpaper. Such wallpapers do not like moisture, so for painting, give preference to a water-based composition. It is recommended to apply it in one layer, finishing only the areas that were not tinted.

Pre-glued wallpaper can be treated with a special impregnation, this will prevent the paint from draining.

When pasting the walls, make sure that no glue remains on the wallpaper, otherwise these areas will be difficult to paint.

Glass fiber. The type of wallpaper, which is considered the most durable, can withstand up to 30 repaints. The paint penetrates deep into the fibers of the material and lays down well. It is recommended to apply twice, allowing the first layer to dry well beforehand. Before starting work, the wallpaper must be primed. Due to the greater absorption of paint, their consumption is much higher than that of paper ones.

It is important to take precautions, just like when working with glass wool.

  1. Protect furniture and windows as much as possible before starting work with paint. Cover sockets and baseboards with masking tape. Remove the masking tape before the paint is completely dry.
  2. Careful rolling with a roller over a newspaper or a special part of the tray will help to avoid the formation of streaks on the walls.
  3. Wallpaper for painting is better to buy white or the lightest possible shade.
  4. Matte paint is able to hide the imperfections of the wall. Large irregularities must be leveled before pasting, and small ones will hide the wallpaper and the matte finish.
  5. A wall painted with glossy paint can make the room visually larger and lighter. Not recommended in rooms with lots of natural light and uneven walls.
  6. When repainting in a lighter shade, the wallpaper must first be painted over with white. After drying, you can apply the shade that was chosen.
  7. Priming will help reduce paint consumption.

Painted wallpaper in the interior

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