What you should know about the induction cooker, so as not to be disappointed in the purchase. Choosing dishes for a glass-ceramic stove (standard and induction) Cookware for an induction stove

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

The last word in the kitchen industry is induction cookers. The operation of such a stove is based on electromagnetic radiation (or induction). They are eco-friendly and economical, and are made in a fashionable minimalist design. The hob itself does not heat up, you cannot burn yourself on it. Under the influence of electromagnetic waves, only dishes are heated, and several times faster than on an electric stove.

Thanks to these advantages, induction cookers are deservedly popular. However, before buying new household appliances, you need to deal with the key question: which cookware is suitable for induction cookers.

How to find cookware for induction cookers?

Suitable products are marked with a spiral of four turns and the signature Induction. Usually such dishes are universal - they can be used for cooking on electric and gas stoves.

Cookware for induction cookers is made from an alloy of stainless steel and aluminum, and various non-stick coatings are used on top. Its cost is slightly higher than that of ordinary dishes. But such pans or pots are durable, do not oxidize, which means that they retain the taste and nutrients of the products used as much as possible, and the food is fresh.

With any use of dishes for induction cookers, the finished dish does not have to be laid out in plastic trays, it can be left in it. Also, such dishes do not emit harmful substances when heated. It is easy to care for it, and fingerprints do not remain on the surface.

How to determine if the dishes are suitable if there is no special icon?

  1. The main difference between this cookware is its ferromagnetic properties, that is, the ability to attract a magnet. And his favorite cast-iron pan for pancakes, a cauldron for pilaf or a duck for stew attracts him, regardless of whether they have special markings on them or not.
  2. Not all enamelware is suitable, as sometimes the bottom of it is made of a non-magnetic alloy. Therefore, it is better to check it with a conventional magnet, which is usually sold complete with induction cookers.
  3. Another of the main requirements is a flat bottom with drops of no more than 2 millimeters. This applies not only to the original shape of the dishes, but also to the absence of chips, cracks or other defects on it.
  4. At the same time, the bottom of the dishes should be thick - at least 5 centimeters.

Cookware bottom size for induction cooker

On the hob, circles mark the zones where the dishes are heated. Their diameter usually corresponds to the standard sizes of dishes. If the bottom doesn't match up a bit, don't worry.

But with a large difference with the burner, heating will not occur. Thus, an induction circle of 12 cm cannot identify the bottom of a small Turk. Now manufacturers have already taught new models to adapt to the size of dishes thanks to the Flex Induction function. However, if you have an old model or do not have such a function, carefully select the size of the cookware - the bottom should occupy at least 70% of the burner surface.

Which cookware is not suitable for induction?

Pay attention to what materials should be avoided when cooking:

  • Glass and ceramics are not recognized. Such cookware cannot be heated on an induction hob.
  • Aluminum cookware, if it does not contain steel - since aluminum is not amenable to induction.
  • Copper utensils - copper also does not react to a magnet. If it becomes necessary to use dishes, for example, a copper basin for boiling, then you can use a special "adapter"- adapter for induction cookers.
  • Brass heats up very slowly, so the use of such dishes will take several times longer.

To avoid buying new cookware for induction cookers, many use a special adapter. Visually, it looks like an ordinary metal circle with a removable handle. It is placed on the burner, and any dishes of the wrong material or size are placed on top.

However, this option is more temporary than permanent. When cooking, clicks and pops are possible, and pots and pans begin to deform and crack over time, which affects not only the appearance of the dishes, but also the quality of the cooked food.

Therefore, when buying an induction cooker, set yourself up for a gradual (or one-time) change of kitchen utensils.

If the old cookware is suitable for induction cookers, but you have previously used it on a gas water heater, we recommend changing it. Due to open fire, the heating was uneven, the bottom was deformed, which means that the new stove can simply "not to see" old dishes.

And this is understandable: they look beautiful, cooking on them is convenient and safe. For hostesses, the advantages are obvious:

  • uniform and fast heating;
  • saving electricity;
  • inability to get burned.

The only disadvantage of this stove is the need to buy special dishes for it.

Cookware for the induction cooker: we study the features

So what is the difference between induction cookware and ordinary cookware? The main thing in dishes for such stoves is the bottom, which has ferromagnetic properties. In the absence of such a coating on the dishes, the stove will not even turn on.

If, when buying dishes, you have doubts about its magnetic properties, then you can check this with a magnet (it should be magnetized).

From this we conclude: ceramic, glass, porcelain and aluminum dishes are not suitable for induction cookers. For them, dishes made of stainless steel or cast iron are suitable. Some manufacturers also produce products made of copper: the bottom is made of a special ferromagnetic alloy, which makes electromagnetic induction possible.

However, if you find it difficult to give up your favorite pots made of ceramic or glass, then there is a way out: buy a magnetic induction disk in the store and cook for health.

Such discs were popular when induction hobs first appeared. Special dishes were very expensive, and I didn’t want to part with the old dishes. Now, cookware for induction cookers is affordable for many.

Cookware for induction cooker: how to choose?

So, you have purchased a new modern stove and now you need to buy dishes for it: pots and pans. What you need to know in order not to make a mistake in your choice?

  • Any cookware should be marked on the bottom - the induction icon.
  • Good dishes have a bottom thickness of 2 to 10 mm (the thicker the bottom, the faster the heating).
  • The bottom of the cookware should ideally be 12 cm in diameter (in this case, the contact area with the burner will be optimal).

Cast iron or stainless steel: which material is better?

Let's compare the characteristics of two materials: cast iron and stainless steel. We will analyze all their pros and cons in order to understand which dishes to give preference to.

Cast iron is a very durable material and food stays warm for a long time. It does not emit harmful substances and does not spoil the taste of ready meals. Cons of cast iron cookware: it is quite heavy and fragile; cannot be dropped, as it will break. The porous surface of cast iron strongly absorbs odors, and if it is not covered with enamel, then it is highly susceptible to corrosion.

Cast iron pan

Important! Cheap cast-iron cookware is processed with special technical oil (expensive brands use rapeseed oil instead), so before cooking in it, you need to remove this grease (first wash, let dry, and then ignite for an hour in the oven, having previously lubricated the inner surface with a thin layer of margarine or pork fat).

Stainless steel cookware has a very beautiful appearance. It is not afraid of rust and is resistant to oxidation. The disadvantages include the fact that the food in it burns easily, and the nickel contained in the metal can provoke allergies.

Leading manufacturers of cookware for induction cookers

The Russian market offers a large selection of such dishes, but the following manufacturers are worth noting:

  • The products of the German firms Fissler and Woll will suit those customers for whom excellent quality is important and they do not intend to save on price (it is quite high for these products - 4000-16000 rubles).
  • High-quality and varied cast iron cookware is produced by Hackman (Finland), Skeppshult (Sweden), Le Creuset (France), Lodge (USA). Be careful: do not run into a Chinese fake!
  • I would especially like to note the cast-iron utensils of the Seaton Research and Production Enterprise (Ukraine). High quality, best prices, nice design. It is second only to the above-named brands in terms of promotion and product range.
  • The company "Tescoma" from the Czech Republic produces good dishes with a special "stainless steel" bottom.
  • The well-known French company Tefal offers a huge selection and affordable prices.
  • Fans of domestic and CIS products can recommend the brands "Gourmet" (Russia, Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region), "Neva Metal Ware" (Russia, St. Petersburg); Kukhar (Belarus) is the winner of the Product of the Year 2010 award.

Induction cookware is also good because it does not require any special care. The main thing - do not use products containing chlorine and ammonia.

We hope that our advice will help you make the right choice. We wish you a pleasant cooking process with new dishes!

A responsible consultant of a specialized store with high-quality cookware can tell you how to choose dishes for an induction cooker. True, you need to be able to distinguish when a specialist really says useful things, and when he is simply trying to sell the most expensive product. If there are doubts about the honesty of the seller, you can try to independently determine which of the items presented on the shelves of outlets is best suited. You need to carefully select the dishes, otherwise there is a chance to spoil the expensive coating.

With a needle! How to get the perfect set?

As a rule, renovation in the kitchen is not a simple change of wall covering, but also thorough work on the complete re-equipment of the room. Long gone are traditional stoves that threaten the possibility of an explosion. The most modern products are induction. They are not cheap, but their characteristics attract attention.

How strong is the disappointment of the owner who put such a miracle of technology at home and found out that frying pans, saucepans, in a word, everything that is available at the moment, does not fit at all! Not knowing how to choose dishes for an induction cooker, you risk easily finding yourself in a deadlock: the device simply does not turn on. However, if you look for an old cast-iron frying pan in your grandmother's stocks, then the surface can quickly heat it up with great pleasure. What is the secret of such capriciousness? The manufacturer can also talk about this: usually the instructions give the characteristics of dishes that are compatible with the purchased copy.

What to do?

Of course, you can entrust cooking to old dishes, but you just need to understand: there is a high probability of scratching an expensive panel. Is it worth the risk? Instead, experts advise: you must first carefully study the instructions, then visit a store specializing in products for modern stoves. Consultants will tell you how to choose cookware for an induction cooker, and the buyer will be able to decide in favor of suitable options, limiting his budget in advance. Fortunately, modern man has a choice.

What I have?

Before spending money in stores, it is worth checking what is in home stocks. Of course, not all dishes are suitable for an induction surface, but the likelihood of finding relevant products is quite high if a person has several pots and pans. To understand what will work, you need to arm yourself with a magnet - yes, at least a decorative one, the one that hangs on the refrigerator or was brought from a long-forgotten trip to the southern seas.

So, how to choose cookware for an induction cooker? By means of a magnet, you can quickly understand which products activate the work of the tile. Suppose the object does not show magnetic qualities - then there will be no benefit from it with a new stove. The exception is ceramic dishes, glass, but only because they are suitable for ovens, microwave ovens. On a surface that requires ferromagnets, they also cannot be put.

Two main rules: key features

Which cookware is suitable for induction cookers:

  • having magnetic qualities;
  • smooth and even.

Preference should be given to products with a fairly thick bottom. In addition, if the bottom is uneven, the stove will not work, as the fit will be insufficient. Any irregularities are a potential chance to scratch, ruin work areas. Given the price of the plate, it’s better not to save money and buy new copies than to risk bent and uneven ones.

Magnets: why are they?!

When figuring out which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker, not everyone understands why it is necessary to check products with a magnet. This is explained by the specific rules for the operation of an induction surface - they are not at all like the usual gas or electric burners. In the classic version, the burner is heated first, the dishes are heated from it, followed by the contents. In this case, energy is not only spent on the process itself, but is also dissipated in space, warming up the air, objects near the stove. Electrical products generally have a low level of efficiency, especially older models: they heat up slowly, cool down even more slowly, and heat is spent on heating the entire space around, like gas ones. The newest copies, of course, are more energy efficient, but the losses are still significant.

When figuring out what kind of cookware is needed for an induction cooker, it must be remembered that the panel does not heat up here. Heat is transferred through the bottom of the dish directly to the food inside. The process is fast and involves minimal energy losses.

The technical side of the issue

To understand how and what kind of cookware to choose for an induction cooker, you should first get acquainted with the physical aspects of the cooking process with a new thing in the kitchen. Here, the heating is due to eddy currents, which require a magnetic field to exist, which is activated when the panel is turned on. The process is launched through an element that emits a high-frequency magnetic field - a coil. This provokes an electronic movement, on the basis of which the temperature rises.

The surface for cooking during operation is practically not heated. In fact, the temperature rises only where it is touched by a heated pan bottom. When figuring out how to choose the right cookware for an induction cooker, you should pay attention to this aspect, because it is directly related to safety. For example, when touching the panel, it is almost impossible to get burned; the products that have escaped will not burn. To minimize the risk, you need to select a product with non-conductive handles. Then the chance of injury will be minimized.

Enamel and steel: friends of the owners

When figuring out how to choose dishes for an induction cooker, reviews of which are presented in a wide variety), it is necessary first of all to study the abundance of enameled dishes. As can be seen from the numerous responses, the best options are products where the enamel covers the magnetic steel. The thicker the bottom, the more suitable it is for the induction hob. Many note that this type of dishes can be found in stores for more than an adequate price.

An alternative is stainless steel, represented by an abundance of trademarks. How to choose cookware for this category of induction cooker? It is reasonable to take any instance that:

  • like externally;
  • fit into the budget;
  • has a magnetic bottom.

As some professional chefs say, stainless steel is the best option. Products are durable, aesthetic, fit perfectly into the interior of any kitchen. The main thing is not to make a mistake at the time of purchase, since there are magnetic and non-magnetic steel on sale.

What else to look at?

The grandmother's legacy was mentioned above - cast iron products for the kitchen. Of course, battered items usually have a rather uneven bottom, so they can easily ruin an induction cooker. How to choose dishes, the price of which would be within reasonable limits, and the weight of the material would allow you to feel that there is a really worthwhile thing in your hands? In modern stores there are excellent cast-iron specimens. They look as impressive as the legacy ones, but have a flat bottom and will not damage the surface of the stove. Be careful: they weigh a lot!

Another option is aluminum products, the bottom of which is made of steel. They are inexpensive and have decent quality. To make sure that the product will fit, you need to pay attention to the marking. How to choose cookware for an induction cooker correctly according to this parameter? We explain: if zigzags are drawn, loops at the bottom, therefore, the manufacturer has provided for such a use of the product, you can take it without a doubt. In the absence of icons, the same test with a magnet works. You can check with your consultant for more details. Many modern manufacturers offer customers polished aluminum products with a steel bottom, so there are plenty to choose from.

By the way, even glass!

Indeed, good collections of glassware with a special bottom suitable for a magnetic surface are on sale. You can find very beautiful teapots. True, some believe that they are rather fragile and unreliable, but it is difficult to argue with beauty. However, the use of a special stove in any case requires increased accuracy from the owner, so a reminder of it in the form of a glass teapot becomes only a positive thing.

attention to detail

Before buying products for use in a brand new kitchen, it will not be superfluous to carefully study the options you like literally from all sides. As a rule, the manufacturer decorates the bottom with a pictogram symbolizing the possibility of using the product on such a new technological plate. If there is no mark, you should check with the consultant, otherwise the purchase may disappoint.

Features of physical processes

The idea of ​​​​an induction hob is to minimize the energy costs for cooking. In this case, the bottom heats up, but the walls - only from the products located inside the product. Consequently, a relatively low and wide container will warm up much faster, the area of ​​\u200b\u200btouching the plate (bottom) of which is quite large. But high walls will have to be given a lot of time before the contents, and with it the dishes, reach the desired temperature.

As experts say, it is better to purchase special dishes as a set - this is not only more profitable than buying out of order, but it will also give the kitchen a stylish and modern look.

Bottom Features

In order for the dishes to give the maximum effect, it is necessary that its bottom be perfectly even and thick enough. Such products guarantee uniformity of heating, temperature distribution. Otherwise, there will be zones of sharp drops, which negatively affects the quality of the dish, and also spoils the product itself.

If the bottom thickness is less than two millimeters, during operation, you can sometimes hear sharp clicks, frightening sounds, reflecting the deformation associated with a local increase in temperature. Of course, you can use such products, they should not fall apart at all (although no one will give guarantees), but for your own peace of mind it’s not worth the risk. Manufacturers of induction cookers recommend looking only at those dishes whose bottom is 2 mm or more thick, and it is even better to take five-millimeter specimens.

Material features

Often, special cookware for induction hobs is made of all-metal, although the condition is not mandatory: it can be alloys from different elements, united by the feature of ferromagnetism. But the surface of the walls, they themselves are made from a variety of materials. It does not matter how strongly they can be exposed to a magnetic field, since there is still no tight contact with the plate, so heating is impossible even with the use of special ferromagnets.

It is best to choose dishes that are coated with non-stick compounds from the inside. It will be more convenient and pleasant to use it, and the products themselves are much more utilitarian.

It is important!

Experts recommend first of all to consider such options for dishes, the bottom of which is a cast disc. This feature of the structure prevents deformation during operation. In addition, the dishes will fit snugly against the surface of the stove, which means that efficiency and efficiency will be at their best.

And finally - about the cost. Prices for cookware for induction cookers vary greatly. It all depends on the brand and quality. So, for example, a budget option of traditional three saucepans will cost around 3500 rubles, while for a good large set from a well-known manufacturer you will have to pay 30 thousand or more rubles.

They belong to technological kitchen equipment with high performance and efficiency in terms of energy consumption. In addition, such stoves are characterized by increased safety, compared with gas and electric samples. But those who have purchased miracle technology are often interested in the question of which cookware for an induction cooker is most suitable. After all, it is important that the kitchen assistant does not lose its properties and effectively cope with the duties assigned to it.

Validity of the choice of special dishes

The induction cooker has a special principle of operation, which requires the use of special dishes. If the classic gas version is used, then the heating source is an open fire, which heats the walls of pots and pans. This heat is then transferred to the food being cooked. But the process also heats up the stove itself and the surrounding air.

Electric stoves sometimes take a long time to warm up. After switching off, they also cool down for a long time. At the same time, heat is released into the surrounding space.

The work of the induction cooker is based on such a phenomenon as electromagnetic induction. The bottom line is that in a closed space, under the influence of magnetic radiation, a current is formed. The plate is equipped with a glass-ceramic surface, under it there is a copper coil. It is she who is responsible for the magnetic vibrations. And the bottom of special dishes is a closing circuit, which heats up quickly due to the appearance of current. In this case, heating only affects the pot or pan, while the glass-ceramic surface remains cold.

But for the formation of heat, it is necessary that the bottom has ferromagnetic properties. In other words, it must attract a magnet. Otherwise, the pan will remain cold.

Suitable cookware material

Not only taste, but also performance characteristics depend on the choice of material. It is important to understand which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker and which material to prefer. Each has its undeniable advantages, but also has disadvantages.

Stainless steel

There are a wide variety of pots and pans made of stainless steel. When choosing this material, the user receives a lot of positive characteristics:

  1. The dishes are resistant to oxidation. Therefore, food retains its beneficial properties and can be stored in the refrigerator without removing it from the pan.
  2. The material is durable, so it is used for a long time without loss of quality characteristics.
  3. Light weight.
  4. Optimal design. You can choose a matte or shiny surface.

Among the disadvantages of stainless steel cookware are the following:

  • There is no non-stick layer, so cooked food often burns.
  • Despite the strength of the surface, scratches appear during operation.

Not all stainless steel specimens are ferromagnetic. Therefore, when determining which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker, it is worth finding out this property.

Cast iron pans

A reasonable question about the possibility of using cast iron cookware is related to the advantages of the material. Cast iron heats up quickly and evenly without burning food.

Kitchen utensils are particularly strong and durable. Cast iron holds heat well, and you can bring food to readiness by simply leaving it there until it cools completely.

It is important for human health that the material is completely chemically inert. Therefore, it does not come into contact with any products and therefore does not cause unpleasant effects.

Disadvantages of cast iron cookware include:

  1. Too much weight. Therefore, if accidentally dropped, it can significantly damage the glass-ceramic surface.
  2. Unprotected walls easily absorb food odors and gradually corrode.
  3. Despite the massive appearance, such dishes are quite fragile. When hitting a ceramic tile on the floor, it may break.

But cast iron is definitely a good material from which cookware for induction cookers is made.

What kind of enamel do you need?

When choosing utensils for a technological assistant, you can look at the metal with enamel coating. She has undeniable advantages:

  • ease of maintenance and care;
  • durability and strength, if you correctly select cleaning products that do not damage the enamel;
  • low price and quite a variety of colors.

When deciding which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker, you should pay attention to its bottom. In enameled specimens, it is often rounded. It turns out a small elevation, which acts as a resonator. Therefore, when heated, noises can be heard. For an induction cooker, it is better to look for a pan with a flat bottom.

How to choose the right cookware for induction cookers?

A spiral consisting of small loops and the word Induction is a special mark on specialized dishes. But if it is not possible to purchase one, then you should go shopping with a small magnet. It will serve as a guarantor of verification. If the magnet sticks to the bottom, then you can safely take the pot or pan.

There are also a few more conditions that must be met by cookware for induction cookers. Which is suitable can be judged by its bottom. In addition to the ability to attract a magnet, it must be thick. This depends on the cooking time. The thicker it is, the faster the result can be achieved and at the same time the utensils are not deformed. The minimum thickness is 3 mm, it is from this size that you should proceed when choosing dishes for an induction cooker.

Which pan to choose also depends on the diameter of the burner. This information can be found in the instructions for the stove. The diameter of the selected model must cover at least 70% of the working area. This is due to the fact that the heating process otherwise will not start.

Usually the cooker manufacturer specifies the exact dimensions of the required cookware. But in any case, it should not be less than 12 cm in diameter. By the way, a wide and low pan will allow you to cook food faster than a narrow and high one. This fact should be taken into account when choosing.

Little tricks

After purchasing a technological novelty, cookware for induction cookers is required. Which one is suitable? This is a question that worries inexperienced housewives. But if everything is clear with standard pots and pans, then what about small specimens. If you put a Turk on the stove, in which the bottom diameter is small, then the heating process is not activated. How to be? The way out is to purchase a special “pancake” that completely covers the burner. You can already install a Turk on it.

If an old set of dishes remains after the old gas stove, then it can be used, but with some precautions:

  • Inspect for scratches and chips, they can damage the glass-ceramic surface.
  • If the bottom is deformed, then it is better to refuse the dishes.
  • An enamel pan should have a flat bottom.

If possible, it is better to purchase a special kit, of the same design and manufacturer. Productivity will be higher and aesthetic properties will please the eye.

Manufacturer's choice

When choosing cookware for an induction cooker, an overview of manufacturers is no less important to study than the material of manufacture.

Review of the best brands

Luxstahl is a German brand, but the production is in China. The Russian consumer is a popular brand. The dishes are made of and have a triple bottom.

The surface does not oxidize, the walls are thick, so the food cooks quickly. The handles are securely attached with precision welding and do not get hot, which is no doubt comfortable.

Pots and pans from the Turkish brand LAVA are made of durable cast iron and are covered with colored enamel for an aesthetic appearance. Cookware for an induction cooker is very different, its types are suitable for different purposes. Utensils from this manufacturer are great for stewing meat, vegetables. At the same time, the products do not burn and retain their aroma. For the convenience of users, LAVA frying pans have a long handle.

The Italian brand Paderno boasts professional cookware designed for induction cookers. They are made of high-quality steel, and you can choose a sample from a matte material or prefer a glossy one. The bottom is three-layer, so the food does not burn.

Another Italian manufacturer, Pintinox, offers cast aluminum and stainless steel cookware. The bottom has three layers and non-stick cookware evenly warms up and retains heat for a long time. The walls are scratch resistant.

Tableware from the French brand Matfer is distinguished by its stylish design and the variety of materials used. You can find on sale pans made of cast iron with an aluminum layer that conducts heat. As well as lightweight aluminum and non-stick layer. Dishes vary in shape and size. It is hygienic and easy to care for.


When an induction cooker is purchased, which cookware is suitable and reviews about it are studied very carefully. The brands considered have proven themselves well, and the choice depends on personal preferences and the method of preparing the dish. So cast iron will be the best for stewing, and light aluminum can be preferred for cooking soup.

Preferences and external characteristics are equally important. Some prefer the steely sheen of stainless steel, while others like the strength of cast iron. According to reviews, it is he who helps to preserve the natural taste of dishes. Many praise aluminum because the cookware is light and easy to care for. And for some, external characteristics are important, so they choose colorful enamel.

In order for the cookware for the induction cooker to satisfy its characteristics, it is necessary to accurately select its diameter, volume, and determine the design and material of manufacture. Each option has its pros and cons, it is important to choose the best option.

The most modern cooking technique is the induction cooker. It takes up little space, has a high efficiency and can reliably serve for decades. But one of its main drawbacks is the need for careful selection of dishes. If the pot or pan is chosen incorrectly, the cook does not just risk getting a bad dish. The stove itself may not turn on or even deteriorate. Also, if the stove does not work properly, other electrical appliances nearby may suffer. So how do you choose the right cookware for induction cookers?

Which cookware is suitable for induction cookers

The principle of operation of induction cookers differs from traditional or with heating elements or gas models. Heating occurs directly in the thickness of the dishes due to the absorption of magnetic field energy. But for this, the pot or pan must be made of a material with high resistivity and magnetic permeability. That is why all the dishes for them are made of ferromagnetic metals.

Modern stoves simply do not turn on if the material of the cookware does not meet the requirements. In fact, only the material of the bottom matters, but dishes made of combined materials are extremely rare.

If there is no desire to buy new pans, you can buy a steel disc under the bottom. It will heat up and transfer heat to dishes made of any material. With it you can cook in glass, ceramic or.

What to look for when choosing


Suitable kitchen utensils are easy to determine even in the store. At its bottom, markings in the form of loops or zigzags are necessarily applied, or the word Induction is written. Outwardly, these pans look more massive than usual. Their price is usually also almost 2 times higher. Want to save money, and you buy dishes without marking from unverified manufacturers, for example, in the market? Take a magnet with you. Bring the magnet to the bottom of the dish, it should attract.

You can determine the right pot just by looking at its material. Suitable for dishes from:

  • magnetic stainless steel are especially popular ;
  • cast iron;
  • iron enamelled.

It is difficult to buy cast-iron pans, but it is quite possible to find a cast-iron cauldron for an induction stove or a frying pan. In such dishes, food almost does not burn. Pay special attention to the bottom, it is rarely perfectly flat.

Of the non-standard options, aluminum dishes with a steel bottom and glass dishes with a ferromagnetic base showed themselves well. The first is often inexpensive and of good quality. Teapots are often made of glass and steel, and such utensils must be handled with care.

The size

In a conventional stove, the size of kitchen utensils does not really matter. But for the correct choice depends on the safety of operation.

The diameter of the bottom of the cookware must be no smaller than half the diameter of the burner. . Otherwise, at a distance of 12-20 cm from the surface, electromagnetic radiation greatly exceeds the norm, and may affect human health or other electrical appliances.

In stoves with multiple heaters, the burners differ in size. Choose dishes so that it fits at least one. Standard heating elements turn on if the bottom is larger than 12 cm, it is better to focus on this diameter. For small burners (15 cm in diameter), the cookware must be at least 8 cm.

  1. The bottom should be quite thick so that the food is heated evenly. The ideal thickness is from 2 to 6 mm.
  2. Cookware with a thin bottom can be deformed, do not leave thin pans unattended.
  3. Take pans with a perfectly even base, otherwise noise or squeak will be heard during heating.
  4. The material above the ferromagnetic layer does not matter, so inside the pot or pan can have any coating. In the same way, it does not matter what the walls are made of, only the bottom must be magnetized.
  5. After the purchase, be sure to keep all receipts until you make sure that the stove normally detects the presence of dishes and the food does not burn.
  6. Do not use metal spoons and spatulas for stirring, they can get very hot.
  7. If you need to cook something in a small dish, for example, brew coffee in a Turk, use an adapter disc. It will also help if the bottom is not metal.
  8. Use low wide pans, food cooks much faster in them.

Which is better, induction or electric hob can be found by clicking on this.

Top Producers

The most famous cookware manufacturers in the high price segment are Fissler, Woll and Hackman. The first 2 manufacturers are in Germany and Hackman is a Finnish company. You can buy high quality dishes from them, and the line of goods is very diverse: frying pans and pots, woks, ladles, braziers, stewpans. The price "bites" for a reason. For example, at Woll everything is made by hand, the dishes have a non-stick titanium-ceramic coating and a bottom 10 mm thick. The French company DeBuyer stands apart, the dishes of which are used in elite restaurants and at international culinary competitions. It is made of a mixture of 90% copper and 10% stainless steel, made in an exclusive design. And which ceramic frying pan is better to find out.

The world-famous French manufacturer Tefal can be attributed to the middle price segment (the best series are TitaniumPro and Privilege Pro). Good reviews about the products of the German company Rondell and the Swiss company Oursson. You can also purchase the 4U and Classica series from Swiss Inox.

More accessible are pans and pans from the Czech manufacturer Tescoma or the Russian VSPMO. Its "Gourmet" series meets international standards.

Operating rules

  • The base of the pot or pan should be very close to the surface, this will ensure uniform heating of the food. You need to check it in a hot state.
  • Place cookware only in the center of the burner. The bottom should cover half of its diameter or more. If these conditions are not met, radiation is dangerous to humans. It greatly exceeds the norm at a distance of 12 cm from the surface of the plate for special dishes and 20 cm for unmarked dishes. Nearby electrical appliances are also damaged.
  • People with pacemakers and other electronic devices should not cook on induction cookers.
  • Do not bring your hand directly to the surface while working. It heats up to 60 degrees from the dishes standing on the burner, and at a distance of 1 cm, radiation is unsafe for health.
  • Do not use pots and, especially, pans in which you used to cook on a gas stove. The remnants of soot will interfere with the normal operation of the stove, and it will be problematic to clean the glass-ceramic burners from fat. With a strong soot, the bottom of the dish may heat up unevenly. And you can find out about the electric hob for 4 burners.

Choosing a set of cookware for induction cookers is not a serious problem, because options are available for every taste and budget. A wide selection of suitable materials and ease of verification allows you to purchase dishes in any price segment, just by evaluating the quality of workmanship, material and bottom size. You can even use non-metallic utensils by purchasing an adapter disk in advance. See also information about induction desktop single-burner stoves in this.

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