Chinese horoscope rabbit, (cat). full description of the sign

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020

Seals purr and look affectionately at competing dogs, and Rabbits bravely rush at swindler boas - the rabbit horoscope for 2019 in the Year of the Yellow Pig will be like that, you just need to get rid of modesty. And then according to the plan - to conquer the business world, and appoint yourself as the deputy of the Earth Pig, charm the partners and tell them about grandiose plans. You will have a warm stove, fresh milk, and a new fur coat. And tie your socks so that you don’t rub calluses - you will have to run a lot, either for negotiations or for corporate gatherings. When they get tired of running around the world, Kitty-Rabbits can sit down in mansions and do creative work - dreams must come true.

According to the horoscope for 2019, Cats (Rabbits) are waiting for an incredible kaleidoscope of events, unexpected turns, great opportunities. The main thing is not to be afraid of changes and be able to quickly adapt to any innovations. The choice will not be easy to make. There will be trials, ups and downs. You won't be bored this year for sure. You will be able to adequately endure everything that fate brings you, thanks to such qualities as: caution, determination, a sense of justice. And a great sense of humor will help not only to maintain peace of mind, but also to make new friends.

Years of birth of the Cat (Rabbit) - 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951,1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2023

General horoscope for the Cat (Rabbit) for 2019

Try to make the most of all the opportunities given to you by fate. This year you will be able to make a number of important decisions that will change your life for the better. Do not give up promising ideas during this period, take the initiative, implement your ideas, even those that seem unpromising. Of course, it is not without difficulties. They are an integral part of our development. The main thing is not to withdraw into yourself and do not indulge in melancholy. You need to find the strength in yourself to return to an active life, start making plans and acting.

Jobs for Tiger in 2019

Work will be a manifestation of importance for you this year, since the Cat (Rabbit) is in and has a great desire to create. And such a feeling of zeal for solving all problems will manifest itself in all spheres of life. There comes a favorable period for a radical change in your life.

In addition, someone will change their profession, someone will move to another city or country, and someone will completely change their image. Remember your childhood dreams - they can become not only an excellent source of pleasure, filling with energy, but also the basis for a profitable business.

In general, the horoscope for 2019 is quite positive for the Cat (Rabbit). Of course, in order to achieve your goals, you will have to work hard. But at the end of the year you will be able to fully enjoy the results of your work.

Love relationship for the Rabbit (Cat)

Running is also expected in the field of love relationships - Seals Rabbits are masters of flirting, and geniuses of seduction. Only here is the problem - some fans have jealous halves who dream of clinging to your silky fur. Mumps advises to forget about unfree boyfriends and go in search of the chosen one. Fluffies' intuition is over the top, and cat and rabbit hearts always smell the right person. 2019 is rich in weddings - family life is much more interesting than a free existence. The storks sat on the clouds, and the cute muzzles of kittens and the charming tails of little rabbits stick out of the bundles.

In a love relationship, everything will work out in the best way. You will be distinguished from other people by an incredible attraction, thanks to which you will be able to win over many people, both old acquaintances and new ones. Family, surrounded by their family and with the support of loved ones, will be able to overcome all external hardships and problems. Try to spend more time at home and make it even more cozy and comfortable. Singles will get a chance to meet their true love. Pay attention to your surroundings, perhaps there is already a person next to you with whom you can live happily all your life.

Love, family for the Rabbit (Cat)

Those born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), due to the increased charm and charisma in 2019, will enjoy increased attention from the opposite sex. The hostess of the year will delight you with unexpected meetings and pleasant surprises. All single women, even those who no longer expect to hear these long-awaited words, will receive a marriage proposal. As for men who are prone to frequent changes of partners, this year they will finally be able to decide and choose a soul mate to start a family. The horoscope advises you to be more active. Take the initiative in your personal life and remember that "only the brave conquer the seas." In 2019, it is a favorable period for creating a family and having children, so do not put off your personal life on the back burner.

For family Cats (Rabbits), personal life will develop in different ways. Someone will feel unconditionally happy, and someone will be on the mouth of a volcano. It all depends on you, on your ability to build relationships and find compromises. It is advisable to abandon your usual behavior and take the relationship to a new level. Avoid the monotonous routine, and fill your family life with various activities. Show diplomatic qualities, and you will be able to enjoy communication with your spouse, and with children, and with relatives. There will be no conflict situations if you can work on yourself. Now it is impossible to demand and teach, commanding behavior and an overestimated bar will lead to frequent disputes.

Health for the Rabbit (Cat)

Health for a cat in the year of the Pig (Boar) according to the horoscope is the best period to embark on the path of a healthy lifestyle.

To avoid stomach troubles, be sure to think over a menu that includes all vitamins and minerals. Consult with a dietitian who will tell you a tasty and healthy diet.

For those born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), the biggest health problem in 2019 may be the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, be sure to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, drinking regimen. Avoid eating fast foods and fast foods.

Those who have not yet got rid of bad habits should take this strong-willed step and give up cigarettes and alcohol. This year, even overeating will be detrimental to your health. It is also worth reconsidering such innocent habits as coffee, sweets and chips. If you cannot completely eliminate them, then reduce the number and replace them with more useful analogues.

Also, to maintain health, it is important to arrange time for yourself to rest and relax. Choose a time to go to the cinema, theater, exhibition, museum. This will not only allow you to join the culture, but also relieve psycho-emotional stress.

To increase immunity, go in for some kind of sport, start jogging in the morning, buy a subscription to the pool or gym. Physical activity and proper nutrition will help you get rid of excess weight, and will always allow you to be in good shape, cheerful and energetic.

Finance for the Rabbit (Cat)

In financial matters, the horoscope advises you - be more vigilant and do not trust unfamiliar people, especially if they promise a quick income. Live your mind and rely only on yourself. Your efficiency and ability to work are unparalleled, and will definitely give results.

Success in your career will be only if you can surround yourself with reliable people. You do not have a good financial sense, but if there are worthy partners, they will support you at the right time, without deceiving or betraying you. You also need to draw up a detailed action plan, because everyone knows that success comes when you are well prepared for it. Do not start office romances if you are not planning a serious relationship. Intrigues will not only reduce your credibility in the eyes of colleagues, but will also negatively affect your career.

And bank cards gleam merrily in the sun, and report that Rabbit Cats have become the owners of the main prize - little billionaire badges have been done this year, but enough for fluffy creatures. If money does not fall from heaven, and your soft paws do not stumble over gold bars, then you are behaving incorrectly.

Money loves brave, funny and frivolous guys - at least in 2019 everything is that way. The Yellow Pig advises to forget about savings - arrange a ball for the rich, swim in fresh milk, put a necklace of your favorite fish cakes around your neck, and the financial situation will immediately improve.

But, the Cat (Rabbit) in 2019 will have to look for a balance between different areas of life. You will want to advance in your career, and relax to the maximum, and spend time with your family. You will also want to devote time to your favorite hobby, which gives a lot of positive emotions. Throughout the year, you will be tormented by a variety of desires, between which you will have to make a serious choice. Relatives will also demand attention, complicating the process of resolving their own desires and capabilities. The horoscope for Cats (Rabbits) for 2019 advises to avoid extremes - you should not go headlong into either work or family.

In 2019, according to the horoscope, it is a favorable time for creative recognition, for additional education, professional development and, of course, for starting your own business. Unemployed people will be able to get a good job this year.

Remember, most importantly, do not miss your lucky chance to reach your potential. The management will appreciate the hardworking Cats (Rabbits) and this will help to significantly strengthen their material base. Businessmen will be able to expand their business, most importantly, trust your intuition, which rarely fails you. Luck is on your side, so you can safely plan your future and make your old dreams come true.

Horoscope Cat (Rabbit) woman for 2019

Long-awaited changes will enter the life of the Cat (Rabbit) - woman in 2019. Be open to everything new. This applies not only to hairstyles, style, wardrobe, but also to life in general. If you spent most of your time at home, then you need to visit more often, attend cultural events. And if you, on the contrary, were rarely at home, devote as much time as possible to your family. who have actively built a career, simply have to turn their eyes to the fans. Otherwise, you risk being an old maid. Listen to your intuition, open your heart to love and it will surely come. To restore peace of mind, it is useful to do some kind of hobby.

All Cats (Rabbits) - women, regardless of age and their social status in 2019 will be surrounded by increased attention from males. It is worth noting that problems may arise due to excessive vulnerability or a heightened sense of justice. Do not dramatize petty quarrels and misunderstandings. It also happens vice versa, often calm women attract despotic men. Do not be afraid of change, listen to your heart. Yes, it happens that it is better to break off such relationships and go towards a new, mutual love.

Horoscope Cat (Rabbit) man for 2019

Cat (Rabbit) - a man in 2019 according to the horoscope, will have the opportunity to radically change his life. The horoscope promises you not only new relationships, but also changes at work. Most importantly, do not refuse offers that are now given to you with difficulty, but will allow you to grow. It can be a new position, and a new project, and opening your own business. Remember that excessive caution combined with laziness can lead to irreversible consequences.

It's better to regret what you did than what you didn't do. This year there is a very high chance of rapid career and material growth, but here a lot will depend on you. If you want a promotion, spend more time at work. Of course, you should not forget about your family and loved ones, so you will need to harmoniously distribute your time and establish a balance. Any routine or responsible events that take a lot of energy should be diluted with family events, holidays, walks in nature.

In 2019, you need to seriously think about the family. Stop wasting your time on light flirting. And if you have already met the girl of your dreams, then feel free to go to the registry office, otherwise you may lose her. Remember that marriages entered into in the year of the Pig (Boar) will be especially strong and durable. Married men should not give their spouses reasons for jealousy, otherwise scandals cannot be avoided.

When choosing your immediate environment, trust your intuition and minimize communication with suspicious people. Stay away from flatterers and scammers. Also avoid deceit and reticence both in relations with women and with colleagues, business partners.

Horoscope 2019 for the Cat (Rabbit) according to the elements of the year of birth

Fire Cat (Rabbit)

Years of birth of the Fire Cat (Rabbit): 1927, 1987

According to the horoscope, fiery kids will give heat in 2019 - in the year of the Pig, you can cope with the role of bosses and look good in business suits. The wild boar will grunt with emotion, and the residual effects from last year's fights with competitors will be observed only at the beginning of the year. Already in the spring, Kotofei Rabbits will open their own business, and forget about the intrigues and intrigues of their rivals. When you fill up business partners on the shoulder blades, do not forget to purr the requirements - the desires will immediately come true. You can order a cookbook for the rich right now and cook pies - both ministers and kings will come to your ball.

The Fiery Cat (Rabbit) in 2019 is waiting for a fairly positive period, especially in the love sphere. Family representatives will enjoy harmony and mutual understanding, and unmarried people will get a chance to meet their soul mate and even legitimize relationships. If you have been dreaming of a baby for a long time, then the horoscope for 2019 recommends not to delay with this issue.

In a career and in the financial sector, dizzying victories should not be expected, but all issues will be resolved easily and efficiently. By the beginning of spring, you will be able to bypass all your competitors, some will get the position of boss or become one of the successful entrepreneurs. Some financial trials are possible in the fall, but this will not affect your material resource in a sad way. Your ability to work and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations will help you quickly rectify the situation. Yes, some time will have to save money, but very soon everything will return to normal.

Water Cat (Rabbit)

Years of birth of the Water Cat (Rabbit): 1963

You have gained your mind, changed your image - everything is correct, but for some reason the career ladder has broken. Do not fill the Waterheads with nonsense, and do what you love - in the year of the Pig, both Cook Cats and Seamstress Rabbits can succeed - do what you want. By the way, the owner of 2019 did his best, and Kotikov was invited to a reception - the mayor himself wants to dine in your company. Good manners and a brand-new suit are great, but the main thing is naturalness. You can even tell your favorite joke with a beard - an important uncle has already rolled under the bed from laughter (wait for an offer of cooperation).

According to the horoscope for 2019, the Water Cat (Rabbit) will have several chances, thanks to which you can dramatically change your fate. Someone will decide to try their hand at a new professional field, someone will move to another city, and someone will decide to start a family. Don't be afraid of change and new beginnings. If you like to bake cakes, feel free to take orders and open your own mini-bakery, if you like to sew, open an atelier or an online school for cutting and sewing. If you manage to find your calling, you will soon become widely known, influential acquaintances will appear who can help you promote your business. Your financial situation will improve significantly and you will be able to afford some excesses.

For Lonely Cats (Rabbits), the horoscope strongly recommends leaving your home more often. Cupid has already looked after you a couple and has been waiting for an opportunity to bring you together for a long time.

Wooden Cat (Rabbit)

Years of birth of the Wooden Cat (Rabbit): 1975

As the horoscope says, the Wood Cats Rabbits are still far from retirement, you will have to work hard. In the year of the Pig, the word “work” makes your fur stand on end, and your paws tremble - calm down, dear Wooden creatures, because doing your job is pleasant and useful. Yes, yes, the Yellow Boar has read your thoughts and found an interesting activity. Influential uncles sympathize with you, evil competitors changed their anger to mercy and decided to sing praises - get the Wooden Crown from the chest and sit on the oak throne. Here it is, the sweet life - rule fairly, and do not forget to spoil the servants (that is, employees). Household chores strain Kotikov, but in the year of the Earth Pig the situation will change.

The horoscope for 2019 recommends the Wood Cat (Rabbit) not to waste time. Stop counting the past years, dreaming about a well-deserved rest and spending all your free time in solving everyday issues. This year you need to make the most of every hour to realize your plans and ambitions. You have all the possibilities for this. Trust your intuition and find something you love. The result of your activity will increase many times over if you can create a friendly team. Ideas, fresh thoughts, profitable acquaintances - this is what should be emphasized.

Everything will be fine in the family of the Wooden Cat (Rabbit). You can enjoy harmony and mutual understanding. For many, a second honeymoon will come and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, especially if you go on a trip together.

Earth Cat (Rabbit)

Years of birth of the Earth Cat (Rabbit): 1939, 1999.

Earthen Seals Rabbits do not know what blat is - in 2019 you will not even remember your influential relative. However, the Earth Pig will help on the sly - either he will throw a deal, or he will bring him down with the right little man. Here you will also have mathematical abilities - it is not necessary to memorize the phone numbers of rich people you know, but calculating income in your head is cool (not everyone will be able to multiply ten-digit numbers). And competitors sing romances in your honor - take them to the position of secretaries, they make great coffee, and every day they run to the farm for fresh cream.

According to the horoscope of the Earth Cat (Rabbit) in 2019, everything will work out in the best possible way. Unlimited possibilities will open before you, the most unexpected and unpredictable. Someone will reveal new talents in themselves that will not only amaze friends and acquaintances, but also significantly replenish the wallet. Feel free to get down to business: there will be much more positive changes than intractable problems.

In personal life, a very loving year is expected, filled with impressions and emotions. Family Earth Cats (Rabbits) should get ready for trouble. But, don't worry, all of them will be pleasant, connected with the birth of a baby or the arrival of long-awaited guests. For lonely representatives of the horoscope, the hostess of the year prepared an unexpected, fateful meeting. Be open to feelings, and soon you will be able to create a happy family.

Metal Cat (Rabbit)

Years of birth of the Metal Cat (Rabbit): 1951, 2011

Property issues are resolved, money problems are in the past, and Metal Rabbit Seals rub their antennae sadly, twitch their tails sadly, and remember a carefree life with a beggarly salary. Leave nostalgia to your rivals, and move your paws towards the sparkling palace of the Yellow Pig - the documents are already ready, it remains to put a sweeping signature. In 2019, you can be brazen – in the business world, quality comes at a price. But do not criticize your patrons - they, of course, respect your Metal brilliant ideas, but they may also be offended.

According to the horoscope for 2019, wonderful changes will occur in the life of the Metal Cat (Rabbit). Someone will be able to solve material problems, property disputes. Employees will receive a long-awaited promotion, and businessmen will be able to reach a new level. There will be plenty of prospects, most importantly, do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of them.

Single representatives of the horoscope will have a chance to meet their destiny and start a family. The hostess of the year recommends that you take a closer look at your immediate environment, perhaps there is a person with whom a strong friendship will grow into marriage. There is a chance to meet your soul mate during a trip, vacation or business trip. For family Metal Cats (Rabbits), the horoscope recommends pampering yourself and going with your spouse to a desert island where you can experience another honeymoon.

Horoscope for 2019 for the Cat (Rabbit) according to the signs of the Zodiac

Aries Cat (Rabbit) 2019

Influential acquaintances Seals Rabbits can be invited to family holidays. And your dreams of heirs will certainly come true. True, storks do not make nests, and friends do not grow in the garden, according to the song, but 2019 will be fruitful for babies. Adorable babies peep out of strong heads of cabbage - choose the cutest baby and learn a lullaby.

Aries Cat (Rabbit) will be lucky in any business, including love. Just don't sit still. Take action. Be active, strive to be at the epicenter of events. Do not be afraid, this year your charm will be truly stunning. In the financial sector, too, will be in full order. There is enough money for everything, but do not forget to save.

Taurus Cat (Rabbit) 2019

Business is business and family comes first. For many creatures of Taurus, the children have already grown up, and the granddaughters stomped to school - it's time to live for yourself. The other half dreams of going around the world - grab your chosen one under the armpit and rush to the station. The neighbors will also look after the house - they are just darlings, they even water the flowers, and vacuum the carpet.

In 2019, Taurus Cat (Rabbit) may well count on a new job or promotion. Everything will turn out so naturally and harmoniously that your friends will simply gasp with delight. But in the love sphere, not everything will be so smooth. Opponents will prevail and you will have to make an effort to get rid of them. But at the end of the year, many will play a wedding. And this is great, because marriages concluded in the year of the Pig (Boar) are particularly strong.

Gemini Cat (Rabbit) 2019

You like to wash dishes and sweep the floor, and even cook dinner for the whole family - what happened to you? The answer is on the surface - the chosen one found an approach to you, and the relationship began to play and sparkle, like on a honeymoon, and even brighter. Do not purr loudly so as not to unnerve envious neighbors. It’s better to turn on your imagination and please all household members - send your granny on a cruise to the places of youth, and buy the same fancy phone for the kids, the cost of an apartment.

In 2019, according to the horoscope Gemini, the Cat (Rabbit) will have to work hard. Relatives will hardly see you, but your career and business are going uphill, your financial situation will improve every day. But, do not overdo it, so as not to get tired and not ruin your relationship with your family. Make time for rest. This will have a positive effect on both relationships and career, because after resting, you will be visited by much more brilliant thoughts. To be successful in everything, you urgently need to change your communication style and build personal and business relationships in an atmosphere of equality.

Cancer Cat (Rabbit) 2019

All the cream will go to the Cats in the field of personal relationships - just look at what fans the caring Yellow Pig got. There are princes, and ministers, and queens, and even models (thin and plump). However, for family life, a beautiful appearance is not the main thing - look for an economic boyfriend so that he can cook compote, heat the stove, and glue wallpaper.

To Cancer Cat (Rabbit), the horoscope predicts a wonderful period in which there will simply be nothing to complain about fate. Realize your creative ideas, reveal talents. It is worth noting that this year will be very full of various events. Therefore, you should correctly prioritize, take a balanced approach to making decisions regarding both work and relationships. The financial position will be stable.

Lion Cat (Rabbit) 2019

Cats Rabbits in the year of the Pig will be divided into pensioners and students. Adult Kotyars will enjoy family travels and light flirting with conductors and stewardesses, and schoolboy rabbits will start school romances and arrange virtual weddings. Seals will never get lost in the crowd, and you are easy to figure out - Cupid sits on one shoulder, and storks nest on the other shoulder. When you get tired of family life, arrange gatherings with single friends - they organize such a feline bachelor party (hen party) that you meow.

In 2019, a successful period in all respects begins for the Leo Cat (Rabbit). The hostess of the year will help you make friends with money and ensure career advancement. The main thing is that you yourself do not relax too much, otherwise luck will go to the more enterprising. Be active and move on the path to your dream. An increase in income can be achieved by showing diplomacy, diligence and perseverance. In the love sphere, too, everything will work out in the best way. Free representatives of the combination will be surrounded by fans, and family ones - with the care and attention of relatives.

Maiden Cat (Rabbit) 2019

And potatoes with a crust, and Virgin Cats Rabbits with crusts - hurry to the presentation of diplomas. You are real billionaires, and your documents are in order - gold seals, silver signatures, and diamond coats of arms. Just do not burn skins from a past life in the oven - and let them get worn out and worn out. Put old business suits in the closet, and sometimes look at your little things - the rich are sentimental creatures, and love to cry, remembering the distant and happy times of lack of money. Or you can give your clothes to competitors - yes, they will kiss your paws for such generosity.

The horoscope for 2019 for Virgo Cat (Rabbit) says that circumstances will develop in such a way that luck itself will come to your hands. Of course, you will need to make an effort, but the result will be impressive. Many will have the opportunity to open a family business, which will bring fame and improve their financial situation. This year, the stars recommend that you pay attention to your health and, first of all, start fighting bad habits. Enter healthy foods into your diet, eat more vegetables, fruits, greens, be sure to go in for sports and choose outdoor activities.

Libra Cat (Rabbit) 2019

Cat creatures are far from naive, but in the year of the Pig you must believe in a fairy tale. Dollar rivers and crystal shores, of course, will not appear, but your Weighty spouts will feel profitable deals a mile away. And do not push away competitors - although they are harmful creatures, but life in eternal struggle hardens, and you become more and more resilient (this is the best quality of the rich).

Libra-Cat (Rabbit) horoscope for 2019 predicts good luck, and especially in amorous affairs. Family representatives will be able to afford a second honeymoon, and singles will be surrounded by numerous admirers. It remains only to choose one. It is worth noting that Libra the Cat (Rabbit) will often experience dissatisfaction and, as a lesson in 2019, you will have to learn how to find compromises in controversial situations. Do not get annoyed over trifles and pay attention to annoying moments. Moreover, increased nervousness can adversely affect the overall state of health.

Scorpio Cat (Rabbit) 2019

In 2019, they will conquer not only new admirers, but also the financial world - the doors to a luxurious life have opened, it remains to squeeze through and push the competitors aside. Do not shove so furiously, there will be enough for everyone, most importantly, keep your noses in the wind, your ears on top, and your tails with a pistol.

Scorpio Cat (Rabbit) will be lucky in almost all areas. At work, your diligence, talents and initiative will be noticed and appreciated. Friends will delight you with good news, and relatives will want to create a warm, trusting relationship with you. The financial situation will be stable, thanks to your diligence. But, don't waste your money. Save and save up for something useful.

Sagittarius Cat (Rabbit) 2019

According to the horoscope in 2019, you can also go to the bank - you have emptied the cards, and it's time to replenish your account. And what else to do in the year of the Yellow Boar ?! Interest does not drip, but flows in a stream, in all fashionable boutiques Rabbit Cats are known by sight.

According to the horoscope of Sagittarius the Cat (Rabbit), the whole of 2019 is under the auspices of good stability and prosperity. It is worth noting that the most successful will be the sphere of love. Lonely representatives will be “attacked” by fans, just don’t make hasty decisions. Marriages entered into in the year of the Pig (Boar) are particularly strong, but still, you need to get to know your potential spouse better. And family representatives of the combination will reach a new level of relations. Possible addition to the family.

Capricorn Cat (Rabbit) 2019

And in the sky of love, everything is covered with clouds, as the horoscope tells us, but do not hide your heads under the mattress - these are not clouds, but a flock of storks. Roll out the strollers, a couple of meowing bundles will definitely fall into them.

For Capricorn the Cat (Rabbit), the horoscope predicts a wonderful period for undertakings, whether it be study, work or the creation of a family. In the financial sector, do not expect manna from heaven. Be attentive to all offers and look for a part-time job. If there is not enough money, feel free to take on any business. Yes, there will be a lot of work, but the reward will not be long in coming. For business people, business will only flourish if you surround yourself with powerful people and get support from your family. Carefully consider every step you take before signing new contracts.

Aquarius Cat (Rabbit) 2019

If the first thing is a career, but then falling in love, then Purrs can get a couple of three boyfriends right at work - fans will do business, and arrange romantic surprises during breaks.

Aquarius Cat (Rabbit) in 2019, in order to achieve something, you will have to make a lot of efforts. If you are active, you will soon find a promising job that will allow you to work without leaving your home. Of course, for this you will have to undergo training and improve your skills. As the family representatives of the Aquarius Cat combination have already said, they will make quite successful attempts to expand their living space.

Pisces Cat (Rabbit) 2019

Cupid, according to the horoscope in 2019, went a little crazy - this, of course, is annoying, but not fatal. Love all Taurus Cats Rabbits are submissive - start romances, fly in the clouds and sometimes go down to stir fried potatoes for dinner (the chosen one loves when with a crust).

For the representative of the combination of Pisces Cat (Rabbit), 2019 will be successful, especially in terms of love relationships. You will just dance with happiness. The stars also recommend that you change your image to be even more stylish and attractive. The financial situation will not be stable enough, but the hostess of the year will give you some ideas to help improve it. The main thing is not to agree to the first offer that comes across, carefully consider and weigh everything.

Cycle of the year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese zodiac
1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975
January 29 The 14th of February February 2 February 19 February 6 The 25th of January February 11th
1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059
January 29 February 16 February 3rd
* Dates indicate the first day of the New Year.

Characteristic portrait of a person born in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbits have a calm nature, they are susceptible, but cannot be successful in the competitive struggle - if it is necessary to take risks, they are immediately seized with anxiety. The fragile balance of emotions of rabbits can be easily shaken by an unforeseen situation, they instinctively want to create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere. This makes them very pleasant guests and attentive hosts, they make every effort so that people do not feel lonely and forgotten.

Rabbits understand that details are of great importance in creating a comfortable environment, and they pay attention to literally everything - from the interior and dishes on the table to a pleasant friendly conversation.

If the rabbits are sure that everything is arranged as it should, they can relax and become sociable and intelligent companions. They have a rich imagination and high intelligence, which are combined with openness and generosity, with which they allow them to turn enemies into friends. The Rabbit becomes stubborn only when he feels that the impossible is required of him.

Faced with a choice or simply being in a bad mood, Rabbits try to carefully hide their thoughts, considering it indecent to make any demands or impose their opinions on others.

The lifestyle is conservative, they do not like when their safety is threatened, but by preferring safety over risk, they may not take advantage of favorable opportunities.

Rabbits do not like to be in the spotlight, they are afraid of conflict situations, and if there is an opportunity to avoid them, they immediately use it. This does not mean that the Rabbit is frivolous or irresponsible: if he fully understands this, then he becomes serious, persistent and active.


Your intellect and fertile imagination contribute to your career, you always carefully consider your plans before moving on to their implementation. You are prudent, prefer to have information about all the details in order to finally weigh everything. You do not like abrupt changes in business life, you prefer methodical and reliable work, so you have little interest in politics and finance.

Working under pressure makes you nervous, as do unexpected demands to come up with a creative idea. Your creative talents are most revealed when you are allowed to work at your own pace. Many colleagues like your tact and modesty, they understand that you are a good worker and are unlikely to step over others to achieve your goals.

You can pursue a career in literature, art, design, or public relations. You will make a good consultant, lawyer, judge, counselor or secretary.


In a relationship, you need reliability and tenderness, you are completely happy when you manage to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort. You are not looking for emotional upheaval, you are not attracted to romantic impulses, so when your partner's behavior starts to annoy you, you hide in your "hare skin".

Basically, you are confident in your love, but a rash act or a careless remark can suddenly cause you serious doubts. Try to doubt out loud at such moments, and perhaps you will understand that your doubts are unfounded.

When you find the right partner and when they reciprocate your feelings, you can learn to forgive and be interested in your partner's problems, and not focus only on your own.

You enjoy art, informal dining, engaging conversations. It will take time for you to find your soul mate, but when you find it, you will be loyal to that person.

yin and yang

Yin and yang are two great cosmic forces that influence and balance all life. Yin is cold, damp and calm, while yang is heat, weight and dynamism. The rabbit is associated with the earth element, in which yin and yang are balanced. This combination is associated with thinking and caring.


Green. The rabbit is associated with the color green, which is associated with spring. It is the color of new life, tranquility and relaxation. It is believed that good dreams will come true if they have the color green, as it is a happy and influential color, especially when combined with red.

Side of the world

East. Each of the twelve animal signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The rabbit is associated with the east direction, which in turn is associated with the hours of sunrise. This direction is also traditionally associated with the middle of spring - a time when yang continues to gain strength, and yin loses it.

Horoscope for 2011 Eared.

2011 Year of the White Rabbit. What will this cute fluffy creature bring us? What surprises and gifts does it prepare for us? And what hides his soft shaggy nature?

According to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Rabbit is a time of family idylls, happy marriages and great success in professional activities. By nature, the rabbit is extremely timid and melancholic, but at the same time very hospitable, friendly and kind. The rabbit does not like big companies, prefers to spend time in a quiet family and circle, and very carefully follows the atmosphere of home comfort. It is no coincidence that it is in his year that the happiest and most long-lasting marriages are made, because our Big-eared big romantic. He loves apples and greens, categorically denying heavy meat food. It is best to meet the year of the White Rabbit in light and bright outfits, giving preference to soft shades.

In addition to family gatherings, our rabbit still loves to work very much, therefore it promises a lot of professional success for those who sincerely love their work and want to achieve great success in it. Most of all in the New Year, those who have connected their lives with the economy, diplomacy and law will be lucky. However, do not despair for those who earn their living by other work, because Eared patronizes all those who are confident in themselves and always, like a cat, land on four paws. By the way, according to ancient Eastern tradition, the year of the Rabbit is also the year of the Cat. According to legend, when the Buddha distributed places among the animals in the new era, the cat and the hare got one year for two. Being prosperous and friendly, the animals did not swear and decided to rule together.

Most of all, the Rabbit (Cat) patronizes those who were born in the year of the Goat, Horse, Ox and Dragon. It will be more difficult for those who were born in the year of the Tiger, Rooster and Monkey. For the rest of the signs of the eastern calendar, the Rabbit promises to be neutral, but still promises a lot of happiness and good luck.

For Aquarius, the new year promises to be quiet and calm, but advises you to stay away from risky situations and better understand yourself. For Pisces and Sagittarius, the Rabbit portends great success in social activities and big changes that can turn their whole future fate upside down. Aries and Virgo 2011 advises against getting involved in risky activities, they need to beware of deceptions and always be on the alert. Taurus will always need to soberly assess the current situation, but you can safely make new friends and interesting acquaintances. Gemini, Libra, Cancer and Leo should devote more time to their personal lives, because this year can bring them the purest and longest feelings. But the Rabbit sincerely advises Scorpions and Capricorns to do serious business, they will have unmeasured success in business.

New Year 2011 is the Chinese style year 4709 of the White (Metal) Rabbit. Therefore, we will dwell on this element in more detail.

Characteristics of the element Metal

People of the Metal Element are able to concentrate and direct other people for different purposes, they are like conductors of energy and information. Intuitive, emotional, focused, self-confident and aggressive in the process of achieving the goal. These are specifics and practices, since their thinking is aimed at the result. From time to time they need solitude to organize their thoughts. Subject to despondency and melancholy. They may leave their partner to "get away" from the problem. In love, erotic, picky and hardy.

People of the Element of Metal give the impression of being persistent and tough. They are pretty hard to convince. When a problem arises, they tend to dive into themselves. They do not like active advisers, they do not let strangers into the world of their feelings and experiences and do not “cry into a vest”, but tend to look at life realistically.

Since the Metal element is associated with money circulation, they successfully stimulate other people to achieve results and social advancement. They react sharply to injustice, do not tolerate falsehood and deceit. There are cynical, ambitious and eccentric. They are well versed in the intricacies of smells and have a natural flair for the energy emitted by the interlocutor.

If such a person has received a positive life experience and developed intellectually, she becomes more flexible and open, can be a wonderful friend, ready to help at any moment.

Rabbit (Hare) belongs to the Yin group. This is the fourth sign in the Chinese horoscope and governs the time interval from 5 am to 7 am. The season of the Rabbit is spring, it brings him good luck in everything, and the best month is March. Its element is Wood. On the European Zodiac, it corresponds to the sign Pisces. The color that brings good luck and happiness is white. Favorable Plants for the Rabbit (Hare) - fig tree and meadowsweet. The best countries for their residence: Belgium, Switzerland, Wales, Holland, Singapore, Canada.

Years of the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) in our century

  • January 29, 1903 - the element of the year is water
  • February 14, 1915 - element of the year tree
  • February 2, 1927 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1939 February 19 - element of the year earth
  • 1951 February 6 - element of the year metal
  • 1963 January 25 - element of the year water
  • 1975 February 11 - element of the year tree
  • 1987 January 29 - element of the year fire
  • 1999 February 16 - element of the year earth
  • February 3, 2011 - element of the year metal


Fidel Castro, Walt Whitman, Frank Sinatra, Ingrid Bergman, Harry Belafonte, Confucius, Whitney Houston, Cary Grant, Rogers Mayer, Garry Kasparov, Arturo Toscanini, Joseph Stalin, Queen Victoria, Martin Luther, Catherine de Medici, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, Albert Einstein, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Georges Simenon, Henri Stendhal, Henry James, Marie Curie, Jean Martin, Nicola Fouquet, Fernand Fernandel, Louis XI, Edvard Grieg, Jacques Offenbach, Queen Marie, Sergei Prokofiev, Edith Piaf, Saint-Simon, Raphael Santi, Walter Scott, Johann Friedrich, Matvey Blanter, Leon Trotsky, Monaco, Prince Albert, Georgy Tovstonogov, Mario Del, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Arthur Miller, Mikhail Matusovsky, Evgeny Mravinsky, Georgy Milyutin, Julius' Reisman, Irving Stone, Ugarbe Pinochet, Mstislav Rostropovich, Svyatoslav Richter, Mikhail Svetlov, Eldar Ryazanov, Georgy Viridov.

Rabbit (Hare) - refers to the animals of the Yin group, it symbolizes the West, the beginning of autumn and the full moon. Rabbits come in two varieties - white and grey. But there is also a domestic rabbit, whose coloring is very diverse. In the eastern countries, the Rabbit is called the Hares or the Cat. These universal favorites, with golden or green eyes, were called sorcerers, and even raised them to the rank of gods, heavily adorned with Jewels. This is how Steinberg wrote about Cats: “God created the Cat in his own image and likeness, and later, created man for only one purpose, so that he would serve the Cat, and be his slave at the end of his centuries. God gave the cat sobriety of mind and indifference, and to the man - skill, labor enthusiasm and infidelity. Man created his civilization, only based on his inventions, on intensive consumption and production, but in fact the development of civilization was only for one purpose - to provide comfort to the Cat.

Rabbit, this affectionate fat man, at first glance seems to be an incomprehensible and mysterious creature. The Rabbit does not cause hostility and superstition in anyone, and does not generate superstitious fear, as the Cat does. Black cats were always accompanied by witches and were a symbol of black magic. In front of the cat, the Rabbit (Hare) looks helpless and funny. He never shows aggression and always flees. He is a small and affectionate god, he does not like night walks, it is impossible to tame him or lock him up in a small world, but on the contrary, it is easy to get into the world of fairy tales with him. This is one of the animals that cannot be trained. Have you ever seen a trained Rabbit (Hare) in a circus?

The rabbit is an animal with soft pleasant paws, a mixture of unknown and beautiful reality, sweet and captivating. Less has been written about Rabbits than about Cats, but they were not burned at the stake with the witches. It symbolizes a calm, wise companion, as opposed to evil spirits. Rabbits cause adoration and never generate hatred. The indifference of people does not affect their fate in any way. In Chinese astrology, this is one of the most difficult signs of the zodiac to describe, because it has many different subtle shades. Because of this, it is very difficult to express specific and simple words about the Rabbit.

Rabbit (Hare) loves different trips, but without any risk, he will never go camping without a first aid kit. It can often be found on sparsely populated paths.


The Rabbit (Hare) is very happy if born on a summer day. In the summer Rabbit, fate passes more calmly and he experiences much less disappointment and cold. The Rabbit's childhood and youth pass without any outbursts, and maturity is filled with knowledge of the outside world. In the process of the entire life path, the nature of the Rabbit (Hare) strives all the time to find peace. But this does not always work out, because the Rabbit in maturity is replete with dramatic events, insurmountable obstacles and exceptional situations. The rabbit is not created for rivalry and struggle, he is very afraid of instability, but no matter how hard he tries to avoid change, they pursue him until old age. If a person born under the sign of the Rabbit does not rid himself of this complex, then by about thirty years he can easily go crazy or leave his life principles, which will lower him to the bottom of society.

In old age, the Rabbit must be careful: he can spend his old years in sadness and loneliness if he fails to make the right choice at a fateful moment in his life. The Rabbit can have a quiet life, if cataclysms, revolutions and wars do not suddenly happen. His fate often depends on external factors, on the environment and the era.


The duality of the characteristics of the Rabbit lies in the alternation of dual dependence and wildness. You need to know the Rabbit very well to see how he bypasses all the traps of the enemy, his behavior is often unpredictable, when they expect a bold act from him, he evades when he is sure that the Rabbit will run away - he will take it and stop. The rabbit is a very sensitive creature, well receptive to the climate, he trusts his intuition and feels good when noodles are hung on his ears. It is difficult to speak with the Rabbit in the language of logic, even if he works with numbers, his reaction will still lie in the subjective area. It may seem that the Rabbit is easy to adapt and tame, but in fact he hides his discontent in the depths of consciousness and one day, under certain circumstances, all his emotions will spill out. People born under the sign of the Rabbit are moderate and reserved. They always show diplomacy and subtlety to avoid conflict situations and quarrels. They are sensitive to harmony and are very demanding in maintaining a caring environment and a peaceful climate.

Rabbits are endowed with natural chastity, a sense of strict morality, they are always thoughtful and prudent. They are very fond of safety, tranquility and comfort. All their lives they work to strengthen their structures.

Rabbits are considered the happiest people, they are created for well-being and harmony. It is very pleasant to spend time with them. Rabbits are very ambitious, reserved, refined. Everyone wants to be in the company of Rabbits because they are pleasant and kind companions, and always share with their surroundings.

Their world is the immediate environment, and only bypassing their territorial possessions, and fully convinced of the safety, they can risk moving on. Rabbits are cautious and cautious and always on the alert. This is a waiting position, it is caused by internal fears that often upset their life balance. The Rabbit is not at all a warlike or aggressive sign of the zodiac. Its representatives will never rush into difficulties for their own pleasure, if they can be circumvented. In a difficult environment and situation, Rabbits feel squeezed in the grip of circumstances. They are dangerous in rare situations, only when they were cornered. In all other situations, they try to avoid unnecessary discussions and flee. It is difficult to provoke the Rabbit, because he is sober and calm - a pacifist. The Rabbit is more sensitive and not particularly sentimental, but he is more concerned about his own problems than world cataclysms. Hunger, catastrophes, wars are completely indifferent to him, if they do not concern him personally. But as soon as the little things touch him, he immediately finds it unbearable. They are quickly comforted and cry easily. Melancholy and sorrow are the main weapons of the Rabbit. Their weak point is timidity, cowardice, indecision. They will not act if they do not know what awaits them. Rabbits are not made for critical situations, so they can easily miss an interesting chance. Worrying about the future, they often stand still. In Rabbits, peace of mind is of paramount and major importance, and help to others is provided only if their life order is not disturbed. They can come up with a thousand different excuses to justify their refusal, but in reality this is self-deception.

Rabbits are very easy to live with, they have a calm and peaceful nature. They rarely get annoyed, quickly agree, always keep cool and calm. These are warm, hospitable and the most loyal people, they are very attentive and delicate to their friends. They are patient and understanding. Rabbits cannot stand vulgarity, so they are easy to offend. People under the sign of the Rabbit are very big conservatives, they live by the principles of honor. They are a little distrustful and silent.

Rabbits are very fond of shining in a public environment and are highly respected in a narrow circle of their friends. They are too cautious, and even a little shy, they will not take any action until everyone has calculated all the pros and cons. For many people, these Rabbit talents are very valuable, and many are consulted with them. In many matters they are explained naturally and easily. Rabbits are perfectly oriented in everyday life and do not adapt well to some unexpected situations. If the Rabbit does not know the outcome of the event, then he is very nervous, because their happiness often depends on many circumstances.

People under the sign of the Rabbit quickly lose their positive qualities, with a negative and bad set of circumstances, they often become superficial people.

Rabbits love their close company, and the company loves them too. They often have people from different social strata in their friends, and they are good at recognizing them. Rabbits are often intriguers, gossips, but they get out of the situation tactfully and accurately. In life, they never try not to talk about unpleasant things. Rabbits are secular people, they are very fond of showing their culture and intelligence, especially if it was quickly, hastily acquired. They delve deeply into most topics, but only to surprise with their knowledge of society, and often do not notice important life events.

Rabbit is a good businessman, so he is doing well financially. Those who make a deal with him will not regret it at all. The Rabbit is lucky in trade, he can also be successful in the sale of antiques, for which the Rabbits have good taste. They are also good diplomats and therefore can show themselves excellently in jurisprudence, all these properties allow them to live in prosperity.

Women of the Rabbit sign love glitter, they have good taste, they are talented in their profession and demanding. For Politicians, the Rabbit is an ideal partner, Rabbit women are excellent housewives, disciplined, cultured and know how to enhance the brilliance of a partner.

The rabbit is responsive and affectionate, gives love and attention to loved ones, but in spite of all this, he is bad, created for a large family, he often looks at children and his loved ones as strangers, and prefers friends more. But Rabbits women scrupulously fulfill their family duty, they are very attached to maternal feelings.

Water Rabbit

Wood Rabbit

Fire Rabbit

Earth Rabbit

Metal Rabbit

Water Rabbit

Wood Rabbit

Fire Rabbit

Earth Rabbit

Metal Rabbit

Water Rabbit

Wood Rabbit

Rabbit is the feminine principle of yin, the 4th triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of wood.

The rabbit embodies generosity and concern for others. A born healer, prefers to avoid confrontation, but not a coward, capable of heroism and courage in extreme situations. The rabbit is dependent on the environment, the conditions of upbringing and birth, success directly depends on the environment and the attitude of others. Differs in sensuality, healthy natural instincts, high sexual temperament. A gentle partner, rarely ambitious, will prefer to wait for a successful set of circumstances, which often happens. Responsive and kind in close relationships, Rabbit is a wonderful lover, appreciating the comfort of a family man who can hardly endure scandals and troubles in his personal life. Rarely poor, favorite of any society.

Positive qualities of the sign

A good friend and sensual lover, has good manners, likes to communicate, knows how to create a subtle connection with another person. Outwardly, he is always elegant, kind in communication, helping people in distress. Lucky and positive sign.

Negative qualities of the sign

A superficial attitude to people and events, as well as terry selfishness, often spoil the character of this sign. Whims and exactingness to the conditions of life interfere with equality in partnership. Prone to excesses, indulges his weaknesses and shows weakness of character where strong-willed effort is required.

In the Year of the Rabbit good to travel and relax a lot. New types of recreation, learning and communication will bring joy and profitable connections. A good year for the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep and Monkey. A busy year for the Rats. Neutral period for Ox, Tiger, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Celebrities of this sign

Confucius, Queen Victoria, Elena Obraztsova, Walter Scott, Edith Piaf, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Orson Welles, Marie Curie, Lewis Carroll, Garry Kasparov, Fidel Castro, George Orwell, Roger Moore, Eva Peron, Prince Albert, Vlad Listyev, Henry Miller , Mikhail Bulgakov, David Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Helena Blavatsky, Nikolai Zabolotsky. Cast: Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Efremov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Jason Isaacs, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Alexander Domogarov, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Mila Jovovich, Marion Cotillard Drew Barrymore.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Black (blue) Water Rabbit (Cat)

Differs in the desire for a quiet family life, but it is often difficult to understand for loved ones. The Water Rabbit is not too constant in his feelings and not consistent in his actions, so it is difficult to understand and recognize him well. He does not like difficulties, prefers to look for workarounds, dodgy when needed.

Green Wood Rabbit

Differs in devotion and desire to serve other people. The Green Rabbit is generous, cares about the welfare of all mankind. A marriage partner should share his hobbies. Complete merger and unity of purpose is the key to a long-term alliance. More practical and rational than fellow characters.

Yellow Earth Rabbit

He likes to help with practical advice and deeds to all his relatives. A wonderful lover, a sensual and attentive partner with charm and a developed imagination. He is easy to communicate, easily converges with people on the basis of common interests. Often sacrifices himself, selfless by nature.

White Metal Rabbit

Interested in the nature of all things, actively engaged in self-knowledge and improved throughout life. He strives for well-being, is most successful in his career. A wonderful lover, the Metal Rabbit, however, needs a constant emotional response and tenderness from a partner. Understands other people well. Knows how to control his emotions.

Red Fire Rabbit

Differs in an adequate sense of reality, soberly looks at the world and at relationships. Rarely retains the principle of monogamy, the high sexual temperament distinguishes the Fire Rabbit and makes him a good partner for any sign. He is proud of his family, achieves success in his profession, has a variety of talents and interests.

Year A rabbit this is a year that is identified with two animals at once: a rabbit and a cat. In Japan it is the Year of the Rabbit, while in China it is the Year of the Cat. The attitude towards these animals is not very affectionate, especially towards the cat, which in distant countries (and in our country too) was considered for a long time a servant of Satan and the Dark World. But the qualities of people born in the year of the Rabbit are not at all satanic. On the contrary, it peace-loving, reasonable, non-conflict people. People born this year strive to live in harmony with the whole world around them. Do not get involved in any disputes, squabbles - a hallmark of the Rabbits. Even if they feel that the conversation has not taken a very good tone, they will tactfully change the subject. They know how to extinguish the conflict at the very first stage of ignition. Because of this, many consider Rabbits too soft, they argue that you need to be able to defend your rights. The Rabbits themselves are sure that life is short and already filled with all sorts of "horrors", and if there is an opportunity to keep positive, you need to use it. With this statement, Rabbits live all their lives.

Rabbits are considered excellent interlocutors, giving good advice. Their opinion is listened to, their words are considered. They painfully experience any criticism addressed to them, but outwardly they will never show this, remaining imperturbable and "impenetrable".

Rabbits take care of their appearance. They are dressed and look impeccable. Rabbits also treat the decoration of their home with special attention. It is important for them that their home has all the best for a comfortable stay. They love order, they tactfully demand from their relatives that each thing should lie in the place allotted to it.

Rabbits are secular personalities, they like large companies that consist of noble people. In such a society, they feel like a fish in water. They are not a burden to support a conversation on any topic.

Rabbit Man

Rabbit men are said to be lucky. Indeed, in life they are often lucky, especially in material terms. But it's not just about worldly luck. Just male rabbits very careful and careful. They do not tend to make risky transactions and waste money. The only thing they do not spare the money earned is the interior of their home. Home for them is a kingdom, and, according to male Rabbits, it should be chic.

As for work, the Rabbit is diligent in any direction. They often occupy leadership positions, but start their careers from the bottom. They are calm about the most menial work, knowing that soon they will definitely become bosses. And this really happens quite quickly, thanks to the zeal of the Rabbits, their calmness and endurance.

The personal life of Rabbit men is very stormy. Usually they have several novels at once, leaving the women themselves to literally fight for it. He is too lazy to choose, therefore the one who "wins" is the best in the understanding of the men of this Sign. However, if a Rabbit man ties himself in marriage, he becomes a faithful life partner and a wonderful father.

Rabbit Woman

Charming, gentle, sexy and with excellent manners. She knows how to present herself so that everyone pays admiring attention to her. Often the Rabbit Woman lives for the show. She is even capable of mastering advanced mathematics if she needs to make an impression in a society of scientists.

The Rabbit Woman dresses beautifully and tastefully. She is not chasing fashion, although she knows about all the changes in this direction. It is not so much important for her to be fashionable as comfortable and according to her figure.

Rabbit Woman not a careerist. It suits her better to be a housewife. She handles this flawlessly. Her house is always clean, every thing in its place. Just like a man, a Rabbit woman loves to be surrounded by luxury in her own house. The Rabbit Woman is a good wife, mistress and mother.

Rabbit by zodiac sign

People born in the year of the Rabbit are cautious and well-mannered, however, the Zodiac horoscope sometimes makes significant adjustments to this image.

Rabbit Aries

The rabbit is soft and cordial, Aries adds to it toughness, courage, courage ... Rabbit-Aries is a person with often changing moods. In life, they are fixated on themselves, on their interests. They don't care about other people's problems.

But this does not mean that in difficult times they will not help. When you really need their help, they are happy to help. They subtly feel the line between real need and the usual desire to simply go to others. They have an excellent sense of justice. They worry not only for an individual, but also for the people and humanity as a whole.

Outwardly, they are calm and reasonable. Good workers, in which you can not doubt. They prefer to rest at home. Moreover, their home is furnished in such a way that you can truly relax. The weakness of these people is their inability to say no. It is easier for them to agree, even with internal disagreement, if only not to bring the matter to a serious dispute.

Rabbit Taurus

He lives here and now. He prefers a crane in his hands than a tit offered by life. Material wealth is significant to him. It is to them that he aspires, climbing the career ladder. For the implementation of financial stability, he makes the necessary connections and acquaintances.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Yes, money and earthly goods for Rabbits-Taurus are of paramount importance. But this does not mean that the family and relatives fade into the background. On the contrary, they work for their happy life.

Rabbits-Taurus love to travel, collecting collections of vivid memories.

Workers at work, honest in relationships. The minus in the character of these people is the inability to lose. During a failure in something, the Taurus Cat withdraws into itself, fencing itself off from the outside world. And it’s better to just calmly analyze your mistakes in order to bypass the “rake” in the future without stepping on them.

Rabbit Gemini

By nature, they are calm, but active and enterprising. They are skillfully make the necessary connections, are not afraid of responsibility, which is not originally characteristic of the Rabbit. Luck favors them, also largely due to their perseverance.

Friends are wonderful and reliable. The family for them is like a heavenly oasis, where they return after a hard day's work. Although Gemini Rabbits do a lot of things very easily. They have a special gift: they do not invent difficulties where there are none.

Rabbits-Gemini are prudent. Each of their steps is well calculated in order to benefit for themselves.

Rabbit Cancer

Lovely, kind, friendly, but very careful. They are a treasure trove of wisdom. Outwardly they look confident, although they often lack inner confidence. This causes depression.

They have excellent taste and sense of style, which manifests itself not only in the external appearance, but also in the interior decoration of the dwelling. Rabbits-Cancers do everything to live in a quiet and peaceful environment. Regardless of gender, Cancer Rabbits love home and family and can handle all household chores well.

These are talented people. They will benefit from the development of a creative streak, since Rabbit-Cancer is the cat who prefers to walk on his own without bosses and leaders.

Lion Rabbit

Intellectually developed people with a strong character. They like to take risks, they got it from Leo. In addition, the lion essence is noticeable in the aggressiveness that manifests itself when something violates the plans of the Lion Rabbits. Basically, we can say that the character of the representatives of this Sign is soft and compliant.

These people stubbornly move towards their dream until they achieve it. They do not have patience. They like to be the center of attention, they like to communicate.

In personal relationships, kind and considerate. Their peculiarity is that they do not like to do something halfway. If you rest - then on a grand scale, if you work - then to the point of exhaustion, and if you love - then to the core.

Rabbit Virgo

Non-confrontational people and slightly shy. But they love to talk. They don't stoop to gossip.

The Rabbit-Virgo has everything planned out, and he tries to strictly adhere to the plan. Hardworking, does not like to waste time. He a true connoisseur in the activity to which he gave preference. Rabbit-Virgo is unpretentious, his desires are more than modest. But what he is not modest about is helping his loved ones. For them, he will go to great lengths. For relatives and friends, do not be stingy with gifts.

As for the second half, the Rabbit-Virgo has been searching for a long time and looking closely. He needs constancy in relationships, he prefers not to waste on novels.

Rabbit Libra

Interesting people in every respect. They are attractive to the opposite sex due to their sexuality and charisma.

They do not like responsibility, they prefer to quickly do their job, without worrying about the overall result. But well organised. They know how to control their emotions cold-blooded in conflicts.

They do not like to sit idle, but they do not allow work to dominate other areas of life. Rabbit-Libra also loves to relax, preferring to have fun.

The only negative is that, at times, the calmness and composure of the Rabbit-Libra is replaced by excessive anxiety, even nervousness.

Rabbit Scorpio

A powerful combination of two horoscopes. People born under these Signs are endowed with excellent intuition, which helps in building relationships and climbing the career ladder.

Rabbit-Scorpio will never do something just like that. Each of his actions is backed by a benefit for himself. It is impossible for him to impose something, it is useless to make plans for him if there is no gain for the Scorpio Rabbit.

They are businesslike. They are excellent at running their own business. However, it should be noted that they are excellent actors and external behavior can be fundamentally different from his internal feelings. It is almost impossible to see the “mask”, the Scorpio Rabbit makes an indelible impression.

Rabbit Sagittarius

A kind of merry fellows with a calm, kind disposition. They have a lot of positive qualities. They love their family and friends. They have so much energy that they manage to combine all aspects of life, and not a single area is deprived of the necessary attention.

Rabbits Sagittarius balanced individuals. Communicate with them is a pleasure, they will never start a conflict or even an argument.

Rabbit-Sagittarius will find its place in any professional activity. He knows how to make money. And although money does not have a large-scale significance for him, he spends it carefully, and, as they say, wisely. But this does not apply to gifts. They love to spoil the family with little surprises. The family value the stability of relationships. And although Sagittarius is an overwhelming sign, but in combination with the Cat, they no longer want to fight for the leader's place. Equality in this case attracts more.

Rabbit Capricorn

In this Rabbit, due to the combination with Capricorn, the outer side seems rough, callous, unceremonious. In fact, Rabbit-Capricorn is soft and kind. Self-sufficient individuals who prefer to solve their affairs and problems alone without the help of others.

Very sociable. At work, they are not greedy with ideas and thoughts about improving things. They don't have many true friends though. A maximum of two with whom the Rabbit-Capricorn shares everything that is in his soul. He will gladly help anyone who asks for help.

In love, sincere and reliable, they are attentive to the second half. They love to surprise. In a word, you will not be bored with the Rabbit-Capricorn.

Aquarius Rabbit

Good-natured romantics - this is how these people can be characterized. They have their own oddities, which, however, are noticeable only against the background of others constantly striving for enrichment. But the simple fact is that money for the Aquarius Rabbit is secondary. He does not strive to earn a lot, usually being content with little.

A little slow at work. Diplomatic acumen is not enough, although some of them manage to develop this quality with age. In love, these are gentle, sensual people.

He is attracted by everything unknown and unknown. The dream of many Aquarius Rabbits is to travel around the world.

Rabbit Pisces

Charming, gentle, sensitive, with a quick reaction. He is a manipulator, and a skilled one. Not everyone will guess what is happening, as they will already fall under the influence of the Rabbit-Pisces. He bypasses the "pitfalls", masterfully eliminating the risk and creating the impression of a good-natured, non-confrontational person.

They love peace. They need a job that will involve their mind. They are do not swim against the current and do not particularly strain, to provide a better life. What is there is fine. If someone violates their measured life, then they will certainly encounter the stubbornness of the Rabbit-Pisces.

Rabbit-Pisces nearby needs such a person who will provide him with comfort and strong relationships without deceit and guile. Having found such a person, Rabbit-Pisces becomes obedient and pliable with him.

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