The presence of a timer in the hob allows. What are the advantages of an induction hob? The presence of Hi Light, induction burners

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

Just a couple of decades ago, it was impossible to imagine that a raw egg could be on one part of the included burner of the stove, and scrambled eggs on the other (Fig. 1). Demonstration of such tricks was only possible for illusionists. The advent of electric stoves with the induction heating principle made the incredible obvious ...

Rice. 1. Amazing properties of the induction hotplate

Thanks to Faraday

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831. Probably, the first experiments of a brilliant Englishman, which demonstrated the appearance of an induced current in a conductor located next to another current conductor, without direct contact between them, “through the air”, also seemed to many a circus trick . Decades had to pass for electromagnetic induction to work in full force in transformers and electric motors, becoming the basis of the world of electricity.

The first induction hob was proposed by AEG back in 1987, but at first it did not find wide application, both because of the high cost and because of the wary attitude of consumers to the new heating principle. The distribution of induction kitchen appliances went through professional channels: the restaurant business made high demands on the quality and speed of cooking, and the cost of acquiring such expensive equipment was justified here.

And the costs were indeed considerable: the first induction hobs were several times more expensive than glass-ceramic ones, despite the fact that they used the same glass. Subsequently, however, induction appliances have been greatly improved, and today their price is only slightly higher than the price of glass-ceramic hobs.

Induction panels are making their first successful steps in the Russian market, being included in the product range of almost all leading manufacturers of built-in kitchen appliances.

Energy from the bottom of the dish

In glass-ceramic stoves with a conventional burner (spiral, tape or halogen), heat passes through the following path: first, the heating element of the burner heats up, then the heating zone of the glass-ceramic coating of the stove, and the bottom of the dishes heats up from the glass surface (Fig. 2a). The induction heating technology is different in that heat occurs at the very bottom of the dish (Fig. 2b). Where does it come from?

Rice. 2. The difference between conventional (a) and induction (b) heating methods

Under the glass cover of the plate there is a copper coil through which a high-frequency electric current flows (Fig. 3). According to the laws discovered by Faraday, the magnetic field of this current, penetrating the bottom of the dish, induces in it - you guessed it - electric currents. The bottom of the pan is not a long wire, but a disk, so the currents in it go in a circle, and do not flow “along the line”. These eddy electric currents rotating in the bottom of the pan heat up the bottom, and with it the food (Fig. 4).

Rice. 3. Induction hob

Rice. 4. The principle of induction heating

There is only one condition that must be literally "iron" observed: in order for the induction burner to work, the bottom of the cookware must be made of a material with clearly defined ferromagnetic properties. In childhood, any of us, when we received a magnet in our hands, checked materials for the presence of such properties: it did not stick to some objects, it stuck very willingly to others: these were ferromagnetic materials. Under high magnification one could see regions of natural magnetization (domains) in a section of such material. In an alternating magnetic field, there is a frequent change in the direction of the magnetization of these areas, due to which heat is released in the bottom of the dish: the energy of the magnetic field turns into heat (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Domain structure of the ferromagnetic bottom of the cookware

There is no heat transfer through the glass ceramics. If at the end of cooking the glass remains warm, it is only because it has warmed up from the bottom of the pan, and not vice versa. An interesting experiment can be done by laying a sheet of paper between glass and dishes: the scrambled eggs will be fried, but the paper will not burn (Fig. 6). The most spectacular version of this experiment, which is shown by some demonstrators of household appliances, is performed with a banknote. Try it yourself!

Rice. 6. Experience with a sheet of paper

What kind of cookware is suitable for an induction cooker? Naturally, only the one whose bottom has ferromagnetic properties, for example:

- stainless steel dishes with a ferromagnetic bottom;

- aluminum cookware with a ferromagnetic bottom;

- cast iron cookware

But dishes made of copper, aluminum, heat-resistant glass and other non-magnetic materials are useless for such a stove.

Advantages of induction

Due to the shortest path of converting electrical energy into thermal energy, induction cookers have a number of advantages compared to their competitors: they heat up quickly and consume less energy.

Induction cookers can do things that conventional cookers can't do. For example, for a short time (usually up to 10 minutes), “transfer” the power of one burner to the next one. This function, which is called the "Booster" (Booster), is equipped with all modern induction cookers. It is also called the intensive heating function.

In order for the burners to “share” power with each other, they are grouped in pairs (by the way, this is why there are no 3- or 5-burner induction hobs). Each pair has a leader - the so-called main burner, and a subordinate - a dependent burner. For two of them, let's say, 3600 watts of power is allocated. In nominal mode, the main burner consumes 3000 watts. But if the hostess turns on the “Booster” function, then the burner will temporarily take another 600 W from the dependent burner and give out all 3600 W of total power. On fig. 7, such a pair are, in particular, the front left (main) and rear right (dependent) burners.

Rice. 7. Booster function (AEG-Electrolux)

Induction hobs from a number of manufacturers (for example, AEG-Electrolux) are equipped with sufficiently powerful burners, so that the dependent burner, which worked, say, at a power of 1400 W, can give its main partner 800 W, and in the meantime continue to work on the remaining 600 W.

Another example of a powerful induction hob is the VI 411 vario panel from Gaggenau (Fig. 8). This product of the “domino” format has only one burner, but it does not need the “Booster” mode: the burner itself, without any partner, produces power up to 3500 W, which allows you to use a Chinese wok pan on it, which, as you know, needs a strong heat. That's what induction can do! Replacing a high power gas burner is no joke.

Rice. 8. Vario panel VI 411 (Gaggenau)

Induction hobs are able to recognize the presence of dishes with a ferromagnetic bottom on their surface: without such dishes, they simply will not turn on. In order for the burner to turn on, it is usually necessary to cover at least 70% of its area with dishes, and it is not so much the overlap area that is important, but the amount of ferromagnetic material above the burner. For example, on Teka hobs, the “U” indicator light comes on if the cookware placed on the hob has a diameter of less than 80 mm (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Cookware indicator (Teka)

Induction panels can even adjust the diameter of the eddy current generation zone. Panel sensors will "adjust" the diameter of the heating zone to the diameter of the cookware, if it lies within the limits allowed for this burner (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Automatic adjustment of the burner to the diameter of the cookware (Teka)

induction cookers they can do things that ordinary stoves can’t do at all.

Due to the shortest way of converting electrical energy into heat induction cookers have a number of advantages compared to their competitors: they heat up quickly, and they spend less energy.

For example, for a short time (usually up to 10 minutes), “transfer” the power of one burner to the next one. This function, which is called the "Booster" (Booster), is equipped with all modern induction cookers. It is also called the intensive heating function.

Such products of the “domino” format have only one burner, but the “Booster” mode is not needed for it: the burner itself, without any partner, produces power up to 3500 W, which allows you to use even frying pans with strong heat on it.

What can induction do?

Replacing a high power gas burner is no joke.

Induction hobs are able to recognize the presence of dishes with a ferromagnetic bottom on their surface: without such dishes, they simply will not turn on.

In order for the burner to turn on, it is usually necessary to cover at least 70% of its area with dishes, and it is not so much the overlap area that is important, but the amount of ferromagnetic material above the burner.

For example, on IPLATE hobs, the “U” indicator light will light up if the cookware placed on the hob has a diameter of less than 80 mm.

Induction panels can even adjust the diameter of the eddy current generation zone. The panel sensors will “adjust” the diameter of the heating zone to the diameter of the cookware, if it lies within the limits allowed for the given burner.

Externally, induction hobs do not differ from ordinary glass-ceramic surfaces: the same shine of polished glass, the same touch control panels.

Those same induction coils are hidden in a flat case, and perhaps few have seen them. We provide a rare opportunity to see with our own eyes not only this coil itself, but also the most important element of the induction hob - this is its electronic control unit.

The programs embedded in its microcircuit will help the hostess to use her induction assistant very effectively.

For example, you need to cook soup and cook it quickly. Why waste time waiting for water to boil in a pot?

On an induction cooker, you can achieve results much faster: the control system will first bring the burner to maximum power for a couple of minutes, and when the water boils, it will reduce the power to the level you set.

Such a function from different manufacturers has different “branded” names: Quick Rapid, Heat Up, Par Boil, etc., and the burner endowed with it is called the quick heating burner.

Another interesting feature of induction cookers is the so-called “booster” function, when one of the burners, as it were, “shares” with another part of its power.

This is how you can combine the power of two adjacent burners of an induction hob. By choosing booster mode for one of them, you will get increased power on it for a few minutes due to a temporary decrease in the power of its “partner”.

With induction heating, heat is generated directly in the bottom of the cookware, and is not transferred to it through the glass of the hob.

This fact allows you to perform a spectacular demonstration trick: a sheet of paper is placed on the surface of the glass under the bottom of the pan (it can even be a paper bill!), The burner turns on at full power, the water in the pan boils, and the paper not only does not burn, but does not even get particularly hot. .

See for yourself!

We did this experiment with a hundred-ruble bill, but we would not risk at all by putting even one hundred euros on the stove. The laws of physics are immutable!

It is clear, by the way, that the thin gap between the glass and the bottom of the pan, which in our experiment was filled with paper in the form of a banknote, could also be filled with air.

We made sure of this by slightly raising the pan above the glass: the water continued to boil!

So it turns out that you can cook soup on an induction stove without putting a pot on the stove. Another spectacular experience related to the fact that the heat is generated in the cookware and not on the burner: the area of ​​the heating zone not occupied by the cookware remains cold.

No dishes - no heating.

We think that in terms of security, this fact will be very to your liking.

The wide power range of induction hobs makes induction hobs a truly versatile appliance.

Another pole of the energy spectrum of induction hotplates is the region of very low heating temperatures, which, oddly enough, is not always possible with traditional devices. Try, for example, setting the gas burner to minimum power - for safety reasons, it is designed so that the level of the gas flame is not so low, otherwise any draft in the kitchen will blow it out.

So it turns out that, for example, for melting chocolate, nothing is better than a continuously adjustable induction hotplate.

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The newfangled kitchen appliance called the induction hob is still a mystery to many. However, it is worth learning more about its functions and capabilities, as the choice becomes obvious. Safe and modern, it will give you many pleasant moments in the process of cooking and save a lot of precious time.

What does induction hob mean?

If you do not go into the details of the operation of such equipment and speak more simply, heating does not occur in the working surface of the stove, but in the dishes themselves. Cooking is faster and the oven stays cold. An important characteristic that an induction hob has is that its heating efficiency is as much as 90%. For comparison, for a conventional gas stove, this figure does not exceed 65%, for a glass-ceramic stove - 60%.

The principle of operation of the induction hob

The operation of the furnace is based on electromagnetic induction, that is, the occurrence of an electric current in a closed circuit as a result of a change in the magnetic flux passing through it. The induction coil is located under the glass-ceramic surface. A current flows through it with a frequency of 20-60 kHz. The coil is the primary winding, the dishes on the stove are the secondary. Getting into the bottom of the dish, the currents heat it and the products inside the pot or pan.

To figure out how to use an induction hob, you do not need special knowledge or skills. Everything is extremely simple - you turn on the oven and put the dishes with the contents on the burner. Only then will the heating process begin. By the way, on such a plate you will have to choose a special one. Aluminum, copper, ceramic and glassware will not work. You need pans and pans made of cast iron or stainless steel. In a word, all those to the bottom of which a magnet is attracted.

Induction hob - pros and cons

Among the undeniable advantages that an induction hob has:

  1. High heating speed and saving time for cooking.
  2. Energy saving due to its minimum consumption.
  3. Cooktop safety. Even if you forget to turn off the burner, neither you nor your children will burn themselves on it. A fire from such a furnace will also not occur.
  4. The surface of the plate itself determines the presence of dishes and the diameter of its bottom, adjusting to it.
  5. There are several cooking programs.
  6. If something boils out of the dishes or any product gets on the stove, it will not burn. To remove dirt, you just need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Cons of an induction hob:

  1. For such a plate, not every one is suitable. Special pots, stewpans, frying pans, etc. cost a lot. In order not to change the dishes and not spend money on expensive sets, use any, even old kitchen items, if an ordinary magnet is attracted to their bottom.
  2. The cost of the plate itself is also rather big. This becomes the main barrier for the ordinary consumer. However, the economy and ease of use of the stove more than compensate for this disadvantage.

Functions of induction hobs

Every good induction hob has a ton of useful features. The most significant among them is the intensive heating function, which is called Booster (booster). When you need to quickly heat up or cook something, you press the button labeled Booster, and the oven transfers power from the adjacent burner to the one where your dishes with food are. Very simple and convenient.

Among other important functions of the induction furnace, which make using it pleasant and easy:

  • delayed start;
  • auto-boil;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • temperature maintenance;
  • electronic or touch control system;
  • identification of the material and dimensions of dishes;
  • cooking timer;
  • shutdown when spilling liquid;
  • protection from children;
  • residual heat indicator;
  • heating;
  • defrosting;
  • storing programs in memory.

How to choose an induction hob?

If we talk about induction cookers with an oven, their range is small on the domestic market. More precisely, such a device is represented by only one company - Electrolux. As for independent built-in models, an induction hob can be found in any home appliance store and it is represented by a wide range of manufacturers. We offer an overview of induction hobs from the most famous and reliable of them.

Bosch induction hob

The choice of the induction hob of this company is represented by several models with 4 burners of different designs. There are models with a combination of induction and conventional glass-ceramic HiLight burners. The BOSCH PIN675N14E model with touch control, 17 power levels and digital indication of the degree of heating is especially popular. She has 4 induction burners, 2 of which are combined into one and can work as one large heating zone for stewpans and large pans (FlexInduction). Another handy little thing is the Booster button.

Hansa induction hob

Another reputable German company producing impeccable appliances, which includes the built-in induction hob, is Hansa. Easy to operate, reliable and safe, the stove is available in several models in black and white, with 2, 3, 4 burners, touch controls and an injury protection system. On many models there is a "booster" button to increase power. There are stoves with a combined set of burners - induction and HiLight.

Gorenje induction hob

The leading Slovenian manufacturer of home appliances, Gorenje, introduces its latest induction hobs to the market, which work quickly, safely, and flawlessly. They are equipped with SuperPower and PowerBoost functions, which allow you to increase power both on one burner and on all at the same time. Residual heat indicators show which cooking zones are still hot. The model range is represented by 2, 3 and 4 hobs with and without combined heating zones.

Lex induction hob

When reviewing induction hobs, one cannot ignore the products of the Russian company Lex. An affordable price segment and at the same time a decent quality of goods make this brand popular and in demand. The range of induction panels is represented by 2, 3 and 4 burner models with modern touch controls, a timer and control blocking.

Connecting an induction hob

If you have never had an electric stove, then the question may naturally arise - how to connect an induction hob? Installing and connecting it should take place in several stages:

  1. Selection of a place and preparation of a hole for installation. It is important that the surface is level and securely fastened. There should be a small gap between the back wall and the side surfaces.
  2. Electrical connection. For this, a three-core cable with a cross section of 4-6 square meters is used. mm. The more powerful the device, the larger the cross section is preferable to choose. The length of the cable should be enough to connect the stove to the nearest outlet. As a rule, the cable comes with the oven. Turning the induction panel over, you will see a connection diagram below and a small box where the terminals for connecting the cable are hidden. By following the instructions, you can easily connect it. Please note that some panels must be connected to 380V, which can be a problem in older homes where 220V wiring is traditionally present.
  3. Checking and fixing the hob. After connecting to the network, be sure to check the operation of the device and only then fix it in the hole.

How to care for an induction hob?

Induction glass-ceramic hob requires compliance with certain rules. So, the care of the induction hob should be carried out according to the following recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to remove any contaminants with the help of special detergents and always with a separate sponge.
  2. In the absence of special products, it is permissible to use creamy products and gels, but by no means abrasive scouring powders. You can use window cleaners, but oven cleaning sprays are undesirable.
  3. Detergents should be poured not on the stove, but on the sponge
  4. It is better to wash the stove immediately after the end of the cooking process or immediately after contamination, especially if syrup has boiled away or sugar has spilled onto the stove.
  5. After treating the surface with a detergent, it must be washed well with clean water and wiped with a dry soft cloth.

Induction hobs have been in use for more than thirty years, and for about twenty years they have been sold here in Russia. But the peak of interest in induction falls just at the present time. And this is due to the fact that devices began to enter their golden age: we learned their advantages, learned to appreciate them, and manufacturers began to offer more and more interesting models that do not leave the buyer indifferent.

Text: Olga KUZMINA.


“Average” induction has generally become a more affordable pleasure, because quite recently the cost of panels in the middle price niche was noticeably higher than that of conventional glass-ceramic panels. Now the difference is not so noticeable, depending on the complexity, it is 2-4 thousand rubles.

The cheapest induction panel for 4 burners costs about 10,000 rubles. - this is Zanussi ZIE 6004 F. But a few years ago, in order to make induction more attractive, manufacturers focused on hybrids (a combination of high-speed burners and induction), but now this is not necessary.

Compare: a Bosch PIA611T16E induction panel with a timer costs 15-17 thousand rubles, the purchase of a Bosch PKN 675 N14D panel with Hi-Light burners and a timer will cost the same amount.

Another pair for 14,000 rubles: induction Siemens EH 645QA 11E and Hi-Light Siemens ET 601 TN11 D, both with a timer.

Another example: 13,000 rubles, Electrolux EHH 6340 FOK induction with timer and Stop & Go function and Electrolux EHS 60180 P model.


The most tangible advantage of induction for the buyer is speed: induction panels really heat up much faster.

In addition, induction is characterized by a lightning-fast reaction to changing settings.

Last year we ran a small competition that showed that an induction cooker could heat up (we brought water to a boil) twice as fast as a good gas burner (at equal power).

The increase or decrease in heat occurs immediately, so that the hostess can accurately fulfill all the requirements of the recipe and create ideal conditions for cooking.

This is especially noticeable against the background of the shortcomings inherent in ordinary cast-iron “pancakes” and even modern Hi-Light burners.


Induction uses energy very efficiently without wasting it. After all, heat is generated not somewhere in the bowels of the panel, but directly in the bottom of the saucepan, kettle or pan.

Another important argument: induction is at the forefront, it is in this class of technology that the most unusual and interesting discoveries have taken place and are taking place, turning cooking into an exciting and easy process.


The heating technology using induction is simple and ingenious, and those who have not yet forgotten the lessons of physics will surely remember the principle of the transformer that is used here. Induction coils are installed under the glass-ceramic hob (one coil “serves” two burners). When current passes through the coils, an electromagnetic field is generated, which easily passes through the glass-ceramic panel.

However, on the bottom of the cookware, eddy currents - induction currents - act, causing heating. Further from the heated bottom, heat is transferred to the products. Such targeted use of heat is the most important factor in the efficiency of induction hobs, which affects the maximum possible efficiency for hobs.

  • The efficiency of induction panels is 90-93%. For
  • comparison: for cast-iron "pancakes" - 53-56%, for gas
  • burners - 49-52%.


Due to the absence of a heating element, the temperature of the burner is lower than usual. The surface heats up from the bottom of the pot, and if when using Hi-Light burners the temperature can reach almost 500 ° C, then in the case of induction it remains within a more comfortable range - about 80 ° C. That is why there were not always residual heat indicators on induction panels.

Now they are an obligatory part of the "stuffing" of the device, but you should not seriously focus on them when choosing. The indicators can be two-position, the upper stage is for heating and keeping hot, the lower one is solely for safety.

It is also important that the weak heating of the panel makes it easier to use. The “escaping” liquids are not so terrible, since at such a surface temperature they are unlikely to be able to burn.


The only limitation that induction imposes on the user is the set of dishes. The dishes must have a magnetic bottom. Checking if your favorite saucepan or kettle is suitable for induction is very simple: you need to attach a magnet to the bottom. Held - everything is in order, the dish is good.

From the list, you should immediately exclude dishes made of aluminum, copper, glass. Thin-walled steel cookware is also not suitable. And dishes made of layered materials provoke not very pleasant sounds: crackling or whistling of the device.

Each induction hob has a pan detection function. The point is to determine whether the dishes are suitable or not, and, in general, whether the object on the burner is cooking utensils (a spoon or spatula, a coin can lie on the panel) and whether it is worth turning on for it.

The function conveys information to the user by means of an indication. As you already understood from the description, it is impossible to spoil the panel with improper dishes: the device simply will not work if you put something wrong.


The Booster function (Booster, PowerBoost, Power) is the third mandatory attribute of induction. Its essence is that for a short time (8-10 minutes) the power on the element can be significantly increased - up to 2.5-3.5 kW, for example, 2.0 kW for Ardo PI 58 F, 3.2 kW for Beko HII 64400 T, 3.3 kW for Electrolux EGD 6576 NOK. This is achieved by borrowing power from the steam burner. The function cannot be activated simultaneously on both elements, and sometimes it is available only on one.

I would like to note that recently the value of increased power has increased markedly. For example, for a number of hobs (Electrolux EHH 6340 FOK, Zanussi ZEN 6641 XBA, AEG HK 634200 XB, Kuppersbusch EKI 6741.0 M) it is previously unthinkable - 3.7 kW, and for Thermador Freedom and Smeg SI M91B on Multizone - 4, 6 kW.

Power can be diverted not from one, but from two zones, for example, the Miele KM 6380 three-burner hob uses Twin Booster technology, it provides two stages of power increase in one zone: from 2.6 kW it can increase to 3.0 or up to 3, 7 kW.


The induction cooking zone is limited by the size of the coil. This is pretty much the standard solution. It has become more difficult lately. Induction zones with additional circuits have appeared, when the zone diameter increases due to the inclusion of another coil (Neff N 44D 30N0, Hotpoint-Ariston KIS 644 DDZ, Smeg SI 3644 D) or the zone turns into an oval one for cooking in a roaster (Neff T 44T80N1, Miele KM 6317).

The panels are getting smarter, in some models it has become possible not to accurately set the dishes along the contour, but simply to cover the cross with it in the center of the burner, heating will be carried out only where necessary - along the area of ​​the bottom.

The function is called autofocus (Electrolux EHI 6732 FOK, Hansa BHI68303, DeDietrich DTI 1105 XE). Therefore, some of the instrument zones are designated rather arbitrarily - by a large rectangular field, highlighted in color or print.


These large zones are able to have one feature, they can work together, combined into one, with common settings. This allows you to cook not only in standard "tabletop" dishes, but also in large grill pans, braziers, stewpans.

This feature is called Bridge.


But the evolution of burners did not stop there, on the contrary, a huge breakthrough was made, as engineers figured out how to do without limited heating zones at all. To do this, they began to increase the number of induction coils that are interconnected, but at the same time can work independently. The De Dietrich Le Piano panel has 36, the Gaggenau Free Induction CX 480 has 48.

The result - the dishes can be placed anywhere, and even arbitrarily moved them over the surface, without fear that you will have to set the work settings again. As a result, a new term has appeared - the "pan tracking" function. However, so far only the premium segment of induction can boast of such developments, where the device costs about the same as a budget car.


The approach to the functionality of the panels has changed somewhat. The timer feature has become so popular that it is found in 80% of induction cooktops. Again, looking back, we note that quite recently the timer was a rarity and was set only in expensive appliances.

Timers vary in complexity. The simplest option is an alarm clock that tracks the duration of cooking, and then reminds the hostess with a sound signal that it's time to appear at the stove.

A more serious option is a timer with a shutdown, which itself stops heating when the time set by the user expires (Zanussi ZEN 6641 XBA for 12.5 thousand rubles, AEG HK 634200 XB and Hotpoint-Ariston KEC 647 X for 14 thousand rubles .). The timer can be installed on one zone, but more often all elements of the device are equipped with it.

The Electrolux concern began to introduce a new type of timer, which should help save electricity, which is why it is called Eco. The timer switches off the heat a little earlier in order to use the residual heat to complete the cooking (AEG HK 884400 FG).


The Stop & Go function also migrated from the category of “curiosities” to everyday life, although it is far from timers in terms of popularity. The meaning of this function is that the user can pause cooking (working burners go to the minimum power level) for a certain period of time when it is necessary to be distracted from the stove. By pressing the Stop & Go button again, we simply return all the previously valid settings (Bosch PIF 651 T14 E, Electrolux EGD 6576 NOK, Miele KM 6380).

Another Cleaning function, the pause has not yet gained mass distribution and is found infrequently and only in expensive models (Neff, Gaggenau). The function ensures that the control panel buttons are blocked for 30 seconds so that the user can wipe off moisture or collect liquid from them.


The "automatic boiling" function on induction panels is not used so often, although, of course, it greatly facilitates the cooking process. The hostess, activating it, selects the mode in which the dish is to be cooked, for example, the 3rd power level. The burner itself turns on for maximum heating, brings the water to a boil and, as soon as it comes, switches to the same mode that was previously selected.

The most affordable panel with this function costs about 14-15 thousand rubles. (Electrolux EHD 60100 P, Hansa BHIW 68303). Note that the function is almost always adjacent to the shutdown timer.

Another type of automation is used by Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau - automatic frying, designed to accurately adhere to the cooking regime so that the products do not overheat. It only works if pans sold by the manufacturer (Gaggenau) are used, or through special strips, they are attached to ordinary dishes. When the function is selected, the power level or operating temperature is set (from 60 to 180°C).

In addition, automatic programs are offered to maintain the optimal temperature regime (soup, eggs, fish, vegetables, etc.).


The function of keeping warm is not common yet, but many housewives will appreciate the simplicity of the process, because it is not necessary to monitor the finished dish so that it does not dry out or burn, the temperature will be maintained at about 60-70 ° C (Miele KM 6380, Kuppersbusch EKIW 9850.0 F, Samsung CTN 464 NC01, V-ZUG GK 56 TIMS).


Touch control units are constantly updated, and all in order to simplify the introduction of settings as much as possible, to make it more intuitive. For this purpose, several years ago, touch sliders began to be used, with which you can literally select the operating mode by swiping your finger on the scale (Electrolux EHH 6540 FOK, AEG HK 654200 XB, Zigmund & Shtain CIS 179.60 BX). Now circular sliders are in vogue, as, for example, on the Electrolux EHI 6732 FOK panel. The use of these elements imitates the operation of rotary controls, so it will be close and understandable to many.

Another solution is to install separate buttons for each power level, that is, the setting is done in one or two movements. This year, such control units will be more common. For example, the Direct Selection Plus control system for Miele KM 6352 or Direct Select for the new Bosch PIB 651 N14E.

There are also unusual solutions: the Hansa Inari BHI 69307 panel has neat recesses for fingers instead of touch buttons. And Neff's panel control system includes the TwistPad magnetic switch in the form of a top, it is not fixed on the panel, and if necessary, it can simply be put on a shelf or in a pocket.


Updated control units allow you to present information about the operation of the device in a new way. Electrolux uses Infi Sight® displays. They reflect the burners in the form of circles, and the settings are given on them with numbers. One glance is enough to assess the situation on the stove: which zone is on, at what power level, as well as the timer readings.

Each burner in Smeg panels with Touch Control has a circular display, in segments of which all settings and buttons are collected.

A new phenomenon, available so far only to premium devices, are TFT touch displays related to liquid crystals. For example, the Touch&Play touch screen of the LePiano DTIM 100C DeDietrich was the first one our customers saw. The display shows the operating mode of the entire device, zone settings, and the symbols and inscriptions are unusually large and visual. On the Gaggenau CX 480 panel, the display shows the position and shape of the cookware, as well as the selected settings.

AEG TFT hobs have MaxiSight® displays in color. The burners are marked with circles. When the hotplate is off, the circle remains small and grey; when it is on, the circle expands and lights up brightly. The indication of residual heat is also very clear: the circle glows, but decreases as the heat dissipates.

But the Gorenje company offered a novelty of a completely different kind, on which highly sensitive IQ Sensors control the heating. They stand on the panel and the lid of the pan and automatically regulate the operation of the burner.


In passing, we have already mentioned the combined panels. The most common combination option is the combination of induction and Hi-Light burners in one appliance (Teka IR 622, Gorenje ICT 621 AC, Electrolux EHG 6341 FOK). We have already found out that in terms of cost, this is not always the more economical option. Moreover, Hi-Light is not only the usual heating zones, but also wok-type burners (Kuppersbusch EKIW 9850.0 F).

Another type of combination, gas + induction, was found by us in one Electrolux EGD 6576 NOK model. The lack of demand for such a solution is, in general, understandable: there are few families with gas in their apartments who are ready to pay extra for electricity consumption. The model has all the functions of "advanced gas" - gas control and electric ignition.


Wok type induction burners are hemispheres, like the bottom of Wok cookware. Heating occurs throughout its area. As you understand, the solution is not as simple as usual, and few people show interest in such things, so Wok induction is a rarity. Here are some examples: AEG HC 451500 EB, DeDietrich's DTi 1032 X, Boretti BIKW 75.



Dimensions, mm



Connection, kW




price, rub.

Electrolux EHH 3920

Regulators, 9 power levels

Nardi PVF 3EHT 22

Touch, 9 power levels, button lock

Zanussi ZEN 6641 XBA

Touch, alarm clock, timer with shutdown, automatic boiling, button lock

Zone highlight with extension

Electrolux EHH 6340 FOK

Touch, timer, Stop & Go function, button lock

Booster 3.7 kW per zone

Black/Beveled Leading Edge

Siemens EH645QA11E

Touch, 9 power levels, timer with shutdown, button lock

Error indication

Black/stainless steel frame

Hotpoint-Ariston KEC 647 B

Induction zones are installed in the right row

Black/facet around the perimeter

AEG HK 634200 XB

Touch, timer 99 min., Stop & Go function, button lock

Fastening system for easy installation, frame for easy installation, ProBox™ accessory for mounting a panel over a drawer

Black/Promise XL stainless steel frame

Touch, button lock

Whirlpool ACM 802NE

Touch, timer, button lock

3 types of burners

Beko HII 64400T

Touch, 9 power levels, alarm clock, button lock

Booster 3.2 kW per zone

Hansa BHI64383030

Touch, timer with shutdown, button lock

All elements of low power

Electrolux EGD 6576 NOK

Touch for induction, timer, Stop & Go function, button lock; rotary controls with electric ignition for burners, gas control

2 gas burners

Bosch PIA611T16E

Touch Control, 17 power levels, timer with shutdown, button lock

2 types of burners, arranged crosswise, two-position residual heat indicators

Touch, timer, button lock

2 types of burners, arranged crosswise


Bosch PIF651T14E

TouchControl, 17 power levels, timer with shutdown, Stop & Go function, button lock

Induction zones located at the front, hilight zone with extension, two-position residual heat indicators


Siemens EH645TE11E

Touch, 17 power levels, timer with shutdown, control lock

Residual heat indicators two-position

Black/stainless steel frame

AEG HK 884400 FG

MaxiSight® color display, timer, eco timer, Stop&Go function, control lock

OptiHeat Residual Heat Indicators 3 positions, mounting system for easy installation, frame for easy installation, ProBox™ accessory for mounting panel over drawer


Removable TwistPad magnetic rotary switch, timer, automatic boil, automatic frying (on the right burners), cleaning pause, control lock

Central zone with 3 extensions,both left and right zones are combined into one, residual heat indicators are two-position


Touch control, 12 power levels, timer with shutdown

Multizone - one or 2 heating zones


Kuppersbusch EKI 6741.0 M

Touch slider, 9 power levels, timer with shutdown, automatic boiling, control lock

Oval extension zone,

Black/plain, or framed, or beveled

Touch, timer, Stop & Go function, automatic boiling, control programming, keep warm function, control blocking, error control

Connection to [email protected]


Gaggenau CI 262-112

Removable magnetic rotary switch, timer, automatic boiling, automatic frying (on the right burners), control lock

Double and triple burners

Black/stainless steel frame

Kuppersbusch EKIW 9850.0 F

Touch, LCD display, timer with shutdown, Stop & Go function, automatic boiling, control programming, keep warm function, control blocking, error control

Wok central area, suitable for building in a 60 cm cabinet, niche 560x490

DeDietrich DTIM 1000C

Digital TFT display, 15 power levels, cooking programming, cleaning pause, control lock

Expert mode up to 5 randomly arranged zones/cooking modes; Piano mode 3 cooking zones with preset parameters; Solo mode - one setting for the entire panel

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