Corn grits - the benefits and harms. Recipes from corn grits

The buildings 21.10.2019
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What could be tastier than hot, fragrant and satisfying porridge for breakfast? Porridge is a valuable and richest source of nutrients, micro and macro elements, minerals (silicon and iron), as well as vitamin groups (A, E, PP, B). An important advantage of dishes from this cereal is that it does not contain gluten, so the digestion process is significantly improved.

How to cook corn porridge so that it turns out juicy, tasty, fragrant and does not lose its beneficial properties? Delicious corn porridge, the recipe of which is very simple, will become a favorite treat in your family. The proposed dish is extremely healthy, satisfying and tasty. The recipe for corn porridge suggests using fresh, quality products. How to cook corn grits, you will be prompted by a step-by-step and detailed recipe, which is equipped with photographs of the culinary process.



1. First you need to pour two glasses of cool water into a small saucepan, put on the stove.

2. Measure out the indicated amount of fresh milk. Pour it into a separate pan, bring to a boil, remove from the stove.

3. The choice of cereals is a very important, responsible step. Choose a good manufacturer, consider the expiration date and appearance of the product. When the water boils, it needs to be slightly salted, add the peeled, sifted corn grits. Boil over low heat for five minutes.

4. After the specified time, you can add hot milk and mix thoroughly. Then cover the pot tightly with a lid.

5. Simmer for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. An important condition - sometimes you need to stir so that the porridge does not burn!

6. After twenty minutes, check the dish, add some sugar and butter. Thanks to these components, the porridge will acquire bright, saturated shades, become more tasty and fragrant, and, most importantly, will not be dry.

7. Serve in a serving plate. Absolutely everyone will appreciate the dish, whether they are friends, children, parents or acquaintances. Despite the simplicity, the delicacy turns out to be magnificent, tender, airy, but very satisfying.

You can add your own ingredients to the dish, experiment and fantasize. Porridge has a number of useful, harmful properties that you need to know about. We would advise you to try cooking.

Video recipe

Beneficial features

Before you start cooking corn porridge, you need to learn about its benefits, harms, and calories. Corn porridge is cooked quickly enough, many cook it for breakfast or lunch.

Corn is a versatile product, since quite a lot of different dishes can be prepared on its basis: cereals, pies, soups, as well as exotic maize salad. It also makes excellent flakes and sticks loved by all children. With the help of various dishes and delicacies based on this product, you can significantly diversify and enrich your usual diet.

What is useful corn porridge? Many people are not even aware that if you cook porridge from corn grits correctly, you can get a huge benefit from the dish. In the process of cooking, it retains all the healing and unique properties, as well as minerals and vitamins. If you cook porridge correctly, it will retain such amazing properties:

  • fiber contained in cereals, qualitatively cleanses the body of toxins, decay products, toxic substances;
  • thanks to silicon, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • with the help of phosphorus, there is a noticeable improvement in the skin, the nervous system is strengthened, and the speed of information processing is also increased;
  • it is advisable to eat it for colds, flu, as it helps fight viruses;
  • with the help of vitamin PP, all processes occurring in the human body are regulated;
  • it is recommended to eat with neuroses, depressive states;
  • vitamin E provides beauty, youth;
  • carotene, carbohydrates saturate the body with energy and help lead an active lifestyle.

Corn porridge is rich in trace elements, minerals that quickly enter the human blood, so there is an improvement in overall well-being. The dish perfectly cleanses the entire body, promotes the removal of heavy fats, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The calorie content of one hundred grams of the finished dish leaves 328 kilocalories.

Harmful properties

Despite all the benefits of the product, it is worth noting the harmful properties. Corn grits contain at least 90 percent fiber. This means that the body is saturated, but the cells at this moment do not receive nutrition. The influence of an excess of vitamins causes saturation, which leads to the rejection of beneficial components by the body. It is important not to abuse such a product and include it in the diet no more than 3-4 times a week.

You can not use this porridge with a peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, especially at times of exacerbation. If you have chronic diseases, then before you cook corn grits, you should consult a nutritionist, a doctor to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to clarify the appropriate portion for your case.

The recipe for a healthy and satisfying dish is very simple, so even a novice hostess can handle it. Cook with pleasure and pamper your household!

Corn porridge has earned its place in the diet due to its low calorie content and gluten-free. The latter property even allows you to use cereals as the first complementary foods. When cooked properly, corn dishes can be the most nutritious and delicious.

Each country has its own recipe for corn porridge: in Romania and Moldova - the legendary hominy, in Spain and Italy - polenta, in Georgia - Gomi. Traditional Russian cuisine is also no exception. Although corn porridge with milk does not have a sonorous name, the taste and nutritional value do not get worse from this.

To taste healthy porridge, you need:

  • cereals - 200 g;
  • water - 400 g;
  • milk - 400 g;
  • salt, sugar, butter - to taste.

To get not only healthy, but also tasty porridge, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. A pot of water is placed on the stove and brought to a boil.
  2. In small portions, with constant stirring, cereals are poured into the pan, and then boiled until the liquid has completely evaporated for about 10 minutes on minimum heat.
  3. After absorbing moisture, the cereal softens, and it's time to add milk.
  4. Milk is poured in gradually with stirring so that the cereal does not begin to clump.
  5. After boiling, the porridge is cooked for about 10 minutes, while salt and sugar are added during the next mixing.
  6. After the cereal swells, the stove is turned off, and the dish is infused for about ¼ hour.
  7. Served with porridge with butter or cream.

Attention! When cooking corn porridge on the stove, it must be constantly monitored, otherwise it will stick to the bottom or even burn.

With the addition of pumpkin

The benefits of corn porridge are undeniable, but its combination with pumpkin doubles the positive effect on health with the regular presence of the dish in the human diet. To cook pumpkin porridge from corn, it is enough to make a small addition to the basic recipe.

  1. 300 g of pumpkin is peeled and seeds are cut into cubes, covered with sugar.
  2. After the appearance of juice, the pumpkin is placed on the stove and boiled until tender.
  3. Pumpkin cubes are mixed with porridge when it is insisted.

water cooking recipe

Porridge on the water is the easiest and fastest side dish to prepare, which is also very nutritious. If there are 200 g of cereals, then it is enough to prepare a liter of water, salt, sugar and oil for dressing.


  1. Water is poured into a heavy bottomed saucepan and brought to a boil.
  2. Well-washed cereals are added to boiling water, mixed and boiled for about half an hour.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the porridge is salted, mixed and continues to cook until fully cooked for about half an hour at minimum heat.
  4. After removing from heat, porridge is flavored with butter or ghee for aroma.

Important! If there is a desire to add honey, this can be done only after the cereal has cooled so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Corn porridge in a slow cooker is an excellent dish for people who have every minute worth its weight in gold: when cooking using this device, there is no need to constantly stand at the stove and watch the food. Washed cereals, salt and oil should be placed in a bowl and poured with water in proportions from the basic recipe. Cook in the “Cereals” or “Milk porridge” mode, depending on the type, until the beep sounds.

Advice! To thicken the porridge, you can stand for about half an hour in the "Heating" mode. It is convenient to set the program in the evening, and in the morning a ready-made breakfast will be waiting.

Corn porridge with dried fruits

An original recipe for sweet porridge, which, when done correctly, becomes a favorite breakfast for the whole family.

For cooking, in addition to 200 g of cereals and ½ liter of water, you must purchase the following components:

  • raisins - 75 g;
  • other dried fruits (optional) - 150 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • salt - to taste.

When cooking:

  1. Water with salt and sugar is brought to a boil, after which cereals are poured into it.
  2. After boiling again, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the cereal is cooked for about ¼ hour.
  3. Oil and prepared dried fruits are put into the porridge, after which the dish is infused for about 30 minutes.

Delicious and hearty meat dish

Despite the fact that porridge is perceived as a side dish, corn porridge with meat and vegetables can be an excellent independent dish.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 300 g;
  • meat - 300 g;
  • onion - 75 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • water - ½ l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

During the cooking process:

  1. Meat is cut into pieces, vegetables are chopped: onions and tomatoes are cut into cubes, carrots are rubbed.
  2. The meat product is laid out on the heated oil and fried on all sides.
  3. After 7 minutes, onions and carrots are added to the stewpan, and after 5 minutes, tomatoes.
  4. Groats are poured into the pre-salted and seasoned vegetable mixture with meat.
  5. All contents are filled with water.
  6. After boiling, porridge is cooked over low heat for about half an hour until the liquid evaporates.

Recipe with cheese

Of all the cereals, only corn is most harmoniously combined with any kind of cheese, including cheese.

For the execution of another extraordinary recipe, you will need:

  • corn grits - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

When the products are prepared, you can start cooking:

  1. Well-washed cereals are poured into boiling salted water and boiled for half an hour over low heat.
  2. At this time, cheese is rubbed.
  3. When the porridge is almost ready, cheese and butter are added to the pan, after which the entire contents are mixed.

Advice! To add spicy notes to the taste, at the final stage, sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Cornmeal porridge for children

The absence of gluten makes porridge the least allergenic.

This fact makes it popular among young mothers who want to diversify the menu of their long-awaited child.

To prepare one serving of 200 g you will need:

  • corn grits - 30-35 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • salt, sugar or sweet syrup - to taste.

When preparing products, cereals are ground on a coffee grinder to the consistency of semolina, which can significantly reduce the cooking time, after which:

  1. Water is optionally salted, sweetened and brought to a boil.
  2. The crushed cereals, with constant stirring, are poured into a boiling liquid and boiled for up to 10 minutes at a minimum heat under a closed lid.
  3. In a separate container, milk is heated, which is then used to dilute porridge.
  4. Milk porridge is boiled for another 10 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat and infused for the same time.
  5. With the formation of a large number of lumps due to the structure of the cereal, the porridge is rubbed through a sieve or broken in a blender.
  6. The finished dish is flavored with butter and syrup.

Important! For a child under one year old, cow's milk is replaced with breast milk, when breastfeeding, or with a mixture if the baby is on artificial milk.

Thus, preparing cereals from nutritious cereals is quite simple, the main thing is to know: how much to cook corn porridge to the desired state. And a few simple, but original recipes will allow you to get great pleasure from ordinary food, combined with benefits.

Originally from America, corn came to Europe only in the Middle Ages. But it came to the present as a national product in Romania, Moldova, Italy. In the first two countries, groats from it become the basis of hominy. In Italy, for many centuries, polenta has been prepared from it, which is saturated with a variety of flavors.

Features of cereals

In the corn family, only one species is cultivated. And it was used more than 60 centuries ago by American indigenous peoples to make cereals and bread. The difference between modern corn and "prehistoric" corn is the size. According to ancient sources, the ears then reached a length of only 4 cm.

The Maya Indians took up the selection of culture. Thanks to the crossing of food corn with wild corn, they managed to achieve an increase in cobs up to 15 cm. Since then, the world's first cereal crop has not changed.

Today, corn is sized according to the size of the kernels, and grits according to the type of grinding. In the Middle Ages, exclusively coarse large groats were used, which required long-term boiling. Modern industry allows you to get instant porridge due to the smallest crushing of the kernels.

The use of corn porridge in nutrition is justified due to:

  • its low calorie content- 86 calories per 100 grams of the product, which makes the product suitable for dietary nutrition;
  • gluten free- corn is suitable for people with individual intolerance to cereal protein, which provokes a persistent inflammatory process in the intestines and malabsorption of substances. The absence of gluten allows the use of cereals in the first complementary foods of infants at the age of 6 months.

Cooking technique. How to cook porridge

On sale you can find corn grits of bright yellow color. Features of its preparation are as follows.

  • Grains need to be washed. It is convenient to do this in a sieve through which dust will leave with water. So you exclude the presence of excess moisture when cooking the product.
  • Use a thick pot for cooking.. Porridge is not boiled, but languishes, therefore it often sticks to the bottom. To prevent this, it is important to choose dishes with a thick bottom. And often stir the cereal during the cooking period.
  • How many minutes to cook corn porridge depends on the degree of grinding. But on sale is usually presented cereals of medium grinding, for the preparation of which 30 minutes is enough on low heat.
  • Place corn in boiling water. Pre-add salt or sugar to it, depending on the purpose of the dish.
  • The most tender is corn porridge with milk, the recipe of which includes the addition of butter for dressing. Milk can be combined with water to prepare breakfast. As a side dish, cereals are cooked on water.
  • For a thin porridge, use 4 cups of liquid. For a thick garnish - 3 cups per cup of corn.
  • The finished dish thickens. And this happens regardless of how much water you add to it. This property formed the basis for the preparation of Moldavian hominy, Italian polenta, Georgian gomi.

The most famous European recipe for porridge made from cornmeal is polenta. It is boiled, laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet, where it thickens. Thanks to the use of a steep "batch", the density of the formation is such that it can be cut with a knife. After cutting into portioned pieces, they are fried in olive oil, seasoned with garlic, tomatoes, and cheese.

In addition to cooking in a saucepan on the stove, there are other techniques.

  • In the oven . Groats are placed in clay pots, poured with salted boiling water, covered with a lid. It reaches readiness within 1 hour at 180 °. served with butter, herbs.
  • In the microwave. Use a glass bowl with a lid. Pour boiling water over the corn grits, put in the microwave, set the maximum power. Cook 7 minutes, stir, cook another 5 minutes.

Delicious recipes with corn grits

Corn porridge is good for breakfast cooked with milk. And for dinner, if served with meat, vegetables. Cheese, all kinds of peppers, Italian spices, Georgian cilantro will become excellent "partners" for her. On the children's table, yogurts, homemade jams, canned peaches will support it. We invite you to learn how to quickly cook corn porridge in milk, water and in Italian.

On milk

Milk porridge is easy to cook, you just need to keep the proportions, then it will turn out delicious, like in a kindergarten. An ideal solution and an easy way to have a delicious children's breakfast, and you can use this recipe already in the first year of a baby's life. Cook the porridge thinner, and serve immediately until it thickens. When using fat milk, the nutritional value of the product increases. But kids don't need it. It is ideal to combine cereals with milk 1-2.5% fat and dilute it with water, you get porridge as in the photo.

You will need:

  • milk - 150 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • corn grits - 40 g (2 tablespoons with a slide);
  • butter - a piece;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Combine water and milk in a saucepan, put on fire. Add sugar.
  2. Pour the prepared cereal after boiling, mix vigorously.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Add butter.
  5. Boil 15 minutes.

During cooking, the dish must be stirred regularly. To reduce the cooking time, you can pre-grind the cereal in a coffee grinder. Then the porridge will cook in 15 minutes.

In the children's menu, use not sugar, but honey. It should be put on a plate before serving. It is also good to add raisins, chopped dried apricots, nuts, in the absence of food allergies - candied pineapple. In winter, corn porridge with apples will become a real storehouse of vitamins.

On the water

A porridge without milk is suitable as a side dish for meat and fish. It is especially good with bolognese sauce, which can be prepared from minced meat, with tomatoes and basil. He will bind the ingredients together, decorate the dinner with delicious gravy.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 1 glass;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Add salt.
  3. Pour the prepared cereal, stirring vigorously.
  4. Boil for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Serve immediately, while still hot. Otherwise, you risk getting an unexpectedly thick consistency.

In Italian

The classic Italian polenta is cooked in thick-walled cauldrons from the coarsest grains. But you can cook it properly in a regular pan. We invite you to “conjure” this dish, and in addition to it, prepare a delicate cheese sauce.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 1 glass;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • paprika, salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Pour in the corn grits, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Stir regularly.
  3. Remove from heat, put on a tray lined with cling film. Form a layer of the desired shape. Leave to thicken.
  4. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add flour, simmer the mass.
  5. Add grated cheese, paprika salt.
  6. Cut the polenta into pieces, pour over the cheese sauce.

The most tender is the corn mass, which is not just mixed during the cooking process, but whipped with a whisk. For the perfect consistency and velvety taste, you can add a spoonful of olive oil to it.

Try how to cook corn porridge with water or milk. And make a delicious dish according to an old Italian recipe. They make a great addition to your daily diet!

Corn has long been called the queen of the fields. It is believed that corn products, like bread, should always be on the table. Especially known are the benefits of corn porridge, which contains silicon, iron, B vitamins, fiber, vitamins A, E, as well as many amino acids necessary for the body.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking corn porridge on the water, which will not only benefit the body, but also give everyone real pleasure with their taste.

Recipe 1

To cook corn porridge in water, you will need:

  • Corn grits - 1 cup.
  • Butter.
  • Water - 3 glasses.
  • Salt, sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Wash cornmeal thoroughly. For convenience, it can be poured into a sieve.
  2. Pour corn grits into boiling water and mix.
  3. After the water with cereal boils again, reduce the heat, add sugar and salt.
  4. Cover the porridge with a lid and continue to cook for another 20-30 minutes to make the porridge softer.
  5. After the porridge has thickened, add butter, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a warm towel and leave it for 40-45 minutes so that the porridge is infused.
  6. Before serving, sweet corn porridge can be poured with jam, garnished with fresh fruit, honey or sprinkled with walnuts.

Recipe 2


  • Corn grits - 1.5 cups.
  • Water - 4.5 cups.
  • Potatoes - 150 gr.
  • Salo or sunflower oil.
  • Spices - to taste
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 gr.
  • Salt, fresh herbs (parsley, dill, green onions).

How to cook:

  1. Peel potatoes, wash and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Put the resulting potato mass on the bottom of the dish.
  3. Rinse the grits, put on potatoes.
  4. Add water, salt.
  5. In the multicooker, select the mode: "Pilaf".
  6. Grind the lard with a blender or cut it very finely, after which we lightly fry in a heated frying pan.
  7. Cut the onion into half rings, then add to the fat. Fry until light golden brown.
  8. Cut the cheese and add to the onion and bacon.
  9. 10 minutes before the cereal is ready, add water or sour cream to it.
  10. Put the finished corn porridge on a plate and add the finished frying on top. Top the dish can be decorated with fresh herbs.

What else can be combined with water-cooked corn porridge

Dried fruits

  • 50 gr. any dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates, prunes).
  • Honey or jam - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse dried fruits under running water.
  2. Soak in hot water for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Pour corn grits into boiling water.
  4. Wait for the water to boil again.
  5. Pour chopped dried fruits into porridge, mix, cover and continue cooking until tender.
  6. Before serving, add honey or jam to the porridge.


1 option.

  • Pumpkin - 150 gr.
  • Raisins - 50 gr.
  • Honey - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel pumpkin, cut into small cubes.
  2. Rinse the raisins, pour hot water for 10 minutes, so that they swell and become soft.
  3. Pour pumpkin into boiling water, add honey.
  4. Wait until the water boils, reduce the heat, leave the pumpkin to cook for another 30 minutes.
  5. Pour in the cereal, mix thoroughly.
  6. Add raisins, cover.
  7. We continue to cook porridge until cooked.

Option 2.

  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 100 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1 large.
  • Pumpkin - 150 gr.
  • Spices to taste.
  • Sunflower oil.

How to cook:

  1. Peel pumpkin, cut into cubes.
  2. Pour pumpkin into boiling water, add spices.
  3. Leave to simmer on low heat for 30 minutes
  4. Pour in the cereal, cover with a lid and cook until tender.
  5. Onion cut into half rings.
  6. Wash and chop mushrooms.
  7. Pour oil into a frying pan, put on fire.
  8. Lightly fry the onion.
  9. Add the mushrooms to the onions and sauté for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  10. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, add to the onions and mushrooms. Fry until done.
  11. Transfer the fried vegetables and mushrooms to the finished porridge, carefully move, cover with a towel and leave for half an hour to infuse the porridge.

Note: You can use zucchini or eggplant instead of pumpkin if you like. You can also add bell peppers to vegetables. Finely chopped cheese (preferably "Feta" or "Suluguni") will give originality and unusualness to this dish, which can also become an additional decoration of the dish.

Porridge will become much more aromatic if it is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs before serving.


  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Meat (chicken fillet, lean pork, beef) - 0.5 kg.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Spices - to taste.
  • Curry - 1 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Onion cut into half rings.
  2. Wash the meat, cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel the carrots, rinse, grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat up.
  5. Fry the meat until golden brown.
  6. Throw in chopped onions and carrots.
  7. Sprinkle with spices, add curry.
  8. Fry until fully cooked.
  9. Boil porridge in water.
  10. Transfer the fried vegetables and meat to the prepared porridge, mix. Cover with a lid, let it brew.


Fried vegetables and meat can be added to corn porridge just before serving. Porridge on the water in this case will serve as a side dish.

Optionally, you can add mushrooms, which are fried together with vegetables and meat.

Remember to stir the porridge regularly during cooking so that it turns out more crumbly and does not burn. Cooking porridge is recommended on low heat.

Useful tips!

If the porridge turned out to be very thick, do not be upset. It can be easily diluted with dairy products (milk, yogurt, cream) or fruit puree, if it is a sweet porridge, and if the porridge is unsweetened, then we dilute it with hot water or meat broth.

Corn porridge can also be cooked in a steam bath. In this case, it cooks faster and turns out to be more tender.

Any dish can become a real culinary masterpiece, if you not only cook it with love, but also dream up a little. So corn porridge can be cooked not only in the traditional way, but also constantly come up with new and new recipes, adding a variety of products to an already familiar dish.

Corn porridge is tasty and healthy. But to cook it, you need to try. For information on how to cook corn porridge, read this article.

About the technique of cooking corn porridge

On the shelves of stores you can see corn grits of different grinding. The larger the grain, the longer it will take to cook delicious porridge.

What you need to know:

  • Be sure to rinse the cereal before cooking. Even if it is small, you can put it in a sieve and rinse.
  • In order to cook delicious porridge, you need to take a pan with thick walls. The porridge will languish and will not stick to the bottom.
  • When cooking porridge, you need to stir it periodically.
  • The degree of grinding will determine the duration of cooking cereals. If the grinding is medium, then the porridge should be cooked on low heat for half an hour.
  • Corn grits should be poured into boiling water. Add salt or sugar to the water beforehand.
  • Delicious and tender porridge will turn out if you add milk and butter. Milk can be diluted with water if you cook porridge for children. If for a side dish, then it is better to cook porridge on the water.
  • If you need to cook liquid porridge, then take 4 cups of water, if thick, then 3 cups of liquid. Remember that the finished porridge will thicken a little.

corn porridge recipe

Prepare the following:

  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • cereals - 250 g;
  • salt - to taste.

You need to cook like this:

  • Water must be poured into the pan, wait for it to boil.
  • Rinse the cereal thoroughly, wait until the excess liquid drains.
  • Pour into a pot of boiling water. Stir, wait until it boils.
  • When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat, salt, cover with a lid so that there is a gap. Cook for half an hour, stirring occasionally.
  • The porridge will become thick after 20 minutes, you need to stir the contents more often so that the corn porridge does not burn.
  • After half an hour, you need to remove the pan with porridge, mix, add butter (optional), mix again. Then wrap the pan with something warm (for example, a towel) and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

Corn porridge in the oven

To cook porridge according to this recipe, you will need:

  • cereals - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • sugar or salt, butter, raisins - to taste.

And how this dish is prepared:

  • Soak raisins in cold water for 1-2 hours before cooking.
  • The cereal should be washed in cold water.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, boil.
  • Put the grits in a cauldron with thick walls, you can put it in a baking pot, pour boiling water.
  • Without stirring, add salt and sugar, raisins. Now you can mix and close the lid of the cauldron.
  • The temperature must be set to 200 ° C, cook for 40 minutes. Try it, if the cereal has not softened, then it will take even more time.
  • Remove the cauldron from the oven, open the lid, stir, put it back in the oven, continue cooking the porridge until a golden crust appears.

Corn porridge with milk

An excellent option for a children's menu is corn porridge cooked in milk. It is important here that the porridge be liquid, because as it cools it will thicken.


  • water - 100 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • cereals - 2 tbsp. (with a slide);
  • butter - to taste;
  • salt or sugar - to taste.

Porridge for the children's menu:

  • Milk and water need to be heated, add sugar.
  • As soon as the liquid begins to boil, pour in the corn grits (washed), mix.
  • Cook the porridge over low heat for 25 minutes.
  • Do not forget to stir constantly, and if you want to cook porridge faster, you must first grind the dry cereal in a coffee maker, then it will take 15 minutes to cook the porridge.

You can add crushed apples and other fruits to the porridge. An older child can put chopped nuts and dried fruits in ready-made corn porridge.

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