Nikolai Kurdyumov smart garden in detail. Making Smart Garden Soil

garden equipment 20.06.2020
garden equipment

N. Kurdyumov


Garden successology for summer residents and summer residents


Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown...

Wow! Where is this grandfather? How did you plant? How did you grow it?


This book is about how to outwit everything that makes the garden a problem.

Let's face it: we're too busy and too tired to have a model garden. Just like the neighbor. It’s good for him - he doesn’t get out of the dacha ... But we have a job and a lot of other problems! Let's admit that the garden has become a curse for most of us (especially for the husband, there's nothing to say about children ...). Let's admit that with all our love for the earth, we would gladly spend most of the time on something more pleasant than digging, grabbing and carrying buckets of water. We admit: in the depths of our souls, we want everything to grow beautifully on its own, without our participation. If you can admit it, I will say that this is your most reasonable desire.

In fact, a good harvest is a rare occurrence. Most summer residents, spending quite a lot of energy, still lose their crops. Many are disappointed and give up - in other partnerships, a third of the plots are abandoned. I figured out why this is happening. Not because of bad agricultural policy, and by no means because the owners are lazy and irresponsible. The reason is that the traditional gardening system requires too much, too much work- several times more than a normal working city dweller can and should afford, but what is there - just a normal person.

10% - actions are aimed at the result,

30% - specifically against the result and

60% - to fight these thirty.

It's not about us: this is essentially the culture of arable farming. If you, dear reader, regularly grow a rich harvest, then you are the only one, a genius of diligence and accuracy. There are few of them. The earth loves work, yes, but more mental than physical.

The way out is not in hard work - we are already too hardworking. It is enough to simply eliminate ineffective actions. Stop creating problems for yourself that you then have to deal with. And add some productive activities.

And the picture will change beyond recognition. To get a harvest at the cost of huge, constant labor is not yet a success in gardening. To improve life in general, getting a harvest - this is the success of a gardener. This is what the book is about. Yet, as you can see, it is about success.


Greetings to all who have read "Smart Garden"! This was my experience, confirmed by the experience of old gardeners. I described what I do myself.

"Smart Garden" is rather the experience of gardeners in Russia, Europe and the USA - both old and modern. Not everything I'm talking about here, I experienced myself - you can not embrace the immensity. But I felt it my duty to tell you everything I know about it, and leave you with the technical details. I think in a couple of years we will be able to discuss the finer details of smart gardening.

Many thanks to everyone who read the "Smart Garden" and responded - you inspired me to new "feats". For those who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself.

I am Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov. For friends - Nick (but Nick is not an abbreviation, rather a generalization, for ease of communication ...). I am already 38. In 1982 I graduated from the fruit and vegetable faculty of the TSKhA. He didn’t let his wife, Tatyana Mikhailovna, finish the fruit faculty - he took him to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. We have been living in the Kuban for ten years. Three children - Ivan, finishing school, Julia and Anastasia, approaching the same milestone. We live together, and the adolescence of children has not become hooligan. Tanya is a musician by vocation and by her first profession, but she loves plants very much, grows flowers and is engaged in the formation of young gardens. My career guidance test gave all the averages. I love tourism, photography, music, original songs, pedagogy (6 years of teaching experience, which is nice to remember). Now I am looking for and developing productive technologies in relation to the maintenance of a private garden of a small area. I am interested in mold gardening and garden design. I am convinced that each of us can turn our five acres into a source of beauty, harvest and pleasure. To do this, you need, firstly, to understand that, in fact, pleasure is the purpose of giving, and secondly, to learn more from nature than from books. I see how dacha difficulties become problems in the life of dacha residents, and I try to solve them as a whole. Trying to become gardener- used to be called masters who can grow absolutely everything. I like to talk about all the good things. I try to write simply and clearly. It is important that the text of the book be completely clear to you and that we speak the same language. So:

1. Read it in the garden, in the garden. Touch and look at everything you read about. Even if it is in a single copy or quite a bit.

Make at least in a micro-volume, on one meter, what you need to see, and watch. Reading a book only in an armchair, you can understand everything or have fun, but you won't be able to apply what you've read.

2. If you suddenly lost the thread of reasoning and do not quite understand what it is about, then you missed (did not understand or misinterpreted) one word. It is located where everything seemed to be clear to you. Go back there, find the word you can't clearly imagine, and clarify it in our context. All disagreements are due to different interpretations of words! To avoid misunderstanding, I marked all the "suspicious" words with the "" icon and put them in an explanatory dictionary. Look there more often, and we will have a common language: you will understand exactly what I wanted to say.


Brief - sisters. tal.

You know, there is no fear in nature. No worry. Only a person has such concepts as “sinful”, “should”, “obliged”, “guilty” and “nobody needs me”. Plants are simple live- thrive or not thrive. They do not understand that it is possible to grow a garden, "to like everyone else", out of obsessive concern about children or out of confidence that "it is necessary." Watching summer residents, I see a general "garden necessity". Very rarely I meet those who maintain a dacha for yourself, for his pleasure - like a friend. This is where the main reason for the crop failure and abandonment of our gardens is buried! We try to treat the garden like a piece of land on which food grows. And this is a mistake.

Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov, an agronomist by education and a popularizer of knowledge on practical farming, has many followers. They call their land plots, equipped according to his method, a garden according to Kurdyumov. What is the secret of the success of gardening using the technology of Nikolai Ivanovich. We will try to answer all these questions!

about the author

Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov was born in Adler in 1960. In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev with a degree in Agronomy. After theoretical training at the academy, Nikolai Ivanovich tested all the knowledge gained in practice for many years, using the experience of such scientists as Ovsinsky, Dokuchaev, Timiryazev, Fukuoka and others. Kurdyumov speaks of himself as an adherent of organic, natural farming. For outstanding achievements in viticulture, Kurdyumov was awarded the gold medal of the Third International Exhibition "Golden Bunch of Grapes".

The scientist-agronomist regularly publishes his works in repeatedly reprinted books. The most famous of them are:

  • "Smart garden";
  • "Smart garden";
  • "Smart Vineyard";
  • "Smart greenhouse";
  • "The Mastery of Fertility";
  • "Protection instead of struggle" and others.

The great merit of Nikolai Ivanovich is that he adds invaluable grains of national experience to a good theoretical base and world experience in agriculture.

Four Conditions of Fertility

Kurdyumov considers four conditions of fertility to be the main components of his success:

  • maintaining a stable level of optimal humidity;
  • maintaining good breathability;
  • prevention of overheating of the soil in the summer;
  • maintaining a high level of carbonic acid in the soil.

Let's consider each of the conditions in more detail.

Optimal and stable humidity

Productive vital activity of microorganisms in the soil is possible only at normal humidity. In too dry land, bacteria are inhibited, and the decomposition of organic matter practically stops in it. In waterlogged, instead of decomposition, harmful putrefactive processes begin. (cm. ).

Soil air permeability

On too compacted soil, plants practically do not grow. If you dig, you will not find worms and insects that process organic matter into humus.

All processes in the soil occur due to oxygen - nitrification of nitrogen, dissolution of phosphorus and potassium by acids. Structured soil, rich in soil tubules, receives much more moisture than compacted soil. This process can be observed in the forest. In it, even after prolonged rains, there are almost no large number of small puddles. All moisture is absorbed deep into the ground.

In summer, the soil should not overheat

And ideally, it should be colder than air, then internal dew will form on the walls of the soil tubules, which regulates humidity. Sharp jumps in day and night temperatures adversely affect the growth and development of plants.

Large amount of carbonic acid

The following biological chain can be traced here: soil with a high content of undecomposed organic matter attracts many insects and worms that decompose organic substances into minerals (phosphorus, potassium, and others) and release carbon dioxide. The latter, combining with water in the presence of oxygen in the soil, forms carbonic acid, which is capable of converting mineral substances into forms that are digestible for plants. Thus, there is an accumulation of humus - the fertile layer of the earth.

How to ensure that all of these conditions are met?

Nikolai Ivanovich is sure that this can be easily achieved by performing the following agronomic practices:

  • the use of flat cutters and weeders instead of digging;
  • mulching the surface of the earth on the beds and aisles;
  • sowing green manure;
  • installation of drip irrigation systems;
  • composting of all organic residues;
  • arrangement of high fenced beds.

Kurdyumov describes in detail how to properly carry out these techniques.

How to do without digging

Digging up a vegetable garden is hard work that discourages most people from engaging in agriculture. In addition, we consider obligatory digging twice a year - spring and autumn. As a result of digging in the soil, all natural holes, a kind of "pores" of the earth, are violated. After this procedure, the earth does not remain loose for long - after the very first rains, it becomes compacted and covered with a crust. The vital activity of microorganisms and worms in such conditions is sharply reduced, consequently, its fertility decreases.

The arrangement of the garden according to Kurdyumov involves the replacement of tedious and harmful digging with the use of a flat cutter. It does not disturb the structure of the soil, is easy to use, remarkably cuts the roots of weeds and slightly loosens the top layer.

There are many tools for doing this:

  • the famous Fokine flat cutter (small and large);
  • various pololniki, or flat cutters-loops;
  • hand cultivators, similar to variously shaped flat cutters with a wheel that facilitates work.

To quickly and efficiently process a large area from weeds, gardeners make home-made tools by welding a flat cutter or weeder to a frame with a wheel from a wheelbarrow, a children's bicycle or a stroller.

The benefits of mulching

Mulch is any material that lies on the surface of the soil and shade it from the sun. To create a mulch layer use:

  • newspapers,
  • sawdust,
  • cut grass,
  • crushed bark,
  • vegetable peelings,
  • or .

A thick layer of mulch solves several problems for the gardener at once:

  • significantly reduces the growth of weeds;
  • prevents overheating of the soil;
  • contributes to the retention of soil moisture;
  • decomposing, it provides nutrition to microorganisms, increasing fertility.

Kurdyumov considers the most useful mulch to be the one in which there is a lot of carbon - wood chips, tree branches, foliage.

It is desirable to crush large particles with the help of a special device - a garden shredder. It creates an optimal fraction - the mulch does not cake and does not dry out.

We sow green manure

Kurdyumov repeatedly noticed that bare land, devoid of a vegetative "blanket", quickly loses its structure and fertile layer. In nature, bare land does not exist, it is quickly covered with vegetation. Nikolai Ivanovich suggests doing the same: after harvesting an early crop, sow fast-growing crops and prune them, without waiting for flowering and seed formation. Thus, three problems are solved:

  • the earth is always covered with vegetation;
  • trimmed green manure enrich the soil with organic matter;
  • green manure is used as mulch.

For soil manure, fast-growing cereals and herbs are used. Of these, the most popular are:

  • winter rye;
  • oil radish;
  • Vika;
  • peas;
  • lupine annual;
  • alfalfa and others.

Before sowing green manure, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties.

For example, after harvesting cruciferous crops, you can not sow radish and mustard, as they also belong to the cruciferous family. Even when sowing green manure, it is advisable to use crop rotation - do not sow crops of the same family for more than one year on the same bed.

Green manure is sown thickly so that they stand like a wall and cover the whole earth. Before winter they are sown a little less often.

The lawn is also considered as a permanent green manure, appropriate everywhere, except for mulched beds and trunk circles of very young plants.

Why drip irrigation is needed

It differs from the usual one in that it does not erode the top layer of the earth, after which it becomes covered with a crust. Frequent small drops from a special hose with holes fall deep into the soil directly to the roots, and the surface remains loose. The drip irrigation system is bought in specialized stores or made independently. They look like the photo below:

The water heated in the tank flows under a slight pressure through the pipes to the beds, where hoses with holes are laid. By sampling, it is easy to determine how long to open the tap so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of moisture. If necessary, liquid fertilizers are added to the barrel - a fermented infusion of weeds, which is pre-filtered so that the holes do not clog. Thus, growing vegetables on the advice of Kurdyumov, the gardener is relieved of the need to carry heavy buckets and watering cans with water.


Kurdyumov advises to crush all organic waste and use it instead of mulch in the beds. But it is advisable to compost fresh manure or the contents of dry closets first so that the level of nitrates in the soil does not rise sharply. When installing a composter, the following points should be considered:

  • build walls from mesh material so that air exchange is not disturbed and rotting processes do not begin instead of overheating;
  • cover the compost bin with a lid to regulate the moisture content of the compost;
  • stir the contents regularly with a fork so that the top layer does not dry out, and the lower ones receive enough air;
  • to accelerate the decomposition of compost, use the preparations "Baikal" and "Shine";
  • the addition of ash makes the compost more balanced in terms of the content of nutrients.

It is desirable to use such a fertilizer on the beds according to Kurdyumov in a year, so that all the seeds of weeds hatch and rot in it.

Gardening lessons from Kurdyumov - video

High warm beds

According to Kurdyumov, stationary beds-boxes are much more convenient than ordinary flat beds. There are several reasons for this:

The beds according to Kurdyumov are made in the following sequence:

  • knock down a box of the desired size from any suitable material - boards, slate, remnants of a profiled sheet;
  • mark a place for a bed and remove a layer of earth by 30–40 cm;
  • cover the bottom of the future beds with cardboard so that perennial weeds do not break through;
  • pour a layer of drainage from crushed branches, chips, bark, leaves, reeds, flavored with ash and watered with fermented herbal infusion;
  • lay semi-rotted material - compost, rotten forest litter;
  • finish the formation with a layer of finished compost.

A warm bed arranged in this way will provide crops with all the necessary elements for several years. A few years later, the bed is re-formed.

In conclusion, Nikolai Ivanovich gives the last piece of advice:

Each region of Russia has its own climate and weather conditions. Therefore, do not apply all the tips thoughtlessly - some of them may not suit your conditions. Keep a close eye on your garden and change your farming practices so that the plants feel great. That's when you get a real garden according to Kurdyumov.

Video: how to fertilize the garden according to Kurdyumov?

Kurdyumov is sure that in order to obtain high yields, it is necessary to expend more mental labor than physical labor. The garden according to Kurdyumov must be smart.

Starting with planning

Kurdyumov claims that site planning helps to save time by 2-3 times.

First of all, calculate how many vegetables you need, and plant only what you need. Strive not to increase the area under planting, but to increase the yield.

Plants need sun

According to Kurdyumov, the garden should be constantly illuminated by the sun's rays: it will not be possible to get a good harvest in the shade. In partial shade, you can grow only greens, lettuce and some root crops.

In order not to create a shadow on the site, it is recommended to orient the trellises on which tall vegetables are placed to the north and south.

Pumpkin, beans and melons can be planted near fences and illuminated walls, used to decorate arbors and arches.

We equip the beds according to Kurdyumov

In the garden according to Kurdyumov, when placing beds, work is taken into account. For example, if the beds are watered from a well, then in order to reduce the effort expended, it is recommended to place the beds radially around the well.

The garden according to Kurdyumov suggests the presence of high beds. To do this, build walls using any material at hand. Raised beds will help plants to endure drought more easily and prevent waterlogging, and you will reduce the cultivated area.

Another requirement of the garden according to Kurdyumov is the obligatory presence of organic matter. To do this, next to the beds, you need to arrange a compost heap.

A prerequisite put forward by the garden according to Kurdyumov is the presence of paths that should not remain bare. They should be covered with boards or other materials so that they do not draw water from the beds.

Pay close attention to your irrigation system

Equipping a garden according to Kurdyumov, you can’t save on. Ideally, it is recommended to use a “tee” made of thin hoses, one end of which is attached to a container of water, and holey hoses are attached to the other, which are dug into the beds. The container must be placed on a hill so that the water can move independently through the hoses. This will greatly facilitate the work: you can open the tap and go about your business, and the garden will be watered at this time. It is advisable to collect rainwater from the roof in a container.

Let's summarize. What should be paid attention to when organizing a garden according to Kurdyumov?

Requirements put forward by the garden according to Kurdyumov:

  • site planning;
  • increase in yield, not the size of the plot;
  • the constant presence of the sun;
  • compost heap preparation;
  • placement of beds, taking into account work;
  • preparation of high beds;
  • paths should not be bare;
  • trellis orientation to the south-north;
  • quality irrigation system.

And the last condition: the garden according to Kurdyumov does not spoil the view of the site, but decorates it, like flower beds and lawns.

Video "Garden from A to Z according to Kurdyumov"

Arrangement of a garden plot according to Kurdyumov

Almost every owner of a garden plot is of the opinion that the larger his land plot, the more vegetables and herbs he will collect as a result of its processing. However, not always many efforts of gardeners and summer residents come down to huge harvests, since physical labor directed in the wrong direction is just a waste of time and one's strength.

It is this approach to tillage that the author of the most interesting books on cultivating vegetable gardens, improving the soil, growing many vegetable crops, Nikolai Kurdyumov, describes in his journalistic publications his personal experience, bringing a large harvest from small territorial land plots.

Author's works related to the care of the garden and garden

The collection of works by Kurdyumov, aimed at saving effort and costs while working in the garden and in the garden, is reduced to the following editions:

Features of the cultivation of beds according to Kurdyumov

A smart garden according to Kurdyumov is a whole developed growing system based on the constant favorable psychological mood of the farmer and the correct and fertilizing of the soil.

Absolutely all plants feel the energy of the person who cares for them throughout the growing season. The desire of the gardener to achieve the main goal - a high yield, always leads him to deep knowledge in agrotechnical science, but not all modern technological processes for cultivating land are expedient, it is possible to effectively do without plowing the land, cultivating and other mechanized costly work, more attention should be paid to improving the microbiological composition of the soil, which will contribute to the creation of natural favorable climatic conditions for plants for growth and development without all sorts of picks, treatment with poisons from harmful insects, the main thing is to ensure a nutritious crop rotation and compatibility of plants of various groups and species in a certain area.

The main success of the gardener is to get to the bottom of the success of his work on the ground, namely, it lies in minimizing the work performed, classifying them into completely useless and most necessary.

When this goal is achieved, then it will be easy and simple to work on a personal or summer cottage, enjoying an effective result.

Kurdyumov's publication "Smart Garden in Detail" teaches the gardener not to dwell on the standard habitual norms of sowing and caring for plants, but to learn a lot of interesting things about plants and test their knowledge with great desire in practice, confirming the truth of their effectiveness.

Success is its own individually designed system for growing any plants - an individual technology that brings a decent quality harvest. It is precisely such a successful scheme that Kurdyumov shares with many beginners and professional gardeners, discovering completely natural ordinary phenomena that modern agronomists do not pay attention to.

The technology of growing vegetables and garden plantings from Kurdyumov, set out in "Smart Garden" and "Smart Garden"

Working in a country garden or garden can bring joy and real satisfaction if, within their limits, you organize the correct planting of all plants that can perform the functions and tasks that a person is busy with throughout the entire period of caring for plants - ensuring the optimal level of illumination, humidity, destruction insects, weed removal.

You can do without all these tedious procedures. How? - many will ask. Easily!

So, what is Kurdyumov's smart garden, which does not require huge physical costs and pleases precisely with the desired achievements:

  • this is undisturbed soil fertility, humus consists of many living organisms that cause a favorable decomposition of plant roots into nutrients that decompose and create the basis for the development of favorable bacteria, the naturally formed earth cover perfectly passes air and moisture, the so-called mulch does not allow the earth to dry out maintaining the optimal level of humidity for a long time; plowing violates the natural balance due to soil compaction, due to which there is a violation in the moisture and air exchange of the earth with the environment, which naturally cannot have a positive effect on plant yields; growing plants according to Kurdyumov - no mechanical tillage on your land;

  • this desire to provide plants with a favorable environment for flowering and fruiting, for this it is necessary to provide the earth with sufficient saturation with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, as well as trace elements - iron, manganese, boron, iodine, cobalt, silicon, zinc; however, few people know that land covers that are not amenable to mechanical processing have this list in full and are able to provide excellent plant growth not in the mass of their stem and leaves, but aimed at the formation of the largest quality fruits; the soil after plowing is not able to retain the entire microbiological nutritional composition and therefore it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers;

  • this is a constant maintained level of humidity, the creation of a system of air holes for soil breathing, soil cooling, an excess of organic acids; only natural, prepared humus, containing the decay products of everything that could decompose into small elements, can create such favorable conditions; humus is a cohabitation of worms, microorganisms and insects working to create a unique favorable environment for plants; you can create separate composted beds with the help of organic natural fences - logs, stones, filling the resulting containers of various sizes with humus prepared in advance;

  • this is the absence of weeds in the beds, which do not interfere with the development of plants; this can be achieved with the help of organic mulch - straw, hay, small chips, wood, sawdust, which are sprinkled on land after sowing seed into the soil;
  • this is the observance of the soil structural natural balance, achieved through minimal physical exertion, giving gorgeous results in the form of large fruits.

Video: how to fertilize the garden according to Kurdyumov?

Igor Lyadov's garden is a miracle that everyone can do

The longer a piece of land is used for growing crops, the less fertile it becomes. Yields are falling, no matter how much effort is invested in them, and what can be grown does not please with either quality or quantity.

Igor Lyadov, who lives in the Far East of the country, also faced the same problem, like many gardeners who spend a few weekends at their summer cottage. Accustomed to encountering at the aircraft plant where he works, Lyadov did not put up with a drop in productivity, but decided to make every effort to restore fertility to the land and achieve high yields with the least labor costs. This is understandable - after all, a summer resident could devote to his favorite beds only on weekends.

Igor Lyadov technology

The result of observations, studying the experience of foreign colleagues and our own practical work on twenty acres was a record harvest and the creation of a truly smart garden. The technology turned out to be extremely simple and at first glance similar to the method proposed by the American Jacob Mittlider at the end of the 20th century.

However, unlike the overseas agronomist, who suggested using exclusively mineral additives for plant nutrition, Igor Lyadov preferred organic matter and even developed unique author's mixtures based on herbs and traditional fertilizers: manure and bird droppings.

What the two currents have in common is the construction of high beds-boxes, filled, among other things, with the remains of plants that have lived their lives. Therefore, there are no untidy compost heaps on the site, everything is hidden in narrow beds and immediately begins to benefit.

Features of narrow beds:

  • The width of the beds is 60 - 100 cm, which is narrower than recommended by Lyadov's American colleague.
  • The passages are comparable in width to the ridges, are 60 - 80 cm and can be covered with roofing material, tiles, ordinary sand and sawdust. If grass is sown in the aisles between the ridges, then it is periodically mowed.
  • The location of the beds is strictly from north to south.
  • But the walls of the boxes in Lyadov's garden can be made of any available material: boards, logs, slate, bricks or blocks, depending on the work and capabilities of the gardener.

Advantages of Igor Lyadov's smart garden

The main advantage of the method is almost twice the yield on the plot compared to the traditional technology, when crops are grown in wide, soil-level beds.

However, there are other positive aspects that attract more and more attention of summer residents to Lyadov's experience:

  • The boxes are durable, and their maintenance does not take much time.
  • The amazing garden of Igor Lyadov is convenient and loosening.
  • The moisture inside the box does not stagnate, but it is not wasted on moistening unnecessary areas.
  • Painstaking labor-intensive weeding is not required, especially when mulching the soil under the plants.
  • Landings are well lit and actively ventilated.
  • There is no washing out of useful substances from the bed-box.
  • Saves time and effort on digging the site.
  • You need to loosen the ridges to a depth of only seven or ten centimeters.
  • The crop is not affected by pests and plant diseases.
  • Every year, you can easily change the places of planting and plan the desired neighborhood of plants.
  • The smart garden of Igor Lyadov, due to the height of the beds, gives the summer resident a real opportunity to plant much earlier.
  • If you cover the box with foil or put plastic arcs, then the bed without additional effort will allow you to grow vegetables in a home-made, but very effective one.

The bed according to the Lyadov method has been working for several years, and with regular replenishment with plant residues and properly carried out top dressing, its service life is completely difficult to determine.

When the crop is harvested, the author of the idea advises to sow fast-growing green manure, which will further enrich the soil in the box. When planting, it is no longer necessary to add humus or fertilizer, because, in fact, the bed itself is a kind of compost storage.

As it becomes clear, Igor Lyadov's garden has many advantages, but there is only one drawback. This is the cost of labor, money and time in the first year when switching to an unusual technology.

Creating a bed-box

The beds in Igor Lyadov's smart garden are built in the fall and stretched strictly from north to south, and for their manufacture you can use any available materials from slate and boards to bricks or building blocks.

During the master class, which was hosted by Igor Lyadov himself, he used old logs from which the house was once built, and cutting boards. However, before assembling the box, it is important to choose a suitable platform and level it.

Then the walls of the future beds are firmly, perhaps deepening a little, set on the soil, observing the rule that the width of the box should not exceed 120 cm. The length can be arbitrary.

The walls are necessarily knocked down or twisted together so that the structure gains strength, and cardboard is laid on the bottom of the resulting box, which will become an obstacle to the ubiquitous, perennial weeds.

After the cardboard comes the turn of a thin layer of sand.

And then the box is lined with a layer of coarse plant residues. Do not forget about protecting the structure from moisture and pests. Therefore, the author of the technology advises to treat the wooden box with a resistant but safe water-based paint for outdoor use.

When the painting is completed, you can finally fill the bed with more juicy and smaller waste, tops and leaves of harvested vegetables, grass or straw cut from the lawn, excluding perennial weeds with roots that could sprout. Manure and humus, compost are laid out on top and the nutrient mixture is poured over with an infusion prepared according to the author's method of Igor Lyadov. The top layer, about 10 cm thick, in the box is ordinary soil.

It should be noted that in the northern regions the boxes should be made higher, and in the southern regions, in order to prevent rapid loss of moisture, lower.

Such beds help out well in places where spring flooding of sites is frequent.

Due to the large, about 30 cm, layer of organic residues in Lyadov's garden, there is a constant process of overheating, which means that the temperature in the depth of the box is elevated, but not critical. Plants quickly give friendly shoots and begin to bear fruit.

Arrangement of a greenhouse based on a bed according to the method of Igor Lyadov

  1. Pegs are installed along the long sides of the beds opposite each other at a distance of no more than a meter.
  2. The ends of plastic pipes are put on these pegs so that arcs are obtained over the bed.
  3. The structure is covered with a film or other material, getting a warm covered bed for the early cultivation of a wide variety of vegetables and berries.

The system of narrow beds used in the garden of Igor Lyadov makes it possible to significantly extend the vegetation period of plants and obtain consistently high yields, regardless of the weather and the characteristics of the garden plot.

It is important that in order to ensure ventilation and proper space, plants are planted on such beds in a checkerboard pattern. Large crops, such as cabbage or eggplant, are planted in two rows, and smaller ones, such as radishes or onions, in four.

Garden dressing

The author of the methodology believes that it is possible to restore the fertility of the mixture in the box not with the help of chemical additives, but with the help of personally prepared infusions, which include yeast fungi and lactic acid bacteria. The starter for the mixture can be ordinary mash.

For three liters of well water, five tablespoons of sugar and a package of dry baker's yeast are taken. After two or three days of fermentation, the liquid can be added to a common container, but it is better to store it in the cold so that the fungi do not die.

Feeding recipes from Igor Lyadov

All recipes are designed for a two-hundred-liter container. The compositions are infused for at least a week, and when used, they are diluted at least twice, in the case of a herbal composition, and even more when using litter or manure.

  1. For the first mixture you will need:
    • a shovel of sifted ash;
    • half a bucket of manure or bird droppings;
    • a bucket of rotted straw bedding or fallen leaves;
    • a shovel of soddy land, humus or rotted compost;
    • clean sand shovel;
    • one liter of fermented milk product or whey;
    • three liters of mash.
  2. For the second infusion, two-thirds fill the container with weeds or mowed grass, add two shovels of sifted ash. Now you can pour the mixture with water and close the barrel with a film. After two weeks, the product is ready, but before use it is diluted 1 to 10.
  3. The third mixture includes a third of a barrel of manure or manure, which is poured with clean water and also infused for up to two weeks. Infusion on manure is diluted 1 to 10, and a mixture with litter in a ratio of 1 to 20.

The roots of plants in the wonderful garden of Igor Lyadov are always provided with everything necessary for growth and fruiting, and the carbon dioxide produced by bacteria is not wasted, but immediately goes to the roots. The heat released also plays a role, which makes it possible to obtain guaranteed early harvests.

Organic farming, advocated by Lyadov, allows you to forget about chemical additives, carry out gentle tillage and invariably enjoy the useful, high-quality fruits of your labor, without thinking that after their cultivation, the soil loses its fertility and will soon become impoverished.

Kurdyumov Nikolay - Smart garden in detail

2nd edition, revised and enlarged

In his book, the agronomist N.I. Kurdyumov shares with readers his experience gained over the years of practical activity.

Instead of preface 3

What is this book about? 3

Chapter 1

Meet success,
or general foundations for success 7

Are we friends with the garden or
quasi-scientific speculation about
sense of cohabitation 9

The main thing about permanent culture 11

Chapter 2

A Very Brief History of Agriculture 14

New system
agriculture I.E. Ovsinsky 15

Chapter 3
or a manual for lovers of gardening on the soil 22

Organics in different forms 23

Mulch* and other bed blankets 26

Most Natural Soil Improver 30

Important information about soil fatigue 33

Not a single hoe 34

Cultivator razor 34

Flat cutter Fokina 34

"Choppers" of our grandfathers 35

Weeds of our days 35

If we dig, then ... 36

Smart Farming Summary 37

Chapter 4
or vegetable growing on very small areas 37

Vegetable container: two years later 38

Raised beds-boxes 40

Narrow beds and narrow boxes 41

Trenches - narrow
beds for hot climates 41

Pits - apotheosis
lazy gardening 42

Pergolas, fences and south walls 42

Pyramids and umbrellas 42

What happens as a result 43

Chapter 5

How to arrange
and arrange narrow beds 44

How to sow and plant
seedlings in narrow beds 45

Chapter 6
or an attempt to combine the reasonable with the beautiful 47

1. How many and what kind of beds do you need 47

2. General rules
garden design 49

3. The beauty of the garden -
this is its expediency 51

Chapter 7
or considerations for those who like to combine 53

1. Conclusions on the "square foot" 54

2. Triangles - better than 55

3. Vertical alignment 55

4. Do they want to live together? 57

5. Vegetable conveyor in each bed 58

6. Game in the garden 59

Chapter 8
or fairy tales for those who like to get to the bottom of the matter 61

1. Anatomy of problems 61

2. Life is a struggle* 62

3. What is invariable is reliable 63

4. Circumstances are stronger than us 64

5. Patience and work will grind everything 64

6. "I live for others..." 65

7. Science is smarter than us 66

8. Garden myths of today 66

Chapter 9
or how to feed and drink without harm 68

1. Why does a plant evaporate water? 68

2. What can we do? 69

3. Do we need mineral water? 71

4. For lovers of mineral water: feeding according to Mittlider 72

5. Nutrition, stimulation
and watering - simultaneously 75

Chapter 10
or fairy tales about how winter was deceived 75

Chapter 11

1. A seed is already a plant 79

2. The main thing about sowing 81

3. Seedling and planting subtleties 82

Chapter 12
or fairy tales about what harms plants 87

1. Vinaigrette effect 89

2. How to help friends 90

3. The sworn couple 91

4. Mushrooms and mushroom rain 92

5. Once again about plants 93

6. Stimulants and inductors* 93

7. Smart tank mixes 94

8. What I learned about EM 95

Chapter 13
or - about the possibilities of plants and various tricks of the owners 95

Once again about desires and possibilities 96

1. Tomatoes 97

2. Cucumbers 98

3. Pumpkins 99

4. Potato 100

6. Radish 102

7. Luke 103

8. Salads 103

9. Corn and beans 104

10. About herbs 105

The last dome - sociable 106

Explanatory dictionary 106

For the kindly given opportunity to publish this book, the author thanks everyone who can read.

I stole most of the epigraphs from Andrey Knyshev, for which I thank him very much.

N. Kurdyumov

Smart garden in detail

For the kind opportunity

thanks everyone

Most of the epigraphs

I stole from Andrey Knyshev,

for which many thanks to him.

Instead of a preface

“There are few good books. I hope that with the advent of this one, there will be even fewer of them.”

A. Knyshev

What is this book about?

May all and sundry grow stronger and prosper!

Those who are familiar with my past creations already know how to arrange a fruitful and beautiful garden, in which there is almost no place for struggle and hard work, and time passes mainly for various pleasures, such as: creativity in design beds and the formation of plants and trees, mowing a motley grass lawn, inventing and arranging ever new tricks that allow you to do nothing, reasonable types of plant care with anticipation, admiring blooming flowers and newly appeared design corners, as well as pouring fruits and green vegetables (practically - the main pleasure for which we keep dachas), detachment from everyday problems, friendly barbecues and even such rarities as just lounging and sleeping in broad daylight, with complete peace of mind.

In other words, this book is about success .

About five years ago I made an epoch-making discovery for myself: success is not just centners of vegetables and fruits.

Success is to create a cottage that gives you constant pleasure. And vegetables, and fruits, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty, and all this to receive without tension and fatigue, without anxiety and routine, but with pleasure - this is success!

Discovering the essence of success turned my life in a new, much more rewarding direction.

Since then, I have been busy constantly inventing, searching and arranging my site towards the ideal state. Every year I change something, check, compare.

Progress towards the goal is not fast, but noticeable. This is what makes life pleasant: after all, the essence of happiness lies precisely in this difference - albeit not by much, but today is better, more successful than yesterday!

This is what I am sharing with you. It's the search.

I do not give ready-made instructions, but offer directions with examples and experience.

I do not pretend to be an integral technology - it is still far from it. I invite you to move along.

« Smart garden in detail”, unfortunately, is richer and heavier than the “Smart Garden”. On the other hand, it is much fuller.

There will be more specific techniques and methods, devices and recipes. There will be both a general theory and an applied "philosophy" - for those who are not yet familiar with it.

I will do my best to make this book funny. This is another discovery of mine: the more fun the book, the easier it is to put into practice.

Despite the abundance of material, the book, nevertheless, is, first of all, about how to minimize unproductive work and add to you a modicum of personal freedom.

I myself am a big lazy person. I take my hat off to diligence, but I am sure that it is not our way out - we already work much more than is necessary.

It's just that our work on earth is not effective enough. A real lazy person, a lazy person with a capital letter, won't lift a finger until he figure out how to save himself from unnecessary work, and get more.

What a useful quality, right?

Now, let me introduce myself:


Sometimes I have a feeling

unreasonable selfishness...

I am Nikolai Kurdyumov, for friends and wife - Nick. My body recently celebrated its fortieth birthday, but I myself - no more than twenty-seven.

In Timiryazevka, my wife Tatyana and I studied at the very beginning of the eighties and to the fullest we used the opportunities available even then to travel through the mountains and rivers, take photographs, delve into the theatrical and musical life, and not part with the guitar.

Then, three charming kids appeared, and we got carried away with pedagogy and health systems.

As teachers, they ended up in Azov, at the school of M.P. Shchetinin. Since then we have been living here: the children finish school. And very successful! With glitter. The son - with silver, the middle daughter - with gold. The youngest, on this occasion, is thoughtful.

Having gone through the hopelessly unemployed perestroika period, I remembered that I had learned how to cut trees well. Later, it suddenly turned out that it was necessary and in demand.

Then it became clear that science, books and shops are a beautiful wish, and dachas are a reality that is very far from them.

Finally, it turned out that the wildness of our dachas is by no means an obligatory thing, although it is methodically created by science and culture.

By the time, Ron Hubbard's system of knowledge* came across - technologies for enhancing abilities, solving problems and creating success.

Eyes were opened to the huge difference between what we want, what we do and what we get as a result.

And so my profession arose - gardening "success". Tanya and I are busy developing it: I work with large gardens, she works with small ones.

Forming gardens is more of my profession, and gardening is more of a hobby, because I only garden in my spare time.

I dream of becoming a real gardener - in the old days these were people who were able to grow everything from an orange to a radish.

And now I am a promoter. And I am very concerned that the book be intelligible, and that you would understand everything exactly as I understand it myself. Even better.

Conclusion - the place where you are tired of thinking ...

1. The main reason why the text may seem incomprehensible is that one unfamiliar word .

One single word that you don't clearly imagine or misunderstand in context.

You can ignore this and keep reading. But, this is already practically useless: after the missed word, an empty strip remains in the memory!

And now, after reading half a page more, you suddenly feel that you are tired, it is no longer interesting to read, the thread is lost, and in general the author is too smart, and you are not too savvy in science.

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