How to plant wheat in Minecraft and what you need for it. How to Grow Wheat for Maximum Yield

Landscape design and planning 01.09.2023
Landscape design and planning

In Russia, they are actively engaged in growing wheat. This product is used to prepare pasta, cereals, bakery products, and alcohol. The cultivation technology of this species is complex and includes many features. Only with proper observance of all the subtleties in the process of growing wheat can a rich and high-quality harvest be achieved.

Main cultivation regions in Russia

Despite the whimsical nature of cultivation, wheat is not very demanding on weather conditions and climate. Due to this characteristic, the cultivation of this agricultural crop occurs in most regions of the state, however, some locations are more suitable for growing grain than others. The leaders in this area are the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions. Collectively, these regions account for approximately 22% of the state's total wheat share.

The list of leaders also includes the following regions: Kursk, Saratov, Omsk, Voronezh, Volgograd. These also include the Altai Territory. Within the borders of the Urals and Siberia they also cultivate wheat, but to a lesser extent. These regions produce approximately 2-3% of the total grain.

Features of crop care

The ideal climate for wheat cultivation is continental, with moderate warm weather. As for the terrain, the steppe is more suitable for agricultural crops, given the fact that large areas are allocated for plant cultivation. Experts from the agricultural sector have compiled a list of certain conditions for obtaining a stable and full harvest.

  • In order for the seeds to germinate, the required temperature should be 1-2 degrees Celsius.
  • For the formation of the first shoots, the temperature should be slightly higher - from 3 to 4 degrees.
  • The plant can withstand a maximum temperature of -10 degrees, however, only for a short period.
  • For seeds to germinate, they need a moisture content of 50 to 60% water based on the total mass of dry seeds.
  • The soil moisture indicator is from 70 to 75% of the lowest moisture capacity.

These conditions are considered optimal and most favorable for growing plants. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before planting seeds. The crop does not tolerate high temperatures well, which is why it will not be possible to obtain a rich harvest in regions with a hot climate.

At a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius, in many types of bald spots, the process of stomatal death begins.


There are many varieties of wheat cultivated in Russia and other countries. All species are divided into two groups - spring and winter. In order to properly plant and grow a plant, you need to know the difference between these classifications. It depends on the timing of sowing. Spring types of wheat must be sown from early spring to early summer. Winter wheat is sown from the middle of the last summer month until the end of October.

The following differences are also distinguished:

  • the growing season of winter wheat is approximately 280 days, spring wheat grows more actively, 100 days are enough for them;
  • the baking qualities of spring species are higher;
  • winter varieties are more demanding on the composition of the soil, spring varieties - on cultivation conditions;
  • spring wheat is resistant to drought, while winter varieties are better able to withstand cold spells and sudden weather changes.

Light mode

A significant factor when growing crops is daylight hours. The key to a rich harvest is a long sunny day, with enough natural light. With its deficiency, many internodes may begin to form. In this case, the plant’s tillering leaf forms too close to the soil surface. These factors negatively affect the crop’s resistance to insects, pests and weather conditions. The plant's endurance also decreases.

Soil composition

Experienced agronomists take the choice of a site for planting seriously. The composition of the soil is also important for obtaining a rich harvest of the highest quality. Experts note that wheat feels great on sandy loam and loamy (soddy-podzolic) soils. If it is not possible to choose one of the above options, make a choice in favor of peat-bog lowland soils.

Soil indicators for crop cultivation:

  • minimum pH value – 5.8;
  • humus composition – from 1.8;
  • K2O and P2O5 – at least 150 milligrams per kilogram of land.


For a bountiful harvest, it is recommended to regularly change the planting location. Repeated sowings in one area lead to a significant decline in yield. This happens due to depletion of the soil composition and diseases. The technology for growing this crop includes mandatory compliance with the rules of crop rotation. Areas where potatoes or legumes used to grow are ideal for planting wheat. Experts say land that previously grew grass or cruciferous vegetables will also work.

Top dressing

The required amount of additional nutrients, as well as their volume, is calculated depending on the composition of the soil and the region of growth. It is also necessary to take into account the type of crop. Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds are used to fertilize winter wheat. Before sowing, a significant portion of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is added to the soil. Small amounts of fertilizer are added in the fall or early March using the root method. Fertilizer in spring stimulates wheat growth. And at this time, the plant has a special need for phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur.

Spring wheat varieties are fertilized during tillering. At the beginning of growth, in the early stages, this species is practically insensitive to mineral fertilizers. Excellent results can be achieved using nitrogen fertilizers. Experts also use phosphorus mixtures. During the heading period, potassium compounds are added.

How to grow at home?

Given the popularity of the healthy lifestyle trend, many are starting to grow wheat at home. Sprouted grains have many positive qualities and are considered an important part of a healthy person's diet. Knowing the growing method, it is not difficult to achieve the desired result.

To grow the plant at home you will need the following.

  • High-quality grains that have not been treated with chemical compounds. It is recommended to choose winter wheat.
  • It is necessary to prepare a tray made of glass or plastic; a metal one will not work. Plastic containers must be made from food grade raw materials. Pallets are also used. If you don't have a tray, use regular glass jars.
  • An air humidifier will help to achieve the expected result; it is actively used by those who take the process of growing plants at home seriously and do it constantly. The most ordinary model will be quite sufficient.
  • You also cannot do without clean and fresh water heated to room temperature.
  • If cultivation occurs by sowing into the ground, it is necessary to prepare soil or compost.

How to choose grains?

In specialized stores you can find wheat that is ideal for sprouting at home. A certified product has the appropriate marking, which confirms its quality. If you want to save money, you can purchase grains from farmers. In this case, it is very difficult to assess the quality of the product. It is impossible to visually check whether the seeds have been treated with chemicals or not. Before purchasing, be sure to visually assess the condition of the product. Pay attention to the size of the seeds, as well as their integrity. The ideal option is smooth and dry grains without mold or other defects. They should also be the same size.

Procuring seeds yourself

Those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and grow wheat at home instead of buying grains, harvest them themselves. Newbies to this business wonder how many grains grow from one grain of wheat. From one seed you can grow a full-fledged spikelet. One ear contains several dozen grains. When you prepare seed yourself, you can be completely confident in its quality and safety.

If growing conditions are violated, even the highest quality seeds can begin to rot, swelling in water. If you notice mold on your beans, throw them away immediately. Such material cannot be germinated. The cultivation process depends on the variety, however, experts point out one rule for all types of wheat - it is better to slightly under-expose the grains in water to avoid the formation of mold, than to over-expose.


After purchasing, the first thing you need to do is soak the grains in water. Before starting, it is important to measure the required amount of seed. If you are using a large tray, the dimensions of which are approximately 40x40 centimeters, two glasses of wheat will be enough. The seeds should cover the bottom of the tray or tray in an even and uniform layer.

Next, the grains are thoroughly washed with cool and clean water. After this comes the process of soaking in a bowl using filtered water at room temperature. It is not difficult to calculate the volume of liquid; it should be three times the volume of the seed. The wheat is covered with a lid and left in water for about 10 hours. After the first time of soaking, the procedure must be repeated, adhering to the above description with one difference - for the second and third time, use cooler water. After 10 hours, perform the procedure one last time.

If everything is done correctly, you will notice miniature roots on the seeds. The material is washed. If there are holes in the bottom of the container you will be using for growing, line the bottom with paper towels. They must be white, without patterns or various flavors. Otherwise, roots may grow through them.

Thanks to the growing demand for food among people, the agricultural business is becoming stronger every year. Wheat is considered the most popular cereal. The profitability of cultivation begins with a crop area of ​​100 hectares.

Before you start cultivating wheat, you need to thoroughly understand how to grow wheat, otherwise you risk going broke. The farmer must be able to calculate and determine his possible profit and how much money he needs to spend in the growing process.

1 Demands of wheat to various factors

The yield of cereals and their successful cultivation are influenced by the length of daylight hours in the planting region. The density of the sowing determines how well the light will penetrate to each plant. To ensure that the plants are green and healthy and bush well, the sowing cannot be too thick.

Lack of light is detrimental to winter wheat varieties - the lower internode develops, and overwintering will not go well. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with seeding norms per hectare.

Heat requirements. Different varieties of cereals have different growing temperature requirements. For example, it can be grown at lower temperatures. For winter crops, cold snap during the active growing season will be disastrous. Growing temperature – +13-19 C. Wheat has good heat tolerance (up to 36 C). If the temperature rises higher, watering is necessary because... The heat affects the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Watering. High-yielding wheat is not too demanding on watering. Therefore, the cost of cultivation is low. The most moisture is required during the heading period. It's worth remembering that hard varieties consume 6-8% more moisture than soft varieties.

The soil. It is better if the growing region is dominated by podzolic soil or sod-gley soil. The soil for cultivation must be structured and highly fertile. A pH of 6-7.5 is desirable.

1.1 After what crops and when can wheat be sown?

For the successful cultivation of this cereal, the best predecessors will be:

  • Legumes.
  • Pulses.
  • Row crops.
  • Potato.
  • Beet.

After harvesting the previous crops, it is necessary to disc-hoe the soil. After leguminous crops, ploughshare peeling is also carried out.

2 How to sow correctly?

After harvesting previously grown crops, soil preparation begins. Peeling and harrowing are most often carried out. The field is processed at an angle to the previous one. Lumps of earth should not be more than 5 cm in diameter. How to sow wheat is up to you.

There are three sowing methods:

The most optimal is considered to be sowing and growing using narrow-row and cross-row methods. They allow plants to develop as much as possible and prevent overgrowing by weeds. To get truly high-yielding wheat, the beds are located from north to south. The depth of planting seeds depends on the climate and latitude of the area. For spring varieties it is about 4-5 cm, and for winter varieties it is 3-8 cm.

Important: early crops suffer from pests and diseases much less.

Wheat seeding rates (winter and conventional varieties):

  • Durum varieties 5-6 million seeds/hectare.
  • Soft varieties 4-5 million seeds/hectare.

2.1 Method of continuous sowing of wheat (video)

Remember: the longer snow stays on winter crops, the better. This directly affects. This way there is a greater chance of reaping the maximum harvest. Crops in forest-steppe and steppe regions favor snow retention.

To prevent high-yielding wheat from dying, the retardant TsetTseTse 460 is added to the tube at the beginning of emergence. When the flag leaf appears, fertilizer can be re-applied.

It is important not to let weeds “clog” the crop! For this, a series is used: Iloxan 30%, Dialen 40%, amine salt.

Pest control is carried out depending on the region where wheat grows and the distribution of pests.

2.3 How and when to fertilize wheat?

The average yield increases with the timely application of certain nitrogen and nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers. It is added based on calculations: for 100 kg of grain and 100 kg of straw add 1 kg of phosphorus, 2 - 2.5 potassium and 3-4 kg of nitrogen fertilizers. Standards vary depending on soil characteristics. For spring wheat, superphosphate in granules is introduced into the rows.

2.4 Harvest

In the southern regions, a wheat harvest of up to 8 tons per hectare can be harvested, while in the northern regions, 3.5 tons per hectare is considered good.

Typically, direct and split combining are used for fall harvesting.

Huge hectares are sown with wheat. And every year its consumption is only growing, and farming is turning into a profitable business.

Wheat is one of the main grain crops in Russia. The raw materials obtained from it are used for baking bakery products, making cereals, pasta, and alcohol. Technologically, growing wheat is a rather complex procedure. However, careful compliance with all cultivation conditions allows one to obtain very good harvests, including in Russia.

Main growing regions in the Russian Federation

One of the advantages of wheat is its relative undemandingness to weather factors. Therefore, this agricultural crop is cultivated in many regions of our country. The undisputed leaders in this regard are wheat growing areas such as the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. They account for a total of about 22% of all threshing in the country.

Volgograd, Saratov, Omsk, Kursk, Voronezh regions and Altai are in second place in terms of wheat harvest. The share of each of these regions is about 3-4%. In Siberia and the Urals, about 2-3% of grain is harvested. Growing wheat is also one of the specializations of farmers in the Belgorod, Penza regions and some other regions.

In what other countries are they cultivating

This popular crop is grown in many countries around the world. China produces the most wheat - 126.21 million tons of grain per year. Russia is in third place after India in the list of countries growing this crop. Our country produces about 60 million tons of grain annually. India grows 95 million tons per year. Following Russia on the list is the United States. Farmers in this country annually harvest 55.4 million tons. Ukraine is approximately in tenth place in the list of wheat-producing countries. This state threshes about 24.11 million tons per year.

Conditions for growing wheat

The agricultural crop wheat is quite unpretentious. However, she still prefers a continental climate, which is quite warm. In terms of growing conditions, steppes are best suited for wheat. After all, the areas allocated for this crop to obtain good yields are usually very large. What specific optimal environmental conditions wheat needs can be seen in the table below.

Growing conditions



Air temperature for seed germination

For the emergence of seedlings on the surface

Sum of temperatures from emergence to heading

Minimum permissible temperature (short-term)

Humidity for germination

50-60% water by weight of dry grain

Soil moisture

70-75% of the lowest moisture capacity

It is these agroclimatic conditions that are favorable for growing wheat. This crop does not tolerate too high temperatures quite well. Therefore, in a hot, sharply continental climate, large yields cannot be obtained. At 38-40 C, stomata begin to die off in most varieties.

Light mode

Yields are, of course, influenced not only by agroclimatic conditions for growing wheat, such as soil moisture and air temperature. A very important factor in this regard is the length of daylight hours. Unfortunately, a large wheat harvest can only be obtained with a fairly significant number of sunny days during the season. Lack of light contributes to the formation of a large number of internodes in this crop. At the same time, the tillering leaf of wheat grows too close to the soil surface. All these factors negatively affect the endurance of plants, their resistance to pests, diseases and low temperatures.

What soil is best suited?

The main conditions for successfully growing wheat are fairly high air temperature and humidity in the summer. In terms of climate, this culture is therefore not too demanding. However, areas for its planting have to be chosen very carefully. In terms of soil composition, this crop, in comparison with many other grains, is relatively capricious. It is believed that wheat feels best on loamy lands (soddy-podzolic) and cohesive sandy loam. Good yields of this crop can also be obtained on peat-bog lowland soils.

The optimal soil indicators for wheat are:

    pH - minimum 5.8;

    K2O and P2O5 - minimum 150 mg/kg soil.

The best predecessors

Repeated sowing of wheat in the fields leads, unfortunately, to a significant decrease in yield due to soil depletion and disease. Therefore, when growing this crop, it is imperative to follow the rules of crop rotation. It is believed that the best predecessors for wheat are legumes and potatoes. You can also plant it after cruciferous vegetables or herbs.

Types of wheat

A variety of types of this crop are grown in the fields of Russia. Wheat can be classified into varieties:

    hard and soft;

    simple and dwarf.

Durum grains produce flour, which is used mainly for making noodles and pasta. This type of wheat is distinguished by its dense ear structure and the presence of long awns. The straw cavity in varieties of this group is filled with connective tissue. The hard grain itself has an elongated shape.

Soft wheat is most often grown in the fields of our country and other countries. It is precisely these varieties of grain that are used to bake bread. Also, this type of flour is excellent for making confectionery products. Soft wheat varieties are characterized by a rather loose ear. She has no spines. The straw of this variety is hollow and the grain is round in shape.

Dwarf varieties were bred quite recently and are still grown by farmers quite rarely. It is believed that the flour obtained from such grains is very suitable for baking.

Spring and winter wheat

Wheat cultivation in our country can be done using two main technologies. Winter varieties are planted in the fall. They are harvested next summer. Spring wheat is sown in the spring. Its ears ripen by autumn.


Conditions for growing wheat in Russia are in most cases favorable. This crop, as already mentioned, is cultivated in many regions of our country. A huge number of zoned varieties are also used. The most popular and productive ones include the following spring crops:

    "Dawn". This mid-season wheat is the standard in the State Variety Test.

    "Munk." This is a German mid-season high variety, resistant to lodging.

    "Tom." A new variety resistant to powdery mildew.

    "Coke." Disease and lodging resistant variety.

And winter crops:



  • "Mironovskaya", etc.

Sowing spring wheat

Varieties of this variety are grown mainly in the Urals, Trans-Volga region and Siberia. The technology of soil cultivation for such wheat depends on the composition of the latter, as well as on its predecessors. Typically this procedure includes:

    in fields with stubble predecessors - peeling stubble with disk implements;

    after tilled predecessors - cultivation to the depth of the arable layer.

Pre-sowing preparation on peat bogs includes disking, leveling the soil and rolling.

Seed preparation

Growing spring wheat will be successful, of course, only if high-quality planting material is used. Grain for sowing fields in the spring is allowed to use only III reproductions with a purity of 98% and a germination rate of 87%. The seeds are pre-treated using special preparations. This makes it possible to reduce the incidence of crop disease during the growing process. Sometimes spring wheat seeds are also treated with inlay. In this case, the composition of the preparation used for processing includes adhesives and growth-regulating compounds. Humic agents can also be used when preparing seeds.

How to sow

Spring wheat is an early planting crop. It is sown at a soil temperature of 2°C. On peat soils, such varieties are planted after the top layer has thawed by 10-12 cm. The sowing rate of spring wheat seeds is approximately 5-5.5 million on mineral soils and 3.5-4 million on peat soils.

The grains of this crop are planted to a depth of 5-6 cm on light soils and 3-4 cm on heavy soils. Spring wheat is sown continuously using the row spacing of 7.5, 12.5 or 15.0 cm.


The technology for growing spring wheat mainly includes the following types of work:

    harrowing to control weeds (5-7 days after sowing);

    use of herbicides to control weeds;

    when pests appear, treat with insecticides;

    in case of infection with bacterial diseases, use fungicides.

How to fertilize spring varieties

The use of fertilizers is one of the most important conditions for such a procedure as growing wheat in Russia. Regions with nutrient-rich black soils are rare for our country.

Spring varieties begin to be fed during the tillering period. In the early stages of development, such wheat is insensitive to mineral fertilizers. When going into the tube, the use of nitrogen fertilizing gives good results. Also during this period, wheat is in dire need of phosphorus fertilizers. During heading of spring varieties, potash fertilizers are usually used. They are also used when filling grains.

When calculating the required amount of fertilizer, it should be taken into account that one centner of spring wheat absorbs 1.2 kg of phosphorus, 4 kg of nitrogen, 2 kg of potassium from the ground per season.

Spring wheat harvest

Direct combining of such varieties is carried out when grain moisture reaches 15-20%. It is impossible to be late in harvesting spring wheat. If such varieties are left to rest for even 10-12 days, the quality of the grain deteriorates significantly. In this case, the yield itself decreases.

Winter wheat: preparation for sowing

Thus, we found out how spring varieties are cultivated. Next, let's look at the technology for growing winter wheat. Varieties of this variety are most often cultivated in the Caucasus, in the Central Black Earth region and in the Volga region. Winter wheat requires even more careful soil preparation than spring wheat. In this case, when choosing a technology, factors such as the state of the earth and predecessors are also taken into account. After unpaired crops, combined units are usually used in winter wheat fields. Actually, the treatment itself is most often carried out using the moldless method to a depth of 8-12 cm. It is believed that the best soil indicators for such varieties are the following:

    sufficiently dense subsowing layer;

    the size of soil particles in the subsowing layer is 2-3 mm;

    the height of the ridges after the cultivator is less than 2 cm.

When cultivating fields for winter wheat, cultivators are supplemented with harrows and rollers. This is necessary in order to ensure good contact of the seeds with the soil.

Processing of planting material

The conditions most favorable for growing winter wheat are wet autumn, snowy winter, warm spring. However, good yields of such varieties can be obtained only with the same careful preparation of seeds as grains of spring varieties. Winter planting material is usually processed in two stages by:



When dressing, it is important not to interfere with seed germination.

Sowing winter wheat

This procedure in the fields can be carried out using three technologies:

    regular lowercase (row spacing - 15 cm);

    narrow row method (7.5 cm);

    cross method (15 cm).

As with spring wheat, the simple line method is most often used for winter wheat. Seeds of varieties of this variety are planted on light soils to a depth of 6-8 cm, on heavy soils - 1-2 cm, on peat soils - 3-4 cm.

The grain rate in this case depends on the timing of planting. When sowing early, the consumption should be 400-500 pieces per 1 m2. If planting is done at a later date, this rate increases by 10-15%.

Growing winter wheat: basic care

When cultivating varieties of this variety, like spring varieties, herbicides are often used to control weeds. Pests are destroyed with insecticides, and bacterial diseases are treated, if necessary, with fungicides. In addition, winter wheat is considered to respond very well to fertilizers. This crop is fed mainly with mineral compounds. Organic fertilizers can only be used if the percentage of humus in the soil does not exceed 2%.

The rates of mineral fertilizing are calculated based on the composition of the soil in the field. The best fertilizers for winter wheat are nitrogen and phosphorus. Almost the entire amount of the latter is applied before sowing. Most often, fields for winter wheat are fertilized with granular superphosphate. The same composition is applied randomly during autumn feeding or by the root method in early spring (in small quantities).

Growing winter wheat in Russia involves the use of nitrogen fertilizers:

    during pre-sowing cultivation (30 kg/ha);

    in the tillering phase to increase the density of plants and the height of their stems;

    at the beginning of booting (60-70 kg/ha);

    during heading and flowering.

If winter wheat is grown on soil that is poor in composition, it is recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers in ammonium form. In this case, the fertilizer will be washed out less. In steppe regions, foliar feeding of winter wheat with a urea solution is often used in the fields.

How to water

Improper control of soil moisture can result in significant yield reductions for these varieties. Growing winter wheat b will be successful only if its root system actively develops. The soil moisture indicator is especially important in the early stages of crop development. In autumn, due to rain, the top layer of soil in the fields is quite damp. Newly planted plants extract nutrients from it. The same applies to the period of snow melting. Melt water in spring supports wheat very well.

Subsequently, with an increase in air temperature, the soil, however, begins to gradually dry out. In accordance with this, the root system of plants lengthens and expands. Wheat independently extracts moisture from deeper and deeper layers of soil. In some cases, the root system of this crop can reach a length of almost a meter. However, during dry weather, moisture can go even deeper into the soil. And even at a distance of 1 m from the surface, by mid-June it is often not enough. Dry wheat growing areas are therefore risky farming areas. It is imperative to irrigate grain fields in such regions.

There are two periods of development of this agricultural crop, during which watering is simply necessary. First of all, this is the autumn growing season. The soil in the fields at this time of year is mostly damp. However, it often happens that the percentage of its moisture content is still not enough for the normal development of plants. In addition, rains in mid-October do not always happen. Winter varieties are usually watered only once in the fall, but abundantly.

The second time winter wheat crops are moistened artificially in the spring. However, this procedure is carried out only if in the fall the soil is saturated with water less than two meters deep.

In summer, winter wheat is watered only during drought. This is usually done during the heading period and at the beginning of grain ripening.

Spring wheat is also watered in the same way in summer. The roots of varieties of this variety must also reach moist layers of soil. Otherwise, it will not be possible to obtain a good harvest from the spring crop. If there is insufficient watering, it will not be possible to increase grain yield even if a large amount of fertilizer is used.

Harvest dates

Combining winter varieties begins in the phase of their full maturity. Different wheat growing regions have different climatic conditions. Therefore, suffering occurs in different areas at different times. In any case, combining should be done only when the grain moisture content reaches 14-17%.

Harvesting winter wheat can be done using different methods. Direct combining is most often used. If the crops are too clogged with weeds, a separate harvesting method is used. In this case, grain losses are usually quite large. Therefore, it is so important to treat fields with herbicides during the growth and ripening of winter wheat. A separate harvesting method is also used for tall and very dense varieties.


Growing wheat is a technologically quite complex matter. But getting a good harvest of this crop is not enough. It is also important to preserve it without loss.

After combining, the grain is most often sent to elevators. The safety of the harvested crop in such specially equipped warehouses is influenced by the following factors:

    humidity and ambient temperature;

    the intensity of biochemical processes occurring in the grain layers;

    the presence or absence of harmful microorganisms and insects.

Before storing, the grain must be thoroughly dried. The optimal storage temperature for wheat is 10-12 C. Compliance with these factors helps prevent grain spoilage and weight loss.

Wheatgrass is full of essential vitamins and nutrients that keep your body and mind healthy. A small amount of wheatgrass juice every morning is considered a very healthy way to start the day, but it can be very expensive. If you want to make wheatgrass part of your diet, try growing it at home rather than buying it in juice form. In this article you will find information on how to grow wheat sprouts from seeds and use them in their mature form.


Soaking and germination of seeds

    Buy wheatgrass seeds. They are also called hard winter wheat seeds. Buy a packet of seeds online or at a health food store. Look for organic seeds from a reputable grower to ensure they haven't been treated with pesticides and will grow into healthy, vibrant grass.

    Prepare the seeds for soaking. Before you begin soaking and germination, the seeds must be measured and washed.

    • Measure out enough seeds to place in a thin layer on the tray you are using to grow your grass. For a 40 x 40 cm tray you will need about two cups of seeds.
    • Rinse the seeds in cool, clean water using a very small mesh colander or sieve. Drain the water thoroughly and place the seeds in a bowl.
  1. Soak the seeds. Soaking initiates germination. By the end of the process, the seeds should have sprouted small roots.

    • Pour cold, preferably filtered, water over the seeds in a bowl. The amount of water should be three times the number of seeds. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and set on the counter for 10 hours or overnight.
    • Drain the seeds and add even colder, filtered water; again, the amount of water should be about three times the amount of seeds. Let it soak in for another 10 hours.
    • Repeat the process again for a total of three water changes.
    • By the end of the last soaking, the seeds should have sprouted roots. This means they are ready to land. Drain and set aside the seeds while you prepare to plant.

    Planting seeds

    1. Prepare a tray for planting seeds. Line the tray with paper towels to prevent the roots of the sprouts from growing through the holes in the bottom of the tray. Line the bottom of the tray with a 5cm layer of organic compost or soil.

      • Whenever possible, use paper towels that have not been treated with chemicals or dyes. Recycled, chemical-free paper towels can be purchased at health food stores.
      • Use pre-moistened compost or soil that is free of pesticides and other chemicals. To get the most benefit from your wheatgrass, it is important to use organic soil.
    2. Plant the seeds. Spread the seeds in an even layer over the entire surface of the compost or soil. Press the seeds lightly into the soil, but do not bury them completely.

      • It's okay if the seeds touch, as long as they don't concentrate in any one place. They need space to grow.
      • Lightly water the tray and make sure all the seeds get moisture.
      • Cover the tray with a few dampened newspapers to protect the seedlings.
    3. Maintain moisture. The seeds should not dry out during the first few days after planting.

      • Pick up the newspapers and water the tray thoroughly in the morning. The soil should be moist, but not soaked through with water.
      • Before you go to bed, lightly mist the seedlings with a spray bottle to prevent the seeds from drying out overnight. Spray the moisture onto the newspapers as well.
      • After 4 days, remove the newspapers. Continue to water the sprouted grass once a day.
    4. Keep the grass in partial sun. Direct sunlight can damage it, so place the tray in a shady place.

    Wheat sprouts collection

    1. Wait until the wheat sprouts separate. As soon as the shoots mature, a second blade of grass begins to grow from the first blade. This means that the grass can be collected.

      • The grass should be approximately 15 cm high.
      • As a rule, the harvest can be harvested on the 9-10th day of growth.
    2. Cut off the wheatgrass above the root. Cut the herb just above the root with scissors and place in a bowl. Juice can be extracted from the collected herbs.

      • Collected wheatgrass can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, but it is best to collect it just before consumption, as then it not only tastes very good, but also has the greatest health benefits.
      • Keep watering the wheat shoots to reap another harvest. Harvest the grass as soon as it is ripe.
      • Sometimes a third crop may germinate, but it is usually not as tender and sweet as the first. Clean the tray and prepare it for the next batch of seedlings.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

500,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital



14 months


200 thousand

Land rent per year (1000 ha)

Wheat is the most important agricultural crop in many countries, including Russia. Not only is the most popular of breads baked from it, but also pasta and confectionery are made. However, today agriculture in the country cannot be called a highly developed industry. To the capricious natural conditions we can add the policy of the state, which is not very eager to develop the agricultural sector of the economy. All these external threats stop many entrepreneurs who might and would like to engage in agriculture.

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But where there are difficulties, the level of competition is always lower. And agriculture, considered as food production, must satisfy the needs of a huge number of people, so there can be a lot of players in such a market. At the same time, farmers rarely compete, preferring even coordinated work. You can make money growing wheat, especially if you have work experience and/or knowledge about agriculture, but an urban person will have to study a lot of literature in order to know only in theory how best to sow, germinate and harvest wheat. If an entrepreneur has not encountered agriculture before, then without the help of an experienced agronomist, he will most likely not receive a harvest that will cover his expenses.

Wheat is a very finicky crop (like all others cultivated by humans), and even the slightest mistake can be very expensive. As many farmers note, cultivating wheat is very difficult and sometimes unprofitable, so you need to make sure several times that the wheat will grow and then be sold, otherwise such an undertaking can only be a waste of time, effort and money. But even when everything is calculated and the forecast is favorable, risks associated with natural conditions remain. But one of the positive aspects worth noting is that in light of recent events, the state is sluggishly beginning to change something in the agricultural sector, and even, it seems, in the right direction.

How to open a grain growing business from scratch

To start your own business, you need to register as a business entity. Of course, it is possible to register an individual entrepreneur or a form of legal entity, but for farming it is better to register a peasant farm - a peasant farm. It will not be possible to get by with private subsidiary plots (personal subsidiary plots), since the volume of cultivation and harvesting of grain crops far exceeds the volume that can be found on a personal plot. Registration will cost about 20 thousand rubles, taking into account the collection of all papers and obtaining permits from all authorities. But even before the registration stage, it is better to find the land on which work is planned. There will be no problems with it in the south of Russia, but in the middle zone you can also find fields suitable for growing wheat.

Vast areas are sown with wheat, otherwise there will be no benefit, and for this you need at least 100 hectares of land. Some farmers rent thousands of hectares, because the more land is cultivated, the greater the profitability of the entire undertaking, not to mention the absolute profit indicators. To get a sufficient amount of flour, you need to grow a lot of wheat, which is why they buy grain in tens of tons. And in this case, a farmer who offers very little of his products is not interesting to large buyers, and will only be able to sell his goods at the collective farm market, and the revenue there cannot be very large.

It’s probably not worth buying the land; it’s better to rent it for several years, at first only for a year. The cost of renting a hectare of land is up to three and a half thousand rubles per year, but this is precisely the case with chernozem; other types of soil are rented for much less money. If we take into account the black earth regions, then 350 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for a year, and it can be considered good luck if you can agree with the landlord on a monthly payment; often money is required for a year in advance.

It may make sense to rent a smaller area for sowing, but this is calculated separately by each entrepreneur in his region, but since wheat is always needed, it is hypothetically possible to sell it even in the case of the largest quantities. Therefore, not in the predominantly agricultural regions of the country, a large amount of wheat for sale can be provided by even larger volumes of purchases, but it is also a little more difficult to grow it not on black soil. Thus, approximately 200 thousand will be needed for the annual lease of 100 hectares of land in central Russia to 350 thousand in the south.

Characteristics of wheat varieties for sowing

When the land is found, you need to decide what kind of wheat will have to be grown. There are many varieties of this cereal, and you need to select the most popular and productive one, which grows on the right soil and is resistant to specific climatic conditions. Wheat has the largest number of varieties (specifically from the agricultural point of view) compared to all other cereal crops, but here you need to decide first of all what kind of wheat will be grown - feed or food. Some sow fields with different types of this cereal in order to reach a larger number of consumers in the end. According to statistics, much more feed wheat is consumed. But first of all, you need to consider which form of sowing is preferable.

Wheat can be called a good crop precisely because it can be both spring and winter. Therefore, depending on the region, its climate and agricultural characteristics, varieties are selected that are sown either in spring, or in late summer or autumn. Sometimes the practice of sowing winter wheat is used, which is harvested in the spring, after which spring wheat is sown in the same field. This allows you to save space and get a harvest twice a year. But then you may not have time to sow the field again with a winter crop, and even in this case the risk of plant diseases increases.

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Competent farming does not generally involve planting the same land with the same crop several times in a row; usually, after harvesting, they begin to grow another crop on the land, so that next year they can again replace it with the original one or even a third one. This is all called crop rotation, and takes into account the allelopathy of plants, that is, their mutual influence on each other. At the same time, you should not count on sowing the land with triticale or rye after wheat; closely related plants, and cereals in general, should not replace each other per year.

Thus, a novice entrepreneur must choose several crops that he will deal with, taking into account their mutual influence on the soil and the germination of the follower, and either divide his plot into several parts in order to receive one crop annually (but from different territories), or occupy different years with different plants. To understand all the intricacies, you need to study a lot of literature, and even better, find a person who is well versed in this.

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In order to grow wheat, you need a considerable amount of seeds to sow. So, the minimum can be called 100 kilograms of seeds per hectare, and sometimes this figure is several times higher. It all depends on how rich the soil is, what plants grew on it before and on general climatic conditions. If we take the average sowing rate of 150 kilograms per hectare, then 100 hectares will require 15 tons of seeds. The price of one ton of wheat seeds averages 6 thousand rubles, but can be higher or lower depending on the variety.

Thus, the seed fund will cost 90 thousand rubles, but this is a very average figure for the reasons mentioned above. At first, seeds are purchased from a company specializing in this; in the future, these expenses will not be incurred, since material grown independently will be used. The sowing norms and conditions also differ greatly depending on many conditions, and you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to learn from your own mistakes, choosing the most optimal cultivation methods.

What equipment is needed to grow wheat?

In terms of capacity, the farmer will need specialized equipment and a barn for storing wheat. The barn can be installed on a site near the house or directly on the field itself, but it is better to store the equipment in a visible place. The machines are divided into those that help care for the grain and those that are designed for harvesting. But most farmers hire a combine harvester for the harvest period, since the machine is expensive, and buying it only for use, at best, several times a year is quite unprofitable. Therefore, all that remains is to purchase the following equipment:

  • Harrow and plow.

  • Peeler.


All this equipment can either be purchased new, or purchased previously used, or taken out a loan for it or leased. Some farmers also rent these machines, not just harvesting equipment. It all depends on the amount of available funds, and sometimes you have to make do with renting used equipment. It’s better, of course, to buy a new one and make depreciation deductions, and you can save especially well if you get borrowed funds for equipment.

If larger areas of wheat cultivation are planned, then it is worth thinking about purchasing some equipment in several copies, since otherwise there will be a possibility that it will not be possible to harvest the crop on time. Modern equipment has reduced the need for manual physical labor to a minimum, but if the need for it ever arises, you can find workers in the nearest locality, where there are always workers available to perform periodic work.

All other tasks can be handled by the entrepreneur himself with the help of his family, but what is definitely needed if the businessman is inexperienced in farming is constant consultations with an experienced agronomist. Only such a person can say exactly how, what and when it is better to sow and collect. It is not necessary to hire him as a permanent worker, but finding him in the nearest collective farm or even as a farmer who grows crops on his own is still very good. Consultation with a specialist, which occurs constantly and at all stages of farming, can help grow a really good harvest.

Feedings and fertilizers for growing wheat

We must not forget about feeding and fertilizing wheat, as well as pest control. Wheat is especially vulnerable to weeds, as it has a weak root system. The number of harmful plants and animals can be significantly reduced by constant orders to combat them, but if the predecessor was chosen correctly, pathogens and weeds will appear in small quantities.

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It is also better to choose organic or even biological fertilizers. It is quite difficult to give an approximate cost of such work, because too many factors must be taken into account. But for 100 hectares of land you need to have at least 50 thousand rubles, and even for this money it is unlikely that you will be able to apply a large amount of fertilizers and carry out several orders for pesticide treatment. This amount will be enough under all possible favorable conditions.

Wheat is an annual plant, meaning it grows in less than one year. Winter wheat (namely, it is planted almost everywhere except black soil) is planted in mid-August in the northern regions or in early October in the south. It ripens in the spring, shortly before sowing spring crops, thus experiencing a significant drop in temperature. The fastidiousness of this cereal can cause crop failure in the event of severe frosts in the absence of a cap of snow, under which it is optimal for these plants to overwinter. The unpredictable weather in Russia in recent decades has significantly complicated the process of farming. Against this background, a spring crop may seem less susceptible to climatic conditions, but in this case the possibility of drought cannot be ruled out (which, however, is a little easier to deal with). Cereals love a mild climate, and sudden changes in temperature, severe winters and hot summers only have a detrimental effect on the harvest. If successful, you can count on a good harvest of wheat.

Profitability of wheat growing business

As world practice shows, the relative yield in this country is on average two times lower than the European average. Thus, in European countries they collect 5.5 tons per hectare, but in Russia the record has become harvest 2.4 tons per hectare. But these are the average figures for the country, in some regions it is better, in others it is worse, and even if we accept this favorable outcome, we get 240 tons per hundred hectares of land.

The price of wheat is higher in the winter months, especially in January (this gives an advantage in growing spring cereals), and is lowest at the end of summer. The price will be completely different if you sell grain in kilograms on the market or sell the harvested material to the appropriate companies specializing in grain grinding or resale. On the farm, wheat is bought for about 7 thousand per ton; in agricultural regions this price is slightly lower, but in the middle zone and northern regions it can reach 8 thousand rubles per ton.

Thus, 240 tons can be sold for 1 million 680 thousand rubles, which in the first year can only return funds for the purchase of equipment, and the rest will be spent on renting space and other fixed costs. In subsequent years, you will no longer have to purchase equipment, and you will be able to make a profit; if the equipment was purchased second-hand, then after the first year of operation there may be a profit from the sale. Accordingly, we can talk about increasing profitability with each new hectare of land leased, but this also means additional expenses per year for each hectare. That is, profitability can be calculated accurately only in each specific case; its positive dynamics coincide with the area of ​​the sown territory. That’s why large farms sometimes grow wheat over square kilometers, because what’s most valuable to humans in it is, first of all, the grains, which make up a small percentage of the plant’s mass.

To summarize, we can say that the payback of such an agricultural business only in the most favorable scenario will be a season - from sowing to sale after harvesting. There is no point in dealing with wheat alone; you need to know the allelopathy of several plants and alternate them from year to year or change their location on the territory. The most the minimum costs in case of renting 100 hectares will be about half a million rubles, but only in regions with cheap land and under conditions of purchasing very inexpensive equipment. But with such initial data, the harvest will not be too large. It is better to organize the cultivation of wheat in such a way that a significant part of the crop remains for the winter, when it is most profitable to sell it. And, of course, such an important and necessary work of a farmer, although very hard, is precisely what feeds people both in cities and in rural areas.

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